Results for 'Marii︠a︡ Nikolova'

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  1.  53
    What Might Interoceptive Inference Reveal about Consciousness?Niia Nikolova, Peter Thestrup Waade, Karl J. Friston & Micah Allen - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (4):879-906.
    The mainstream science of consciousness offers a few predominate views of how the brain gives rise to awareness. Chief among these are the Higher-Order Thought Theory, Global Neuronal Workspace Theory, Integrated Information Theory, and hybrids thereof. In parallel, rapid development in predictive processing approaches have begun to outline concrete mechanisms by which interoceptive inference shapes selfhood, affect, and exteroceptive perception. Here, we consider these new approaches in terms of what they might offer our empirical, phenomenological, and philosophical understanding of consciousness (...)
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    «Philosophy is a flower blooming against a background of an epoch».Mariia Kashuba, Pavlo Bartusiak, Volodymyr Olinkevych & Olesia Smolinska - 2017 - Sententiae 36 (2):154-170.
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    European Vector of Hryhorii Skovoroda’s PHilosophy: Resonance of Media Transformations in XVIII century.Mariia Kultaieva - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:103-124.
    The article proposes the consideration of Skovoroda’s philosophical heritage in the complex contexts of the European philosophical thought in its historical dimension. This complexity was caused through the secular tendency of the Enlightenment ideology with its explanation patterns for human being and social life. The mediological method developed of R. Debray and A. Koschorke is used for analyzing of Skovoroda’s attitudes towards the Enlightenment innovations in cultural and political life. The contemporary narratives of the First, the Second and the Third (...)
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  4. Uchenie Aristotelii︠a︡ o sushchnosti.Mariia Aleksandrovna Avraamova - 1970 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo un-ta.
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    Child as the subject of education in Sofia rusova’s pedagogical legacy.Mariia Chepil - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 22 (2):20-24.
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  6. Rozvytok prohresyvnoï filosofsʹ koï dumky rosiĭsʹ koho, ukraïnsʹkoho ta bilorusʹkoho narodiv u XVII-XVIII st.Mariia Vasylivna Kashuba & Instytut Suspil Nykh Nauk Rsr) (eds.) - 1978 - Kyïv: Nauk. dumka.
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    Performance as a Communicative Process.Mariia Lihus - 2018 - Visnyk of the Lviv University Series Philosophical Sciences 20 (20):119.
    The article deals with the examination of performance as a social event and a communicative process from the position of the constitutional meta-model of communication. Performance is viewed as a form of communication based on the horizontal relation of its participants because of the informational and symbolical exchange between the performers and audience and its transformative potential. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the transformative power of performance through the lens of notion of liminality. The author draws a (...)
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  8. Моделювання стратегій управління підприємством житлово-комунального господарства.Mariia Myznikova - 2015 - Схід 8 (140):37-47.
    The paper presents the author's approach to ensuring the sustainability of housing and public utilities. The main methods for securing financial stability of the HPU operation are indicated and analyzed. It is established that the key problems affecting the sustainability of the HPU system relate to the operational element i.e. individual enterprises of the industry. The author demonstrates that improvement of the HPU management system is the most expedient method for enhancement of the HPU sustainability. The analysis also focuses on (...)
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    Біфуркація Схід–Захід як проекція світоглядної колізії «осьового часу».Nataliya Nikolova - 2019 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:215-237.
    Стаття присвячена проблемі визначення сутності культурних парадигм Заходу та Сходу. Зроблено смисловий акцент на питанні про причини розмежування західної та східної культурних традицій. Наголошується, що біфуркацію Схід–Захід неодмінно слід пов’язувати з періодом «осьового часу» (VIII–II ст. до н.е.), визначеного К. Ясперсом як центральний момент, вихідна точка світової історії, осягнення смислу якої здатне наблизити до розуміння всесвітньої історії в цілому. З огляду на питання про причини біфуркації Схід–Захід доводиться важливість і продуктивність дослідження Е. С. Кульпіна, який з позицій соціоприродної історії запропонував (...)
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    Modern morality that gives life to vices: Glimpses of the image of moral decay in Bulgaria.Ivelina Nikolova - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1).
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  11. Osnovnye cherty filosofii frant︠s︡uzskogo strukturalizma.M. P. Nikolova - 1975 - [s.n.],:
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  12. (1 other version)Sŭvremenni burzhoazni filosofski i sot︠s︡iologicheski techenii︠a︡: [uchebnik].Marii︠a︡ Nikolova (ed.) - 1980 - Sofii︠a︡: AONSU pri T︠S︡K na BKP.
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    This Is Not Propaganda: Adventures in the War Against Reality by Peter Pomerantsev.Mariia Shuvalova - 2020 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 7:263-265.
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    Ukrainian Otherlands: Diaspora, Homeland and Folk Imagination in the Twentieth Century by Natalia Khanenko-Friesen Natalia.Mariia Shuvalova - 2018 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 5:205-207.
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    Облік валютних операцій у контексті зовнішньоекономічної діяльності підприємств.Vinichuk Mariia - 2016 - Схід 6 (146):16-19.
    A slight stabilization of some macroeconomic indicators Ukraine in conditions of long-term preservation of structural imbalances in the domestic economy against the background of global economic recovery, reduce consumer demand in the global markets combined with the devaluation of the hryvnia no reason to conclude that ensure the sustainability of enterprises to the likely financial and economic turmoil. Given this situation, the article identifies the main problems of accounting of foreign exchange transactions in Ukraine through the prism of foreign software (...)
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    Unusually Combined Lexemes as Means of Creating Uncertainty in English Postmodern Short-Short Stories.Mariia Zavarynska & Oksana Babelyuk - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):346-360.
    The issue of words combinations draws attention of linguists starting from the second half of the XX c. until the present day. This study is focused on the research of semantic mechanisms of unusually combined lexemes and unexpected collocations in English postmodern short-short stories. Reconsideration of the literary past and ironic view on traditional poetic canons are reflected in postmodern literary texts due to the principles of postmodern poetics. Being distinctive feature of postmodern literature in general, uncertainty creates multiplicity of (...)
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    Філософська система миколи шлемкевича і її актуальність для формування світогляду українців.Mariia Grynenko - 2016 - Схід 2 (142):71-73.
    The philosophical inheritance of Mykola Shlemkevich remains small worked out for today. In part because his works have been scattered, published in various publications under pseudonyms, in part, because of the fact that he has long been is attached the label "nationalist" and sometimes "nationalist fascist. Mykola`s Shlemkevich works fold the philosophical system and it is an obvious fact. They are incorporated by structural and methodological community. It is important to consider the Shlemkevych`s philosophical system it in its fullness and (...)
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  18.  19
    The school of thinking, nobility of philosophical spirit and civil courage (to the 75-th anniversary of H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).Mariia Kultaieva - 2022 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:134-143.
    The article emphasizes the cultural and educational importance of H. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy for the spiritual development of the Ukrainian society, especially in the direction of democracy and establishment of the worldview culture as a requirement for the culture of freedom. From the position of the included observer the author of the article describes some episodes of relationship in the scientist’s communities which can be defined as justice and solidary community. On the basis of the Heidegerian scheme, some dangers (...)
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    Sovereignty as a Political-Philosophical Category of Modernity.Mariia M. Fedorova - 2009 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 48 (2):75-89.
    The author analyzes the evolution of the concept of sovereignty from feudal times through early modernity to the present day. She examines the problematic relationship between the ideas of sovereignty, democracy, and pluralism, and discusses the decline and possible disappearance of sovereignty in the context of globalization.
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    Revolutionary Ukraine, 1917–2017: History’s Flashpoints and Today’s Memory Wars by Myroslav Shkandrij.Mariia Kravchenko - 2020 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 7:253-254.
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    Language technologies for instructional resources in bulgarian.Ivelina Nikolova - 2010 - In T. Icard & R. Muskens (eds.), Interfaces: Explorations in Logic, Language and Computation. Springer Berlin. pp. 114--123.
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    Metafizika na istorii︠a︡ta.Vi︠a︡ra Nikolova - 2010 - Blagoevgrad: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Neofit Rilski".
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    Ot︠s︡eni︠a︡vaneto po filosofii︠a︡ v srednoto uchilishte v Bŭlgarii︠a︡: sŭdŭrzhatelni i tekhnologicheski aspekti.Nikoleta Nikolova - 2020 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    Unilinearity and/or Variability. Eastern and Western Concepts of Predestination.Antoaneta Nikolova - 2023 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 32 (3):293-311.
    The article is based on the postmodern understanding about the collapse of grand narratives (Lyotard). One of the most significant grand narratives is the narrative about unidirectionality and irreversibility of development. Part of the roots of this narrative can be found in the ancient Greek idea of the inevitability of fate, Ananke, seen primarily as a necessity. In parallel to the ancient Greek thought, however, philosophical ideas in Ancient India and China were also developed. Therefore, the ideas of karma in (...)
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    Chernobyl: The History of the Nuclear Catastrophe by Plokhy Serhii.Mariia Shuvalova - 2019 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 6:227-230.
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    The importance of facilitation in successful adaptation.Kazanzhy Mariia - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 23 (7):142-146.
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    Psychoanalytic and Existentialist Versions of Don Juanism: Lesia Ukrainka’s The Stone Host.Mariia Moklytsia - 2021 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 8:34-44.
    The article substantiates the necessity of psychoanalytical and existential methodology in interpreting Lesia Ukrainka’s drama Kaminnyi hospodar, including the works of José Ortega y Gasset and Miguel de Unamuno on Don Quixote, Albert Camus on absurd characters, and Jacques Lacan’s The Mirror Stage. Biographical data testify to the critical attitude of the writer to world treatments of the legend. Her challenge to tradition was bold and conscious. It is regarded that the main point of Lesia Ukrainka’s polemics with tradition concerns (...)
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    The Philosophy of the European Court of Human Rights: Axiological Paradigm.Mariia Blikhar - 2020 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 10 (10:2):355-371.
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    Los Lugares Sagrados En El Budismo o El Lugar de Lo Sagrado En El Budismo.Antoaneta Nikolova - 2017 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 1 (2).
    Resumen: Este artículo tiene el propósito de examinar el significado de lo sagrado en una religión como el Budismo, donde no hay una idea de Dios como tal o ningún ser sobrenatural. En cambio, hay prácticas íntimas elaboradas para lograr la iluminación. El artículo tiene dos partes. La primera analíza los lugares sagrados en el Budismo, considerando así dos conceptos importantes el samsara y el nirvana. En la segunda parte se trata de los lugares sagrados en el Budismo comparando dos (...)
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  30.  14
    Sacred Places in Buddhism or the Place of the Sacred in Buddhism.Antoaneta Nikolova - 2017 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 1 (2).
    The paper aims to examine the meaning of sacredness in such a religion as Buddhism where there is no idea of God or any supernatural being. Instead, there are elaborated inner practices for achieving enlightenment. The paper consists of two parts. The first one analyses the place of the sacred in Buddhism considering the two important concepts of samsara and nirvana. The second part discusses sacred places in Buddhism comparing two different space structures: stupa as representative for a vertical structure (...)
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    Використання аутстафінгу для зниження ризиків діяльності персоналу.Mariia Romanenko - 2011 - Схід (2(109)):61-65.
    In the article there are examined the main reasons for the use of autstaffing with the purpose to reduce the risk of the staffs activity; there is offered our own order of autstaffing; there is developed a scheme of the complex services autstaffing providing; there is formed a triangle of possibilities for the application of the autstaffing to reduce or to avoid the risk of the staffs activity.
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    Поняття релігії та бога у філософії джона дьюї.Mariia Rozputna - 2017 - Схід 5 (151):93-96.
    У статті проаналізовано погляди Джона Дьюї на релігієзнавчу частину його філософських знань; виокремлені вчення про релігію та ставлення до Бога в біографічному контексті Джона Дьюї; розглянуто поняття досвіду, віри в релігійному розумінні вченого, а також визначено еволюцію його поглядів на релігійні знання. Систематизовано періоди зацікавлення вченого питаннями релігії. Показано, що найбільший вплив на погляди Джона Дьюї щодо релігії та Бога справили роботи німецьких класиків, дарвінізм та соціальне життя вченого.
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  33. Розробка системи контролю якості надання дорожньо-будівельних послуг.Mariia Sadova - 2015 - Схід 5 (137):86-90.
    У статті запропонований підхід до розробки комплексної системи контролю якості надання дорожньо-будівельних послуг, який базується на моделі формування взаємозв'язку конструктивних, технологічних та організаційних параметрів дорожніх робіт. Модель дозволяє проаналізувати контрольні параметри на стадії виробництва й оцінити їх вплив на якість та надійність об'єкта дорожнього будівництва на відповідній стадії експлуатації, що дає можливість комплексного контролю якості проведення окремих видів дорожніх робіт; якості матеріалів, що використовуються в дорожньому будівництві; підготовки та прийняття конструктивно-технологічних та організаційних рішень під час проведення дорожньо-будівельних робіт.
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    Balancing awareness: Vestibular signals modulate visual consciousness in the absence of awareness.Roy Salomon, Mariia Kaliuzhna, Bruno Herbelin & Olaf Blanke - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:289-297.
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    FRAS1-related extracellular matrix 3 (FREM3) single-nucleotide polymorphism effects on gene expression, amygdala reactivity and perceptual processing speed: An accelerated aging pathway of depression risk. [REVIEW]Yuliya S. Nikolova, Swetha P. Iruku, Chien-Wei Lin, Emily Drabant Conley, Rachel Puralewski, Beverly French, Ahmad R. Hariri & Etienne Sibille - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Philosophical and Hermeneutic Analysis of Videogame Player Identity.Svitlana Khrypko, Mariia Maletska & Vita Tytarenko - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:1):1-17.
    The article is devoted to philosophical and hermeneutic analysis of videogame player identity. The purpose of the study is to reveal the general features of the videogame player identity, to distinguish it from gamer identity and to define common levels of its formation, on the basis of which the further methodology of videogame philosophy may be formed without stereotypical views. To achieve it, the classification and systematization, as well as the analysis and synthesis, applied to the identity concept in general (...)
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  37. Gumanisticheskoe soderzhanie sot︠s︡ialʹnykh prot︠s︡essov pri sot︠s︡ializme: [Sb. stateĭ].V. I. Boiko & Mariia Nikiforovna Korneva (eds.) - 1980 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie.
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  38. Neobkhodimost i sluchaĭnost.Nedi︠a︡lka Nikolova Mikhova - 1972
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    Análise do Discurso baseado em taxonomia de Martin e Rose: um caso para promover o discurso sobre CLIL no Programa de Doutorado em Filosofia da Religião.Oleg Pavenkov & Mariia Pavenkova - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (17):129-139.
    This study is devoted to examining the introduction of the Content and Language Integrated Learning classes that combine the history of religion philosophy and English language education within the Ph.D. programme. New global challenges and the BRICS development require the implementation of the CLIL programmes for organizing and improving intercultural cooperation, to give it a more profound value-grounded character. In this regard, it is necessary not only to introduce the teaching of the English language but also to improve the discursive (...)
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    The doctrine of love in latin patristics of the IV-v centuries: A literature review of Russian approach.Pavenkov Oleg, Rubtcova Mariia & Pavenkov Vladimir - 2016 - Synesis 8 (2):167-181.
    The paper consists of brief literature review of fundamentals and ways of the Russian approach to the studying of the doctrine of love in Latin Patristic IV-V centuries. This topic is peripheral theme for the Russian science; however, it has some development. The literature review describes the most popular ideas and the reasons for their choice.
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  41. Simple Pointing to Objects may Facilitate Remembering.Georgi Petkov & Prolet Nikolova - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Bulgarian Drama Directing as an Ethical Codex.Chairperson Elizabeth Sotirova & Kam Elia Nikolova - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (1):8-11.
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  43. Collaborative learning through multimedia interaction.Margarita Todorova, Donika Valcheva & Mariyana Nikolova - 2008 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 41:3-10.
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  44. Improving the Quality of e-Learning by the Use of the Semantic Web Approach.Donika Valcheva, Margarita Todorova & Mariyana Nikolova - 2009 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 42 (1-2):89-99.
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  45. Жінки в рабинаті: Американський досвід.Anna Mariia Basauri Zuzina - 2014 - Схід 3 (129):74-77.
    Стаття присвячена історії становлення жіночого рабинату в іудаїзмі США. Оскільки сміха (звання рабина) надається в теологічних навчальних закладах, то авторка акцентує свою увагу саме на них. Розглянуто позицію представників ортодоксального іудаїзму, які, базуючись на Галасі, забороняють жінкам ставати рабинами. Далі розглядається, яким чином навчальні заклади різних напрямів сучасного іудаїзму (реформістського, реконструктивістського та консервативного) приймали рішення про дозвіл жінкам вступати до рабинських факультетів та отримувати сміху. Авторка пов'язує ці зміни з феміністським рухом 1960-70 рр. Виділено загальні проблеми жінок під час навчання (...)
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    Dialektika v metodologii︠a︡ta na nauchnoto poznanie.Nedi︠a︡lka Nikolova Mikhova - 1988 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo Nauka i izkustvo.
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  47. Problemŭt za idealizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ta i materialisticheskata dialektika.Nedi︠a︡lka Nikolova Mikhova - 1981 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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  48. Sistematizirane i opredeli︠a︡ne na dialekticheskite kategoriĭ.Nedi︠a︡lka Nikolova Mikhova - 1977
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    Revisiting the issue of future teachers’ political culture formation.Naumkina Svitlana & Blikhar Mariia - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 23 (8):83-86.
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    Right to Health under the Pandemic Conditions: Individual-State Cooperation and Interconnectedness.Volodymyr Yukalo & Mariia Yukalo - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1Sup2):177-187.
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