Results for 'Marie Byrd-Blake'

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  1.  39
    The Impact of the Pressures to Make Adequate Yearly Progress on Teachers in a Midwest Urban School District: A Qualitative Analysis.John W. Hunt, Michael Afolayan, Marie Byrd-Blake, Martins Fabunmi, Brandt Pryor & Pereari Aboro - 2009 - Journal of Thought 44 (3-4):63.
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    Using ontology visualization to facilitate access to knowledge about human disease genes.Mary E. Dolan & Judith A. Blake - 2009 - Applied ontology 4 (1):35-49.
    Biomedical ontologies not only capture a wealth of biological knowledge but also provide a representational system to support the integration and retrieval of biological information that shed light...
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    Doubling the Guard: Ethics and Law at the Privacy Gate.Mary Beth Blake - 2002 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 13 (4):310-315.
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    JME Referees in 2002.Mary Lou Arnold, Matthew Keefer, Nigel Laurie, Marvin Berkowitz, Nigel Blake, Brian Mahon, Li Maosen, Ted Brelsford, Alan Reiman & David Carr - 2003 - Journal of Moral Education 32 (2):215-215.
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    Mary, Did You Consent?Blake Hereth - 2021 - Religious Studies:1-24.
    The Christian and Islamic doctrine of the VIRGIN BIRTH claim God asexually impregnated the Virgin Mary with Jesus, Mary’s impregnation was fully consensual (VIRGIN CONSENT), and God never acts immorally (DIVINE GOODNESS). First, I show that God’s actions and Mary’s background beliefs undermine her consent by virtue of coercive incentives, Mary’s comparative powerlessness, and the generation of moral conflicts. Second, I show that God’s nondisclosure of certain reasonably relevant facts undermines Mary’s informed consent. Third, I show that a recent attempt (...)
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  6. Mulder's Hail Mary.Blake Hereth - 2024 - Religious Studies:1-17.
    In a recent article, Jack Mulder, Jr., gives a Plantinga-style defense of the Virgin Mary’s free consent to bear Jesus at the Annunciation. Against Mulder, I argue that a theodicy (rather than a defense) is necessary to undermine my arguments, that Mulder’s Catholic appeal to Mary’s Immaculate Conception amounts to a kind of freedom-undermining metaphysical grooming, and therefore Marian consent remains invalid.
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    Mary Adelaide Nutting, Pioneer of Modern NursingHelen E. Marshall.John Blake - 1974 - Isis 65 (4):541-542.
  8. Systematicity and the Cognition of Structured Domains.Robert Cummins, James Blackmon, David Byrd, Pierre Poirier, Martin Roth & Georg Schwarz - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy 98 (4):167 - 185.
    The current debate over systematicity concerns the formal conditions a scheme of mental representation must satisfy in order to explain the systematicity of thought.1 The systematicity of thought is assumed to be a pervasive property of minds, and can be characterized (roughly) as follows: anyone who can think T can think systematic variants of T, where the systematic variants of T are found by permuting T’s constituents. So, for example, it is an alleged fact that anyone who can think the (...)
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  9. To the Memory of Mary Gregor 1928-1994.B. Byrd - 1997 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 5.
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    A recurrent 16p12.1 microdeletion supports a two-hit model for severe developmental delay.Santhosh Girirajan, Jill A. Rosenfeld, Gregory M. Cooper, Francesca Antonacci, Priscillia Siswara, Andy Itsara, Laura Vives, Tom Walsh, Shane E. McCarthy, Carl Baker, Heather C. Mefford, Jeffrey M. Kidd, Sharon R. Browning, Brian L. Browning, Diane E. Dickel, Deborah L. Levy, Blake C. Ballif, Kathryn Platky, Darren M. Farber, Gordon C. Gowans, Jessica J. Wetherbee, Alexander Asamoah, David D. Weaver, Paul R. Mark, Jennifer Dickerson, Bhuwan P. Garg, Sara A. Ellingwood, Rosemarie Smith, Valerie C. Banks, Wendy Smith, Marie T. McDonald, Joe J. Hoo, Beatrice N. French, Cindy Hudson, John P. Johnson, Jillian R. Ozmore, John B. Moeschler, Urvashi Surti, Luis F. Escobar, Dima El-Khechen, Jerome L. Gorski, Jennifer Kussmann, Bonnie Salbert, Yves Lacassie, Alisha Biser, Donna M. McDonald-McGinn, Elaine H. Zackai, Matthew A. Deardorff, Tamim H. Shaikh, Eric Haan, Kathryn L. Friend, Marco Fichera, Corrado Romano, Jozef Gécz, Lynn E. DeLisi, Jonathan Sebat, Mary-Claire King, Lisa G. Shaffer & Eic - unknown
    We report the identification of a recurrent, 520-kb 16p12.1 microdeletion associated with childhood developmental delay. The microdeletion was detected in 20 of 11,873 cases compared with 2 of 8,540 controls and replicated in a second series of 22 of 9,254 cases compared with 6 of 6,299 controls. Most deletions were inherited, with carrier parents likely to manifest neuropsychiatric phenotypes compared to non-carrier parents. Probands were more likely to carry an additional large copy-number variant when compared to matched controls. The clinical (...)
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    Frankenstein: a creation of artificial intelligence?Jennings Byrd & Paige Paquette - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):331-342.
    Throughout Mary Shelley’s early life, she was exposed to numerous well-known and influential people regarding cultural, political, and socio-economic matters. As she began writing, these influences undoubtedly played a role in her narrative. Her novel, _Frankenstein_, written during the time of the first Industrial Revolution in Britain, was one such novel that exhibited her political and economic influences through science fiction. This article addresses many of those influences, including the introduction of the machine into manufacturing. It further addresses how Frankenstein’s (...)
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    Intimations of William Blake in On Beauty (2005).R. Victoria Arana - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 7 (17):1-10.
    William Blake and Zadie Smith reached strikingly similar critical positions towards philosophical trends current in their respective eras. Both excoriate those who, for selfish ends, disparage beauty and in so doing sabotage justice, love, joy and genuine freedom. Smith’s On Beauty, like Blake’s America: A Prophecy and Visions of the Daughters of Albion, indicts the reprehensible intellectual discourses of the day that undermine human happiness and corrupt the social order. Whereas Blake critiqued the rights revolutions set in (...)
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    Response to Mary J. Reichling,?Intersections: Form, Feeling, and Isomorphism?David Stevenson - 2004 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 12 (1):67-70.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 12.1 (2004) 67-70 [Access article in PDF] Response to Mary J. Reichling, "Intersections: Form, Feeling, and Isomorphism" David Stevenson Vassalboro, Maine Mary J. Reichling's essay regarding the three concepts, form, feeling, and isomorphism, is lucid, well structured, and aptly supported by research of other music education philosophers. She states her purpose in the opening paragraph: "to examine and to elucidate various aspects of these (...)
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    The local church in the west (1500–1945).Giuseppe Alberigo - 1987 - Heythrop Journal 28 (2):125–143.
    Book reviewed in this article: Ezekiel 2: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, Chapters 25–48. By Walther Zimmerli. The Prophets, Vol. II: The Babylonian and Persian Periods. By Klaus Koch. Intertestamental Literature by Martin McNamara. Palestinian Judaism and the New Testament by Martin McNamara. Jesus and the World of Judaism. By Geza Vermes. The Rediscovery of Jesus's Eschatological Discourse. By David Wenham. Sexism and God Talk: Towards a Feminist Theology. By Rosemary Ruether. In Memory of Her: A (...)
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  15. Le dévoilement de soi dans la recherche d’aide et le suivi dans les services de santé mentale et psychiatrie.Marie-Claude Jacques - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (2):102-111.
    Patient self-disclosure is essential to the work of health professionals, and this is even more critical in mental health where speech is a reflection of the content of thought. Self-disclosure is then about invisible symptoms that are associated with health problems where discrimination and stigmatization are still very prevalent. This article explores the ethical issues of this phenomenon which has received very little study. Disclosure as a decision-making, interpersonal, dynamic and complex process will be defined and deepened with the help (...)
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    La noblesse de l’avocat à Rome selon Pline le Jeune.Marie Yschard - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 64 (1):63-75.
    La correspondance de Pline le Jeune, publiée au II e siècle de notre ère, regorge de références à la mission de l’avocat. Bien que l’activité d’avocat ne soit pas la seule exercée par l’auteur, elle occupe une partie très importante de son temps, comme il le reconnaît lui-même, et remplit une fonction essentielle au sein de la société romaine. En assurant la défense des droits des femmes et des hommes qui le sollicitent, l’avocat s’assure de placer la justice et le (...)
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    Due vedute di Roma.B. R. Brinkman - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37 (2):176–192.
    Books reviewed in this article: The Anchor Bible Dictionary. Edited by David Noel Freedman with Gary A. Herion, David F. Graf, John David Pleins. The Gospel of Matthew. By Daniel J. Harrington. Paul: An Introduction to his Thought. By C. K. Barrett. A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identiy. By Daniel Boyarin. New Testament Theology. By G. B. Caird, completed and edited by L. D. Hurst. The Fatherhood of God from Origen to Athanasius. By Peter Widdicombe. Dieu et (...)
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    Coeur à coeur de jumeau--: correspondance avec Marie-Monique Morre-Lambelin: 1901-1913. Alain & Marie-Monique Morre-Lambelin - 2009 - Le Vésinet: Institut Alain. Edited by Marie-Monique Morre-Lambelin.
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    Libertés et savoirs du corps à la Renaissance.Marie-Madeleine Fontaine - 1975 - Caen: Paradigme.
    Collection of previously published material, 1975-1993.
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    What is a Child?Marie-Louise Friquegnon - 1997 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 13 (1):12-16.
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  21. The BBC's corporate cosmopolitanism : the diasporic voice between empire and Cold War.Marie Gillespie & Eva Nieto McAvoy - 2018 - In Dina Gusejnova, Cosmopolitanism in conflict: imperial encounters from the Seven Years' War to the Cold War. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Le non-droit, l’état d’exception et l’incertitude juridique comme outils de domination politique.Marie Goupy - 2018 - Astérion 19 (19).
    This paper aims to confront two notions that have acquired a particular importance in contemporary reflections on the law: the notion of “un-law” (“Unrecht” or “non-droit”), that was constructed after the second WW in order to think about the specific nature of “Nazi law”; and the notion of “state of exception” (“Ausnahmezustand” or “état d’exception”), which is now commonly tied up with the idea of juridical anomie. This confrontation extends the analysis that is especially exposed by the very concept of (...)
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    Henri de Lubac et Maurice Blondel : une rencontre entre philosophie et théologie.Marie-Gabrielle Lemaire - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1593-1616.
    Maurice Blondel’s philosophy has had a decisive influence on the theology of Henri de Lubac, but more than an influence, it goes of an encounter and a dialogue between two great Catholic thinkers. This article proposes, over the course of successive encounters and collaborations between Blondel and Lubac, a presentation of Lubac’s reflection in that it extends Blondel’s critique of extrinsicity to the field of theology. This friendship between Lubac and Blondel testifies to the inherent character of the mystical question (...)
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    Mélanie Fabre, Dick May, une femme à l’avant-garde d’un nouveau siècle (1859-1925).Marie-Ève Thérenty - 2020 - Clio 51.
    S’inscrivant dans un courant qui reconsidère aujourd’hui la place des femmes dans l’histoire, Mélanie Fabre publie une édifiante biographie de Dick May, une intellectuelle largement oubliée de la Belle Époque, fondatrice notamment du Collège libre des sciences sociales en 1895, de la première École supérieure de journalisme française en 1899 et de l’École libre des hautes études sociales en 1900. Elle a été aussi active dans la fondation du Musée social en 1894, dans la formation de l’univers...
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    The philosophy of science: the systems, validity, and ethics of scientific inquiry.Marie Wahl (ed.) - 2014 - New York, NY: Britannica Educational Publishing in association with Rosen Educational Services.
    Introduction -- From natural philosophy to theories of method -- Explanations, laws, and theories -- Change and the effect on scientific realism -- Science, society, and values -- Conclusion -- Glossary.
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    Discours de la logique et logique du discours.Marie Jeanne Borel - 1978 - Lausanne: L'age D'homme.
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  27. Depression and the Social Bond.Marie-Jean Sauret, Pascale Macary-Garipuy & John Holland - 2008 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 14:171.
    The number of depressed people has been increasing regularly. This increase is clearly aggravated by psycho-pharmacological factors. Psychoanalysts have encountered difficulties with a new type of patient for whom neurotic solutions do not work. For this reason, a new evaluation of the psycho-conception of the subject, melancholy and distress, and the social link is needed: this new evaluation allows us to define the nature of the relation between depression and society, and to plan a more effective clinical response.
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    NMR anisotropy in irradiated lithium hydride.P. C. Souers, T. S. Blake & R. M. Penpraze - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 21 (170):287-291.
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  29. Comic laughter.Marie Taylor Swabey - 1961 - [Hamden, Conn.]: Archon Books.
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    La morale au crible des religions.Marie-Thérèse Urvoy (ed.) - 2013 - Versailles: Éditions de Paris.
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    Personality disorders: illegitimate subject positions.Marie Crowe - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (3):216-223.
    Personality disorders: illegitimate subject positions The diagnosis of personality disorder is common in mental health nurse settings and is a term often used without critical consideration. In clinical practice, the term personality disorder has pejorative connotations, which arise out of the way in which these behaviours are constructed as behavioural rather than psychiatric. The discursive construction of categories of personality disorder are inculcated into clinical practice and become taken‐for‐granted by those in practice culture. The construction of some personalities as disordered (...)
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    Recovery from depression: a discourse analysis of interpersonal psychotherapy.Marie Crowe & Sue Luty - 2005 - Nursing Inquiry 12 (1):43-50.
    This paper describes a discourse analysis of the process of interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) in the recovery from depression. It demonstrates how IPT is an effective treatment strategy for mental health nurses to utilise in the treatment of depression. The discourse analysis highlights how the development of more meaningful subject positions enables one woman to recover from her depression. The process of recovery is underpinned by an understanding of women's depression as promoted by contemporary social and cultural expectations for detachment and (...)
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    DEBARDIEUX, Éric, La violence dans la classeDEBARDIEUX, Éric, La violence dans la classe.Marie-France Daniel - 1992 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 48 (2):301-302.
  34. P. de La Tour du Pin.du Bois Jeanne-Marie - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    Linking Place and Mind: Localness As a Factor in Socio-Cognitive Salience.Marie M. Jensen - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Apriori Concepts.Marie-Luise Kalsi - 1995 - Southwest Philosophy Review 11 (1):1-14.
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    Barry stroud; understanding and practice.Marie McGinn - 2002 - Philosophical Investigations 25 (2):190–200.
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    The Virgilian cento progne et philomela (anth. Lat. 13 r): Towards a solution for a mythological Riddle.Marie Okáčová - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (2):856-865.
    This paper deals with the 24-line mythological epyllion Progne et Philomela, an anonymous Virgilian cento of presumed North African origin, which is usually dated to the fourth or fifth century and is marked by considerable obscurity. The aim is to shed some light on the most intriguing parts of this elliptical retelling of the given myth, in particular the puzzling network of family relationships and the extended talking-blood metaphor. Offering a new perspective on the text, the author claims that its (...)
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  39. Entrée: Ambrosius Victor.Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin - 2008 - In Luc Foisneau, The dictionary of seventeenth-century French philosophers. New York: Thoemmes.
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  40. Au cœur de l'existence, la souffrance ?Marie-josé Pernin, Arthur Schopenhauer & Franco Volpi - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 195 (3):377-380.
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    Das tue ich nicht, weil es nicht Pflicht ist. Das Argument der Supererogation und sein Unanständigkeitsproblem.Marie-Luise Raters - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 74 (1):80-104.
    Most arguments of Applied Ethics are well analyzed. An exception is the argument 'I do not do this because it is not my duty'. It makes sense to call the argument the 'argument of supererogation' : Since J. Urmson's essay Saints and Heroes of 1958, those actions are called 'supererogations' which are not supposed to be duties. The argument is widely used not only in Applied Ethics, but also in ordinary moral everyday life. Nevertheless, there is a need of investigation (...)
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    Commentary: Stimulation of the Posterior Cingulate Cortex Impairs Episodic Memory Encoding.Marie-Lucie Read & Rikki Lissaman - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:570878.
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    Moralité et affectivité.Marie-Andrée Ricard - 2010 - Symposium 14 (1):66-84.
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    Telling Friend from Foe: Listeners Are Unable to Identify In-Group and Out-Group Members from Heard Laughter.Marie Ritter & Disa A. Sauter - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Florence Binard, Marc Calvini-Lefebvre & Guyonne Leduc (dir.), Femmes, sexe, ge.Marie Ruiz - 2018 - Clio 48.
    L’objectif de cet ouvrage collectif original est de mettre en lumière les processus d’invisibilisation et de stigmatisation des femmes et des minorités sexuelles, mais aussi leurs résistances et leurs combats. La taxinomie sexuelle binaire fondée sur l’opposition masculin/féminin est ici enrichie d’études novatrices sur les vêtements, les sexualités et les combats contre les discours dominants générateurs de stigmates et d’invisibilité. L’ouvrage, dont la préface de Michel Prum fait office d’...
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  46. For What Are Persons with Disabilities Responsible For? The Study of Public, Social and Family Responsibilities in the Context of Locomotor Disability (Cape Flats, South Africa).Marie Schnitzler - 2019 - In Benjamin Rubbers & Alessandro Jedlowski, Regimes of responsibility in Africa: genealogies, rationalities and conflicts. New York: Berghahn Books.
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    Adèle de Sénange (1794) et sa réception.Marie-France Silver - 1995 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 14:119.
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    Aristotle on Paideia of Principles.Marie I. George - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3:140-145.
    Aristotle maintains that paideia enables one to judge the method used by a given speaker without judging the conclusions drawn as well. He contends that this "paideia of principles" requires three things: seeing that principles are not derived from one another; seeing that there is nothing before them within reason; and, seeing that they are the source of much knowledge. In order to grasp these principles, one must respectively learn to recognize what distinguishes the subject matters studied in different disciplines, (...)
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  49. Qu'est-ce qui donne d'être juif?Marie-Thérèse Huguet - 2008 - Nova et Vetera 83 (1):77-84.
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  50. Considérations théologiques sur l'embryon humain.Frère Stephane-Marie - 1986 - Nova et Vetera 61 (3):106-121.
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