Results for 'Maria-Barbara Wesenick'

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  1.  37
    Characterizing chunks in visual short-term memory: Not more than one feature per dimension?Werner X. Schneider, Heiner Deubel & Maria-Barbara Wesenick - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):144-145.
    Cowan defines a chunk as “a collection of concepts that have strong associations to one another and much weaker associations to other chunks currently in use.” This definition does not impose any constraints on the nature and number of elements that can be bound into a chunk. We present an experiment to demonstrate that such limitations exist for visual short-term memory, and that their analysis may lead to important insights into properties of visual memory.
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  2. Sapienza poetica E razón-poética. Osservazioni sul concetto di ragione in Giambattista Vico E María Zambrano.Maria Barbara Spanu - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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    Le arti e l'esperienza estetica: suoni, immagini e parole per Maria Barbara Ponti.Federica Pau, Luca Vargiu & Maria Barbara Ponti (eds.) - 2022 - Ancona: Affinità elettive.
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    Zum Problem der Erkenntnis bei Gregor von Nyssa.Maria-Barbara von Stritzky - 1973 - Münster,: Aschendorff.
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  5. To teach "the correct procedure for love" : Matrilineal cultures and the nation state.Maria-Barbara Watson-Franke - 2008 - In Anna G. Jónasdóttir & Kathleen B. Jones (eds.), The Political Interests of Gender Revisited: Redoing Theory and Research with a Feminist Face. United Nations University Press.
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    Spirits, Dreams, and the Resolution of Conflict among Urban Guajiro Women.Lawrence C. Watson & Maria-Barbara Watson-Franke - 1977 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 5 (4):388-408.
  7.  42
    Echo objects: the cognitive work of images.Barbara Maria Stafford - 2007 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Barbara Stafford is at the forefront of a growing movement that calls for the humanities to confront the brain’s material realities. In Echo Objects she argues that humanists should seize upon the exciting neuroscientific discoveries that are illuminating the underpinnings of cultural objects. In turn, she contends, brain scientists could enrich their investigations of mental activity by incorporating phenomenological considerations—particularly the intricate ways that images focus intentional behavior and allow us to feel thought. This, then, is a book for (...)
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    Vizualizace vědění od osvícenství k postmoderně.Barbara Maria Stafford - 2008 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 30 (2):5-32.
    In her article, Barbara M. Staff ord argues for the conception of literacy that would encompass visual skills besides the traditional emphasis on verbal competence. Image itself is important, not merely the information it may convey. Moreover, a more extens ive notion of education is necessitated by the process of radical perceptual and conceptual changes that have been occurring since the Enlightenment and are all-pervasive in Postmodernism. The new-found power and ubiquity of images needs to be recogn ized in (...)
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    Motion Illusions as Environmental Enrichment for Zoo Animals: A Preliminary Investigation on Lions (Panthera leo).Barbara Regaiolli, Angelo Rizzo, Giorgio Ottolini, Maria Elena Miletto Petrazzini, Caterina Spiezio & Christian Agrillo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:482393.
    Investigating perceptual and cognitive abilities of zoo animals might help to improve their husbandry and enrich their daily life with new stimuli. Developing new environmental enrichment programs and devices is hence necessary to promote species-specific behaviours that need to be maintained in controlled environments. As far as we are aware, no study has ever tested the potential benefits of motion illusions as visual enrichment for zoo animals. Starting from a recent study showing that domestic cats are spontaneously attracted by a (...)
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    “You Can See How Things Will End by the Way They Begin”: The Contribution of Early Mutual Obligations for the Development of the Psychological Contract.Maria Luisa Farnese, Stefano Livi, Barbara Barbieri & René Schalk - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Reconceiving the warburg library as a working museum of the mind.Barbara Maria Stafford - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (1):180-187.
    Received opinion holds that it would be more efficient, hence more economical, to compress and thus dissolve the holdings of the Warburg Institute Library into an overarching university library system. This essay argues two points: first, that we should not be automatically persuaded by the popular and largely unexamined goal of efficiency; and second, that the Library indeed requires its own space but that that space must now be reconceived. In line with Aby Warburg's belief that the past should engage (...)
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    Focus on emotion as a catalyst of memory updating during reconsolidation.Maria Stein, Kristina Barbara Rohde & Katharina Henke - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    A Randomized Controlled Trial Study of a Multimodal Intervention vs. Cognitive Training to Foster Cognitive and Affective Health in Older Adults.Maria Brasser, Sascha Frühholz, Andres R. Schneeberger, Gian G. Ruschetti, Rahel Schaerli, Michèle Häner & Barbara Studer-Luethi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Research over the past few decades has shown the positive influence that cognitive, social, and physical activities have on older adults’ cognitive and affective health. Especially interventions in health-related behaviors, such as cognitive activation, physical activity, social activity, nutrition, mindfulness, and creativity, have shown to be particularly beneficial. Whereas most intervention studies apply unimodal interventions, such as cognitive training, this study investigates the potential to foster cognitive and affective health factors of older adults by means of an autonomy-supportive multimodal intervention. (...)
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    Common Ground Information Affects Reference Resolution: Evidence From Behavioral Data, ERPs, and Eye-Tracking.Maria Richter, Mariella Paul, Barbara Höhle & Isabell Wartenburger - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:565651.
    One of the most important social cognitive skills in humans is the ability to “put oneself in someone else’s shoes,” that is, to take another person’s perspective. In socially situated communication, perspective taking enables the listener to arrive at a meaningful interpretation of what is said (sentence meaning) and what is meant (speaker’s meaning) by the speaker. To successfully decode the speaker’s meaning, the listener has to take into account which information he/she and the speaker share in their common ground (...)
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    A Field Guide to a New Meta-Field: Bridging the Humanities-Neurosciences Divide.Barbara Maria Stafford (ed.) - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    Barbara Stafford is a pioneering art historian whose research has long helped to bridge the divide between the humanities and cognitive sciences. In _A Field Guide to a New Meta-Field_, she marshals a distinguished group of thinkers to forge a ground-breaking dialogue between the emerging brain sciences, the liberal arts, and social sciences. Stafford’s book examines meaning and mental function from this dual experimental perspective. The wide-ranging essays included here—from Frank Echenhofer’s foray into shamanist hallucinogenic visions to David Bashwiner’s (...)
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  16.  16
    Managing Knowledge in Organizations: A Nonaka’s SECI Model Operationalization.Maria Luisa Farnese, Barbara Barbieri, Antonio Chirumbolo & Gerardo Patriotta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Forgiving Adolescents: Far From Depression, Close to Well-Being.Barbara Barcaccia, Susanna Pallini, Andrea Pozza, Michela Milioni, Roberto Baiocco, Francesco Mancini & Giovanni Maria Vecchio - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  18. Definizione e caratteristiche della Internet addiction.Maria Pia Lai Guaita-Barbara Barbieri - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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  19. Uma concepção literária do tempo.Maria Leonor Santa Bárbara - 2006 - Cultura:89-99.
    Analisam-se diversos aspectos do tempo nos poemas homéricos como sejam o seu uso na narrativa ou a importância da imortalidade. Em ambos os poemas estão patentes confusões entre a época do poeta e a da narrativa, o que se nota através de comparações, mas também por misturas de materiais, ou de costumes. Do mesmo modo, a narrativa não se reduz a uma única época. Seja por uma questão de economia da narrativa, como sucede na Odisseia, seja para explicar, ou justificar, (...)
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  20.  22
    Thoughts Not Our Own.Barbara Maria Stafford - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (2-3):275-293.
    There are now many important contributions to the scientific study of the brain-mind continuum. These results come both from research into non-ordinary states of consciousness and into the brain's intrinsic, largely unconscious mechanisms. The larger potential of such investigations consists precisely in making the parameters of our cognitive system apparent. But they also reveal the socio-cultural uses to which these parameters are currently, or in the foreseeable future, being applied. This article wrestles with that fact. Specifically, it examines the implications (...)
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  21. Definizione e caratteristiche del gioco d'azzardo.Maria Pia Lai Guaita-Barbara Barbieri - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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    Supporting Patients With Untreated Prostate Cancer on Active Surveillance: What Causes an Increase in Anxiety During the First 10 Months?Maria Francesca Alvisi, Paola Dordoni, Tiziana Rancati, Barbara Avuzzi, Nicola Nicolai, Fabio Badenchini, Letizia De Luca, Tiziana Magnani, Cristina Marenghi, Julia Menichetti, Villa Silvia, Zollo Fabiana, Salvioni Roberto, Valdagni Riccardo & Bellardita Lara - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundThe psychological burden possibly deriving from not immediately undergoing radical treatment for prostate cancer could be a potential disadvantage of active surveillance, especially in the eve of some relevant clinical exams [i.e., re-biopsy, prostate-specific antigen test, and medical examination]. Even if it is known from the literature that the majority of PCa men in AS do not report heightened anxiety, there is a minority of patients who show clinically significant levels of anxiety after diagnosis. The present study aimed to investigate (...)
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    L’esegesi patristica del «Vino» del Cantico dei Cantici.Maria Antonietta Barbàra - 2017 - Augustinianum 57 (2):569-591.
    The image of wine has a “spiritual sense”, which helps the faithful to understand the principles of their belief. Its mystery is connected with the theme of “sober inebriation”, developed by Philo of Alexandria and Origen, and culminating in Ambrose. The good wines that the bride enjoys before the groom’s arrival are a symbol of the good doctrines of the OT, whose teachings are however inferior to the revelation of the incarnate Christ. Good, sweet wine, meanwhile, refers to the doctrines (...)
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  24.  46
    La «ricchezza»: Gr. Nyss., Eccl. 7, 4.Maria Antonietta Barbàra - 2019 - Augustinianum 59 (1):223-236.
    Gregory of Nyssa’s bearing in Qohelet 3:5b to wealth, rather than to the matrimonial “embrace”, is unusual by comparison withother ancient exegeses; it seems to be motivated not only by the acoluthia which characterizes his spiritual interpretation of the passage Qo. 3:2-8, but also by the crucial importance he gives to catharsis, as one the qualities he considered necessary for the exegete.
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    Guest editorial. Present image, past text, post word: Educating the late modern citizen.Barbara Maria Stafford - 1992 - Semiotica 91 (3-4):195-198.
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    The Enlightenment “Catholization” of Projective Technology: Theurgy and the Media Origins of Art.Barbara Maria Stafford - 2008 - In Jan Lazardzig, Ludger Schwarte & Helmar Schramm (eds.), Theatrum Scientiarum - English Edition, Volume 2, Instruments in Art and Science: On the Architectonics of Cultural Boundaries in the 17th Century. De Gruyter. pp. 127-151.
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    Information competence in professional training.Bárbara María Carvajal Hernández & Colunga Santos - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):526-545.
    El artículo tiene como objetivo describir las competencias informacionales a desarrollar durante la formación profesional. Se presenta los referentes teóricos a partir del empleo de un enfoque de sistema que supone el análisis y la síntesis, la inducción y la deducción como métodos de investigación, con el propósito de dar conocer los hitos en las universidades y organizaciones internacionales relacionadas. La modelación fue empleada para la construcción de un nuevo proyecto de desarrollo de competencias informacionales desde la perspectiva de la (...)
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    READ-COGvid: A Database From Reading and Media Habits During COVID-19 Confinement in Spain and Italy.Ladislao Salmerón, Barbara Arfé, Vicenta Avila, Raquel Cerdán, Raquel De Sixte, Pablo Delgado, Inmaculada Fajardo, Antonio Ferrer, María García, Laura Gil, Nadina Gómez-Merino, Álvaro Jáñez, Gemma Lluch, Amelia Mañá, Lucia Mason, Federica Natalizi, Marina Pi-Ruano, Luis Ramos, Marta Ramos, Javier Roca, Eva Rosa, Javier Rosales, Alba Rubio, Marian Serrano-Mendizábal, Noemi Skrobiszewska, Cristina Vargas, Marta Vergara-Martínez & Manuel Perea - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Allostatic Load Is Linked to Cortical Thickness Changes Depending on Body-Weight Status.Jonatan Ottino-González, María A. Jurado, Isabel García-García, Bàrbara Segura, Idoia Marqués-Iturria, María J. Sender-Palacios, Encarnació Tor, Xavier Prats-Soteras, Xavier Caldú, Carme Junqué & Maite Garolera - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Access to justice and institutional regendering: The case of the National Prosecution Bureau of Chile.Bárbara Barraza Uribe & María Isabel Salinas - 2021 - Feminist Legal Studies 29 (1):1-21.
    In 2017, the National Prosecution Bureau of Chile created the Special Unit for Human Rights, Gender-Based Violence, and Sex Crimes, becoming a milestone for criminal prosecution policies as the first time a state institution in Chile used the term ‘gender-based violence’ explicitly in its title. There was no law in the country that addressed and sanctioned this behaviour—recognising it as a social phenomenon—at the time of the Unit's creation. What does the creation of this new Unit mean for access to (...)
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    Variability of the Prevalence of Depression in Function of Sociodemographic and Environmental Factors: Ecological Model.José María Llorente, Bárbara Oliván-Blázquez, María Zuñiga-Antón, Bárbara Masluk, Eva Andrés, Javier García-Campayo & Rosa Magallón-Botaya - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Major depression etiopathogenesis is related to a wide variety of genetics, demographic and psychosocial factors, as well as to environmental factors. The objective of this study is to analyze sociodemographic and environmental variables that are related to the prevalence of depression through correlation analysis and to develop a regression model that explains the behavior of this disease from an ecological perspective. This is an ecological, retrospective, cross-sectional study. The target population was 1,148,430 individuals over the age of 16 who were (...)
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    Hospitalidade no (des)tensionamento das identidades via educação intercultural.Ana Maria Eyng, Bárbara Pimpão Ferreira & Laueni Ramos Padilha - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78 (4):1713-1740.
    The multiple tensions of the present time reverberate on identity compositions, translating norms endorsed in the games of economic globalization which stress coexistence, producing inclusion and exclusion at the same time. This context refers to the action of two antagonistic forces, the first being mixophobia, strongly disruptive and excluding, the second, on the other hand, moves towards inclusion, towards respect for otherness, acceptance of the other who is identified as mixophilia. Therefore, thinking about hospitality in the contemporary context leads us (...)
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  33.  21
    Securities fraud in the international arena: Unilateral vs. multilateral enforcement of insider trading sanctions.Kurt Stanberry, Barbara Crutchfield George & Maria Ross - 1991 - Business and Society 30 (1):27-36.
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    Variables Associated With Negotiation Effectiveness: The Role of Mindfulness.María C. Pérez-Yus, Ester Ayllón-Negrillo, Gabriela Delsignore, Rosa Magallón-Botaya, Alejandra Aguilar-Latorre & Bárbara Oliván Blázquez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Das Totenbuch pBerlin P. 10477 aus Achmim.Malcolm Mosher, Barbara Luscher, Ursula Rossler-Kohler & Maria-Theresia Derchain-Urtel - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (4):893.
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  36. Linking Visions: Feminist Bioethics, Human Rights, and the Developing World.Karen L. Baird, María Julia Bertomeu, Martha Chinouya, Donna Dickenson, Michele Harvey-Blankenship, Barbara Ann Hocking, Laura Duhan Kaplan, Jing-Bao Nie, Eileen O'Keefe, Julia Tao Lai Po-wah, Carol Quinn, Arleen L. F. Salles, K. Shanthi, Susana E. Sommer, Rosemarie Tong & Julie Zilberberg - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This collection brings together fourteen contributions by authors from around the globe. Each of the contributions engages with questions about how local and global bioethical issues are made to be comparable, in the hope of redressing basic needs and demands for justice. These works demonstrate the significant conceptual contributions that can be made through feminists' attention to debates in a range of interrelated fields, especially as they formulate appropriate responses to developments in medical technology, global economics, population shifts, and poverty.
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    The Effects of an Acceptance and Commitment-Informed Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Program for Chronic Airway Diseases on Health Status and Psychological Symptoms.Emanuele Maria Giusti, Barbara Papazian, Chiara Manna, Valentina Giussani, Milena Perotti, Francesca Castelli, Silvia Battaglia, Pietro Galli, Agnese Rossi, Valentina Re, Karine Goulene, Gianluca Castelnuovo & Marco Stramba-Badiale - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundChronic airway diseases are prevalent and costly conditions. Interdisciplinary rehabilitation programs that include Acceptance and Commitment-based components could be important to tackle the vicious circle linking progression of the disease, inactivity, and psychopathological symptoms.MethodsA retrospective evaluation of routinely collected data of an interdisciplinary rehabilitation program was performed. The program included group sessions including patient education, breathing exercise, occupational therapy and an ACT-based psychological treatment, and individual sessions of physical therapy. Demographic data, clinical characteristics of the patients and the values of (...)
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    Caracterización de las necesidades psicosociales del enfermo oncológico terminal.María de los Angeles Garrido Pérez & Xiomara Bárbara Gil García - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (2):203-216.
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    Publikacje Jerzego Kmity (1957-2010).Jan Grad, Maria Lutomska, Marlena Solak & Barbara Trzcińska - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (12 (2011/1)):69-89.
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  40. Competencias informacionales en la formación del profesional.Bárbara María Carvajal Hernández, Silvia Colunga Santos & Manuel N. Montejo Lorenzo - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):526-545.
    El artículo tiene como objetivo describir las competencias informacionales a desarrollar durante la formación profesional. Se presenta los referentes teóricos a partir del empleo de un enfoque de sistema que supone el análisis y la síntesis, la inducción y la deducción como métodos de investigación, con el propósito de dar conocer los hitos en las universidades y organizaciones internacionales relacionadas. La modelación fue empleada para la construcción de un nuevo proyecto de desarrollo de competencias informacionales desde la perspectiva de la (...)
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    Mobilising common biocultural heritage for the socioeconomic inclusion of small farmers: panarchy of two case studies on quinoa in Chile and Bolivia.Thierry Winkel, Lizbeth Núñez-Carrasco, Pablo José Cruz, Nancy Egan, Luís Sáez-Tonacca, Priscilla Cubillos-Celis, Camila Poblete-Olivera, Natalia Zavalla-Nanco, Bárbara Miño-Baes & Maria-Paz Viedma-Araya - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (2):433-447.
    Valorising the biocultural heritage of common goods could enable peasant farmers to achieve socially and economically inclusive sustainability. Increasingly appreciated by consumers, peasant heritage products offer small farmers promising opportunities for economic, social and territorial development. Identifying the obstacles and levers of this complex, multi-scale and multi-stakeholder objective requires an integrative framework. We applied the panarchy conceptual framework to two cases of participatory research with small quinoa producers: a local fair in Chile and quinoa export production in Bolivia. In both (...)
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    Maria Antonietta Barbàra Valenti, Estratti catenari esegetici greci. Ricerche sul Cantico dei cantici e altro.Giovanni Maria Vian - 2020 - Augustinianum 60 (2):608-609.
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  43. Beyond the Educational Context: Relevance of Intrinsic Reading Motivation During COVID-19 Confinement in Spain.Raquel De Sixte, Inmaculada Fajardo, Amelia Mañá, Álvaro Jáñez, Marta Ramos, María García-Serrano, Federica Natalizi, Barbara Arfé & Javier Rosales - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    What role could have intrinsic motivation toward reading in an extraordinary situation like the recent confinement? This research examines the relationship between intrinsic reading motivation and reading habits in an adult population considering types of reading, gender, and distress generated by the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Participants were 3,849 adults from Spain who were surveyed about their reading practices: before, during the first weeks, and after several weeks of confinement. Linear mixed effects models were used to analyze data. Results showed (...)
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  44. María Bárbara de Braganza, princesa de Asturias.M. T. Barrenechea - unknown
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    Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Well-Being During 8 March Demonstrations.Larraitz N. Zumeta, Pablo Castro-Abril, Lander Méndez, José J. Pizarro, Anna Włodarczyk, Nekane Basabe, Ginés Navarro-Carrillo, Sonia Padoan-De Luca, Silvia da Costa, Itziar Alonso-Arbiol, Bárbara Torres-Gómez, Huseyin Cakal, Gisela Delfino, Elza M. Techio, Carolina Alzugaray, Marian Bilbao, Loreto Villagrán, Wilson López-López, José Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez, Cynthia C. Cedeño, Carlos Reyes-Valenzuela, Laura Alfaro-Beracoechea, Carlos Contreras-Ibáñez, Manuel Leonardo Ibarra, Hiram Reyes-Sosa, Rosa María Cueto, Catarina L. Carvalho & Isabel R. Pinto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    8 March, now known as International Women’s Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effects. This work aims to explore the mechanisms involved in participation in the demonstrations of 8 March 2020, collective and ritualized feminist actions, and their correlates associated with personal (...)
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  46. Count on dopamine: influences of COMT polymorphisms on numerical cognition.Annelise Júlio-Costa, Andressa M. Antunes, Júlia B. Lopes-Silva, Bárbara C. Moreira, Gabrielle S. Vianna, Guilherme Wood, Maria R. S. Carvalho & Vitor G. Haase - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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  47. State of the Art on Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues Linked to Audio- and Video-Based AAL Solutions.Alin Ake-Kob, Aurelija Blazeviciene, Liane Colonna, Anto Cartolovni, Carina Dantas, Anton Fedosov, Francisco Florez-Revuelta, Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Zhicheng He, Andrzej Klimczuk, Maksymilian Kuźmicz, Adrienn Lukacs, Christoph Lutz, Renata Mekovec, Cristina Miguel, Emilio Mordini, Zada Pajalic, Barbara Krystyna Pierscionek, Maria Jose Santofimia Romero, Albert AliSalah, Andrzej Sobecki, Agusti Solanas & Aurelia Tamo-Larrieux - 2021 - Alicante: University of Alicante.
    Ambient assisted living technologies are increasingly presented and sold as essential smart additions to daily life and home environments that will radically transform the healthcare and wellness markets of the future. An ethical approach and a thorough understanding of all ethics in surveillance/monitoring architectures are therefore pressing. AAL poses many ethical challenges raising questions that will affect immediate acceptance and long-term usage. Furthermore, ethical issues emerge from social inequalities and their potential exacerbation by AAL, accentuating the existing access gap between (...)
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  48. Acknowledgment of External Reviewers.Zoubeida Dagher, Charles J. Linder, Barbara J. Reeves, Maria Cecilia Gramajo, Dick Gunstone, Gregory J. Kelly, HsingChi A. Wang, Hugh Lacey, Robin H. Millar & Hans E. Fischer - 2004 - Science & Education 13:153-154.
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    “O peso E o equilíbrio dos fluídos”: Um ataque newtoniano às teses cartesianas do movimento.Raquel Anna Sapunaru, Douglas Frederico Guimarães Santiago, Bárbara Emanuella Souza & Gabriela Maria Pereira Barbosa - 2012 - Synesis 4 (2).
    Descartes estabeleceu conceitos através dos quais explicaria sua tese geral para o movimento dos corpos. Em total desacordo, Newton realizou um ostensivo ataque a teoria cartesiana concluindo que o movimento assumido pelo filosofo francês não deveria ser considerado como um movimento real. O diálogo desenvolvido ao longo da discussão, fundamentada na teoria newtoniana referente à natureza física do mundo, demonstra de forma sutil e refinada as observações precisas feitas por Newton acerca das contradições a que levavam o desenvolvimento dos conceitos (...)
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    Improving Informed Consent: The Medium Is Not the Message.Patricia Agre, Frances A. Campbell, Barbara D. Goldman, Maria L. Boccia, Nancy Kass, Laurence B. McCullough, Jon F. Merz, Suzanne M. Miller, Jim Mintz & Bruce Rapkin - 2003 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 25 (5):S11.
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