Results for 'Encarnació Tor'

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  1.  30
    Allostatic Load Is Linked to Cortical Thickness Changes Depending on Body-Weight Status.Jonatan Ottino-González, María A. Jurado, Isabel García-García, Bàrbara Segura, Idoia Marqués-Iturria, María J. Sender-Palacios, Encarnació Tor, Xavier Prats-Soteras, Xavier Caldú, Carme Junqué & Maite Garolera - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  2.  51
    The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down to Size.Tor Norretranders - 1991 - Viking Penguin.
    As John Casti wrote, "Finally, a book that really does explain consciousness." This groundbreaking work by Denmark's leading science writer draws on psychology, evolutionary biology, information theory, and other disciplines to argue its revolutionary point: that consciousness represents only an infinitesimal fraction of our ability to process information. Although we are unaware of it, our brains sift through and discard billions of pieces of data in order to allow us to understand the world around us. In fact, most of what (...)
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    Mortal and Divine in Early Greek Epistemology: A Study of Hesiod, Xenophanes and Parmenides.Shaul Tor - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book demonstrates that we need not choose between seeing so-called Presocratic thinkers as rational philosophers or as religious sages. In particular, it rethinks fundamentally the emergence of systematic epistemology and reflection on speculative inquiry in Hesiod, Xenophanes and Parmenides. Shaul Tor argues that different forms of reasoning, and different models of divine disclosure, play equally integral, harmonious and mutually illuminating roles in early Greek epistemology. Throughout, the book relates these thinkers to their religious, literary and historical surroundings. It is (...)
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    Base-extension semantics for intuitionistic sentential logic.Tor Sandqvist - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (5):719-731.
    Intuitionistic sentential logic is shown to be sound and complete with respect to a semantics centered around extensions of atomic bases (i.e. sets of inference rules for atomic sentences). The result is made possible through a non-standard interpretation of disjunction, whereby, roughly speaking, a disjunction is taken to hold just in case every atomic sentence that follows from each of the disjuncts separately holds; it is argued that this interpretation makes good sense provided that rules in atomic bases are conceived (...)
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    A process theory of organization.Tor Hernes - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Part 1. Some problems of organization theory and the potential of process organization theory -- Why assumptions in organization theory do not work for explaining organizing in a world on the move -- Assumptions for organizing in a world on the move -- Part 2. Toward a process theory of organization -- Temporality and process -- Organization, meaning structures, and time -- Articulatory models and agency -- Part 3. Process theory and selected aspects of organization management -- Process theory, organizational (...)
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    On why the best should always meet.Tor Sandqvist - 2000 - Economics and Philosophy 16 (2):287-313.
    It seems plausible, even truistic, that when an agent is faced with the choice of giving up one belief or another, the decision should be based on the relative strengths of these beliefs along some dimension of doxastic merit. This said, however, two non-trivial questions arise: (1) Which dimension? (2) How should the contraction outcome be affected by the distribution of beliefs along this dimension?
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    Rethinking the principle of discrimination.Tor Arne Berntsen & Bdrd Mceland - 2013 - In Fritz Allhoff, Nicholas G. Evans & Adam Henschke, Routledge Handbook of Ethics and War: Just War Theory in the 21st Century. Routledge.
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    Side effects of the linguistic construction of others' wickedness.Encarnación Hidalgo Tenorio - 2010 - In Nancy Billias, Promoting and producing evil. New York: Rodopi. pp. 33.
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  9. Classical logic without bivalence.Tor Sandqvist - 2009 - Analysis 69 (2):211-218.
    Semantic justifications of the classical rules of logical inference typically make use of a notion of bivalent truth, understood as a property guaranteed to attach to a sentence or its negation regardless of the prospects for speakers to determine it as so doing. For want of a convincing alternative account of classical logic, some philosophers suspicious of such recognition-transcending bivalence have seen no choice but to declare classical deduction unwarranted and settle for a weaker system; intuitionistic logic in particular, buttressed (...)
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  10.  16
    Crossing Hands in the Russian Cards Problem.Tor Hagland & Thomas Ågotnes - 2021 - In Sujata Ghosh & Thomas Icard, Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 8th International Workshop, Lori 2021, Xi’an, China, October 16–18, 2021, Proceedings. Springer Verlag. pp. 102-110.
    The Russian Cards Problem has been extensively studied as an example of a problem of an unconditionally secure protocol where the sender and receiver are able to transmit secret information safely over a public non-secure channel without the secret being learned by a third party with access to the channel. Epistemic logic in general and public announcement logic in particular have been very useful in this study, as it involves careful analysis of subtle properties of nested knowledge. A long standing (...)
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  11.  36
    Empedocles the Wandering Daimōn and Trusting in Mad Strife.Shaul Tor - 2022 - Phronesis 68 (1):1-30.
    This article argues that Empedocles’ trust in Strife (DK31 B115.14 = LM22 D10.14) is not, as the prevailing interpretation has it, only a past misjudgement and failure. Rather, trust in Strife still, and to his own lament, infects Empedocles’ mind and informs his life. This detail then offers a fresh perspective on Empedocles’ self-conception and on how, through the daimōn’s cosmic peregrinations, Empedocles raises and pursues questions of agency and responsibility. Furthermore, it sheds light on Empedocles’ understanding of his own (...)
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  12.  17
    Early Greek Philosophy.Shaul Tor - 2024 - Phronesis 70 (1):119-127.
  13.  64
    Understanding organization as process: theory for a tangled world.Tor Hernes - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    Organization in a tangled world -- Process views of organization -- Alfred North Whitehead on process -- Bruno Latour on relativizing the social, and the becoming of networks -- Niklas Luhmann on autopoiesis and recursiveness in social systems -- James March on decision processes and organization : a logic of streams -- Karl Weick on organizing and sensemaking -- A scheme for process based organizational analysis -- Some implications for organizational analysis.
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  14.  68
    Sextus and Wittgenstein on the End of Justification.Shaul Tor - 2014 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 4 (2):81-108.
    Following the lead of Duncan Pritchard’s “Wittgensteinian Pyrrhonism,” this paper takes a further, comparative and contrastive look at the problem of justification in Sextus Empiricus and in Wittgenstein’sOn Certainty. I argue both that Pritchard’s stimulating account is problematic in certain important respects and that his insights contain much interpretive potential still to be pursued. Diverging from Pritchard, I argue that it is a significant and self-conscious aspect of Sextus’ sceptical strategies to call into question large segments of our belief systemen (...)
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    Felles evner til kunnskap om natur og samfunn?Tor Claussen - 2007 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 41 (3):241-255.
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    Liv, død – evig liv.Tor Claussen - 2019 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 54 (3):131-150.
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  17. Acceptance, inference, and the multiple-conclusion sequent.Tor Sandqvist - 2012 - Synthese 187 (3):913-924.
    This paper offers an interpretation of multiple-conclusion sequents as a kind of meta-inference rule: just as single-conclusion sequents represent inferences from sentences to sentences, so multiple-conclusion sequents represent a certain kind of inference from single-conclusion sequents to single-conclusion sequents. The semantics renders sound and complete the standard structural rules of reflexivity, monotonicity (or thinning), and transitivity (or cut). The paper is not the first one to attempt to account for multiple-conclusion sequents without invoking notions of truth or falsity—but unlike earlier (...)
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  18.  35
    Rayy and the Religious History of the Seljūq Period.D. G. Tor - 2016 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 93 (2):374-402.
    Historically, the years between the start of the tenth century AD and the mid-twelfth century witnessed dramatic socio-political and religious convulsions and transformation. This article first adumbrates the political role of Rayy, then gives an overview of the major trends in the religious history of the Seljūq period. These included the promotion and spread of the madrasa, with its accompanying madhhab -based ʿaṣabiyya and violence; paradoxically, a reduction in the level of violence against dhimmīs and Shiʿites; the final acceptance of (...)
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  19.  67
    Sextus Empiricus on Xenophanes' Scepticism.Shaul Tor - 2013 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 3 (1):1-23.
    Sextus’ interpretation of Xenophanes’ scepticism in M 7.49–52 is often cited but has never been subject to detailed analysis. Such analysis reveals that Sextus’ interpretation raises far more complex problems than has been recognised. Scholars invariably assume one of two ways of construing his account of Xenophanes B34, without observing that the choice between these two alternatives poses an interpretive dilemma. Some scholars take it that Sextus ascribes to Xenophanes the view that one may have knowledge without knowing that one (...)
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    Beethovens taushet – Ode til gleden ved innvielsen av et konserthus.Tor Ulven - 2013 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 31 (1-2):257-264.
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    Kant i lys av den «lingvistiske vending». Hva om Kant fortolkes alternativt?Tor Claussen - 2018 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 53 (1):28-39.
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  22. Reflections on the Empirical Applicability of Mathematics.Tor Sandqvist - 2018 - In Sven Ove Hansson, Technology and Mathematics: Philosophical and Historical Investigations. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  23.  49
    The Subformula Property In Classical Natural Deduction Established Constructively.Tor Sandqvist - 2012 - Review of Symbolic Logic 5 (4):710-719.
    A constructive proof is provided for the claim that classical first-order logic admits of a natural deduction formulation featuring the subformula property.
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  24. Parmenides’ Epistemology and the Two Parts of his Poem.Shaul Tor - 2015 - Phronesis 60 (1):3-39.
    _ Source: _Volume 60, Issue 1, pp 3 - 39 This paper pursues a new approach to the problem of the relation between Alētheia and Doxa. It investigates as interrelated matters Parmenides’ impetus for developing and including Doxa, his conception of the mortal epistemic agent in relation both to Doxa’s investigations and to those in Alētheia, and the relation between mortal and divine in his poem. Parmenides, it is argued, maintained that Doxastic cognition is an ineluctable and even appropriate aspect (...)
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  25.  41
    Applying precipitate–host lattice coherency for compositional determination of precipitates in Al–Mg–Si–Cu alloys.M. Torsæter, F. J. H. Ehlers, C. D. Marioara, S. J. Andersen & R. Holmestad - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (31):3833-3856.
  26. Mennesket i samfunnet.Tor Aukrust - 1965 - Oslo,: Land og kirke.
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    Clinical Commentary.Tor Phern Chern - 2013 - Asian Bioethics Review 5 (3):235-237.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Clinical CommentaryTor Phern Chern, Associate ConsultantThe case scenario describes a difficult clinical and ethical challenge of a psychiatric patient refusing treatment in the context of a treatment-resistant condition that may be affecting her capacity to refuse treatment.The patient described in the case scenario displayed partial treatment refusal as evidenced by her refusal of ECT and adherence with medication and her voluntary hospital admission. Partial treatment refusal is generally more (...)
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    Preservation of structural properties in intuitionistic extensions of an inference relation.Tor Sandqvist - 2018 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 24 (3):291-305.
    The article approaches cut elimination from a new angle. On the basis of an arbitrary inference relation among logically atomic formulae, an inference relation on a language possessing logical operators is defined by means of inductive clauses similar to the operator-introducing rules of a cut-free intuitionistic sequent calculus. The logical terminology of the richer language is not uniquely specified, but assumed to satisfy certain conditions of a general nature, allowing for, but not requiring, the existence of infinite conjunctions and disjunctions. (...)
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  29.  4
    Moral Psychology: A Multidisciplinary Guide.Tor Tarantola & Benjamin G. Voyer (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This fascinating and timely volume explores current thinking on vital topics in moral psychology, spanning the diverse disciplines that contribute to the field. Academics from cognitive science, evolutionary biology, anthropology, philosophy, and political science address ongoing and emerging questions aimed at understanding the thought processes and behaviors that underlie our moral codes-and our transgressions. Cross-cutting themes speak to individual, interpersonal, and collective morality in such areas as the development of ethical behavior, responses to violations of rules, moral judgments in the (...)
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  30. Environmental degradation and Marginalization.Tor Benjaminsen - 2015 - In Thomas Albert Perreault, Gavin Bridge & James McCarthy, The Routledge handbook of political ecology. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Teaching Online.Tor Söderström - 2011 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 1 (4):10-21.
    This article examines adult online education by investigating the complex relationship between technology and community. The aim was to explore online teaching in relation to the handbook dilemma teachers meet in their teacher profession by focusing on participation and sharing opportunities. This study analysed several handbooks that aim to help teachers design and implement online education. The advice in the handbooks was contrasted against two empirical cases. Specifically, the study examined how two cases – online adult education courses and special (...)
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  32. Argument and Signification in Sextus Empiricus: against the Mathematicians VIII. 289–290.Shaul Tor - 2010 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science:63-90.
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  33.  27
    Encoding variability with imagery instructions in paired—associate transfer.Phillip B. Tor & Joel S. Freund - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (1):12-14.
  34.  36
    The Political Revival of the Abbasid Caliphate: Al-Muqtafī and the Seljuqs.D. G. Tor - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (2):301.
    The reign of the Abbasid caliph al-Muqtafī was one of great historical significance. Despite his having been chosen and elevated to the caliphate by the Seljuq sultans during the nadir of Abbasid power, after they had murdered one caliph and deposed another, it was al-Muqtafī who finally succeeded in reestablishing Abbasid political rule over Iraq. This article traces the course of al-Muqtafī’s relations with the Seljuq sultans, analyzes how and why he succeeded in reviving Abbasid political rule, and considers the (...)
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    Responsibility Considerations and the Design of Health Care Policies: A Survey Study of the Norwegian Population.Cornelius Cappelen, Tor Midtbø & Kristine Bærøe - 2022 - HEC Forum 34 (2):115-138.
    The objective of this article is to explore people’s attitudes toward responsibility in the allocation of public health care resources. Special attention is paid to conceptualizations of responsibility involving blame and sanctions. A representative sample of the Norwegian population was asked about various responsibility mechanisms that have been proposed in the theoretical literature on health care and personal responsibility, from denial of treatment to a tax on unhealthy consumer goods. Survey experiments were employed to study treatment effects, such as whether (...)
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  36. “The Taste Approach”. Governance beyond Libertarian paternalism.Tor Otterholt - 2010 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 1 (1):57-80.
    Well-being can be promoted in two ways. Firstly, by affecting the quantity, quality and allocation of bundles of consumption (the Resource Approach), and secondly, by influencing how people benefit from their goods (the Taste Approach). Whereas the former is considered an ingredient of economic analysis, the latter has conventionally not been included in that field. By identifying the gain the Taste Approach might yield, the article questions whether this asymmetry is justified. If successfully exercised, the Taste Approach might not only (...)
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  37.  31
    Dominus conduxit me inter Mos, et feci misericordiam cum Ulis (Test 2): Francis of Assisi and Mercy.Michael J. Higgins Tor - 2006 - Franciscan Studies 64 (1):17-32.
  38.  11
    Å være lovet et land.Tor Eystein Øverås - 2011 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 29 (2-3):85-94.
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    Mortal and Divine in Xenophanes' Epistemology.Shaul Tor - 2013 - Rhizomata 1 (2):248-282.
  40.  20
    Ethics Training in the Norwegian Defence Forces.Tor Arne Berntsen & Raag Rolfsen - 2008 - In Paul Robinson, Nigel De Lee & Don Carrick, Ethics Education in the Military. Ashgate.
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    Circularities in the Analysis of Counterfactuals.Tor Sandqvist - 2003 - Studia Logica 73 (2):281-298.
    Expanding on a discussion by Hansson, this paper treats of Goodman's and Lewis' accounts of counterfactual conditionals, comparing the senses in which these theories may be accused of circularity. While I do maintain that in this respect Lewis has an edge over Goodman, the paper's aim is not so much to reach a firm conclusion as to disentangle some previously conflated aspects of the issue. It is also suggested that the importance of avoiding circularity may vary depending on the philosophical (...)
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  42. The brain basis of emotion: A meta-analytic review.Kristen A. Lindquist, Tor D. Wager, Hedy Kober, Eliza Bliss-Moreau & Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (3):121-143.
    Researchers have wondered how the brain creates emotions since the early days of psychological science. With a surge of studies in affective neuroscience in recent decades, scientists are poised to answer this question. In this target article, we present a meta-analytic summary of the neuroimaging literature on human emotion. We compare the locationist approach (i.e., the hypothesis that discrete emotion categories consistently and specifically correspond to distinct brain regions) with the psychological constructionist approach (i.e., the hypothesis that discrete emotion categories (...)
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  43. White as snow or milk?Tor Hernes, Gerhard E. Schjelderup & Anne Live Vaagaasar - 2009 - In Christina Garsten & Tor Hernes, Ethical dilemmas in management. New York: Routledge.
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    The corporation and its employees: A case story. [REVIEW]Tor Dahl - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (8):641 - 645.
    One of the main objectives in the information society is to improve the quality of life. — Paying attention to the needs of people seems to be a key element in good ethical behaviour, says Tor Dahl, Managing Director of Manpower Scandinavia. In defining these needs, Manpower used Abraham Maslow's famous pyramid, his hierarchy of needs, as a model for trying to satisfy in practise the needs on each level.However, they went a step further, asking; what comes after Maslow? To (...)
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  45. F0rland," The Ideal Explanatory Text in History: A Plea for Ecumenism,".Tor Egil - 2004 - History and Theory 43:321-340.
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    Mental Effort When Playing, Listening, and Imagining Music in One Pianist’s Eyes and Brain.Tor Endestad, Rolf Inge Godøy, Markus Handal Sneve, Thomas Hagen, Agata Bochynska & Bruno Laeng - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  47.  33
    In the Garden of Myrtles: Studies in Early Islamic Mysticism.Ali S. Asani, Tor Andrae & Birgitta Sharpe - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (4):705.
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    Darwin en Sevilla: Antonio Machado y Núñez y los darwinistas sevillanos.Encarnación Aguilar Criado (ed.) - 2010 - Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, Secretariado de Publicaciones.
    Con motivo del bicentenario del nacimiento de Darwin, esta obra realiza un recorrido por la Teoría de la Evolución a partir del patrimonio bibliográfico y científico de la Universidad de Sevilla. Sus autores muestran la vigencia actual de esta teoría y el papel de Antonio Machado y Núñez, destacado darwinista de la Sevilla de finales del XIX.
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    The effects of the serotonin transporter polymorphism and age on frontal white matter integrity in healthy adult women.Rune Jonassen, Tor Endestad, Alexander Neumeister, Kari B. Foss Haug, Jens P. Berg & Nils I. Landrø - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  50. Vigencia del filosofar: homenaje a Héctor D. Mandrioni.Hećtor Delfor Mandrioni, Marie-France Bequé de Gilotaux, Fischer de Díez, María Raquel & María Gabriela Rebok (eds.) - 1991 - Buenos Aires, Argentina ;: Ediciones Paulinas.
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