Results for 'Mareike Pazen'

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  1.  54
    Event-based prospective memory in depression: The impact of cue focality.Mareike Altgassen, Matthias Kliegel & Mike Martin - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (6):1041-1055.
  2.  34
    Testing Reflexive Practitioner Dialogues: Capacities for Socio-technical Integration in Meditation Research.Mareike Smolka & Erik Fisher - 2024 - NanoEthics 18 (1):1-26.
    To put frameworks of Responsible Innovation and Responsible Research and Innovation (R(R)I) into practice, engagement methods have been developed to study and enhance technoscientific experts’ capacities to reflexively address value considerations in their work. These methods commonly rely on engagement between technoscientific experts and social scholars, which makes them vulnerable to structural barriers to interdisciplinary collaboration. To circumvent these barriers, we adapt Socio-Technical Integration Research (STIR) for broader use within technoscientific communities. We call this adaptation: reflexive practitioner dialogues. While the (...)
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    The Role of Blinks, Microsaccades and their Retinal Consequences in Bistable Motion Perception.Mareike Brych, Supriya Murali & Barbara Händel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Eye-related movements such as blinks and microsaccades are modulated during bistable perceptual tasks. However, if they play an active role during internal perceptual switches is not known. We conducted two experiments involving an ambiguous plaid stimulus, wherein participants were asked to continuously report their percept, which could consist of either unidirectional coherent or bidirectional component movement. Our main results show that blinks and microsaccades did not facilitate perceptual switches. On the contrary, a reduction in eye movements preceded the perceptual switch. (...)
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  4.  16
    Feminist Arrivals: The Arc of Refusal and the Right to (Leave) the City.Mareike Gebhardt - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (1):37-43.
    The paper discusses the three stations of an arc of refusal elaborated in Bonnie Honig’s recent book A Feminist Theory of Refusal (2021). Asking why a feminist refusal needs to return to the city, the paper claims a right to leave the city without returning. The critique reads Honig’s recent book in the light of former publications, especially Honig’s Political Theory and the Displacement of Politics from 1993. It shows how a thinking of the ambivalence between settlement and unsettlement shapes (...)
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    Public Awareness, Attitude and Empathy Regarding the Management of Surplus Dairy Calves.Mareike Herrler, Mizeck G. G. Chagunda & Nanette Stroebele-Benschop - 2023 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 36 (2):1-18.
    Media reports are increasingly drawing attention to animal welfare issues related to surplus calves in dairy farming. Most calves born on conventional or organic dairy farms in Baden-Wuerttemberg (southern Germany) which are not needed for breeding or as replacement heifers are sold at about two to five weeks of age to conventional fattening farms located in northern Germany or other European countries. Associated animal welfare concerns pose an ethical issue, especially for organic dairy farms. In the present study, a representative (...)
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  6.  17
    Die Veränderungen der Berufsbilder in der Printpresse: Die Saarbrücker Zeitung.Mareike Egnolff - 2010 - In Michael Kuderna, Rainer Hudemann & Clemens Zimmermann, Medienlandschaft Saar: Von 1945 Bis in Die Gegenwart. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 363-390.
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  7.  16
    A Mixed-Methods Investigation of Medical Follow-Up in Long-Term Childhood Cancer Survivors: What Are the Reasons for Non-Attendance?Mareike Ernst, Elmar Brähler, Jörg Faber, Philipp S. Wild, Hiltrud Merzenich & Manfred E. Beutel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As long-term childhood cancer survivors are at risk for late effects, ongoing medical care is crucial to detect and treat physical illnesses as early as possible. However, previous research from around the world has shown that many adult survivors did not participate in long-term medical follow-up. This study aimed to provide insight into German survivors’ care situation, with a particular focus on barriers to follow-up care. We investigated a sample of adult CCS drawn from the German Childhood Cancer Registry’s oldest (...)
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  8.  26
    Die Regierung der Anderen.Mareike Gebhardt - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 8 (1).
    Zusammenfassung: Der Beitrag nimmt eine politiktheoretisch-dispositivanalytische Perspektive ein. Er zeigt auf, inwiefern im mediterranen Grenzraum Europas nicht nur Mechanismen wirksam werden, die Migrant*innen verandern, sondern sie töten. Die letale VerAnderung vollzieht sich im europäischen Grenzregime innerhalb eines militärisch-humanitären Komplexes, in dem über Vergeschlechtlichung und Rassifizierung Migrant*innen mit spezifischen Affekten verkoppelt und dadurch de-/humanisiert werden. Durch diese Regierung der Anderen sollen regressive Migrationspolitik und ein repressives Grenzregime plausibilisiert werden. Der Heterogenität des Grenzregimes Rechnung tragend diskutiert der Beitrag die diskursive Produktion des (...)
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  9.  29
    Kollektivitäten im Zwiestreit: Verheißungen, Ambivalenzen, Fallstricke.Mareike Kajewski & Thomas Telios - 2018 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 4 (1):7-20.
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    The Emergence of Lying for Reputational Concerns in 5-Year-Olds.Mareike Klafka & Ulf Liszkowski - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research suggests that even young children engage in strategic behaviors to manipulate the impressions others form of them and that they manage their reputation in order to cooperate with others. The current study investigated whether young children also lie in order to manage their, or their group’s, reputation in front of ingroup and outgroup members. Five-year old children were randomly assigned to an individual reputation condition or a group reputation condition. Then, they played a mini dictator game in which they (...)
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  11.  28
    (1 other version)Vergänglichkeit in Serie: Erkenntnisprozesse des Werdens und Vergehens in der Fernsehserie Hannibal.Mareike Post - 2018 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 27 (2):137-155.
    Die Art-House-Ästhetik der Fernsehserie Hannibal entfacht eine düstere Bilderwelt, die von verschiedenen Symbolen der Vanitas erfüllt ist. Jedoch erweist sich nicht nur die Symbolik, sondern vielmehr die Gestaltung eines eigenen Zeitparadigmas, das durch die formende Kraft des Seriellen erzeugt wird, als zentraler Bezug zur barocken Denkfigur: Die ästhetische Modellierung von Zeit entfaltet eigene Formen der Zeitenthobenheit sowie der simultanen Präsenz und versucht zugleich das Vergängliche medial zu überwinden. Dabei lotet die Serie einerseits die Schönheit des Vergehens wie die des Verfalls (...)
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  12.  3
    Revolt and Revolution: On the Political Mobilization of the Peasant in Georg Büchner’s “The Hessian Messenger” (1834).Mareike Schildmann - 2024 - Substance 53 (3):49-72.
    This article takes Georg Büchner’s pamphlet “The Hessian Messenger,” written in 1834 in collaboration with the theologian and revolutionist Friedrich Weidig, as a starting point to explore the literary forms of peasant agitation and mobilization in the context of the German Vormärz (c. 1830–1848). Against the background of the conceptualization of the peasant as a genuinely conservative and anti-revolutionary force in the theory of the mid-19th century, elaborated by such different thinkers like Karl Marx and Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl, this article (...)
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  13. Menschenleer : der Tat-Ort in Benjamins Schriften zur Photographie.Mareike Stoll - 2012 - In Carolin Duttlinger, Ben Morgan & Tony Phelan, Walter Benjamins anthropologisches Denken. Freiburg: Rombach.
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    Burnout undermines empathising: do induced burnout symptoms impair cognitive and affective empathy?Mareike Trauernicht, Elisa Oppermann, Uta Klusmann & Yvonne Anders - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (1):185-192.
    Empathy is crucial for the quality of social interactions and thus highly relevant in human service professions. At the same time, people belonging to this occupational group are especially vulnerable to developing burnout symptoms. With this study, we aimed to investigate the causal link between burnout symptoms and empathy by using a novel experimental design. Our participants (N = 355; 44.5% women; Mage = 36.37) filled out an online questionnaire; in an autobiographical memory task, the experimental group retrieved previous burnout (...)
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  15. Time of day effects on problem solving: When the non-optimal is optimal.Mareike B. Wieth & Rose T. Zacks - 2011 - Thinking and Reasoning 17 (4):387 - 401.
    In a study examining the effects of time of day on problem solving, participants solved insight and analytic problems at their optimal or non-optimal time of day. Given the presumed differences in the cognitive processes involved in solving these two types of problems, it was expected that the reduced inhibitory control associated with non-optimal times of the day would differentially impact performance on the two types of problems. In accordance with this expectation, results showed consistently greater insight problem solving performance (...)
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  16.  56
    Appetitive Aggression and Adverse Childhood Experiences Shape Violent Behavior in Females Formerly Associated with Combat.Mareike Augsburger, Danie Meyer-Parlapanis, Manassé Bambonye, Thomas Elbert & Anselm Crombach - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Generative Critique in Interdisciplinary Collaborations: From Critique in and of the Neurosciences to Socio-Technical Integration Research as a Practice of Critique in R(R)I.Mareike Smolka - 2020 - NanoEthics 14 (1):1-19.
    Discourses on Responsible Innovation and Responsible Research and Innovation, in short RI, have revolved around but not elaborated on the notion of critique. In this article, generative critique is introduced to RI as a practice that sits in-between adversarial armchair critique and co-opted, uncritical service. How to position oneself and be positioned on this spectrum has puzzled humanities scholars and social scientists who engage in interdisciplinary collaborations with scientists, engineers, and other professionals. Recently, generative critique has been presented as a (...)
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  18.  9
    Simplicius on the Relation between Quality and Qualified.Mareike Hauer - 2016 - Méthexis 28 (1):111-140.
    Simplicius claims in his Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories that quality is prior to the qualified according to nature. However, in an interesting passage in the same commentary, Simplicius describes the relation between quality and qualified in such a way that it strongly suggests an ontological simultaneity. The aim of this paper is to clarify Simplicius’ notion of natural priority and to investigate the extent to which the assumption of a natural priority of the quality over the qualified is compatible with (...)
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  19.  20
    Simplicius on predication.Mareike Hauer - 2015 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 2:173-199.
    Cet article se propose d’étudier la discussion de la conception aristotélicienne de la prédication chez Simplicius, et notamment de la relation entre la prédication synonyme et la prédication essentielle. Tant dans l’œuvre d’Aristote que dans le Commentaire sur les Catégories d’Aristote de Simplicius, il y a un lien étroit entre les deux formes de prédication. Dans la littérature scientifique sur Aristote, on trouve l’hypothèse que, pour Aristote, la prédication synonyme implique la prédication essentielle. On trouve également l’argument selon lequel cette (...)
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  20.  65
    Succumbing to the Call of Violence – Sex-Linked Development of Appetitive Aggression in Relation to Familial and Organized Violence.Mareike Augsburger, Danie Meyer-Parlapanis, Thomas Elbert, Corina Nandi, Manassé Bambonye & Anselm Crombach - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  21.  42
    Motherhood and the Construction of Gendered Identity: An Exploration of Middle Eastern and North African Harems.Mareike Friedrich - 2015 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 6 (2).
  22.  9
    Politisches Handeln in der postmodernen Konstellation: kritische Demokratietheorie nach Hannah Arendt und Jürgen Habermas.Mareike Gebhardt - 2014 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Kenneth Gergen’s concept of multi-being: an application to the nurse–patient relationship.Mareike Hechinger, Hanna Mayer & André Fringer - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (4):599-611.
    The nurse–patient relationship is of great significance for both nurses and patients. The purpose of this article is to gain an understanding of how the individual is constituted through a focus on the execution of the patient’s and nurse’s role in the joint relationship. The article represents a social-constructionist consideration using Kenneth Gergen’s concept of multi-being. Gergen’s notions of the self as a multi-being focuses on the individual’s relational character through former relationships and social interactions. Gergen’s concept is applied onto (...)
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    Revolution und Kollektivität: Zur Form revolutionären Handelns.Mareike Kajewski - 2018 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 4 (1):265-282.
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    Dalāʾil al-Nubuwwa Literature as Part of the Medieval Scholarly Discourse on Prophecy.Mareike Koertner - 2018 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 95 (1):91-109.
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    Jule Jakob Govrin: Sex, Gott und Kapital. Michel Houellebecqs Unterwerfung zwischen neoreaktionärer Rhetorik und postsäkularen Politiken.Mareike Trawnik - 2018 - Feministische Studien 36 (2):421-422.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 36 Heft: 2 Seiten: 421-422.
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  27.  21
    Use of a Creative Problem Solving Approach in a Senior Thesis Course to Advance Undergraduate Publications.Mareike B. Wieth, Andrea P. Francis & Andrew N. Christopher - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Grasping language – A short story on embodiment☆.Doreen Jirak, Mareike M. Menz, Giovanni Buccino, Anna M. Borghi & Ferdinand Binkofski - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (3):711-720.
    The new concept of embodied cognition theories has been enthusiastically studied by the cognitive sciences, by as well as such disparate disciplines as philosophy, anthropology, neuroscience, and robotics. Embodiment theory provides the framework for ongoing discussions on the linkage between “low” cognitive processes as perception and “high” cognition as language processing and comprehension, respectively. This review gives an overview along the lines of argumentation in the ongoing debate on the embodiment of language and employs an ALE meta-analysis to illustrate and (...)
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  29.  39
    (Post-)Truth, populism and the simulation of parrhesia: A feminist critique of truth-telling after Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault.Mareike Gebhardt - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (2):178-191.
    Following tropes of light and dark in Amanda Gorman’s poem ‘The Hill We Climb’, the article explores, from a feminist perspective, who counts as a truth-teller. Against the backdrop of Hannah Arendt’s and Michel Foucault’s works on truth-telling, the article theorizes feminist modes of truth-telling. It scrutinizes truth-making in politics while unearthing the andro-centrism in truth-telling. Under the impression of post-truth rhetoric in recent populist landscapes, the article argues for a feminist and intersectional articulation of truth-telling to disclose the gendered (...)
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    Saige Walton (2016) Cinema's Baroque Flesh: Film, Phenomenology and the Art of Entanglement.Mareike Sera - 2018 - Film-Philosophy 22 (2):302-305.
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    Articulating Dinosaurs: A Political Anthropology[REVIEW]Mareike Vennen - 2018 - Isis 109 (4):876-878.
  32.  30
    ISAGOGICAL PATTERNS IN ANCIENT TEXTS - (A.) Motta, (F.M.) Petrucci (edd.) Isagogical Crossroads from the Early Imperial Age to the End of Antiquity. (Philosophia Antiqua 164.) Pp. xii + 269. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2022. Cased, €130, US$156. ISBN: 978-90-04-50618-3. [REVIEW]Mareike Hauer - 2024 - The Classical Review 74 (2):617-620.
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    Knowledge of childhood: materiality, text, and the history of science – an interdisciplinary round table discussion.Felix Rietmann, Mareike Schildmann, Caroline Arni, Daniel Thomas Cook, Davide Giuriato, Novina Göhlsdorf & Wangui Muigai - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Science 50 (1):111-141.
    This round table discussion takes the diversity of discourse and practice shaping modern knowledge about childhood as an opportunity to engage with recent historiographical approaches in the history of science. It draws attention to symmetries and references among scientific, material, literary and artistic cultures and their respective forms of knowledge. The five participating scholars come from various fields in the humanities and social sciences and allude to historiographical and methodological questions through a range of examples. Topics include the emergence of (...)
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  34.  42
    III. ABTEILUNG Bibliographische Notizen und Mitteilungen.Albrecht Berger & Mareike Hubel - 2017 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 110 (2):233-623.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 110 Heft: 2 Seiten: 233-623.
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    The design of patient decision support interventions: addressing the theory–practice gap.Glyn Elwyn, Mareike Stiel, Marie-Anne Durand & Jacky Boivin - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):565-574.
  36.  15
    Raum und Zeit: Denkformen des Politischen bei Hannah Arendt.Karlfriedrich Herb, Mareike Gebhardt & Kathrin Morgenstern (eds.) - 2014 - Frankfurt am Main: Campus.
    Der Band wagt eine Deutung von Arendts Gesamtwerk: Im Zentrum stehen dabei die Kategorien Raum und Zeit für eine Neuinterpretation des Politischen. Erst so gewinnt Arendts Rehabilitierung des politischen Denkens ihre produktive Dynamik und geschichtseröffnende Perspektive. Herausgelöst aus den Vereinnahmungen durch Neoaristotelismus und Republikanismus erscheint Arendt als kritische und postmoderne Denkerin.
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    The Limits of Responsibilization? Responsibility Boundary-Work Through Visions in the Case of Neuromorphic Computing.Philipp Neudert, Mareike Smolka & Stefan Böschen - forthcoming - Minerva:1-28.
    Visions and imaginaries have been longstanding research topics in Science and Technology Studies. Visions of sociotechnical change often ascribe responsibility for achieving the desired change to specific actors. However, there is little research on how visions create, change, and preserve responsibilities in the present. Drawing on Vision Assessment, we present a case-study on visions of neuromorphic computing in NeuroSys, a research and innovation cluster located in the Aachen region in Germany, which develops brain-inspired computing technology, also known as neuromorphic computing. (...)
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    Das Gewissen im Recht, oder, Wo kann das Gewissen noch Recht haben?: eine Untersuchung zur Krise des modernen Gewissens und ihrer Bewältigung.Lisa Mareike Ostendorf - 2020 - Berlin: Peter Lang.
    Ziel der Dissertation ist die Entwicklung einer Antwort auf die Frage, wo das Gewissen als Sachverhalt, auf den das Recht an vielen Stellen rekurriert, in einer pluralistischen Welt noch eine objektive Grundlage, einen Rückhalt finden kann. Hierfür wird das Gewissen aus einer Teilnehmerperspektive als genuin menschliche Haltung verstanden.
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  39. Introduction: Doxography: Ends and Means.Andreas Lammer & Mareike Jas - 2022 - In Andreas Lammer & Mareike Jas, Received Opinions: Doxography in Antiquity and the Islamic World. Boston: BRILL.
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    Received Opinions: Doxography in Antiquity and the Islamic World.Andreas Lammer & Mareike Jas (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: BRILL.
    This volume brings together, for the first time, experts on Greek, Syriac, and Arabic traditions of doxography, in order to investigate and present shared contexts and questions, and to initiate future collaboration among the fields of classics, Arabic studies, and the history of philosophy.
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    Are abstract action words embodied? An fMRI investigation at the interface between language and motor cognition.Katrin Sakreida, Claudia Scorolli, Mareike M. Menz, Stefan Heim, Anna M. Borghi & Ferdinand Binkofski - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  42.  30
    Adolescent Basic Facial Emotion Recognition Is Not Influenced by Puberty or Own-Age Bias.Nora C. Vetter, Mandy Drauschke, Juliane Thieme & Mareike Altgassen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  43. International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research on Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation.Adam D. Farmer, Adam Strzelczyk, Alessandra Finisguerra, Alexander V. Gourine, Alireza Gharabaghi, Alkomiet Hasan, Andreas M. Burger, Andrés M. Jaramillo, Ann Mertens, Arshad Majid, Bart Verkuil, Bashar W. Badran, Carlos Ventura-Bort, Charly Gaul, Christian Beste, Christopher M. Warren, Daniel S. Quintana, Dorothea Hämmerer, Elena Freri, Eleni Frangos, Eleonora Tobaldini, Eugenijus Kaniusas, Felix Rosenow, Fioravante Capone, Fivos Panetsos, Gareth L. Ackland, Gaurav Kaithwas, Georgia H. O'Leary, Hannah Genheimer, Heidi I. L. Jacobs, Ilse Van Diest, Jean Schoenen, Jessica Redgrave, Jiliang Fang, Jim Deuchars, Jozsef C. Széles, Julian F. Thayer, Kaushik More, Kristl Vonck, Laura Steenbergen, Lauro C. Vianna, Lisa M. McTeague, Mareike Ludwig, Maria G. Veldhuizen, Marijke De Couck, Marina Casazza, Marius Keute, Marom Bikson, Marta Andreatta, Martina D'Agostini, Mathias Weymar, Matthew Betts, Matthias Prigge, Michael Kaess, Michael Roden, Michelle Thai, Nathaniel M. Schuster & Nico Montano - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Given its non-invasive nature, there is increasing interest in the use of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation across basic, translational and clinical research. Contemporaneously, tVNS can be achieved by stimulating either the auricular branch or the cervical bundle of the vagus nerve, referred to as transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation and transcutaneous cervical VNS, respectively. In order to advance the field in a systematic manner, studies using these technologies need to adequately report sufficient methodological detail to enable comparison of results between (...)
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    Qualitative studies involving users of clinical neurotechnology: a scoping review.Georg Starke, Tugba Basaran Akmazoglu, Annalisa Colucci, Mareike Vermehren, Amanda van Beinum, Maria Buthut, Surjo R. Soekadar, Christoph Bublitz, Jennifer A. Chandler & Marcello Ienca - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-14.
    Background The rise of a new generation of intelligent neuroprostheses, brain-computer interfaces (BCI) and adaptive closed-loop brain stimulation devices hastens the clinical deployment of neurotechnologies to treat neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. However, it remains unclear how these nascent technologies may impact the subjective experience of their users. To inform this debate, it is crucial to have a solid understanding how more established current technologies already affect their users. In recent years, researchers have used qualitative research methods to explore the subjective (...)
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    Prospective memory, emotional valence and ageing.Peter G. Rendell, Louise H. Phillips, Julie D. Henry, Tristan Brumby-Rendell, Xochitl de la Piedad Garcia, Mareike Altgassen & Matthias Kliegel - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (5):916-925.
  46. Refining Kitcher's semantics for kind terms, or: Cleaning up the mess.Amrei Bahr, Jan G. Miehel & Mareike Volta - 2013 - In Marie I. Kaiser & Ansgar Seide, Philip Kitcher – Pragmatic Naturalism. Frankfurt/Main, Germany: ontos. pp. 15--91.
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  47. Welterfahrung und Welterschließung in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit (Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zu Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, Band 5).Anna Kathrin Bleuler & Anja-Mareike Klingbeil - 2017
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    Exclusion-Proneness in Borderline Personality Disorder Inpatients Impairs Alliance in Mentalization-Based Group Therapy.Sebastian Euler, Johannes Wrege, Mareike Busmann, Hannah J. Lindenmeyer, Daniel Sollberger, Undine E. Lang, Jens Gaab & Marc Walter - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:319991.
    Interpersonal sensitivity, particularly threat of potential exclusion, is a critical condition in borderline personality disorder (BPD) which impairs patients’ social adjustment. Current evidence-based treatments include group components, such as mentalization-based group therapy (MBT-G), in order to improve interpersonal functioning. These treatments additionally focus on the therapeutic alliance since it was discovered to be a robust predictor of treatment outcome. However, alliance is a multidimensional factor of group therapy, which includes the fellow patients, and may thus be negatively affected by the (...)
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    The Effects of Separate Facial Areas on Emotion Recognition in Different Adult Age Groups: A Laboratory and a Naturalistic Study.Larissa L. Faustmann, Lara Eckhardt, Pauline S. Hamann & Mareike Altgassen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The identification of facial expressions is critical for social interaction. The ability to recognize facial emotional expressions declines with age. These age effects have been associated with differential age-related looking patterns. The present research project set out to systematically test the role of specific facial areas for emotion recognition across the adult lifespan. Study 1 investigated the impact of displaying only separate facial areas versus the full face on emotion recognition in 62 younger and 65 middle-aged adults. Study 2 examined (...)
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    From Affect to Action: Choices in Attending to Disconcertment in Interdisciplinary Collaborations.Alexandra Hausstein, Erik Fisher & Mareike Smolka - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (5):1076-1103.
    Reports from integrative researchers who have followed calls for sociotechnical integration emphasize that the potential of interdisciplinary collaboration to inflect the social shaping of technoscience is often constrained by their liminal position. Integrative researchers tend to be positioned as either adversarial outsiders or co-opted insiders. In an attempt to navigate these dynamics, we show that attending to affective disturbances can open up possibilities for productive engagements across disciplinary divides. Drawing on the work of Helen Verran, we analyze “disconcertment” in three (...)
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