Results for 'Kaushik More'

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  1.  50
    The Preface to Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception: A Re-Introduction.Rajiv Kaushik - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book offers a critical re-appraisal of what is perhaps Merleau-Ponty’s most widely read text, the Preface to his Phenomenology of Perception. Although open and enigmatic text, the Preface is still often used to introduce phenomenology in general and Merleau-Ponty’s work specifically to students, scholars in disciplines other than philosophy, and art practitioners. Taking advantage of the fact that many of his course notes have been posthumously published in the last few decades, this book situates the Preface to the Phenomenology (...)
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    Is the Triple Bottom Line a restrictive framework for non-financial reporting?Kaushik Sridhar - 2012 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 1 (2):89 - 121.
    Abstract The purpose of this paper is to empirically analyse the developmental stages of non-financial reporting in corporations, by interpreting the views of interviewees from major ethical corporations on the six major dimensions of non-financial reporting (identified in the literature) within each stage of the five-stage model of non-financial reporting (developed in this paper). This study is part of a series of papers on Triple Bottom Line reporting (TBL), and its relevance to corporate reporting practices. The TBL is perhaps the (...)
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  3.  13
    Beyond the Invisible Hand: Groundwork for a New Economics.Kaushik Basu - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    One of the central tenets of mainstream economics is Adam Smith's proposition that, given certain conditions, self-interested behavior by individuals leads them to the social good, almost as if orchestrated by an invisible hand. This deep insight has, over the past two centuries, been taken out of context, contorted, and used as the cornerstone of free-market orthodoxy. In Beyond the Invisible Hand, Kaushik Basu argues that mainstream economics and its conservative popularizers have misrepresented Smith's insight and hampered our understanding (...)
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    Art, language and figure in Merleau-Ponty: excursions in hyper-dialectic.Rajiv Kaushik - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Art, Language and Figure in Merleau-Ponty: Excursions in Hyper-Dialectic considers Merleau-Ponty's later ontology of language in the light of his "figured philosophy," which places the work of art at the centre of its investigation. Kaushik argues that, since for Merleau-Ponty the work of art actualizes a sensible ontology that would otherwise be invisible to the history of dialectics, it undermines the fundamental difference between being and linguistic structures. Art, Language and Figure in Merleau-Ponty takes up the radical task of (...)
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  5. International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research on Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation.Adam D. Farmer, Adam Strzelczyk, Alessandra Finisguerra, Alexander V. Gourine, Alireza Gharabaghi, Alkomiet Hasan, Andreas M. Burger, Andrés M. Jaramillo, Ann Mertens, Arshad Majid, Bart Verkuil, Bashar W. Badran, Carlos Ventura-Bort, Charly Gaul, Christian Beste, Christopher M. Warren, Daniel S. Quintana, Dorothea Hämmerer, Elena Freri, Eleni Frangos, Eleonora Tobaldini, Eugenijus Kaniusas, Felix Rosenow, Fioravante Capone, Fivos Panetsos, Gareth L. Ackland, Gaurav Kaithwas, Georgia H. O'Leary, Hannah Genheimer, Heidi I. L. Jacobs, Ilse Van Diest, Jean Schoenen, Jessica Redgrave, Jiliang Fang, Jim Deuchars, Jozsef C. Széles, Julian F. Thayer, Kaushik More, Kristl Vonck, Laura Steenbergen, Lauro C. Vianna, Lisa M. McTeague, Mareike Ludwig, Maria G. Veldhuizen, Marijke De Couck, Marina Casazza, Marius Keute, Marom Bikson, Marta Andreatta, Martina D'Agostini, Mathias Weymar, Matthew Betts, Matthias Prigge, Michael Kaess, Michael Roden, Michelle Thai, Nathaniel M. Schuster & Nico Montano - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Given its non-invasive nature, there is increasing interest in the use of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation across basic, translational and clinical research. Contemporaneously, tVNS can be achieved by stimulating either the auricular branch or the cervical bundle of the vagus nerve, referred to as transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation and transcutaneous cervical VNS, respectively. In order to advance the field in a systematic manner, studies using these technologies need to adequately report sufficient methodological detail to enable comparison of results between (...)
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  6.  30
    The Shape of Things.Rajiv Kaushik - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:313-331.
    This paper begins by pointing to an obvious difficulty in Merleau-Ponty’s late philosophy: undoing the decisive separation between linguistic connotation and the denotated, undoing the decisive separation between linguistic meaning and the sensible world. This difficulty demands that we understand how the sensible and the symbolic have a sort of spontaneous relation. How can this be? The history of this problem is then traced back to Husserl, and in particular to his The Origin of Geometry. For Husserl, ‘abstract geometry’ is (...)
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  7.  27
    Where Is Negation in Merleau-Ponty’s Ontology? Symbolic Formation and the Implex.Rajiv Kaushik - 2021 - Research in Phenomenology 51 (3):372-393.
    This paper concerns a basic ambiguity in Merleau-Ponty’s ontology between the reversibility of flesh and its écart. Where the former suggests continuity between the sensing and the sensible, the latter suggests their separation. It is difficult to know from reading The Visible and the Invisible which is to be prioritized or how one is to be read alongside the other. I argue that such a relation comes to light by thinking through the negation that is, for Merleau-Ponty, always constellated with (...)
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  8. Trans-formations of theory.Kaushik Sunder Rajan - 2015 - In Dominic Boyer, James D. Faubion & George E. Marcus, Theory can be more than it used to be: learning anthropology's method in a time of transition. London: Cornell University Press.
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    The three fundamental criticisms of the Triple Bottom Line approach: An empirical study to link sustainability reports in companies based in the Asia-Pacific region and TBL shortcomings. [REVIEW]Kaushik Sridhar & Grant Jones - 2013 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 2 (1):91 - 111.
    Abstract There is increasing evidence suggesting that environmental and social criteria are impacting the market in complex ways. The corporate world has demonstrated a willingness to respond to public pressure for improved performance on non–economic issues by embracing Triple Bottom Line (TBL) principles. TBL reporting has been institutionalized as a way of thinking for corporate sustainability. However, institutions are constantly changing and improving, while TBL has been fairly conservative in its approach to change. The more balanced focus on the (...)
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  10.  9
    Study on Assessing the Evolution of Nutritional Choices through Social Media Influence.Dr Charu Wadhwa, Hemal Thakker, Vaibhav Kaushik, Honganur Raju Manjunath, Shobhit Goyal, Axita Thakkar & Madhur Grover - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:860-869.
    Social media-related nutritional decisions influencers and commercial postings on social media have a significant impact on people's eating habits, purchasing decisions, and decisions about food in general. It also shapes people's dietary practices and overall nutrition. Investigating dietary habits through social media can be disadvantageous to the potential for biased or inaccurate information, as sensational content can lead to unreliable nutritional advice. The 160 participants' nutritional choices using social media influence data are collected, and random questionnaires are collected. There are (...)
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  11.  32
    On Rajiv Kaushik’s Art, Language and Figure in Merleau-Ponty: Excursions in Hyper-Dialectic.Frank Chouraqui - 2014 - Chiasmi International 16:343-350.
    Rajiv Kaushik’s Art, Language and Figure in Merleau-Ponty continues the work begun last year in Art and Institution by exploring the ontological grounds upon whichMerleau-Ponty locates the continuity of philosophy with the visual arts. The mission and the privilege of art are to allow the invisible to appear in its own terms. As such, artpossesses the potential of completing the endeavors of philosophy by bringing the world to expression without abusively bringing it to visibility. Kaushik’s analyses of Merleau-Ponty’s (...)
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  12.  17
    Theory can be more than it used to be: learning anthropology's method in a time of transition.Dominic Boyer, James D. Faubion & George E. Marcus (eds.) - 2015 - London: Cornell University Press.
    Within anthropology, as elsewhere in the human sciences, there is a tendency to divide knowledge making into two separate poles: conceptual (theory) vs. empirical (ethnography). In Theory Can Be More than It Used to Be, Dominic Boyer, James D. Faubion, and George E. Marcus argue that we need to take a step back from the assumption that we know what theory is to investigate how theory—a matter of concepts, of analytic practice, of medium of value, of professional ideology—operates in (...)
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  13.  63
    The Samaritan’s Curse: moral individuals and immoral groups.Kaushik Basu - 2022 - Economics and Philosophy 38 (1):132-151.
    In this paper, I revisit the question of how and in what sense can individuals comprising a group be held responsible for morally reprehensible behaviour by that group. The question is tackled by posing a counterfactual: what would happen if selfish individuals became moral creatures? A game called the Samaritan’s Curse is developed, which sheds light on the dilemma of group moral responsibility, and raises new questions concerning ‘conferred morality’ and self-fulfilling morals, and also forces us to question some implicit (...)
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  14. The moral basis of prosperity and oppression: Altruism, other-regarding behaviour and identity.Kaushik Basu - 2010 - Economics and Philosophy 26 (2):189-216.
    Much of economics is built on the assumption that individuals are driven by self-interest and economic development is an outcome of the free play of such individuals. On the few occasions that the existence of altruism is recognized in economics, the tendency is to build this from the axiom of individual selfishness. The aim of this paper is to break from this tradition and to treat as a primitive that individuals are endowed with the ‘cooperative spirit’, which allows them to (...)
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  15.  44
    Prelude to Political Economy: A Study of the Social and Political Foundations of Economics.Kaushik Basu - 2003 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Mainstream economics was founded on many strong assumptions. Institutions and politics were treated as irrelevant, government as exogenous, social norms as epiphenomena. As an initial gambit this was fine. But as the horizons of economic inquiry have broadened, these assumptions have become hindrances rather than aids. If we want to understand why some economies succeed and some fail, why some governments are effective and others not, why some communities prosper while others stagnate, it is essential to view economics as embedded (...)
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    A multi-dimensional criticism of the Triple Bottom Line reporting approach.Kaushik Sridhar - 2011 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 6 (1):49-67.
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    Merleau-Ponty between philosophy and symbolism: the matrixed ontology.Rajiv Kaushik - 2019 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Merleau-Ponty states in his Institution and Passivity lectures that he wants to "consider criticism itself as a symbolic form" as opposed to doing "a philosophy of symbolic form." This statement seems counterintuitive for Merleau-Ponty, who has been called "the philosopher of the sensible." In this book, Kaushik investigates this question, arguing that Merleau-Ponty has raised the stakes of his ontology such that it is no longer a matter of finding a solution to the difference between "the real and the (...)
  18. (1 other version)Architectonic and Myth Time.Rajiv Kaushik - 2008 - Studia Phaenomenologica 8:121-139.
    In a Working Note to The Visible and the Invisible, Merleau-Ponty uses the fine phraseology of an “architectonic past” and a “mythical time” to describe Proust’s remembrances of things past. This paper first considers how this architectonic past sheds light on Merleau-Ponty’s ontology, and second how this results in a mythical time, which is an originary encounter with this past. Paying also attention to Merleau-Ponty’s final, completed reflections on “Swann’s Way,” Volume One of Remembrances of Things Past, I suggest that (...)
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  19.  50
    Just and Unjust War in Hindu Philosophy.Kaushik Roy - 2007 - Journal of Military Ethics 6 (3):232-245.
    The Indian philosophy of warfare remains terra incognita. Most Western commentators emphasize the underdeveloped nature of military theory in ancient India, while two American political scientists...
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  20.  37
    Information and Strategy in Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma.Kaushik Basu - 1977 - Theory and Decision 8 (3):293.
  21.  25
    Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development.Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur (eds.) - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume of essays, written in honor of Amartya Sen, covers the range of contributions that Sen has made to knowledge. They are written by some of the world's leading economists, philosophers and social scientists, and address topics such as ethics, welfare economics, poverty, gender, human development, society, and politics.
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    Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development.Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur (eds.) - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    This two volume set of essays, written in honor of Amartya Sen, covers the range of contributions that Sen has made to knowledge. They are written by some of the world's leading economists, philosophers and social scientists, and address topics such as ethics, welfare economics, poverty, gender, human development, society, and politics.
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  23.  11
    Rural Credit Markets: The Structure of Interest Rates, Exploitation, and Efficiency.Kaushik Basu - 1989 - In Pranab K. Bardhan, The Economic Theory of Agrarian Institutions. Oxford University Press UK.
    In this chapter, the author models alternative structures in the informal credit market as devices for extracting surplus from the borrowers, and show how extremely exploitative moneylenders may have some superficial resemblance to markets with perfectly competitive moneylenders.
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    Institution and Critique of the Museum in “Indirect Language and the Voices of Silence”.Rajiv Kaushik - 2019 - In Emmanuel Alloa, Rajiv Kaushik & Frank Chouraqui, Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy. Albany NY: SUNY Press. pp. 253-268.
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    Silence whisper of the divine.Jai Krishan Kaushik - 2013 - New Delhi: Standard Publishers.
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  26.  17
    Artificial Intelligence, Warfare and Ethics in India.Kaushik Roy - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (2):103-116.
    In the second decade of the new millennium, artificial intelligence (AI) became a catchword among senior politicians and the military officers of India. Indian military officers have raised concerns about the potential use of AI-enabled weapon systems by China and by insurgents supported by Pakistan in the subcontinent. This article portrays the complex interlinkages between AI, strategic planning about future warfare and the role of ethics in India. The article, divided into three sections, deals with the role of AI and (...)
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  27.  25
    The Political Logic of Experience and the Paradox of Expression.Rajiv Kaushik - 2024 - Research in Phenomenology 54 (1):131-137.
  28. The effects of individual difference factors on the acceptability of ethical and unethical workplace behaviors.Michelle C. Reiss & Kaushik Mitra - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (14):1581-1593.
    The purpose of this paper was to determine whether the individual attributes of locus of control, gender, major in college and years of job experience affect the acceptability of certain workplace behaviors. A total of 198 college students of a mid-sized southeastern university formed the sample for this study. Locus of control, gender and years of job experience were found to have some affect on whether an individual considered a certain behavior acceptable or unacceptable.
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  29. Bioethical reasoning in Russia.Vijay Kaushik & Darryl Macer - forthcoming - D. Macer, Bioethics for the People by the People.
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    The Primal Scenes of Language and the Gesture.Rajiv Kaushik - 2022 - Studia Phaenomenologica 22:71-86.
    This paper seeks to develop the connection in Merleau‑Ponty’s later ontology between the gesture and language. There is a concerted effort in Merleau‑Ponty’s “middle period” to illustrate that a linguistic system of signs is internally constellated by the body and its movement. This effort seems to give way to an ontology of flesh in the later period. On closer consideration, however, this ontology and the linguistic system of signs—both “diacritical”—are mutually imbricated. This highlights the crucial importance of separation, deviation, and (...)
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  31.  20
    Dynamic Capability as the Epistemology of an Organization: A Social Venture Context.Kaushik Roy - 2020 - Journal of Human Values 26 (2):167-176.
    In this article, I view the dynamic capabilities of a social venture by examining organizational spaces through the means of qualitative engagement. Through the explication of one such organizational space, the WCB Bank, dynamic capability is understood as inhering in the purpose, the constructed memory and selves of human actors in the organization, and the collective endeavours that make the organization through deliberative processes. Such a view of organizations, while transcending the nuance of resources, provides an idea of capability as (...)
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    Hinduism and the ethics of warfare in South Asia: from antiquity to the present.Kaushik Roy - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This book traces the evolution of Hindu theories of warfare in India from the dawn of civilization.
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  33.  33
    Art and Institution: Aesthetics in the Late Works of Merleau-Ponty.Rajiv Kaushik - 2011 - Continuum.
    Introduction -- Matisse in slow motion -- Art and natural being -- Proust and the significant event -- Reversibility between the arts -- Concluding remarks.
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  34.  43
    The Passivity of Institution in Merleau Ponty: Pandemic Thinking.Rajiv Kaushik - 2022 - Humana Mente 15 (41):177-194.
    This paper examines the relationship between Merleau-Ponty's lectures on institution and his lectures on passivity. I argue that the relationship depends on Merleau-Ponty's internal critique of institution as outlined in Husserl's ouevre. That is, institution is not only human institution, which rests on temporality and time-consciousness, but also animal, biological and even virological, which rests on a certain, non-euclidian space of the body. Merleau-Ponty's focus in the course is animal institution: animal morphology, menstruation, puberty, etc. These are what tie institution (...)
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  35.  34
    The secondary passivity: Merleau-Ponty at the limit of phenomenology.Rajiv Kaushik - 2020 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (1):61-74.
    This paper considers the move from passivity to a generative passivity in Merleau-Ponty’s ontology. In The Visible and the Invisible Merleau-Ponty calls this generative passivity a “secondary passivity” and in his passivity lectures he describes it as “passivity without passivism.” The paper argues that this secondary passivity must be understood in terms of an écart within the phenomena. That is, in terms of a separation and distance which is matrixed and configured within what appears. This is the basis for Merleau-Ponty’s (...)
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  36. Affectivity and Religious Experience: Husserl's “God” in the Unpublished Manuscripts.Rajiv Kaushik - 2011 - The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 8:55-71.
  37.  20
    Introduzione.Rajiv Kaushik - 2017 - Chiasmi International 19:233-237.
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    Conventions, morals and strategy: Greta’s dilemma and the incarceration game.Kaushik Basu - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-19.
    Conventions and leaders are believed to be the two pillars of justice and order in society. This paper evaluates this proposition and draws attention to two intriguing ways in which these pillars can malfunction. The argument is constructed by creating two new games, Greta’s Dilemma and the Incarceration Game. An awareness of these problems can help us use our ‘moral intention’ to reexamine our own collective behavior and to design prior conventions, which limit the power of the leader.
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  39.  41
    Introduction: On Corpses.Rajiv Kaushik, Athena V. Colman & Natalie Alvarez - 2011 - Janus Head 12 (2):5-9.
    The struggle to “adapt” to the presence of the corpse serves as the central turning point for this investigation into the theatrical encounters with the corpse in the early modern anatomy theatre. Beginning with novelist W.G. Sebald’s claim, in The Rings of Saturn, that the art of anatomy was a way of “making the reprobate body invisible,” Alvarez queries how the corpse as the central “gure of this theatrical space challenges conventional modes of theatrical looking and how the particular viewing (...)
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  40.  27
    The Obscene and the Corpse.Rajiv Kaushik - 2011 - Janus Head 12 (2):85-100.
    This paper examines Jean-Michel Basquiat’s obsession with the marginal and the obscene - understood literally as the ob-scene. The context of a graffiti art, and particularly the glyphic character of graffiti art, allows the work to defy the ordinary logic of the picture frame in order to figure, rather than represent, indeterminate into it. Thus, Basquiat characterizes death and the dead body not in the light of a transcendent space but as prolonged into the depths of an alterity, an ob-scene (...)
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  41.  40
    Affectivity and Religious Experience.Rajiv Kaushik - 2008 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 8:55-71.
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    Introduction.Rajiv Kaushik - 2017 - Chiasmi International 19:229-232.
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    Introduction.Rajiv Kaushik - 2017 - Chiasmi International 19:225-228.
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    Lighten Up.Rajiv Kaushik - 2017 - Chiasmi International 19:183-199.
    This paper examines the ways Merleau-Ponty and Nancy think about light, a central theme in Western philosophy closely tied with form and intelligibility. The first section of this paper points out that each thinker replaces the “highest moment of light,” where it is relieved of its weight and materiality, with darkness, where light instead emerges from some apophantic depth indissociable from the material. The second section of this paper gives a critique of darkness in Nancy from Merleau-Ponty’s perspective. According to (...)
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  45.  18
    Mauro Carbone, Philosophy-Screens: From Cinema to the Digital Revolution.Rajiv Kaushik - 2022 - Philosophy Today 66 (3):663-668.
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    Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy.Emmanuel Alloa, Rajiv Kaushik & Frank Chouraqui (eds.) - 2019 - Albany NY: SUNY Press.
    Maurice Merleau-Ponty is widely recognized as one of the major figures of twentieth-century philosophy. The recent publication of his lecture courses and posthumous working notes has opened new avenues for both the interpretation of his thought and philosophy in general. These works confirm that, with a surprising premonition, Merleau-Ponty addressed many of the issues that concern philosophy today. With the benefit of this fuller picture of his thought, Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy undertakes an assessment of the philosopher's relevance for contemporary (...)
  47.  19
    Review of Helen A. Fielding’s Cultivating Perception through Artworks: Phenomenological Enactments of Ethics, Politics, and Culture. [REVIEW]Rajiv Kaushik - 2022 - Chiasmi International 24:405-408.
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    A meta‐analysis exploring the relationship between perceived brand ethicality and consumer response.M. Geetha, Arun Kumar Kaushik, Jensolin Abithakumari & Preeti R. Gotmare - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (4):763-779.
    Recent research highlights the relationship between perceived brand ethicality (PBE), consumer purchase intention, and the consumer–brand relationship. Existing empirical studies offer mixed findings on whether these three relate positively, negatively, or not at all. Moreover, their relationships have not been the primary focus of existing meta-analytic reviews. Therefore, we conducted a meta-analysis to provide an empirical consensus to this debate by studying the magnitude of the association between PBE and consumer responses (purchase intention, brand trust, and brand loyalty). Moreover, we (...)
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  49.  25
    Refusal of transplant organs for non-medical reasons including COVID-19 status.Sai Kaushik Yeturu, Susan M. Lerner & Jacob M. Appel - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (2):172-176.
    Transplant centers and physicians in the United States have limited guidance on the information which they can and cannot provide to transplant candidates regarding donors of potential organs. Patients may refuse organs for a variety of reasons ranging from pernicious requests including racism to misinformation about emerging medicine as with the COVID-19 vaccine and infection. Patient autonomy, organ stewardship, and equity are often at odds in these cases, but precedent indeed exists to help address these challenges. This work uses such (...)
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  50.  35
    Preferential attachment and growth dynamics in complex systems.Kazuko Yamasaki, Kaushik Matia, Fabio Pammolli, Sergey Buldyrev, Massimo Riccaboni, H. Eugene Stanley & Dongfeng Fu - manuscript
    Complex systems can be characterized by classes of equivalency of their elements defined according to system specific rules. We propose a generalized preferential attachment model to describe the class size distribution. The model postulates preferential growth of the existing classes and the steady influx of new classes. According to the model, the distribution changes from a pure exponential form for zero influx of new classes to a power law with an exponential cut-off form when the influx of new classes is (...)
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