Results for 'Marcia Bailey'

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  1.  57
    Clinical Ethics Consultation and Ethics Integration in an Urban Public Hospital.Mark P. Aulisio, Jessica Moore, May Blanchard, Marcia Bailey & Dawn Smith - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (4):371.
    Clinical ethics committees, with their typical threefold function of education, policy formation, and consultation, are present in nearly all U.S. hospitals today, and they are increasingly common in other healthcare settings such as long-term care and even home care. Ethics committees are at least as prevalent in Canadian hospitals as they are in U.S. hospitals, and their presence is growing in Europe, much of Asia, and Central and South America. Although ethics committees serve a variety of needs, their ultimate goal (...)
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  2. Incompatibilism and the Past.Andrew M. Bailey - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 85 (2):351-376.
    There is a new objection to the Consequence Argument for incompatibilism. I argue that the objection is more wide-ranging than originally thought. In particular: if it tells against the Consequence Argument, it tells against other arguments for incompatibilism too. I survey a few ways of dealing with this objection and show the costs of each. I then present an argument for incompatibilism that is immune to the objection and that enjoys other advantages.
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    Education in the Open Society - Karl Popper and Schooling.Richard Bailey - 2019 - Routledge.
    This title was first published in 2000. Drawing on exclusive interviews with Karl Popper, this book provides the first comprehensive examination of the educational implications of his philosophy. Critically exploring key elements of Popper's work, his theory of knowledge, psychology of learning and politics, Richard Bailey also extrapolates an approach to teaching and learning in schools and the wider community.
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  4. Reconceiving Surrogacy: Toward a Reproductive Justice Account of Indian Surrogacy.Alison Bailey - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (4):715-741.
    My project here is to argue for situating moral judgments about Indian surrogacy in the context of Reproductive Justice. I begin by crafting the best picture of Indian surrogacy available to me while marking some worries I have about discursive colonialism and epistemic honesty. Western feminists' responses to contract pregnancy fall loosely into two interrelated moments: post-Baby M discussions that focus on the morality of surrogacy work in Western contexts, and feminist biomedical ethnographies that focus on the lived dimensions of (...)
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  5. The incompatibility of composition as identity, priority pluralism, and irreflexive grounding.Andrew M. Bailey - 2011 - Analytic Philosophy 52 (3):171-174.
    Some have it that wholes are, somehow, identical to their parts. This doctrine is as alluring as it is puzzling. But in this paper, I show that the doctrine is inconsistent with two widely accepted theses. Something has to go.
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  6. Locating Traitorous Identities: Toward a View of Privilege-Cognizant White Character.Alison Bailey - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (3):27 - 42.
    I address the problem of how to locate "traitorous" subjects, or those who belong to dominant groups yet resist the usual assumptions and practices of those groups. I argue that Sandra Harding's description of traitors as insiders, who "become marginal" is misleading. Crafting a distinction between "privilege-cognizant" and "privilege-evasive" white scripts, I offer an alternative account of race traitors as privilege-cognizant whites who refuse to animate expected whitely scripts, and who are unfaithful to worldviews whites are expected to hold.
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    Mapping Bioethics in Latin America: History, Theoretical Models, and Scientific Output.Lucas F. Garcia, Marcia S. Fernandes, Jonathan D. Moreno & Jose R. Goldim - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (3):323-331.
    Objective: To present a narrative review of the history of bioethics in Latin America and of scientific output in this interdisciplinary field. Methods: This was a mixed-methods study. Results: A total of 1458 records were retrieved, of which 1167 met the inclusion criteria. According to the Web of Science classification, the predominant topics of study were medical ethics, social sciences and medicine, and environmental and public health topics. Four themes of bioethics output in the Latin American literature have emerged: issues (...)
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    Gardens as Science Learning Contexts Across Educational Stages: Learning Assessment Based on Students’ Graphic Representations.Marcia Eugenio-Gozalbo, Lourdes Aragón & Inés Ortega-Cubero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:566228.
    The educational use of daily-life contexts is considered a valuable strategy to promote meaningful science learning, since it facilitates the establishment of connections between previous knowledge, personal interests, and new learning. The aim of this work is to provide evidence to support the presence of gardens at educational centers, by assessing key science topics whose learning is promoted at the pre-school, primary, secondary, and university stages. To this end, we analyzed the paired graphic representations of “a garden” that students drew (...)
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  9. Liberty Should Win: We May Choose Our Children's Sexual Orientation.Aaron Greenberg & Michael Bailey - 2007 - Bioethics Forum 28:146.
  10. Measuring high-altitude aerosol.E. P. Palmer & D. H. Bailey - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 45--274.
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    Att tänka i skisser: essäer om bildens filosofi & filosofins bilder.Cavalcante Schuback & Marcia Sá - 2011 - [Göteborg]: Glänta produktion.
    Teknikens skugga -- Ett sublimt mellan -- Tiden i formen -- Fenomenets blick -- Om bild -- Tolkningsfigurer -- Abstraktioner -- Anteckningar -- Det omåttligas måleri -- Att tänka i skisser.
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  12. Making Waves and Drawing Lines: The Politics of Defining the Vicissitudes of Feminism.Cathryn Bailey - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (3):17-28.
    If there actually is a third wave of feminism, it is too close to the second wave for its definition to be clear and uncontroversial, a fact which emphasizes the political nature of declaring the existence of this third wave. Through an examination of some third wave literature, a case is made for emphasizing the continuity of the second and third waves without blurring the differences between older and younger feminists.
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    Hemispheric sensitivity to spatial frequencies.David B. Boles & Marcia L. Morelli - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):552-555.
  14.  23
    John Graham's System and Dialectics of ArtThe Affecting Presence: An Essay in Humanistic Anthropology.Patricia Sloane, Marcia Epstein Allentuck & Robert P. Armstrong - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 30 (4):566.
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    Os nós do individualismo e da conjugalidade na Pós-Modernidade.Érico Douglas Vieira & Márcia Stengel - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 32:147-160.
    O individualismo é uma ideologia presente na Pós-Modernidade que toma o indivíduo como referência. Este trabalho procurou demonstrar como se dá a relação entre as individualidades e a conjugalidade, bem como entender de que maneira os sujeitos convivem com o desmapeamento presente na Pós-Modernidade..
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    Dose-response relationship between naloxone injections and intake of sucrose solution.Ming-Fung Wu, Marcia D. Lind, June M. Stapleton & Larry D. Reid - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (2):101-103.
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  17. Logic and Music in Plato's Phaedo.Dominic Bailey - 2005 - Phronesis 50 (2):95-115.
    This paper aims to achieve a better understanding of what Socrates means by "συμφωνε[unrepresentable symbol]ν" in the sections of the "Phaedo" in which he uses the word, and how its use contributes both to the articulation of the hypothetical method and the proof of the soul's immortality. Section I sets out the well-known problems for the most obvious readings of the relation, while Sections II and III argue against two remedies for these problems, the first an interpretation of what the (...)
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  18. Mothering, diversity and peace: Comments on Sara Ruddick's feminist maternal peace politics.Alison Bailey - 1994 - Journal of Social Philosophy 26 (1):162-182.
    Sara Ruddick's contemporary philosophical account of mothering reconsiders the maternal arguments used in the women's peace movements of the earlier part of this century. The culmination of this project is her 1989 book, Maternal Thinking: Toward a Politics of Peace. Ruddick's project is ground-breaking work in both academic philosophy and feminist theory. -/- In this chapter, I first look at the relationship between the two basic components of Ruddick's argument in Maternal Thinking: the "practicalist conception of truth" (PCT) and feminist (...)
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    História social da agricultura revisitada: fontes e metodologia de pesquisa.Elione Guimarães & Márcia Motta - 2007 - Dialogos 11 (3).
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    Breaking the Sound Barrier: A Historian Listens to Noise.Peter Bailey - 1996 - Body and Society 2 (2):49-66.
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  21. On Intersectionality and the Whiteness of Feminist Philosophy.Alison Bailey - 2010 - In George Yancy, Barbara Applebaum, Susan E. Babbitt, Alison Bailey, Berit Brogaard, Lisa Heldke, Sarah Hoagland, Cynthia Kaufman, Crista Lebens, Cris Mayo, Alexis Shotwell, Shannon Sullivan, Lisa Tessman & Audrey Thompson, The Center Must Not Hold: White Women Philosophers on the Whiteness of Philosophy. Lexington Books.
    In this paper I explore some possible reasons why white feminists philosophers have failed to engage the radical work being done by non-Western women, U.S. women of color and scholars of color outside of the discipline. -/- Feminism and academic philosophy have had lots to say to one another. Yet part of what marks feminist philosophy as philosophy is our engagement with the intellectual traditions of the white forefathers. I’m not uncomfortable with these projects: Aristotle, Foucault, Sartre, Wittgenstein, Quine, Austin, (...)
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  22. Analysing the Good Will: Kant's Argument in the First Section of the Groundwork.Tom Bailey - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (4):635-662.
    This article contends that the first section of Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals provides a sophisticated and valid argument, and that commentators are therefore mistaken in dismissing this section as flawed. In particular, the article undertakes to show that in this section Kant argues from a conception of the goodness of a good will to two distinctive features of moral goodness, and from these features to his ?formula of universal law?. The article reveals the sophistication and validity of (...)
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    Ethical Obligations and Concerns When Trying to Achieve a Patient's Wishes.Maura McClure & Marcia Sue DeWolf Bosek - 2008 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 10 (3):77-79.
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    White Self-Criticality Beyond Anti-Racism: How Does It Feel to Be a White Problem?Rebecca Aanerud, Barbara Applebaum, Alison Bailey, Steve Garner, Robin James, Crista Lebens, Steve Martinot, Nancy McHugh, Bridget M. Newell, David S. Owen, Alexis Sartwell & Karen Teel - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    George Yancy gathers white scholarship that dwells on the experience of whiteness as a problem without sidestepping the question’s implications for Black people or people of color. This unprecedented reversion of the “Black problem” narrative challenges contemporary rhetoric of a color-evasive world in a critically engaging and persuasive study.
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    (1 other version)Ethics for Behavior Analysts.Jon S. Bailey - 2011 - New York: Brunner-Routledge. Edited by Mary R. Burch.
    First published: Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005.
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    The Case of Samuel Golubchuk and the Right to be Spared an Excruciating Death.Tracey Bailey & Brendan Leier - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (3):67-68.
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    Eugene E. Ryan, 1926-2006.George Bailey - 2006 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 80 (2):114 -.
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    On an Idiomatic use of Possessive Pronouns in Latin.D. R. Shackleton Bailey - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (01):8-9.
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  29. Paradoxes of Randomness.D. Bailey, K. Devlin & A. K. Peters - unknown
    This talk was given Monday 13 May 2002 at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, and previously to summer visitors at the IBM Watson Research Center in 2001. There are no section titles; the displayed material is what I wrote on the whiteboard as I spoke.
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    Eric J. Engstrom. Clinical Psychiatry in Imperial Germany: A History of Psychiatric Practice. xii + 295 pp., bibl., index. Ithaca, N.Y./London: Cornell University Press, 2004. $49.95. [REVIEW]Arleen Marcia Tuchman - 2005 - Isis 96 (4):662-663.
  31.  42
    Deciding about your Health Care: The Ethicist as Policy-Maker. [REVIEW]Ronald Bailey - 2001 - Health Care Analysis 9 (3):265-281.
    The author demonstrates that professional bioethics is culturally very risk averse when it comes to evaluating the possible ethical consequences of new technologies such as genetic testing, human embryonic stem cells, and reproductive cloning. Deeper involvement in the Federal regulatory process by bioethicists will exacerbate this tendency toward risk aversion. This cultural bias toward caution will tempt many bioethicists to look to the so-called precautionary principle for policy guidance. Adopting the precautionary principle would harm patients by slowing the development of (...)
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  32. cism (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002), xvi+ 302 pp. [REVIEW]Alan Bailey - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 4 (10-12):403.
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  33. (1 other version)Book review: Chris Cuomo. The philosopher queen: Feminist essays on war, love, and knowledge. Lanham, md.: Rowman and Littlefield publishers, inc., 2003. [REVIEW]Alison Bailey - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (3):218-221.
    The Philosopher Queen: Feminist Essays on War, Love, and Knowledge. By Chris Cuomo. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2003. The Philosopher Queen is a powerful illustration of what Cherríe Moraga calls a "theory in the flesh." That is, theorizing from a place where "physical realities of our lives—our skin color, the land or concrete we grow up on, our sexual longings—all fuse to create a politic [and, I would add, an ethics, spirituality, and epistemology] born out of necessity" (...)
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  34. Review: Alfredo Ferrarin (ed.), Congedarsi da Kant? [REVIEW]Tom Bailey - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (2):328-330.
    Maurizio Ferraris’ Goodbye Kant! Cosa resta oggi della Critica della ragion pura has been a notable success in the field of popular philosophical writing in Italy. With refreshing irreverence and wit, the book mounts a sustained attack on the supposed confusions of Kant’s first Critique, and bemoans their influence on later philosophy. In particular, Ferraris argues that by attempting to found the necessary features of experience on physics, Kant confuses experience and ontology with science and epistemology and arrives at the (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Naomi Zack Women of Color and Philosophy. Malden, Mass., Blackwell Publishers, 2000. [REVIEW]Alison Bailey - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (1):220-225.
    Naomi Zack’s unique and important collection, Women of Color and Philosophy, brings together for the first time the voices of twelve philosophers who are women of color. She begins with the premise that the work of women of color who do philosophy in academe, but who do not write exclusively on issues of race, ethnicity, and gender, merits a collection of its own. It’s rare that women of color pursue philosophy in academic contexts; Zack counts at most thirty among the (...)
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  36. Book Notes. [REVIEW]Alison Bailey, Jan M. Boxill, Emmett L. Bradbury, Maudemarie Clark, Samir J. Haddad & Colin M. Patrick - 2003 - Ethics 113 (4):923-928.
    It's surprising that contemporary moral philosophers have not thought more about food. The rapidly expanding industrialized landscape of modern western agribusiness raises moral concerns about large-scale livestock production, the increased usage of genetically modified crops, and the effects these now common practices may have on long-term environmental and human health. Here Pence argues that biotechnology is more helpful than harmful, on the ground that it will abate world hunger. Positioning himself as an "impartialbioethicist" he sets about the task of sorting (...)
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  37. II—Marcia Baron: Culpability, Excuse, and the ‘Ill Will’ Condition.Marcia Baron - 2014 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 88 (1):91-109.
    Gideon Rosen (2014) has drawn our attention to cases of duress of a particularly interesting sort: the person's ‘mind is not flooded with pain or fear’, she knows exactly what she is doing, and she makes a clear-headed choice to act in, as Rosen says, ‘awful ways’. The explanation of why we excuse such actions cannot be that the action was not voluntary. In addition, although some duress cases could also be viewed as necessity cases and thus as justified, Rosen (...)
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    Chemical Abortion in Australia.Marcia Riordan - 2009 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 15 (2):6.
    Riordan, Marcia Abortion providers and advocates want Australian women who face an unexpected pregnancy to have the option of choosing a chemical RU-486 abortion, instead of a surgical abortion. This article looks at this proposal, and discusses its possible repercussions. There is considerable controversy over this method of abortion, with promoters saying that it is safer, easier and private, whereas opponents call it DIY abortion or home-alone abortion and question its safety.
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  39. Interview with Marcia Eaton.Marcia Muelder Eaton & Clarke A. Chambers - unknown
    Clarke A. Chambers interviews Marcia Eaton, professor in the Department of Philosophy.
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    Ethical Decision Making in Nurses.Marcia L. Raines - 2000 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 2 (1):29-41.
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    Time in exile: in conversation with Heidegger, Blanchot, and Lispector.Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback - 2020 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    This book is a philosophical reflection on the experience of time from within exile. Its focus on temporality is unique, as most literature on exile focuses on the experience of space, as exile involves dislocation, and moods of nostalgia and utopia. Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback proposes that in exile, time is experienced neither as longing back to the lost past nor as wanting a future to come but rather as a present without anchors or supports. She articulates this present (...)
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  42. ch. Three Triangulation, one's own mind, and objectivity.Marcia Cavell - 2011 - In James Rose, Mapping psychic reality: triangulation, communication and insight. London: Karnac.
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    Uma concepção dialética da arte a partir da gênese do conceito de trabalho na fenomenologia do espírito de Hegel.Márcia Gonçalves - 2005 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 46 (112):260-272.
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    Aristotle on Moral Responsibility.Marcia L. Homiak - 1995 - Philosophical Books 36 (4):256-258.
  45. Belief and the Culture of Mind.Marcia S. Yudkin - 1978 - Dissertation, Cornell University
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  46. On Quine's contretemps of translation.Marcia Yudkin - 1979 - Mind 88 (349):93-96.
  47.  20
    A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful.Marcia E. Allentuck - 1958 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 18 (1):135-136.
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  48. Kantian ethics almost without apology.Marcia Baron - 1995 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    The emphasis on duly in Kant's ethics is widely held to constitute a defect. Marcia W. Baron develops and assesses the criticism, which she sees as comprising two objections: that duty plays too large a role, leaving no room for the supererogatory, and that Kant places too much value on acting from duty. Clearly written and cogently argued, Kantian Ethics Almost without Apology takes on the most philosophically intriguing objections to Kant's ethics and subjects them to a rigorous yet (...)
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  49. Empathy and Testimonial Trust.Olivia Bailey - 2018 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 84:139-160.
    Our collective enthusiasm for empathy reflects a sense that it is deeply valuable. I show that empathy bears a complex and surprisingly problematic relation to another social epistemic phenomenon that we have reason to value, namely testimonial trust. My discussion focuses on empathy with and trust in people who are members of one or more oppressed groups. Empathy for oppressed people can be a powerful tool for engendering a certain form of testimonial trust, because there is a tight connection between (...)
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    Reconciliation: From sectarianism to ecumenism.Marcia Roche - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (2):217.
    Roche, Marcia Sectarianism has been defined as 'adherence or excessive devotion to a particular religious denomination or sect'.1 However, as Kildea notes, dictionary definitions of the term fail to square with its 'distinctive' meaning in the Australian context.2A more accurate representation of the Australian connotation is conveyed by Hogan, who says that it refers to 'the hostility between different churches or "sects" which has manifested itself in the wider arena of social and political conflict'.3 The social, political and economic (...)
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