  1.  99
    White Self-Criticality Beyond Anti-Racism: How Does It Feel to Be a White Problem?Rebecca Aanerud, Barbara Applebaum, Alison Bailey, Steve Garner, Robin James, Crista Lebens, Steve Martinot, Nancy McHugh, Bridget M. Newell, David S. Owen, Alexis Sartwell & Karen Teel - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    George Yancy gathers white scholarship that dwells on the experience of whiteness as a problem without sidestepping the question’s implications for Black people or people of color. This unprecedented reversion of the “Black problem” narrative challenges contemporary rhetoric of a color-evasive world in a critically engaging and persuasive study.
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  2.  25
    The Racialisation of Mainstream Politics in Europe.Steve Garner - 2005 - Ethical Perspectives 12 (2):123-140.
    Although particular political parties have succeeded in some countries, the Far Right has relatively little electoral support in most EU member-states. Yet what we can observe is a consensus over far-right ideas; fundamentally racialised concepts of the nation, tighter immigration controls, and less generous asylum regimes, which form part of the centre-right/centre-left contemporary mainstream.Focusing on the Far Right alone is to distort the question: a better formulated problem would be that of how the racialisation of Europe both prior to, and (...)
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  3.  12
    Book Review: Nurturing White Identities: White Lives: The Interplay of ‘Race’, Class and Gender in Everyday Life. [REVIEW]Steve Garner - 2006 - European Journal of Women's Studies 13 (4):375-378.
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