Results for 'Marcel Pauly'

964 found
  1.  29
    Self-diffusion of silicon in molybdenum disilicide.Marcel Salamon, Andreas Strohm, Thilo Voss, Pauli Laitinen, Iiro Riihimäki, Sergiy Divinski, Werner Frank, Jyrki Räisänen ¶ & Helmut Mehrer - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (8):737-756.
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    The natural egocenter: An experimental account of locating the self.Sarah Schäfer, Dirk Wentura, Marcel Pauly & Christian Frings - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 74:102775.
  3.  14
    Reducing Generalization of Conditioned Fear: Beneficial Impact of Fear Relevance and Feedback in Discrimination Training.Katharina Herzog, Marta Andreatta, Kristina Schneider, Miriam A. Schiele, Katharina Domschke, Marcel Romanos, Jürgen Deckert & Paul Pauli - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Anxiety patients over-generalize fear, possibly because of an incapacity to discriminate threat and safety signals. Discrimination trainings are promising approaches for reducing such fear over-generalization. Here we investigated the efficacy of a fear-relevant vs. a fear-irrelevant discrimination training on fear generalization and whether the effects are increased with feedback during training. Eighty participants underwent two fear acquisition blocks, during which one face, but not another face, was associated with a female scream. During two generalization blocks, both CSs plus four morphs (...)
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  4. Women and the Knife: Cosmetic Surgery and the Colonization of Women's Bodies.Kathryn Pauly Morgan - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (3):25 - 53.
    The paper identifies the phenomenal rise of increasingly invasive forms of elective cosmetic surgery targeted primarily at women and explores its significance in the context of contemporary biotechnology. A Foucauldian analysis of the significance of the normalization of technologized women's bodies is argued for. Three "Paradoxes of Choice" affecting women who "elect" cosmetic surgery are examined. Finally, two utopian feminist political responses are discussed: a Response of Refusal and a Response of Appropriation.
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    Built-in justification.Marcel J. Boumans - unknown
    In several accounts of what models are and how they function a specific view dominates. This view contains the following characteristics. First, there is a clear-cut distinction between theories, models and data and secondly, empirical assessment takes place after the model is built. This view in which discovery and justification are disconnected is not in accordance with several practices of mathematical business-cycle model building. What these practices show is that models have to meet implicit criteria of adequacy, such as satisfying (...)
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    Flattening the curve is flattening the complexity of covid-19.Marcel Boumans - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1):1-15.
    Since the February 2020 publication of the article ‘Flattening the curve’ in The Economist, political leaders worldwide have used this expression to legitimize the introduction of social distancing measures in fighting Covid-19. In fact, this expression represents a complex combination of three components: the shape of the epidemic curve, the social distancing measures and the reproduction number \. Each component has its own history, each with a different history of control. Presenting the control of the epidemic as flattening the curve (...)
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    Exploring The Heart Ofethical Nursing Practice: implications for ethics education.Gweneth Doane, Bernadette Pauly, Helen Brown & Gladys McPherson - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (3):240-253.
    The limitations of rational models of ethical decision making and the importance of nurses’ human involvement as moral agents is increasingly being emphasized in the nursing literature. However, little is known about how nurses involve themselves in ethical decision making and action or about educational processes that support such practice. A recent study that examined the meaning and enactment of ethical nursing practice for three groups of nurses (nurses in direct care positions, student nurses, and nurses in advanced practice positions) (...)
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  8. Sociologie et Anthropologie.Marcel Mauss & Cl Lévi-Strauss - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142:576-577.
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  9. Measurement Outside the Laboratory.Marcel Boumans - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):850-863.
    The kinds of models discussed in this paper function as measuring instruments. We will concentrate on two necessary steps for measurement: (1) the search of a mathematical representation of the phenomenon; (2) this representation should cover an invariant relationship between the properties of the phenomenon to be measured and observable accociated attributes of a measuring instrument. Therefore, the measuring instrument should function as a nomological machine. However, invariant relationships are not necessarily ceteris paribus regularities, but could also occur when the (...)
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    Finding descending sequences through ill-founded linear orders.Jun le Goh, Arno Pauly & Manlio Valenti - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (2):817-854.
    In this work we investigate the Weihrauch degree of the problem Decreasing Sequence of finding an infinite descending sequence through a given ill-founded linear order, which is shared by the problem Bad Sequence of finding a bad sequence through a given non-well quasi-order. We show that $\mathsf {DS}$, despite being hard to solve, is rather weak in terms of uniform computational strength. To make the latter precise, we introduce the notion of the deterministic part of a Weihrauch degree. We then (...)
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    Searching for an analogue of atr0 in the Weihrauch lattice.Takayuki Kihara, Alberto Marcone & Arno Pauly - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (3):1006-1043.
    There are close similarities between the Weihrauch lattice and the zoo of axiom systems in reverse mathematics. Following these similarities has often allowed researchers to translate results from one setting to the other. However, amongst the big five axiom systems from reverse mathematics, so far $\mathrm {ATR}_0$ has no identified counterpart in the Weihrauch degrees. We explore and evaluate several candidates, and conclude that the situation is complicated.
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  12. Understanding political responsibility in corporate citizenship: towards a shared responsibility for the common good.Marcel Verweij, Vincent Blok & Tjidde Tempels - 2017 - Journal of Global Ethics 13 (1):90-108.
    ABSTRACTIn this article, we explore the debate on corporate citizenship and the role of business in global governance. In the debate on political corporate social responsibility it is assumed that under globalization business is taking up a greater political role. Apart from economic responsibilities firms assume political responsibilities taking up traditional governmental tasks such as regulation of business and provision of public goods. We contrast this with a subsidiarity-based approach to governance, in which firms are seen as intermediate actors who (...)
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  13.  55
    The difference between answering a 'why' - question and answering a 'how much' - question.Marcel J. Boumans - unknown
    Generally, simulations are carried out to answer specific questions. The assessment of the reliability of an answer depends on the kind of question investigated. The answer to a 'why' question is an explanation. The premises of an explanation have to include invariant relationships, and thus the reliability of such answer depends on whether the domain of invariance of the relevant relationships covers the domain of the question. The answer to a 'how much' question is a measurement. A measurement is reliable (...)
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  14. Models in Economics.Marcel Boumans - 2004 - In John Bryan Davis & Alain Marciano (eds.), The Elgar companion to economics and philosophy. Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar. pp. 260--282.
  15.  91
    Donor blood screening and moral responsibility: how safe should blood be?Marcel Verweij & Koen Kramer - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (3):187-191.
    Some screening tests for donor blood that are used by blood services to prevent transfusion-transmission of infectious diseases offer relatively few health benefits for the resources spent on them. Can good ethical arguments be provided for employing these tests nonetheless? This paper discusses—and ultimately rejects—three such arguments. According to the ‘rule of rescue’ argument, general standards for cost-effectiveness in healthcare may be ignored when rescuing identifiable individuals. The argument fails in this context, however, because we cannot identify beforehand who will (...)
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  16.  35
    Beyond integrating social sciences: Reflecting on the place of life sciences in empirical bioethics methodologies.Marcel Mertz & Jan Schildmann - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (2):207-214.
    Empirical bioethics is commonly understood as integrating empirical research with normative-ethical research in order to address an ethical issue. Methodological analyses in empirical bioethics mainly focus on the integration of socio-empirical sciences and normative ethics. But while there are numerous multidisciplinary research projects combining life sciences and normative ethics, there is few explicit methodological reflection on how to integrate both fields, or about the goals and rationales of such interdisciplinary cooperation. In this paper we will review some drivers for the (...)
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    On the consistency of an impredicative subsystem of Quine's NF.Marcel Crabbé - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (1):131-136.
  18. A Category of the Mind.Marcel Mauss - 1985 - In Michael Carrithers, Steven Collins & Steven Lukes (eds.), The Category of the person: anthropology, philosophy, history. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    (1 other version)Progress in economics.Marcel Boumans & Catherine Herfeld - 2022 - In Yafeng Shan (ed.), New Philosophical Perspectives on Scientific Progress. New York: Routledge. pp. 224-244.
    In this chapter, we discuss a specific kind of progress in economics, namely, progress that is pushed by the repeated use of mathematical models in most sub-branches of economics today. We adopt a functional account of progress to argue that progress in economics occurs via the use of what we call ‘common recipes’ and the use of model templates to define and solve problems of relevance for economists. We support our argument by discussing the case of twentieth-century business cycle research. (...)
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    Das Protokoll im Strafverfahren: Eine wechselvolle Geschichte.Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke - 2008 - In Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke (eds.), Festschrift Für Rainer Hamm Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 24. Februar 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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  21. Women and Moral Madness.Kathryn Pauly Morgan - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 13:201.
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  22. Mike Lüdmann-Neuronen und Halluzinationen. Schizophrenie im Angesicht des psychophysischen Problems.Marcel Bohnert - 2010 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 63 (1):39.
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    A propos des logiques polyvalentes Les modalités et la vraisemblance.Marcel Boll & Jacques Reinhardt - 1950 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 140:143 - 179.
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  24. La conquête de la vérité, récit simplifié des derniers progrès de la logique scientifique. Éditions du Sablon.Marcel Boll & Jacques Reinhart - 1949 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 139:235-238.
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  25. Les étapes de la logique.Marcel Boll - 1946 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Jacques Reinhart.
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    La Logique Dite Propositionnelle et la Commutation.Marcel Boll - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (3):256-256.
  27.  13
    La Logique et sa Caricature.Marcel Boll - 1936 - Philosophy of Science 3 (1):130-131.
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  28. Les étapes de la Logique.Marcel Boll & Jacques Reinhart - 1949 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 139:95-97.
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  29. Les Étapes de la Logique, Collection « Que sais-je ? ».Marcel Boll & Jacq Reinhardt - 1949 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 54 (2):213-213.
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  30. (1 other version)Manuel de logique scientifique.Marcel Boll - 1948 - Paris,: Dunod.
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  31. Matière, Electricité, Radiations.Marcel Boll - 1929 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 3 (1):38-39.
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  32.  36
    (1 other version)Astrid Schwarz: Experiments in Practice.Marcel Boumans - 2015 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 46 (1):237-240.
    Notwithstanding the fact that a lot, if not most, of science is done outside the laboratory, most literature in the history and philosophy of science, when discussing the experimental method, focus only on experimentation “within the walls of a laboratory” . To fill this embarrassing gap, Astrid Schwarz has written an excellent book on field experimentation. The field, however, is a much more messy site than a clean lab. In an introduction to a special issue of Osiris on field science, (...)
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  33.  41
    The Rhetoric of Error from Locke to Kleist.Marcel Boumans - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (6):785-786.
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  34.  54
    Invariance and calibration.Marcel J. Boumans - unknown
    The Representational Theory of Measurement conceives measurement as establishing homomorphisms from empirical relational structures into numerical relation structures, called models. Models function as measuring instruments by transferring observations of an economic system into quantitative facts about that system. These facts are evaluated by their accuracy. Accuracy is achieved by calibration. For calibration standards are needed. Then two strategies can be distinguished. One aims at estimating the invariant (structural) equations of the system. The other is to use known stable facts about (...)
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  35. FishBase 2000: concepts, design and data sources. ICLARM, Los Ban os.R. Froese & D. Pauly - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  36. Romantic Love, Altruism, and Self‐Respect: An Analysis of Simone De Beauvoir.Kathryn Pauly Morgan - 1986 - Hypatia 1 (1):117 - 148.
    I examine Beauvoir's moral assessment of Romantic Love in The Second Sex. I first set out Beauvoir's central philosophical assumptions concerning the nature and situations of women, setting the framework for her analysis of the intersubjective dynamic which constitutes the phenomenology of romantic loving. In this process four double-bind paradoxes are generated which can lead, ultimately, to servility in the woman who loves. In a separate analysis, I ask whether it is wrong for a woman to aspire to and/or choose (...)
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  37. The sign and its Masters, revisiting Sebeok masterpiece in its italian version.Marcel Danesi - 1992 - Semiotica 89 (1-3):103-115.
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    The Medium is the Sign: Was McLuhan a Semiotician?Marcel Danesi - 2008 - Mediatropes 1 (1):113-126.
  39.  47
    Letters to the Editor.Daniel Simberloff, Philip J. Pauly, Wesley M. Stevens, William D. McCready, Marco Beretta, Louise Y. Palmer, Steven Shapin & Mordechai Feingold - 1996 - Isis 87 (4):676-687.
  40. (1 other version)Materials selection in economic modeling.Marcel Boumans - 2023 - Synthese 201 (4):1-17.
    Templates travel because they offer a tractable format that can be used for model-building in a variety of domains. It is often because of this quality that a particular template is chosen. But one cannot assume that there are always templates ready to model a new phenomenon, and moreover, templates have also been designed at some point. A critical aspect of this designing process is the choice of the mathematical objects with which one hopes to capture this phenomenon. This means (...)
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  41. Introducción de procesos de monitoreo permanente para la evaluación continua de los efectos de políticas públicas básicas.Marcel B. Veenswijk - 1994 - In Bernardo Kliksberg (ed.), El rediseño del estado: una perspectiva internacional. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
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    Ethics in Public Health: Bloomberg's Battle and Beyond.Marcel Verweij & Angus Dawson - 2013 - Public Health Ethics 6 (3):231-232.
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    Public Health Dilemmas Concerning a 2-year old Hepatitis-B Carrier – Response.Marcel Verweij & Jim Steenbergen - 2008 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 5 (1):87-89.
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  44.  28
    Le discours théologique et son objet: perspectives néo-pragmatistes.Marcel Viau - 1993 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 49 (2):233-248.
  45.  35
    Le projet parental : une marchandisation de l’enfant?Marcel-Louis Viallard - 2016 - Cités 65 (1):53-64.
  46.  28
    La théologie après Davidson.Marcel Viau - 2010 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 66 (3):565-584.
    Dans son programme destiné à mettre en lumière les grandes questions philosophiques, comme la place de la vérité ou la relation entre le langage et le monde, Donald Davidson en est arrivé à montrer qu’il fallait prendre au sérieux la croyance en la plaçant au fondement des rapports humains. Une théologie s’inspirant de ses avancées réintroduirait la foi chrétienne, une croyance parmi d’autres, au sein des discours contemporains les plus éclairés. Cette théologie serait construite sur des énoncés qui reposent davantage (...)
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    La théologie pratique peut-elle être apophatique ?Marcel Viau - 2004 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 60 (2):283-299.
    Résumé Le présent article représente la première d’une série d’études sur la possibilité d’envisager la théologie pratique sous l’angle de l’apophatisme. La thèse à l’origine de cette entreprise repose sur l’affirmation que tout discours théologique devrait être en mesure de produire un effet sur nos contemporains. Dès lors, il faut entendre le langage comme un processus plutôt que comme un substrat. Ce point de vue est repris avec une certaine urgence depuis une cinquantaine d’années à la suite de ce qu’il (...)
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  48. Pragmatisme et théologie pratique.Marcel Viau - 1992 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 124 (2):115-138.
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  49. (1 other version)Dictionnaire de spiritualité ascétique et mystique.Marcel Viller - 1950 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 55 (3):336-336.
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  50. A propos de..Marcel Voisin - 2007 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 116:223.
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