Results for 'Marc Nocon'

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  1.  11
    Präventionsatlas Berlin-Brandenburg.Stefan N. Willich, Jacqueline Müller-Nordhorn & Marc Nocon - 2010 - In Dieter Kleiber & Stefan N. Willich, Jahrbuch Healthcapital Berlin-Brandenburg 2009/2010: Ernährung Im Fokus der Prävention. Akademie Verlag. pp. 27-32.
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  2. Transitivity, self-explanation, and the explanatory circularity argument against Humean accounts of natural law.Marc Lange - 2018 - Synthese 195 (3):1337-1353.
    Humean accounts of natural lawhood have often been criticized as unable to account for the laws’ characteristic explanatory power in science. Loewer has replied that these criticisms fail to distinguish grounding explanations from scientific explanations. Lange has replied by arguing that grounding explanations and scientific explanations are linked by a transitivity principle, which can be used to argue that Humean accounts of natural law violate the prohibition on self-explanation. Lange’s argument has been sharply criticized by Hicks and van Elswyk, Marshall, (...)
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    Contingent capture of involuntary visual attention interferes with detection of auditory stimuli.Marc R. Kamke & Jill Harris - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  4. God, Human Memory, and the Certainty of Geometry: An Argument Against Descartes.Marc Champagne - 2016 - Philosophy and Theology 28 (2):299–310.
    Descartes holds that the tell-tale sign of a solid proof is that its entailments appear clearly and distinctly. Yet, since there is a limit to what a subject can consciously fathom at any given moment, a mnemonic shortcoming threatens to render complex geometrical reasoning impossible. Thus, what enables us to recall earlier proofs, according to Descartes, is God’s benevolence: He is too good to pull a deceptive switch on us. Accordingly, Descartes concludes that geometry and belief in God must go (...)
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    Le calcul du rayon céleste dans la cosmographie chinoise.Marc Kalinowski - 1990 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 43 (1):3-34.
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    Daily Bread.Marc Kaminsky & Leon Supraner - 1982 - University of Illinois Press.
  7. Addiction and the Brain: Development, Not Disease.Lewis Marc - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (1):7-18.
    I review the brain disease model of addiction promoted by medical, scientific, and clinical authorities in the US and elsewhere. I then show that the disease model is flawed because brain changes in addiction are similar to those generally observed when recurrent, highly motivated goal seeking results in the development of deep habits, Pavlovian learning, and prefrontal disengagement. This analysis relies on concepts of self-organization, neuroplasticity, personality development, and delay discounting. It also highlights neural and behavioral parallels between substance addictions, (...)
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    Wrong question and the wrong standard of proof.Marc Lipsitch - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    I have two concerns about Pugh et al ’s case that vaccine requirements without a natural immunity exception are unjustified.1 First, the scientific question they suggest must be answered to justify the policy is in my view the wrong one, or at least not the only relevant one. Second, the authors set up a standard for public health regulation that will be often unattainable, risking paralysis of public health authorities. Pugh et al suggest two legitimate bases for vaccine mandates: ‘the (...)
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  9. Godless Morality.Peter Singer & Marc Hauser - unknown
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    A test of four proposed new dimensions of semantic space.Delos D. Wickens & Marc A. Lindberg - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (4):381-382.
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    Developing bounded reasoning.Michał Walicki, Marc Bezem & Wojtek Szajnkenig - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (1):97-129.
    We introduce a three-tiered framework for modelling and reasoning about agents who (i) can use possibly complete reasoning systems without any restrictions but who nevertheless are (ii) bounded in the sense that they never reach infinitely many results and, finally, who (iii) perform their reasoning in time. This last aspect does not concern so much the time it takes for agents to actually carry out their reasoning, as the time which can bring about external changes in the agents’ states such (...)
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    Choice Isn’t Simple. Reply to Pickard.Marc Lewis - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (1):181-183.
    Pickard’s contribution reminds me that conceptualizing choice is no simple matter. Pickard sees choice as entirely voluntary, while I argue that choice is only partially voluntary. Choices are based on appraisals of situations, which fluctuate due to external circumstances and internal states such as emotion and mood. Habit itself competes with volition, and all these parameters vary with development. Psychological factors such as delay discounting and especially one's belief in one's agency are critical for volitional choice as well.
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    Searching for Norms to Violate. Reply to Henden & Gjelsvik.Marc Lewis - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (1):79-81.
    Although I reject neuronormativity -- an idea central to the Brain Disease Model of Addiction -- Henden and Gjelsvik argue that the disease definition might refer to normativity in nonneural domains. They profess that a cognitive dysfunction, or a mismatch of evolutionary intentions, could also qualify as norm violations, thus legitimizing the disease label. The need for dividing lines is questioned as well. I rebut these criticisms in turn, but I must admit they are thought provoking.
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    What Evolution Intended? Reply to Wakefield.Marc Lewis - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (1):69-70.
    Wakefield doesn't mind my focus on parallels between addiction and love. But love can fall outside the bounds of what evolution intended. So, he claims, comparing addiction with love does not preclude a naturally defined "disorder." I counter with the argument that evolution handed us such highly general response systems, the bounds of normality cannot be defined.
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    Philosophie et science.Jean-Marc Mouillie, Sylvie Marcq-Bernard, Jacqueline Lagrée, Sophie Audidière, Sophie Peytavin, Christian Nadeau, Joël Cornette, Jean Bernhardt, Elsa Rimboux, Christophe Alsaleh, Fabien Chareix, Sylvia Giocanti & Béatrice Lenoir - 1998 - Revue de Synthèse 119 (2-3):361-396.
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    Einleitung.Roberto Nigro & Marc Rölli - 2017 - In Roberto Nigro & Marc Rölli, Vierzig Jahre »Überwachen Und Strafen«: Zur Aktualität der Foucault'schen Machtanalyse. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 7-20.
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    Autonomie und Menschenrechte am Lebensende.Monika Trum & Marc Stowasser - 2015 - Ethik in der Medizin 27 (4):343-345.
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    A Graded Approach to “Disease” -- Help or Hindrance? Reply to Berridge.Marc Lewis - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (1):35-37.
    Berridge's nuanced approach to the conceptualization of addiction as a disease is easier for me to accept than most others. In fact, Berridge and I agree on many core features of addiction, but still not on how to label it. When competing definitions reach a standoff on intellectual grounds, we should look at the clinical utility of each. And here I think that Berridge misses a critical insight. Yet, we end by agreeing to keep listening to each other.
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  19. Pour un point de vue d’immanence en sciences humaines.Marc Maesschalck & Benoît Ghislain Kanabus - 2009 - Studia Phaenomenologica 9:333-350.
    This article shows how, starting from Schelling and Henry, one can build a radical critique of objectification and subjectification within humanities. This critique opens the way for the construction of a point of view of immanence, which is characterized by the experimentation of a constitution of affects in a process from which proceeds the subjectivity. This point of view of immanence questions the accepted attitudes in the production of social relationships and the norms that govern them, so as to increase (...)
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    Kevlar for the Soul: Moral Theology and Force Protection.Marc LiVecche - 2023 - Journal of Military Ethics 22 (3-4):241-255.
    This article is an examination of killing in war in its moral and normative dimension – with attention given to how killing affects the acting agent. The author argues against the commonplace belief – often tacitly held if not consciously asserted – among academics, the general public, and even – if surprisingly – military professionals, that killing, including in a justified war, is always morally wrong – even when legally sanctioned and necessary to avert a greater moral wrong. This critique (...)
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    Archipelagic Thought and Decoloniality. Thinking with Édouard Glissant.Marc Maesschalck - 2023 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 68:63-86.
    This article relates four concepts present in the thought of Édouard Glissant (poetics, optionality, exteriority, and unlearning) to show that they are also present in different authors of decolonial theory. These concepts lead us out of the framework of modern hypercriticism and allow us to enter into a philosophy of relation that opens up new possibilities for intercultural encounters. Through the constant recourse to the contrast between Glissant and the decolonial school, the text goes through its classic themes, such as (...)
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    Morale publique, lien social, lien religieux.Jean-Marc Larouche - 1999 - Éthique Publique 1 (2).
    Les récents débats sur la place de la religion à l’école et sur l’affaire des orphelins de Duplessis convoquent à débattre de la religion dans l’espace public. C’est à ce débat que cet article contribue, non pas en l’abordant de front, mais en passant par les discussions sur la philosophie morale, politique et sociale contemporaine. Les auteurs examinent d’abord le statut accordé à la religion dans les approches libérales et communautariennes de la morale publique ; puis, ils s’intéressent à un (...)
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    Laughing like a caveman: excess and experience inside Georges Bataille’s Lascaux.Marc-Alexandre Dumoulin - 2024 - Journal for Cultural Research 29 (1):59-75.
    Towards the end of his life, Bataille became increasingly fascinated by prehistoric culture. His analysis of the Lascaux cave frames it as the symbolic site of our birth, envisioning in its art the final step to anthropogenesis: we, as a species, became human once we began smearing pigment on cave walls. Bataille’s account of this dual birth of art and humanity is neither an ode to our rational mind nor to our capacity for aesthetic contemplation. Rather, the murals adorning the (...)
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    Levinas and the Greek heritage.Jean-Marc Narbonne - 2006 - Dudley, MA: Peeters. Edited by W. J. Hankey.
    The book examines the particular character Neoplatonism takes in this retrieval, and traces connections between leading figures within the French and Anglophone ...
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    La controverse à propos de la génération de la matière chez Plotin: l’énigme résolue?Jean-Marc Narbonne - 2007 - Quaestio 7 (1):123-163.
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    The Origin, Significance and Bearing of the ἐπέκεινα Motif in Plotinus and the Neoplatonic Tradition.Jean-Marc Narbonne - 2001 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 17 (1):185-97.
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    Ethics, Changing Populations, and the Dental Profession.H. Barry Waldman, Marc Bernard Ackerman & Steven P. Perlman - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (3):271-278.
    This review emphasizes the worldwide and U.S. evolving population demographics and the need for the dental profession to exercise its professional and ethical duty to expand its traditional patient base to provide needed services.
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    A Motivational Account of Convergence in Emotion Expressions Within Groups: The Emotional Conformity Framework.Svenja A. Wolf, Marc W. Heerdink & Gerben A. van Kleef - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (4):363-379.
    Although convergence in emotion expressions within small groups is well documented, the motives that explain why members converge are rarely explicated. We approach expressive convergence from a conformity perspective and introduce the Emotional Conformity Framework, in which we posit that members match their groupmates’ emotion expressions because they are motivated to gain an accurate understanding of reality (informational conformity motive) or to form and maintain social relationships (normative conformity motive). These motives determine members’ standards for correctness, social responses, and plausible (...)
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    Theory and implementation of coalitional analysis in cooperative decision making.Haiyan Xu, D. Marc Kilgour, Keith W. Hipel & Edward A. McBean - 2014 - Theory and Decision 76 (2):147-171.
    Stability definitions for describing human behavior under conflict when coalitions may form are generalized within the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution and algebraic formulations of these definitions are provided to allow computer implementation. The more general definitions of coalitional stabilities relax the assumption of transitive graphs capturing movements under the control of decision makers, either independently or cooperatively, and allow the convenient expansion to the case of coalitions of the four basic individual stabilities consisting of Nash stability, general metarationality, symmetric (...)
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    Β. Les abords Sud de l'agora.Jean-Yves Marc, Pierre Mougin & Manuela Wurch-Kozelj - 2004 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 128 (21):752-759.
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    Sentido e historia.Richir Marc, Iván Trujillo & Francisca Germain - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 105:19-50.
    En el presente artículo se toma como punto de partida la distinción que condensa la concepción husserliana de la Historia en la Krisis, a saber, la formación del sentido y la sedimentación, entendidas la primera como campo fenomenológico y la segunda como institución simbólica. El hiato entre ambas manifiesta el carácter problemático de la Historia que se profundiza enseguida sobre la base de una radicalización de la formación del sentido, como presencia sin presente. Y se vuelve altamente problemática ante la (...)
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    An emerging dialogue among social scientists and neuroscientists on the causal bases of emotion.Marc D. Lewis - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):223-234.
    The target article developed a dynamic systems framework that viewed the causal basis of emotion as a self-organizing process giving rise to cognitive appraisal concurrently. Commentators on the article evaluated this framework and the principles and mechanisms it incorporated. They also suggested additional principles, mechanisms, modeling strategies, and phenomena related to emotion and appraisal, in place of or extending from those already proposed. There was general agreement that nonlinear causal processes are fundamental to the psychology and neurobiology of emotion.
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    A Morass of Musings on Moralization. Reply to Frank and Nagel.Marc Lewis - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (1):141-142.
    Frank and Nagel are very interested in the causes and consequences of moralizing about addiction. If addiction is a disease, moralistic concerns are sidelined. If it's a choice, we'd better identify clear reasons to absolve addicts from blame. While these are interesting considerations, they don't have much to do with the model of addiction I put forward in the target article.
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    Neurocentrism and Name-Calling: Let’s Agree to Agree. Reply to Satel & Lilienfeld.Marc Lewis - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (1):25-27.
    Although these authors sometimes resort to medical terminology, we strongly agree that addiction is not a disease and that the Brain Disease Model of Addiction captures only one part of the story and distorts the big picture. Yet Satel and Lilienfeld continue to conflate a neurobiological model with a disease model. They also complain that my modeling of addiction reveals a hidden “neurocentric” bias, despite my integration of multiple levels of analysis, exactly as they recommend.
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    No Need for the Disease Label: Choice is Complicated. Reply to Heather.Marc Lewis - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (1):125-127.
    Despite its historical contribution, Heather sees the Brain Disease Model of Addiction as failing to relieve stigma, increasing fatalism, and fundamentally wrong. He also sees “choice” as partly volitional and partly unconscious, implying no moral violation. I agree on all counts. Heather then presents a disorder-of-choice model of addiction, highlighting the failure of self-regulation with respect to immediate goals. Not only do I endorse such modeling, but the neural mechanisms I describe may help to explicate it more thoroughly.
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    Resetting the Brain as Well as the Nomenclature. Reply to Szalavitz.Marc Lewis - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (1):87-89.
    Szalavitz’s model and mine share a good many components. Foremost among them is the conviction that addiction is a developmental trajectory, not a disease. Szalavitz is correct that we should consider controlled substance use an acceptable outcome, though I would like her to shift her terminology away from the medical mainstream. Finally, I suggest that Szalavitz's important idea of a "reset" in brain development might best be addressed by the notion of kindling.
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    From anthropology to anthropogeny Homo, a techno semiotic animal.Marc Van Lier - 2022 - Episteme 27:219-241.
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    Corpus processing for lexical acquisition, edited by Branimir boguraev and James Pustejovsky.Marc Light - 1998 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 7 (1):111-114.
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    Are incidental learning tasks measuring elaboration of coding, or just overloading retrieval cues?Marc A. Lindberg & Delos D. Wickens - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (1):47-49.
  40. La guerre des images: Stéréotypes et représentations médiatiques de l'autre.Marc Lits - 2002 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 101:125-136.
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    Gunnar Olson: Abysmal. A Critique of Cartographic Reason. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2007.Marc Llambrich - 2008 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 8:218-221.
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    La religion dans les Grundzüge de Fichte.Marc Maesschalck - 1991 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 89 (4):581-605.
  43.  35
    Normes de gouvernance et enrôlement des acteurs sociaux.Marc Maesschalck - 2008 - Multitudes 34 (3):182.
    The study of current forms of governance sheds light on « forms of social experiment » based on collective participation. The effectiveness of a system of rules relies less on realizing a subsumption justifying the inner validity of a procedure than on the « power to infer the production of a satisfying form of social life ». This is why « the question of the law’s normativity is displaced from the formal coherence of its semantic content towards its pragmatic potential (...)
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    (2 other versions)Philosophie et révélation chez Schelling.Marc Maesschalck - 1989 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 20 (4):421-439.
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    Anders Wedberg.Konrad Marc-Wogau - 1978 - Theoria 44 (3):122-123.
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    Black Trans-Atlantic Exp.Stephen Marc - 1992 - University of Illinois Press.
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    Bemerkung zum Ausdruck »existiert». Antwort auf die Bemerkungen von Justus Hartnack.Von Konrad Marc-Wogau - 1950 - Theoria 16 (3):249-250.
  48. CHAP. II. L'idée de l'Etre chez Suarez.A. Marc - 1933 - Archives de Philosophie 10:13-30.
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  49. (1 other version)Dialectique de l'affirmation. Essai de Métaphysique réflexive.André Marc - 1953 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 58 (1):207-207.
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    Dimensions of number invariance.Marc Marschark, Norman A. Greenberg & M. Diane Clark - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (2):108-110.
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