Results for 'Mao-Dong Xia'

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  1.  44
    Speech Enhancement Control Design Algorithm for Dual-Microphone Systems Using β-NMF in a Complex Environment.Dong-xia Wang, Mao-Song Jiang, Fang-lin Niu, Yu-Dong Cao & Cheng-xu Zhou - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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    Formation-Containment Control of Second-Order Multiagent Systems via Intermittent Communication.Mao-Dong Xia, Cheng-Lin Liu & Fei Liu - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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    PTF-SimCM: A Simple Contrastive Model with Polysemous Text Fusion for Visual Similarity Metric.Xinpan Yuan, Xinxin Mao, Wei Xia, Zhiqi Zhang, Shaojun Xie & Chengyuan Zhang - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    Image similarity metric, also known as metric learning in computer vision, is a significant step in various advanced image tasks. Nevertheless, existing well-performing approaches for image similarity measurement only focus on the image itself without utilizing the information of other modalities, while pictures always appear with the described text. Furthermore, those methods need human supervision, yet most images are unlabeled in the real world. Considering the above problems comprehensively, we present a novel visual similarity metric model named PTF-SimCM. It adopts (...)
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  4.  22
    Gvitas Dei and Terrena Civitas: The Dualistic Tendency in the Thought of Augustine.Xia Dong-qi - 2005 - Modern Philosophy 3:019.
    Article aims to explore Augustine's "two cities" theory. First, a brief discussion of the "City of God" writing background and the main structure; Secondly, in both religious and secular aspects of life on the analysis of the "City of God" on the "two cities" of the main points; again, three perspectives of the "two cities" theory of history and ideological background. Although the "two cities" doctrine embodies a form with two points tend to think, but both different from the ontological (...)
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  5.  28
    The Moderation Effect of Self-Enhancement on the Group-Reference Effect.Ruixue Xia, Wanru Su, Fangping Wang, Shifeng Li, Aibao Zhou & Dong Lyu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  6.  17
    Students’ Online Information Searching Strategies and Their Creative Question Generation: The Moderating Effect of Their Need for Cognitive Closure.Shibo Mao, Chaoying di WangTang & Pinhua Dong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the wide application of computers and digital technologies, online information searching is being integrated into students’ learning process. Improving students’ creative question generation through online information searching is an emerging research topic in the creativity and pedagogy field. Online information searching brings diversified information, but it also leads to cognitive load brought by a large amount of online information. Using online information searching to generate creative questions depends on students’ cognitive properties. However, the existing literature ignores the joint influence (...)
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  7.  25
    Altered Spontaneous Neural Activity in Peripartum Depression: A Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study.Kaili Che, Ning Mao, Yuna Li, Meijie Liu, Heng Ma, Wei Bai, Xiao Xu, Jianjun Dong, Ying Li, Yinghong Shi & Haizhu Xie - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  8.  15
    The Impact of COVID-19-Related Work Stress on the Mental Health of Primary Healthcare Workers: The Mediating Effects of Social Support and Resilience.Lu-Shao-Bo Shi, Richard Huan Xu, Yi Xia, Dong-xue Chen & Dong Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectiveThe psychological condition of healthcare workers since the COVID-19 pandemic has attracted the attention of many studies. However, few have reported on psychosocial problems of primary healthcare workers in the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to examine the mediating roles of social support and resilience in COVID-19-related work stress and symptoms of anxiety and depression.MethodsA total of 840 primary healthcare workers in 17 community health centers in Guangzhou, China, were recruited from May to July 2021. Data on demographic characteristics, COVID-19-related (...)
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  9. Dong fang zhi sheng: Guiguzi wen hua tan wei.Shusen Guo & Rongrong Mao (eds.) - 2001 - [Guixi Shi:
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  10.  59
    The Confucian concepts of tianxia天下, yi-xia 夷夏and Chinese nationalism.Mao Zhaohui - 2022 - Asian Philosophy 33 (1):75-89.
    ABSTRACT There are two views on the nature of Chinese nationalism. The one view treats Chinese nationalism as political nationalism while the other recognises it as cultural nationalism. This paper argues that Chinese nationalism had been deeply shaped by Confucianism, which has two important and influential concepts of nationalism: tianxia天下and yi-xia夷夏. These two concepts reflect the two facets of Confucian nationalism. With the first facet, manifested in the concept of tianxia, Confucianism emphasizes cultural identity and the pursuit of a kind (...)
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  11. di 14 ce. Dong Qichang zhi yi pin guan.Mao Wenfang zhu - 2017 - In Xiyan Sun, Gu dai mei shu shi yan jiu chu bian: Li dai mei xue yan jiu zhuan ji. Xinbei Shi Zhonghe Qu: Hua Mulan wen hua chu ban she.
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  12. Chao yue mao dong di zhe xue.Jianyuan Zhou - 1993 - Tian jin shi: Tianjin she hui ke xue yuan chu ban she.
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  13.  16
    Virtual Gallery.Zedong Mao - 1997 - Diacritics 27 (2).
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Virtual GalleryMao Ze Dong Click for larger view View full resolutionFigure 1. Click for larger view View full resolutionFigure 2. Click for larger view View full resolutionFigure 3. Click for larger view View full resolutionFigure 4. Click for larger view View full resolutionFigure 5. Click for larger view View full resolutionFigure 6. Click for larger view View full resolutionFigure 7. Click for larger view View full resolutionFigure 8.Fragments (...)
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    Wu zhi mao dun yun dong gai lun: jian tan yu zhou li shi zhong de ruo gan wen ti.Dongen Ma - 2004 - Beijing: Xin shi dai chu ban she. Edited by Xinxin Wen.
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    Yi ci kan dong si shu: Kongzi jiao ni qi jia an tian xia.Junzu Liu - 2011 - Taibei Shi: Shi bao wen hua chu ban qi ye gu fen you xian gong si.
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    Duo yuan shi ye xia min jian xin yang yu guo jia quan li de hu dong: yi Ming Qing jiang nan wei zhong xin = Duoyuanshiyexia minjianxinyang yu guojiaquanli de hudong: yi MingQingjiangnan wei zhongxin.Jian Wang - 2019 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai ci shu chu ban she.
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    Cong Limadou dao Haidege: kua wen hua mai luo xia de Zhong xi zhe xue hu dong.Qingsong Shen - 2014 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan gu fen you xian gong si.
    司馬遷《史記》載老子晚年見周之衰,西去而後出關,說明老子道家開宗祖師爺老子向異域開放,強調道和聖人的慷慨,走向多元他者。 跨文化哲學──哲學出自文化、不同的文化有不同的哲學、不同的文化傳統應透過相互外推,豐富彼此。 從跨文化的向度,歷覽西方文藝復興以降,西方哲學與中國哲學的跨文化互動;瞭解基督徒哲學家和中國哲學家彼此之間的交流。 在哲學外推的歷史中,本書侃侃而談中、西方哲學家如何彼此對話,超越主體哲學與狹隘理性的困境: 明朝時,第一位被系統引進中國的西方思想家是亞里斯多德。 利瑪竇:中國其實就是一個世界,中國不僅是一個王國。 .耶穌會士認為像亞里斯多德這樣一位大哲,也有像中國蘇秦「髮懸樑,錐刺股」的精神,他睡覺時手持一顆銅球,下面放一個銅鑼;當他睡覺時,手一鬆,銅球掉落到銅鑼上,敲出鑼響,於是他就醒來了,繼續用功。 .利瑪竇嚮往先秦儒家對天的敬仰,他穿著儒服,從壓抑的德行觀來推解「克己復禮」之意。因為在文藝復興時期,由於才從中世紀的禁錮中獲得解放,因此「人欲橫流」。人要親近天主,就必須克制肉體慾望,陶成美德。 .被時人稱為「西來孔子」的艾儒略說:在傳統中國哲學裡有各種名詞來說靈魂,他一方面習取了中國的人性論,並透過天主教及其對亞里斯多德《靈魂論》的詮釋,把人的靈魂與人的精神本性等同,而以此來和中國哲學溝通。 之所以翻譯亞理斯多德,是為了讓東海聖人(孔子)與西海聖人(亞里斯多德)的思想相逢。 文藝復興時,第一位被譯介到歐洲的中國哲人是孔子和其倫理智慧。到清朝,法國皇帝路易十四派名數學家白晉到中國來為康熙服務,教學並研究數學和《易經》。 .耶穌會士介紹、翻譯的經典,主要都是環繞著《四書》、《五經》,認為其中對人整體理性的重視甚至超過西方;所介紹的聖者,主要是孔子。對於先秦儒家所訂下的人文典範最為推崇。 .萊布尼茲:我認為這是個天定獨特的計畫,今天人類的文明與改良必須集中在我們這塊大陸的兩端,也就是歐洲和中國。中國是東方的明珠,就如同我們歐洲是另一端的明珠一般。 本書特色 ★十六世紀明末時,中國的思想與學術在一場驚天動地的典範轉變後,中西方哲人逐漸進行「跨文化哲學」的對話。 ★中、西方彼此的思想家不斷進行交談,面對西潮,「明季四公子」方以智結交湯若望、畢方濟,又讓自己兒子與波蘭人穆尼閣學習數學。這是一種尊重外邦人差異性的智慧。 ★傳教士羅明堅抱持著傳教的熱忱與文明的慷慨抵華,利瑪竇因而說「朋友宛自我的另外一半」(《交友論》),平等友善地「相互豐富」彼此的文化內涵。 ★從利瑪竇到海德格,這兩位西方哲人的心靈映照出不同的東方世界,藉由西方哲學家的眼光,重新認識印象中的中國思想。 利瑪竇:「中國的領導者是一個具有哲人王素質的皇帝,他公正、智慧、仁慈;中國的君主是在一些哲學家的輔佐下,維持他的統治的。孔子開創的儒家道德傳統哲學,是中國社會政治文化生活的準則,個人以其修身,統治者以 其治國。」 海德格將《老子》第十五章之「孰能濁而靜之徐清」、「孰能安而動之徐生」當作對聯掛在他的書房,藉以思考他心中「光與暗」論證、屬於古希臘哲學的傳統。 名人推薦 劉千美教授(多倫多大學東亞系教授) 專文導讀.
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  18.  34
    The Philosophical Influences of Mao Zedong.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2019 - London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing.
    This philosophical Mao is a fresh portrait of the mind of the ruler who changed the face of China in the twentieth century. The book traces the influences of both traditional Chinese and traditional pre-Marxist Western philosophy on the early Mao and how these influences guided the development of his thought. It reveals evidence of the creative dimensions of Mao's thinking and how he wove the yin/yang pattern of change depicted in the Yijing, the Chinese Book of Changes, into the (...)
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    Guan xiang bai jia: gu dian Zhongguo wen hua zhi chun xia qiu dong = Guanxiang baijia.Zhiyong Guo - 2017 - Guilin: Guangxi shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    How to Understand and Grasp the Cultural Characteristics of Mao's Philosophy [J].Zhang Lin - 2008 - Modern Philosophy 4:009.
    In this paper, the West, "Mao Zedong study" some scholars exaggerate the impact of traditional culture of Mao Zedong, Marxist Philosophy in China as "Confucianism" point of view, by focusing on traditional Chinese philosophy of Mao Zedong and the creative transformation of the absorption of specific analysis, reveals the philosophy of Mao Zedong's cultural identity. On this basis, that: exaggerate the impact of traditional culture of Mao Zedong, Mao Zedong's philosophy of originality exaggerated and its Marxist philosophy dissimilarity between, in (...)
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    Zhong wan Ming shi ren de jiang xue huo dong yu xue pai jian gou: yi Li Cai (1529-1607) wei zhong xin de yan jiu.Yong Liu - 2015 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan.
    Ben shu yi Ming ru Li Cai de jiang xue huo dong yu xue pai jian gou wei zhong xin, tan tao cong shi liu shi ji chu dao shi qi shi ji mo li xue qun ti zhong xin xing xue shuo he xue pai de chan sheng, chuan bo, kuo zhan yu chuan cheng de mo shi, bing zhuo zhong cong si xiang shi de jiao du jie shi zhe zhong mo shi chan sheng he yun xing (...)
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  22.  8
    Other Genders, Other Sexualities: Chinese Differences.Lingzhen Wang - 2013 - Duke University Press.
    Interrogating the totalizing perspectives on Chinese gender studies that typically treat China only in binary opposition to the West, “Other Genders, Other Sexualities” focuses on the dynamics of difference within China and probes the complex history of Chinese sexuality and gender formations. The centerpiece of this special issue is the first English translation of Li Xiaojiang’s 1983 post-Mao feminist retheorization of women’s emancipation and sexual differences. Other topics addressed include the emergence of the “modern girl” in early twentieth-century China, the (...)
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    Yu yan de kun jing yu tu wei: wen xue de yan yi guan xi yan jiu = Yuyan de kunjing yu tuwei: wenxue de yanyi guanxi yanjiu.Zhuo Zhang - 2010 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu tong guo yin ru xi fang xian dai yu yan zhe xue, mei xue de fang fa yu Zhongguo chuan tong wen hua zhi si zhan dui hua yu jiao liu, shi jie, wen xue de ben zhi guan lian ru shou, jie shi chu xing cheng yan yu yi zhi jian mao dun yu zhang li de ben yuan: cun zai ben shen zi xing xian xian (cheng ming) bing zi xing yin ni (zhe bi) de te (...)
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  24. Great Minds of the Eastern Intellectual Tradition.Grant Hardy - 2011 - Great Courses.
    Disc 1. Life's great questions: Asian perspectives ; The Vedas and Upanishads: the beginning -- Disc 2. Mahavira and Jainism: extreme nonviolence ; The Buddha: the middle way -- Disc 3. The Bhagavad Gita: the way of action ; Confucius: in praise of sage-kings -- Disc 4. Laozi and Daoism: the way of nature ; The Hundred Schools of preimperial China -- Disc 5. Mencius and Xunzi: Confucius's successors ; Sunzi and Han Feizi: strategy and legalism -- Disc 6. Zarathustra (...)
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    Lun heng: wai shi yi zhong.Chong Wang - 1992 - Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she.
    Lun heng / Wang Chong zhuan -- Feng su tong yi / Ying Shao zhuan -- Feng shi wen jian ji / Feng Yan zhuan -- Shang shu gu shi / Li Chuo zhuan -- Guan qi xia yu / bu zhao zhuan ren -- Chun ming tui chao lu / Song Minqiu zhuan -- Song Jingwen bi ji / Song Qi zhuan -- Dong yuan lu / Gong Dingchen zhuan -- Wang shi tan lu / Wang Qinchen zhuan (...)
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    Luling Wang xue yan jiu.Hui Xiao - 2018 - Nanchang: Jiangxi ren min chu ban she. Edited by Gongshan Wang.
    Ben shu dui Luling Wang xue de yan jiu, zhu yao cong yi xia liang fang mian zhan kai: shou xian, zhong dian jie shao le ti chu Luling Wang xue de li lun yi ju he Luling Wang xue fa zhan de ge ge jie duan de jie ding, te dian ji qi zhu yao de dai biao ren wu. Qi ci, ju ti lun shu le Luling Wang xue fa zhan de ge ge jie duan de zui zhu (...)
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    Song Ming shi qi Jiangxi ru xue yan jiu.Xiaojiang Zheng - 2014 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she. Edited by Zhucai Yang.
    Ben shu wei "Song Ming shi qi Chang Jiang zhong you de ru xue yan jiu" cong shu zhi yi: ben cong shu shi ren wen she hui ke xue chong dian yan jiu ji di-Wuhan da xue Zhongguo chuan tong wen hua yan jiu zhong xin tou biao, jing jiao yu bu zu zhi zhuan jia ping shen tong guo, zheng shi pi zhun de jiao yu bu ren wen she hui ke xue 2001 nian du zhong da yan (...)
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    The associations between specific-type sedentary behaviors and cognitive flexibility in adolescents.Jie Cui, Lin Li & Chao Dong - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Background: The prevalence of sedentary behavior in adolescents has aroused social attention. The association between sedentary behavior and cognitive flexibility remains unclear, and it may vary depending on the type of sedentary behavior. This study aimed to investigate the associations between specific-type sedentary behaviors and cognitive flexibility in adolescents.Method: A total of 700 Chinese adolescents aged 10–15 years were recruited. The self-report questionnaire was used to assess total sedentary time, recreational screen-based sedentary time, and educational sedentary time. The More-odd shifting (...)
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  29.  4
    The power of sound: Exploring the auditory influence on visual search efficiency.Mengying Yuan, Min Gao, Xinzhong Cui, Xin Yue, Jing Xia & Xiaoyu Tang - 2025 - Cognition 256 (C):106045.
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  30. A Puzzle of Prudence: Reason to Prioritize Current Goals.Dong-Yong Choi - 2021 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 146:171-190.
    Some goals have special significance to agents. For instance, an agent could find her life worth living because she is pursuing her current goal, and the agent could also think that her previous life has no value because she did not pursue the current goal. If an agent’s current goal has special importance to the agent, then in terms of prudence the agent’s decision to obtain her current goal could be permissible even in the case where achieving her previous goal (...)
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    Modulating Activity in the Prefrontal Cortex Changes Intertemporal Choice for Loss: A Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Study.Guanxing Xiong, Xi Li, Zhiqiang Dong, Shenggang Cai, Jianye Huang & Qian Li - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Ageism and employee silence: the serial mediating roles of work alienation and organizational commitment.Rui Dong, Wanxin Yu, Shiguang Ni & Qiaolong Hu - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (8):702-721.
    Ageism is a common phenomenon in the workplace, despite being unethical. Although previous studies have explored the many negative effects of ageism on employees, employee silence has rarely been empirically tested as a negative outcome. Therefore, we explored the positive relationship between ageism and employee silence and its underlying mechanism. A total of 416 working adults completed two time-lagged surveys, with items measuring ageism, work alienation, organizational commitment, and employee silence, administered four weeks apart. The results indicate that work alienation (...)
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    On the Nature of Welfare and Its Relevance to Some Issues in Distribution.Dong-Ryul Choo - 2014 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 71:361-388.
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    The pictographical aesthetic structure of Korean Hangeul calligraphy.Jeong Bok Dong - 2008 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 54:71-103.
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    Political-Philosophical Understanding and Teaching about Political Philosophy.Dong-il Kim - 2016 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 84:43-64.
    이 글의 목적은 정치철학을 ‘정치철학적’으로 이해하고 가르쳐야 한다고 주장하는 것이다. 정치철학의 ‘정치철학적’ 이해는 역사적, 철학적, 그리고 정치적 이해를 포함하지만 거기에만 국한되지 않는다. 그것은 중요한 개념과 이론들을 정치적인 문제를 중심으로 이해하는 것이다. 이 글은 ‘정치철학적’으로 정치철학을 논의해야 하는 필요성을 검토한 후 역사적, 철학적, 그리고 정치적 정치철학의 이해가 보여주는 한계를 설명함으로써 ‘정치철학적’ 정치철학을 주장한다. 나아가 ‘정치철학적’으로 정치철학을 이해한다는 것은 무엇인지 논의한다. 결론적으로 말해, 정치적인 문제들을 중심으로 정치철학을 이해하고 가르칠 때 정치철학이 여전히 유용하며 지속될 수 있다고 주장한다.
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    Connectomic disturbances underlying insomnia disorder and predictors of treatment response.Qian Lu, Wentong Zhang, Hailang Yan, Negar Mansouri, Onur Tanglay, Karol Osipowicz, Angus W. Joyce, Isabella M. Young, Xia Zhang, Stephane Doyen, Michael E. Sughrue & Chuan He - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    ObjectiveDespite its prevalence, insomnia disorder remains poorly understood. In this study, we used machine learning to analyze the functional connectivity disturbances underlying ID, and identify potential predictors of treatment response through recurrent transcranial magnetic stimulation and pharmacotherapy.Materials and methods51 adult patients with chronic insomnia and 42 healthy age and education matched controls underwent baseline anatomical T1 magnetic resonance imaging, resting-stage functional MRI, and diffusion weighted imaging. Imaging was repeated for 24 ID patients following four weeks of treatment with pharmacotherapy, with (...)
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  37.  26
    More than just statics: Static and temporal dynamic changes in intrinsic brain activity in unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy.Chengru Song, Xiaonan Zhang, Shaoqiang Han, Keran Ma, Kefan Wang, Xinyue Mao, Yajun Lian, Xianchang Zhang, Jinxia Zhu, Yong Zhang & Jingliang Cheng - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundTemporal lobe epilepsy is the most prevalent refractory focal epilepsy and is more likely accompanied by cognitive impairment. The fully understanding of the neuronal activity underlying TLE is of great significance.ObjectiveThis study aimed to comprehensively explore the potential brain activity abnormalities affected by TLE and detect whether the changes were associated with cognition.MethodsSix static intrinsic brain activity indicators [amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation, fractional ALFF, regional homogeneity, degree centrality, global signal correlation, and voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity ] and their corresponding dynamic indicators, (...)
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    Aberrant Insula-Centered Functional Connectivity in Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction Patients: A Resting-State fMRI Study.Yue Wang, Minghao Dong, Min Guan, Jia Wu, Zhen He, Zhi Zou, Xin Chen, Dapeng Shi, Jimin Liang & Xiangsheng Zhang - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Entropy of eye movement during rapid automatized naming.Hongan Wang, Fulin Liu, Yuhong Dong & Dongchuan Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Numerous studies have focused on the understanding of rapid automatized naming, which can be applied to predict reading abilities and developmental dyslexia in children. Eye tracking technique, characterizing the essential ocular activities, might have the feasibility to reveal the visual and cognitive features of RAN. However, traditional measures of eye movements ignore many dynamical details about the visual and cognitive processing of RAN, and are usually associated with the duration of time spent on some particular areas of interest, fixation counts, (...)
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    Structural Priming and Frequency Effects Interact in Chinese Sentence Comprehension.Hang Wei, Yanping Dong, Julie E. Boland & Fang Yuan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Compassion in the Lotus Sutra and Benevolent Love in the Analects: A Reflection from the Confucian Perspective.Xinzhong Yao & Qun Dong - 2012 - Buddhist Studies Review 28 (2):171-186.
    This article is intended to examine and then compare ci bei in the Lotus S?tra and ren in the Analects of Confucius. Despite many similarities, compassion and benevolent love have shown a difference between Mah?y?na Buddhist ethics and the Confucian moral system. This difference is revealed in the content and meaning of compassion and benevolent love, but more importantly through the ways they are practised, followed and expanded. Through different ways or paths, compassion and benevolent love have nevertheless established two (...)
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    T'oegye ŭi sam kwa Sŏngnihak.ChŏNg-Dong Yu - 2014 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Sŏnggyun'gwan Taehakkyo Tong Asia Haksurwŏn.
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    Yugyo ŭi kŭnbon chŏngsin kwa Han'guk Yuhak.ChŏNg-Dong Yu - 2014 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Pulgyo Munhwa Yŏn'guso.
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  44. The Content of "Assaulting Culture" and Its Influence on Studies of Yan'an Literature.Jian Zhang & Wei-Dong Zhou - 2008 - Nankai University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) 3:80-87.
    "Culture shock" is the context of a place Yan'an Literature summarized. It has focused on anti-Japanese revolutionary base color of the militarization of social life, for the establishment of a modern nation-state "anxiety" mentality, and the potential "breakthrough" mentality. From the "culture shock" the perspective of Yan'an Literature, enabling Yan'an Literature from the "politics" into a deeper vision of the "cultural" space, and thus enrich our literature and the inherent complexity of Yan'an understanding. Through "culture shock", for the Yan'an Literature (...)
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    (1 other version)Thinking on Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) in Reading Interventions: Recommendations for Future Research Directions.Yongjun Zhang, Hongwen Song, Ying Chen, Lin Zuo, Xinzhao Xia & Xiaochu Zhang - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Divination and Correlative Thinking: Origins of an Aesthetic in the Book of Changes and Book of Songs.Ming Dong Gu - 2022 - Philosophy and Literature 46 (1):120-136.
    Abstract:This article enquires into a transcultural aesthetic: bi-xing (inspired metaphor) in China and symbolic representation in the West, which share the common logic of correlative thinking. By examining its earliest provenance in the Zhouyi (Book of Changes) and Shijing(Book of Songs) in China's high antiquity in relation to divination, symbolization, and poetic creation in the West, it argues that this aesthetic arose from omen readings in divination, went through symbolism in linguistic representation, and became a poetic principle in aesthetic thought. (...)
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    Intelligent Ensemble Deep Learning System for Blood Glucose Prediction Using Genetic Algorithms.Dae-Yeon Kim, Dong-Sik Choi, Ah Reum Kang, Jiyoung Woo, Yechan Han, Sung Wan Chun & Jaeyun Kim - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-10.
    Forecasting blood glucose values for patients can help prevent hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia events in advance. To this end, this study proposes an intelligent ensemble deep learning system to predict BG values in 15, 30, and 60 min prediction horizons based on historical BG values collected via continuous glucose monitoring devices as an endogenous factor and carbohydrate intake and insulin administration information as exogenous factors. Although there are numerous deep learning algorithms available, this study applied five algorithms, namely, recurrent neural network, (...)
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    Scramblases and virus infection.Dan Tang, Yichang Wang, Xiuju Dong, Yiqiong Yuan, Fanchen Kang, Weidong Tian, Kunjie Wang, Hong Li & Shiqian Qi - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (12):2100261.
    The asymmetric distribution of lipids, maintained by flippases/floppases and scramblases, plays a pivotal role in various physiologic processes. Scramblases are proteins that move phospholipids between the leaflets of the lipid bilayer of the cellular membrane in an energy‐independent manner. Recent studies have indicated that viral infection is closely related to cellular lipid distribution. The level and distribution of phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) in cells have been demonstrated to be critical regulators of viral infections. Previous studies have supported that the infection of human (...)
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    The effect of facial attractiveness on micro-expression recognition.Qiongsi Lin, Zizhao Dong, Qiuqiang Zheng & Su-Jing Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Micro-expression is an extremely quick and uncontrollable facial movement that lasts for 40–200 ms and reveals thoughts and feelings that an individual attempts to cover up. Though much more difficult to detect and recognize, ME recognition is similar to macro-expression recognition in that it is influenced by facial features. Previous studies suggested that facial attractiveness could influence facial expression recognition processing. However, it remains unclear whether facial attractiveness could also influence ME recognition. Addressing this issue, this study tested 38 participants (...)
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    Healthy and sustainable development of sports economy based on artificial intelligence and mental model.Yue Liu, Bo Dong & Xiangcheng Zeng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In recent years, sports have achieved rapid development worldwide, and the global economy has been significantly improved and improved. With the in-depth development of the two, the connection between sports and the economy has also become closer. Sports economy is a new type of economic form bred by specialization of sports organization, participation in consumerization, and profit-oriented operation under the condition of market economy. And the development of sports economy cannot be developed at once; it needs healthy and sustainable development. (...)
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