Results for 'Manuela Gulde'

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  1.  25
    Maternal Sensitivity Modulates Child’s Parasympathetic Mode and Buffers Sympathetic Activity in a Free Play Situation.Franziska Köhler-Dauner, Eva Roder, Manuela Gulde, Inka Mayer, Jörg M. Fegert, Ute Ziegenhain & Christiane Waller - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundBehavioral and physiological regulation in early life is crucial for the understanding of childhood development and adjustment. The autonomic nervous system is a main player in the regulative system and should therefore be modulated by the quality of interactive behavior of the caregiver. We experimentally investigated the ANS response of 18–36-month-old children in response to the quality of maternal behavior during a mother–child-interacting paradigm.MethodEighty mothers and their children came to our laboratory and took part in an experimental paradigm, consisting of (...)
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  2. Dreams and realities: selected fiction of Juana Manuela Gorriti.Juana Manuela Gorriti, Francine Masiello & Sergio Waisman - 2003
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  3. Education Enhances the Acuity of the Nonverbal Approximate Number System.Manuela Piazza, Pierre Pica, Véronique Izard, Elizabeth Spelke & Stanislas Dehaene - 2013 - Psychological Science 24 (4):p.
    All humans share a universal, evolutionarily ancient approximate number system (ANS) that estimates and combines the numbers of objects in sets with ratio-limited precision. Interindividual variability in the acuity of the ANS correlates with mathematical achievement, but the causes of this correlation have never been established. We acquired psychophysical measures of ANS acuity in child and adult members of an indigene group in the Amazon, the Mundurucú, who have a very restricted numerical lexicon and highly variable access to mathematics education. (...)
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    Effects of Stroke on Ipsilesional End-Effector Kinematics in a Multi-Step Activity of Daily Living.Philipp Gulde, Charmayne Mary Lee Hughes & Joachim Hermsdörfer - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  5. ¿ Es operativo el concepto de generación?Manuela Caballero Guisado & Artemio Baigorri Agoiz - 2013 - Aposta 56:1.
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  6. ¿Es operativo el concepto de generación?Manuela Caballero Guisado & A. Baigorri - 2013 - Aposta 56:1.
    El concepto de generación, con casi dos siglos de presencia en las Humanidades y las Ciencias Sociales, si bien conserva todo su vigor para la construcción de imaginarios, o simples imágenes, con las que captar la atención, y por tanto reaparece de tanto en tanto, sigue planteando no obstante serios problemas conceptuales, epistemológicos y sobre todo metodológicos, cuando intentamos aplicarlo desde presupuestos positivos en la Sociología, más allá del colorismo de los “estudios culturales”, los “estudios de juventud” o el marketing. (...)
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    The intuition of psychometrics: Wolff and Greene compared.Manuela Mei - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (4):659-677.
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    Une prison à l'épreuve du temps. Temporalités carcérales d'hier et d'aujourd'hui.Manuela Cunha - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Manuela Ivone P. da Cunha est professeur à l'Universidade do Minho, CRIA-UM et chercheur associé à l'IDEMEC. Nous la remercions de nous avoir autorisé à reproduire ce texte déjà paru dans S. Humbert, N. Derasse & J.-P. Royer, La prison, du temps passé au temps dépassé, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2012, p. 143-153. Nous avons souvent tendance, notamment dans les rencontres scientifiques qui font du temps leur protagoniste, à parler de différents types de temps – le temps de la - Anthropologie (...)
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    Subitizing reflects visuo-spatial object individuation capacity.Manuela Piazza, Antonia Fumarola, Alessandro Chinello & David Melcher - 2011 - Cognition 121 (1):147-153.
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    Das Dämonische bei Kierkegaard.Manuela Hackel - 2011 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2011 (2011):383-410.
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    Depersonalization, Meditation, and the Experience of (No-)Self.Manuela Kirberg & Monima Chadha - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (5):151-177.
    This paper aims to contribute to an integrated understanding of what goes missing in adverse meditation experiences and in cases of depersonalization disorder. Depersonalization disorder is characterized by distressing alterations in, and sometimes the complete disappearance of, the 'I'-sense. This paper examines the nature of the 'I'-sense and what it means to lose it from a Buddhist perspective. We argue for a nihilist position that the loss of the sense of self arises from misidentifications of the psychophysical complex with non-self (...)
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    Developmental trajectory of number acuity reveals a severe impairment in developmental dyscalculia.Manuela Piazza, Andrea Facoetti, Anna Noemi Trussardi, Ilaria Berteletti, Stefano Conte, Daniela Lucangeli, Stanislas Dehaene & Marco Zorzi - 2010 - Cognition 116 (1):33-41.
  13. El idioma español en el mundo.Manuela Aguilera - 2005 - Critica 55 (929):12-17.
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  14. Religiones en el mundo. Cifras y datos.Manuela Aguilera - 2004 - Critica 54 (913):12-15.
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    Pain, Parental Involvement, and Oxytocin in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.Manuela Filippa, Pierrick Poisbeau, Jérôme Mairesse, Maria Grazia Monaci, Olivier Baud, Petra Hüppi, Didier Grandjean & Pierre Kuhn - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Nota sobre" yarad".Manuela Marín - 1994 - Al-Qantara 15 (1):253-256.
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    L'intuizione dei pensieri: la pars inferior animae nella psicologia cognitiva di Christian Wolff.Manuela Mei - 2011 - Roma: Aracne.
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  18.  55
    The state, human rights and the ethics of war termination: what should a just peace look like? A critical appraisal.Manuela Melandri - 2011 - Journal of Global Ethics 7 (3):241-249.
    The concept of jus post bellum deals with moral considerations in the aftermath of conflict and is concerned with how a just peace should look like. This paper analyses the concept of jus post bellum as developed by contemporary Just War theorists. Its aim is to provide a critical perspective on the proposed substantial scope of this concept. In other words, it will consider the question: in restoring peace after war, is it justified for just combatants to change the political (...)
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  19.  7
    Mensch Und Medien: Philosophische Und Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven.Manuela Pietrass & Rüdiger Funiok (eds.) - 2010 - Vs Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
    Die Medialisierung der Lebenswelt bedingt eine Veränderung der Erfahrung von Wirklichkeit, der Erkenntnisweisen und des gesellschaftlichen Miteinanders. Diese Veränderungen sind anthropologisch relevant, denn durch die Medien werden sie vorgeformt, und zugleich eröffnen die Medien einen Möglichkeitsraum für zukünftige Entwicklungsweisen. In diesem Kontext einer medialen Vorbedingung von Möglichkeiten des Menschseins und ihrer Ausgestaltung sind die Beiträge des Sammelbandes angesiedelt. „Wie realisiert sich Menschsein unter den Bedingungen der Medialität?“ ist die leitende Fragestellung.
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    Under a Starry Vault. Warburg, Jung and the Renaissance of Ancient Paganisms at the Beginning of the 20 th Century.Manuela Pallotto Strickland - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (2):41-57.
    The paper tackles the controversial question of the affinities between the work of Aby Warburg and Carl Gustav Jung. Instead of focussing her interest exclusively on the concepts of collective memory and primordial images, though, the author critically compares the different ways Warburg and Jung looked at the renaissance of ancient practices of Paganism at the beginning of the Twentieth century, and questions the extent to which the cultural crisis heralded by Modernity, and the challenges brought about by secularisation influenced (...)
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  21. Epistemic Landscapes Reloaded: An Examination of Agent-Based Models in Social Epistemology.Manuela Fernández Pinto & Daniel Fernández Pinto - 2018 - Historical Social Research 43 (1):48-71.
    Weisberg and Muldoon’s epistemic landscape model (ELM) has been one of the most significant contributions to the use of agent-based models in philosophy. The model provides an innovative approach to establishing the optimal distribution of cognitive labor in scientific communities, using an epistemic landscape. In the paper, we provide a critical examination of ELM. First, we show that the computing mechanism for ELM is correct insofar as we are able to replicate the results using another programming language. Second, we show (...)
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  22.  50
    Crossing boundaries: toward a general model of neuroaesthetics.Manuela Maria Marin - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:156097.
  23.  63
    (1 other version)Relational factors affecting dog social attraction to human partners.Manuela Wedl, Iris Schöberl, Barbara Bauer, Jon Day & Kurt Kotrschal - 2010 - Interaction Studies 11 (3):482-503.
    We previously showed that owner personality and human-dog relationship predicted the performance of a human-dog dyad in a practical task. Based on the same data set we presently investigate the effects of individual and social factors on the social attraction of dogs to their owners. Twenty-two male and female owners and their intact male dogs were observed during a “picture viewing” test, where we diverted the owner's attention away from their dog whilst it was permitted to move freely around the (...)
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    Free nilpotent minimum algebras.Manuela Busaniche - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (3):219-236.
    In the present paper we give a description of the free algebra over an arbitrary set of generators in the variety of nilpotent minimum algebras. Such description is given in terms of a weak Boolean product of directly indecomposable algebras over the Boolean space corresponding to the Boolean subalgebra of the free NM-algebra.
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  25.  54
    Bringing back the body into the mind: gestures enhance word learning in foreign language.Manuela Macedonia - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:111994.
    Foreign language education in the twenty-first century still teaches vocabulary mainly through reading and listening activities. This is due to the link between teaching practice and traditional philosophy of language, where language is considered to be an abstract phenomenon of the mind. However, a number of studies have shown that accompanying words or phrases of a foreign language with gestures leads to better memory results. In this paper, I review behavioral research on the positive effects of gestures on memory. Then (...)
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  26.  27
    Twist Structures and Nelson Conuclei.Manuela Busaniche, Nikolaos Galatos & Miguel Andrés Marcos - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (4):949-987.
    Motivated by Kalman residuated lattices, Nelson residuated lattices and Nelson paraconsistent residuated lattices, we provide a natural common generalization of them. Nelson conucleus algebras unify these examples and further extend them to the non-commutative setting. We study their structure, establish a representation theorem for them in terms of twist structures and conuclei that results in a categorical adjunction, and explore situations where the representation is actually an isomorphism. In the latter case, the adjunction is elevated to a categorical equivalence. By (...)
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  27.  18
    El tiempo que no cesa. La erosión de la frontera carcelaria.Manuela Cunha - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Nous remercions chaleureusement Manuela Ivone Cunha de nous avoir autorisé à reproduire ce texte. Cette étude renvoie à une étude plus ancienne que l'on trouvera ici. Elle a déjà paru dans RENGLONES 58-59, Noviembre de 2004-Abril de 2005. Alfred Gell defendía que “time is always one and the same, [but it is in] manifold ways that time becomes salient in human affairs”. La prisión es un contexto en donde se evidencia la exactitud de esta precisión. El tiempo en la (...)
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  28. Año Internacional de conmemoración de la lucha contra la esclavitud y de su abolición. Esclavos del siglo XXI.Manuela Aguilera - 2004 - Critica 54 (919):14-19.
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  29. La discapacidad en España.Manuela Aguilera - 2007 - Critica 57 (946):12-17.
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  30.  25
    L'erotismo secondo Del Noce.Manuela Alessio - 2000 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 13 (1):143-150.
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    El trabajo del hogar en la periferia. Discriminaciones legales y estrategias de lucha.Manuela Fernández Bocco - 2021 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 38:125-158.
    El objeto de estudio de la presente investigación está constituido por las discriminaciones legales sufridas por las mujeres migrantes trabajadoras del hogar en España. Específicamente, aborda las discriminaciones que resultan de la intersección entre las diferentes relaciones de poder que afectan a este sector, con la finalidad de contribuir a la visibilización de las problemáticas existentes y de las demandas respectivas. Para ello, además de los estudios disponibles, se han tomado en consideración las voces de las propias trabajadoras a partir (...)
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  32.  13
    Effekte von Fernsehen auf die Wertvorstellungen von Zuschauern.Manuela Born & Norbert M. Seel - 1984 - Communications 10 (1-3):91-110.
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  33. ¿Qué le pasa a la justicia?Manuela Carmena Castrillo - 2008 - Critica 58 (954):22-25.
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  34. Anatomie des Anti-Subjekts.Manuela Günter, Siegfried Kracauer, Walter Benjamin & Carl Einstein - 1998 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (3):612-613.
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  35. Un nuevo texto de Ibn Baskuwal: Ajbar Abi Wahb.Manuela Marín - 1989 - Al-Qantara 10 (2):385-403.
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  36. Sprache, Ethik und Leben bei Heidegger und Wittgenstein.Manuela Massa - 2019 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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  37. Globalización y exclusión social: acciones dirigidas a la integración en el marco de la Unión Europea.Manuela del Pilar Santos Pita - 2011 - Aposta 50:2 - 22.
    Este estudio se centra en las últimas acciones dirigidas a promover la plena integración de las personas con discapacidad. La Globalización en muchos caso ha llevado a la exclusión social de los grupos que sufren una mayor marginación, haciendo preciso promover desde las instituciones un enfoque social y económico integrado que considere la economía, el comercio, el empleo y la cohesión social como elementos interdependientes para la reducción de las desigualdades, debiéndose dar preeminencia a las reformas sociales que fomenten la (...)
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    Commentary: Episodic Future Thinking about the Ideal Self Induces Lower Discounting, Leading to a Decreased Tendency toward Cheating.Manuela Sellitto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Speaking about the Unspeakable: Plato's Use of Imagery.Manuela Tecuşan - 1992 - Apeiron 25 (4):69-88.
  40.  25
    Utilización de las revistas españolas de ciencia y tecnología.Manuela Vázquez, A. David Velayos & Elena Fernández - 1999 - Arbor 162 (639):347-365.
    Los autores españoles, en especial los del ámbito de las ciencias básicas, están publicando cada vez más en revistas extranjeras de idioma inglés. No obstante, las revistas españolas se utilizan como vehículos de información por todos los sectores científicos del país. En este artículo se analiza la utilización de las revistas españolas de ciencia y tecnología a través de la demanda de copias de sus artículos. Se determinan las materias que experimentan una mayor demanda, la periodicidad de las revistas más (...)
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  41. Commercialization and the Limits of Well-Ordered Science.Manuela Fernández Pinto - 2015 - Perspectives on Science 23 (2):173-191.
    In recent decades, philosophers of science have become increasingly concerned with the social dimensions of scientific knowledge. Philosophers such as Helen Longino, Philip Kitcher, Miriam Solomon, Heather Douglas, and Janet Kourany have sought to incorporate the social aspects of science, while retaining the normative commitments of philosophy of science. Some of the major theoretical approaches in social epistemology of science, however, tend to ignore or underestimate the role that the current state of science organization plays in the production of scientific (...)
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  42. How Dissent on Gender Bias in Academia Affects Science and Society: Learning from the Case of Climate Change Denial.Manuela Fernández Pinto & Anna Leuschner - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (4):573-593.
    Gender bias is a recalcitrant problem in academia and society. However, dissent has been created on this issue. We focus on dissenting studies by Stephen J. Ceci and Wendy M. Williams, arguing that they reach conclusions that are unwarranted on the basis of the available evidence and that they ignore fundamental objections to their methodological decisions. Drawing on discussions from other contexts, particularly on manufactured dissent concerning anthropogenic climate change, we conclude that dissent on gender bias substantially contributes to the (...)
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  43.  42
    Democratic republicanism. Historical reflections on the idea of republic in the 18th century.Manuela Albertone - 2007 - History of European Ideas 33 (1):108-130.
    In the current debate on republicanism the relationship between republicanism and democracy is an aspect whose historical dimension has thus far hardly been investigated. It offers instead also the chance to clear up ambiguities on the opposition between republicanism and liberalism. In this sense, recent research on the radical Enlightenment, on the link between economics and politics, by a new reading of physiocracy as political discourse, and on the foundations of political representation represent some of the most important advances made (...)
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  44.  21
    ¿Quién lo hizo? Datos sobre la investigación de delitos de sangre en al-Andalus.Manuela Marín - 2005 - Al-Qantara 26 (2):405-424.
    En este artículo se estudian dos aspectos de la investigación sobre delitos de sangre en al-Andalus. En primer lugar, la tadmiya, inculpación hecha por una persona gravemente herida contra su atacante. En segundo lugar, la qasāma, el juramento cincuentenario que podían hacer los parientes masculinos de la víctima de un crimen contra alguien a quien acusaban de haberlo cometido. Estos dos procedimientos se examinan a través de varios casos, documentados históricamente, en que se pusieron en práctica. Las opiniones de los (...)
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  45.  50
    Exploring the Neural Representation of Novel Words Learned through Enactment in a Word Recognition Task.Manuela Macedonia & Karsten Mueller - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:179573.
    Vocabulary learning in a second language is enhanced if learners enrich the learning experience with self-performed iconic gestures. This learning strategy is called enactment. Here we explore how enacted words are functionally represented in the brain and which brain regions contribute to enhance retention. After an enactment training lasting 4 days, participants performed a word recognition task in the functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) scanner. Data analysis suggests the participation of different and partially intertwined networks that are engaged in higher (...)
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  46.  16
    Embodied cognition and pleasure in ancient comic anger.Manuela Irarrazabal - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):103-116.
    Este artículo explora la aplicación de un modelo de cognición encarnada como lente para entender la ira en Lisístrata de Aristófanes. Se argumenta que la representación de la ira en esta comedia sigue un patrón encontrado en diferentes géneros de la literatura griega en que la emoción es asociada a un elemento de placer. Este elemento sensorial es encontrado desde una manera más articulada en Aristóteles hasta una variedad de metáforas que conectan la ira y el erotismo en otros autores. (...)
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  47. Entrevista con Carmen Sánchez Carazo.Manuela Aguilera - 2007 - Critica 57 (946):68-73.
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  48. Entrevista con Pilar Gallego Pérez, Presidenta del Gremio de Libreros de Madrid: "El libro es un bien cultural".Manuela Aguilera - 2007 - Critica 57 (945):71-73.
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  49. Las cifras de la música en España.Manuela Aguilera - 2005 - Critica 55 (924):10-16.
  50. La Iglesia Católica en el mundo.Manuela Aguilera - 2005 - Critica 55 (921):12-15.
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