Results for 'Jérôme Mairesse'

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  1.  21
    Pain, Parental Involvement, and Oxytocin in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.Manuela Filippa, Pierrick Poisbeau, Jérôme Mairesse, Maria Grazia Monaci, Olivier Baud, Petra Hüppi, Didier Grandjean & Pierre Kuhn - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Neural Correlates of Morphological Processing: Evidence from Chinese.Lijuan Zou, Jerome L. Packard, Zhichao Xia, Youyi Liu & Hua Shu - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  3. Hannah Arendt: Twenty Years Later.Larry May & Jerome Kohn (eds.) - 1996 - MIT Press.
    Now, twenty years later, this collection of fifteenessays brings her work into dialogue with those philosophical views that are at center stage today-- in critical theory, communitarianism, virtue theory, and feminism.
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  4. Disability, “Being Unhealthy,” and Rights to Health.Jerome Bickenbach - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (4):821-828.
    Often advocates for persons with disabilities are resistant to what might appear to be the banal truism that, at bottom, disability is a decrement in health. Disability advocates have long objected to the “medicalization” of disability, when that means focusing entirely on a person’s underlying impairments and ignoring all of the manifold obstacles in his or her environment — e.g., physical, human-built, attitudinal, social, political, and cultural — that makes living with those impairments at least disadvantageous and socially devalued. Over-medicalization (...)
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    Argumentation and informed consent in the doctor–patient relationship.Jerome Bickenbach - 2012 - Journal of Argumentaion in Context 1 (1):5-18.
    Argumentation theory has much to offer our understanding of the doctor-patient relationship as it plays out in the context of seeking and obtaining consent to treatment. In order to harness the power of argumentation theory in this regard, I argue, it is necessary to take into account insights from the legal and bioethical dimensions of informed consent, and in particular to account for features of the interaction that make it psychologically complex: that there is a fundamental asymmetry of authority, power (...)
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    Inquiring into Animal Enhancement.Jérôme Goffette, Simone Bateman, Jean Gayon, Sylvie Allouche & Michela Marzano (eds.) - 2015 - Springer.
    Can the age-old practices of animal selection and breeding and the more recent biotechnological interventions on animals, far more intrusive and systematic than any present form of human enhancement, enlighten us as to the future of enhancement practices? This book explores issues raised by past and present practices of animal enhancement in terms of their means and their goals, clarifies conceptual issues and identifies lessons that can be learned about enhancement practices, as they concern both animals and humans. The extreme (...)
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    The Defence of Necessity.Jerome E. Bickenbach - 1983 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 13 (1):79-100.
    The defence of necessity has had a long, though confused, legal career. Like self-defence, consent, duress, insanity and mistake of law, necessity is rooted in moral intuitions about when conduct which causes harm to another's person or property is not wrong, or should be tolerated, permitted or praised. If a man is literally starving to death and steals a loaf of bread, we are reluctant to say that his extreme circumstances should make no difference at all to the way we (...)
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    Experimental Psychology.Jerome H. Gibson - 1932 - Modern Schoolman 9 (4):85-85.
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    Conscious Technology: A Candidate World View.Jerome C. Glenn - 1990 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 10 (5-6):251-253.
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    Introduction au logiciel libre.Jérôme Gleizes - 2000 - Multitudes 1 (1):161-165.
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    Le capital humain.Jérôme Gleizes - 2000 - Multitudes 2 (2):111-112.
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    La passion du libre.Jérôme Gleizes & Aris Papathéodorou - 2000 - Multitudes 1 (1):166-174.
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    The Co-evolution of Mind and Machine.Jerome C. Glenn - 1989 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 9 (3):222-225.
    The Post-Information Age will see the merger of humans and their technologies, perhaps creating an entirely new species.
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    The Co-evolution of Mind and Machine: The Post-Information Age will see the merger of humans and their technologies, perhaps creating an entirely new species.Jerome C. Glenn - 1989 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 9 (4):222-227.
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    L'art contemporain peut-il être populaire?Jérôme Glicenstein - 2008 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 1 (1):21-28.
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    La rhétorique au musée.Jérôme Glicenstein - 2010 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 6 (2):177-186.
    Résumé Les musées semblent souvent à la fois immuables et « objectifs » pour ce qui est des relations qu’ils proposent aux œuvres. La constitution des musées procède pourtant d’une histoire qui emprunte directement à la rhétorique des méthodes visant à convaincre, toucher, persuader, voire manipuler à tout prix les personnes à qui on a affaire. Les questions d’invention, de disposition, d’élocution se retrouvent ainsi au musée dans les choix et catégorisations d’œuvres, la muséographie, la médiation, la visite guidée...
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    Remarques sur l'œuvre d'art et ses interprètes.Jérôme Glicenstein - 2009 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 3 (1):53-57.
    Résumé L’interprétation serait un point qui divise les arts. À l’encontre de cette idée, l’auteur pose un principe d’équivalence entre les arts qui n’est plus fondé sur des questions de définition des « pratiques artistiques » mais sur leur mode de diffusion. Le concert, le spectacle, le cinéma, l’édition d’un livre trouvent alors leur contrepartie dans le monde des arts plastiques avec l’exposition. L’exposition est en outre le point de rencontre de différentes formes d’interprétation : celle de l’artiste, celles de (...)
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  18. Sexual Identity and Sexual Justice:Sexual Justice: Democratic Citizenship and the Politics of Desire. Morris B. Kaplan.Jerome Neu - 1998 - Ethics 108 (3):586-.
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    Le dernier avatar de la prise en charge du pretium doloris et du préjudice d'agrément par les juges administratifs : sa reconnaissance pour les victimes en état végétatif.Jérôme Momas - 2005 - Médecine et Droit 2005 (72):85-88.
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  20. Heisenberg's Concept of Matter as Potency.Michael Jerome Carella - 1976 - Diogenes 24 (96):25-37.
    Does the success of quantum mechanics require that we abandon the notion of complete scientific explanation? Or does it represent a breakthrough in the explanatory scope of physical theories? Ever since Werner Heisenberg formulated the theory of matrix mechanics in 1925, this issue has been the topic of a continuing philosophical debate. In this essay I propose to explain Heisenberg's rejection of the mechanistic philosophy associated with classical physics and the significance of his return to Aristotle's concept of matter as (...)
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    Prayer for Good Governance: A Study of Psalm 72 in the Nigeria Context.Mary Jerome Obiorah - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):192.
    Contextualizationof Biblical texts is a priority of every exegete, who endeavors to bring the ancient scripts to dialogue with contemporary issues. This paper, which studies Psalm 72 and a prayer composed for good governance in Anambra State Nigeria, focuses on this hermeneutical interpretation. The writer adopts a simplified literary method in Biblical research that takes cognizance of the varied poetic techniques in Psalm 72 and engages in a detailed comparative study of a Psalm composed more than two millennia ago and (...)
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    Editorial: The role of reasoning in mathematical thinking.Kinga Morsanyi, Jérôme Prado & Lindsey E. Richland - 2018 - Thinking and Reasoning 24 (2):129-137.
    Research into mathematics often focuses on basic numerical and spatial intuitions, and one key property of numbers: their magnitude. The fact that mathematics is a system of complex relationships that invokes reasoning usually receives less attention. The purpose of this special issue is to highlight the intricate connections between reasoning and mathematics, and to use insights from the reasoning literature to obtain a more complete understanding of the processes that underlie mathematical cognition. The topics that are discussed range from the (...)
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    Desires, right and wrong: the ethics of enough.Mortimer Jerome Adler - 1991 - Mount Jackson, VA: Axios Press.
    Prologue: retrospective and prospective -- The ethics of enough -- Real and apparent goods -- Wrong desires: pleasure, money, fame, and power -- Right desires: the totum bonum and its constituents -- Fundamental errors in moral philosophy -- Necessary but not sufficient -- Epilogue: transcultural ethics.
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    Philosophy.Mortimer Jerome Adler - 1963 - Chicago,: Encyclopaedia Britannica. Edited by Seymour Cain.
    Preface by Dr. Franz Alexander - Director, Psychiatric and Pychosomatic Research Institute Mount Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles. Vol. 9.
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    Letters pro and con.M. Jerome Stolnitz & Campbell Crockett - 1952 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 10 (4):377-379.
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    Reconciling the capability approach and the ICF.Jerome Bickenbach - 2014 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 8 (1):10-23.
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    Kierkegaard and the Figure of the Philistine: a Negative Way of Highlighting Existence.Jérôme Bord - 2023 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 28 (1):79-98.
    In this paper, I propose a study of the figure of the philistine (Spidsborgeren) as the embodiment of spiritlessness in Kierkegaard. Indeed, although the pseudonyms aim at representing all the possibilities of existence, declining at the same time the diverse degrees of inwardness, the philistine appears throughout the whole work as the very paradigm of the lack of inwardness. While this figure stands as a kind of antipseudonym, I thus argue that it plays a decisive role in Kierkegaard, because it (...)
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    Examining inventions, shaping property: The savants and the French patent system.Jérôme Baudry - 2019 - History of Science 57 (1):62-80.
    In 1791, the Loi relative aux découvertes utiles instituted a new patent system in France. Because patents were seen as the expression of the natural right of inventors, prior examination was abolished. However, only a few years after the law was passed, an unofficial examination was reinstated, and it was entrusted to the Comité Consultatif des Arts et Manufactures – a consultative body composed of prominent scientists. I analyze the political significance of the involvement of the savants in the patent (...)
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  29.  12
    De la subjectivité messianique.Jérôme Benarroch - 2015 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 37:155-177.
    Notre article consiste en une étude talmudique à propos du messianisme. Nous analysons en particulier une double difficulté. La première consiste dans le nouage obscur que le Talmud suggère entre des éléments intimes de la subjectivité humaine et l’advenue collective globale, de nature politique, d’un dépassement de la société mercantile inégalitaire. La deuxième concerne l’élaboration de cette subjectivité, que l’on peut dire paradoxale, puisqu’elle conjoint une forme de désespoir de la délivrance à une attente renouvelée. Notre approche s’inscrit dans la (...)
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    Fundamental theories and their empirical patches.Jerome A. Berson - 2008 - Foundations of Chemistry 10 (3):147-156.
    Many theories require empirical patches or ad hoc assumptions to work properly in application to chemistry. Some examples include the Bohr quantum theory of atomic spectra, the Pauli exclusion principle, the Marcus theory of the rate-equilibrium correlation, Kekule’s hypothesis of bond oscillation in benzene, and the quantum calculation of reaction pathways. Often the proposed refinements do not grow out of the original theory but are devised and added ad hoc. This brings into question the goal of constructing theories derived from (...)
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    Booknotes.Jerome E. Bickenbach - 1989 - Philosophy 64:123.
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    Critical Notice.Jerome E. Bickenbach - 1990 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 20 (4):577-600.
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    Critical Notice.Jerome E. Bickenbach - 1988 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 18 (4):765-786.
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    Disability Studies and Bioethics: A Comment on Kuczewski.Jerome E. Bickenbach - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (3):49-50.
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    Editorials: Little Ludwig.Jerome E. Bickenbach - 1989 - Philosophy 64:133.
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    Justifying Deduction.Jerome E. Bickenbach - 1979 - Dialogue 18 (4):500-516.
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    Notebook.Jerome E. Bickenbach - 1989 - Philosophy 64:131.
    // me/firstPage-S0031819100044181a.jpg.
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    One Ought to Do What One Thinks One Ought to Do.Jerome E. Bickenbach - 1975 - Dialogue 14 (4):667-670.
    R. E. Jennings has recently provided us with two formal renderings of the motto of the view he calls ‘pseudo-subjectivism’, viz., ‘One ought to do what one thinks one ought to do’. These renderings are.
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    Social Issues and Moral Scrutiny: Cragg and Narveson.Jerome E. Bickenbach - 1985 - Dialogue 24 (2):283-290.
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    The 'Artificial Reason' of the Law.Jerome Bickenbach - 1990 - Informal Logic 12 (1).
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    The Status of the Propositions in the Tractatus.Jerome E. Bickenbach - 1974 - Dialogue 13 (4):763-772.
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    Cortisone. Memoirs of a Hormone HunterEdward C. Kendall.Jerome Bieber - 1972 - Isis 63 (2):297-298.
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    Die Bedeutung von Kants Begründung der Ästhetik für die Philosophie der Kunst.Jerome Stolnitz - 1961 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 22 (2):282-283.
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    Politics and the Community of ScienceJoseph Haberer.Jerome Bieber - 1971 - Isis 62 (4):531-532.
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    Humain, encore humain!Jérôme Bindé - 2004 - Diogène 206 (2):70-78.
    Résumé Le cheminement de la pensée occidentale, depuis plus d’un siècle, a vu : la mort de Dieu, la chute des idéologies politiques qui semblaient avoir pris le relais des valeurs « divines », la solitude de l’individu désorienté. Le malaise de l’individu serait le symptôme d’une remise en question de la notion même d’être humain. En reprenant la critiques de l’humanisme introduite par Nietzsche, Sloterdijk fait ressortir que l’homme aurait échappé à la bestialité par les moyens mêmes qu’il emploie (...)
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    Human, Still Human!Jérôme Bindé - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (2):55-61.
    In his preface to Human, Too Human Nietzsche wrote: ‘My books have been labelled the school of suspicion … ‘ Predicted and desired by Nietzsche, the age of suspicion does seem to be one of the labels that best characterize the century that has just closed. And symptomatically it was used a few decades later in France to describe writers’ interrogations about the novel as a literary genre, its facilities and conventions, its easy determinisms, as well as the exorbitant power (...)
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    Félix Hedde (1879-1960).Jérôme Bùi Thiện Thảo - 2018 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 102 (1):63-98.
    Mgr Félix Hedde (1879-1960), o.p., est un personnage-clé de la mission des dominicains de Lyon dans le Haut-Tonkin. Son long ministère au Việt Nam (1926-1960) en fit un témoin privilégié d’une période dramatique de l’histoire du pays. Il a connu les années prospères de la colonisation française jusqu’en 1940, les souffrances de ses compatriotes pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la guerre d’Indochine, leur humiliation face à la décolonisation forcée, et enfin la persécution ouverte ou larvée des chrétiens sous le (...)
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    (1 other version)Du pèze sur la planche : les représentations de l'argent dans la bande dessinée.Jérôme Blanc - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 54 (2):171-178.
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    Les systèmes d'échange local.Jérome Blanc, Cyrille Ferraton & Gilles Malandrin - 2003 - Hermes 36:91.
    Cet article analyse les liens entre les SEL et l'économie solidaire. Les SEL sont définis comme des associations au sein desquelles des personnes échangent services et biens au moyen d'une comptabilité interne tenue en une monnaie propre ; elles émergent en 1983. SEL et économie solidaire partagent certains objectifs communs. Les SEL revendiquent en effet par leurs actions l'institution de nouveaux rapports économiques procédant d'une solidarité sous la forme d'une proximité relationnelle et spatiale, à laquelle ne répondent pas l'échange marchand (...)
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    Effect of anterior ganglia removal on phototaxis in the earthworm mbriscus terrestris).Jerome Blue - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (3):257-259.
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