Results for 'Mamta Bhatt'

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  1.  64
    Managing Impressions in the Face of Rising Stakeholder Pressures: Examining Oil Companies’ Shifting Stances in the Climate Change Debate.Mignon D. Van Halderen, Mamta Bhatt, Guido A. J. M. Berens, Tom J. Brown & Cees B. M. Van Riel - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (3):567-582.
    In this paper, we examine how organizations’ impression management evolves in response to rising stakeholder pressures regarding organizations’ corporate responsibility initiatives. We conducted a comparative case study analysis over a period of 13 years for two organizations—Exxon and BP—that took extreme initial stances on climate change. We found that as stakeholder pressures rose, their IM tactics unfolded in four phases: advocating the initial stance, sensegiving to clarify the initial stance, image repairing, and adjusting the stance. Taken together, our analysis of (...)
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    Managing Impressions in the Face of Rising Stakeholder Pressures: Examining Oil Companies’ Shifting Stances in the Climate Change Debate.Cees Riel, Tom J. Brown, Guido Berens, Mamta Bhatt & Mignon Halderen - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (3):567-582.
    In this paper, we examine how organizations’ impression management evolves in response to rising stakeholder pressures regarding organizations’ corporate responsibility initiatives. We conducted a comparative case study analysis over a period of 13 years for two organizations—Exxon and BP—that took extreme initial stances on climate change. We found that as stakeholder pressures rose, their IM tactics unfolded in four phases: advocating the initial stance, sensegiving to clarify the initial stance, image repairing, and adjusting the stance. Taken together, our analysis of (...)
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    Cultural Differences in Fear of Negative Evaluation After Social Norm Transgressions and the Impact on Mental Health.Mamta Vaswani, Victoria M. Esses, Ian R. Newby-Clark & Benjamin Giguère - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Social norm transgressions are assumed to be at the root of numerous substantial negative outcomes for transgressors. There is a prevailing notion among lay people and scholars that transgressing social norms can negatively impact one’s mental health. The present research aimed to examine this assumption, focusing on clinically relevant outcomes such as anxiety and depression. The present research further aimed to examine a social cognitive process for these outcomes in the form of fear of negative evaluations as a result of (...)
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  4. Buddhist epistemology.S. R. Bhatt - 2000 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. Edited by Dignāga.
    This volume provides a clear and exhaustive exposition of Buddhist epistemology and logic, based on the works of classical thinkers such as Vasubandhu, Dinnaga,..
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    The canonical nikṣepa: studies in Jaina dialectics.Bansidhar Bhatt - 1978 - Leiden: Brill.
    CHAPTER 1 Subdivisions in the Relevant Canonical Works References, dvara-gathas , subdivisions, titles, and colophons are technical devices which need not ...
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    How Transparency Modulates Trust in Artificial Intelligence.John Zerilli, Umang Bhatt & Adrian Weller - 2022 - Patterns 3 (4):1-10.
    We review the literature on how perceiving an AI making mistakes violates trust and how such violations might be repaired. In doing so, we discuss the role played by various forms of algorithmic transparency in the process of trust repair, including explanations of algorithms, uncertainty estimates, and performance metrics.
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  7. The Raising Analysis of Relative Clauses: Evidence from Adjectival Modification. [REVIEW]Rajesh Bhatt - 2002 - Natural Language Semantics 10 (1):43-90.
    This paper provides a new argument for the raising analysis of relative clauses. This argument is based on the observation that certain adjectival modifiers on the head of a relative clause can be interpreted in positions internal to the relative clause. It is shown that the raising analysis of relative clauses is able to generate the readings corresponding to the relative clause internal interpretation of adjectival modifiers and that two competing analyses of relative clauses, the matching analysis and the head (...)
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    Review of Form and Validity in Indian Logic, by Vijay Bharadwaja ; The Word and The World: India's Contribution to the Study of Language, by Bimal Krishna Matilal ;The Basic Ways of Knowing, by Govardhan P. Bhatt ; The Quest for Man, ed. J. Van Nispen and D. Tiemersma ; Muslim-Christian Encounters: Perceptions and Misperceptions, by William Montgomery Watt ; Socrates in Mediaeval Arabic Literature, by Ilai Alon, in Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science, Texts and Studies, vol. 10 ; Tsung-mi and the Sinification of Buddhism, by Peter N. Gregory ; Modern Civilization: A Crisis of Fragmentation, by S. C. Malik ; and Nature in Asian Traditions of Thought: Essays in Environmental Philosophy, ed. J. Baird Callicott and Roger T. Ames. [REVIEW]J. Shaw, Vijay Bharadwaha, S. Bhatt, W. Hudson & Ian Netton - 1992 - Asian Philosophy 2 (2):187-210.
  9.  42
    Social Entrepreneurship in Non-munificent Institutional Environments and Implications for Institutional Work: Insights from China.Babita Bhatt, Israr Qureshi & Suhaib Riaz - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (3):605-630.
    We investigate the research question: Why are there very few social enterprises in China? Our findings unpack four types of institutional challenges to social entrepreneurship, as perceived by social entrepreneurs: norms of a strong role for government; misunderstood or unknown role for social enterprises; non-supportive rules and regulations; and lack of socio-cultural values and beliefs in support of social goals. We contribute to the literature on social enterprises by showing how an institutional environment may be “non-munificent,” i.e., non-supportive for the (...)
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  10.  48
    Ethical Complexity of Social Change: Negotiated Actions of a Social Enterprise.Babita Bhatt - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (4):743-762.
    This paper investigates how social enterprises navigate through the ethical complexity of social change and extends the ethical quandaries faced by social enterprises beyond organisational boundaries. Building on the emerging literature on the ethics of SEs, I conceptualise ethics as an engagement with power relations. I develop theoretical arguments to understand the interaction between ethical predispositions of a SE and the normative structure of the social system in which it operates. I applied this conceptualisation in a hierarchical and heterogeneous rural (...)
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  11.  24
    Jainism for a New World Order.Siddheshwar Rameshwar Bhatt - 2021 - Springer Singapore.
    This book analyses global issues holistically and offers pragmatic solutions from a Jainism perspective. Accordingly, it presents a fresh vision of individual development, social transformation and cosmic wellbeing based on the central tenets and practices of Jainism. Through this book, readers learn viable solutions to the current problems of environmental disharmony, economical distress, and religious and cultural conflicts. It deals with religious pluralism and brings to fore the need for harmony of religions and interfaith dialogues. The book is interesting for (...)
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    Approximate postdictive reasoning with answer set programming.Manfred Eppe & Mehul Bhatt - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (4):676-719.
  13.  45
    Fertility transition and adverse child sex ratio in districts of india.Sanjay K. Mohanty & Mamta Rajbhar - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 46 (6):1-19.
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    The 9th annual INDUS-EM 2013 Emergency Medicine Summit, “Principles, Practices, and Patients,” a level one international meeting, Kerala University of Health Sciences and Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala, India, October 23–27, 2013. [REVIEW]Mamta Swaroop, Sagar C. Galwankar, Stanislaw P. A. Stawicki, Jayaraj M. Balakrishnan, Tamara Worlton, Ravi S. Tripathi, David P. Bahner, Sanjeev Bhoi, Colin Kaide & Thomas J. Papadimos - 2014 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 9:8.
    INDUS-EM is India’s only level one conference imparting and exchanging quality knowledge in acute care. Specifically, in general and specialized emergency care and training in trauma, burns, cardiac, stroke, environmental and disaster medicine. It provides a series of exchanges regarding academic development and implementation of training tools related to developing future academic faculty and residents in Emergency Medicine in India. The INDUS-EM leadership and board of directors invited scholars from multiple institutions to participate in this advanced educational symposium that was (...)
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    A history based approximate epistemic action theory for efficient postdictive reasoning.Manfred Eppe & Mehul Bhatt - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (4):720-769.
  16.  22
    Cellular Adaptation Relies on Regulatory Proteins Having Episodic Memory.Razvan C. Stan, Darshak K. Bhatt & Maristela M. de Camargo - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (1):1900115.
    The ability to memorize changes in the environment is present at all biological levels, from social groups and individuals, down to single cells. Trans‐generational memory is embedded subcellularly through genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. Evidence that cells process and remember features of the immediate environment using protein sensors is reviewed. It is argued that this mnemonic ability is encapsulated within the protein conformational space and lasts throughout its lifetime, which can overlap with the lifespan of the organism. Means to determine diachronic (...)
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    A taste of life: the last days of U.G. Krishnamurti.Mahesh Bhatt - 2009 - New Delhi: Penguin Books India.
    U.G. Krishnamurti famously described enlightenment as a neurobiological state of being with no religious, psychological or mystical implications. He did not lecture, did not set up organizations, held no gatherings and professed to have no message for mankind. Known as the 'anti-guru', the 'raging sage' and the 'thinker who shuns thought', U.G. spent his life destroying accepted beliefs in science, god, mind, soul, religion, love and relationships-all the props man uses to live life. Having taken away all support systems from (...)
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  18.  31
    The Little Brown Woman: Gender Discrimination in American Medicine.Wasudha Bhatt - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (5):659-680.
    Drawing on 121 in-depth interviews with first- and second-generation women and men physicians of Indian origin in the U.S. Southwest, I examine the incidence and nature of gender-based discrimination in American medicine. I focus on two aspects: gender discrimination by employers and colleagues against women physicians of Indian origin and the interaction of gender discrimination with race in the professional lives of first- and second-generation physicians. U.S. healthcare has become increasingly dependent on immigrants, in particular women physicians, from the developing (...)
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    White Extinction: Metaphysical Elements of Contemporary Western Fascism.Chetan Bhatt - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (1):27-52.
    The Euro-American far-right represents a highly diverse political movement comprising numerous ideological tendencies. It includes the European New Right, the US ‘alt-right’ and ‘alt-lite’, far-right accelerationism, traditionalism, and new forms of political misogyny. Despite the diversity in ideas and activities, this article argues that an overarching theme of the ‘fear of white extinction’ travels across and animates each major contemporary far-right tendency. The article explores a variety of older and contemporary metaphysical themes that are deployed in contemporary fascism. These include (...)
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  20. Degree quantifiers, position of merger effects with their restrictors, and conservativity.Rajesh Bhatt & Roumyana Pancheva - 2007 - In Chris Barker & Pauline I. Jacobson, Direct compositionality. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 14--306.
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    Buddhist ecumenism.S. R. Bhatt (ed.) - 2016 - Delhi: Originals.
    Contributed articles presented at the First International Conference on "Buddhism and National Cultures", held at Delhi in 1984.
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  22. Buddhist Foundations of Global Ethics.Sr Bhatt - 2003 - In Siddheswar Rameshwar Bhatt, Buddhist thought and culture in India and Korea. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research. pp. 194.
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    Epistemology of the Bhāṭṭa School of Pūrva Mīmānsā.Goverdhan P. Bhatt - 1963 - Philosophy East and West 13 (1):80-82.
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    Ontological modelling of form and function for architectural design.Mehul Bhatt, Joana Hois & Oliver Kutz - 2012 - Applied ontology 7 (3):233-267.
    Form, function and the relationship between the two serve a crucial role in design. Within architectural design, key aspects of the anticipated function of buildings, or of spatial environments in...
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    Primordial being: Enlightenment, Schopenhauer and the Indian subject of postcolonial theory.Chetan Bhatt - 2000 - Radical Philosophy 100 (March/).
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  26. Sarikaracarya's Philosophy of Advaita and His Critique of other Schools.Sr Bhatt - 1997 - In V. Venkatachalam, Śaṅkarācārya: the ship of enlightenment. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi. pp. 45.
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  27. Sarikaracarya's Relevance to the Present Age.Drnr Bhatt - 1997 - In V. Venkatachalam, Śaṅkarācārya: the ship of enlightenment. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi. pp. 55.
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    Transfer in L2 grammars.Rakesh M. Bhatt & Barbara Hancin-Bhatt - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):715-716.
    Although theFull-accesshypothesis accounts for a range of empirical generalizations of L2A, it underrepresents the role of language transfer in the construction of the L2 grammar. We suggest the possibility that linguistic principles which constrain the L2 grammar are available both directly from UG and via the L1, a logical hypothesis which Epstein et al. do not consider.
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    Pāda-Index of Vālmīki-Rāmāyaṇa. Vol. 1Pada-Index of Valmiki-Ramayana. Vol. 1.E. B. & Govindlal Hargovind Bhatt - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (2):281.
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    The Basic Ways of Knowing: An In-Depth Study of Kumārila's Contribution to Indian EpistemologyThe Basic Ways of Knowing: An In-Depth Study of Kumarila's Contribution to Indian Epistemology.Francis X. Clooney & Govardhan P. Bhatt - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (1):156.
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  31. Polar kyaa: Y/N or Speech Act Operator.Veneeta Dayal & Rajesh Bhatt - unknown
    We dub the kyaa in (2a) polar kyaa, which we distinguish from the homophonous thematic kyaa ‘what’. in (3). In (3), kyaa is the theme argument of the verb diyaa ‘gave’. The same has been argued for the scope marking construction, at least under the indirect dependency approach (Dayal 1994 among others). The preverbal position has been argued to be the unmarked position for wh-words in Hindi-Urdu (Kidwai 2000, among others).
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    Response to: Brief Comments on “Siddhis and Psi Research: An Interdisciplinary Analysis”.Sonali Bhatt Marwaha - 2017 - Journal of World Philosophies 2 (1):179-182.
    In his brief comments on “Siddhis and Psi Research: An Interdisciplinary Analysis,” Ed Kelly expresses disappointment that the paper does not mirror his worldview, which includes questioning the reality of psi—especially precognition, accepting post-mortem survival and observational evidence for macro-PK including levitation. In this brief response to Kelly, I provide arguments in support of informational psi, particularly precognition, and in favor of a physicalist, signal-based approach to psi, with brief points against the validity of micro-PK and post-mortem survival.
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    Case Marking in Hindi as the Weaker Language.Silvina Montrul, Archna Bhatia, Rakesh Bhatt & Vandana Puri - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Does language dominance modulate knowledge of case marking in Hindi-speaking bilinguals? Hindi is a split ergative language with a rich morphological case system. Subjects of transitive perfective predicates are marked with ergative case (-ne). Human specific direct objects, indirect objects, and dative subjects are marked with the particle -ko. We compared knowledge of case marking in Hindi-English bilinguals with different dominance patterns: 23 balanced bilinguals and two groups of bilinguals with Hindi as their weaker language: 24 L2 learners of Hindi (...)
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    RauravottarāgamaRauravottaragama.Sheldon Pollock & N. R. Bhatt - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (4):804.
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    Neural Correlates of Math Anxiety and Ability on Price Promotions and Consumer Decisions.Amanda Sargent, Atahan Agrali, Siddharth Bhatt, Hongjun Ye, Kurtulus Izzetoglu, Banu Onaral, Hasan Ayaz & Rajneesh Suri - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Commonsense visual sensemaking for autonomous driving – On generalised neurosymbolic online abduction integrating vision and semantics.Jakob Suchan, Mehul Bhatt & Srikrishna Varadarajan - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 299 (C):103522.
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    Licensing of PPI indefinites: Movement or pseudoscope?Vincent Homer & Rajesh Bhatt - 2019 - Natural Language Semantics 27 (4):279-321.
    Positive Polarity indefinites, such as some in English, are licensed in simplex negative sentences as long as they take wide scope over negation. When it surfaces under a clausemate negation, some can in principle take wide scope either by movement or by some semantic mechanism; e.g., it can take pseudoscope if it is interpreted as a choice function variable. Therefore, there is some uncertainty regarding the way in which PPI indefinites get licensed: can pseudoscope suffice? In this article we show, (...)
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    (2 other versions)From the Desk of Editor-in-Chief.S. R. Bhatt - 2018 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 35 (2):225-227.
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  39. MIT Working Papers in Philosophy and Linguistics, Volume 1.Rajesh Bhatt & Patrick Hawley (eds.) - 2000
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  40. Origin and Spread of Buddhism in India and Outside.Sr Bhatt - 2003 - In Siddheswar Rameshwar Bhatt, Buddhist thought and culture in India and Korea. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research. pp. 1.
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  41. On the Validity of Inferential Knowledge in Indian Philosophy.S. R. Bhatt - 1983 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 10 (3):323-327.
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    Quantum Reality and Theory of Śūnya.Siddheshwar Rameshwar Bhatt (ed.) - 2019 - Springer.
    The book deals with expounding the nature of Reality as it is understood in contemporary times in Quantum Physics. It also explains the classical Indian theory of Śūnya in its diverse facets. Thereafter it undertakes comparison between the two which is an area of great topical interest. It is a cross-disciplinary study by erudite Indian and western scholars between traditional Indian knowledge system and contemporary researches in Physical sciences. It points out how the theory of ‘Śūnyatā has many seminal ideas (...)
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    Sri Sivananda Vilasa.Ramakrishna Bhatt - 1962 - Rishikesh,: Yoga-Vedanta Forest Academy, Divine Life Society.
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  44. The concept of moksa--an analysis.S. R. Bhatt - 1976 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 36 (4):564-570.
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    Use and abuse of sticky web sites.Ganesh D. Bhatt - 2005 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 3 (1):25-34.
    In today’s competitive environments, a growing number of firms are establishing their presence through the Web sites. Based on Steuer’s and Rheingold’s arguments on perceptual experience in the virtual space, this paper provides a theoretical framework that highlights the effects of interactivity, immersion, and association for customers. The paper argues that though interactivity, immersion, and association are critical for attracting customers on a Web site, these characteristics may also lead to social, ethical and privacy concerns among customers that many unscrupulous (...)
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  46.  11
    U.G. Krishnamurti, a life.Mahesh Bhatt - 1992 - New York, N.Y., USA: Viking Press.
    Biography of U.G. Krishnamurti, Indian philosopher.
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  47. Vallabhacharya.B. K. Bhatt - 1980 - Hyderabad, [India]: Abul Kalam Azad Oriental Research Institute.
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  48.  9
    Audience preference prediction for commercials using fNIRS.Atahan Agrali, Siddharth Bhatt, Rajneesh Suri, Kurtulus Izzetoglu, Banu Onaral & Hasan Ayaz - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Mataṅgapārameśvarāgama , avec le commentaire de Bhaṭṭa RāmakaṇṭhaMatangaparamesvaragama , avec le commentaire de Bhatta Ramakantha.Horst Brinkhaus & N. R. Bhatt - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (1):230.
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    The Pāda-Index of the Vālmīki-Rāmāyaṇa. Vol. 2The Pada-Index of the Valmiki-Ramayana. Vol. 2.E. B. & Govindlal Hargovind Bhatt - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):372.
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