Results for 'Magnus Hamann'

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  1.  15
    Can humans simulate talking like other humans? Comparing simulated clients to real customers in service inquiries.William Housley, Magnus Hamann, Saul Albert, Rein Ove Sikveland & Elizabeth Stokoe - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (1):87-109.
    How authentic are inquiry calls made by simulated clients, or ‘mystery shoppers’, to service organizations, when compared to real callers? We analysed 48 simulated and 63 real inquiry calls to different veterinary practices in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The data were transcribed for conversation analysis, as well as coded for a variety of call categories including reason for the call, call outcome and turn design features. Analysis revealed systematic differences between real and simulated calls in terms of reasons for (...)
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    Hamann's Schriften, Teil 8/Abt. 1: Nachträge, Erläuterungen und Berichtigungen.Johann Georg Hamann - 1842 - De Gruyter.
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    Hamann's Socratic Memorabilia: A Translation and Commentary.Johann Georg Hamann & James C. O'flaherty - 1967 - Johns Hopkins University Press.
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    Johann Georg Hamann, Briefwechsel (1751-1788): lexicological system and concordances on CD-ROM with thesaurus.Angelo Pupi & Johann Georg Hamann (eds.) - 2001 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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    T-Pattern Detection and Analysis (TPA) With THEMETM: A Mixed Methods Approach.Magnus S. Magnusson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Mapping discrete and dimensional emotions onto the brain: controversies and consensus.Stephan Hamann - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (9):458-466.
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    Writings on philosophy and language.Johann Georg Hamann - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Kenneth Haynes.
    Johann Georg Hamann (1730-1788) is a major figure not only in German philosophy but also in literature and religious history. In his own time he wrote penetrating criticisms of Herder, Kant, Mendelssohn, and other Enlightenment thinkers; after his death he was an important figure for Goethe, Hegel, Kierkegaard, and others. It was only in the twentieth century, however, that the full and radical extent of his 'linguistic' critique of philosophy was recognized. This volume presents a new translation of a (...)
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    Lettere.Johann Georg Hamann - 1989 - Milano: Vita e pensiero. Edited by Angelo Pupi & Ilsemarie Brandmair Dallera.
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  9. Whistleblowing in Organizations: An Examination of Correlates of Whistleblowing Intentions, Actions, and Retaliation.Jessica R. Mesmer-Magnus & Chockalingam Viswesvaran - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (3):277-297.
    Whistleblowing on organizational wrongdoing is becoming increasingly prevalent. What aspects of the person, the context, and the transgression relate to whistleblowing intentions and to actual whistleblowing on corporate wrongdoing? Which aspects relate to retaliation against whistleblowers? Can we draw conclusions about the whistleblowing process by assessing whistleblowing intentions? Meta-analytic examination of 193 correlations obtained from 26 samples (N = 18,781) reveals differences in the correlates of whistleblowing intentions and actions. Stronger relationships were found between personal, contextual, and wrongdoing characteristics and (...)
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  10. Scientific enquiry and natural kinds: from planets to mallards.P. Magnus - 2012 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Some scientific categories seem to correspond to genuine features of the world and are indispensable for successful science in some domain; in short, they are natural kinds. This book gives a general account of what it is to be a natural kind and puts the account to work illuminating numerous specific examples.
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    Training guide dogs of the blind with the “phantom man” method: Historic background and semiotic footing.Riin Magnus - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (198):181-204.
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    Why Do SMEs Go Green? An Analysis of Wine Firms in South Africa.Ralph Hamann, James Smith, Pete Tashman & R. Scott Marshall - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (1):23-56.
    Studies on why small and medium enterprises engage in pro-environmental behavior suggest that managers’ environmental responsibility plays a relatively greater role than competitiveness and legitimacy-seeking. These categories of drivers are mostly considered independent of each other. Using survey data and comparative case studies of wine firms in South Africa, this study finds that managers’ environmental responsibility is indeed the key driver in a context where state regulation hardly plays any role in regulating dispersed, rural firms. However, especially proactive firms are (...)
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  13. Precis of A Philosophy of Cover Songs.P. D. Magnus - manuscript
    A brief overview of _A Philosophy of Cover Songs_, highlighting some of the main themes in the book. The first part addresses the nature of covers and makes some important initial distinctions. The second part addresses the appreciation and evaluation of covers. The third part addresses covers as a clue to the ontology of songs. Written to introduce a session at the American Society for Aesthetics Rocky Mountain Division meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico (July 13, 2024).
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  14. The scope of inductive risk.P. D. Magnus - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 53 (1):17-24.
    The Argument from Inductive Risk (AIR) is taken to show that values are inevitably involved in making judgements or forming beliefs. After reviewing this conclusion, I pose cases which are prima facie counterexamples: the unreflective application of conventions, use of black-boxed instruments, reliance on opaque algorithms, and unskilled observation reports. These cases are counterexamples to the AIR posed in ethical terms as a matter of personal values. Nevertheless, it need not be understood in those terms. The values which load a (...)
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    Metakrytyka puryzmu czystego rozumu.Johann Georg Hamann - 2004 - Filo-Sofija 4 (1(4)):9-16.
  16.  19
    Personhood and Community. Ontological, Normative, and Anthropological Aspects of Human Sociality.Falk Hamann - 2017 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
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    The Philosophical Ancestors and Heirs of Jakob von Uexküll.Riin Magnus - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (1):227-231.
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    What can neuroimaging meta-analyses really tell us about the nature of emotion?Stephan Hamann - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (3):150-152.
    In Vytal and Hamann (2010) we reported a neuroimaging meta-analysis that found that basic emotions can be distinguished by their brain activation correlates, in marked contrast to Lindquist et al.'s conclusions in the target article. Here, I discuss implications of these findings for understanding emotion, outline limitations of using meta-analyses and neuroimaging as the sole basis for deciding between emotion views, and suggest that these views are essentially compatible and could be adapted and combined into an integrated emotion framework.
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    Strengthening or Restricting? Explaining the Covid-19 Pandemic’s Configurational Effects on Companies’ Sustainability Strategies and Practices.Ralph Hamann, Alecia Sewlal, Neeveditah Pariag-Maraye, Judy Muthuri, Kenneth Amaeshi, Ijeoma Nwagwu & Jenny Soderbergh - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (4):774-812.
    We explore the Covid-19 pandemic’s impact on companies’ sustainability strategies and practices. Prior research has identified a number of factors that shape such effects, including crisis severity, resource slack, and prior investments, but their interactions have not been given much attention. We thus collected qualitative data on 25 companies in four African countries, which we analyzed inductively and iteratively through cross-case comparison and with fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis. We identify two pathways associated with strengthening responses (“building on strengths” and (...)
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    The Practice of Phenomenological Empathy Training.Magnus Englander - 2019 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 50 (1):42-59.
    This article provides concrete examples of a phenomenological approach to empathy training, which is a pedagogical method designed for higher education. First, the phenomenology of empathy and empathy training is briefly described. Second, excerpts from training sessions in higher education are provided as examples. The examples are meant as to concretize the purpose of the training in relation to the overall pedagogical process. In addition, some clarifications are made about how a phenomenological approach can facilitate university students’ deeper understanding of (...)
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  21. William James on Risk, Efficacy, and Evidentialism.P. D. Magnus - 2022 - Episteme 19 (1):146-158.
    William James’ argument against William Clifford in The Will to Believe is often understood in terms of doxastic efficacy, the power of belief to influence an outcome. Although that is one strand of James’ argument, there is another which is driven by ampliative risk. The second strand of James’ argument, when applied to scientific cases, is tantamount to what is now called the Argument from Inductive Risk. Either strand of James’ argument is sufficient to rebut Clifford's strong evidentialism and show (...)
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    Bioethics, Sociality, and Mental Illness.Magnus Englander - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (2):161-169.
    The phenomenology of bioethics is approached here in relation to the lived experience as it relates to the everyday lifeworld of persons suffering from mental illness. Taking a road less traveled, the purpose here is to elucidate ethical issues relating to sociality, using findings from qualitative phenomenological psychological research. Qualitative studies of schizophrenia and postpartum depression serve as examples. Layered throughout is the applied phenomenological argument pointing to the importance of returning to mundane intersubjectivity and the reversibility between mental illness, (...)
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    A Defense of the Dead Donor Rule.David Magnus - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S4):36-38.
    Discussion of the “dead donor rule” is challenging because it implicates views about a wide range of issues, including whether and when patients are appropriately declared dead, the validity of the doctrine of double effect, and the moral difference between or equivalence of active euthanasia and withdrawal of life‐sustaining treatment. The DDR will be defined here as the prohibition against removal of organs necessary for the life of the patient—that is, the prohibition of intentionally ending the life of a patient (...)
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    Non-normative critique: Foucault and pragmatic sociology as tactical re-politicization.Magnus Paulsen Hansen - 2016 - European Journal of Social Theory 19 (1):127-145.
    The close ties between modes of governing, subjectivities and critique in contemporary societies challenge the role of critical social research. The classical normative ethos of the unmasking researcher unravelling various oppressive structures of dominant vs. dominated groups in society is inadequate when it comes to understand de-politicizing mechanisms and the struggles they bring about. This article argues that only a non-normative position can stay attentive to the constant and complex evolution of modes of governing and the critical operations actors themselves (...)
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  25. Generative AI and photographic transparency.P. D. Magnus - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-6.
    There is a history of thinking that photographs provide a special kind of access to the objects depicted in them, beyond the access that would be provided by a painting or drawing. What is included in the photograph does not depend on the photographer’s beliefs about what is in front of the camera. This feature leads Kendall Walton to argue that photographs literally allow us to see the objects which appear in them. Current generative algorithms produce images in response to (...)
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  26. Neoliberalism, Governmentality, and Ethics.Trent H. Hamann - 2009 - Foucault Studies 6:37-59.
    This paper illustrates the relevance of Foucault’s analysis of neoliberal governance for a critical understanding of recent transformations in individual and social life in the United States, particularly in terms of how the realms of the public and the private and the personal and the political are understood and practiced. The central aim of neoliberal governmentality (“the conduct of conduct”) is the strategic creation of social conditions that encourage and necessitate the production of Homo economicus, a historically specific form of (...)
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  27. Socratic memorabilia.Johann Georg Hamann - 1967 - Baltimore,: Johns Hopkins University Press. Edited by O'Flaherty, C. James & [From Old Catalog].
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  28. Poverty, negative duties and the global institutional order.Magnus Reitberger - 2008 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 7 (4):379-402.
    Do we violate human rights when we cooperate with and impose a global institutional order that engenders extreme poverty? Thomas Pogge argues that by shaping and enforcing the social conditions that foreseeably and avoidably cause global poverty we are violating the negative duty not to cooperate in the imposition of a coercive institutional order that avoidably leaves human rights unfulfilled. This article argues that Pogge's argument fails to distinguish between harms caused by the global institutions themselves and harms caused by (...)
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  29. (1 other version)Historical individuals like Anas platyrhynchos and 'classical gas'.P. D. Magnus - 2012 - In Christy Mag Uidhir (ed.), Art and abstract objects. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Mediatization at the margins: Cosmopolitanism, network capital and spatial transformation in rural Sweden.Magnus Andersson & André Jansson - 2012 - Communications 37 (2):173-194.
    The significance of mediatization in countryside settings is an under-researched topic in media studies. In this paper, based on qualitative fieldwork carried out in two rural areas in Sweden, we study how mediatization integrates the prospects of cosmopolitan social change. The current phase of the mediatization process, which imposes a more dynamic register of networked communication, nourishes a new type of cosmopolitan identity in the countryside. As shown in the study, this development is constituted by complex configurations of different forms (...)
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    (1 other version)Perception, Imagery, Memory and Consciousness.Magnus Johnsson - 2022 - Filozofia i Nauka 10:229-244.
    I propose and discuss some principles that I believe are substantial for perception, various kinds of memory, expectations and the capacity for imagination in the mammal brain, as well as for the design of a biologically inspired artificial cognitive architecture. I also suggest why these same principles could explain our ability to represent novel concepts and imagine non-existing and perhaps impossible objects, while there are still limits to what we can imagine and think about. Some ideas regarding how these principles (...)
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    Koran und konziliarismus. Anmerkungen zum verhältnis Von heymericus de Campo und Nikolaus Von kues.Florian Hamann - 2005 - Vivarium 43 (2):275-291.
    This paper deals with the relation between Nicholas of Cusa and the Dutch philosopher Heymericus de Campo. Nicholas is celebrated for his rather positive attitude towards Islam. In De pace fidei (1453) he presents the vision of una religio in rituum varietate and in his Cribratio Alkorani (1460/61) Nicholas tries to prove Christian dogmas on the basis of the Koran. This idea he had discussed with his Dutch friend several decades earlier. In his Disputatio de potestate ecclesiastica (1433/34) Heymeric scrutinizes (...)
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    Fridom eller livet. Nokre liner mellom subjektsomgrepa hos Badiou og Lacan.Magnus Bøe Michelsen - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (4):283-299.
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  34. 'The Use and Abuse of The Will to Power.Bernd Magnus - 1988 - In Robert C. Solomon (ed.), Reading Nietzsche. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 218--35.
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    The concept of genetic disease.David Magnus - 2004 - In Arthur L. Caplan, James J. McCartney & Dominic A. Sisti (eds.), Health, Disease, and Illness: Concepts in Medicine. Georgetown University Press. pp. 233--42.
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  36. Hobbes’s hidden monster: A new interpretation of the frontispiece of Leviathan.Magnus Kristiansson & Johan Tralau - 2014 - European Journal of Political Theory 13 (3):299-320.
    In recent years, much work has been done on the role of images in Hobbes. But there is an unsolved riddle with regard to the famous frontispiece of Leviathan (1651). Why is there nothing monstrous in the sovereign body depicted, despite the fact that it is named for a Biblical sea monster? In this article it is argued that there is a monster just barely hidden in the image and that the iconographical tradition helps us rediscover this creature. We argue (...)
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    Gerald S. Witherspoon was first ad.David Magnus & Glenn McGee - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  38. Inductions, Red Herrings, and the Best Explanation for the Mixed Record of Science.P. D. Magnus - 2010 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (4):803-819.
    Kyle Stanford has recently claimed to offer a new challenge to scientific realism. Taking his inspiration from the familiar Pessimistic Induction (PI), Stanford proposes a New Induction (NI). Contra Anjan Chakravartty’s suggestion that the NI is a ‘red herring’, I argue that it reveals something deep and important about science. The Problem of Unconceived Alternatives, which lies at the heart of the NI, yields a richer anti-realism than the PI. It explains why science falls short when it falls short, and (...)
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    Intact perceptual memory in the absence of conscious memory.S. B. Hamann & L. R. Squire - 1997 - Behavioral Neuroscience 111:850-54.
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    Universalizing Corporate Social Responsibility? South African Challenges to the International Organization for Standardization's New Social Responsibility Standard.Ralph Hamann, Tagbo Agbazue, Paul Kapelus & Anders Hein - 2005 - Business and Society Review 110 (1):1-19.
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  41. Fibs in the Wikipedia.P. D. Magnus - manuscript
    These are details of research conducted in November and December 2007. The file is meant as a supplement to publication, and I have not attempted here to provide any analysis of the results.
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    Begründung und Auswahlkriterien für die Lektüre von historiographischen und biographischen Texten am Beispiel der Nepos-Lektüre.Magnus Frisch - 2015 - In Boris Dunsch & Felix M. Prokoph (eds.), Geschichte und Gegenwart. Beiträge zu Cornelius Nepos aus Fachwissenschaft, Fachdidaktik und Unterrichtspraxis. Mit einem Forschungsbericht und einer Arbeitsbibliographie. Wiesbaden 2015 (Philippika – Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen; Bd. 91). S. Harrassowitz. pp. 137-166.
    Der Beitrag diskutiert Kriterien der Textauswahl für die Lektüre biographischer und historiographischer Texte im Lateinunterricht am Beispiel der Viten des Nepos. Dabei wird auch ein allgemeiner Überblick über Kriterien der Lektüreauswahl gegeben und die Geschichte der Neposlektüre im Lateinunterricht nachgezeichnet. Es werden Argumente für die Lektüre der Neposviten unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten diskutiert.
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  43. Cicero als Bildungsautor der Gegenwart (Ars Didactica – Alte Sprachen lehren und lernen; Bd. 6).Magnus Frisch (ed.) - 2020 - Heidelberg:
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  44. Die Formen des Guten nach Aristoteles.Falk Hamann - 2019 - In Falk Hamann & Peter Heuer (eds.), Die ontologischen Grundlagen der aristotelischen Ethik. Leipzig, Germany: Leipziger Universitätsverlag. pp. 153–177.
    In diesem Aufsatz diskutiere ich eine der Grundideen des aristotelischen Naturalismus – die auf Peter Geach zurückgehende These, dass der Ausdruck ‚gut‘ nur attributiv sinnvoll verwendet werden könne. Dieses Verständnis des Guten fokussiert einseitig auf den Kontext von Evaluationen und lässt damit den Zusammenhang von Güte und Streben außer Acht. Ich zeige, dass Aristoteles durchaus eine Klasse absoluter Güter kennt, die begrifflich nicht auf eine bestimmte Art von Lebewesen begrenzt sind und von denen mithin nicht nur im attributiven Sinn gesprochen (...)
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    Die ontologischen Grundlagen der aristotelischen Ethik.Falk Hamann & Peter Heuer (eds.) - 2019 - Leipzig, Germany: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
    Die Beiträge dieses Bandes machen deutlich, dass die Untersuchung der ontologischen Grundlagen der aristotelischen Ethik ein breites Spektrum an philosophischen Fragen betrifft, die in der aktuellen Diskussion noch nicht zureichend beantwortet sind. Diese betreffen sowohl die aristotelische Ethik selbst als auch die aktuellen Versuche einer systematischen Wiederaneignung derselben in der praktischen Philosophie. Dieser Band soll einen Beitrag dazu leisten, in diesen Fragen zu größerer Klarheit zu gelangen.
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    Das Renaissanceabenteuer, Muslime zu bekehren: ein philosophischer Feldzug.Florian Hamann - 2021 - Darmstadt, Germany: Wbg Academic.
    Als die Osmanen im 15. Jahrhundert immer weiter nach Europa vordrangen und die Christenheit eine militärische Niederlage nach der anderen kassierte, entwickelte seit dem Basler Konzil (1431-1449) eine Gruppe führender Philosophen, Humanisten und Theologen eine Alternative zu Krieg und Kreuzzügen: die friedliche Bekehrung der Muslime. Ein Netzwerk um Nikolaus von Kues, Heymericus de Campo, Johannes von Segovia, Enea Silvio Piccolomini und Georg von Trapezunt erarbeiteten mit- und gegeneinander höchst originelle philosophische und rhetorische Argumentationen. Beispielsweise erdachten sie Pläne für eine Friedenskonferenz (...)
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    Integrating Perspectives on Affective Neuroscience: Introduction to the Special Section on the Brain and Emotion.Stephan Hamann - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (3):187-190.
    In this special section, three target articles present three different perspectives on emotion and how it is implemented in the human brain. Fundamental issues are discussed such as the nature and organization of emotion’s representation in the brain and the best approaches for elucidating emotion’s neural basis. Comments and author replies further discuss these issues and explore their interconnections. A common theme of the target articles and commentaries is that multiple approaches and perspectives must be integrated across all levels of (...)
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    Person und Relation. Zu einem metaphysischen Begriff der Person nach Thomas von Aquin und Augustinus.Falk Hamann - 2012 - Crossing Borders. Grenzen (Über)Denken – Thinking (Across) Boundaries.
    I examine two accounts of personhood: one by Thomas Aquinas, which basically draws on the doctrine of analogia entis, and another by Augustine, which focuses on the trinitarian structure of the human mind. I argue that both accounts, despite their differences, complement each other and thus contribute to a fuller understanding of human personhood.
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    (1 other version)Sokratische Denkwürdigkeiten.Johann Georg Hamann - 1968 - Stuttgart,: Reclam. Edited by Jørgensen, Sven Aage, [From Old Catalog] & Johann Georg Hamann.
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    Beyond the IRB: Local Service Versus Global Oversight.David Magnus & Molly Havard - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (5):1-2.
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