Results for 'Madhu Khanna'

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  1.  13
    R̥ta, the cosmic order.Madhu Khanna (ed.) - 2004 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld in association with Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts.
    Contributed articles presented at a seminar.
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    Encyclopedia of Indian Religions. Hinduism and Tribal Religions.Pankaj Jain, Rita Sherma, Madhu Khanna & Jeffery Long (eds.) - 2023 - Springer.
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    Frames, Contexts, Community, Justice.Ranjana Khanna - 2003 - Diacritics 33 (2):11-41.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Frames, Contexts, Community, JusticeRanjana Khanna (bio)There is a photograph of Jacques Derrida, aged about three, in a toy car at his childhood home in Algiers [fig. 1]. It is not an unusual photograph; in fact, its typicality is striking. It is the kind of photograph one might find in most family albums. Little boys are often found in toy cars, just as little girls are frequently holding a (...)
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    Workplace Spirituality and Experienced Incivility at Work: Modeling Dark Triad as a Moderator.Madhu Lata & Richa Chaudhary - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (3):645-667.
    Management scholars view workplace spirituality as an effective means of improving employee well-being and organizational productivity. However, a spiritual work environment may also be beneficial for controlling employees’ experiences of uncivil behaviors in the workplace. Drawing on conservation of resources theory and cognitive appraisal theory, we proposed and explored the linkage between workplace spirituality and incivility experienced from supervisors and colleagues in the workspace. We also investigated the moderating effect of the dark triad on the relationship. The data collected from (...)
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    A Bottom-Up Approach to Understanding Low-Income Patients: Implications for Health-Related Policy.Madhu Viswanathan, Ronald Duncan, Maria Grigortsuk & Arun Sreekumar - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (3):658-664.
    A bottom-up approach grounded in micro-level understanding of the thinking, feeling, behavioral, and social aspects of living with low income and associated low literacy can lead to greater understanding and improvement of interactions in the health arena. This paper draws on what we have learned about marketplace interactions in subsistence economies to inform innovations in medical education, design and delivery of healthcare for lowincome patients, outreach education, and future micro-level research at the human-healthcare interface.
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    Executive Authority to Reform Health: Options and Limitations.Madhu Chugh - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (s2):20-37.
    Presidential power has provoked increasingly vigorous debate since the turn of this century. In recent years, scholars and lawyers have been grappling with how Congress’s dictates may limit the president’s Commander-in-Chief power to detain enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay, to fight wars abroad, and to conduct intelligence activities at home. But policymakers have not yet explored the many possibilities for invoking the president’s “Take Care” power to change health care policy.This article explores the scope and limits of President Barack Obama’s (...)
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    Emerging perspectives in philosophy: a critical reflection of thought.Madhu Kapoor, Kakali Ghoshal & Sushmita Bhowmik (eds.) - 2011 - Kolkata: Readers Service in association with Budge Budge College, Dept. of Philosophy.
    Contributed papers presented at a seminar organized by Department of Philosophy, Budge Budge College.
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  8. Environment education through the English textbooks.Madhu Kewlani - 2008 - In Kuruvila Pandikattu, Dancing to Diversity: Science-Religion Dialogue in India. Serials Publications. pp. 217.
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    A Sustainable Philosophy for Teaching Ethics and Morals to Build Character, Pro-social Skills and Well-being in Children.Dipankar Khanna - 2023 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 40 (2):207-222.
    This paper looks at frameworks for the practice of moral and ethical values for children, drawn from Yoga and Buddhist Philosophies. Verily the purpose is to inculcate a repository of thought and behaviour through which they align moral and ethical behaviours by becoming important cogs in establishing harmony in the world that we exist. Harmony between one child and another child, harmony between children and their families, harmony between the families and larger society and harmony between society and other sentient (...)
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    Investigating the Evolution of Technological Integration on Teaching Effectiveness and Staff Development.Lalit Khanna, Dr Aditya Yadav, B. N. Krishna Reddy, Girish Kalele, Dr Bijal Zaveri, Shitij Goyal & Ameya Ambulkar - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:940-951.
    Technology Integration (TI) has been incorporated into education and how it has affected both the efficacy of coaching and the development of teams. The research used a blended-techniques approach, integrating qualitative interviews, consciousness businesses, and quantitative surveys to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role that generations play in schooling. As part of the inquiry, 150 educators and administrators participated in awareness seminars and surveys. The findings demonstrate significant gains in instructional efficacy due to technology-enabled tools like interactive software and (...)
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    Plato’s Homer.R. Chandran Madhu - 1999 - Ancient Philosophy 19 (Special Issue):87-95.
  12. Praxis vs Determinism in Marx-A Reconstruction.T. V. Madhu - 1997 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 24 (3):337-358.
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    Exploring the boundaries of law, gender and social reform.Madhu Mehra - 1998 - Feminist Legal Studies 6 (1):59-83.
    Both dowry and domestic violence are manifestations of the socially subordinate position of women in India, in particular of women in relation to and within the institution of marriage. Studies reveal how the socio economic changes ushered in by modernisation have interacted with traditional norms to sustain these practices and through them, the subordination of women. The women’s movement began addressing these social problems through law, and has through the years continued to critique the law for its failure to deliver. (...)
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    McEducation marginalized: Multiverse of learning-living in grassroots commons.Madhu Suri Prakash & Dana Stuchul - 2004 - Educational Studies 36 (1).
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    Vajranŕtyam: a Phenomenological Look at the Cham or Lama Dance as a Meditative Experience.Dipankar Khanna & J. Shashi Kiran Reddy - 2020 - Journal of Dharma Studies 3 (1):175-191.
    Across cultures, in most parts of the world, one come across traditions that employ unique and unusual pedagogies as skilful means to powerfully craft and re-craft our lives and in realizing the self. Using creative meaning-making, individuals evoke wholesome ideas and then motivate their personal selves to perform to them. The Vajranŕtyam or Cham is one of the unique expressions that has been employed from immemorial times to holistically convey the phenomenon of the dance form as a skilful spiritual tool. (...)
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  16. A cultural study of the Niśītha cūrṇi.Madhu Sen - 1975 - Varanasi: available at P.V. Research Institute.
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  17. Beware! House hold laundry agents can be environment pollutants too!Madhu Sharon - 2008 - In Kuruvila Pandikattu, Dancing to Diversity: Science-Religion Dialogue in India. Serials Publications. pp. 1.
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    Dark continents: psychoanalysis and colonialism.Ranjana Khanna - 2003 - Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
    Genealogies -- Psychoanalysis and archaeology -- Freud in the sacred grove -- Colonial rescriptings -- War, decolonization, psychoanalysis -- Colonial melancholy -- Haunting and the future -- The ethical ambiguities of transnational feminism -- Hamlet in the colonial archive.
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    Medical Gaze Sans Bioethics: Revisiting Enslaved Black Women’s Medical Bondage in Behind the Sheet.Sruthi Madhu & Soumya Jose - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-18.
    The birth of modern gynecology in the USA is preceded by experimental exploitations of Black women’s bodies in the mid-nineteenth century, entailing a long-drawn extraction of “reproductive knowledge” from enslaved patients. Charly Evon Simpson’s Behind the Sheet (2019) stages the history of medical bondage of Black enslaved women in antebellum South, reconstructing the events that led to the surgical innovation for vesico-vaginal fistula. Scrutinizing Simpson’s dramatization of the event, this paper prompts inquiries into the interplay of power and consent between (...)
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    Unpacking the impacts of programmatic approach to assessment system in a medical programme using critical realist perspectives.Priya Khanna, Chris Roberts, Annette Burgess, Stuart Lane & Jane Bleasel - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (5):840-858.
    Traditional, positivist assessment approaches generally fail to capture the nuances of learners’ clinical competence in medical programmes. This has led to the implementation of an alternate assessment approach known as ‘programmatic assessment’, which embraces subjectivity of human judgement in holistic decision making in clinical settings. Faculty and staff have found the introduction of programmatic assessment to be challenging because it is a major, complex change to the traditional way of carrying out assessment. Extending our previous work, where we used critical (...)
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    Evading a Post-Truth World: Rorty’s Foundationless Philosophy for an Acculturating Education.Madhu Narayanan - forthcoming - Studies in Philosophy and Education:1-17.
    A challenge for educators is how to teach in a “post-truth” world. Lies, fake news, and a gleeful disregard for facts – what I collectively term mis/information – all seem to undermine the very project of education. The pragmatism of Richard Rorty holds promise to address such issues. I first argue that Rorty’s philosophy of education is of limited use, whereas his broader thoughts on a philosophy without foundations are more relevant. I then suggest that a way forward is to (...)
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    STS Education and Its Three Step-Sisters.Madhu Suri Prakash & Leonard Joseph Waks - 1985 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 5 (2):105-116.
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    The horizon of existence: a flight of the Indian mind.Madhu Kapoor - 2011 - Kolkata: Readers Service.
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    Bhāskarācārya: a study with special reference to his Brahmasūtrabhāṣya.A. B. Khanna & Båadaråayaòna - 1998 - Delhi: Amar Granth Publications. Edited by Bādarāyaṇa.
    On the life and philosophy of Bhāskarācārya, 8th cent., Vedanta philospher and commentator of Brahmasūtra.
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    Utopia: The case for open-mindedness in the commonwealth.Lee Cullen Khanna - 1971 - Moreana 8 (Number 31-8 (3-4):91-105.
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  26. Althusser's Conception of Ideology: A Critical Exposition.T. V. Madhu - 1995 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 22 (4):339-352.
  27. Self and Solitude: Some Reflections on Suresh Chandra's Reading of Wittgenstein.Tv Madhu - 2004 - In R. C. Pradhan, The Philosophy of Suresh Chandra. ICPR, New Delhi. pp. 196.
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    Making meritocracy: lessons from China and India, from antiquity to the present.Tarun Khanna & Michael Szonyi (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Political Theologies of Justice: Meritocratic Values from a Global Perspective Michael Puett In fourth century BCE China, a religious revolutionary named Mozi emerged. In opposition to much of the religious practices and assumptions of the time, Mozi announced that Heaven, the highest god, was a just and non-capricious deity who had created the world for humanity. As a just deity, Heaven rewarded good humans and punished bad ones. And Heaven charged humans with creating a political order that did the same: (...)
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    Touching, unbelonging, and the absence of affect.Ranjana Khanna - 2012 - Feminist Theory 13 (2):213-232.
    This article argues that psychoanalytic notions of affect – including ideas of anxiety and melancholia, as well as deconstructive concepts of auto-affection – offer a feminist ethico-politics and a notion of affect as interface. Beyond the confines of the experiential and the positivist, both psychoanalysis and deconstruction provide insights into affect as a technology that understands the subject as porous. I consider works by Derek Jarman and Shirin Neshat to demonstrate the importance of the ethico-politics of affect as interface in (...)
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    Counterfactual state explanations for reinforcement learning agents via generative deep learning.Matthew L. Olson, Roli Khanna, Lawrence Neal, Fuxin Li & Weng-Keen Wong - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 295 (C):103455.
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    Attention training normalises combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder effects on emotional Stroop performance using lexically matched word lists.Maya M. Khanna, Amy S. Badura-Brack, Timothy J. McDermott, Alex Shepherd, Elizabeth Heinrichs-Graham, Daniel S. Pine, Yair Bar-Haim & Tony W. Wilson - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (8).
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    From Fear to Hope: Reclaiming the Art of Learning 1.Madhu Suri Prakash - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (1):85-90.
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    Whose ecological perspective? Bringing ecology down to earth.Madhu Suri Prakash & W. Kohli - 1995 - In Wendy Kohli, Critical conversations in philosophy of education. New York: Routledge.
  34.  13
    Truth and Fiction in A Dialogue of Comfort.Lee Cullen Khanna - 1980 - Moreana 17 (Number 65-17 (1-2):57-66.
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    Blossoming of human excellence.Bjkl Khanna - 1990 - In Kishor Gandhi, The Odyssey of science, culture, and consciousness. New Delhi: Abhinav Publications. pp. 159.
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    Disclosure of Operating Practices By Managed-Care Organizations to Consumers of Healthcare: Obligations of Informed Consent.Vikram Khanna, H. Silverman & J. Schwartz - 1998 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 9 (3):291-296.
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    Sensorimotor Learning during a Marksmanship Task in Immersive Virtual Reality.Hrishikesh M. Rao, Rajan Khanna, David J. Zielinski, Yvonne Lu, Jillian M. Clements, Nicholas D. Potter, Marc A. Sommer, Regis Kopper & Lawrence G. Appelbaum - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:302766.
    Sensorimotor learning refers to improvements that occur through practice in the performance of sensory-guided motor behaviors. Leveraging novel technical capabilities of an immersive virtual environment, we probed the component kinematic processes that mediate sensorimotor learning. Twenty naïve subjects performed a simulated marksmanship task modeled after Olympic Trap Shooting standards. We measured movement kinematics and shooting performance as participants practiced 350 trials while receiving trial-by-trial feedback about shooting success. Spatiotemporal analysis of motion tracking elucidated the ballistic and refinement phases of hand (...)
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    Research on the application of search algorithm in computer communication network.Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor, Shaweta Khanna, Jilei Zhang, Jianwei Chai & Hua Ai - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):1150-1159.
    This article mitigates the challenges of previously reported literature by reducing the operating cost and improving the performance of network. A genetic algorithm-based tabu search methodology is proposed to solve the link capacity and traffic allocation problem in a computer communication network. An efficient modern super-heuristic search method is used to influence the fixed cost, delay cost, and variable cost of a link on the total operating cost in the computer communication network are discussed. The article analyses a large number (...)
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    The Clinic and the Court: Law, Medicine and Anthropology.Ian Harper, Tobias Kelly & Akshay Khanna (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Law and medicine can be caught in a tight embrace. They both play a central role in the politics of harm, making decisions regarding what counts as injury and what might be the most suitable forms of redress or remedy. But where do law and medicine converge and diverge in their responses to and understandings of harm and suffering? Using empirical case studies from Europe, the Americas and Africa, The Clinic and the Court brings together leading medical and legal anthropologists (...)
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  40. 14. Effect of Defaunation on Availability of Metabolizable Energy & Nitrogen in Male Calves.C. E. Kurar & Madhu Mohini - 1992 - In B. C. Chattopadhyay, Science and technology for rural development. New Delhi: S. Chand & Co.. pp. 106.
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    Design of intelligent acquisition system for moving object trajectory data under cloud computing.Ioan-Cosmin Mihai, Shaweta Khanna, Sudeep Asthana, Abhinav Asthana & Yang Zhang - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):763-773.
    In order to study the intelligent collection system of moving object trajectory data under cloud computing, information useful to passengers and taxi drivers is collected from massive trajectory data. This paper uses cloud computing technology, through clustering algorithm and density-based DBSCAN algorithm combined with Map Reduce programming model and design trajectory clustering algorithm. The results show that based on the 8-day data of 15,000 taxis in Shenzhen, the characteristic time period is determined. The passenger hot spot area is obtained by (...)
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    Excerpts from Antoniana Margarita.Gómez Pereira & Rama Chandran Madhu - 2012 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 33 (2):283-318.
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    Higher motivation - greater control? The effect of arousal on judgement.Hila Riemer & Madhu Viswanathan - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (4):723-742.
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    Design of English hierarchical online test system based on machine learning.Chaman Verma, Shaweta Khanna, Sudeep Asthana, Abhinav Asthana, Dan Zhang & Xiahui Wang - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):793-807.
    Large amount of data are exchanged and the internet is turning into twenty-first century Silk Road for data. Machine learning (ML) is the new area for the applications. The artificial intelligence (AI) is the field providing machines with intelligence. In the last decades, more developments have been made in the field of ML and deep learning. The technology and other advanced algorithms are implemented into more computational constrained devices. The online English test system based on ML breaks the shackles of (...)
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    Interview with Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley by Flatness for Feminist Review and Women’s Art Library, April 2021.Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley & Shama Khanna - 2021 - Feminist Review 129 (1):109-122.
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  46. Nyāyapariśuddhi, eka ālocanātmaka adhyayana.Madhu Kumārī - 1993 - Jayapura: Klāsika Pabliśiṅga Hāusa.
    Critical study of Nyāyapariśuddhi of Veṅkatanātha, classical treatise on Viśiṣṭadvaita logic and epistemology.
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    Inclusivity as Fairness.Michael R. Ulrich & Arpita Khanna - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (11):30-32.
    In their article Beyond Suppressing Testosterone: A Categorical System to Achieve a “Level Playing Field” in Sport, Jennings and Braun (2024) accurately display how the World Athletics’ (WA) restri...
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    Resting-State Neurophysiological Abnormalities in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Magnetoencephalography Study.Amy S. Badura-Brack, Elizabeth Heinrichs-Graham, Timothy J. McDermott, Katherine M. Becker, Tara J. Ryan, Maya M. Khanna & Tony W. Wilson - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    We Are People, Not Clusters!Edwin J. Bernard, Alexander McClelland, Barb Cardell, Cecilia Chung, Marco Castro-Bojorquez, Martin French, Devin Hursey, Naina Khanna, Mx Brian Minalga, Andrew Spieldenner & Sean Strub - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (10):1-4.
    Volume 20, Issue 10, October 2020, Page 1-4.
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    Mood and Ethical Decision Making: Positive Affect and Corporate Philanthropy.Leon Zolotoy, Don O’Sullivan, Myeong-Gu Seo & Madhu Veeraraghavan - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (1):189-208.
    This study examines the influence of mood on corporate philanthropic giving. Drawing on group emotions theory and affect-infused decision theory, we advance the argument that firms allocate greater resources to philanthropy when headquarters-based employees are in a more positive affective state. We also describe three boundary conditions in this relationship—executives’ embeddedness in the firm, executives’ latitude to engage in philanthropic giving, and the firm’s track record of corporate social irresponsibility. We test our arguments using a longitudinal dataset of philanthropic giving (...)
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