Mark Owen Webb [19]Mark Webb [10]Mark O. Webb [4]Matthew J. Webb [2]
Marilyn Webb [2]Margaret E. Webb [2]Michael K. Webb [1]Mary-Ann Webb [1]

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  1. Why I Know About As Much As You: A Reply to Hardwig.Mark Owen Webb - 1993 - Journal of Philosophy 90 (5):260-270.
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    “Aha!” is stronger when preceded by a “huh?”: presentation of a solution affects ratings of aha experience conditional on accuracy.Margaret E. Webb, Simon J. Cropper & Daniel R. Little - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 25 (3):324-364.
    Insight has been investigated under the assumption that participants solve insight problems with insight processes and/or experiences. A recent trend has involved presenting participants with the solution and analysing the resultant experience as if insight has taken place. We examined self-reports of the aha experience, a defining aspect of insight, before and after feedback, along with additional affective components of insight (e.g., pleasure, surprise, impasse). Classic insight problems, compound remote associates, and non-insight problems were randomly interleaved and presented to participants. (...)
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  3.  64
    The contributions of convergent thinking, divergent thinking, and schizotypy to solving insight and non-insight problems.Margaret E. Webb, Daniel R. Little, Simon J. Cropper & Kayla Roze - 2017 - Thinking and Reasoning 23 (3):235-258.
    The ability to generate diverse ideas is valuable in solving creative problems ; yet, however advantageous, this ability is insufficient to solve the problem alone and requires the ability to logically deduce an assessment of correctness of each solution. Positive schizotypy may help isolate the aspects of divergent thinking prevalent in insight problem solving. Participants were presented with a measure of schizotypy, divergent and convergent thinking tasks, insight problems, and non-insight problems. We found no evidence for a relationship between schizotypy (...)
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  4. Religious experience.Mark Webb - 2011 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Feminist Epistemology and the Extent of the Social.Mark Owen Webb - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (3):85 - 98.
    Many feminist epistemologists have been inclined to embrace socialized epistemology. There are, however, many different theses that go by that name. Sandra Harding, Lynn Hankinson Nelson, and Elizabeth Potter hold various of these theses, but their reasons for holding those theses, while they do support less ambitious theses, do not support the theses they are offered to support.
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    The Argument of the Natural History.Mark Webb - 1991 - Hume Studies 17 (2):141-159.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Argument ofthe Natural History Mark Webb In the NaturalHistoryofReligion Hume claims there are two principal questions concerning religion: one "concerning its foundation in reason," and the other "concerning its origin in human nature." He forthrightly states that his concern here is to determine "[w]hat those principles are, which give rise to the original belief, and what those accidents and causes are, which direct its operation."1 That is to (...)
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  7.  36
    The Epistemology of Trust and the Politics of Suspicion.Mark Owen Webb - 1992 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 73 (4):390-400.
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    Can epistemology help? The problem of the kentucky-Fried rats.Mark Webb - 2004 - Social Epistemology 18 (1):51 – 58.
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    Feminist epistemology as social epistemology.Heidi E. Grasswick & Mark Owen Webb - 2002 - Social Epistemology 16 (3):185-196.
    More than one philosopher has expressed puzzlement at the very idea of feminist epistemology. Metaphysics and epistemology, sometimes called the ‘core’ areas of philosophy, are supposed to be immune to questions of value and justice. Nevertheless, many philosophers have raised epistemological questions starting from feminist-motivated moral and political concerns. The field is burgeoning; a search of the Philosopher's Index reveals that although nothing was published before 1981 that was categorized as both feminist and epistemology, soon after, the rate of publication (...)
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  10.  15
    Trust, Tolerance, and the Concept of a Person.Mark O. Webb - 1997 - Public Affairs Quarterly 11 (4):415-429.
  11.  60
    Effects of alcohol, rumination, and gender on the time course of negative affect.Jeffrey S. Simons, Noah N. Emery, Raluca M. Simons, Thomas A. Wills & Michael K. Webb - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (7):1405-1418.
    This study modelled associations between gender, ruminative cognitive style, alcohol use, and the time course of negative affect over the course of 43,111 random assessments in the natural environment. Participants completed 49 days of experience sampling over 1.3 years. The data indicated that rumination at baseline was positively associated with alcohol dependence symptoms at baseline as well as higher negative affect over the course of the study. Consistent with negative reinforcement models, drinking served to decrease the persistence of negative affect (...)
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  12. Is There a Liberal Right to Secede from a Liberal State?Matthew J. Webb - 2006 - TRAMES 10 (4):371-386.
    This paper explores the question of whether there can be a right to secede from a liberal state by examining the concept of a liberal state and the different forms of liberalism that may be appealed to in order to justify secession. It argues that where the foundations of the state’s legitimacy are conceived in terms of a non-derivative right to self-determination, then secession from a liberal state may be a justified form of action for different types of groups including (...)
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  13.  16
    An Uneasy Peace: How STEM Progressive, Traditionalist, and Bridging Faculty Understand Campus Conflicts over Diversity, Anti-Racism, and Free Expression.Steven Brint, Megan Webb & Benjamin Fields - 2024 - Minerva 62 (3):339-372.
    In recent years an uneasy peace has descended in U.S. academe between those who feel research universities have done too little to advance the representation of minority groups and women and those who feel that the administrative policies developed to improve representation can and sometimes do come into conflict with core intellectual commitments of universities. Using quantitative and qualitative evidence from interviews with 47 natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics faculty members at a U.S. research university, the paper examines the background (...)
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  14.  22
    Gender differences in salivary alpha-amylase and attentional bias towards negative facial expressions following acute stress induction.Andrea Rose Carr, Alana Scully, Miriam Webb & Kim Louise Felmingham - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (2):315-324.
  15. Theorizing Backlash: Philosophical Reflections on the Resistance to Feminism.Keith Burgess-Jackson, Mark Owen Webb, Martha Chamallas, Cynthia Willett, Julie E. Maybee, Carol A. Moeller, Alisa L. Carse, Debra A. DeBruin & Linda A. Bell (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Contrary to the popular belief that feminism has gained a foothold in the many disciplines of the academy, the essays collected in Theorizing Backlash argue that feminism is still actively resisted in mainstream academia. Contributors to this volume consider the professional, philosophical, and personal backlashes against feminist thought, and reflect upon their ramifications. The conclusion is that the disdain and irrational resentment of feminism, even in higher education, amounts to a backlash against progress.
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  16.  65
    Religious Experience as Doubt Resolution.Mark O. Webb - 1985 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 18 (1/2):81 - 86.
  17.  7
    A Comparative Doxastic-Practice Epistemology of Religious Experience.Mark Owen Webb - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book takes a theoretical enterprise in Christian philosophy of religion and applies it to Buddhism, thus defending Buddhism and presenting it favorably in comparison. Chapters explore how the claims of both Christianity and Theravada Buddhism rest on people's experiences, so the question as to which claimants to religious knowledge are right rests on the evidential value of those experiences. The book examines mysticism and ways to understand what goes on in religious experiences, helping us to understand whether it is (...)
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  18.  24
    When and How to Pursue Corporate Social Responsibility with Core Competencies.Michael A. Webb - 2014 - Business and Society Review 119 (3):417-434.
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  19.  25
    Perfect Being Theology.Mark Owen Webb - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 225–234.
    This chapter contains sections titled: History Contemporary Problems Conclusion Works cited.
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    On Lucretia who slew herself.Melanie Webb - 2013 - Augustinian Studies 44 (1):37-58.
  21.  7
    A Doubtful River.Robert Dawson, Peter Goin & Mary Webb - 2003 - University of Nevada Press.
    Essays and photographs describe the course of the Truckee River and the people who depend on the river's water.
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  22.  85
    Eros and Ethics: Levinas's Reading of Plato's 'Good Beyond Being'.Mary-Ann Webb - 2006 - Studies in Christian Ethics 19 (2):205-222.
    This paper addresses the notorious logic and semantic difficulties encountered by Lévinas in articulating his ethics of alterity. Tracing the philosophical genesis of this question in Descartes and Heidegger, it recognises Lévinas's claim that there can be no ontological foundation for ethics because ontology would reduce ethics to a form of mathematical ratio. Lévinas is unwilling to deny his phenomenological experience of a desire for goodness and unable to deny his despair at his ontological alienation from the good and so (...)
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  23.  76
    (1 other version)An empirical challenge to dissatisfaction theodicy.Mark Owen Webb - 2005 - Sophia 44 (2):197-203.
    Some philosophers of religion claim that one reason God permits suffering is to make people dissatisfied with their lives so they will turn to him. That theodicy is inadequate because 1) that strategy of behavior modification constitutes punishment (in the psychologists’ sense), and 2) punishment is not the most effective strategy of behavior modification. Since God can be expected to use the most effective strategy available to him, such a theodicy is inadequate.
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    An eliminativist theory of religion.Mark Owen Webb - 2009 - Sophia 48 (1):35-42.
    A philosophical theory of religion ought to meet four criteria: it should be extensionally accurate, neutral, phenomenological, and non-circular. I argue that none of the popular theories of religion meet all these criteria, and that, in particular, the extensional accuracy criterion and the non-circularity criterion can’t be met without sacrificing extensional accuracy. I conclude that, therefore, religions do not form a kind, and so, there is no such thing as religion.
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  25.  33
    Anatomy of an Anomaly.Mark Owen Webb & Suzanne Clark - 1999 - Disputatio (6):3-18.
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    A Peace Plan for the Science Wars.Mark Owen Webb - 2011 - Logos and Episteme 2 (3):413-422.
    In what has become known as the ‘Science Wars,’ two sides have emerged. Some philosophers of science have claimed that, because science is a social practice, it is hopelessly infected with political bias. Others have claimed that science is a special kind of practice, structurally immune to bias. They are both right, because they are referring to different things when they use the word ‘science.’ The second group is referring the method of theory selection, as practiced by scientists in the (...)
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  27.  36
    Depression and Christian Voluntarism Examining Freedom from The Perspective of Psychological Science.Marcia Webb - 2018 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 25 (4):279-283.
    In her article, "Is Depression Sin? A Philosophical Examination of Christian Voluntarism," Anastasia Phillippa Scrutton has offered a thoughtful contribution to the philosophical literature regarding depression and freedom of the will. Her analysis provides a careful and well-organized review of the position, prevalent in some Christian literature, that depression is within the individual's control and is thus a sin. She describes various components of this view, which she labels Christian voluntarism, and distinguishes it from more moderate versions of free will, (...)
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    Disfigurement: Personal, psychosocial and ethical aspects.M. Sharon Webb - 1987 - Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics 8 (2):110-119.
    The author discusses the physical, social and psychological dimensions of personhood as they are affected by disfigurement. She draws on two case studies to discuss varying reactions to disfigurement and explores ways the physician can respond to requests for surgical correction of deformity.
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  29.  40
    Does the sanctity of Christian mystics corroborate their claims?Mark Owen Webb - 1995 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 37 (2):63 - 71.
  30.  31
    Ethical issues related to caring for low birth weight infants.Mary S. Webb, Denise Passmore, Genieveve Cline & Denise Maguire - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (6):731-741.
    Background: Currently preterm births are the leading causes of newborn deaths and newborn mortality in developed countries. Infants born prematurely remain vulnerable to many acute complications and long-term disabilities. There is a growing concern surrounding the moral and ethical implications of the complex and technological care being provided to extremely low birth weight infants in neonatal intensive care units in the developed nations. Research purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the ethical and moral issues that neonatal intensive (...)
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    Fallibilism is Not a Thesis.Mark O. Webb - 1996 - Southwest Philosophy Review 12 (1):45-51.
  32.  77
    In Defense of Anselm.Mark Owen Webb - 2005 - Philo 8 (1):55-58.
    David Truncellito provides an analysis of Anselm’s ontological argument according to which Anselm’s use of the term “God” equivocates between purported reference to a being and reference to the idea of that being. I argue that this interpretation does not capture Anselm’s intent, and offer another analysis of the argument that charges Anselm with a different equivocation.
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  33. Jain philosophy.Mark Owen Webb - 2003 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  34.  47
    Kashmir's Right to Secede: A Critical Examination of Contemporary Theories of Secession.Matthew J. Webb - 2012 - Routledge.
    A separatist conflict has been ongoing in India-administered Kashmir since 1989. Focusing on this region, this book critiques the existing normative theories of secession, and offers a comprehensive examination of the right of sub-groups to secede. The book looks at the different accounts of the moral right to secede, and assesses both the theories themselves as well as the claims of those who want to separate Kashmir from India. Included within this analysis are the three main types of normative theory (...)
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  35. Meeting Others in the Space of Reasons: Fallibilism for Sellarsians.Mark Owen Webb - 2007 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 92 (1):217-231.
    Certainty has proved to be a troublesome epistemological concept, which motivates many philosophers to be fallibilists. But fallibilism proves troublesome, too, as it is hard to state in a way that does not either imply skepticism, or deny that there are necessary truths. The Sellarsian idea of a space of reasons in which there are normative proprieties attached to epistemic positions allows for an understanding of fallibilism which allows that there is knowledge, there are necessary truths, and yet we can (...)
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  36. Notas sobre Sophismata 8.4 de Buridán.Mark Webb - 1994 - Patristica Et Medievalia 15.
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  37. Natural Theology, Religious Experience, and the Reference of 'God'.Mark Owen Webb - 1991 - Dissertation, Syracuse University
    Even if an argument from religious experience can show that the subjects of religious experience are in contact with something which can justifiedly be named 'God', this does not settle the matter because, 'God' has a use other than its use as a proper name, in which use the term had descriptive content. To be of interest to Natural Theology, the argument from religious experience must show that the object of religious experience has the properties associated with the term 'God' (...)
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  38. Susan Moller Okin, Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women.M. Webb - 2000 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 78 (3):426.
  39. Trudy Govier, Dilemmas of Trust.Mark Owen Webb - 2000 - Philosophy in Review 20 (2):110-111.
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  40. The media and end of life choices and decisions.Marilyn Webb - 2009 - In James L. Werth & Dean Blevins (eds.), Decision making near the end of life: issues, developments, and future directions. New York: Routledge.
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    Corporate support for ethical and environmental policies: A financial management perspective. [REVIEW]Alan K. Reichert, Marion S. Webb & Edward G. Thomas - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 25 (1):53 - 64.
    A random sample of 146 fortune 500 firms were surveyed in 1996 to determine whether firm size and industry type affect employers' level of involvement and support of ethical and environmental policies and practices. The study found relationships between firm size and ethical and environmental policies and practices. While the majority of firms (90.3%), regardless of size, have a formal written code of ethics, large firms are more likely to employ an ombudsperson to handle ethical concerns and to have a (...)
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  42. Philosophy and Meditation. [REVIEW]Charles Herrman & Michael Webb - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (2):126-129.
    Preview: /Review: Michael Webb, The Whole at Once: A Conversation on Meaning, 244 pages./ This is a book about a phenomenological challenge: to reach the depths of meaning. It relies principally on becoming aware of the self and of the core essence of wholes, be they collections of objects or sentences or ideas. But meaning is the end point constituting, according to the author, a drive more powerful even than the will to live. It lies beyond any given perspective. The (...)
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    Constructing Death. [REVIEW]Joshua Hauser, John Lantos, Marilyn Webb, Ira Byock, Louise Harmon & Clive Seale - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (2):44.
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  44. Alan P.F. Sell, Philosophical Idealism and Christian Belief. [REVIEW]Mark Webb - 1996 - Philosophy in Review 16:210-211.
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  45. E.M. Adams, Religion And Cultural Freedom. [REVIEW]Mark Webb - 1994 - Philosophy in Review 14:227-228.
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  46. K. Brad Wray, Ed., Knowledge And Inquiry. [REVIEW]Mark Webb - 2003 - Philosophy in Review 23 (4):303-305.
  47. Paul J. Griffiths, Problems of Religious Diversity. [REVIEW]Mark Webb - 2002 - Philosophy in Review 22 (2):116-118.
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  48. Richard Mason, The God of Spinoza. [REVIEW]Mark Webb - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18:279-280.
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    Review of Key Concepts in Eastern Philosophy, by Oliver Leaman. [REVIEW]Mark Owen Webb - 2002 - Essays in Philosophy 3 (1):73-74.
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  50. Trudy Govier, Social Trust and Human Communities. [REVIEW]Mark Webb - 1999 - Philosophy in Review 19:255-257.
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