Results for 'Louis Barthou'

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  1. Leçons morales de la guerre.Paul Gaultier & Louis Barthou - 1921 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 28 (1):7-7.
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    Inside the mind of Thomas More: the witness of his writings.Louis W. Karlin - 2017 - New York: Scepter. Edited by David R. Oakley.
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    Cogito ergo sum.Louis O. Kattsoff & Jacques Garelli - 1958 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 63 (2/3):251 - 262.
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    ... La dialectique du monde sensible.Louis Lavelle - 1921 - Strasbourg,: Commission des publications de la Faculté des lettres.
  5. Space, Time, and Atmosphere A Comparative Phenomenology of Melancholia, Mania, and Schizophrenia, Part II.Louis Sass & E. Pienkos - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (7-8):131-152.
    This paper offers a comparative study of abnormalities in the experience of space, time, and general atmosphere in three psychiatric conditions: schizophrenia, melancholia, and mania. It is a companion piece to our previous article entitled 'Varieties of Self- Experience'; here we focus on experiences of the world rather than of the self. As before, we are especially interested in similarities but also in some subtle distinctions in the forms of subjectivity associated with these three conditions. As before, we survey phenomenologicallyoriented (...)
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  6. Sur le symbolisme politique en Grèce ancienne: Le foyer commun.Louis Gernet - 1996 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 101:247-265.
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    Anecdotal Reasoning.Louis F. Groarke - unknown
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    The Reality of Institutional Conscience.Elliott Louis Bedford - 2016 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 16 (2):255-272.
    Opponents of conscience protections for Catholic Health Care institutions claim that, since institutions are not autonomous individuals, they are not subjects of conscience. Therefore, since institutional conscience does not exist, it does not deserve protection. In this article, the author demonstrates not only that institutional conscience exists but that it is an activity that pervades all human institutions. He provides a metaphysical sketch that illustrates how institutions are organic outgrowths of human social nature which mitigate the natural limitations of human (...)
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    Détruire la peinture.Louis Marin - 1997
    Poussin, à Rome, dit du Caravage qu'il était venu au monde pour détruire la peinture et cependant il est dit aussi qu'il possédait l'art de peindre tout entier. Ce livre cherche non point à résoudre une contradiction mais plutôt à développer une inconsistance du système représentatif dans le procès de peindre de Poussin au Caravage et vice versa. Il y sera donc question de mimésis et de fantaisie, d'histoire et d'action, de perspective et de ténèbres, de mort et de décapitation...
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  10. Jon Barwise and John Etchemendy, The Language of First-Order Logic including Tarski's World 4.0 Reviewed by.Louis Marinoff - 1994 - Philosophy in Review 14 (3):162-164.
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    Du cosmos à la conscience: méandres philosophiques.Louis Valcke - 2012 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
    Dans sa précognition de toutes choses, le Créateur avait pris grand plaisir à lire les philosophes présocratiques. C'est ainsi qu'Il avait appris que, même en sa toute-puissance, Il ne disposerait que de deux modèles fondamentaux pour créer son univers. Alors Il se dit : "Je pourrais me laisser guider par la pure rationalité de Parménide, toute de clarté et de rigueur. C'est un système remarquablement simple. Une fois que j'aurais allumé la mèche du big-bang, je n'aurais plus à m'occuper de (...)
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  12. Le Périple Intellectuel de Jean Pic de la Mirandole Suivi du Discours de la Dignité de l'Homme Et du Traité L'être Et L'Un.Louis Valcke, Roland Galibois & Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola - 1994
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  13. The Bible and Modern Belief.Louis Wallis - 1949
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  14. Browning's theory of love.Louis Wann - 1925 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 6 (1):23.
  15. Melville's Quarrel with God.Louis Wann - 1953 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 34 (3):290.
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  16. Robinson Jeffers-counterpart of Walt Whitman.Louis Wann - 1938 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 19 (3):297.
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    Conduite à l'égard d'autrui.Louis Lavelle - 1957 - A. Michel.
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  18. L'existence et la valeur: leçon inaugurale et résumés des cours au Collège de France (1941-1951).Louis Lavelle & Colláege de France - 1991 - [Paris]: Collège de France.
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  19. Le présent.Louis Lavelle - 1958 - Giornale di Metafisica 13 (6):673.
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  20. Les ducs de Normandie dans les chansons de geste.R. Louis - 1959 - Byzantion 28:29.
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    Remarks on Mohrhoff's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Louis Marchildon - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (1):59-73.
    In a recently proposed interpretation of quantum mechanics, U. Mohrhoff advocates original and thought-provoking views on space and time, the definition of macroscopic objects, and the meaning of probability statements. The interpretation also addresses a number of questions about factual events and the nature of reality. The purpose of this note is to examine several issues raised by Mohrhoff's interpretation, and to assess whether it helps providing solutions to the long-standing problems of quantum mechanics.
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  22. Benevolent Theory: Moral Treatment at the York Retreat.Louis C. Charland - 2007 - History of Psychiatry 18 (1):61-80.
    The York Retreat is famous in the histor y of nineteenth-centur y psychiatr y because of its association with moral treatment. Although there exists a substantial historical literature on the evolution of moral treatment at the Retreat, several interpretive problems continue to obscure its unique therapeutic legacy. The nature of moral treatment as practised at the Retreat will be clarified and discussed in a historical perspective. It will be argued that moral treatment at the Retreat was pr imar ily a (...)
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    Frontal brain electrical activity distinguishes valence and intensity of musical emotions.Louis A. Schmidt & Laurel J. Trainor - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (4):487-500.
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    The Straw Man Fallacy as a Prestige-Gaining Device.Louis Saussure - 2018 - In Sarah Bigi & Fabrizio Macagno, Argumentation and Language — Linguistic, Cognitive and Discursive Explorations. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    In this paper, we consider the straw man fallacy from the perspective of pragmatic inference. Our main claim is that the straw man fallacy is a ‘pragmatic winner’ not primarily because of its persuasive power but rather because it targets the pragmatic cognitive-inferential skills of its victim while enhancing the prestige of its author. We consider that in the context of a straw man fallacy, the issue of the burden of proof, which is ‘reversed’, does not directly bear on the (...)
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  25. Delusions and double book-keeping.Louis A. Sass - 2013 - In Thomas Fuchs, Thiemo Breyer & Christoph Mundt, Karl Jaspers’ Philosophy and Psychopathology. New York: Springer. pp. 125–147.
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    Delusion: The Phenomenological Approach.Louis A. Sass & Elizabeth Pienkos - 2012 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 632–657.
    This chapter offers an overview of the phenomenological approach to delusions, emphasizing what Karl Jaspers called the "true delusions" of schizophrenia. Phenomenological psychopathology focuses on the experience of delusions and the delusional world. Several features of this approach are surveyed, including emphasis on formal qualities of subjective life and questioning of standard assumptions about delusions as erroneous belief. The altered modalities of world-oriented and self-oriented experience that precede and ground delusions in schizophrenia, especially the experiences of revelation that Klaus Conrad (...)
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    Rhetorics of truth, justice and secrecy in Pascal's text.Louis Marin - 1990 - Argumentation 4 (1):69-84.
    Beginning from a definition of philosophical discourse which states the necessity of rhetoric meant as the whole of the linguistic devices aiming to persuade the interlocutor of truth and justice, the author points out that Pascal's text would be an outstanding example of such a discourse, while showing, nevertheless, the specificity of the rhetoric he employs. Such a specificity would aim to carry out a complex logic of the secret, concerning chiefly the ackowledgement and identification procedures of the subject of (...)
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    Réflexions sur la notion de modèle chez Pascal.Louis Marin - 1967 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 72 (1):89 - 108.
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    Secret, dissimulation: les conditions rhétoriques de la croyance chez Pascal.Louis Marin - 1983 - In Herman Parret, On Believing. De la Croyance. Epistemological and Semiotic Approaches. De Gruyter. pp. 203-215.
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    A new puzzle for the evolution of speech?Christian Abry, Louis-Jean Boë, Rafael Laboissière & Jean-Luc Schwartz - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):512-513.
    We agree with MacNeilage's claim that speech stems from a volitional vocalization pathway between the cingulate and the supplementary motor area (SMA). We add the vocal self- monitoring system as the first recruitment of the Broca-Wernicke circuit. SMA control for “frames” is supported by wrong consonant-vowel recurring utterance aphasia and an imaging study of quasi-reiterant speech. The role of Broca's area is questioned in the emergence of “content,” because a primary motor mapping, embodying peripheral constraints, seems sufficient. Finally, we reject (...)
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    Engineering philosophy.Louis L. Bucciarelli - 2003 - Delft, The Netherlands: DUP Satellite.
    In Engineering Philosophy, the author explores how the concerns of philosophers are relevant to engineering thought and practice in negotiating tradeoffs in diagnosing failure, in constructing adequate models and simulations, and in teaching.
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  32. Science, culture and (eco-) ethics.Louis Legendre - 2004 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 13:23.
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  33. The Word, Church and Sacraments in Protestantism and Catholicism.Louis Bouyer - 1961
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    La théorie souveraine: les philosophes français et la sociologie au XXe siècle.Louis Pinto - 2009 - Paris: Les Editions du Cerf.
  35. Donner et recevoir.Louis Lavelle - 1952 - Giornale di Metafisica 7 (4):400.
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  36. De l'Acte.Louis Lavelle - 1938 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 45 (2):1-3.
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  37. (1 other version)De l'être.Louis Lavelle - 1928 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
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  38. De l'intimité spirituelle, collection « Philosophie de l'Esprit ».Louis Lavelle - 1956 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 11 (1):124-125.
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  39. De l'Intimité spirituelle.Louis Lavelle - 1958 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 12 (2):285-290.
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  40. (2 other versions)Introduction à l'Ontologie.Louis Lavelle - 1948 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 4 (3):312-312.
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  41. L'erreur de Narcisse.Louis Lavelle - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (4):687-688.
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  42. La fonction de la pensée.Louis Lavelle - 1952 - Giornale di Metafisica 7 (4):397.
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  43. La liberté comme terme premier.Louis Lavelle - 1949 - Giornale di Metafisica 4 (6):597.
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  44. La participation religiense.Louis Lavelle - 1983 - Filosofia Oggi 6 (1):1-20.
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  45. (1 other version)La Présence totale.Louis Lavelle, L. Lavelle & R. Le Senne - 1934 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 41 (4):7-8.
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  46. Summaries.Louis Lavelle - 1981 - Filosofia Oggi 4 (3/4):289.
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    Histoire des animaux. Aristotle & Pierre Louis - 1964 - Les Belles Lettres.
    V.1. livres I-IV V.2. livres V-VII. V.3 livres VIII-X.
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    Why Self-Reports of Happiness and Sadness May Not Necessarily Contradict Bipolarity: A Psychometric Review and Proposal.Louis Tay & Lauren Kuykendall - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (2):146-154.
    It is assumed that bipolarity in happiness and sadness requires mutual exclusion. However, we present psychometric research to show how coendorsements of happiness and sadness do not necessarily constitute evidence against bipolarity. Because individuals have a tendency to endorse emotion terms close to their current state, individuals whose current state is close to the middle of a bipolar continuum would report both happiness and sadness, despite their current state being best represented by a single point. As such, endorsements of happiness (...)
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    Problèmes. Aristotle & Pierre Louis (eds.) - 1991 - Paris: Belles Lettres.
    t. 1. Sections I à X -- t. 2. Sections XI à XXVII -- t. 3. Sections XXVIII à XXXVIII et index.
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  50. La mesure de notre liberté.Louis Gardet - 1946 - Tunis,: Impr. Bascone & Muscat.
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