Results for 'E. Pienkos'

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  1. Space, Time, and Atmosphere A Comparative Phenomenology of Melancholia, Mania, and Schizophrenia, Part II.Louis Sass & E. Pienkos - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (7-8):131-152.
    This paper offers a comparative study of abnormalities in the experience of space, time, and general atmosphere in three psychiatric conditions: schizophrenia, melancholia, and mania. It is a companion piece to our previous article entitled 'Varieties of Self- Experience'; here we focus on experiences of the world rather than of the self. As before, we are especially interested in similarities but also in some subtle distinctions in the forms of subjectivity associated with these three conditions. As before, we survey phenomenologicallyoriented (...)
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    Delusions: The phenomenological approach.L. A. Sass & E. Pienkos - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton, The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 632--657.
    This chapter offers an overview of the phenomenological approach to delusions, emphasizing what Karl Jaspers called the "true delusions" of schizophrenia. Phenomenological psychopathology focuses on the experience of delusions and the delusional world. Several features of this approach are surveyed, including emphasis on formal qualities of subjective life and questioning of standard assumptions about delusions as erroneous belief. The altered modalities of world-oriented and self-oriented experience that precede and ground delusions in schizophrenia, especially the experiences of revelation that Klaus Conrad (...)
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    The Social, the Outer and the Reflexive: Some More Dimensions of Subjectivity, Schizophrenia, and Its Recovery.Rosanna Wannberg - 2024 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 31 (1):75-78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Social, the Outer and the ReflexiveSome More Dimensions of Subjectivity, Schizophrenia, and Its RecoveryThe author reports no conflicts of interest.First of all, I want to express my gratitude to the Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry, Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, and the Karl Jaspers Award Committee for their recognition of my paper "Institution or individuality? Some reflections on the lessons to be learned from personal accounts (...)
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    Schizophrenia in the World: Arguments for a Contextual Phenomenology of Psychopathology.Elizabeth Pienkos - 2020 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 51 (2):184-206.
    Traditionally, phenomenological theories of schizophrenia have emphasized disturbances in self-experience, with relatively little acknowledgement of the surrounding world. However, epidemiological research consistently demonstrates a strong relationship between traumatic and stressful life events and the development of schizophrenia, suggesting that encounters in the world are highly relevant for many people diagnosed with this disorder. This paper reviews foundational texts in phenomenology and phenomenological psychopathology on the nature of subjectivity and its disturbances, finding support for broadening contemporary phenomenological models of schizophrenia to (...)
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    Expressing experience: the promise and perils of the phenomenological interview.Elizabeth Pienkos, Borut Škodlar & Louis Sass - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1):53-71.
    This paper outlines several of the challenges that are inherent in any attempt to communicate subjective experience to others, particularly in the context of a clinical interview. It presents the phenomenological interview as a way of effectively responding to these challenges, which may be especially important when attempting to understand the profound experiential transformations that take place in schizophrenia. Features of language experience in schizophrenia—including changes in interpersonal orientation, a sense of the arbitrariness of language, and a desire for faithful (...)
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  6. Ulamzhlalt Mongol orchuulgyn sudlald: ėnėkhu̇u̇ nomyg London dakhʹ Tȯvdiĭn sangiĭn tuslamzhtaĭ khėvlėv.D. Bu̇rnėė - 2003 - Ulaanbaatar: Dorno Dakhiny Gu̇n Ukhaany Khu̇n Sudlalyn Dėėd Surguulʹ. Edited by D. Ėnkhtȯr.
    Linguistic study of Mongolian traditional classical translation.
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    El círculo del tiempo: Observaciones acerca de las relaciones entre sujeto y tiempo en las "Lecciones de la fenomenologia de la conciencia interna del tiempo" de E. Husserl.Ángel E. Garrido Maturano - 2006 - Tópicos 14:51-80.
    The article examines Husserl's work On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time. Firstly, it seeks to show the surplus of cosmic time with regard to the temporality of consciousness. Secondly, an attempt is made to establish whether the Husserlian description of the form of the flow of consciousness is circular, i.e., whether it does not presupposes the objective time that it purports to constitute. Thirdly, a critical analysis of the self-manifestation of the absolute flow of consciousness is advanced. (...)
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  8.  70
    Remembering ‘Ellen West’: What a tragic case reveals about contemporary phenomenological psychopathology.Elizabeth Pienkos - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    This paper returns to a seminal case in the historical of phenomenological psychopathology, Ludwig Binswanger’s discussion of “Ellen West A woman with a long history of melancholia and disordered eating, Ellen West was treated at Binswanger’s Bellevue sanatorium in 1921, a two-and-a-half month-long stay that resulted in a diagnosis of schizophrenia and Ellen West’s suicide. Binswanger relied on West’s personal writings and clinical history to develop and apply an original approach to case analysis, Daseinsanalyse or “existential analysis.” This paper takes (...)
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    The pilgrimage of philosophy: a festschrift for Charles E. Butterworth.Charles E. Butterworth, René M. Paddags, Waseem El-Rayes & Gregory A. McBrayer (eds.) - 2019 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    This book intends to introduce readers to the work of Charles E. Butterworth, and thereby to introduce students to Medieval islamic political philosophy, of which Butterworth is one of the world's most prominent scholars. In a wider sense, the Festschrift introduces its readers to the current debates on Medieval islamic political philosophy, related as they are to the questions of the relationship between islam and Christianity, the Medieval to the Modern world, and reason and revelation. Butterworth's scholarship spans six decades, (...)
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  10.  26
    Se diserta sobre “RESISTENCIA TRIBUTARIA” JUSTIFICADA EN EL ECUADOR. Ello, porque gobierno del presidente Daniel Noboa estableció todo un “paquete” de “impuestos de guerra”, como la Contribución Temporal de Seguridad (CTS); un incremento del IVA, a discreción del presidente de la República, el pechaje del sector construcción, transferencias al exterior y otros impuestos. Ley Orgánica para Enfrentar el Conflicto Armado Interno, la Crisis Social y Económica (en adelante, la Ley), publicada en el Registro Oficial, Suplemento No. 516 del 12 de (...)
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  11. I. Bernard Cohen and George E. Smith (eds): The Cambridge Companion to Newton.P. J. E. Kail - 2003 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 11 (3):540-541.
  12.  79
    The Phenomenology of Anomalous World Experience in Schizophrenia: A Qualitative Study.Elizabeth Pienkos, Steven Silverstein & Louis Sass - 2017 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 48 (2):188-213.
    This current study is a pilot project designed to clarify changes in the lived world among people with diagnoses within the schizophrenia spectrum. The Examination of Anomalous World Experience was used to interview ten participants with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and a comparison group of three participants with major depressive disorder. Interviews were analyzed using the descriptive phenomenological method. This analysis revealed two complementary forms of experience unique toszparticipants: Destabilization, the experience that reality and the intersubjective world are less comprehensible, less (...)
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    Kampf gegen das Chaos, Kampf gegen die Meinung: Intensive Größe und Empfindung bei Gilles Deleuze und Hermann Cohen.Christoph F. E. Holzhey & Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky - 2016 - In Thomas Leinkauf & Thomas Kisser, Intensität Und Realität: Systematische Analysen Zur Problemgeschichte von Gradualität, Intensität Und Quantitativer Differenz in Ontologie Und Metaphysik. De Gruyter. pp. 259-274.
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  14. Anomalous self-experience in depersonalization and schizophrenia: A comparative investigation.Louis Sass, Elizabeth Pienkos, Barnaby Nelson & Nick Medford - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):430-441.
    Various forms of anomalous self-experience can be seen as central to schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders. We examined similarities and differences between anomalous self-experiences common in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders, as listed in the EASE , and those described in published accounts of severe depersonalization. Our aims were to consider anomalous self-experience in schizophrenia in a comparative context, to refine and enlarge upon existing descriptions of experiential disturbances in depersonalization, and to explore hypotheses concerning a possible core process in schizophrenia . Numerous (...)
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  15. Ethiek als waagstuk.E. L. Smelik (ed.) - 1969 - Nijkerk,: G. F. Callenbach.
    Ongevraagde ouverture, door F. O. van Gennep.--Ethiek als waagstuk, door F. van Raalten.--Het juridisch aspect van de rabbijnse ethiek, door M. A. Beek.--Is er een eigen christelijke ethiek? Door H. J. Heering.--Het radicalisme in de ethiek, door F. O van Gennep.--Ethiek en praktijk van de geweldloosheid van Dr. Martin Luther King, door J. W. Schulte Nordholt.--Politiek pastoraat, door K. Strijd.--Mythe en ethiek, door F. van Raalten.--Veritas poetica, door C. W. Mönnich.--Ethiek in de counseling, door H. R. Wijngaarden.--Bibliografische gegevens uit het (...)
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  16. Saggio di esposizione sintetica del pragmatismo religioso di W. James e di F. G. S. Schiller.E. Chiocchetti - 1911 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 3:I:24.
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  17. (1 other version)Collezione di classici delle scienze E Della filosofia curatadai proff. Erminio trolli ed Aldo mieli.T. E. T. E. - 1913 - Rivista di Filosofia 5 (1):131.
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  18. The Harmonious Life, of Paragraphs on Things Beautiful and True, by E.L.L. E. & Harmonious Life - 1906
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  19. Self Studies: The Psychology of Self and Identity, by Karl E. Scheibe.E. Keen - 1996 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 27 (1):108-110.
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  20. "Dell' Attenzione". 1ª parte: "Contrasto affettivo e unità di coscienza".E. Rignano - 1911 - Scientia 5 (10):326.
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    Matérialisme historique et interprétation économique de l'histoire.Henri Sée - 1927 - Paris: M. Giard.
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    Chronotopic thresholds: A feeling for the future.E. Jayne White, Catherine Matsuo, Fiona Westbrook, Caryl Emerson, Bridgette Redder, Mahtab Janfada, Dandan Cao & Mikhail Gradovski - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (10):935-945.
    E. Jayne Whitea, Catherine Matsuob and Fiona WestbrookcaUniversity of Canterbury; bFukuoka University; cAuckland University of Technology (AUT)This collective writing piece takes its points of depa...
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  23. “Robbed of my life”: The Felt Loss of Familiar and Engaged Presence in Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder.Elizabeth Pienkos & Louis Sass - 2022 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 53 (1):51-81.
    Depersonalization/derealization disorder is classified as a dissociative disorder in the DSM5. It is noteworthy that the symptoms of depersonalization and derealization are commonly found in many other psychological disorders, including schizophrenia spectrum disorders, while phenomenological features of schizophrenia are commonly found in DPDR. The current study attempts to clarify these apparent similarities via highly detailed phenomenological interviews with four persons diagnosed with DPDR. The data revealed four interrelated facets: 1, Loss of resonance, 2, Detachment from experience, 3, Loss of self, (...)
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    Les scolastiques indiennes: Genèses, développements, interactions. Edited by Émilie Aussant and Gérard Colas.John E. Cort - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (2).
    Les scolastiques indiennes: Genèses, développements, interactions. Edited by Émilie Aussant and Gérard Colas. Études thématiques, vol. 32. Paris: École française d’Extrême-orient, 2020. Pp. 322. €40.
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    Witches, Scientists, Philosophers: Essays and Lectures.Robert E. Butts - 2000 - Springer Verlag.
    Robert E. Butts (1928-1997) was a philosopher and historian of science whose central concerns were the distinction between the rational and the irrational. He viewed scientific rationality as our major defence against the various conditions that encourage witch hunts and similar outbursts of irrationality, with all their attendant pain and terror. Butts saw himself as a pragmatic realist, combining what he took to be the best aspects of logical empiricism with a historically informed pragmatism, deeply appreciative of the methods of (...)
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  26. Ciò che è vivo e ciò che è morto della pedagogia di Federico Fröbel.E. Formíggini-Santamaria - 1916 - Genova: A.F. Formíggini.
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  27. Illeität im Denken von E. Lévinas: Vom Vorbeigehen der Illeität bis zum Zeugnis der Liebe Gottes.Angel E. Garrido-Maturano - 1996 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 103 (1):62-75.
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    Rodolfo Mondolfo e o início da filosofia grega.Regina Célia Bicalho Prates E. Silva - 1981 - Trans/Form/Ação 4:51-60.
    The present article intends to call the attention to the role played by Rodolfo Mondolfo, with his theory of the early greek philosophy's dependence in relation with an earlier reflexion about man and social life, in the "turning " that restored the beginning of phylosophy in to history.O presente artigo pretende chamar a atenção para o papel representado por Rodolfo Mondolfo, com sua teoria da dependência da primeira filosofia grega em relação a uma reflexão anterior sobre o homem e a (...)
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  29. Obshchai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ otnostelʹnosti posle Ėĭnshteĭna.L. Ė Gurevich - 1972 - Edited by Gliner, Ėrast Borisovich & [From Old Catalog].
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    Na mez︠h︡i butti︠a︡: filosofii︠a︡ konechnosti li︠u︡dsʹkoho butti︠a︡ ta etyka = Na predele bytii︠a︡: filosofii︠a︡ konechnosti chelovecheskogo bytii︠a︡ i ėtika = On the verge of existence: philosophy of finiteness of human existence and ethics.I︠E︡vhen Muli︠a︡rchuk - 2012 - Kyïv: Instytut filosofiï imeni H.S. Skovorody.
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    The Function and Forms of Thought. Albert E. Avey.A. E. Murphy - 1928 - International Journal of Ethics 38 (2):235-237.
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    Un campo trascendental animado: idea e intensidad en la ontología de Gilles Deleuze.Rafael E. Mc Namara - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (3):483-494.
    In Différence et répétition, the transcendental field is presented through the concepts of Idea and intensity. A lot has been said about these concepts, but the relation between them is still a subject of dispute. In this article we aim to shed light upon this knot. First, we will show that intensity is actual, and not virtual nor intermediate like some interpretations suggest. In this point, our reading of the book from 1968 is complemented with Le pli. Leibniz et le (...)
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  33. Imperial Lives and Letters of the Eleventh Century. Translated by Theodor E. Mommsen and Karl F. Morrison.J. E. Weakland - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (2):264-266.
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    Commentary on ‘The scattering ofαandβparticles by matter and the structure of the atom’ by E. Rutherford 669–688).B. R. Webber & E. A. Davis - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (4):399-405.
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    William James: His Life and Thought, by Gerald E. Myers.Norman E. Wetherick - 1987 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 18 (3):293-297.
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  36. Martha E. Rogers Her Life and Her Work.Martha E. Rogers, Violet M. Malinski, Elizabeth Ann Manhart Barrett & John R. Phillips - 1994
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    La vérité dans ses éclats: foi et raison: actes du colloque de la Communauté du Chemin Neuf.Blandine Lagrut & Étienne Vetö (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Ad Solem.
    Soeurs ennemies ou soeurs jumelles, servante et maîtresse ou compagnes de labeur, s'ignorant l'une l'autre ou unies au point de presque s'identifier, la foi et la raison entretiennent à l'évidence une relation intense et tumultueuse. N'est-ce pas justement au coeur du mouvement qui tantôt les rapproche tantôt les oppose que s'ajuste leur rapport? Plus que d'un état stable acquis une fois pour toutes il s'agit bien d'une dynamique, d'un processus. C'est cc que visent à montrer les essais réunis dans cc (...)
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  38. Mudrostʹ zmei: pervobytnyĭ chelovek, Luna i Solnt︠s︡e.V. E. Larichev - 1989 - Novosibirsk: "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie. Edited by V. I. Molodin.
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  39. T︠S︡ennosti kulʹtury i sovremennai︠a︡ ėpokha.N. N. Lebedeva & E. V. Oznobkina (eds.) - 1990 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii.
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    Rethinking feminist phenomenology: Theoretical and applied perspectives, edited by Shabot, S. C. & Landry, C.Elizabeth Pienkos - 2020 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 51 (2):241-243.
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    Reconceptualizing schizophrenia: The phenomenology of urhomelessness, edited by Kamens, S.Elizabeth Pienkos - 2024 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 55 (1):121-127.
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    How Narrative Counts in Phenomenological Models of Schizophrenia.Elizabeth Pienkos - 2024 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 31 (1):71-73.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:How Narrative Counts in Phenomenological Models of SchizophreniaThe author reports no conflicts of interest.Rosanna Wannberg (2024) offers an intriguing and novel critique of the predominant phenomenological model of schizophrenia, the ipseity disturbance hypothesis. According to this model, which was initially proposed by Sass and Parnas (2003), schizophrenia is best understood as arising from a disturbance or instability of minimal or basic self-hood, the sense of being present to oneself (...)
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    Schizophrenia, language, and the phenomenological interview.Elizabeth Pienkos & Louis Sass - 2018 - Psicopatologia Fenomenológica Contemporânea 7 (2).
    This paper reviews various perspectives regarding the relationship between language and experience, including the challenges of using verbal descriptions to access subjective experience in psychiatric interviews (in both clinical and research settings). Schizophrenia is a specific case in which the experience of language may be altered, posing unique challenges in the context of the interview. The phenomenology of language in schizophrenia is briefly presented, with discussion of related alterations in interpersonal orientation, attention and context, underlying experience, and attitudes toward language. (...)
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    (1 other version)The Tribulations of Economic Reforms.A. Pienkos - 1990 - Télos 1990 (86):186-192.
    Title: Remaking the Economic Institutions of Socialism: China and Eastern Europe Publisher: Stanford University Press ISBN: 0804714940 Author: Victor Nee and David Stark Title: Market Reforms in Socialist Societies: Comparing China and Hungary Publisher: L. Rienner Publishers ISBN: 1555870961 Author: Peter Van Ness.
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    Methods and models for investigating anomalous experiences in schizophrenia spectrum disorders.Pavan S. Brar, Elizabeth Pienkos, Alexander Porto, Helen J. Wood, Deepak Sarpal, Melissa A. Kalarchian, James B. Schreiber & Alexander Kranjec - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    The self-disorder model provides a phenomenological framework for understanding how the core symptoms of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders (SSDs) are rooted in an instability of minimal selfhood. This instability involves a range of “anomalous experiences”: transformations in an individual’s perceptual field and sense of being an agent of action. The explanatory value of this theoretical model can be summarized in two claims about the role of anomalous experiences in self-disorders: (1) anomalous experiences express a common trait-like disturbance that is characteristic of (...)
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  46.  53
    Exploration of self- and world-experiences in depersonalization traits.Anna Ciaunica, Elizabeth Pienkos, Estelle Nakul, Luis Madeira & Harry Farmer - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (2):380-412.
    This paper proposes a qualitative study exploring anomalous self and world-experiences in individuals with high levels of depersonalization experiences. Depersonalization (DP) is a condition characterized by distressing feelings of being a detached, neutral and disembodied onlooker of one’s mental and bodily processes. Our findings indicate the presence of a wide range of anomalous experiences traditionally understood to be core features of DP, such as disembodiment and disrupted self-awareness. However, our results also indicate experiential features that are less highlighted in previous (...)
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  47.  65
    Faces of Intersubjectivity.Louis Sass & Elizabeth Pienkos - 2015 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 46 (1):1-32.
    Here we consider interpersonal experience in schizophrenia, melancholia, and mania. Our goal is to improve understanding of similarities and differences in how other people can be experienced in these disorders, through a review of first-person accounts and case examples and of contemporary and classic literature on the phenomenology of these disorders. We adopt a tripartite/dialectical structure: first we explore main differences as traditionally described; next we consider how the disorders may resemble each other; finally we discuss more subtle but perhaps (...)
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  48.  28
    Review of Richard E. Flathman: Toward a Liberalism.[REVIEW]Richard E. Flathman - 1992 - Ethics 102 (4):865-867.
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    Review of Richard E. FLATHMAN: Willful Liberalism[REVIEW]Richard E. Flathman - 1993 - Ethics 104 (1):178-179.
  50.  38
    Pearson's Sophocles Sophoclis fabulae. Recognouit breuique adnotatione critica instruxit A. C. Pearson, linguae Graecae apud Cantabrigienses Professor Regius. Pp. xxiv, no further pagination. Oxonii e typographeo Clarendoniano, 1924. 5s. 6d., 6s. 6d., and 8s. 6d. net. [REVIEW]A. E. Housman - 1925 - The Classical Review 39 (3-4):76-80.
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