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Lisa Kemmerer [39]Lisa A. Kemmerer [2]
  1.  45
    Animals and World Religions: Rightful Relations.Lisa Kemmerer - 2012 - Oup Usa.
    Despite increasing public attention to animal suffering, little seems to have changed: human beings continue to exploit billions of animals in factory farms, medical laboratories, and elsewhere. In this wide-ranging and perceptive study, Lisa Kemmerer shows how spiritual writings and teachings in seven major religious traditions can help people to consider their ethical obligations towards other creatures.
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  2.  10
    Eating Earth: Environmental Ethics and Dietary Choice.Lisa Kemmerer - 2014 - Oup Usa.
    An examination of human dietary choice as a unifying cause for both the environmental and animal-rights movements.
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  3.  55
    Sister Species: Women, Animals, and Social Justice.Lisa Kemmerer (ed.) - 2011 - Urbana, Chicago, and Springfield: University of Illinois Press.
    _Sister Species: Women, Animals, and Social Justice_ addresses interconnections between speciesism, sexism, racism, and homophobia, clarifying why social justice activists in the twenty-first century must challenge intersecting forms of oppression. This anthology presents bold and gripping--sometimes horrifying--personal narratives from fourteen activists who have personally explored links of oppression between humans and animals, including such exploitative enterprises as cockfighting, factory farming, vivisection, and the bushmeat trade. _Sister Species_ asks readers to rethink how they view "others," how they affect animals with their (...)
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  4.  10
    In search of consistency: ethics and animals.Lisa Kemmerer - 2006 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume introduces the most important ideas in animal ethics and builds on a critical dialogue emerging at the intersection of animal rights, environmental ethics, and religious studies. In search of Consistency examines the work of influential scholars Tom Regan (animal rights), Peter Singer (utilitarian ethics), Andrew Linzey (theologian), and Paul Taylor (environmental ethics), and explores ethics and animals across six world religions (Indigenous faiths, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam). In Search of Consistency sheds light on 'the sanctity of (...)
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  5.  46
    Defending the Defenceless: Speciesism, Animal Liberation, and Consistency in Applied Ethics.Lisa A. Kemmerer - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (3):238-253.
    Lisa Kemmerer | : This article explores whether or not animal activists who engage in violence might legitimately be labelled “terrorists.” To this end, I examine common assumptions concerning the use of pre-emptive counter-violence in order to defend the comparatively defenceless. Through the use of casuistry, this essay compares specific hypothetical instances of killing comparatively defenceless individuals, beginning with scenarios that offer a clear general consensus, moving to more controversial cases. This indicates that contemporary violence on behalf of animal liberation, (...)
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  6. The animal rights debate.Lisa Kemmerer - 2005 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 8 (3):325-327.
  7.  56
    Verbal Activism: "Anymal".Lisa Kemmerer - 2006 - Society and Animals 14 (1):9-14.
    This paper is an exploration of verbal activism and animal liberation, starting with a brief explanation of Wittgenstein's views on the nature and role of language. A discussion of lexical gaps, linguistic change, and verbal activism follows: The paper introduces the word, "anymal," to fill a lexical gap and to provide a form of verbal activism.
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  8.  13
    Animals and the Environment: Advocacy, Activism, and the Quest for Common Ground.Lisa Kemmerer (ed.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    "Contemporary earth and animal activists often seem to think and operate independently and neither seems to have much understanding of the other. Instead of continuing this lack of engagement, this eclectic anthology highlights important areas of common ground"--.
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  9.  26
    Introduction: Speciesism, Sexism, and Male Privilege.Lisa Kemmerer - 2022 - In Oppressive Liberation: Sexism in Animal Activism. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-32.
    The first chapter introduces core ideas—sexism, speciesism, and male privilege—through an examination of the labor and crimes of pig farmer and serial killer Robert Pickton, then formally introduces sexism, speciesism, male privilege, the #MeToo Movement, #ARMeToo Movement, and word activism. With regard to the latter, “anymal” and “interfacing oppressions” are introduced as novel referents. At its closing, the introduction provides an overview of upcoming chapters.
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  10.  9
    Bear Necessities: Rescue, Rehabilitation, Sanctuary, and Advocacy.Lisa Kemmerer (ed.) - 2015 - Brill.
    Twenty-two engaging and approachable essays, written by scholars and activists working to protect the world’s eight bear species, explore pressures that threaten the world’s remaining bears, offering a tapestry of possibilities for protecting and preserving these endangered yet much-loved beings.
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  11.  50
    Challenges from within.Lisa Kemmerer - 2000 - The Philosophers' Magazine 11:55-55.
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  12.  11
    Conclusion: Meta-Reflections on Sexism in Anymal Activism.Lisa Kemmerer - 2022 - In Oppressive Liberation: Sexism in Animal Activism. Springer Verlag. pp. 331-338.
    The final chapter of Oppressive Liberation returns to the Robert Pickton case to examine and critique a PETA ad and common responses to the ad, exposing interfacing oppressions. The chapter then grounds Oppressive Liberation in the time-honored activist’s world of speaking out to bring change. The book concludes by assessing all that is at stake for anymal activists if they fail to confront sexism in the movement.
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  13.  10
    CANHAD: Testimonials from the Anymal Activist Community Revealing Internal Sexism.Lisa Kemmerer - 2022 - In Oppressive Liberation: Sexism in Animal Activism. Springer Verlag. pp. 131-151.
    This chapter analyzes testimonials posted at CANHAD.org: Collective against Nonprofit Harassment and Discrimination: For Social Justice Advocates, a website focused on harassment and discrimination in social justice activism, which was promoted almost exclusively in anymal activist circles. Testimonials from this website align with the work of scholars in the field of social justice activism, demonstrating the problematic nature of need for community, inside-facing loyalty, male leadership, and internal romances. Finally, Chap. 6 reflects on the ongoing discussion revolving around PETA’s naked (...)
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  14.  17
    Defending Animal Rights.Lisa Kemmerer - 2002 - Philosophy Now 36:43-44.
  15.  9
    Evidence of Systemic Sexism and Male Privilege in Anymal Activism Prior to #MeToo.Lisa Kemmerer - 2022 - In Oppressive Liberation: Sexism in Animal Activism. Springer Verlag. pp. 153-180.
    Chapter 7 analyzes interconnections between 12 empowered and privileged men and 10 key anymal activist organizations (with which one or more of them are/were affiliated prior to the advent of the #ARMeToo Movement), thereby exposing sexism and male privilege manifest as/in male networks, disproportionate representation of males as spokespersons, leaders, and admittees into the Hall of Fame. Researched in 2017, prior to the rush of the #MeToo Movement, details in this chapter shed light on the depth and breadth of sexism (...)
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  16.  7
    Harms of Sexism and Male Privilege in the AE Community.Lisa Kemmerer - 2022 - In Oppressive Liberation: Sexism in Animal Activism. Springer Verlag. pp. 203-222.
    Drawing on the work of previous scholars and information presented in previous chapters, Chapter 9 exposes the many harms of sexism and male privilege among social justice activists. Key harms include individual psychological harms (such as fear and stress, shame and self-hatred, and broken trust and despair), harms to organizations (such as squandered time, skills, people power, and funds), and harms to the effectiveness and integrity of the Animal Ethics Movement.
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  17.  9
    Independent Activists Working Against Sexism and Male Privilege.Lisa Kemmerer - 2022 - In Oppressive Liberation: Sexism in Animal Activism. Springer Verlag. pp. 247-271.
    This chapter considers a variety of ways that independent activists might work against sexism and male privilege without needing the support or cooperation of organizational leadership. Suggestions include organizing and creating woman-only spaces, cross-pollination with feminists, openly and boldly standing with survivors, overtly rejecting heroization, challenging anyone who blames or disparages women who have come forward, tending away from internal heterosexual relationships, rejecting the assignment of gender-specific roles, calling others in rather than calling them out, and employing verbal activism to (...)
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  18.  17
    Innocent Threats.Lisa Kemmerer - 2005 - Between the Species 13 (5):4.
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  19.  9
    Interconnections: Theory, Myth, and Science.Lisa Kemmerer - 2022 - In Oppressive Liberation: Sexism in Animal Activism. Springer Verlag. pp. 35-58.
    The first half of Chap. 2 introduces ecofeminist theory to debunk dualisms and explore the interface of speciesism and sexism. The second half surveys ancient philosophies (Asian, Middle Eastern, and Indigenous) for a richer understanding of interconnections, from the transmigration of souls in India and the radical oneness of Zen Buddhism, through the Great Unity and endless transformations of matter in Chinese religions, to the mythologies of South America and Africa and the unity established by the Creator in texts core (...)
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  20.  80
    Killing traditions: Consistency in applied moral philosophy.Lisa Kemmerer - 2004 - Ethics, Place and Environment 7 (3):151 – 171.
    This paper investigates consistency in applied moral philosophy with regard to the recent controversy over Makah whaling in the state of Washington. The first part presents both sides of the controversy. The second part examines the meaning of 'tradition' and distinguishes between 'new' and 'old' traditions. The third part explores what might constitute moral consistency for the Makah and what might constitute moral consistency for the larger community.
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  21.  43
    “No One Likes” (poem).Lisa Kemmerer - 2008 - Environmental Philosophy 5 (2):67-67.
  22.  21
    Oppressive Liberation: Sexism in Animal Activism.Lisa Kemmerer (ed.) - 2022 - Springer Verlag.
    While explicitly set against a backdrop of sexism in social justice activism more generally, this book exposes causes, pervasiveness, harms, and possible directions for change with regard to sexism and male privilege in the animal activist movement. Employing the work of previous scholars, Dr. Lisa Kemmerer exposes the commonplace nature and causes of sexism and male privilege in social justice activism, then focuses on anymal activists, including new data that has not previously been published. The book also explores the crushing (...)
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  23.  5
    Primate People: Saving Nonhuman Primates Through Education, Advocacy, and Sanctuary.Lisa Kemmerer (ed.) - 2012 - University of Utah Press.
    In the last 30 years the bushmeat trade has led to the slaughter of nearly 90 percent of West Africa’s bonobos, perhaps our closest relatives, and has recently driven Miss Waldron’s red colobus monkey to extinction. Earth was once rich with primates, but every species—except one—is now extinct or endangered because of one primate—_Homo sapiens_. How have our economic and cultural practices pushed our cousins toward destruction? Would we care more about their fate if we knew something of their individual (...)
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  24. REVIEWS-Book: Nature Ethics: An Ecofeminist Perspective-by Marti Kheel.Lisa Kemmerer - 2009 - Philosophy Now 75:38.
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    Simply Caring.Lisa Kemmerer - unknown
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  26.  18
    Survey Data on Harassment and Discrimination in the Anymal Activist Community.Lisa Kemmerer - 2022 - In Oppressive Liberation: Sexism in Animal Activism. Springer Verlag. pp. 97-130.
    This chapter presents and analyzes data from an international, online Qualtrics survey (2017–2020) collecting data on harassment and discrimination in the anymal activist community. This survey provides data regarding the demography of movement perpetrators, types of harassment/discrimination experienced/witnessed, manifestations of harassment/discrimination, numbers of individuals effected, consequences for perpetrators (lack thereof), and sheds light on the importance of social capital, male networks, need for community (manifest as inside-facing loyalty), and organization policies and reporting.
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  27.  5
    The #ARMeToo Movement: Empowered Perpetrators Exposed at HSUS, MFA, and DxE.Lisa Kemmerer - 2022 - In Oppressive Liberation: Sexism in Animal Activism. Springer Verlag. pp. 181-199.
    At the height of the #MeToo Movement, allegations of sexism and male privilege in the movement reached not only the larger activist community, but the general public, through blogs, social media posts, and major news sources such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, and ABC 7 News. Chapter 8 explores this information for evidence of sexism and male privilege stemming from well-known, considerably empowered men in key organizations. Simultaneously, this chapter testifies to the possibility for change (...)
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  28.  31
    The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, by Joel Bakan.Lisa Kemmerer - 2008 - Philosophy Now 65:42-43.
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  29.  22
    The Pornography of Meat.Lisa Kemmerer - 2006 - Philosophy Now 56:42-43.
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  30.  49
    Tom Regan on Innocents.Lisa A. Kemmerer - 2007 - Between the Species 13 (7):2.
  31.  20
    The Sound of Action.Lisa Kemmerer - 2000 - Philosophy Now 30:8-9.
  32.  19
    The “Why” of Sexism in Social Justice Movements.Lisa Kemmerer - 2022 - In Oppressive Liberation: Sexism in Animal Activism. Springer Verlag. pp. 69-93.
    When we have greater understanding of the forces that create a particular problem, we have a better chance at addressing a problem. Employing the work of previous scholars, first, Chap. 4 introduces and explores a few key reasons why social justice activism suffers from internal sexism (a lack of solidarity among women and gender norms in the larger society, complete with toxic masculinity and rape culture). Next, four case studies are introduced that revolve around sexual assault inside four distinct social (...)
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  33.  17
    Whiteness as Norm, Intersectionality, and Interfacing Oppressions.Lisa Kemmerer - 2022 - In Oppressive Liberation: Sexism in Animal Activism. Springer Verlag. pp. 59-67.
    This chapter first explores intersectionality—its roots in the theorizing of Black legal scholars and controversy entailed in applying this term to the experiences of anymals (nonhuman animals). An alternative reference is introduced: interfacing oppressions. The rest of the chapter explores concerns regarding a white author writing on the topic of sexism, presenting arguments on both sides and written in collaboration with a queer-identified Black researcher, an Indian-American professor, a Black scholar, and a Native American professor.
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  34.  9
    Working Against Sexism and Male Privilege Inside Organizations.Lisa Kemmerer - 2022 - In Oppressive Liberation: Sexism in Animal Activism. Springer Verlag. pp. 223-246.
    Most anymal activists are in some way affiliated with one or more activist organizations, whether as volunteers, donors, interns, employees, or members; many of the problems highlighted in previous chapters are most effectively addressed inside organizations. This chapter considers organizational changes necessary in order to address sexism in the movement, including the hiring of women, cross-pollination with other social justice organizations, an accountability process, creating and enforcing policies, and revisiting collective memory and group narratives. Finally, this chapter explores the makeup (...)
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  35.  37
    Wild Justice: The Moral Lives of Animals.Lisa Kemmerer - 2013 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 16 (1):120-123.
    Marc Bekoff & Jessica Pierce, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009, ix, 204 pp., Cloth 28, paper 17, ISBN 10: 0-226-04-163-8 ISBN 10: 0-226-04-161-1 Angie, a little mixed-bree...
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  36.  70
    Peter Singer, Writings on an Ethical Life, New York, HarperCollins, 2000, pp. xx + 361.Lisa Kemmerer - 2003 - Utilitas 15 (1):116.
  37.  10
    Metamorphoses of the Zoo: Animal Encounter After Noah.Helena Pedersen, Natalie Dian, Matthew Chrulew, Jennifer Wlech, Ralph Acampora, Nicole Mazur, Koen Margodt, Lisa Kemmerer, Bernard Rollin, Randy Malamud, Chilla Bulbeck, Leesa Fawcett, Traci Warkentin, David Lulka, Gay Bradshaw & Debra Durham (eds.) - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    Metamorphoses of the Zoo marshals a unique compendium of critical interventions that envision novel modes of authentic encounter that cultivate humanity's biophilic tendencies without abusing or degrading other animals. These take the form of radical restructurings of what were formerly zoos or map out entirely new, post-zoo sites or experiences. The result is a volume that contributes to moral progress on the inter-species front and eco-psychological health for a humankind whose habitats are now mostly citified or urbanizing.
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  38.  44
    Animal Rights: What Everyone Needs to Know. [REVIEW]Lisa Kemmerer - 2012 - Teaching Ethics 12 (2):201-205.
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    Book Review: Issa and the Meaning of Animals: A Buddhist Poet’s Perspective By David G. Lanoue. [REVIEW]Lisa Kemmerer - 2016 - Between the Species 19 (1).
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  40.  58
    Book ReviewsTom Regan,. Empty Cages: Facing the Challenge of Animal Rights.New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004. Pp. 229. $21.95. [REVIEW]Lisa Kemmerer - 2004 - Ethics 115 (1):160-163.
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  41.  54
    Ecofeminist Philosophy. [REVIEW]Lisa Kemmerer - 2001 - The Philosophers' Magazine 16 (16):60-60.