Results for 'Linda Hicke'

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  1.  23
    Forethought development in children and adolescents.Linda J. Sandham & Robert A. Hicks - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (2):77-78.
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    A factor-analytic study of items to measure forethought development in children and adolescents.Linda J. Sandham & Robert A. Hicks - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (2):109-112.
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    Molecular machinery required for protein transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the golgi complex.Linda Hicke & Randy Schekman - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (6):253-258.
    The cellular machinery responsible for conveying proteins between the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi is being investigated using genetics and biochemistry. A role for vesicles in mediating protein traffic between the ER and the Golgi has been established by characterizing yeast mutants defective in this process, and by using recently developed cell‐free assays that measure ER to Golgi transport. These tools have also allowed the identification of several proteins crucial to intracellular protein trafficking. The characterization and possible functions of several (...)
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    REM sleep deprivation reduces emotionality in female rats.Robert A. Hicks, Steven Gomez, Linda Gonzales, Maxine Kuroda, Nicolas J. Orme & Joe Reyes - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (5):244-245.
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    Type A behavior and normal habitual sleep duration.Robert A. Hicks, Robert J. Pellegrini, Sharon Martin, Linda Garbesi, Darlyne Elliott & James Hawkins - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (3):185-186.
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    Exemplarist Moral Theory.Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski - 2017 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    In Exemplarist Moral Theory of Linda Zagzebski presents an original moral theory based on direct reference to exemplars of goodness, whom we identify through the emotion of admiration. Using examples of heroes, saints, and sages, she shows how narratives of exemplars and empirical work on the most admirable persons can be incorporated into the theory to serve both theoretical and practical purposes.
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  7. Visible Identities: Race, Gender, and the Self.Linda Alcoff - 2006 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Visible Identities critiques the critiques of identity and of identity politics and argues that identities are real but not necessarily a political problem. Moreover, the book explores the material infrastructure of gendered identity, the experimental aspects of racial subjectivity for both whites and non-whites, and in several chapters looks specifically at Latio identity.
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    The Persistent Power of Cultural Racism.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2023 - Philosophy 98 (3):249-271.
    Abstract‘Cultural racism’ is central to understanding racism today yet has receded into the background behind the focus on attitudinal racism. Even the turn to structural racism is largely circumscribed to inclusion without substantive challenge to existing processes or profit margins. When portions of the racist public are targeted, it is often the least elite members of society. Without question, the concept of cultural racism requires some clarification, but it will help bring the continued influence of colonialism forward and reveal the (...)
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  9. Admiration and the Admirable.Linda Zagzebski - 2015 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 89 (1):205-221.
    The category of the admirable has received little attention in the history of philosophy, even among virtue ethicists. I don't think we can understand the admirable without investigating the emotion of admiration. I have argued that admiration is an emotion in which the object is ‘seen as admirable’, and which motivates us to emulate the admired person in the relevant respect. Our judgements of admirability can be distorted by the malfunction of our disposition to admiration. We all know many ways (...)
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  10. How is epistemology political.Linda Alcoff - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  11. The roots (and routes) of the epistemology of ignorance.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (1):9-28.
    This paper elaborates on the idea of the epistemology of ignorance developed in Charles Mills’s work beginning in the 1980s and continuing throughout his writings. I I argue that his account developed initially from experiences of racism in north America as well as certain methods of organizing within parts of the Caribbean left. Essentially the epistemic practice of ignorance causes knowers to discredit or push away knowledge they in fact have. But this gives us cause for hope, for restoring existing (...)
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    Are monkeys nomothetic or idiographic?Linda Mealey - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (1):161-161.
  13. On not holding women to higher standards of justice than men: gender justice, even for millionaire women.Linda Barclay & Tessa McKenna - 2024 - Economics and Philosophy 1 (1):178-185.
    In a recent article in this journal, James Christensen, Tom Parr and David Axelsen argue that millionaire salaries are unjust and women have no grounds of fairness to unjust salaries in parity with men. They accept that disrespect is expressed toward women when they are paid less than men because of their gender. Their argument largely replicates a similar argument developed earlier by Anca Gheaus. By drawing on the distinction between ideal and nonideal theory, we argue that Christensen et al. (...)
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    Is conferralism descriptively adequate?Linda Martín Alcoff - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):289-296.
    This paper will develop a set of concerns about a central feature of Ásta's account of social categories that she calls “conferralism.” I argue that generalist approaches to social categories such as Ásta provides are inadequate as a way of understanding the diverse formations of diverse categories, and that conferralism overemphasizes the power of top-down forces (what she calls “persons with standing”) to confer social identities. This approach then underplays the horizontal and bottom-up influences on category formation as well as (...)
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  15. Epistemic Value and the Primacy of What We Care About.Linda Zagzebski - 2004 - Philosophical Papers 33 (3):353-377.
    Abstract In this paper I argue that to understand the ethics of belief we need to put it in a context of what we care about. Epistemic values always arise from something we care about and they arise only from something we care about. It is caring that gives rise to the demand to be epistemically conscientious. The reason morality puts epistemic demands on us is that we care about morality. But there may be a (small) class of beliefs which (...)
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    Disability with Dignity: Justice, Human Rights and Equal Status.Linda Barclay - 2018 - Routledge.
    Philosophical interest in disability is rapidly expanding. Philosophers are beginning to grasp the complexity of disability--as a category, with respect to well-being and as a marker of identity. However, the philosophical literature on justice and human rights has often been limited in scope and somewhat abstract. Not enough sustained attention has been paid to the concrete claims made by people with disabilities, concerning their human rights, their legal entitlements and their access to important goods, services and resources. This book discusses (...)
  17. Schrödinger's Route to Wave Mechanics.Linda Wessels - 1979 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 10 (4):311.
  18. (1 other version)On Judging Epistemic Credibility: Is Social Identity Relevant?Linda Martin Alcoff - 1999 - Philosophic Exchange 29 (1).
    On what basis should we make an epistemic assessment of another’s authority to impart knowledge? Is social identity a legitimate feature to take into account when assessing epistemic reliability? This paper argues that, in some cases, social identity is a relevant feature to take into account in assessing a person’s credibility.
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    Horkheimer, Habermas, Foucault as Political Epistemologists.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2024 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 98 (1):67-92.
    This paper reorients the problematic of political epistemology to put power at the centre of analysis, through an analysis of writings on the relationship between power and knowledge by Horkheimer, Habermas and Foucault. In their work, political epistemology was pursued analogously to the development of political economy, which explored the background conditions and assumptions of economic research. I also show that Horkheimer, Habermas and Foucault each had normative aims intended to improve both epistemology and knowing practices. Though their approaches are (...)
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  20. A Semantics-Based Common Operational Command System for Multiagency Disaster Response.Linda Elmhadhbi, Mohamed-Hedi Karray, Bernard Archimède, J. Neil Otte & Barry Smith - 2022 - IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 69 (6):3887 - 3901.
    Disaster response is a highly collaborative and critical process that requires the involvement of multiple emergency responders (ERs), ideally working together under a unified command, to enable a rapid and effective operational response. Following the 9/11 and 11/13 terrorist attacks and the devastation of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, it is apparent that inadequate communication and a lack of interoperability among the ERs engaged on-site can adversely affect disaster response efforts. Within this context, we present a scenario-based terrorism case study to (...)
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    Ethical Leadership for the Professions: Fostering a Moral Community.Linda M. Sama & Victoria Shoaf - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):39-46.
    This paper examines the professions as examples of “moral community” and explores how professional leaders possessed of moral intelligence can make a contribution to enhance the ethical fabric of their communities. The paper offers a model of ethical leadership in the professional business sector that will improve our understanding of how ethical behavior in the professions confers legitimacy and sustainability necessary to achieving the professions’ goals, and how a leadership approach to ethics can serve as an effective tool for the (...)
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    The Future Of Whiteness.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2014 - In Emily S. Lee, Living Alterities: Phenomenology, Embodiment, and Race. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 255-281.
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    What Was Born's Statistical Interpretation?Linda Wessels - 1980 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1980:187-200.
    The statistical interpretation introduced by Born in mid-1926 is not the interpretation now associated with his name. Born's own understanding of that interpretation is revealed by looking at some of its roots in Born's earlier work with Franck on collisions, his collaboration with Jordan on that topic, his contributions to matrix mechanics, his attempt in collaboration with Wiener at an operator formulation of quantum mechanics, and at the exposition of the interpretation in Born's first papers on a wave mechanical treatment (...)
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  24. Interactive Effects of External Environmental Conditions and Internal Firm Characteristics on MNEs’ Choice of Strategy in the Development of a Code of Conduct.Linda M. Sama - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (2):137-165.
    Effects of globalization have amplified the magnitude and frequency of corporate abuses, particularly in developing economies where weak or absent rules undermine social norms and principles. Improving multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) ethical conduct is a factor of both the ability of firms to change behaviors in the direction of the moral good, and their willingness to do so. Constraints and enablers of a firm’s ability to act ethically emanate from the external environment, including the industry environment of which the firm is (...)
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  25. That numbers could be objects.Linda Wetzel - 1989 - Philosophical Studies 56 (3):273--92.
  26.  48
    Dual Loyalties and Impossible Dilemmas: Health care in Immigration Detention.Linda Briskman & Deborah Zion - 2014 - Public Health Ethics 7 (3):277-286.
    Dual loyalty issues confront health and welfare professionals in immigration detention centres in Australia. There are four apparent ways they deal with the ethical tensions. One group provides services as required by their employing body with little questioning of moral dilemmas. A second group is more overtly aware of the conflicts and works in a mildly subversive manner to provide the best possible care available within a harsh environment. A third group retreats by relinquishing employment in the detention setting. A (...)
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    Exploring the development of professional values in an online RN-to-BSN program.Linda D’Appolonia Knecht, Beverly W. Dabney, Lauren E. Cook & Gregory E. Gilbert - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (2):470-479.
    Background: Development of professional nursing values is critical within registered nurse–to–bachelor of science in nursing programs to prepare nurses for increasingly complex and diverse work environments. The results of previous studies have been inconsistent, with few studies focusing on online registered nurse–to–bachelor of science in nursing programs. In addition, little is known regarding the effectiveness of the educational methods used to support advancement of professional values and ethical practice. Objective: The object of this study was to gain an understanding of (...)
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    Social Postmodernism: Beyond Identity Politics.Linda Nicholson & Steven Seidman - 1995 - Cambridge University Press.
    Social Postmodernism offers a transformative political vision and addresses the live questions in identity politics. The postmodern focus on race, sexuality and gender is sharpened by integrating the micro-social concerns of the social movements associated with these issues and macro-institutional and cultural analysis. Social Postmodernism brings together leading theorists to explore further the implications for the discourses of feminism, post-Marxian cultural studies, African-American, Gay, Latino/a and postcolonial studies.
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    Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life.Linda Elder & Richard Paul - 2011 - The Foundation for Critical Thinking.
    Now available from Rowman & Littlefield, the third edition of this introductory critical thinking text features streamlined chapters, Think for Yourself activities, and a complete glossary of critical thinking terms.
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    From (Apt) Contempt to (Legal) Dishonor: Two Kinds of Contempt and the Penalty of Atimia.Linda Rocchi - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (3):200-206.
    That contempt and dishonor are closely related has been shown not only in recent discussions of the subject, but also in Aristotle's investigation of emotions in the judiciary. In this paper, I will discuss the ways in which the ancient Greeks—and, in particular, the polis of Athens—institutionalized what Bell calls “apt contempt” (i.e., contempt as a response to actual and serious faults of character which stems from the contemnor's concern for the values at stake) through the legal penalty of atimia (...)
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    The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Race.Linda Alcoff, Luvell Anderson & Paul Taylor (eds.) - 2017 - Routledge.
    For many decades, race and racism have been common areas of study in departments of sociology, history, political science, English, and anthropology. Much more recently, as the historical concept of race and racial categories have faced significant scientific and political challenges, philosophers have become more interested in these areas. This changing understanding of the ontology of race has invited inquiry from researchers in moral philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, and aesthetics. The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Philosophy and racial identity.Linda Alcoff - 1996 - Radical Philosophy 75.
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  33. The trouble with nominalism.Linda Wetzel - 2000 - Philosophical Studies 98 (3):361-370.
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  34. Professionalism, Professionality and the Development of Education Professionals.Linda Evans - 2008 - British Journal of Educational Studies 56 (1):20-38.
    What purpose is served by renovation or redesign of professionalism, and how successful a process is it likely to be? This article addresses these questions by examining the effectiveness as a professional development mechanism of the imposition of changes to policy and/or practice that require modification or renovation of professionalism. The 'new' professionalisms purported to have been fashioned over the last two or three decades across the spectrum of UK education sectors and contexts have been the subject of extensive analysis, (...)
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    A Comparison of Canadian and U.S. CSR Strategic Alliances, CSR Reporting, and CSR Performance: Insights into Implicit–Explicit CSR.Linda Thorne, Lois S. Mahoney, Kristen Gregory & Susan Convery - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (1):85-98.
    We considered the question of how corporate social responsibility differs between Canada and the U.S. Prior research has identified that national institutional differences exist between the two countries [Freeman and Hasnaoui, J Business Ethics 100:419–443, 2011], which may be associated with variations in their respective CSR practices. Matten and Moon [Acad Manag Rev 33:404–424, 2008] suggested that cross-national differences in firms’ CSR are depicted by an implicit–explicit conceptual framework: explicit CSR practices are deliberate and more strategic than implicit CSR practices. (...)
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  36.  22
    Moral distress and patients who forego care due to cost.Linda Keilman, Soudabeh Jolaei & Douglas P. Olsen - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (3):370-381.
    Background In the US, many patients forgo recommended care due to cost. The ANA Code of Ethics requires nurses to give care based on need. Therefore, US nurses are compelled to practice in a context which breaches their professional ethical code. Research Objectives This study sought to determine if nurses do care for patients who forgo treatment due to cost (PFTDC) and if so, does this result in an experience of moral distress (MD). Research Design Semi-structured interviews were transcribed and (...)
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  37. Ontology-driven multicriteria decision support for victim evacuation.Linda Elmhadhbi, Mohamed-Hedi Karray, Bernard Archimède, J. Neil Otte & Barry Smith - 2021 - International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making:1–30.
    Abstract In light of the complexity of unfolding disasters, the diversity of rapidly evolving events, the enormous amount of generated information, and the huge pool of casualties, emergency responders (ERs) may be overwhelmed and in consequence poor decisions may be made. In fact, the possibility of transporting the wounded victims to one of several hospitals and the dynamic changes in healthcare resource availability make the decision process more complex. To tackle this problem, we propose a multicriteria decision support service, based (...)
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    Differentiation, Dynamical Integration and Functional Emotional Development.Linda A. Camras - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (2):138-146.
    In recent decades, considerable progress has been made in our understanding of emotional development. Yet no single current theory can fully encompass all of the empirical findings. Herein I propose that aspects of several theoretical approaches can be incorporated into a novel view that is informed by the dynamical systems perspective.
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    Alien and Alienated.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2012 - In George Yancy, Reframing the Practice of Philosophy: Bodies of Color, Bodies of Knowledge. State University of New York Press. pp. 23-43.
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  40. Disability, respect and justice.Linda Barclay - 2010 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 27 (2):154-171.
    Recent political philosophers have argued that criteria of social justice that defend distributing resources to individuals on the basis of the disadvantages of their natural endowments are disrespectful and disparaging. Clearly influenced by the social model of disability, Elizabeth Anderson and Thomas Pogge have recently defended criteria of social justice that distribute resources to people with disabilities on the basis of eliminating discrimination, not making up for so-called natural disadvantage. I argue that it is implausible to suggest that just entitlements (...)
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    Chisholm and Brentano on intentionality.Linda L. McAlister - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (2):328-338.
    In the following we shall see, however, that Chisholm’s interpretation of Brentano’s intentionality doctrine is not wholly accurate, and that while the doctrine he sets forth as Brentano’s is an interesting and provocative one, it gives a misleading impression of what Brentano’s views actually were, by obscuring almost entirely the specific nature of the question Brentano was trying to solve, and by misreading the answer Brentano gave. If only for the sake of historical accuracy a corrective should be given, but, (...)
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    Wrongs, Rights and Regularization.Linda Bosniak - 2016 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 3 (2).
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    Judging Politically: Symposium on Linda M. G. Zerilli’s A Democratic Theory of Judgment, University of Chicago Press, 2016.Hélène Landemore, Davide Panagia & Linda M. G. Zerilli - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (4):611-642.
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    Inferring causes during speech perception.Linda Liu & T. Florian Jaeger - 2018 - Cognition 174 (C):55-70.
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    Truth and Deceit in Institutions.Linda Woodhead - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (1):87-103.
    This article considers why truth-telling is so difficult in institutions, and deceit and paltering are so common. Drawing on recent examples of churches and charities exposed for covering up the truth about abuse, the article explores the institutional barriers to truthfulness and considers how they might be removed.
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  46. Paternalism, supportive decision making and expressive respect.Linda Barclay - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 27 (1):1-29.
    It has been argued by disability advocates that supported decision-making must replace surrogate, or substituted, decision-making for people with cognitive disabilities. From a moral perspective surrogate decision-making it is said to be an indefensible form of paternalism. At the heart of this argument against surrogate decision-making is the belief that such paternalistic action expresses something fundamentally disrespectful about those upon whom it is imposed: that they are inferior, deficient or child-like in some way. Contrary to this widespread belief, I will (...)
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    Historical Memory as Forward‐ and Backward‐Looking Collective Responsibility.Linda Radzik - 2014 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 38 (1):26-39.
    Do future generations of a wrongdoing group have a responsibility to preserve the memory of the past? If so, what manner of responsibility is it? In this essay, I critically examine the categories of forward-looking and backward-looking collective responsibility to see what they might offer to this discussion. I argue that these concepts of responsibility are ambiguous in ways that threaten to prevent important questions from being raised. I draw my examples from contemporary German practices of preserving the memory of (...)
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    Thinking with the Weight of the Earth: Feminist Contributions to an Epistemology of Concreteness.Linda Holler - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (1):1 - 23.
    This essay proposes a possible direction for feminist epistemology-an embodied rationality that defines the process of knowing as a dialogue with particulars or the "things themselves." On the grounds that modern reality is marked by abstract projects of homo mensura, I argue that the task of postmodernism is to ground cognition in the world by breaking the habit of looking at the world, as if from a distance, and by ceasing to think about the world as if it were composed (...)
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    Cut Elimination in a Gentzen-Style ε-Calculus Without Identity.Linda Wessels - 1976 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 23 (36):527-538.
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    Resistance, mobilization and militancy: nurses on strike.Linda Briskin - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (4):285-296.
    BRISKIN L. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 285–296 Resistance, mobilization and militancy: nurses on strikeDrawing on nurses’ strikes in many countries, this paper explores nurse militancy with reference to professionalism and the commitment to service; patriarchal practices and gendered subordination; and proletarianization and the confrontation with healthcare restructuring. These deeply entangled trajectories have had a significant impact on the work, consciousness and militancy of nurses and have shaped occupation‐specific forms of resistance. They have produced a pattern of overlapping solidarities – occupational (...)
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