Results for 'Lilian Chye'

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  1.  21
    The direction of force twitches evoked by TMS in a passive limb shift according to the direction of impending contralateral muscle activation.Chye Lilian, Riek Stephan, De Rugy Aymar & Carroll Tim - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Cross-Activation of the Motor Cortex during Unilateral Contractions of the Quadriceps.Ashlee M. Hendy, Lilian Chye & Wei-Peng Teo - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Ethical implications of pharmacogenetics – do slippery slope arguments matter?Lilian Schubert - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (4):361–378.
    ABSTRACT Pharmacogenetics is a rapidly expanding area of research exploring the relationship between inter‐individual genetic variation and drug response, with the goal of developing genetically optimised therapies. Slippery slope arguments claim that a particular action should be rejected (or supported) because it might be the first step onto a slippery slope leading to undesirable (or desirable) consequences. In this article, several slippery slope arguments relevant to the context of pharmacogenetics are evaluated under consideration of underlying reasons for their popularity. The (...)
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  4. Conditional Clauses: External and Internal Syntax.Liliane Haegeman - 2003 - Mind and Language 18 (4):317-339.
    The paper focuses on the difference between event‐conditionals and premise‐conditionals. An event‐conditional contributes to event structure: it modifies the main clause event; a premise‐conditional structures the discourse: it makes manifest a proposition that is the privileged context for the processing of the associated clause. The two types of conditional clauses will be shown to differ both in terms of their ‘external syntax’ and in terms of their ‘internal syntax’. The peripheral structure of event conditionals will be shown to lack the (...)
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    Relevance theory and the scope of the grammar.Liliane Haegeman - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):719.
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    The chronicler: one man's diary on life.Chye Hock Koh - 2017 - Singapore: MPH Group Publishing.
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  7. Methodus argumentandi, de Huberto Marraud.Lilian Bermejo Luque - 2007 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 26 (3):193-195.
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  8. Un être de lien.Lilian Thuram - 2015 - In Yves Coppens, André Pichot & Camille Chevrillon (eds.), Devenir humains. Paris: Autrement.
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    ‘Many Voices, Resonating from Different Times and Spaces’: a Script for an Imaginary Radiophonic Piece on Janete El Haouli.Lílian Campesato & Valéria Bonafé - 2021 - Feminist Review 127 (1):141-149.
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  10. Self-Consciousness without an “I”: A Critique of Zahavi’s Account of the Minimal Self.Lilian Alweiss - 2022 - Research in Phenomenology 52 (1):84-119.
    This paper takes Zahavi’s view to task that every conscious experience involves a “minimal sense of self.” Zahavi bases his claim on the observation that experience, even on the pre-reflective level, is not only about the object, but also has a distinctive qualitative aspect which is indicative of the fact that it is for me. It has the quality of what he calls “for-meness” or “mineness.” Against this I argue that there are not two phenomena but only one. On the (...)
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    CSR Information Disclosure on the Web: A Context-Based Approach Analysing the Influence of Country of Origin and Industry Sector.Lilian Soares Outtes Wanderley, Rafael Lucian, Francisca Farache & José Milton Sousa Filho - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):369-378.
    Corporate social responsibility has become a much-discussed subject in the business world. The Internet has become one of the main tools for CSR information disclosure, allowing companies to publicise more information less expensively and faster than ever before. As a result, corporations are increasingly concerned with communicating ethically and responsibly to the diversity of stakeholders through the web. This paper addresses the main question as whether CSR information disclosure on corporate websites is influenced by country of origin and/or industry sector. (...)
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    Entropy and Entropic Differences in the Work of Michel Serres.Lilian Kroth - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (2):21-35.
    Michel Serres’s philosophy of entropy takes what he famously calls the ‘Northwest Passage’ between the sciences and the humanities. By contextualizing his approach to entropy and affirming the role of a philosophy of difference, this paper explores Serres’s approach by means of ‘entropic differences’. It claims that entropy – or rather, entropies – provide Serres with a paradigmatic case for critical translations between different domains of knowledge. From his early Hermès series, through to The Birth of Physics and later writings (...)
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    A la recherche de la mère: Simone de Beauvoir et Annie Ernaux.Liliane Lazar - 2000 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 16 (1):123-134.
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    Scientific Integrity in Brazil.Liliane Lins & Fernando Martins Carvalho - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (3):283-287.
    This article focuses on scientific integrity and the identification of predisposing factors to scientific misconduct in Brazil. Brazilian scientific production has increased in the last ten years, but the quality of the articles has decreased. Pressure on researchers and students for increasing scientific production may contribute to scientific misconduct. Cases of misconduct in science have been recently denounced in the country. Brazil has important institutions for controlling ethical and safety aspects of human research, but there is a lack of specific (...)
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  15. The "Soul" of the Primitive.Lilian A. Clare - 1929 - Humana Mente 4 (15):421-422.
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    Naturalism.Lilian R. Furst - 1971 - [London]: Methuen. Edited by Peter N. Skrine.
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  17. William Tyndale: Translator, Scholar, and Martyr.Lilian F. Gray - 1936 - Hibbert Journal 35:101-107.
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    Acceptación o rechazo de las hipótesis o teorías: un nuevo método de análisis.Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins & Roberto de Andrade Martins - 1999 - Epistemologia E Historia de la Ciencia 5:273-280.
    Although historians and philosophers of science usually try to explain the acceptance or rejection of hypotheses or theories by scientists, there are no well definite criteria to evaluate when a scientist accepts or rejects a theory/hypothesis. This work proposes a new method of analysis. The attitudes of scientists towards a theory or hypothesis are classified according to three dimensions (cognitive, instrumental and strategic). This method is exemplified by the study of the attitude of the British naturalist William Bateson (1861-1924) towards (...)
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  19.  21
    In the Air of the Natural History Museum: On Corporate Entanglement and Responsibility in Uncontained Times.Lilian Moncrieff - 2020 - Law and Critique 31 (3):253-273.
    This paper discusses corporate entanglement, impactfulness and responsibility in the Anthropocene, amidst events and conditions that ‘uncontain’ time. It takes its direction of travel from artist Brian Jungen’s ‘Cetology’ (2002), a whalebone sculpture made out of cut-up plastic garden chairs, which conjoins the times of earth and world history, as it hangs in the air of the art gallery, ‘as if’ exhibited in the natural history museum. The paper relates ‘Cetology’s’ engagement with natural history, time, and commodification to matters of (...)
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    Kuṇḍalinī: The Energy of the Depths.Lilian Silburn & Jacques Gontier - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (3):406-407.
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    Search for a Father: Sartre, Paternity and the Question of Ethics.Liliane Stein & Robert Harvey - 1994 - Substance 23 (3):127.
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    The link between organizational ethics and job satisfaction: A study of managers in Singapore.Hian Chye Koh & H. Y. El'Fred - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 29 (4):309-324.
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    “The Temporal ‘Succession’ of Here and Now Situations”: Schütz and Garfinkel on Sequentiality in Interaction.Lilian Coates - 2022 - Human Studies 45 (3):469-491.
    The article re-examines the relationship between the works of Alfred Schütz and Harold Garfinkel, focusing on their respective approaches to temporality in interaction. Although there are good reasons to emphasize the differences between Schütz’s notion of individual projects of action and Garfinkel’s interest in communicative sequencing, there is also an interesting historical connection. In order to elucidate this connection, the article provides a close reading of the steps that lead Schütz from his premise of ‘egological’ time consciousness to his understanding (...)
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  24.  65
    The Bifurcated Subject.Lilian Alweiss - 2009 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (3):415-434.
    Michel Henry wishes to salvage Descartes’s first principle ‘I think, I am’ by claiming that there is no need to appeal to the world or others to make sense of the self. One of his main targets is Edmund Husserl, who claims that thought is necessarily intentional and thus necessarily about something that is other to thought. To show that this is not so, Henry draws on passages from Descartes’s texts which emphasize that we should not equate the cogito with (...)
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  25. Brain self-regulation in criminal psychopaths.Lilian Konicar, Ralf Veit, Hedwig Eisenbarth, Beatrix Barth, Paolo Tonin, Ute Strehl & Niels Birbaumer - 2015 - Nature: Scientific Reports 5:1-7.
    Psychopathic individuals are characterized by impaired affective processing, impulsivity, sensation-seeking, poor planning skills and heightened aggressiveness with poor self-regulation. Based on brain self-regulation studies using neurofeedback of Slow Cortical Potentials (SCPs) in disorders associated with a dysregulation of cortical activity thresholds and evidence of deficient cortical functioning in psychopathy, a neurobiological approach seems to be promising in the treatment of psychopathy. The results of our intensive brain regulation intervention demonstrate, that psychopathic offenders are able to gain control of their brain (...)
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  26. The unity argument: Phenomenology's departure from Kant.Lilian Alweiss - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):1130-1145.
    Phenomenology questions the centrality that Kant attributes to the “I think.” It claims that on the pre-reflective level experience is selfless as unity is given. I call this the “unity argument.” The paper explores the significance of this claim by focusing on the work of Edmund Husserl. What interests me is that although the unity argument claims that we can account for the unity of experience without appealing to the an “I think,” Husserl agrees with Kant that experience must be (...)
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    CSR Information Disclosure on the Web: A Context-Based Approach Analysing the Influence of Country of Origin and Industry Sector.Lilian Wanderley, Rafael Lucian, Francisca Farache & José Sousa Filho - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):369-378.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a much-discussed subject in the business world. The Internet has become one of the main tools for CSR information disclosure, allowing companies to publicise more information less expensively and faster than ever before. As a result, corporations are increasingly concerned with communicating ethically and responsibly to the diversity of stakeholders through the web. This paper addresses the main question as whether CSR information disclosure on corporate websites is influenced by country of origin and/or industry (...)
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  28.  58
    Corporate Governance in Asian Countries: Has Confucianism Anything to Offer?Lilian Miles & S. H. Goo - 2013 - Business and Society Review 118 (1):23-45.
    Although Confucianism is a resilient cultural tradition in Asian societies, its role in their corporate governance systems is ambiguous. Confucian values have been pushed to the periphery because of a preoccupation in these countries to emulate corporate governance systems from the West. This article argues that Confucianism has much to offer in enhancing director conduct and corporate governance standards. As the attention of the global business community turns eastwards, it is opportune to revive interest in Confucianism and to explore ways (...)
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    Challenges of genetic testing in adolescents with cardiac arrhythmia syndromes.Lilian Liou Cohen, Marina Stolerman, Christine Walsh, David Wasserman & Siobhan M. Dolan - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (3):163-167.
    The ability to sequence individual genomes is leading to the identification of an increasing number of genetic risk factors for serious diseases. Knowledge of these risk factors can often provide significant medical and psychological benefit, but also raises complex ethical and social issues. This paper focuses on one area of rapid progress: the identification of mutations causing long QT syndrome and other cardiac channel disorders, which can explain some previously unexplained deaths in infants (SIDS) and children and adults (SUDS) and (...)
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    Embodiment and Self-Awareness – Evans, Cassam and Husserl.Lilian Alweiss - 2018 - Philosophy 93 (1):31-51.
    In recent years there has been a general attempt – inspired by P. F. Strawson – to naturalise Kant's notion of the transcendental self. The argument being that self-consciousness should refer to neither a kind of noumenal nor mental self but that the self-conscious subject must conceive of itself as an embodied entity, a person among persons that regards itself as an element of the objective order of the world. While Kant does not make room for the notion of an (...)
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  31. Against cartesian mistrust: Cavell, Husserl and the other mind sceptic.Lilian Alweiss - 2010 - Ratio 23 (3):241-259.
    This paper asks whether we should still be haunted by scepticism about other minds. It draws on the writings of Cavell and Husserl to show that there is some truth in the Cartesian premise that has given rise to scepticism about other minds, namely, that our self-awareness is of a fundamentally different type from our awareness of objects and other subjects. While this leads Cavell to argue that there is a truth to scepticism, it proves the opposite to Husserl, viz. (...)
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    As personagens de O Pequeno Príncipe: A intertextualidade como processo de construção da noção de inf'ncia.Lilian Regina Gobbi Bachi - 2019 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 1 (1):99-120.
    Tendo em vista as questões relacionadas à literatura e suas inúmeras possibilidades de materialização, este trabalho debruça-se em analisar a intertextualidade presente entre o livro O Pequeno Príncipe, de Antoine Saint-Exupéry e o filme de mesmo título de Mark Osborne, focando-se, especificamente, na figura das personagens protagonistas. Embora trate-se de materialidades diferentes e que ocorra, de certa forma, a quebra de expectativa do leitor quanto à representação literal da obra literária no filme, nosso interesse é por buscar nas personagens infantis (...)
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    The Early Numerals.Lilian M. Bagge - 1906 - The Classical Review 20 (05):259-267.
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    Social pragmatism.Lilian May] Fried - 1948 - London,: Watts.
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    La diversité culturelle et la précaution.Lilian Richieri Hanania - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):117-130.
    La présente contribution analyse dans quelle mesure une approche de précaution permettant de mettre en balance des intérêts de libéralisation commerciale et des préoccupations de diversité culturelle peut être caractérisée en droit international, sous quelles formes et par quels mécanismes. Elle examine l’application d’une telle approche en matière de commerce international en mettant en lumière le besoin de prudence dans l’articulation entre « commerce et culture », ainsi que la manière dont le droit international de la culture peut légitimer et (...)
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    Introduction: The Work of Michel Henry.Lilian Alweiss - 2009 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (3):359-360.
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  37. Modelo de Toulmin/Garantía/Respaldo/Reserva/Calificador.Lilian Bermejo Luque - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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    Leopold Zunz, Alexander von Humboldt, and the Names of the Jews.Liliane Weissberg - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 76 (2):81-94.
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    Biohacking y Transhumanismo: qué y por qué.Lílian Santos - 2021 - Relectiones 9:40-53.
    Un concepto que solía pertenecer al mundo de la informática (hacking) ahora se combina con las ciencias de la vida (bio). Sin gran dificultad, hemos empezado a ver la vida como un conjunto de datos, el ADN como un código, el cuerpo como una máquina y la mente como un software... todos susceptibles de ser leídos, manipulados y ahora incluso hackeados. ¿Pero manipulados por quiénes? Las comunidades de biohackers y DYIbio (do-it-yourself biology) quieren la biotecnología disponible para todos y la (...)
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  40. Giving Reasons, A Contribution to Argumentation Theory.Lilian Bermejo Luque - 2011 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 26 (3):273-278.
    En Giving Reasons: A Linguistic-pragmatic-approach to Argumentation Theory (Springer, 2011), propongo un nuevo modelo para la evaluación semántica y pragmática de la argumentación. Este modelo se basa en una caracterización de la argumentación como un acto de habla compuesto de segundo orden. Explico las ventajas de este modelo respecto de otras propuestas dentro de la Teoría de la Argumentación, tales como la Pragma-dialéctica, la Lógica Informal, la Nueva Retórica o el Enfoque Epistémico.
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    Composite Face Effect Predicts Configural Encoding in Visual Short-Term Memory.Lilian Azer & Weiwei Zhang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  42.  8
    Une Passion américaine: Les Lettres de Simone de Beauvoir à Nelson Algren.Liliane Lazar - 1999 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 15 (1):136-144.
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  43. Entre deux citations.Liliane Beaulieu - 2009 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 62 (1):5-8.
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  44. Edited volumes-le statut ethique de l'animal: Conceptions anciennes et nouvelles.Liliane Bodson - 1998 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 20 (1):132-132.
  45. Verse: Travail.Lilian W. Burns - 1961 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 42 (1):76.
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  46. Les Sources Du De Physiognomonia De Pomponius Gauricus.Liliane Defradas - 1970 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 32 (1):7-39.
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    Narrative production in low-educated individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and its relation to cognitive and brain volume measures.Lilian Hübner, Alexandre Nikolaev, Anderson Smidarle, Yawu Liu, Gustavo Cardoso, Vitor Monticelli, Jungmoon Hyun, Wyllians Borelli, Gislaine Jerônimo, Yves Joanette, Lucas Schilling & Fernanda Loureiro - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  48.  5
    Une Image satirique de la mauvaise foi dans Quand prime le spirituel de Simone de Beauvoir et dans La Nausée de Jean-Paul Sartre.Liliane Lazar - 2002 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 18 (1):91-98.
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  49.  34
    On Perceptual Experience.Lilian Alweiss - 2000 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 31 (3):264-276.
  50.  11
    Une Conscience qui évolue: Simone de Beauvoir sous L’Occupation.Liliane Lazar - 2006 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 22 (1):16-24.
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