Results for 'Lilian Azer'

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    Composite Face Effect Predicts Configural Encoding in Visual Short-Term Memory.Lilian Azer & Weiwei Zhang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The World Unclaimed: A Challenge to Heidegger's Critique of Husserl.Lilian Alweiss - 2003 - Ohio University Press.
    The World Unclaimed argues that Heidegger's critique of modern epistemology in Being and Time is seriously flawed.
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    Sheng shi wei yan: Zheng Guanying wen wu ji.Lilian Chen & Xin Xu (eds.) - 2008 - [Aomen]: Aomen Tebie Xingzhengqu zheng fu wen hua ju.
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  4. The "Soul" of the Primitive.Lilian A. Clare - 1929 - Humana Mente 4 (15):421-422.
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  5. William Tyndale: Translator, Scholar, and Martyr.Lilian F. Gray - 1936 - Hibbert Journal 35:101-107.
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    Arms trade and its impact on global health.Salahaddin Mahmudi-Azer - 2005 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 27 (1):81-93.
    The most obvious adverse impact of the arms trade on health is loss of life and maiming from the use of weapons in conflicts. Wealthy countries suffer damage to their health and human services when considerable resources are diverted to military expenditure. However, the relative impact of military expenditures and conflict on third world countries is much greater, and often devastating, by depriving a significant portion of the population of essential food, medicine, shelter, education, and economic opportunities. Further, the physical (...)
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    Hymnes aux kālī: la roue des énergies divines.Lilian Silburn - 1995 - Institut de Civilisation Indienne.
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  8. Instant et cause. Le discontinu dans la pensée philosophique de l'Inde.Lilian Silburn - 1956 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 18 (4):684-686.
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    CSR information disclosure on the web: A context-based approach analysing the influence of country of origin and industry sector.Lilian Soares Outtes Wanderley, Rafael Lucian, Francisca Farache & José Milton Sousa Filhdeo - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):369 - 378.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a much-discussed subject in the business world. The Internet has become one of the main tools for CSR information disclosure, allowing companies to publicise more information less expensively and faster than ever before. As a result, corporations are increasingly concerned with communicating ethically and responsibly to the diversity of stakeholders through the web. This paper addresses the main question as whether CSR information disclosure on corporate websites is influenced by country of origin and/or industry (...)
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  10. Les Sources Du De Physiognomonia De Pomponius Gauricus.Liliane Defradas - 1970 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 32 (1):7-39.
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    Social pragmatism.Lilian May] Fried - 1948 - London,: Watts.
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    Naturalism.Lilian R. Furst - 1971 - [London]: Methuen. Edited by Peter N. Skrine.
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  13. La universidad y la escuela de filosofía como ámbitos terapéuticos.Lilian González - 2011 - Apuntes Filosóficos 20 (39):221-245.
    La Universidad, y específicamente la escuela de filosofía, como centros de educación y de formación, están llamados a jugar un rol trascendental frente a la grave situación actual en relación con todos los aspectos de la vida. En tanto dominios de formación y transformación, entonces, han de a dejar de lado su condición de críticos y analistas pasivos de un contexto sistemáticamente difícil para devenir en un frente activo de reflexión y de búsqueda de posibilidades y de respuestas, en aras (...)
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  14. From Deborah to Esther: Sexual Politics in the Hebrew Bible.Lilian R. Klein - 2003
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  15. Methodus argumentandi, de Huberto Marraud.Lilian Bermejo Luque - 2007 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 26 (3):193-195.
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  16. A different kind of 'end of history' for corporate law.Lilian Moncrieff - 2019 - In Emilios Christodoulidis, Ruth Dukes & Marco Goldoni (eds.), Research handbook on critical legal theory. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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  17. How Funds for'Good Causes' were Raised in the Middle Ages.Lilian G. Ping - 1935 - Hibbert Journal 34:400-17.
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    Instant et cause.Lilian Silburn - 1955 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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  19. Un être de lien.Lilian Thuram - 2015 - In Yves Coppens, André Pichot & Camille Chevrillon (eds.), Devenir humains. Paris: Autrement.
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  20. Une déculturation annoncée: De la marginalisation de l'Église catholique en Belgique.Liliane Voye & Karel Dobbelaere - 2012 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 43 (1):3-26.
    La dernière Enquête sur les Valeurs des Européens confirme les résultats des trois EVS précédentes quant au délitement du lien à l’Église, au sensible recul des pratiques religieuses, de l’orthodoxie des croyances et de l’acceptation des préceptes ecclésiaux dans les matières éthiques. Elle montre aussi que le recul de ces divers indicateurs s’accentue chez les plus jeunes, dont près de 70% sont sans lien à l’Église depuis au moins une génération. Cette EVS indique en outre que la confiance en l’Église (...)
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  21. An embodied narrative perspective on transforming trauma and illness experience.Lilian Wilde & Sarah Pini - 2024 - In Anders Juhl Rasmussen & Morten Sodemann (eds.), Narrative Medicine: Trauma and Ethics. Vernon Press. pp. 15-26.
    Trauma is notoriously difficult to communicate, as it often defies understanding. It unfolds over time and cannot be told through linear narratives. Nevertheless, we show that narratives can become a medium through which experiences of trauma may be shared, alleviating the sense of alienation common to post-traumatic experience. Drawing from one of the authors’ lived experiences of cancer and her illness narrative, we focus on the question of whether traumatic events can be narrated, known, and shared. In conversation with one (...)
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  22. Réception de Madame Claire Lejeune à l'Académie Royale de Langue et de Littérature Françaises. 6 juin 1998.Liliane Wouters - 2008 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 119:213-220.
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    The Impact of St. Augustine’s Writings on the Arts.Lilian H. Zirpolo - 1998 - Augustinian Studies 29 (1):83-109.
  24. Conditional Clauses: External and Internal Syntax.Liliane Haegeman - 2003 - Mind and Language 18 (4):317-339.
    The paper focuses on the difference between event‐conditionals and premise‐conditionals. An event‐conditional contributes to event structure: it modifies the main clause event; a premise‐conditional structures the discourse: it makes manifest a proposition that is the privileged context for the processing of the associated clause. The two types of conditional clauses will be shown to differ both in terms of their ‘external syntax’ and in terms of their ‘internal syntax’. The peripheral structure of event conditionals will be shown to lack the (...)
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  25. William Bateson: da evolução à genética.Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins - 1999 - Episteme 8:67-88.
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    ‘Many Voices, Resonating from Different Times and Spaces’: a Script for an Imaginary Radiophonic Piece on Janete El Haouli.Lílian Campesato & Valéria Bonafé - 2021 - Feminist Review 127 (1):141-149.
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    Corporate Governance in Asian Countries: Has Confucianism Anything to Offer?Lilian Miles & S. H. Goo - 2013 - Business and Society Review 118 (1):23-45.
    Although Confucianism is a resilient cultural tradition in Asian societies, its role in their corporate governance systems is ambiguous. Confucian values have been pushed to the periphery because of a preoccupation in these countries to emulate corporate governance systems from the West. This article argues that Confucianism has much to offer in enhancing director conduct and corporate governance standards. As the attention of the global business community turns eastwards, it is opportune to revive interest in Confucianism and to explore ways (...)
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    Future law: emerging technology, regulation and ethics.Lilian Edwards, Burkhard Schäfer & Edina Harbinja (eds.) - 2020 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    How can law ethically regulate a future of fast-changing technologies? From recent inventions to science fiction, Future Law explores how law, ethics and regulation must respond to new technologies that challenge the boundaries of our ethics.
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    Social Pragmatism, A Study in the Pragmatic Approach to Problems of Conduct, by Lan Freed Pseud.Lilian May Fried - 1948 - London,: Watts.
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  30. Daniel BECQUEMONT, Dominique OTTAVI (dir.), Penser Spencer.Maury Liliane - 2013 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 66 (1):213-215.
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  31. JOUFFROY Th., Cours de philosophie de 1830 à l'École normale (CR du n° 2/2011).Maury Liliane - 2011 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 64 (2):400-403.
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  32. Bancos, bibliotecas y cementerios: usos de las analogías y las clasificaciones en el razonamiento sobre biotecnología.Lilian Bermejo Luque & Antonio Casado da Rocha - 2011 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 26 (2):195-214.
    El uso de analogías en bioética es muy frecuente. Dado que son instrumentos especialmente eficaces desde un punto de vista retórico, resulta fundamental determinar bajo qué condiciones la formulación de analogías constituye un recurso discursivo legítimo. En este artículo, distinguimos entre usos no-discursivos y usos discursivos de las analogías, y dentro de estos últimos, entre usos explicativos y usos argumentativos. En base a esta clasificación, proponemos distintos conjuntos de criterios para determinar si una analogía particular constituye un recurso discursivo legítimo (...)
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  33. Criterios/Modelo ARG.Lilian Bermejo Luque - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
  34.  51
    Lamarck’s method and metaphysics.Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins & Roberto de Andrade Martins - 1996 - Jahrbuch Für Geschichte Und Theorie der Biologie 3:181-199.
    Lamarck's evolutionary theory has been regarded as groundless speculation by both coeval naturalists and modern historians of science. Lamarck is usually regarded as belonging to the group of the " idéologues" – followers of Condillac, with a strong empiricist outlook. Indeed, Lamarck refers respectfully to Condillac, and in his methodological discourse presents himself as an empiricist. However, if one compares his evolutionary theory with the empiricist requirements, Lamarck's work should be dismissed as groundless – a mere metaphysical " système" – (...)
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    Carl Einstein et Benjamin Fondane: avant gardes et émigration dans le Paris des années 1920-1930.Liliane Meffre & Olivier Salazar-Ferrer (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Lang.
    Dans le Paris cosmopolite des années 1920 et 1930, les avant-gardes fleurissent et se fécondent mutuellement, grâce notamment à l'afflux d'émigrés du monde entier qui se sont expatriés pour des raisons politiques, idéologiques ou personnelles. Parmi eux, Carl Einstein, Allemand, et Benjamin Fondane, d'origine roumaine, tous deux Juifs et Parisiens de coeur, ont oeuvré en phase avec les courants d'avant-garde du début du siècle, travaillé au carrefour de l'esthétique, de la poésie, de la critique littéraire, de la philosophie et du (...)
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    CSR Information Disclosure on the Web: A Context-Based Approach Analysing the Influence of Country of Origin and Industry Sector.Lilian Wanderley, Rafael Lucian, Francisca Farache & José Sousa Filho - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):369-378.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a much-discussed subject in the business world. The Internet has become one of the main tools for CSR information disclosure, allowing companies to publicise more information less expensively and faster than ever before. As a result, corporations are increasingly concerned with communicating ethically and responsibly to the diversity of stakeholders through the web. This paper addresses the main question as whether CSR information disclosure on corporate websites is influenced by country of origin and/or industry (...)
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    The Application of Anglo‐American Corporate Practices in Societies Influenced by Confucian Values.Lilian Miles - 2006 - Business and Society Review 111 (3):305-321.
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    CSR Information Disclosure on the Web: A Context-Based Approach Analysing the Influence of Country of Origin and Industry Sector.Lilian Soares Outtes Wanderley, Rafael Lucian, Francisca Farache & José Milton Sousa Filho - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):369-378.
    Corporate social responsibility has become a much-discussed subject in the business world. The Internet has become one of the main tools for CSR information disclosure, allowing companies to publicise more information less expensively and faster than ever before. As a result, corporations are increasingly concerned with communicating ethically and responsibly to the diversity of stakeholders through the web. This paper addresses the main question as whether CSR information disclosure on corporate websites is influenced by country of origin and/or industry sector. (...)
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    Philosophy of Action.Lilian O'Brien - 2014 - New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
    I am working on a substantially revised second edition of this. It is due to be published by Palgrave in 2024.
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  40. Outils pour la recherche sur les relations mathématiques franco-russes, Annexe 2 à l'article de SS Demidov,'Les relations mathématiques franco-russes entre les deux guerres'.Liliane Beaulieu - 2009 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 62 (1):138-143.
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    Hobbes et la nature de l'État: matière et dialectique de la souveraineté politique.Lilian [vnv] Truchon - 2018 - Paris: Éditions Delga.
  42.  27
    Unruly Microcosms in Contemporary Eco-Fiction.Liliane Campos - 2023 - Substance 52 (3):45-63.
    Abstract:This article theorizes the disruptive epistemic work performed by microcosms in recent eco-fiction. Contemporary fiction often explores large-scale ecological disruption through smaller organisms and environments, enabling readers to perceive the Earth through analogy, allegory and metaphor. Within and against this scale-free reading, I argue that the microcosm has become a fracturing trope that troubles relations between scales. Drawing on fiction by T. C. Boyle, A. S. Byatt, Amitav Ghosh, Ali Smith, and Karen Tei Yamashita, I read the microcosm as a (...)
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    Entropy and Entropic Differences in the Work of Michel Serres.Lilian Kroth - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (2):21-35.
    Michel Serres’s philosophy of entropy takes what he famously calls the ‘Northwest Passage’ between the sciences and the humanities. By contextualizing his approach to entropy and affirming the role of a philosophy of difference, this paper explores Serres’s approach by means of ‘entropic differences’. It claims that entropy – or rather, entropies – provide Serres with a paradigmatic case for critical translations between different domains of knowledge. From his early Hermès series, through to The Birth of Physics and later writings (...)
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  44. Bateson eo programa de pesquisa mendeliano.Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins - 2002 - Episteme 14:27-55.
    Em 1866, Johan Gregor Mendel publicou um artigo sobre os padrões que governam a formação de híbridos, baseando-se principalmente em estudos de cruzamentos experimentais de ervilhas do gênero Pisum. Segundo alguns historiadores da ciência, esse trabalho foi ‘redescoberto’ em 1900, estimulando uma série de pesquisas que procuravam verificar se padrões hereditários descobertos em Pisum se aplicavam a outros organismos. O objetivo deste artigo é discutir algumas das contribuições de William Bateson em relação ao teste e divulgação dos princípios de Mendel, (...)
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  45. Verse: Travail.Lilian W. Burns - 1961 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 42 (1):76.
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    The "Soul" of the Primitive.The Ascent of Humanity.Lilian A. Clare & Gerald Heard - 1932 - Philosophical Review 41 (3):317-318.
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  47. Exchanging Reasons: responses to critics.Lilian Bermejo Luque - 2011 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 26 (3):329-346.
    Ofrezco respuestas a lo que considero son los aspectos más destacados de las críticas de John Biro, James Freeman, David Hitchcock, Robert Pinto, Harvey Siegel y Luis Vega al modelo normativo para la argumentación que he desarrollado en Giving Reasons. Cada respuesta se articula en torno a una cuestión principal, i.e., la distinción entre normatividad constitutiva y regulativa dentro de los modelos de la Teoría de la Argumentación, la evaluación semántica de la argumentación, el concepto de justificación, las diferencias entre (...)
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  48. Solidez/Argumento sólido.Lilian Bermejo Luque - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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    Acceptación o rechazo de las hipótesis o teorías: un nuevo método de análisis.Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins & Roberto de Andrade Martins - 1999 - Epistemologia E Historia de la Ciencia 5:273-280.
    Although historians and philosophers of science usually try to explain the acceptance or rejection of hypotheses or theories by scientists, there are no well definite criteria to evaluate when a scientist accepts or rejects a theory/hypothesis. This work proposes a new method of analysis. The attitudes of scientists towards a theory or hypothesis are classified according to three dimensions (cognitive, instrumental and strategic). This method is exemplified by the study of the attitude of the British naturalist William Bateson (1861-1924) towards (...)
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    Sartre, images d'une vie: Commentaire de Simone de Beauvoir.Liliane Siegel, Simone de Beauvoir & Jean Paul Sartre - 1978 - Editions Gallimard.
    Album photographique consacré au philosophe et écrivain français. Au total, 181 documents en noir et blanc assortis de commentaires assez brefs, répartis dans un ordre thématique (le professeur, l'écrivain, etc.) et en partie chronologique.
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