Results for 'Lilia Rebeca'

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  1. Los Departamentos de Comunicación de las ONG: investigación comparativa entre Argentina y España.Isidoro Arroyo Almaraz, Rebeca Martín Nieto & Lilia Ivana Mamic - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 85:130-143.
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    Ecología política del extractivismo en América Latina: casos de resistencia y justicia socioambiental.Gian Carlo Delgado, de Diego Correa & Lilia Rebeca (eds.) - 2013 - Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina: CLACSO.
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    Using instruments to understand argument structure: Evidence for gradient representation.Lilia Rissman, Kyle Rawlins & Barbara Landau - 2015 - Cognition 142 (C):266-290.
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    The communicative importance of agent-backgrounding: Evidence from homesign and Nicaraguan Sign Language.Lilia Rissman, Laura Horton, Molly Flaherty, Ann Senghas, Marie Coppola, Diane Brentari & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 2020 - Cognition 203 (C):104332.
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    ‘Understanding it makes it normal’: is it a reasoning fallacy or not?Lilia Gurova - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (3):524-527.
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    Teaching Online in an Ethic of Hospitality: Lessons from a Pandemic.Rebeca Heringer - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (1):39-53.
    With the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, teaching online became a norm for universities in Canada. Besides the challenges of teaching topics that may be impossible to be taught online, a major issue that the mandatory physical distancing brought is the relationality between teachers and students. In order to investigate how educators were making sense of such changes, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 education professors across Canada. In light of Derrida’s and Ruitenberg’s ethic of hospitality, this paper explores (...)
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    Dark Ecology and the Abject.Rebeca Weisman - 2016 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 10 (3).
    I would like to discuss the possibility of a parallactic view of ecology and the environment. There is very little discussion of theoretical approaches to ecocriticism that is not either polarizing dualism or reactionary attempts to dissolve important boundaries between us and the space around us. I draw significantly on the work of Timothy Morton who in turn utilizes new readings of Descartes, Heidegger and other phenomenologists, Marx, and Lacan, among others, to discuss the aesthetic in eco-critique. This has significant (...)
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    Institucionalização precoce e prolongada de crianças: discutindo aspectos decisivos para o desenvolvimento.Lília Iêda Chaves Cavalcante, Celina Maria Colino Magalhães & Fernando Augusto Ramos Pontes - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 25:20-34.
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    VII. Sparse and dense categories: what they tell us about natural kinds.Lilia Gurova - 2011 - In Vesselin Petrov, Ontological Landscapes: Recent Thought on Conceptual Interfaces Between Science and Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 157-168.
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  10. Undecidable problems in correspondency theory.A. Chagrova Lilia - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56:1261-1272.
  11.  14
    Asi habló Zaratustra una subervisión de la temporalidad.Rebeca Maldonado - 2000 - Signos Filosóficos 4:135-143.
    "Así­ habló Zaratustra: Una subversión de la temporalidad" En La gaya ciencia, Nietzsche habí­a percibido ya el vací­o sobre el cual se asienta la existencia humana con la muerte de Dios. En Asi habló Zaratustra descubre que el sentido originario de la existencia no es el dolor ni el sufrimiento sino el placer y la risa. Así­, Zaratustra abre el abismo del hombre, su lugar sin Dios, para descubrir en el gozo la posibilidad de sí­ntesis entre la voluntad y el (...)
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  12. Tiempos extremados, tiempos de indigencia: hacia un pensamiento de la moderación.Rebeca Maldonado - 2007 - la Lámpara de Diógenes 8 (14):136-146.
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  13. Learning to follow: an ethnographer's tales of engagement.Lilia D. Monzó - 2013 - In Mere Berryman, Suzanne SooHoo & Ann Nevin, Culturally responsive methodologies. North America: Emerald.
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    Capital social y educación desde una perspectiva ética.Lilia M. Pereira, Morela J. Pereira & Gertrudis J. Ziritt - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 7 (1):92-101.
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    The institutionalization of labor migration in Israel.Rebeca Raijman & Adriana Kemp - 2016 - Arbor 192 (777):a289.
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    The Medical Care of the Elderly from the Care Provider's Point of View.Lilia Rosenfeld - 2019 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 24:435-453.
    The aging of the population presents modern Western society with a variety of different challenges, especially in the areas of health and medicine. On the one hand, there is the demand of the elderly patients to receive medical treatments that are supposed to improve or preserve the existing quality of life and to prevent the extension of a life without quality, with suffering and pain. On the other hand, aging is accompanied by the appearance and exacerbation of chronic illnesses, reduces (...)
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    Closing the Medical Gap of Care for Patients Who Have Had a Near-Death Experience.Lilia Samoilo & Diane Corcoran - 2020 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 10 (1):37-42.
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    Más allá del pensamiento determinante: el pensamiento reflexionante.Rebeca Maldonado - 2003 - Dikaiosyne 6 (11).
    Belandria, Margarita Artículos El erotismo como experiencia vinculada a lo sagrado Eroticism as an experience linked to the sacred order Castrejón, Gilberto Laberintos de sabiduría: Entre la razón y el mito Labyrinths of the knowledge: Between the reason and the myth Espar, Teresa Hacia una noción de "globalización" Towards a globalization notion González R., Javier y Belandria, Margarita Filosofía, semiótica, y ritmo Philosophy, semiotics, and rhythm Hocevar, Drina Más allá del pensamiento determinante, el pensamiento reflexionante Beyond deterministic thought, reflexive thought (...)
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    Philosophical Responsibility.Rebeca Pérez León - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (1):156-168.
    This essay advances the thesis that Derrida’s ethics consists in the practice of philosophical responsibility. I contend that philosophical responsibility is the historical and ethical task of establishing a critical relation to one’s tradition which deliberately avoids passively and naively taking it for granted by questioning its origin and revealing its historicity. Further, I show that Derrida learns the task of philosophical responsibility from Husserl’s own version of philosophical responsibility, which he later transforms with the help of Husserl’s own methodological (...)
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    Identidad femenina: ¿figura de dominación o sujeto de emancipación? Por un feminismo ilustrado y republicano.Rebeca Moreno Balaguer - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:296-306.
    La intención fundamental de la presente investigación es dar cuenta de la paradoja política que supone la identidad para la teoría crítica feminista, como lugar del que es necesario partir y como heterodesignación limitadora que queremos superar en parte. La identidad ha devenido un concepto clave para los feminismos contemporáneos: así, si el desde el diferencialismo se opta por un reforzamiento de la identidad femenina; desde la teoría queer se reclama la constante desestabilización de toda identidad. Queremos reivindicar, para el (...)
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  21.  8
    Os corpos inscritos e os textos escritos: xénero, moda e literatura.Rebeca Baceiredo - 2023 - Vigo: Xerais.
  22.  29
    El hispanismo en México, América Central y Las Antillas.Rebeca Barriga & Pedro Martín Butragueño - 2001 - Arbor 168 (664):513-532.
    Nuestro propósito en este trabajo es ofrecer un panorama representativo del desarrollo del hispanismo en México, Cuba, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Panamá en la última década. A partir del estudio de este presente, esperamos poder marcar el sentido de las líneas de interés futuras. El desarrollo de la investigación hispanística en estos países no es el mismo. Claramente, el número de trabajos es mayor en México, Cuba, Puerto Rico y Costa Rica —lo (...)
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  23. La construcción de la santidad en María de Santo domingo: La imitación de Catalina de Siena.Rebeca Sanmartín Bastida - 2013 - Ciencia Tomista 140 (450):141-160.
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    The Social Lives of Infectious Diseases: Why Culture Matters to COVID-19.Rebeca Bayeh, Maya A. Yampolsky & Andrew G. Ryder - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Over the course of the year 2020, the global scientific community dedicated considerable effort to understanding COVID-19. In this review, we discuss some of the findings accumulated between the onset of the pandemic and the end of 2020, and argue that although COVID-19 is clearly a biological disease tied to a specific virus, the culture–mind relation at the heart of cultural psychology is nonetheless essential to understanding the pandemic. Striking differences have been observed in terms of relative mortality, transmission rates, (...)
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    La construcción del concepto de espacio público en Hannah Arendt: Las fuentes de la metáfora teatral.Rebeca Canclini - 2022 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 11 (2):323-334.
    Este trabajo analiza el concepto de espacio público en el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt a partir de metáforas provenientes del ámbito teatral. El objetivo principal es reconstruir el camino entre las intuiciones provenientes del mundo del teatro y la construcción del concepto de lo público arendtiano. Después de algunas precisiones metodológicas, se enumeran las expresiones vinculadas con el ámbito teatral que se encuentran en distintas obras arendtianas. Posteriormente, se analiza la fuente de la metáfora teatral y se caracteriza el concepto (...)
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    Un mundo para la acción: subjetividades políticas y ley en Hannah Arendt.Rebeca Canclini - 2016 - Bahía Blanca, Argentina: EdiUNS.
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    Aproximación Teórico-Episte-Metodológica sobre el Desarrollo del Ser como Personalidad.Rebeca Castellanos Gómez - 2003 - Cinta de Moebio 16.
    The consideration of the development of the being like personality is seen in this article on the base of the unit of the theoretician, epistemology and the methodological, offered as the contribution to the production of scientific knowledge, in the Superior Education, on the category of persona..
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  28. Fodor vs. Darwin: A methodological follow-up.Lilia Gurova - unknown
    In a series of recent publications Jerry Fodor has attacked what many believe is the core of Darwinian theory of evolution – the theory of natural selection. Not surprisingly, Fodor’s attack has provoked a strong negative reaction. Fodor’s critics have insisted both that his main argument is unsound and that his central claim that the theory of natural selection “can’t explain the distribution of phenotypic traits in biological populations” is untenable. I can generally agree with the first part of the (...)
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    On Some Non-trivial Implications of the View that Good Explanations Increase Our Understanding of Explained Phenomena.Lilia Gurova - 2017 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):45-52.
    The central argument in this paper is the following: if we agree that one of the aims of explanation is to provide or increase understanding, and if we assess understanding on the basis of the inferences one can draw from the knowledge of the phenomenon which is understood, then the value of an explanation, i.e. its capacity to provide or increase understanding of the explained phenomenon, should be assessed on the basis of the extra-inferences which this explanation allows for. The (...)
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    The Principle Based Explanations Are Not Extinct in Cognitive Science: The Case of the Basic Level Effects.Lilia Gurova - 2014 - Philosophia Scientiae 18:203-214.
    On observe une nouvelle tendance dans la philosophie des sciences cognitives, manifeste dans les écrits de Betchel et al. qui met en avant l’importance des explications mécanistes au détriment du rôle explicatif des principes. Cet article est un plaidoyer pour rétablir l’équilibre. Il met l’accent sur l’effort d’explication des effets du niveau de base, l’une des plus importantes découvertes empiriques dans l’histoire de la recherche en catégorisation. L’analyse de trois différentes périodes de cette histoire révèle que le recours aux principes (...)
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  31. Lo femenino o de la fragilidad del pacto social.Lilia Esther Vargas Isla - 2004 - In Vargas Isla & Lilia Esther, Territorios de la ética. México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco.
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    Fernández Liria, Carlos / García Fernández, Olga / Galindo Ferrández, Enrique: "Escuela o Barbarie. Entre el neoliberalismo salvaje y el delirio de la izquierda", Ediciones Akal, Madrid, 2017, pp. 431.Lilia Souaf Kmaiti - 2018 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 35 (1):259-261.
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    Room temperature mechanical behaviour of a Ni-Fe multilayered material with modulated grain size distribution.Lilia Kurmanaeva, Hamed Bahmanpour, Troy Holland, Jonathan McCrea, Joon Hwan Lee, Jie Jian, Haiyan Wang, Enrique J. Lavernia & Amiya K. Mukherjee - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (31):3549-3559.
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  34. The Choice is yours: ethics in Vedanta.Lilia Lender (ed.) - 1987 - Bombay: Central Chinmaya Mission Trust.
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    Sobre una posible solución a la disolución de la diferencia mundo sensible/suprasensible en el mundo de los útiles.Rebeca Maldonado - 2003 - Signos Filosóficos 10:73-86.
    The article reflects on the opposition between utility and beauty within the Romantic works, which permeates Heideggerian thought about technique. My proposal tries to establish a compromise between utility and beauty by way of the concept of non-utilization. Non-utilization is the transition f..
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    Labor Migration in Israel.Rebeca Raijman & Adriana Kemp - 2011 - ProtoSociology 27:177-193.
    This paper describes the ways by which state regulations created fertile soil on which legal labor migration in Israel developed into an unfree labor force. We show how state policies effectively subject foreign workers to a high degree of regulation, giving employers and manpower agencies mechanisms of control that they do not have over Israeli citizens. These mechanisms create a group of non-citizen workers that are more desirable as cheap, flexible, exploitable and expendable employees through enforcing atypical employment relations: fixed-term (...)
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  37. Періодичні видання для українського жіноцтва галичини наприкінці хіх - на початку хх ст. як джерело з історії національно-культурного руху краю.Lilia Sholohon - 2013 - Схід 5 (125).
    This article is the analysis of the content of the Ukrainian periodicals for womenfolk, including the literary-publicistic almanac "Pershyi vinok", the periodical "Meta", the newspaper "Zhinoche dilo" which was a free supplement to the daily social and political narodovskyi publication "Dilo". They were published with the support of the public organizations of Galicia in late 19th and early 20th century and of the activists of the Ukrainian women's movement of the region - Nataliia Kobrynska, Olena Kysilevska, Dariia Starosolska, Iryna Sichynska (...)
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    Reflections on the Ethics of Participation in Secret Filming.Lilias Ward - 2008 - Ethics and Social Welfare 2 (1):100-103.
    The article offers an account of the author's participation in secret filming in three small residential care homes for older people. The author gained access to the homes as a resident and made video-recordings that were used as part of a television documentary in 1994 that exposed the poor practice and lack of regulation in these types of homes in England at that time. The author discusses her motivations for taking on this undercover role, and some of the unexpected ethical (...)
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  39. On the Degree of Neighborhood Incompleteness of Normal Modal Logics.Lilia Chagrova - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 63-72.
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    Evidence for a Shared Instrument Prototype from English, Dutch, and German.Lilia Rissman, Saskia Putten & Asifa Majid - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (5):e13140.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 5, May 2022.
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  41. La mediación absoluta y el camino: de la transformación religiosa en Tanabe Hajime.Rebeca Maldonado - 2016 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 1:107-124.
    This essay deals with the problem of religious transformation in Tanabe Hajime. In his Philosophy as Metanoetics, Tanabe examines this transformation through the relationship between vows of the Buddhas as described in the writings of the Pure Land Buddhist thinker Shinran. For Tanabe, each vow expresses a moment of the religious transformation. Furthermore,he argues against all possibility of immediacy in human existence and sets out to demonstrate that the meaning of existence is mediated by the transformation of self-power into Other-power, (...)
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  42. La temporalidad metanoética: Sobre Tanabe, Heidegger y Shinran.Rebeca Maldonado - 2017 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 2:113-144.
    In Tanabe’s reading of time in the work of Heidegger and, through Shinran’s interpretation, of the seventh-century Chinese philosopher Shandao, one can see that both Heidegger’s and Zendō’s viewpoints do not go beyond the ethical standpoint of self-power. Tanabe distances himself from any view that strays from the eternal present as it is witnessed in the practice of metanoesis, in which one attempts to live the continuous practice, not as if one were dead, but by effectively being so, that is, (...)
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    Evidence for a Shared Instrument Prototype from English, Dutch, and German.Lilia Rissman, Saskia van Putten & Asifa Majid - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (5):e13140.
    At conceptual and linguistic levels of cognition, events are said to be represented in terms of abstract categories, for example, the sentence Jackie cut the bagel with a knife encodes the categories Agent (i.e., Jackie) and Patient (i.e., the bagel). In this paper, we ask whether entities such as the knife are also represented in terms of such a category (often labeled “Instrument”) and, if so, whether this category has a prototype structure. We hypothesized the Proto-instrument is a tool: a (...)
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    (1 other version)Sobre los autores.Lilia Solórzano Esqueda - 2022 - Valenciana 30.
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    Language, Science and Globalization in the Eighteenth Century.Rebeca Fernández Rodríguez - 2023 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 46 (1):38-53.
    Asia, America, and Europe have been intellectually intertwined for centuries. Several studies have been published revealing European scholars’ interest in the “exotic” languages of Asia and America, as well as in ethnographic and anthropological aspects. Some scholars such as Polymath Leibniz (1646–1716), were interested in these languages in an attempt to construct a universal language, while others tried to establish language families, like the Jesuit Hervás y Panduro (1735–1809). However, all acknowledge the importance of language and the circulation of knowledge. (...)
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    La Política Del Origen En Schmitt Frente a la Crítica Impolítica de Agamben.Rebeca Baceiredo Pérez - 2023 - Ágora Papeles de Filosofía 42 (2).
    Se revisitan las distintas resoluciones de Schmitt y Agamben ante una misma percepción ontopolítica: la contingencia en la definición del derecho, cuya función primaria es la organización de lo múltiple, tradicionalmente entendido como caos. Mientras Schmitt se decanta hacia un posfundacionalismo organicista, hacia una política del origen, Agamben opta por suspender, en un plano ontoético, la fundación del nomos. En este artículo se recorre con Schmitt la búsqueda de la forma transcendente y se acompaña a Agamben en la descripción aporética (...)
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    colaboración de la escuela y las instituciones culturales para la Educación Patrimonial: estudio de caso.Rebeca Guillén Peñafiel & Ana María Hernández Carretero - 2018 - Clío: History and History Teaching 44:146-169.
    La educación patrimonial es necesaria para asegurar la protección, el respeto y la sostenibilidad de los bienes que constituyen nuestro patrimonio. En este sentido, procurar la concienciación patrimonial debe ser un objetivo común tanto para la educación reglada como para la no reglada, fortaleciendo la cooperación entre escuelas e instituciones de investigación y museísticas. Conocer cómo colaboran las instituciones educativas, museísticas y de investigación de la ciudad de Mérida para educar en patrimonio cultural es el objetivo de este trabajo. Para (...)
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    Reseña. Roberto Almanza y Víctor Hugo Pacheco (compiladores). Teorizando desde los pequeños lugares.Rebeca Gaytán Zamudio - 2021 - Aisthesis 70:593-596.
    The book Teorizando desde los pequeños lugares is presented, with the intention of showing the importance of thinking in non-hegemonic places.
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    Boris D. Grozdanoff, Zdravko Popov and Silviya Serafimova (eds.). Rationality and Ethics in Artificial Intelligence.Lilia Gurova - 2024 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):88-91.
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    The Uses of Truth: Is There Room for Reconciliation of Factivist and Non-Factivist Accounts of Scientific Understanding?Lilia Gurova - 2022 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 35 (3):211-221.
    One of the most lively debates on scientific understanding is standardly presented as a controversy between the so-called factivists, who argue that understanding implies truth, and the non-factivists whose position is that truth is neither necessary nor sufficient for understanding. A closer look at the debate, however, reveals that the borderline between factivism and non-factivism is not as clear-cut as it looks at first glance. Some of those who claim to be quasi-factivists come suspiciously close to the position of their (...)
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