Results for 'Leïla Hamouda'

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  1.  18
    Note sur l'extraction de la Racine carrée d'un entier chez Ibn al-hayṯam et comparaison avec al-baġdādī.Leïla Hamouda & Yassine Hachaichi - 2021 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 31 (1):149-157.
    Dans le cadre des algorithmes numériques introduits et élaborés par les mathématiciens arabes, à partir du ixe siècle, figure l'algorithme de l'extraction de la racine carrée d'un entier naturel. Cet algorithme a été étudié chez plusieurs d'entre eux et surtout bien expliqué par alBaġdādī dans le chapitre « Comment extraire la racine des nombres entiers » de son livre « La complétion du calcul », Al-takmila fī al-ḥisāb 1. Dans ce chapitre, al-Baġdādī expose son travail pédagogiquement en six sections traitant (...)
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    AI in the headlines: the portrayal of the ethical issues of artificial intelligence in the media.Leila Ouchchy, Allen Coin & Veljko Dubljević - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (4):927-936.
    As artificial intelligence technologies become increasingly prominent in our daily lives, media coverage of the ethical considerations of these technologies has followed suit. Since previous research has shown that media coverage can drive public discourse about novel technologies, studying how the ethical issues of AI are portrayed in the media may lead to greater insight into the potential ramifications of this public discourse, particularly with regard to development and regulation of AI. This paper expands upon previous research by systematically analyzing (...)
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  3. Practical Dignity in Caring.Leila Shotton & David Seedhouse - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (3):246-255.
    It is difficult to understand the meaning of ‘dignity’ in human rights, bioethics and nursing literature because the word is used so vaguely. Unless dignity’s meaning is spelt out it can disappear beneath more tangible priorities. In this article we define dignity and show how this can help health workers to maintain the dignity of people in their care.
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    The Politics of Location and Sexuality in Leila Ahmed’s and Nawal El Saadawi’s Life Narratives.Leila Aouadi - 2014 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 16 (1):35-50.
    This article explores Leila Ahmed’s A Border Passage, and Nawal El Saadawi’s Memoirs from the Women’s Prison, A Daughter of Isis, and Walking Through Fire. It contrasts their works and argues that location and genderawareness play an important role in the writing of autobiographies. The focus is on showing how El Saadawi’s positioning as a feminist activist in Egypt and Ahmed’s location in the USA determine the texts’ themes and shape the construction of the autobiographical “I.”.
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  5. Categories of Being: Essays on Metaphysics and Logic.Leila Haaparanta & Heikki J. Koskinen (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford, England: OUP USA.
    This edited volume is a comprehensive presentation of views on the relations between metaphysics and logic from Aristotle through twentieth century philosophers who contributed to the return of metaphysics in the analytic tradition. The collection combines interest in logic and its history with interest in analytical metaphysics and the history of metaphysical thought. By so doing, it adds both to the historical understanding of metaphysical problems and to contemporary research in the field. Throughout the volume, essays focus on metaphysica generalis, (...)
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    Using arguments for making and explaining decisions.Leila Amgoud & Henri Prade - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (3-4):413-436.
  7.  52
    Nurse’s perceptions of organisational barriers to delivering compassionate care: A qualitative study.Leila Valizadeh, Vahid Zamanzadeh, Belinda Dewar, Azad Rahmani & Mansour Ghafourifard - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (5):580-590.
    Background: Compassionate care is an international priority of healthcare professionals. There is little understanding about how workplace issues impact provision of compassionate care in nursing practice. Therefore, it is important to address the workplace issues and organizational factors which may hinder compassionate care delivery within nursing practice. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore workplace and organizational barriers to compassionate care from the nurses’ perspective. Research design: The study used a qualitative exploratory design, and data were analyzed by (...)
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    Bendita mulher maldita.Leila Brito - 2018 - Belo Horizonte: Páginas Editora.
  9.  34
    The Language of Rights and the Politics of Law: Perspectives on China’s Last Legal Ditch Struggle.Leïla Choukroune - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (4):779-803.
    Since Xi Jinping has taken office in 2012, China’s political repression has only but intensified so that the regime is definitively turning away from the 1990s legal reforms and the many expectations that followed in terms of rule of law and other rights fostering. In replacing these recent developments in a larger perspective including that of a “socialist harmonious society”, which had already shaded a particular light on Chinese reforms, this article proposes to envisage contemporary Chinese legal culture in an (...)
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    Probability in Economics.Omar Hamouda & Robin Rowley - 2013 - Routledge.
    Notions of probability and uncertainty have been increasingly prominant in modern economics. This book considers the philosophical and practical difficulties inherent in integrating these concepts into realistic economic situations. It outlines and evaluates the major developments, indicating where further work is needed. This book addresses: * probability, utility and rationality within current economic thought and practice * concepts of ignorance and indeterminancy * experimental economics * econometrics, with particular reference inference and estimation.
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    The Fight of the Comedian: Comedy as the Arena of Philosophical Thought in Society.Yossra M. Hamouda - 2019 - Open Journal of Philosophy 9 (3):318-330.
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    Problems of agricultural policy in East Germany.Leila Lueschen - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (1):27-39.
    The process of agricultural unification will dominate the German scene for the next few years. At this stage, however, analysis and forecasts are hampered by the considerable problem concerning the viability of East German agriculture in a market economy and by the absence of reliable data in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). This can only be understood in terms of the agricultural situation in the GDR before unification, which is discussed in the first section. The political and economic incentives for (...)
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  13. Part V. Emotion Communities: 21. Laughter, Joy, Sorrow, Stigma: The Making and Breaking of Sign Language Communities.Leila Monaghan - 2020 - In Sonya E. Pritzker, Janina Fenigsen & James MacLynn Wilce, The Routledge handbook of language and emotion. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
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  14.  15
    Hypothèses et Réalisme.Omar F. Hamouda - 1988 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 18 (4):519-521.
  15.  30
    Derecho, moral y preferencias valorativas.Leila C. Puga, Newton C. A. Costa & Roberto J. Vernengo - 1990 - Theoria 5 (1):9-29.
  16.  32
    Lógicas normativas, moral y derecho.Leila Z. Puga, Newton C. A. da Costa & Roberto J. Vernengo - 1991 - Critica 23 (69):27-59.
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    Can Nurses Contribute to Better End-of-Life Care?Leila Shotton - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (2):134-140.
    In this article I will argue that futile medical and nursing care is not only inefficacious but that it may be harmful to the patient and also to health professionals, who may be diminished both as clinicians and as persons if they are not able to give appropriate care to dying patients and their families. I discuss futile care in intensive care units because the opportunities and the temptation to provide futile care in these settings is higher than, for instance, (...)
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    Mohammed Arkoun: une approche critique, subversive et humaniste de l'Islam.Leïla Tauil - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    À l'ère du fondamentalisme islamiste et du jihâdisme international, fondés notamment sur des postulats anhistoriques sacralisés, l'œuvre de Mohammed Arkoun, qui postule une approche critique et historicisée de la pensée islamique, est d'une importance majeure tant au niveau académique que politique. Tout au long de sa carrière universitaire, en qualité d'intellectuel humaniste engagé, il s'attelle à la déconstruction des axiomes médiévaux divinisés de l'orthodoxie sunnite dominante auxquels se réfèrent les acteurs islamistes, dans une optique idéologique totalisante, tout en défendant l'idée (...)
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  19.  12
    Benjamin Franklin francophile ou l’état ultime du cosmopolitisme.Leïla Tnaïnchi - 2019 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 38:117.
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    Biblical Biology: American Protestant Social Reformers and the Early Eugenics Movement.Leila Zenderland - 1998 - Science in Context 11 (3-4):511-525.
    The ArgumentIn most historical accounts, eugenic doctrines and Christian beliefs are assumed to be adversaries. Such a perspective is too narrow, however, for while many prominent eugenicists were indeed religious skeptics, others sought to reconcile eugenics with Christianity. Various American Protestant social reformers tried to synthesize new biological theories with older biblical ideas about the meaning of a good inheritance. Such syntheses played an important role in disseminating eugenic doctrines into America's deeply Protestant heartland.
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  21.  21
    On The Imaginary Logic of N. A. VASILIEV.Leila Puga & Newton A. da Costa - 1988 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 34 (3):205-211.
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  22. The development of modern logic.Leila Haaparanta (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This edited volume presents a comprehensive history of modern logic from the Middle Ages through the end of the twentieth century.
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    Frege Synthesized: Essays on the Philosophical and Foundational Work of Gottlob Frege.Leila Haaparanta & Jaakko Hintikka (eds.) - 1986 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    ... which is merely intensional frosting on a more important extensional L. Haaparanta and J. Hintikka (eds.), Frege Synthesized, 3—8. O 1986 byD. ...
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  24. Frege's Doctrine of Being (Acta Philosophica Fennica, vol. 39).Leila Haaparanta - 1985 - Helsinki:
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  25.  29
    Threats to nurses’ dignity and intent to leave the profession.Leila Valizadeh, Vahid Zamanzadeh, Hosein Habibzadeh, Leyla Alilu, Mark Gillespie & Ali Shakibi - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (4):520-531.
    Background: It is essential to pay attention to and respect the dignity of nurses to maintain them in their profession while they deliver skilled nursing care. Little is known, however, about how a sense of dignity influences the practitioner. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to describe nurses’ experiences of threats to their dignity occurring within clinical settings, which generates an intention to leave clinical practice. Research design and method: The study was performed using qualitative content analysis. The participants (...)
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  26. The stage and the intellectual : a conversation in parts with random thoughts[TM].Leila Beanni, Patricius ShOOOmaker & Sylvia Wang - 2018 - In Gurur Ertem & Sandra Noeth, Bodies of evidence: ethics, aesthetics, and politics of movement. Vienna: Passagen Verlag.
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    Analysis as the method of logical discovery: Some remarks on Frege and Husserl.Leila Haaparanta - 1988 - Synthese 77 (1):73 - 97.
  28.  13
    Analytic Philosophy in Finland.Leila Haaparanta & Ilkka Niiniluoto (eds.) - 2003 - Rodopi.
    Finland is internationally known as one of the leading centers of twentieth century analytic philosophy. This volume offers for the first time an overall survey of the Finnish analytic school. The rise of this trend is illustrated by original articles of Edward Westermarck, Eino Kaila, Georg Henrik von Wright, and Jaakko Hintikka. Contributions of Finnish philosophers are then systematically discussed in the fields of logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, history of philosophy, ethics and social philosophy. Metaphilosophical reflections on (...)
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  29. Frege Synthesized. Essays on the Philosophical and Foundational Work of Gottlob Frege.Leila Haaparanta & Jaakko Hintikka - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (2):372-372.
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  30. Preface.Leila Haaparanta & Ilkka Niiniluoto - 2003 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 80 (1):7-7.
    Finland is internationally known as one of the leading centers of twentieth century analytic philosophy. This volume offers for the first time an overall survey of the Finnish analytic school. The rise of this trend is illustrated by original articles of Edward Westermarck, Eino Kaila, Georg Henrik von Wright, and Jaakko Hintikka. Contributions of Finnish philosophers are then systematically discussed in the fields of logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, history of philosophy, ethics and social philosophy. Metaphilosophical reflections on (...)
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    The Economics of John Rae.Omar Hamouda, C. Lee & Douglas Mair (eds.) - 1998 - Routledge.
    John Rae made a wide-ranging contribution to economics, in particular through his work on Capital Theory and Technical Change. Although Rae was held in high esteem by some of the great names of the past who have openly acknowledged his originality and their indebtedness to him, he has not yet received all the attention he deserves. In _The Economics of John Rae_, respected economists, redress the general neglect of Rae as a classical economist and examine his role as a political (...)
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    "Le Nietzschéanisme, c'est moi": Oscar Levy und die Einführung Nietzsches in England.Leila Kais - 2010 - Berlin: Parerga.
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  33. Recasting labor standards for the contemporary : international versus transnational frameworks at the ILO.Leila Kawar - 2017 - In Justin Desautels-Stein & Christopher Tomlins, Searching for Contemporary Legal Thought. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
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    Acerca de la experiencia de la enfermedad: Fenomenología, corporalidad Y habitualidad.Leila Martina Passerino - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 15:45.
    Merleau-Ponty se vale de casos patológicos para elaborar una teoría de la percepción que ubica a la corporalidad como expresión central. El artículo indaga y problematiza la experiencia de enfermedad a partir de la propuesta fenomenológica en torno al cuerpo vivido o fe-nomenal. Repensar esta vivencia, desde las antípodas a un abordaje biomédico que la circunscribe a un cuerpo objetivo, permite considerarla a la luz de una perspectiva filosófica como instancia crítica. La experiencia de enfermedad, inaugura una disrupción en el (...)
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    Formas biográficas e narrativas. Abordagens teórico-epistemológicas e expressões analíticas para o estudo das experiências de mulheres com cancro da mama.Leila Martina Passerino - 2025 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 34:119-144.
    Este artigo insere-se numa reflexão teórico-epistémica e metodológica sobre as formas biográficas no âmbito de um projeto de investigação centrado na experiência de mulheres que vivem com cancro da mama. Em termos metodológicos, recuperamos o valor heurístico da narrativa e da técnica da entrevista como um dos recursos de investigação mais férteis para o estudo da experiência. Por sua vez, recorremos às narrativas, produto do processo de interlocução com 25 mulheres que têm ou tiveram cancro da mama, para analisar determinados (...)
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  36.  20
    Editorial Comment.Leila Shotton - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (5):460-461.
  37.  18
    Social Science as a “Weapon of the Weak”: Max Weinreich, the Yiddish Scientific Institute, and the Study of Culture, Personality, and Prejudice.Leila Zenderland - 2013 - Isis 104 (4):742-772.
  38.  49
    The relations between logic and philosophy, 1874-1931.Leila Haaparanta - 2009 - In The development of modern logic. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 222.
    This chapter gives a survey of the field of philosophy where the philosophical foundations of modern logic were discussed and where such themes of logic were discussed that were on the borderline between logic and other branches of the philosophical enterprise, such as metaphysics and epistemology. The contributions made by Gottlob Frege and Charles Peirce are included since their work in logic is closely related to and also strongly motivated by their philosophical views and interests. In addition, the chapter pays (...)
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  39. On the possibility of naturalistic and of pure epistemology.Leila Haaparanta - 1999 - Synthese 118 (1):31-47.
    This paper deals with two opposite metaphilosophical doctrines concerning the nature of philosophy. More specifically, it is a study of the naturalistic view that philosophical, hence also epistemological, knowledge cannot be distinguished from empirical knowledge, and of the antinaturalistic view that philosophical, hence also epistemological, knowledge, is pure, that is, independent of empirical knowledge and particularly of the special sciences. The conditions of the possibility of naturalistic and of pure epistemology are studied in terms of phenomenological philosophy. It is concluded (...)
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  40. An ethical framework for genetic counseling in the genomic era.Leila Jamal, Will Schupmann & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2021 - In I. Glenn Cohen, Nita A. Farahany, Henry T. Greely & Carmel Shachar, Consumer genetic technologies: ethical and legal considerations. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    When bins blur: Patient perspectives on categories of results from clinical whole genome sequencing.Leila Jamal, Jill O. Robinson, Kurt D. Christensen, Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby, Melody J. Slashinski, Denise Lautenbach Perry, Jason L. Vassy, Julia Wycliff, Robert C. Green & Amy L. McGuire - 2017 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 8 (2):82-88.
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    Paul B. Thompson and Kirill O. Thompson (eds), Agricultural Ethics in East Asian Perspective: A Transpacific Dialogue.Leila Chakroun - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (5):627-629.
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    Introduction.Leila Haaparanta - 2009 - In The development of modern logic. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This introductory chapter begins with a discussion of the concept of logic, focusing on Aristotelian logic and symbolic logic. It then discusses the concept of modern logic, and the uses of the terms “logic,”, “philosophical logic”, and “philosophy of logic.”.
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    The Latest in Vaccine Policies: Selected Issues in School Vaccinations, Healthcare Worker Vaccinations, and Pharmacist Vaccination Authority Laws.Leila Barraza, Cason Schmit & Aila Hoss - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (s1):16-19.
    This paper discusses recent changes to state legal frameworks for mandatory vaccination in the context of school and healthcare worker vaccination. It then discusses state laws that allow pharmacists the authority to vaccinate.
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  45. Qualities, objects, sorts, and other treasures: gold-digging in English and Arabic.Leila Behrens - 1999 - Köln: Universität zu Köln, Institut für Sprachwissenschaft. Edited by Hans-Jürgen Sasse.
  46. How making space for Indigenous peoples changes history.Leila K. Blackbird & Caroline Dodds Pennock - 2021 - In Helen Carr, Suzannah Lipscomb & Edward Hallett Carr, What is history, now?: how the past and present speak to each other. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
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  47. Testimonies of Faith and Contemporary Theories of Assertion.Leila Haaparanta - 2018 - In The Origins of Religion. pp. 217 - 228.
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  48.  11
    Créer une image de soi dans le machrek arabe: un parcours semé d'embûches.Leila Rezk - 2010 - Beyrouth: Presses de l'Universite Saint-Joseph.
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    (2 other versions)Editorial Comment.Leila Toiviainen - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (4):335-336.
  50.  32
    Cancer Patients' Perceptions of the Good Nurse: a Literature Review.Leila Rchaidia, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Liesbeth De Blaeser & Chris Gastmans - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (5):528-542.
    This article discusses findings from a mixed method literature review that investigated cancer patients’ perceptions of what constitutes a good nurse. To find pertinent articles, we conducted a systematic key word search of five journal databases (1998—2008). The application of carefully constructed inclusion criteria and critical appraisal identified 12 relevant articles. According to the patients, good nurses were shown to be characterized by specific, but inter-related, attitudes, skills and knowledge; they engage in person-to-person relationships, respect the uniqueness of patients, and (...)
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