Results for 'Laurent Feller'

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  1.  60
    Politique.Jean-Yves Tilliette, Alessandro Stella, Bernard Merdrignac, Hugues Marchal, Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin, Laurent Feller, Dino Bellucci, Laurent Bourquin, Joël Cornette, François Billacois, Françoise Waquet, Sophie Peytavin, Barbara De Negroni, Marie-Jeanne Königson-Montain, Jean-Claude Bourdin, Christophe Prochasson, Perrine Simon-Nahum & Jean-François Kervégan - 1997 - Revue de Synthèse 118 (2-3):309-358.
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    Laurent Feller and Ana Rodríguez, eds., Expertise et valeur des choses au Moyen Âge. Vol. 2, Savoirs, écritures, pratiques. (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez 156.) Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, 2016. Paper. Pp. 472; 13 black-and-white figures, 10 tables, and 1 map. €29. ISBN: 978-8-4909-6034-9. Table of contents available online at -au-moyen-age-ii/. [REVIEW]Marta Madero - 2021 - Speculum 96 (2):496-498.
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    Notions esthétiques: résonances entre les arts et les cultures.Véronique Alexandre Journeau, Muriel Détrie, Akinobu Kuroda & Laurent Mattiussi (eds.) - 2013 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'esthétique, en tant que discipline philosophique traitant de l'art née au sein de la culture occidentale, n'a été introduite que tardivement dans les autres cultures, notamment asiatiques, où existaient pourtant de longue date des notions, formulées dans leurs langues pour rendre compte de l'expérience esthétique et évaluer les oeuvres artistiques. Alors, ne peut-on trouver, des résonances entre langages artistiques entre l'Asie et l'Occident? Tel est le pari qui sous-tend le recueil de textes rassemblés ici.
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    Molecular Tumor Boards: Ethical Issues in the New Era of Data Medicine.Henri-Corto Stoeklé, Marie-France Mamzer-Bruneel, Charles-Henry Frouart, Christophe Le Tourneau, Pierre Laurent-Puig, Guillaume Vogt & Christian Hervé - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1):307-322.
    The practice and development of modern medicine requires large amounts of data, particularly in the domain of cancer. The future of personalized medicine lies neither with “genomic medicine” nor with “precision medicine”, but with “data medicine”. The establishment of this DM has required far-reaching changes, to establish four essential elements connecting patients and doctors: biobanks, databases, bioinformatic platforms and genomic platforms. The “transformation” of scientific research areas, such as genetics, bioinformatics and biostatistics, into clinical specialties has generated a new vision (...)
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    Physiological Response to Facial Expressions in Peripersonal Space Determines Interpersonal Distance in a Social Interaction Context.Alice Cartaud, Gennaro Ruggiero, Laurent Ott, Tina Iachini & Yann Coello - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  6.  16
    Hypnotic State Modulates Sensorimotor Beta Rhythms During Real Movement and Motor Imagery.Sébastien Rimbert, Manuel Zaepffel, Pierre Riff, Perrine Adam & Laurent Bougrain - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:478341.
    The hypnosis technique is currently used in the medical field and influences directly the patient's state of relaxation, perception of the body and its visual imagination. There is evidence to suggest that hypnosis state may help patients to better achieve the task of motor imagination, which is central in rehabilitation protocols after a stroke. However, the hypnosis technique could also alter the activity in motor cortex. To the best of our knowledge, the impact of hypnosis on the EEG signal during (...)
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    Travail, technologie, industrie.Matthieu Scherman, François Vatin, Laurent Herment, Alain P. Michel, Pierre-Yves Verkindt, Bernard Thomann & Gilles Guiheux - 2019 - Revue de Synthèse 140 (1-2):259-276.
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    Des «images dans la tête» à la «parole sauvage»: comment modéliser le rapport entre discours et cognition dans l'expression des stéréotypes sociaux?Olivier Klein, Cynthie Marchal, Nicolas Van Der Linden, Sabrina Pierucci, Laurent Waroquier, Lucy Baugnet & Thierry Guilbert - 2011 - In Lucy Baugnet & Thierry Guilbert, Discours en contextes. [Paris]: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Pratiques de l’interprétation.Christian Berner, Fabienne Blaise & Laurent Keiff - 2013 - Methodos 13.
    Si l’on peut définir l’homme comme un animal qui interprète tant la réalité que lui-même, c’est que l’on pense qu’il a au monde, aux autres et à lui-même un rapport qui passe essentiellement par la compréhension. Ce n’est cependant pas sur ce niveau fondamental que nous avons pris le parti de faire porter la réflexion dans ce numéro. Il ne s’agissait pas, ou du moins pas principalement, de s’interroger sur ce qu’il en est de l’être de l’homme qui interprète ou (...)
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    Affective Ratings of Pictures Related to Interpersonal Situations.Wivine Blekić, Kendra Kandana Arachchige, Erika Wauthia, Isabelle Simoes Loureiro, Laurent Lefebvre & Mandy Rossignol - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Many studies require standardized and replicable protocols composed of emotional stimuli. To this aim, several databases of emotional pictures are available. However, there are only few images directly depicting interpersonal violence, which is a specific emotion evocative stimulus for research on aggressive behavior or post-traumatic stress disorder. The objective of the current study is to provide a new set of standardized stimuli containing images depicting interpersonal situations. This will allow a sensitive assessment of a wide range of cognitions linked to (...)
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  11.  4
    Aversive conditioning, anxiety, and the strategic control of attention.David S. Lee, Andrew Clement, Laurent Grégoire & Brian A. Anderson - 2025 - Cognition and Emotion 39 (2):476-484.
    What we pay attention to is influenced by both reward learning and aversive conditioning. Although early attention tends to be biased toward aversively conditioned stimuli, sustained ignoring of such stimuli is also possible. How aversive conditioning influences how a person chooses to search, or the strategic control of attention, has not been explored. In the present study, participants learned an association between a colour and an aversive outcome during a training phase, and in a subsequent test phase searched for one (...)
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    Transitive Inference Remains Despite Overtraining on Premise Pair C+D-.Héctor O. Camarena, Oscar García-Leal, José E. Burgos, Felipe Parrado & Laurent Ávila-Chauvet - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Impact of consensus development conference guidelines on primary care of bronchiolitis: are national guidelines being followed?Sandrine Touzet, Luc Réfabert, Laurent Letrilliart, Bernard Ortolan & Cyrille Colin - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):651-656.
  14.  69
    Formal Methods for Hopfield-Like Networks.Hedi Ben Amor, Fabien Corblin, Eric Fanchon, Adrien Elena, Laurent Trilling, Jacques Demongeot & Nicolas Glade - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (1):21-39.
    Building a meaningful model of biological regulatory network is usually done by specifying the components and their interactions, by guessing the values of parameters, by comparing the predicted behaviors to the observed ones, and by modifying in a trial-error process both architecture and parameters in order to reach an optimal fitness. We propose here a different approach to construct and analyze biological models avoiding the trial-error part, where structure and dynamics are represented as formal constraints. We apply the method to (...)
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    Castoriadis et la question de la vérité.Sophie Klimis, Philippe Caumières & Laurent van Eynde (eds.) - 2010 - Bruxelles: Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis.
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    Toward an Adapted Neurofeedback for Post-stroke Motor Rehabilitation: State of the Art and Perspectives.Salomé Le Franc, Gabriela Herrera Altamira, Maud Guillen, Simon Butet, Stéphanie Fleck, Anatole Lécuyer, Laurent Bougrain & Isabelle Bonan - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Stroke is a severe health issue, and motor recovery after stroke remains an important challenge in the rehabilitation field. Neurofeedback, as part of a brain–computer interface, is a technique for modulating brain activity using on-line feedback that has proved to be useful in motor rehabilitation for the chronic stroke population in addition to traditional therapies. Nevertheless, its use and applications in the field still leave unresolved questions. The brain pathophysiological mechanisms after stroke remain partly unknown, and the possibilities for intervention (...)
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  17.  19
    Attention and scene understanding.Vidhya Navalpakkam, Michael Arbib & Laurent Itti - 2005 - In Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees & John K. Tsotsos, Neurobiology of Attention. Academic Press. pp. 197--203.
  18.  16
    Two Middle English translations of Friar Laurent's Somme le roi: critical edition.Laurent & Emmanuelle Roux - 2010 - Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers n.v.. Edited by Emmanuelle Roux.
    This is the first volume of a two-volume project whose aim is to publish all the known Middle English manuscript translations of the French Somme le mi, a thirteenth-century manual of religious instruction offering teaching on the Decalogue, the seven deadly sins and their remedies, compiled by the Dominican friar Laurent of Orleans. The project extends and deepens our knowledge of the influence of this popular French text, known today only from the versions entitled The Ayen bite of Inwit (...)
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  19.  22
    Panthers and Lions.Yaniv Feller - 2022 - Journal of Religious Ethics 50 (2):275-283.
    Shaul Magid's Meir Kahane: The Public Life and Political Thought of an American Jewish Radical (2021) stresses the American character of Kahane's thought. This review analyzes this claim in two ways. First, it offers a transnational perspective on Kahane's philosophy. Second, it examines Magid's concept of neo‐Kahanism in light of Kahane's legacy in Israel.
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  20.  21
    Lexical Meaning in Dialogic Language Use.Sebastian Feller - 2010 - John Benjamins Pub. Company.
    chapter The whole and its parts Towards a holistic understanding of language Human beings are social entities. We are a family member, a brother or a sister ...
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  21.  31
    Science indicators as reliable evidence.Irwin Feller & George Gamota - 2007 - Minerva 45 (1):17-30.
    Science indicators are increasingly used in policy-making. However, failure to relate interpretations of specific measures to the historical development of science can lead to errors in assessing past investments and in prioritizing future investments. This article outlines some of these sources of error, and argues for the more systematic use of historical evidence in the formulation of science policy.
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  22.  14
    Francis of Assisi Forerunner of Interreligious Dialogue: Chapter 16 of the Earlier Rule Revisited.Laurent Gallant Ofm - 2006 - Franciscan Studies 64 (1):53-82.
  23.  52
    Autopiction : Où va la peinture de Laurent Marissal.Laurent Buffet - 2011 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 7 (1):81-91.
    Résumé Où va la peinture est un livre de Laurent Marissal qui se présente à la fois comme un traité sur la peinture et comme une œuvre peinte. Les actions qu’il relate sont elles-mêmes revendiquées comme des actions picturales. L’article s’interroge sur ces usages hétérodoxes de la notion de « picturalité », tout d’abord au niveau de la mise en forme narrative du livre, puis à celui des actions que cette forme a pour dessein de relater. Une dernière partie (...)
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  24.  74
    Philosophy: Today’s Manager’s Best Friend?Laurent Ledoux - 2012 - Philosophy of Management 11 (3):11-26.
    The purpose of this paper1 is to rationalise why and how philosophy can help today’s managers in their daily practices. I will first explain why today’s managers particularly should engage themselves in profound and enduring dialogue with philosophers. To this end, I will present the close links between the major managerial activities and the major philosophical domains. In the second section, I will sketch out how such a dialogue can be facilitated. To this end, I will present some of the (...)
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  25.  89
    Dog fight: Darwin as animal advocate in the antivivisection controversy of 1875.David Allan Feller - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 40 (4):265-271.
    The traditional characterization of Charles Darwin as a strong advocate of physiological experimentation on animals was posited in Richard French’s Antivivisection and medical science in Victorian England, where French portrayed him as a soldier in Thomas Huxley’s efforts to preserve anatomical experimentation on animals unfettered by government regulation. That interpretation relied too much on, inter alia, Huxley’s own description of the legislative battles of 1875, and shared many historians’ propensity to foster a legacy of Darwin as a leader among a (...)
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  26. Lettre de M. Harsin et réponse de M. H. Laurent.H. Laurent & M. Harsin - 1928 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 7 (3):1301-1306.
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  27. Vivre dans un monde complexe: Alice au pays des incertitudes.Laurent Bibard - 2024 - La Tour-d'Aigues: Éditions de l'Aube.
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  28. Resistant strains of postmodernism, the music of Helmut lachenmann and Brian ferneyhough.Ross Feller - 2002 - In Judith Irene Lochhead & Joseph Henry Auner, Postmodern music/postmodern thought. London: Routledge.
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    Génétique des populations et mécanique statistique : stratégie explicative et analogie formelle.Laurent Jodoin - 2014 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 1 (1):12-25.
    The relationship between statistical mechanics and population genetics has a long history. Both take advantage of statistics to address the behavior of large groups of entities. The main objective of this article is to assess the obstacles population genetics is meeting in its claim to explain biological phenomena from the conceptual apparatus of statistical mechanics according to two recent articles. Several tools available to the latter are missing in the former. Thus, in the absence of an adequate justification of the (...)
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  30.  28
    Distinguishing the role of conscious and unconscious knowledge in evaluative conditioning.Laurent Waroquier, Marlène Abadie & Zoltan Dienes - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104460.
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    The Refusal of Politics.Laurent Dubreuil & Cory Browning - 2016 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Dubreuil provocatively proposes an extremist rethinking of the limits of politics - toward a break from politics, the political and policies. He calls for a refusal of politics, suggesting a form of apolitics that would make our lives more liveable. The first chapter situates the refusal of politics in relation to different contemporary theoretical attempts to renew politics, and makes the case for a greater rupture. The second moment takes up what is liveable in life by way of apolitical experience, (...)
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  32.  24
    Auguste Comte and spiritualism.Laurent Clauzade - 2020 - Tandf: British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (5):944-965.
    Volume 28, Issue 5, September 2020, Page 944-965.
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    Pre‐mRNA secondary structure and the regulation of splicing.Laurent Balvay, Domenico Libri & Marc Y. Fiszman - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (3):165-169.
    Nuclear pre‐mRNAs must be precisely processed to give rise to mature cytoplasmic mRNAs. This maturation process, known as splicing, involves excision of intron sequences and ligation of the exon sequences. One of the major problems in understanding this process is how splice sites, the sequences which form the boundaries between introns and exons, can be accurately selected. A number of studies have defined conserved sequences within introns which were later shown to interact with small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs). However, due to (...)
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  34. Dossier: La correspondance inédite de Henry Michel lettres à Charles renouvier et à Louis prat.Laurent Fedi - 2005 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 48:217-247.
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  35. L'individu et l'état: Henry Michel, disciple de Charles renouvier.Laurent Fedi - 2005 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 48:203-216.
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    Communauté et société, Collingwood contre les sociologues.Laurent Jaffro - 2008 - Dialogue 47 (2):253-271.
    The opposition between community and society set out by Collingwood in hisNew Leviathan(1942) should be compared with the distinction betweenGemeinschaftandGesellschaftthat Tönnies had introduced in 1887. The debate on ideal types of social organizations apparently pertains to «pure sociology» and was continued by Durkheim and Weber. However, Collingwood's use of this distinction may be construed as an attack on the very idea of sociology in the name of the primacy of rational will.
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    Appendice. Introduction à la dialogique modale et hybride.Laurent Keiff - 2004 - Philosophia Scientiae 8 (2):89-102.
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    カフェ・ミュラー, そして--ジャン・サスポータス インタビュー (特集 ピナ・バウシュ).志賀 信夫 Jean Laurent Sasportes - 2008 - Corpus (Misc) 5 (5):2-6.
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    The Plurality of Cognitive Formats and Engagements: Moving between the Familiar and the Public.Laurent Thévenot - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (3):409-423.
    Cognitive forms vary considerably as a human being detaches herself from what is closest and most personal and moves to communicate — in the broad sense of taking part in a common matter — across increasing relational distances. The article proposes to deal with the variety of cognitive formats which cannot `commonize' cognition to an equal degree, relating them to a set of regimes of engagement with the world that are identified in terms of the dependency between the human agent (...)
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  40.  49
    Faire sens. Le couple significatio / intentio dans les philosophies austro-allemande et médiévale.Laurent Cesalli & Claudio Majolino - 2014 - Methodos 14.
    “Austrian” (or “Austro-German”) philosophy of language is characterized, among other things, by the following two features: (1) Problems of language are considered within the broader framework of an intentionality-based philosophy of mind—or, to put it more precisely, questions of meaning are considered as involving a quite articulated theory of intentions; (2) several aspects of such an account are explicitly presented as inspired by or somehow already at work in the Medieval Scholastic tradition. In this study we follow the track indicated (...)
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  41. The Sociology of Critical Capacity.Laurent Thévenot & Luc Boltanski - 1999 - European Journal of Social Theory 2 (3):359-377.
    This article argues that many situations in social life can be analyzed by their requirement for the justification of action. It is in particular in situations of dispute that a need arises to explicate the grounds on which responsibility for errors is distributed and on which new agreement can be reached. Since a plurality of mutually incompatible modes of justification exists, disputes can be understood as disagreements either about whether the accepted rule of justification has not been violated or about (...)
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  42.  52
    Fear of the known: semantic generalisation of fear conditioning across languages in bilinguals.Laurent Grégoire & Steven G. Greening - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (2):352-358.
    While modern theories of emotion emphasize the role of higher-order cognitive processes such as semantics in human emotion, much research into emotional learning has ignored the potential contribut...
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  43.  13
    Le phénomène.Laurent Perreau (ed.) - 2014 - Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin.
    English summary: The collected essays in this volume examine the question of experience and consciousness in philosophy, from the ancient Greeks, Descartes, and German Idealism, to contemporary phenomenology. French description: Ce volume est consacre au concept de phenomene. Les etudes rassemblees se proposent de contribuer a son intelligence en revenant sur quelques-uns des moments les plus marquants de son histoire, sans pretendre a l'exhaustivite. L'ouvrage s'ouvre par deux etudes de philosophie antique. Arnaud Mace restitue tout d'abord la problematique seminale du (...)
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  44.  39
    Interpretive Reasoning.Laurent Stern - 2005 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Laurent Stern here provides a concise account of the difficulties that arise within the interpretive process and in the context of interpretive conflict. Speakers and agents are expected by others to be occasionally insincere. Attempting to be tolerant of alternative interpretations, and dealing with the insincerity of others, often motivates interpreters themselves to become insincere. Accordingly, moral issues emerge for both speakers and interpreters. Interpretive Reasoning discusses such issues in the literature on interpretation. Stern offers a carefully argued account (...)
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  45. Brian A. Hopkins, ou l'art d'insérer la fiction dans la réalité.Laurent Bourdier - 2002 - Iris 24:269-282.
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    Delegation of access rights in multi-domain service compositions.Laurent Bussard, Anna Nano & Ulrich Pinsdorf - 2009 - Identity in the Information Society 2 (2):137-154.
    Today, it becomes more and more common to combine services from different providers into one application. Service composition is however difficult and cumbersome when there is no common trust anchor. Hence, delegation of access rights across trust domains will become essential in service composition scenarios. This article specifies abstract delegation, discusses theoretical aspects of the concept, and provides technical details of a validation implementation supporting a variety of access controls and associated delegation mechanisms. Abstract delegation allows to harmonize the management (...)
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    Society and Civil War in Africa During the Tetrarchy: The Rebellion of Lucius Domitius Alexander.Laurent J. Cases - 2019 - Journal of Ancient History 7 (1):233-250.
    In the year 308 CE, the African army raised to the purple the agens vices praefectorum praetorio Lucius Domitius Alexander. This rather unique case of a vicarius becoming emperor is deserving of investigation. Scholarly interest on the matter has traditionally focused on the broader political significance, treating Alexander as a traditional usurper. This paper argues that, contrary to traditional studies, the regime of Alexander focused on very local, African tropes. The uniqueness of the advertisement suggests that this African usurpation was (...)
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    Le film comme « symphonie du monde ».Laurent Guido - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans Intermédialités : histoire et théorie des arts, des lettres et des techniques / Intermediality : History and Theory of the Arts, Literature and Technologies, n° 16, 2010, p. 105-128, puis sur Nous remercions Laurent Guido de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Depuis une vingtaine d'années, l'idée de mondialisation s'est imposée au sein des discours et des pratiques culturelles, dans un contexte où sont apparues de nouvelles techniques d'information et de - (...)
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  49. Hypothesis on the Origins of the Communal Family System.Laurent Sagart, Emmanuel Todd & Bruce Little - 1992 - Diogenes 40 (160):145-182.
    This article is the result of collaboration between a linguist and an anthropologist. In La Troisième planète. Structures familiales et systèmes idéologiques (The Third Planet: Family Structures and Ideologies) (Todd, 1983), anthropologist Emmanuel Todd provided a world map of family types, which he used to explain the distribution of major political philosophies around the world. However, this did not explain the distribution of the family types themselves. Indeed, a concluding chapter entitled “Le Hazard” (The Effects of Chance) stated that the (...)
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    Peut-on vivre l’Absolu?Guillaume St-Laurent - 2021 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 77 (3):451-472.
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