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  1.  36
    Ownership of Genetic Data: Between Universalism and Contextualism?Henri-Corto Stoeklé & Christian Hervé - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (12):75-77.
    The article by Dupras and Bunnik. makes a fundamental contribution in the context of the current boom in personalized medicine. We propose an additional crit...
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  2.  32
    Ethical Issues of Brain Organoids: Well Beyond “Consciousness”?Henri-Corto Stoeklé, Achille Ivasilevitch, Geneviève Marignac & Christian Hervé - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 13 (2):109-111.
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  3.  73
    23andMe: a new two-sided data-banking market model.Henri-Corto Stoeklé, Marie-France Mamzer-Bruneel, Guillaume Vogt & Christian Hervé - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundSince 2006, the genetic testing company 23andMe has collected biological samples, self-reported information, and consent documents for biobanking and research from more than 1,000,000 individuals, through a direct-to-consumer online genetic-testing service providing a genetic ancestry report and a genetic health report. However, on November 22, 2013, the Food and Drug Administration halted the sale of genetic health testing, on the grounds that 23andMe was not acting in accordance with federal law, by selling tests of undemonstrated reliability as predictive tests for (...)
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  4.  26
    From a voluntary vaccination policy to mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 in cancer patients: an empirical and interdisciplinary study in bioethics.Christian Hervé, Philippe Beuzeboc, Jean-François Geay, May Mabro, Asmahane Benmaziane, Titouan Kennel, Elisabeth Angellier, Sakina Sekkate & Henri-Corto Stoeklé - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-17.
    BackgroundAt the start of 2021, oncologists lacked the necessary scientific knowledge to adapt their clinical practices optimally when faced with cancer patients refusing or reluctant to be vaccinated against COVID-19, despite the marked vulnerability of these patients to severe, and even fatal forms of this new viral infectious disease. Oncologists at Foch Hospital were confronted with this phenomenon, which was observed worldwide, in both the general population and the population of cancer patients.MethodsBetween April and November 2021, the Ethics and Oncology (...)
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  5.  34
    Systemic Modelling in Bioethics.Henri-Corto Stoeklé, Philippe Charlier, Marie-France Mamzer-Bruneel, Christian Hervé & Guillaume Vogt - 2020 - The New Bioethics 26 (3):197-209.
    We present here a new method for bioethics: systemic modelling. In this method, the complex phenomenon being studied (e.g. personalized medicine, genetic testing, gene therapy, genetically modified organisms) is modelled as a whole, to shed light on its organization and functioning, and major (bio)ethical issues and solutions for their resolution are then identified. This systemic modelling method is ideal for use in the identification of solutions, rather than their validation, with other methods then used to test the solutions found. We (...)
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  6.  35
    (2 other versions)COVID-19: Act First, Think Later.Henri-Corto Stoeklé & Christian Hervé - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):W1-W1.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page W1-W1.
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  7.  36
    Genetic Data, Two-Sided Markets and Dynamic Consent: United States Versus France.Henri-Corto Stoeklé, Mauro Turrini, Philipe Charlier, Jean-François Deleuze, Christian Hervé & Guillaume Vogt - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (5):1597-1602.
    Networks for the exchange and/or sharing of genetic data are developing in many countries. We focus here on the situations in the US and France. We highlight some recent and remarkable differences between these two countries concerning the mode of access to, and the storage and use of genetic data, particularly as concerns two-sided markets and dynamic consent or dynamic electronic informed consent. This brief overview suggests that, even though the organization and function of these two-sided markets remain open to (...)
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  8.  19
    Recherche sur données : aspects juridiques et éthiques à travers l’expérience de l’hôpital Foch.Elisabeth Hulier-Ammar, Amélie Chioccarello, Pauline Touche, Achille Ivasilevitch, Henri-Corto Stoeklé & Christian Hervé - 2022 - Médecine et Droit 2022 (172):8-14.
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  9.  30
    Molecular Tumor Boards: Ethical Issues in the New Era of Data Medicine.Christian Hervé, Guillaume Vogt, Pierre Laurent-Puig, Christophe Tourneau, Charles-Henry Frouart, Marie-France Mamzer-Bruneel & Henri-Corto Stoeklé - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1):307-322.
    The practice and development of modern medicine requires large amounts of data, particularly in the domain of cancer. The future of personalized medicine lies neither with “genomic medicine” nor with “precision medicine”, but with “data medicine”. The establishment of this DM has required far-reaching changes, to establish four essential elements connecting patients and doctors: biobanks, databases, bioinformatic platforms and genomic platforms. The “transformation” of scientific research areas, such as genetics, bioinformatics and biostatistics, into clinical specialties has generated a new vision (...)
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  10.  38
    Molecular Tumor Boards: Ethical Issues in the New Era of Data Medicine.Henri-Corto Stoeklé, Marie-France Mamzer-Bruneel, Charles-Henry Frouart, Christophe Le Tourneau, Pierre Laurent-Puig, Guillaume Vogt & Christian Hervé - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1):307-322.
    The practice and development of modern medicine requires large amounts of data, particularly in the domain of cancer. The future of personalized medicine lies neither with “genomic medicine” nor with “precision medicine”, but with “data medicine”. The establishment of this DM has required far-reaching changes, to establish four essential elements connecting patients and doctors: biobanks, databases, bioinformatic platforms and genomic platforms. The “transformation” of scientific research areas, such as genetics, bioinformatics and biostatistics, into clinical specialties has generated a new vision (...)
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  11.  22
    Macro-bio-ethical Versus Micro-bio-ethical Issues Concerning Human Brain Organoids.Henri-Corto Stoeklé, Geneviève Marignac & Christian Hervé - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (2):199-202.
    Organoids, in general, have become an established theme in bioethics. However, brain organoids are almost unique due to the vital and symbolic nature of the organ they reproduce, albeit partially,...
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  12.  16
    COVID-19 : quel rôle pour les comités d’éthique?Henri-Corto Stoeklé, Achille Ivasilevitch, Elisabeth Hulier-Ammar, Dominique Reynaert & Christian Hervé - 2021 - Médecine et Droit 2021 (167):17-18.
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  13.  21
    Dynamic Consent in Neuroscience Too?Henri-Corto Stoeklé, Achille Ivasilevitch & Christian Hervé - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):70-72.
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  14.  59
    Improving the Quality of Host Country Ethical Oversight of International Research: The Use of a Collaborative ‘Pre‐Review’ Mechanism for a Study of Fexinidazole for Human A frican Trypanosomiasis.Carl H. Coleman, Chantal Ardiot, Séverine Blesson, Yves Bonnin, Francois Bompart, Pierre Colonna, Ames Dhai, Julius Ecuru, Andrew Edielu, Christian Hervé, François Hirsch, Bocar Kouyaté, Marie-France Mamzer-Bruneel, Dionko Maoundé, Eric Martinent, Honoré Ntsiba, Gérard Pelé, Gilles Quéva, Marie-Christine Reinmund, Samba Cor Sarr, Abdoulaye Sepou, Antoine Tarral, Djetodjide Tetimian, Olaf Valverde, Simon Van Nieuwenhove & Nathalie Strub-Wourgaft - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (3):241-247.
    Developing countries face numerous barriers to conducting effective and efficient ethics reviews of international collaborative research. In addition to potentially overlooking important scientific and ethical considerations, inadequate or insufficiently trained ethics committees may insist on unwarranted changes to protocols that can impair a study's scientific or ethical validity. Moreover, poorly functioning review systems can impose substantial delays on the commencement of research, which needlessly undermine the development of new interventions for urgent medical needs. In response to these concerns, the Drugs (...)
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  15.  64
    Reporting of ethical requirements in phase III surgical trials.Valérie Bridoux, Lilian Schwarz, Grégoire Moutel, Francis Michot, Christian Herve & Jean-Jacques Tuech - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (10):687-690.
    Background Disclosure of obtaining informed consent from patients (ICP) and research ethics committee (REC) approval in published reports is sometimes omitted. To date, no disclosure data are available on surgical research. Objective Our aim was to assess whether REC approval and ICP were documented in surgical trials. Study design Overall, 657 randomised trials, published between 2005 and 2010 in 10 international journals, were included. We collected the report rate of REC approval and ICP and contacted the corresponding author when ethical (...)
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  16.  35
    Data Medicine: ‘Broad’ or ‘Dynamic’ Consent?Henri-Corto Stoeklé, Elisabeth Hulier-Ammar & Christian Hervé - 2022 - Public Health Ethics 15 (2):181-185.
    The General Data Protection Regulation imposes, at European level, a need to seek express or explicit consent for the processing of health data. In the framework of biomedical research, some favor the use of express ‘broad’ consent, whereas other maintain, or wish to maintain the use of presumed or implicit consent, often referred to as ‘non-opposition’ in conditions in which such consent is still authorized. In our view, broad consent and presumed consent are likely to prove to be easy solutions (...)
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  17.  39
    Ethics requirements and impact factor.Philippe Charlier, Valérie Bridoux, Laurence Watier, Melissa Ménétrier, Geoffroy Lorin de la Grandmaison & Christian Hervé - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (4):253-255.
    Do all clinical research publications show strong application of ethics principles and respect for biomedical law? We examined, for the year 2009, the ethics requirements displayed on the website of 30 leading medical journals with an impact factor (IF) >10, and 30 others with an IF <10. We carried out a short study looking at the relationship between the IF of a journal and the ethics requirements in its instructions to authors. We show that the IF of a biomedical journal (...)
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  18.  17
    Les nouveaux paradigmes de la médecine personnalisée ou médecine de précision: enjeux juridiques, médicaux et éthiques.Christian Hervé & Michèle Stanton-Jean (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Dalloz.
    La médecine personnalisée expérimente dans le cadre du cancer, ou thérapies ciblées, ou encore médecine prédictive, voire médecine de précision. toutes ces appellations sous-entendent un domaine qui s'ébauche tant au niveau de la recherche qu'à celui de la clinique. Ce domaine se constitue de pratiques, de normes qui s'élaborent et de règles qui établissent de véritables limites. Ce volume présente ce que les disciplines du droit, de la biologie, de la médecine et de la philosophie ont à dire conjointement sur (...)
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  19.  24
    Trafic d’organes.Marie-France Mamzer-Bruneel & Christian Hervé - 2016 - Cités 1 (1):41-52.
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  20.  40
    Tracheotomy and children with spinal muscular atrophy type 1.Brigitte Rul, Franco Carnevale, Brigitte Estournet, Michèle Rudler & Christian Hervé - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (3):408-418.
    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) type 1 is a genetic neuromuscular disease in children that leads to degeneration of spinal cord motor neurons. This sometimes results in severe muscular paralysis requiring mechanical ventilation to sustain the child’s life. The onset of SMA type 1, the most severe form of the disease, is during the first year of life. These children become severely paralysed, but retain their intellectual capacity. Ethical concerns arise when mechanical ventilation becomes necessary for survival. When professionals assess the (...)
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  21.  19
    (1 other version)Bioethics after the COVID-19 pandemic: More research, fewer committees?Henri-Corto Stoeklé & Christian Hervé - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (4):327-330.
    In the face of the pandemic, bioethics, once again, proved its scientific utility. In France, in particular, the academic approach should be given priority over the institutional approach, in hospitals, research institutes, universities, and companies, with the professionalization that this would imply.
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  22.  15
    Protection de la personne Le consentement dynamique : une alternative à la rétraction de publications scientifiques en médecine?Henri-Corto Stoeklé, Côme Bommier & Christian Hervé - 2022 - Médecine et Droit 2022 (173):19-20.
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  23.  85
    A Review of: “Timothy F. Murphy. 2004. Case Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics”: Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. 368 pp. $29.00, paperback. [REVIEW]David Rodríguez-Arias & Christian Hervé - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (2):64-66.
    Cases are, in many ways, the lifeblood of bioethics (Crigger 1998, 15). Moral theory must be checked against the practical experience case studies provide, which experience may engender reasons to...
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