Results for 'Lauren Marsh'

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  1.  48
    When and how does labour lead to love? The ontogeny and mechanisms of the IKEA effect.Lauren E. Marsh, Patricia Kanngiesser & Bruce Hood - 2018 - Cognition 170 (C):245-253.
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    Picture yourself: Self-focus and the endowment effect in preschool children.Bruce Hood, Sandra Weltzien, Lauren Marsh & Patricia Kanngiesser - 2016 - Cognition 152 (C):70-77.
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    Two systems for action comprehension in autism: Mirroring and mentalizing.Antonia Hamilton & Lauren Marsh - 2013 - In Simon Baron-Cohen, Michael Lombardo & Helen Tager-Flusberg, Understanding Other Minds: Perspectives From Developmental Social Neuroscience. Oxford University Press. pp. 380.
  4.  44
    Solidarity and Community Engagement in Global Health Research.Bridget Pratt, Phaik Yeong Cheah & Vicki Marsh - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (5):43-56.
    Community engagement (CE) is gaining prominence in global health research. A number of ethical goals–spanning the instrumental, intrinsic, and transformative–have been ascribed to CE in global health research. This paper draws attention to an additional transformative value that CE is not typically linked to but that seems very relevant: solidarity. Both are concerned with building relationships and connecting parties that are distant from one another. This paper first argues that furthering solidarity should be recognized as another ethical goal for CE (...)
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    The cognitive, emotional, and social impact of the September 11th Attacks: Group differences in memory for the reception context and its determinants.Olivier Luminet, Antonietta Curci, Elizabeth J. Marsh, Ineke Wessel, Ticu Constantin, Faruk Gencoz, Masao Yogo, Boicho N. Kokinov & William Hirst - 2003 - In B. Kokinov & W Hirst, Constructive Memory. New Bulgarian University.
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    Experiences with community engagement and informed consent in a genetic cohort study of severe childhood diseases in Kenya.V. M. Marsh, D. M. Kamuya, A. M. Mlamba, T. N. Williams & S. S. Molyneux - 2010 - BMC Medical Ethics 11 (1):13-13.
    BackgroundThe potential contribution of community engagement to addressing ethical challenges for international biomedical research is well described, but there is relatively little documented experience of community engagement to inform its development in practice. This paper draws on experiences around community engagement and informed consent during a genetic cohort study in Kenya to contribute to understanding the strengths and challenges of community engagement in supporting ethical research practice, focusing on issues of communication, the role of field workers in 'doing ethics' on (...)
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  7. Beyond the Call of Beauty: Everyday Aesthetic Demands Under Patriarchy.Alfred Archer & Lauren Ware - 2018 - The Monist 101 (1):114-127.
    This paper defends two claims. First, we will argue for the existence of aesthetic demands in the realm of everyday aesthetics, and that these demands are not reducible to moral demands. Second, we will argue that we must recognise the limits of these demands in order to combat a widespread form of gendered oppression. The concept of aesthetic supererogation offers a new structural framework to understand both the pernicious nature of this oppression and what may be done to mitigate it.
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  8. Thought insertion: Abnormal sense of thought agency or thought endorsement?Paulo Sousa & Lauren Swiney - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (4):637-654.
    The standard approach to the core phenomenology of thought insertion characterizes it in terms of a normal sense of thought ownership coupled with an abnormal sense of thought agency. Recently, Fernández (2010) has argued that there are crucial problems with this approach and has proposed instead that what goes wrong fundamentally in such a phenomenology is a sense of thought commitment, characterized in terms of thought endorsement. In this paper, we argue that even though Fernández raises new issues that enrich (...)
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    BDNF mediates improvements in executive function following a 1-year exercise intervention.Regina L. Leckie, Lauren E. Oberlin, Michelle W. Voss, Ruchika S. Prakash, Amanda Szabo-Reed, Laura Chaddock-Heyman, Siobhan M. Phillips, Neha P. Gothe, Emily Mailey, Victoria J. Vieira-Potter, Stephen A. Martin, Brandt D. Pence, Mingkuan Lin, Raja Parasuraman, Pamela M. Greenwood, Karl J. Fryxell, Jeffrey A. Woods, Edward McAuley, Arthur F. Kramer & Kirk I. Erickson - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Adopting AI: how familiarity breeds both trust and contempt.Michael C. Horowitz, Lauren Kahn, Julia Macdonald & Jacquelyn Schneider - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-15.
    Despite pronouncements about the inevitable diffusion of artificial intelligence and autonomous technologies, in practice, it is human behavior, not technology in a vacuum, that dictates how technology seeps into—and changes—societies. To better understand how human preferences shape technological adoption and the spread of AI-enabled autonomous technologies, we look at representative adult samples of US public opinion in 2018 and 2020 on the use of four types of autonomous technologies: vehicles, surgery, weapons, and cyber defense. By focusing on these four diverse (...)
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    Interference by process, not content, determines semantic auditory distraction.John E. Marsh, Robert W. Hughes & Dylan M. Jones - 2009 - Cognition 110 (1):23-38.
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    The Lack of Clarity in the Precautionary Principle.Derek Turner & Lauren Hartzell - 2004 - Environmental Values 13 (4):449 - 460.
    The precautionary principle states, roughly, that it is better to take precautionary measures now than to deal with serious harms to the environment or human health later on. This paper builds on the work of Neil A. Manson in order to show that the precautionary principle, in all of its forms, is fraught with vagueness and ambiguity. We examine the version of the precautionary principle that was formulated at the Wingspread Conference sponsored by the Science and Environmental Health Network in (...)
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    Gender-Fluid Geek Girls: Negotiating Inequality Regimes in the Tech Industry.France Winddance Twine & Lauren Alfrey - 2017 - Gender and Society 31 (1):28-50.
    How do technically-skilled women negotiate the male-dominated environments of technology firms? This article draws upon interviews with female programmers, technical writers, and engineers of diverse racial backgrounds and sexual orientations employed in the San Francisco tech industry. Using intersectional analysis, this study finds that racially dominant women, who identified as LGBTQ and presented as gender-fluid, reported a greater sense of belonging in their workplace. They are perceived as more competent by male colleagues and avoided microaggressions that were routine among conventionally (...)
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    Contextualizing Counterintuitiveness: How Context Affects Comprehension and Memorability of Counterintuitive Concepts.M. Afzal Upala, Lauren O. Gonce, Ryan D. Tweney & D. Jason Slone - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (3):415-439.
    A number of anthropologists have argued that religious concepts are minimally counterintuitive and that this gives them mnemic advantages. This paper addresses the question of why people have the memory architecture that results in such concepts being more memorable than other types of concepts by pointing out the benefits of a memory structure that leads to better recall for minimally counterintuitive concepts and by showing how such benefits emerge in the real‐time processing of comprehending narratives such as folk tales. This (...)
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  15.  32
    Re-Routing Along the Path to Enshrine Global Neurorights.Helen S. Webster & Lauren R. Sankary - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (4):375-377.
    Herrera-Ferrá et al.’s (2023) attention to the cultural context of the neurorights movement contributes to the growing conversation on establishing neurorights in response to advancements in neuros...
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  16.  19
    Process, Praxis, and Transcendence.James L. Marsh - 1999 - State University of New York Press.
    Presents a North American philosophy of liberation that defends both metaphysics and philosophy of religion, and acts as a critique of neo-imperialism.
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  17. An infrastructural account of scientific objectivity for legal contexts and bloodstain pattern analysis.W. John Koolage, Lauren M. Williams & Morgen L. Barroso - 2021 - Science in Context 34 (1):101-119.
    ArgumentIn the United States, scientific knowledge is brought before the courts by way of testimony – the testimony of scientific experts. We argue that this expertise is best understoodfirstas related to the quality of the underlying scienceand thenin terms of who delivers it. Bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA), a contemporary forensic science, serves as the vaulting point for our exploration of objectivity as a metric for the quality of a science in judicial contexts. We argue that BPA fails to meet the (...)
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    Doing with development: Moving toward a complete theory of concepts.Haley A. Vlach, Lauren Krogh, Emily E. Thom & Catherine M. Sandhofer - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):227-228.
    Machery proposes that the construct of detracts from research progress. However, ignoring development also detracts from research progress. Developmental research has advanced our understanding of how concepts are acquired and thus is essential to a complete theory. We propose a framework that both accounts for development and holds great promise as a new direction for thinking about concepts.
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    Oral Sensory Sensitivity Influences Attentional Bias to Food Logo Images in Children: A Preliminary Investigation.Anna Wallisch, Lauren M. Little, Amanda S. Bruce & Brenda Salley - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundChildren’s sensory processing patterns are linked with their eating habits; children with increased sensory sensitivity are often picky eaters. Research suggests that children’s eating habits are also partially influenced by attention to food and beverage advertising. However, the extent to which sensory processing influences children’s attention to food cues remains unknown. Therefore, we examined the attentional bias patterns to food vs. non-food logos among children 4–12 years with and without increased oral sensory sensitivity.DesignChildren were categorized into high vs. typical oral (...)
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    Are “Bad” Employees Happier Under Bad Bosses? Differing Effects of Abusive Supervision on Low and High Primary Psychopathy Employees.Dante Pirouz, Yongsuhk Jung, Lauren Simon & Charlice Hurst - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):1149-1164.
    Psychopathy is typically seen as a trait that is undesirable in any context, including the workplace. But several authors have suggested that people high in psychopathy might possess resources that preserve their ability to perform well in stressful contexts. We consider the possibility that primary psychopathy is adaptive—for the employee, if not for the organization—under conditions of abusive supervision. In particular, we draw from the multimotive model of interpersonal threat and the theory of purposeful work behavior to argue that high (...)
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  21.  33
    A Matter of Intent: A Social Obligation to Improve Criminal Procedures for Individuals with Dementia.Jalayne J. Arias & Lauren S. Flicker - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (2):318-327.
    The relationship between dementia and criminal behavior perplexes legal and health care systems. Dementia is a progressive clinical syndrome defined by impairment in at least two cognitive domains that interferes with one's activities of daily. Dementia symptoms have been associated with behaviors that violate social norms and constitute criminal actions. A failure to address a gap in policies that support appropriate management of individuals with dementia reflects a failure in our social obligation to care for those who are most vulnerable (...)
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  22.  15
    Medicine and money: a study of the role of beneficence in health care cost containment.Frank H. Marsh - 1990 - New York: Greenwood Press. Edited by Mark Yarborough.
    Medicine and Money explores the role of beneficence and cost control in health-care systems. The book's primary concern of morally improving medicine is achieved by dividing the argument into two parts. The first defines the crisis in health-care and justifies beneficence. The second part offers practical suggestions on implementing beneficence into the system. Medicine and Money is one of the few books to provide concrete suggestions on improving the health-care system from the micro level for addressing cost concerns in a (...)
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  23. Amos and Micah.John Marsh - 1959
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    Abortion and the law: the Supreme Court, privacy, and abortion.F. H. Marsh - 1997 - Advances in Bioethics 2:107.
  25.  30
    A Concluding Scientific Postscript.James L. Marsh - 1975 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 6 (3):159-171.
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    A new company descriptor takes us into a new era.Rebecca Marsh - 2011 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 9 (1).
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    Athens or Jerusalem?Jack Marsh - 2020 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 2 (1):108-116.
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    A radical approach to enzyme catalysis.E. Neil G. Marsh - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (5):431-441.
    Free radicals are generally perceived as highly reactive species which are harmful to biological systems. There are, however, a number of enzymes that use carbon‐based radicals to catalyse a variety of important and unusual reactions. The most prominent example is ribonucleotide reductase, an enzyme which is crucial for the synthesis of DNA. In general, radicals are used to remove hydrogen from unreactive positions in the substrate, and in this way the substrate is activated to undergo chemical transformations that would otherwise (...)
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    Alan Ware, The Dynamics of Two Party Politics (Oxford University Press, 2009).M. I. Marsh - 2011 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 12 (3):421-425.
    This small book packs a considerable theoretical and practical punch. Alan Ware challenges much received wisdom about the dynamics of two party politics. In the process, he adds considerably to contemporary discussion of the intersection of structure and agency in the development and adaptation of political systems. Ware picks out two party systems for concentrated attention because of their relative tractability – in his words: ‘these systems are ideal for analysing the capacity of parties to pursue their interests in the (...)
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    Democratic Decline and Democratic Renewal: Political Change in Britain, Australia and New Zealand.Ian Marsh & Raymond Miller - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    The story of liberal democracy over the last half century has been a triumphant one in many ways, with the number of democracies increasing from a minority of states to a significant majority. Yet substantial problems afflict democratic states, and while the number of democratic countries has expanded, democratic practice has contracted. This book introduces a novel framework for evaluating the rise and decline of democratic governance. Examining three mature democratic countries – Britain, Australia and New Zealand – the authors (...)
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    Dialectical Phenomenology as Critical Social Theory.James L. Marsh - 1985 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 16 (2):177-193.
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  32. Ethics of clinical research'.B. T. Marsh - 1985 - In D. M. Burley & Theodore Barker Binns, Pharmaceutical medicine. Baltimore, Md., U.S.A.: E. Arnold.
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    Erasmus on the Antithesis of Body and Soul.David Marsh - 1976 - Journal of the History of Ideas 37 (4):673.
    While exhorting his readers to turn to a life of spirituality, Erasmus often refers to the dichotomy of man's body and soul. The development of this hortatory leitmotif is traced from erasmus' early "enchiridion" to the latest of his "colloquia," in a survey comprising more than thirty years of erasmus' mature writings. (staff).
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    Freedom.James L. Marsh - 1976 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 50:82-89.
  35.  28
    Friendship Otherwise – Toward a Levinasian Description of Personal Friendship.Jack Marsh - 2005 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 5 (2):1-8.
    A Levinasian reading of intimate and personal friendship – of friendship “otherwise than political”, as it were – suggests that intimate and personal friendship cannot be subsumed under either completely ethical or completely erotic terms. While friendship can be understood as a certain “fraternity”, and thus be legitimately employed in discussing justice and politics, such a usage trades on a certain equivocation. Hermeneutics seeks to make the alien familiar, and deconstruction seeks to show that the familiar is always (already) alien. (...)
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  36.  42
    Failing to get the gist of what's being said: background noise impairs higher-order cognitive processing.John E. Marsh, Robert Ljung, Anatole Nöstl, Emma Threadgold & Tom A. Campbell - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Heidegger's Overcoming of Metaphysics: A Critique.James L. Marsh - 1985 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 16 (1):55-69.
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  38.  12
    Index.James Marsh - 2014 - In James L. Marsh, Lonergan in the World: self-appropriation, otherness, and justice. Toronto: University of Toronto. pp. 183-185.
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    Intelligence: Beyond a monolithic concept.George E. Marsh & Asghar Iran-Nejad - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (4):329-332.
  40. Lorenzo Valla In Naples: The Translation From Xenophon's Cyropaedia.David Marsh - 1984 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 46 (2):407-420.
  41.  16
    Metamagnetism in the perovskite compound Gd2CoMnO6.A. Marsh & C. C. Clark - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (159):449-463.
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    Notes.James Marsh - 2014 - In James L. Marsh, Lonergan in the World: self-appropriation, otherness, and justice. Toronto: University of Toronto. pp. 163-182.
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    (1 other version)Novantiqua: Rhetorics as a Contemporary Theory.David Marsh & Paolo Valesio - 1981 - Substance 10 (1):105.
  44.  21
    Outside‐in curriculum development: Promises and problems.Colin J. Marsh - 1984 - British Journal of Educational Studies 32 (1):18-26.
  45.  5
    12. On Really Living.James Marsh - 2014 - In James L. Marsh, Lonergan in the World: self-appropriation, otherness, and justice. Toronto: University of Toronto. pp. 138-145.
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    Post-Modernism.James L. Marsh - 1995 - International Philosophical Quarterly 35 (2):159-173.
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    Preface.James Marsh - 2014 - In James L. Marsh, Lonergan in the World: self-appropriation, otherness, and justice. Toronto: University of Toronto.
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    7. Postmodernism: A Lonerganian Retrieval and Critique.James Marsh - 2014 - In James L. Marsh, Lonergan in the World: self-appropriation, otherness, and justice. Toronto: University of Toronto. pp. 66-83.
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  49. Poggio and Alberti. 3. a new source for Alberti, lb'convelata'vat-lat-4037.D. Marsh - 1983 - Rinascimento 23:212-215.
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  50. Poggio and Alberti. 2. Alberti as satirist.David Marsh - 1983 - Rinascimento 23:198-212.
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