Results for 'Laura Lamers'

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  1.  30
    A Capability Approach to worker dignity under Algorithmic Management.Mieke Boon, Giedo Jansen, Jeroen Meijerink & Laura Lamers - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (1).
    This paper proposes a conceptual framework to study and evaluate the impact of ‘Algorithmic Management’ (AM) on worker dignity. While the literature on AM addresses many concerns that relate to the dignity of workers, a shared understanding of what worker dignity means, and a framework to study it, in the context of software algorithms at work is lacking. We advance a conceptual framework based on a Capability Approach (CA) as a route to understanding worker dignity under AM. This paper contributes (...)
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    The researcher's guide to selecting biomarkers in mental health studies.Josine E. Verhoeven, Owen M. Wolkowitz, Isaac Barr Satz, Quinn Conklin, Femke Lamers, Catharina Lavebratt, Jue Lin, Daniel Lindqvist, Stefanie E. Mayer, Philippe A. Melas, Yuri Milaneschi, Martin Picard, Ryan Rampersaud, Natalie Rasgon, Kathryn Ridout, Gustav Söderberg Veibäck, Caroline Trumpff, Audrey R. Tyrka, Kathleen Watson, Gwyneth Winnie Y. Wu, Ruoting Yang, Anthony S. Zannas, Laura K. M. Han & Kristoffer N. T. Månsson - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (10):2300246.
    Clinical mental health researchers may understandably struggle with how to incorporate biological assessments in clinical research. The options are numerous and are described in a vast and complex body of literature. Here we provide guidelines to assist mental health researchers seeking to include biological measures in their studies. Apart from a focus on behavioral outcomes as measured via interviews or questionnaires, we advocate for a focus on biological pathways in clinical trials and epidemiological studies that may help clarify pathophysiology and (...)
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  3. Toward a plausible event-causal indeterminist account of free will.Laura W. Ekstrom - 2019 - Synthese 196 (1):127-144.
    For those who maintain that free will is incompatible with causal determinism, a persistent problem is to give a coherent characterization of action that is neither determined by prior events nor random, arbitrary, lucky or in some way insufficiently under the control of the agent to count as free action. One approach—that of Roderick Chisholm and others—is to say that a third alternative is for an action to be caused by an agent in a way that is not reducible to (...)
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    Commons Organizing: Embedding Common Good and Institutions for Collective Action. Insights from Ethics and Economics.Laura Albareda & Alejo Jose G. Sison - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (4):727-743.
    In recent years, business ethics and economic scholars have been paying greater attention to the development of commons organizing. The latter refers to the processes by which communities of people work in common in the pursuit of the common good. In turn, this promotes commons organizational designs based on collective forms of common goods production, distribution, management and ownership. In this paper, we build on two main literature streams: the ethical approach based on the theory of the common good of (...)
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    Age and Gender Differences in Emotion Recognition.Laura Abbruzzese, Nadia Magnani, Ian H. Robertson & Mauro Mancuso - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  6. Modalidad y atenuación. Análisis de un poco y de sus alteraciones morfológicas en las conversaciones coloquiales.Laura Mariottini - 2012 - Oralia 15:177 - 204.
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  7. It's a Matter of Principle: Scientific Explanation in Information‐Theoretic Reconstructions of Quantum Theory.Laura Felline - 2016 - Dialectica 70 (4):549-575.
    The aim of this paper is to explore the ways in which Axiomatic Reconstructions of Quantum Theory in terms of Information-Theoretic principles can contribute to explaining and understanding quantum phenomena, as well as to study their explanatory limitations. This is achieved in part by offering an account of the kind of explanation that axiomatic reconstructions of Quantum Theory provide, and re-evaluating the epistemic status of the program in light of this explanation. As illustrative case studies, I take Clifton's, Bub's and (...)
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  8. Relationships among cognition, emotion, and motivation: implications for intervention and neuroplasticity in psychopathology.Laura D. Crocker, Wendy Heller, Stacie L. Warren, Aminda J. O'Hare, Zachary P. Infantolino & Gregory A. Miller - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  9.  29
    Food packaging cues influence taste perception and increase effort provision for a recommended snack product in children.Laura Enax, Bernd Weber, Maren Ahlers, Ulrike Kaiser, Katharina Diethelm, Dominik Holtkamp, Ulya Faupel, Hartmut H. Holzmüller & Mathilde Kersting - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  10. Eye contact with neutral and smiling faces: effects on autonomic responses and frontal EEG asymmetry.Laura M. Pönkänen & Jari K. Hietanen - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  11. Medicalization, medical necessity, and feminist medicine.Laura Purdy - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (3):248–261.
    New and proposed medical technologies continually challenge our vision of what constitutes appropriate medical treatment. As scholars and consumers grapple with the meaning of innovation, one common critical theme to surface is that it constitutes undesirable medicalization. But we are embodied creatures who can often benefit from medical knowledge; in addition, rejection of medicalization may be in some cases based on an untenable appeal to nature. Harnessing the power of medicine for women’s welfare requires us to rethink the goals of (...)
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  12.  45
    Victimhood dissociation and conflict resolution: evidence from the Colombian peace plebiscite.Laura Acosta - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (4):679-714.
    How does violence shape citizens’ preferences for conflict termination? The existing literature has argued that violence either begets sympathy for more violence or drives support for making peace. Focusing on the 2016 Colombian Peace Agreement, this article finds that victimhood dissociation strongly shapes these preferences. With victimhood dissociation, a discrepancy exists between objective and subjective victimization, and the effect of violence on peace attitudes depends on citizens’ subjective interpretations of their personal experiences of violence. Citizens who do not experience violence (...)
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    An Office on Main Street Health Care Dilemmas in Small Communities.Laura Weiss Roberts, John Battaglia, Margaret Smithpeter & Richard S. Epstein - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (4):28-37.
    The health care needs of rural populations often differ from those of their urban counterparts. And the ethical dilemmas that caregivers face are distinctively shaped in rural settings, not only by resource constraints, but by the nature of life in small, close-knit communities as well.
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  14. „Respect “,„Dignity “and „Integrity “: An Environmental Proposal for Ethics.Laura Westra - 1989 - Epistemologia 12 (11):91-123.
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  15.  18
    Foucault and the Making of Subjects.Laura Cremonesi, Orazio Irrera, Daniele Lorenzini & Martina Tazzioli (eds.) - 2016 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Explores a Foucaultian understanding of the subject in relation to truth and power.
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    Making men into dads: Fatherhood, the state, and welfare reform.Laura S. Abrams & Laura Curran - 2000 - Gender and Society 14 (5):662-678.
    Recent revisions in child support and paternity establishment legislation enacted under the 1996 welfare reform act, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, significantly alter the American welfare state's relationship to men's fathering. Through a critical review of prior research and social service literature, the authors argue that PRWORA actively constructs fatherhood not only through state policies that maintain males as “breadwinners” but also through state-sponsored social service programs that seek to influence men's identities as fathers. PRWORA's policies and (...)
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    The Greeks and the Environment.Laura Westra, Thomas M. Robinson, Madonna R. Adams, Donald N. Blakeley, C. W. DeMarco, Owen Goldin, Alan Holland, Timothy A. Mahoney, Mohan Matten, M. Oelschlaeger, Anthony Preus, J. M. Rist, T. M. Robinson, Richard Shearman & Daryl McGowan Tress (eds.) - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Environmental ethicists have frequently criticized ancient Greek philosophy as anti-environmental for a view of philosophy that is counterproductive to environmental ethics and a view of the world that puts nature at the disposal of people. This provocative collection of original essays reexamines the views of nature and ecology found in the thought of Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, and Plotinus. Recognizing that these thinkers were not confronted with the environmental degradation that threatens contemporary philosophers, the contributors to this book find that (...)
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  18.  31
    Editorial: Neural Mechanisms Underlying Movement-Based Embodied Contemplative Practices.Laura Schmalzl & Catherine E. Kerr - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  19.  46
    Reflections on researcher departure: Closure of prison relationships in ethnographic research.Laura Abbott & Tricia Scott - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1424-1441.
    Background: The United Kingdom has the highest incarceration rate in Western Europe. It is known that women in prison are a vulnerable female population who are at risk of mental ill-health due to disadvantaged and chaotic life experiences. Accurate numbers of pregnant women held in UK prisons are not recorded, yet it is estimated that 6%–7% of the female prison population are at varying stages of pregnancy and around 100 babies are born to incarcerated women each year. There are limited (...)
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    A metaphor in search of a source domain: The categories of Slavic aspect.Laura A. Janda - 2004 - Cognitive Linguistics 15 (4):471–527.
    I propose that human experience of matter provides the source domain for the metaphor that motivates the grammatical category of aspect in Russian. This model is a version of the universal TIME IS SPACE metaphor, according to which SITUATIONS ARE MATERIAL ENTITIES, and, more specifically, PERFECTIVE IS A DISCRETE SOLID OBJECT versus IMPERFECTIVE IS A FLUID SUBSTANCE. The contrast of discrete solid objects with fluid substances reveals a rich array of over a dozen properties; the isomorphism observed between those properties (...)
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    Disgust and fear in response to spiders.Laura L. Vernon & Howard Berenbaum - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (6):809-830.
    We examined disgust and fear responses to spiders in spider-distressed and nondistressed individuals. Undergraduate participants (N = 134) completed questionnaires concerning responses to spiders and other potentially aversive stimuli, as well as measures of disgust sensitivity, anxious arousal, worry, and anhedonic depression. In addition, we obtained self-report and facial expressions of disgust and fear while participants were exposed to a live tarantula. Both spider distressed and nondistressed individuals reported disgust and exhibited disgust facial expressions in response to a tarantula. Disgust (...)
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    Let it be: Heidegger and future generations.Laura Westra - 1985 - Environmental Ethics 7 (4):341-350.
    The concept offreedom in Heidegger’s sense of truth or unconcealedness of beings may be applied to future generations without thereby reducing the status of other elements within the environment to mere means, since Da-sein’s approach as one who is a caring and concernful, anxious and aware of its own death in an authentic manner, does not place man in any sense “above” other things. This care (Sorge), concern, favor can be captured in Heidegger’s remark that man is not the lord (...)
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  23. Uncovering Metaethical Assumptions in Bioethical Discourse across Cultures.Laura Specker Sullivan - 2016 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 26 (1):47-78.
    Bioethics seeks to answer questions and resolve problems that change along with developments in medicine and biology. Ethical justification plays a crucial role in bioethical analysis by clarifying the reasons that support complex judgments about particular actions and general policies.1 It helps bioethicists to determine what to allow, forbid, support, and minimize. When there is disagreement, it can also aid understanding of competing positions. However, at times, disagreement on particular issues becomes so entrenched that understanding seems impossible. In such circumstances, (...)
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    Planning a ‘negligible risk’ national health service survey? Counting the cost and strategies for success: a short report.Laura Cooper, Kylie Johnston & Marie Williams - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (1):128-135.
    Many countries, including Australia, have established a national scheme that supports the recognition of a single ethical review for multi-centre research conducted in publicly funded health services. However, local site-specific governance review processes remain decentralised and highly variable. This short report describes the ethics and governance processes required for a negligible risk national survey of physiotherapy-led airway clearance services in Australia. We detail inconsistencies in research governance document preparation and submission (platforms, processes, forms and signatories) and report the time cost (...)
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    A “Transgenic Dinner”? Social and Ethical Issues in Biotechnology and Agriculture.Laura Westra - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 24 (3):215-232.
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    Notas sobre a influência platônica em Michelangelo.Laura Elizia Haubert - 2019 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 1 (2):340-363.
    A presente pesquisa visou a explorar brevemente as relações entre as obras do jovem Michelangelo e a influência teórica do platonismo e neoplatonismo que se disseminaram em Florença durante a época de Lorenzo, o Magnífico. Para empreender o projeto com clareza, dividiu-se a abordagem em quatro momentos, sendo eles: i) uma introdução geral; ii) o cenário Florentino e a filosofia platônica; iii) a filosofia platônica, seus principais pontos e a recuperação de seus conceitos pelos humanistas renascentistas; e iv) a influência (...)
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    John Dewey e as raízes da estética do cotidiano.Laura Elizia Haubert - 2023 - Cognitio 24 (1):e61338.
    Nas últimas duas décadas a estética do cotidiano tornou-se um importante tema de debate entre filósofos de tradição anglófona. Essa teoria contempla a possibilidade de que o cotidiano seja fonte de experiências estéticas, além de realizar uma crítica da tradição. Ambos os elementos também estão presentes e são centrais para a estética pragmatista desenvolvida por John Dewey na primeira metade do século XX. Neste breve ensaio, realiza-se uma aproximação dos dois projetos teóricos por meio de um eixo de questão em (...)
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    Introduction.Stuart J. Youngner, Laura A. Siminoff & Renie Schapiro - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (3):211-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionStuart J. Youngner (bio), Laura A. Siminoff (bio), and Renie Schapiro (bio)This issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal (KIEJ) centers on a piece of empirical research. The motivation behind the study of Laura Siminoff, Christopher Burant, and Stuart Youngner (2004) was to find out more about what the general public understands and believes about when a person is dead. More specifically, the study tried to (...)
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  29. A Feminist View of Health.Laura Purdy - 1996 - In Susan M. Wolf, Feminism & bioethics: beyond reproduction. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    What Feminism Can Do for Bioethics.Laura M. Purdy - 2001 - Health Care Analysis 9 (2):117-132.
    Feminist criticism of health care and ofbioethics has become increasingly rich andsophisticated in the last years of thetwentieth century. Nonetheless, this body ofwork remains quite marginalized. I believe thatthere are (at least) two reasons for this.First, many people are still confused aboutfeminism. Second, many people are unconvincedthat significant sexism still exists and aretherefore unreceptive to arguments that itshould be remedied if there is no largerbenefit. In this essay I argue for a thin,``core'' conception of feminism that is easy tounderstand and (...)
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  31. How I Found My Way to the Written Word Through Visual Art.Laura Donkers - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (7):511-519.
    The author’s practice-led research explores “the act of living.” In order to advance this idea, the author has acquired skills in investigation and expressed her thinking through a descriptive and explanatory visual language. The author’s learning journey, while not unique, has not been an ordinary one. Initial academic failure to achieve in the school education system contributes to choosing a life working on the land and harbouring the belief that she is unable to learn academically. Still, the author has gained (...)
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    Los y las subalternas pueden hablar.Laura Rodriguez Agüero - 2022 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 7 (1):1-13.
    En el presente trabajo nos proponemos reflexionar acerca de las posibilidades, límites y desafíos que se presentan en la práctica docente cuando jóvenes de sectores subalternos emprenden la tarea de escribir sus propias historias. Estas reflexiones surgen a partir de una experiencia pedagógica desarrollada en el marco del Programa Pueblos Originarios y Escuelas Rurales de la UNCuyo. Consideramos que la fragmentación y la discontinuidad es un rasgo de la memoria colectiva de los sectores subalternos, sin embargo, en ocasiones encuentra espacios (...)
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    Aesthetic Appeal and Utility of Vedic Mathematics: An Introduction.Laura Aimo - forthcoming - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico.
    Mathematics and aesthetics are closely intertwined. Not only mathematical concepts, relationships and theorems can be aesthetically pleasing, but we also often find harmony between their results and the patterns of the world around us, and we like that. Yet, apart from rare exceptions, the beauty of mathematics, particularly in education, is mostly unrecognized: this science rarely meets the favour of students. Vedic mathematics is an approach which encapsulates the enjoyment and power of this knowledge, not only in the sphere of (...)
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    (The Image of) God in All of Us.Laura E. Alexander - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (4):653-678.
    This essay compares Sikh and Christian thought about and practices of hospitality in light of the global refugee crisis. It aims to show how both practices of hospitality, and religious ethical thought about hospitality, can be enhanced by dialogue between traditions. The refugee crisis arises out of a global failure of hospitality, and the type of hospitality refugees most fundamentally need is that which confers membership in a political community. Comparing Christian and Sikh ethics of hospitality provides guidance toward building (...)
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  35.  21
    On Aristotle, Topics 2.Laura M. Castelli - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Laura Maria Castelli.
    Aristotle's Topics is a handbook for dialectic, which can be understood as a philosophical debate between a questioner and a respondent. In book 2, Aristotle mainly develops strategies for making deductions about 'accidents', which are properties that might or might not belong to a subject (for instance, Socrates has five fingers, but might have had six), and about properties that simply belong to a subject without further specification. In the present commentary, here translated into English for the first time, Alexander (...)
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    El Estatus Moral de Los Animales: ¿Igual o Menor Al de Los Humanos?Laura Duhau - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 32:45-56.
    Dentro de las posturas que consideran que los animales tienen estatus moral, hay dos tipos de posturas: las que consideran que los animales tienen el mismo estatus moral que los humanos, y las que consideran que los animales tienen menos estatus moral que los humanos. En este artículo argumento que ambos tipos de posturas son práctica y teóricamente equivalentes. En primer lugar, argumentaré que dichas posturas no hacen ninguna diferencia práctica, en tanto desde ellas pueden justificarse los mismos juicios morales. (...)
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    Love, Autism Style.Laura Shumaker - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (3):173-176.
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    Nous and phren: intellectual knowledge, reasoning, and erotic wisdom in Socrates and Plato.Laura Candiotto - 2016 - Methodos 16.
    L’étude de la notion de nous est un cas très intéressant pour saisir la différence entre l’épistémologie de Socrate et celle de Platon. En effet, le mot nous, au coeur de l’épistémologie du Phédon et de la République malgré des différences évidentes, n’apparaît que rarement dans les dialogues de jeunesse et dans les témoignages de la première génération de socratiques. Il est donc nécessaire de comprendre pourquoi le nous n’est pas central dans la méthode socratique, et une des raisons de (...)
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    Real Images Flow: Mullā Sadrā Meets Film-Philosophy.Laura U. Marks - 2016 - Film-Philosophy 20 (1):24-46.
    The eastern Islamic concept of the imaginal realm, which explains how supra-sensory realities present themselves to imaginative perception, can enrich the imagination of film-philosophy. The imaginal realm, in Arabic ‘alam al-mithal, world of images, or ‘alam al-khayal, imaginative world, is part of a triadic ontology of sensible, imaginal, and intelligible realms. Diverging from roots shared with Western thought in the concept of the imaginative faculty, the Islamic imaginal realm is supra-individual and more real than matter. The imaginal realm is a (...)
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    Physics and Method.Laura Ruetsche - 2016 - In Herman Cappelen, Tamar Gendler & John Hawthorne, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Methodology. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    This article deals with the methodologies used in philosophy of physics. It begins by considering some methodological inclinations at large in the community of philosophers of physics in order to convey some sense of the plethora of methodologies, self-conscious and otherwise, to be found at the interfaces of philosophy, mathematics, and physics. It then describes and defends a methodological inclination to understand and pursue the project of interpreting physical theories in a way that runs counter to a methodological disposition prevalent (...)
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  41.  48
    [Book review] children of choice, freedom and the new reproductive technologies. [REVIEW]Laura M. Purdy - 1996 - Criminal Justice Ethics 15 (1):67-74.
  42.  36
    Biotechnology and Transgenics in Agriculture and Aquaculture: The Perspective from Ecosystem Integrity.Laura Westra - 1998 - Environmental Values 7 (1):79-96.
    New agricultural technologies are often justified morally in terms of their expected benefits, e.g., feeding the world's hungry. Such justifications stand or fall, not only on whether such benefits are indeed forthcoming, but on whether or not they are outweighed by attendant dangers. The practical details of easch case are, therefore, all-important. In this paper agriculture and aquaculture are examined from the perspective of ecosystem integrity, and with further reference to the uncertain effects of anthropogenic changes in the earth's atmosphere. (...)
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    Post-normal science, the precautionary principle and the ethics of integrity.Laura Westra - 1997 - Foundations of Science 2 (2):237-262.
    Present laws and regulations even in democratic countries are not sufficient to prevent the grave environmental threats we face. Further, even environmental ethics, when they remain anthropocentric cannot propose a better approach. I argue that, taking in considerations the precautionary principle, and adopting the perspective of post-normal science, the ethics of integrity suggest a better way to reduce ecological threats and promote the human good globally.
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  44. Virtue ethics as foundational for a global ethic.Laura Westra - 2005 - In Philip Cafaro & Ronald Sandler, Environmental Virtue Ethics. Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 79--91.
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    The Tragedy of the Freelance Hustler: Hegel, Gender and Civil Society.Laura Brace - 2002 - Contemporary Political Theory 1 (3):329-347.
    This paper explores the gendering of civil society by focusing on the moral campaigns against wet nursing and in favour of maternal feeding in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, drawing attention to the overlap between the family and market society. It argues that the organization of sexual difference is central to the social world and to the idea of civil society in Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Men enjoyed the benefits of ethical incorporation into a rich version of civil (...)
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    Proprioceptive Dysfunction in Focal Dystonia: From Experimental Evidence to Rehabilitation Strategies.Laura Avanzino & Mirta Fiorio - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    The Florence Nightingale Effect: Organizational Identification Explains the Peculiar Link Between Others’ Suffering and Workplace Functioning in the Homelessness Sector.Laura J. Ferris, Jolanda Jetten, Melissa Johnstone, Elise Girdham, Cameron Parsell & Zoe C. Walter - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    El desarrollo psicológico humano como proceso de continuidad Y ruptura: La “situación social Del desarrollo”.Laura García - 2015 - Educação E Filosofia 29 (57):21-42.
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    Familiarity, Priming, and Perception in Similarity Judgments.M. Hiatt Laura & J. Gregory Trafton - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (6):1450-1484.
    We present a novel way of accounting for similarity judgments. Our approach posits that similarity stems from three main sources—familiarity, priming, and inherent perceptual likeness. Here, we explore each of these constructs and demonstrate their individual and combined effectiveness in explaining similarity judgments. Using these three measures, our account of similarity explains ratings of simple, color-based perceptual stimuli that display asymmetry effects, as well as more complicated perceptual stimuli with structural properties; more traditional approaches to similarity solve one or the (...)
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    The neural correlates of reference to the past.Bos Laura, Wartenburger Isabell, Ries Jan & Bastiaanse Roelien - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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