Results for 'Larry Penwell'

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  1.  23
    Happiness, depression, and the Pollyanna principle.William N. Dember & Larry Penwell - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (5):321-323.
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  2. Unconscious perception: Attention, awareness, and control.J. A. Debner & Larry L. Jacoby - 1994 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 20:304-17.
  3. Reading Dewey: Interpretations for a Postmodern Generation.Larry A. Hickman - 1999 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 35 (1):240-247.
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    Kant on the Moral Triebfeder.Larry Herrera - 2000 - Kant Studien 91 (4):395-410.
  5. Suffer the Little Children.Hugh LaFollette & Larry May - 1995 - In William Aiken & Hugh LaFollette (eds.), World Hunger and Morality. Prentice-Hall.
    Children are the real victims of world hunger: at least 70% of the malnourished people of the world are children. By best estimates forty thousand children a day die of starvation (FAO 1989: 5). Children do not have the ability to forage for themselves, and their nutritional needs are exceptionally high. Hence, they are unable to survive for long on their own, especially in lean times. Moreover, they are especially susceptible to diseases and conditions which are the staple of undernourished (...)
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    Axiomatic proofs through automated reasoning.Branden Fitelson & Larry Wos - 2000 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 29 (3):125-36.
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  7. A survey of the status of earth science in Kansas schools.Kevin D. Finson & Larry G. Enochs - 1988 - Science Education 72 (1):83-92.
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    Direction, causation, and appraisal theories of emotion.Larry A. Herzberg - 2009 - Philosophical Psychology 22 (2):167 – 186.
    Appraisal theories of emotion generally presuppose that emotions are “directed at” various items. They also hold that emotions have motivational properties. However, although it coheres well with their views, they have yet to seriously develop the idea that the function of emotional direction is to guide those properties. I argue that this “guidance hypothesis” can open up a promising new field of research in emotion theory. But I also argue that before appraisal theorists can take full advantage of it, they (...)
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  9. The Predicament of the Prosperous.Bruce C. Birch & Larry L. Rasmussen - 1978
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    Modern management and the Church.Brian S. Bainbridge & Larry Peterson - 1999 - The Australasian Catholic Record 76 (2):199.
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    The mood elevator: take charge of your feelings, become a better you.Larry Senn - 2017 - Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
    Preface -- The mood elevator -- What drives the mood elevator? -- Up the mood elevator : the big payoffs -- Escaping unhealthy normal -- Braking your mood elevator : the power of curiosity -- Interrupting your pattern -- Feeding the thoughts you favor -- Living in mild preference -- Shifting your set point : the wellness equation -- Quieting your mind -- Cultivating gratitude -- Honoring our separate realities -- Nurturing faith and optimism -- Dealing with your down days (...)
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    Saskia Sassen on Method and Interpretation: Comments on the 2013 Coss Dialogue Lecture.Larry A. Hickman - 2013 - The Pluralist 8 (3):90-95.
    Sassen is Interested in what she terms “conceptually subterranean trends” that are for the most part invisible to current analytical methods but visible, or in her words, “legible,” to other, newer sorts of analytical tools that she herself is developing. She thus emphasizes suspension of accepted methods and development of certain “analytic tactics” that function, as she puts it, “before method.” What this means more specifically is that she is not so much analyzing the structures of existing institutions but instead (...)
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    Introduction.Becker Larry & Kymlicka Will - 1995 - Ethics 105 (3):465-467.
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  14. Constitutivism, belief, and emotion.Larry A. Herzberg - 2008 - Dialectica 62 (4):455-482.
    Constitutivists about one's cognitive access to one's mental states often hold that for any rational subject S and mental state M falling into some specified range of types, necessarily, if S believes that she has M, then S has M. Some argue that such a principle applies to beliefs about all types of mental state. Others are more cautious, but offer no criterion by which the principle's range could be determined. In this paper I begin to develop such a criterion, (...)
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  15. Technology and ecology: the proceedings of the VII International Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology.Larry A. Hickman & Elizabeth F. Porter (eds.) - 1993 - Carbondale, IL: The Society.
  16.  90
    Hume Studies Referees, 2003–2004.Kate Abramson, Larry Arnhart, Carla Bagnoli, Martin Bell, Theodore Benditt, Christopher Berry, Deborah Boyle, John Bricke, Justin Broackes & Janet Broughton - 2004 - Hume Studies 30 (2):443-445.
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    Practical Matter: Newton’s Science in the Service of Industry and Empire, 1687–1851.Margaret C. Jacob & Larry Stewart - 2004 - Harvard University Press.
    From 1687, the year when Newton published his Principia, to the Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851, science gradually became central to Western thought and economic development. The book examines how, despite powerful opposition on the Continent, a Newtonian understanding gained acceptance and practical application.
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  18.  44
    Secularism, secularization, and John Dewey.Larry A. Hickman - 2009 - Education and Culture 25 (2):pp. 21-33.
  19.  10
    Key Contemporary Social Theorists.Anthony Elliott & Larry Ray (eds.) - 2002 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Key Contemporary Social Theorists is a comprehensive introduction to some of the most significant figures in social, cultural, political and philosophical thought of the twentieth century. This collection of newly commissioned entries offers students and scholars an authoritative guide on current contributions to contemporary social theory and social science. Preceding the entries is a well-organized chart of the main trends of development in social theory. The result is an invaluable reference work for all those concerned with central issues in contemporary (...)
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    The American Bar Association and the Human Rights Conventions: the political significance of private professional associations.John R. Schmidhauser & Larry L. Berg - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  21. Necessary?Eyal M. Reingold & Larry L. Jacoby - unknown
    In a recent paper, Graf and Komatsu (1994) argued that the process dissociation procedure (Jacoby, 1991) is limited in its ability to separate and measure conscious and unconscious forms of memory and so should be "handIed with caution". Given that the study of unconscious influences has always posed a difficult problem for memory researchers, we agree with the general emphasis on caution. In this paper, we too advocate caution, especially as it applies to the use of indirect tests, assessing Graf (...)
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    The Archaeology of Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls.Larry G. Herr & Jodi Magness - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (3):652.
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    Four Effects of Technology.Larry A. Hickman - 1998 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 3 (4):184-189.
  24. Why Peirce Didn’t Like Dewey’s Logic.Larry Hickman - 1986 - Southwest Philosophy Review 3:178-189.
  25. Ordinary Devices: Reply to Bringsjord's `Clarifying the Logic of Anti-Computationalism: Reply to Hauser'1.Larry Hauser - 2000 - Minds and Machines 10 (1):115-117.
    What Robots Can and Can't Be (hereinafter Robots) is, as Selmer Bringsjord says "intended to be a collection of formal-arguments-that-border-on-proofs for the proposition that in all worlds, at all times, machines can't be minds" (Bringsjord, forthcoming). In his (1994) "Précis of What Robots Can and Can't Be" Bringsjord styles certain of these arguments as proceeding "repeatedly . . . through instantiations of" the "simple schema".
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  26. Objective Relativism.Larry A. Hickman - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
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    Samuel Guttenplan, ed., a companion to the philosophy of mind.Larry Hauser - 1999 - Minds and Machines 9 (2):300-303.
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    Statistical summaries in research integration.Larry V. Hedges - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (2):295-296.
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    The Conditionality of Moral Reasons.Larry Heintz - 1984 - Southwest Philosophy Review 1:141-150.
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  30. 12.Larry A. Hickman - 2007 - In Beyond the Epistemology Industry: Dewey’s Theory of Inquiry. Fordham University Press. pp. 206--230.
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    After cologne : An online email discussion about the philosophy of John Dewey.Larry A. Hickman, Stefan Neubert, Kersten Reich, Kenneth W. Stikkers & Jim Garrison - 2009 - In Larry A. Hickman, Stefan Neubert & Kersten Reich (eds.), John Dewey between pragmatism and constructivism. New York: Fordham University Press.
    This chapter presents an edited e-mail discussion based on the philosophical conversations at a conference held in Cologne, Germany, in December 2001. The discussion proceeds in three steps. First, the contributors discuss selected questions about their contributions, roughly following the sequence of the chapters in Part II of this book. Second, the contributors ask more general questions about Dewey, Pragmatism, and constructivism. Finally, the chapter ends with brief statements about why Dewey is still an indispensible thinker for them. As they (...)
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    Contextualizing Knowledge: A Reply to "Dewey and the Theory of Knowledge".Larry Hickman - 1990 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 26 (4):459 - 463.
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  33. Citizen Participation: More or Less?Larry Hickman - 2008 - Free Inquiry 28:38-39.
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    Educating for profit, educating global citizenship.Larry Hickman - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (1):11-16.
    After reviewing current proposals for standardized testing in K-12 education (United States) and for imposition of free-market economic and business models on higher education (Texas, Florida, and the United Kingdom), I argue that both types of proposals rest on flawed pedagogical assumptions and tend to undermine educational practices that promote the development of global citizens. I suggest that John Dewey was aware of the type of challenges now faced by educators and that he provided tools for blunting the force of (...)
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    Edmund L. Pincoffs.Larry Hickman - 1992 - Southwest Philosophy Review 8 (1):5-7.
  36.  16
    Introduction to Section I: Contexts of Democracy and Education.Larry A. Hickman - 2016 - Educational Theory 66 (1-2):15-20.
  37. John Dewey : His life and work.Larry A. Hickman - 2009 - In Larry A. Hickman, Stefan Neubert & Kersten Reich (eds.), John Dewey between pragmatism and constructivism. New York: Fordham University Press.
    This chapter presents an overview of John Dewey's life and work. John Dewey was born in Burlington, Vermont, the third of four sons of Archibald Sprague Dewey and Lucina Artemesia Rich Dewey. In 1949, on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday, Dewey was hailed by the New York Times as “America's Philosopher”. He died at his apartment on New York City on June 1, 1952. During his long and productive life, Dewey wrote widely about psychology, philosophy, art, and social issues. (...)
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    John Dewey, 1859--1952.Larry A. Hickman - 2004 - In Armen Marsoobian & John Ryder (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 155--173.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Early Years: Burlington, Baltimore, Ann Arbor, Chicago Middle Years: New York City, Japan, China Later Years: Retirement, Travel, Eleven More Books Legacy: Initial Eclipse, Revival of Interest, Rise of Neo‐pragmatism.
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    12. John Dewey, Institutional Economics, and Confucian Democracies.Larry A. Hickman - 2015 - In Roger T. Ames Peter D. Hershock (ed.), Value and Values: Economics and Justice in an Age of Global Interdependence. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 229-240.
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    John Dewey's Educational Philosophy in International Perspective: A New Democracy for the Twenty-First Century.Larry A. Hickman & Giuseppe Spadafora (eds.) - 2009 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    This collection offers close examinations of the global impact of Dewey’s philosophies, both in his time and our own.
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  41.  27
    Presidential briefs.Larry Hickman - 2003 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 31 (96):9-10.
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    Pragmatic paths to environmental sustainability.Larry A. Hickman - 2007 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 20 (4):365-373.
    After summarizing what I take to be the main contribution of Norton’s book––his proposal for a new vocabulary for public discourse as it pertains to environmental stability––I attempt to locate his work among some of the current debates regarding sustainability and public policy. I detail some of the ways in which this work constitutes a further development of themes he presented in 1991 in Toward unity Among Environmentalists. I discuss his prescriptions for defusing confrontations regarding environmental policy by functionalizing issues (...)
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    President’s report.Larry Hickman - 2003 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 31 (95):18-19.
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    Philosophy, technology, and human affairs.Larry A. Hickman (ed.) - 1985 - [College Station, Tex.]: IBIS Press of College Station, Texas.
  45. Philosophy, Technology and Human Affairs.Larry Hickman - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (5):401-402.
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    Remodelling Nature.Larry Hickman - 1995 - Southwest Philosophy Review 11 (9999):5-16.
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    Revisiting Philosophical Tools for Technological Culture.Larry A. Hickman - 2003 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 7 (1):45-56.
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    Reply: Strict Meaning and Reductive Hermeneutics.Larry Hickman - 1977 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):73-75.
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    Status Arguments and Genetic Research with Human Embryos.Larry Hickman - 1988 - Southwest Philosophy Review 4 (1):45-55.
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    Science education for a life curriculum.Larry A. Hickman - 1995 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 13 (3):379-391.
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