Results for 'Larry Heintz'

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  1.  26
    The Conditionality of Moral Reasons.Larry Heintz - 1984 - Southwest Philosophy Review 1:141-150.
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  2. Empirical Equivalence and Underdetermination.Larry Laudan & Jarrett Leplin - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy 88 (9):449.
  3. Progress or Rationality? The Prospects for Normative Naturalism.Larry Laudan - 1987 - American Philosophical Quarterly 24 (1):19 - 31.
  4.  46
    Philosophical Tools for Technological Culture : Putting Pragmatism to Work.Larry A. Hickman - 2001 - Indiana University Press.
    Hickman situates Dewey’s critique of technological culture within the debates of 20th-century Western philosophy by engaging the work of Richard Rorty, Albert Borgmann, Jacques Ellul, Walter Benjamin, Jürgen Habermas, and Martin ...
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  5. A problem-solving approach to scientific progress.Larry Laudan - 1981 - In Ian Hacking (ed.), Scientific revolutions. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  6. Separating conscious and unconscious influences of memory: Measuring recollection.Larry L. Jacoby, Jeffrey P. Toth & Andrew P. Yonelinas - 1993 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 122 (2):139-54.
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    Damn the Consequences!Larry Laudan - 1995 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 69 (2):27 - 34.
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  8. William Whewell on the Consilience of Inductions.Larry Laudan - 1971 - The Monist 55 (3):368-391.
    Most contributions to Whewell scholarship have tended to stress the idealistic, antiempirical temper of Whewell’s philosophy. Thus, the only two monograph-length studies on Whewell, Blanché’s Le Rationalisme de Whewell and Marcucci’s L’ ‘Idealismo’ Scientifico di William Whewell, are, as their titles suggest, concerned primarily with Whewell’s departures from classical British empiricism. Particularly in his famous dispute with Mill, it has proved tempting to parody Whewell’s position in the debate by treating it as a straightforward encounter between an arch-empiricist and an (...)
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    Thoughts on HPS: 20 years later.Larry Laudan - 1989 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 20 (1):9-13.
  10.  29
    Genetic Research as Therapy: Implications of “Gene Therapy” for Informed Consent.Larry R. Churchill, Myra L. Collins, Nancy M. P. King, Stephen G. Pemberton & Keith A. Wailoo - 1998 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 26 (1):38-47.
    In March 1996, the General Accounting Office issued the report Scientific Research: Continued Vigilance Critical to Protecting Human Subjects. It stated that “an inherent conflict of interest exists when physician-researchers include their patients in research protocols. If the physicians do not clearly distinguish between research and treatment in their attempt to inform subjects, the possible benefits of a study can be overemphasized and the risks minimized.” The report also acknowledged that “the line between research and treatment is not always clear (...)
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    Effect of piracetam on one-way active avoidance in rats with medial thalamic lesions.Patricia A. Abbott & Larry W. Means - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (3):158-160.
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    Determination underdeterred: reply to Kukla.Larry Laudan & Alonso Church - 1993 - Analysis 53 (1):8.
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  13. The Essential Dewey, Volume 1: Pragmatism, Education, Democracy.Larry A. Hickman & Thomas M. Alexander (eds.) - 1998 - Indiana University Press.
    In addition to being one of the greatest technical philosophers of the twentieth century, John Dewey was an educational innovator, a Progressive Era reformer, and one of America’s last great public intellectuals. Dewey’s insights into the problems of public education, immigration, the prospects for democratic government, and the relation of religious faith to science are as fresh today as when they were first published. His penetrating treatments of the nature and function of philosophy, the ethical and aesthetic dimensions of life, (...)
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  14. Illuminating Egalitarianism.Larry S. Temkin - 2009 - In Thomas Christiano & John Philip Christman (eds.), Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 153–178.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Distinguishing Different Kinds of Egalitarianism Equality, Fairness, Luck, and Responsibility Equality of What? The Subsistence Level, Sufficiency, and Compassion Prioritarianism and the Leveling Down Objection19 Equality or Priority? Illustrating Egalitarianism's Distinct Appeal Conclusion Notes.
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  15. State Aggression, Collective Liability, and Individual Mens Rea.Larry May - 2006 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 30 (1):309-324.
  16.  64
    The history of science and the philosophy of science.Larry Laudan - 1989 - In R. C. Olby, G. N. Cantor, J. R. R. Christie & M. J. S. Hodge (eds.), Companion to the History of Modern Science. Routledge. pp. 47--59.
  17.  58
    New Essays on Leibniz’s Theodicy.Larry M. Jorgensen & Samuel Newlands (eds.) - 2014 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    In 1710 G. W. Leibniz published Theodicy: Essays on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man, and the Origin of Evil. This book, the only one he published in his lifetime, established his reputation more than anything else he wrote. The Theodicy brings together many different strands of Leibniz's own philosophical system, and we get a rare snapshot of how he intended these disparate aspects of his philosophy to come together into a single, overarching account of divine justice in (...)
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    Government for the People: A Reply to the Symposium.Christopher H. Achen & Larry M. Bartels - 2018 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 30 (1-2):139-162.
    ABSTRACTIf representative democracy is not about elected officials responding directly to voters’ preferences, and if the voters do a poor job of voting their interests in referendums, then what is democracy about? In our view, a satisfactory theory of democracy would focus normatively on the social identities and political interests of citizens rather than on their expressed policy preferences, and empirically on the ability of organized or attentive groups to get those identities and interests effectively recognized and acted on in (...)
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  19. Different approaches for teaching volume and students' visualization ability.Dorothy L. Gabel & Larry G. Enochs - 1987 - Science Education 71 (4):591-597.
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  20. Lectures for a layperson: Methods for revealing unconscious processes.Larry L. Jacoby, J. P. Toth, D. S. Lindsay & J. A. Debner - 1992 - In Robert F. Bornstein & Thane S. Pittman (eds.), Perception Without Awareness: Cognitive, Clinical, and Social Perspectives. New York: Guilford.
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  21. The Correspondence of John Dewey.John Dewey, Larry A. Hackman, Center for Dewey Studies & InteLex Corporation - 1999
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    Saskia Sassen on Method and Interpretation: Comments on the 2013 Coss Dialogue Lecture.Larry A. Hickman - 2013 - The Pluralist 8 (3):90-95.
    Sassen is Interested in what she terms “conceptually subterranean trends” that are for the most part invisible to current analytical methods but visible, or in her words, “legible,” to other, newer sorts of analytical tools that she herself is developing. She thus emphasizes suspension of accepted methods and development of certain “analytic tactics” that function, as she puts it, “before method.” What this means more specifically is that she is not so much analyzing the structures of existing institutions but instead (...)
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    The relationship of teacher-pupil control to preservice elementary science teacher self-efficacy.Lawrence C. Scharmann & Larry G. Enochs - 1995 - Science Education 79 (1):63-75.
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  24. Anatomy of motivation.Alan G. Watts & Larry W. Swanson - 2002 - In J. Wixted & H. Pashler (eds.), Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology. Wiley.
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    The political education of John Zaller.Larry M. Bartels - 2012 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 24 (4):463-488.
    The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion (1992) provided both a powerful framework for analyzing public opinion and a highly influential account of the role of political elites in shaping public opinion. Zaller's subsequent work has focused less on the mechanics of opinion change than on the role of public opinion in the broader political process. This evolution has entailed sustained attention to V. O. Key, Jr.'s concept of ?latent opinion??the opinion politicians are likely to face in the next election, (...)
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    Brettschneider and ‘democratic persuasion’.Larry Alexander - 2017 - Jurisprudence 8 (2):370-379.
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    History as Chiasm, Chiasm as History.Larry Alan Busk - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (1):285-298.
    This paper connects Merleau-Ponty’s conception of chiasm with his philosophy of history. I argue that history gives us an exemplary form of a chiastic relation and that Merleau-Ponty presages his later ontology of flesh when he investigates the paradox of thinking history. In brief, the paradox is this: history takes on significance only in light of a given reflection on it. At the same time, “the given reflection” is overlaid and shot through with historical meaning and is nothing but the (...)
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    Kant's Doctrine of Right in the 21st Century.Larry Krasnoff, Nuria Sánchez Madrid & Paula Satne (eds.) - 2018 - Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
    For a long time, Kant’s Doctrine of Right languished in relative neglect, even among Kantians. The work was best known for its uncompromising views on punishment and revolution, and for a seemingly limited and not particularly original emphasis on private property. Kant’s more interesting political claims were often said to be located elsewhere: in the third Critique (Hannah Arendt, Patrick Riley), or the structure of the critical project (Onora O’Neill). When John Rawls explained why his theory of justice could be (...)
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  29. Might versus Right.Larry A. Eshelman - 1996 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 12 (1):29-50.
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  30.  53
    Rites of Passage and the Borderline Syndrome: Perspectives in Transpersonal Anthropology.Larry G. Peters - 1994 - Anthropology of Consciousness 5 (1):1-15.
  31.  15
    Postmodernism and Enlightenment, or, Why Not a Fascist Aesthetics?Larry L. Langford - 1992 - Substance 21 (1):24.
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    The seasonal structure underlying the arrangement of hexagrams in the yijing.Larry J. Schulz & Thomas J. Cunningham - 1990 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 17 (3):289-313.
  33. „A Confutation of Convergent Realism “in Yuri Balashov and Alex Rosenberg.Larry Laudan - 2001 - In Yuri Balashov & Alexander Rosenberg (eds.), Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Readings. New York: Routledge. pp. 211--33.
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  34. Naturalizam Johna Deweya kao model za globalnu etiku.Larry A. Hickman - 2010 - Synthesis Philosophica 25 (1):9-18.
    Rad razmatra predavanja o globalnoj etici koje je držao John Dewey tijekom svojih međunarodnih putovanja, posebno tijekom dvije godine koje je proveo u Kini . Tvrdim da je Deweyev naturalizam, utemeljen na uvažavanju načina na koje se djelo Charlesa Darwina može primijeniti u humanističkim disciplinama, pruža modele za međukulturalnu etičku diskusiju. Smatram da se neke prepreke uvažavanju Deweyevog doprinosa globalnoj etici mogu naći u pogrešnim čitanjima i krivim interpretacijama njegovog djela, poput onih koje je razvio Roberto M. Unger. Naposljetku, smatram (...)
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    J. Andrew Billings is the director.Larry R. Churchill & Rebecca Dresser - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    Educating for profit, educating global citizenship.Larry Hickman - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (1):11-16.
    After reviewing current proposals for standardized testing in K-12 education (United States) and for imposition of free-market economic and business models on higher education (Texas, Florida, and the United Kingdom), I argue that both types of proposals rest on flawed pedagogical assumptions and tend to undermine educational practices that promote the development of global citizens. I suggest that John Dewey was aware of the type of challenges now faced by educators and that he provided tools for blunting the force of (...)
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  37. La producción de documentales en la multidifusión digital: adaptación en tiempos difíciles.Larry Levene - 2013 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 96:102-104.
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    The effect of medial thalamic lesions on acquisition of a go, no-go, tone-light discrimination task.Larry W. Means, James H. Harrington & G. Thomas Miller - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (6):495-497.
  39.  17
    Opinion and facts about ECT: Can science help?Larry R. Squire - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (1):34-37.
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    The hippocampus, space, and human amnesia.Larry R. Squire - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):514-515.
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    The first kids with new genes.Larry Thompson - 1993 - In Jonathan Westphal & Carl Avren Levenson (eds.), Time. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co.. pp. 141--23.
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  42. First, be humble: Working with Indigenous peoples and other descendant communities.Larry J. Zimmerman - 2005 - In Claire Smith & Hans Martin Wobst (eds.), Indigenous Archaeologies: Decolonizing Theory and Practice. Routledge. pp. 301--314.
  43.  25
    Effects of contiguity and meaningfulness of relevant and irrelevant attributes on concept formation.Larry L. Jacoby & Robert C. Radtke - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (3):454.
  44. Russell’s Leibnizian Concept of Vagueness.Larry M. Jorgensen - 2011 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 28 (3):289-301.
    The account of vagueness Bertrand Russell provided in his 1923 paper, entitled simply “Vagueness” (see Russell [1923]1997), has been thought by some to be inconsistent. One main objection, raised by Timothy Williamson (1994), is that Russell’s attempt early in the paper to distinguish vagueness from generality is at odds with the definition of vagueness he presents later in the same paper. It is as if, as Williamson puts it, Russell “backslides” from his previous distinction (1994, 60), resulting in a conflation (...)
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    Food sovereignty movement activism in South Korea: national policy impacts? [REVIEW]Larry L. Burmeister & Yong-Ju Choi - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (2):247-258.
    The transnational agrarian movement La Via Campesina (LVC) seeks to reestablish food sovereignty authority within national borders by removing agriculture from the WTO system. The WTO is a membership organization of participating nation-states that have agreed to abide by the rules of the WTO governance regime. Nominally, at least, changes in these governance rules must be approved by the nation-state members. This paper examines the extent to which South Korean affiliate organizations of LVC, the Korean Peasant League and the Korean (...)
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    [Book review] sharing responsibility. [REVIEW]May Larry - 1994 - In Peter Singer (ed.), Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 104--4.
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    Two puzzles about science: Reflections on some crises in the philosophy and sociology of science. [REVIEW]Larry Laudan - 1982 - Minerva 20 (3-4):253-268.
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    Book ReviewsDana Villa,. Socratic Citizenship.Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2001. Pp. 370. $65.00 ; $17.95. [REVIEW]Larry May - 2004 - Ethics 114 (3):641-643.
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    Symposium on Larry Temkin’s Rethinking the Good: Moral Ideals and the Nature of Practical Reasoning.Larry S. Temkin - 2015 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 12 (4):363-392.
    This article gives a brief overview of Rethinking the Good, whose impossibility arguments illuminate the difficulty of arriving at a coherent theory of the good. I show that an additive-aggregationistprinciple is plausible for some comparisons, while an anti- additive-aggregationistprinciple is plausible for others. Invoking SpectrumArguments, I show that these principles are incompatible with an empirical premise, and various Axioms of Transitivity. I argue that whether the “all-things-considered better than” relation is transitive is not a matter of language or logic, but (...)
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    Review of Larry May: Sharing Responsibility[REVIEW]Larry May - 1994 - Ethics 104 (4):890-893.
    Are individuals responsible for the consequences of actions taken by their community? What about their community's inaction or its attitudes? In this innovative book, Larry May departs from the traditional Western view that moral responsibility is limited to the consequences of overt individual action. Drawing on the insights of Arendt, Jaspers, and Sartre, he argues that even when individuals are not direct participants, they share responsibility for various harms perpetrated by their communities.
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