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Aku Visala [31]Aku Olavi Visala [1]
  1. Evolutionary debunking arguments against theism, reconsidered.Jonathan Jong & Aku Visala - 2014 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 76 (3):243-258.
    Evolutionary debunking arguments against religious beliefs move from the claim that religious beliefs are caused by off-track processes to the conclusion that said religious beliefs are unjustified and/or false. Prima facie, EDAs commit the genetic fallacy, unduly conflating the context of discovery and the context of justification. In this paper, we first consider whether EDAs necessarily commit the genetic fallacy, and if not, whether modified EDAs provide successful arguments against theism. Then, we critically evaluate more recent attempts to argue that (...)
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  2. The cognitive science of religion: a modified theist response.David Leech & Aku Visala - 2011 - Religious Studies 47 (3):301 - 316.
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    Born idolaters: The limits of the philosophical implications of the cognitive science of religion.Jonathan Jong, Christopher Kavanagh & Aku Visala - 2015 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 57 (2).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 57 Heft: 2 Seiten: 244-266.
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  4. The cognitive science of religion: Implications for theism?David Leech & Aku Visala - 2011 - Zygon 46 (1):47-64.
    Abstract. Although the Cognitive Science of Religion (CSR), a current approach to the scientific study of religion, has exerted an influence in the study of religion for almost twenty years, the question of its compatibility or incompatibility with theism has not been the subject of serious discussion until recently. Some critics of religion have taken a lively interest in the CSR because they see it as useful in explaining why religious believers consistently make costly commitments to false beliefs. Conversely, some (...)
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    Naturalism, Theism, and the Cognitive Study of Religion: Religion Explained?Aku Visala - 2011 - Routledge.
    This book provides a critical philosophical analysis of the claim that contemporary cognitive approaches to religion undermine theistic beliefs. The book argues that such naturalism is not necessary for the cognitive study of religion and develops an alternative philosophical and methodological framework. This unique contribution to discussions regarding the philosophical and theological implications of the cognitive study of religion summarizes the so far fragmentary discussion, exposes its underlying assumptions, and develops a novel framework for further discussion.
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  6. Naturalistic Explanation for Religious Belief.David Leech & Aku Visala - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (8):552-563.
    Recent decades have seen the emergence of various cognitive and biological explanations of religious belief that claim to be better scientifically supported than predecessor explanations. This article provides an overview of such explanations and some of the philosophical discussions they have evoked. Contemporary naturalistic explanations of religious belief come in three types: cognitive explanations, evolutionary explanations and co‐evolutionary explanations. Some writers have claimed that scientifically plausible biological and psychological accounts of religious belief make religious belief itself irrational because they reveal (...)
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  7. Milvian Bridges in Science, Religion, and Theology: Debunking Arguments and Cultural Evolution.Lari Launonen & Aku Visala - 2022 - In Diego E. Machuca, Evolutionary Debunking Arguments: Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mathematics, Metaphysics, and Epistemology. New York: Routledge. pp. 185-204.
    In “Milvian Bridges in Science, Religion, and Theology: Debunking Arguments and Cultural Evolution,” Lari Launonen and Aku Visala engage with an EDA against religious belief that appeals to cultural rather than biological evolution. According to this EDA, religious beliefs are unjustified, not because they are generated by biologically shaped cognitive processes that are unreliable as far as those beliefs are concerned but because they are generated by cultural processes that select for those beliefs for their ability to produce prosocial behavior (...)
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  8. Imago Dei, dualism, and evolution: A philosophical defense of the structural image of God.Aku Visala - 2014 - Zygon 49 (1):101-120.
    Most contemporary theologians have distanced themselves from views that identify the image of God with a capacity or a set of capacities that humans have. This article examines three arguments against the structural view and finds them wanting. The first argument is that the structural view entails mind/body dualism and dualism is no longer viable given neuroscience and contemporary philosophy. Against this, I argue that contemporary forms of dualism are able to circumvent such worries and are at least prima facie (...)
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    Pro-Science Rhetoric or a Research Program? – Naturalism in the Cognitive-Evolutionary Study of Religion.Aku Visala - 2018 - In Hans van Eyghen, Rik Peels & Gijsbert van den Brink, New Developments in the Cognitive Science of Religion - The Rationality of Religious Belief. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 51-69.
    Aku Visala takes a closer look at the role of naturalism in CSR. The cognitive-evolutionary study of religion takes itself as “naturalizing” not only the study of religion, but the humanities as a whole. Apart from the obvious denial of non-supernatural causal factors, it is sometimes difficult to see whether this naturalization involves anything more than a general rhetorical strategy meant to play up the “science” part. In his paper, Visala seeks to identify the basic philosophical assumptions of the naturalization (...)
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  10. Justin Barrett, Born Believers: The Science of Children’s Religious Belief.Aku Visala - 2014 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6 (4):193--199.
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  11. Olli-Pekka Vainio. Beyond Fideism: Negotiable Religious Identities. Ashgate, 2010.Aku Visala - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (1):265--270.
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  12. Randal Rauser, Theology in Search of Foundation, Oxford University Press, 2009.Aku Visala - 2013 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5 (3):183--191.
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    The Problems of Divine Manipulation.Aku Visala - 2023 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 65 (2):186-210.
    Many Christian theologians believe in the existence of cases of divine hardening and divine election, where God either actively contributes to human evil or preordains it. God seems to act like a manipulator, who first covertly incites or determines people’s evil actions and then condemns those actions and punishes the wrongdoers. I raise three questions regarding such cases: (1) how can humans be responsible for wrongdoings that are determined by God via either direct involvement or predestination; (2) is God justified (...)
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    Free Will and Relationality.Aku Visala - 2021 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 8 (2):184.
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    Verbs, Bones, and Brains: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Nature.Agustin Fuentes & Aku Visala (eds.) - 2016 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Introduction: The many faces of human nature / Agustín Fuentes and Aku Visala Chapter 1. Off human nature / Jonathan Marks. Response I. On your marks... get set, we’re off human nature / James M. Calcagno ; Response II. Rethinking human nature : comments on Jonathan Marks’s anti-essentialism / Phillip R. Sloan ; Response III. Off human nature and on human culture : the importance of the concept of culture to science and society / Robert Sussman and Linda Sussman Chapter (...)
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  16. Religion and the Human Mind: Philosophical Perspectives on the Cognitive Science of Religion.Aku Visala - 2008 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 50 (2):109-130.
    SUMMARYThe cognitive science of religion is a multi-disciplinary research program that attempts to integrate the study of religion with behavioural sciences such as cognitive sciences. Such integration raises several methodological questions that concern, for example, the nature of the relationship between psychology and social life, the autonomy of the study of religion and the role of causal explanations in social sciences. This article examines the methodological assumptions of the cognitive science of religion and analyses possible drawbacks as well as advantages (...)
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  17. Neil Spurway , Theology, Evolution and the Mind. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.Aku Visala - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (4):208-214.
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    What Does Theology Have to Do With Evidence? Exploring Analytic Theology and Epistemology.Aku Visala - 2016 - Journal of Analytic Theology 4:317-331.
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    Varieties of Unbelief: A Taxonomy of Atheistic Positions.Olli-Pekka Vainio & Aku Visala - 2015 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 57 (4).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 57 Heft: 4 Seiten: 483-500.
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    Three Quests for Human Nature: Some Philosophical Reflections.Jonathan Jong & Aku Visala - 2014 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 1 (2):146.
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  21. Can Religious Belief Be Explained Away? Reasons and Causes of Religious Belief.Justin Barrett, David Leech & Aku Visala - 2010 - In Ulrich J. Frey, The Nature of God ––– Evolution and Religion. Tectum. pp. 1--75.
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    Kuinka ihmismieli vääristää keskustelua tekoälyn riskeistä ja etiikasta. Kognitiotieteellisiä näkökulmia keskusteluun.Michael Laakasuo, Aku Visala & Jussi Palomäki - 2020 - Ajatus 77 (1):131-168.
    Keskustelu tekoälyn soveltamiseen liittyvistä eettisistä ja poliittisista kysymyksistä käy juuri nyt kuumana. Emme halua tässä puheenvuorossa osallistua keskusteluun tarttumalla johonkin tiettyyn eettiseen ongelmaan. Sen sijaan pyrimme sanomaan jotain itsekeskustelusta ja sen vaikeudesta. Haluamme kiinnittää huomiota siihen, kuinka erilaiset ihmismielen ajattelutaipumukset ja virhepäätelmät voivat huomaamattamme vaikuttaa tapaamme hahmottaa ja ymmärtää tekoälyä ja siihen liittyviä eettisiä kysymyksiä. Kun ymmärrämme paremmin sen, kuinka hankalaa näiden kysymysten hahmottaminen arkisen mielemme kategorioilla oikein on, ja kun tunnistamme tästä syntyvät virhepäätelmät ja ajattelun vääristymät, kykenemme entistä korkeatasoisempaan (...)
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  23. How Relevant Is the Cognitive Science of Religion to Philosophy of Religion?David Leech & Aku Visala - 2012 - In Yujin Nagasawa, Scientific Approaches to the Philosophy of Religion. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 165.
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    (1 other version)Theological Perspectives on Free Will: Compatibility, Christology, and Community.Olli-Pekka Vainio & Aku Visala (eds.) - 2022 - Routledge.
    Free will is a perennial theological and philosophical topic. As a central dogmatic locus, it is implicated in discussions around core Christian doctrines such as grace, salvation, sin, providence, evil and predestination. This book offers a state-of-the-art look at recent debates about free will in analytic and philosophical theology. The chapters revolve around three central themes: the debate between theological compatibilists and libertarians, the communal nature of Christian freedom, and the role of free will in Christology. With contributions by leading (...)
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    Consciousness and Moral Responsibility: Skeptical Challenges and Theological Reflections.Aku Olavi Visala - 2021 - Zygon 56 (3):641-665.
    Some philosophers and scientists have argued that we humans cannot be held morally responsible for anything. Invoking results of the neurosciences and the cognitive sciences, they argue that humans lack the kind of conscious control and awareness required for moral responsibility. For theological ethics and Christian theology as a whole, moral responsibility is indispensable. I will begin by outlining some empirical results that are invoked in support of moral responsibility skepticism. I will, then, examine the subsequent discussion and the question (...)
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    Control Over Believing and Doxastic Responsibility.Aku Visala - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Guillaume Bignon. Excusing Sinner and Blaming God: A Calvinist Assessment of Determinism, Moral Responsibility, and Divine Involvement in Evil.Aku Visala - 2019 - Journal of Analytic Theology 7 (1):720-725.
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    Neuronitko syypäitä? – Viimeaikaista keskustelua tahdonvapaudesta ja tieteestä.Aku Visala - 2017 - Ajatus 74 (1):41-82.
    Kysymys vapaasta tahdosta on nyt ajankohtaisempi kuin koskaan. Voisi helposti kuvitella, että tämä muinainen filosofinen ongelma olisi jo saatu ratkaistua tai se olisi ainakin pois muodista mutta näin ei kuitenkaan ole käynyt. Viimeaikaisen analyyttisen filosofian piirissä siitä on kirjoitettu lähes loputtomiin. Viimeaikainen kiinnostus ei kuitenkaan rajoitu vain filosofian piiriin, vaan tahdonvapaudesta ja siihen liittyvistä teemoista on tehty myös erittäin kiinnostavaa empiiristä tutkimusta. Muutamat neurotieteen löydökset ovat tuottaneet varsin suuren määrän populaaritieteellistä kirjallisuutta ja lehtijuttuja, joissa raportoidaan toinen toistaan sensaatiomaisempia tuloksia siitä, (...)
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    Persons, Minds, and Bodies: Christian Philosophy on the Relationship of Persons and Their Bodies, Part I.Aku Visala - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (10):713-722.
    The relationship of minds, bodies, and persons has been a central topic of debate in Western philosophy and theology. This article reviews the ongoing debates about the relationship and nature of bodies, minds, and persons among contemporary Christian analytic philosophers and theologians. The first two parts present some general theological constraints for philosophical theories of persons and describe the basic concepts used (substance, property, supervenience, and physicalism). The views themselves fall into three broad categories. Dualists think that persons are either (...)
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    Persons, Minds, and Bodies: Christian Philosophy on the Relationship of Persons and Their Bodies, Part II.Aku Visala - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (10):723-731.
    The relationship of minds, bodies, and persons has been a central topic of debate in Western philosophy and theology. This article reviews the ongoing debates about the relationship and nature of bodies, minds, and persons among contemporary Christian analytic philosophers and theologians. The first two parts present some general theological constraints for philosophical theories of persons and describe the basic concepts used (substance, property, supervenience, and physicalism). The views themselves fall into three broad categories. Dualists think that persons are either (...)
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    The Will to Imagine: A Justification of Sceptical Religion, by J. L. Schellenberg. [REVIEW]Aku Visala - 2012 - Faith and Philosophy 29 (3):352-358.