Results for 'L. Fisher-Jeffes'

948 found
  1.  56
    Clinicians' knowledge of informed consent.L. Fisher-Jeffes, C. Barton & F. Finlay - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (3):181-184.
    Objective: To audit doctors’ knowledge of informed consent.Design: 10 consent scenarios with “true”, “false”, or “don’t know” answers were completed by doctors who care for children at a large district general hospital. These questions tested clinicians’ knowledge of who could give consent in different clinical situations.Setting: Royal United Hospital, Bath, UK.Results: 51 doctors participated . Paediatricians scored higher than other clinicians . Only 36% of paediatricians and 8% of other clinicians realised that the biological father of a child born before (...)
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    Midstream Modulation of Technology: Governance From Within.Carl Mitcham, Roop L. Mahajan & Erik Fisher - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (6):485-496.
    Public “upstream engagement” and other approaches to the social control of technology are currently receiving international attention in policy discourses around emerging technologies such as nanotechnology. To the extent that such approaches hold implications for research and development (R&D) activities, the distinct participation of scientists and engineers is required. The capacity of technoscientists to broaden the influences on R&D activities, however, implies that they conduct R&D differently. This article discusses the possibility for more reflexive participation by scientists and engineers in (...)
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  3.  36
    The Impact of Broadened Civil Commitment Laws on Length of Stay in a State Mental Hospital.Glenn L. Pierce, William H. Fisher & Mary L. Durham - 1985 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 13 (6):290-296.
  4.  2
    A Selective Bibliography of Moral and Political Philosophy.Susan L. Hurley, Jeff McMahan & Madison Powers - 1987 - Oxford University Press.
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    Exploring the social bases of home gardening.Justin L. Schupp & Jeff S. Sharp - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (1):93-105.
    The study of alternatives to conventional industrial agricultural production has intensified in recent years. While many types of alternative production systems, and the motivations of individuals to participate in them, have been studied, there are significant gaps in the literature. One such dearth is research on those participating in self-provisioning activities. This study begins to fill the gap by looking at the self-provisioning activity of home gardening using data from the 2008 Ohio Survey of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Issues. Discerning (...)
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  6.  27
    "My Body is One of the Best Commodities": Exploring the Ethics of Commodification in Phase I Healthy Volunteer Clinical Trials.Rebecca L. Walker & Jill A. Fisher - 2019 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 29 (4):305-331.
    In phase I clinical trials, healthy volunteers are dosed with investigational drugs and subjected to blood draws and other bodily monitoring procedures. In exchange, they are paid. Healthy volunteers are, in a very direct sense, selling access to their bodies for pharmaceutical companies and their associates to run drugs through. In his ethnographic study of socalled professional guinea pigs, Roberto Abadie writes, "Paid volunteers are well aware of the demand for an idealized, perfectly healthy volunteer. They also realize that their (...)
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    Meiotic versus mitotic recombination: Two different routes for double‐strand break repair.Sabrina L. Andersen & Jeff Sekelsky - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (12):1058-1066.
    Studies in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have validated the major features of the double‐strand break repair (DSBR) model as an accurate representation of the pathway through which meiotic crossovers (COs) are produced. This success has led to this model being invoked to explain double‐strand break (DSB) repair in other contexts. However, most non‐crossover (NCO) recombinants generated during S. cerevisiae meiosis do not arise via a DSBR pathway. Furthermore, it is becoming increasingly clear that DSBR is a minor pathway for recombinational (...)
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  8.  46
    Companion Animal Studies: Slipping Through a Research Oversight Gap.Rebecca L. Walker & Jill A. Fisher - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (10):62-63.
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  9. The best of two worlds.Sander L. Koole, Jeff Greenberg & Tom Pyszczynski - 2004 - In Jeff Greenberg, Sander Leon Koole & Thomas A. Pyszczynski, Handbook of Experimental Existential Psychology. Guilford Press. pp. 503.
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    Temporal dynamics of masked word reading.Scott L. Fairhall, Jeff P. Hamm & Ian J. Kirk - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (1):112-123.
    The repercussions of unconscious priming on the neural correlates subsequent cognition have been explored previously. However, the neural dynamics during the unconscious processing remains largely uncharted. To assess both the complexity and temporal dynamics of unconscious cognition the present study contrasts the evoked response from classes of masked stimuli with three different levels of complexity; words, consonant strings, and blanks. The evoked response to masked word stimuli differed from both consonant strings and blanks, which did not differ from each other. (...)
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  11.  31
    The bizarre mnemonic: The effect of retention interval and mode of presentation.Carrie L. Zoller, Jeff S. Workman & Neal E. A. Kroll - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (3):215-218.
  12. 688 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Iwanska, Lucia Johnson, Mark Kadmon, Nirit K~ ilm~ n, L~ zlo.Hans Kamp, Boem-mo Kang, Paul Kay, Ali Kazmi, Edward L. Keenan, Jeff King, Ewan Klein, Angelika Kratzer, Manfred Krifka & William Ladusaw - 1995 - Linguistics and Philosophy 18:687-688.
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    Making Common Sense of Vaccines: An Example of Discussing the Recombinant Attenuated Salmonella Vaccine with the Public.Dorothy J. Dankel, Kenneth L. Roland, Michael Fisher, Karen Brenneman, Ana Delgado, Javier Santander, Chang-Ho Baek, Josephine Clark-Curtiss, Roger Strand & Roy Curtiss - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (2):179-185.
    Researchers have iterated that the future of synthetic biology and biotechnology lies in novel consumer applications of crossing biology with engineering. However, if the new biology’s future is to be sustainable, early and serious efforts must be made towards social sustainability. Therefore, the crux of new applications of synthetic biology and biotechnology is public understanding and acceptance. The RASVaccine is a novel recombinant design not found in nature that re-engineers a common bacteria to produce a strong immune response in humans. (...)
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  14.  73
    Making Common Sense of Vaccines: An Example of Discussing the Recombinant Attenuated Salmonella Vaccine with the Public.Dorothy J. Dankel, Kenneth L. Roland, Michael Fisher, Karen Brenneman, Ana Delgado, Javier Santander, Chang-Ho Baek, Josephine Clark-Curtiss, Roger Strand & I. I. I. Roy Curtiss - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (2):179-185.
    Researchers have iterated that the future of synthetic biology and biotechnology lies in novel consumer applications of crossing biology with engineering. However, if the new biology’s future is to be sustainable, early and serious efforts must be made towards social sustainability. Therefore, the crux of new applications of synthetic biology and biotechnology is public understanding and acceptance. The RASVaccine is a novel recombinant design not found in nature that re-engineers a common bacteria to produce a strong immune response in humans. (...)
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  15.  38
    Appraising Harm in Phase I Trials: Healthy Volunteers' Accounts of Adverse Events.Lisa McManus, Arlene Davis, Rebecca L. Forcier & Jill A. Fisher - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (2):323-333.
    While risk of harm is an important focus for whether clinical research on humans can and should proceed, there is uncertainty about what constitutes harm to a trial participant. In Phase I trials on healthy volunteers, the purpose of the research is to document and measure safety concerns associated with investigational drugs, and participants are financially compensated for their enrollment in these studies. In this article, we investigate how characterizations of harm are narrated by healthy volunteers in the context of (...)
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  16.  61
    Public Perceptions of Ethical Issues Regarding Adult Predictive Genetic Testing.Douglas K. Martin, Heather L. Greenwood & Jeff Nisker - 2010 - Health Care Analysis 18 (2):103-112.
    The purpose of this study was to explore the views of members of the general public regarding ethical issues in adult predictive genetic testing. The literature pertaining to ethical issues regarding to adult predictive genetic testing is largely restricted to the views of ‘experts’ who have emphasized informed consent, patent issues, and insurance discrimination. Occasionally the views of patients who have undergone genetic counselling and testing have been elicited, adding psychosocial and family issues. However, the general public has not had (...)
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  17. Measures of Mentoring, Department Climate, and Graduate Student Preparedness in the Responsible Conduct of Psychological Research.Sabrina J. Goodman, Kaori Kubo Germano, Adam L. Fried & Celia B. Fisher - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (3):227-252.
    Drawing upon two independent national samples of 201 and 241 psychology graduate students, this article describes the development and psychometric evaluation of 4 Web-based student self-report scales tapping student socialization in the responsible conduct of research (RCR) with human participants. The Mentoring the Responsible Conduct of Research Scale (MRCR) is composed of 2 subscales assessing RCR instruction and modeling by research mentors. The 2 subscales of the RCR Department Climate Scale (RCR-DC) assess RCR department policies and faculty and student RCR (...)
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  18.  13
    Kronos Philosophical Journal, vol.V/2016.Vladimir Varava, Natalia Rostova, Piotr Nowak, Janusz Dobieszewski, Fedor Girenok, Marina Savel'eva, Anastasia Gacheva, Irena Księżopolska, Carl A. P. Ruck, John Uebersax, Peter Warnek, Edward P. Butler, Apostolos L. Pierris, Jeff Love, Svetozar Minkov, Ivan Dimitrijević, Wawrzyniec Rymkiewicz, Grzegorz Czemiel & David Kretz - unknown
    The annual Kronos Philosophical Journal was established in Warsaw in 2012. The papers presented in the annual might be of interest to the readers from outside Poland, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the dynamic thought of contemporary Polish authors, as well as entirely new topics, rarely discussed by English speaking authors. Volume V/2016 comprises articles problematizing Russian phlosophy and literature as well as Ancient Greek philosophy and culture.
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  19. Graduate Socialization in the Responsible Conduct of Research: A National Survey on the Research Ethics Training Experiences of Psychology Doctoral Students.Lindsay G. Feldman, Adam L. Fried & Celia B. Fisher - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (6):496-518.
    Little is known about the mechanisms by which psychology graduate programs transmit responsible conduct of research (RCR) values. A national sample of 968 current students and recent graduates of mission-diverse doctoral psychology programs completed a Web-based survey on their research ethics challenges, perceptions of RCR mentoring and department climate, whether they were prepared to conduct research responsibly, and whether they believed psychology as a discipline promotes scientific integrity. Research experience, mentor RCR instruction and modeling, and department RCR policies predicted student (...)
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  20.  59
    When Crises Hit Home: How U.S. Higher Education Leaders Navigate Values During Uncertain Times.Brooke Fisher Liu, Duli Shi, JungKyu Rhys Lim, Khairul Islam, America L. Edwards & Matthew Seeger - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (2):353-368.
    Against the backdrop of a global pandemic, this study investigates how U.S. higher education leaders have centered their crisis management on values and guiding ethical principles. We conducted 55 in-depth interviews with leaders from 30 U.S. higher education institutions, with most leaders participating in two interviews. We found that crisis plans created prior to the COVID-19 pandemic were inadequate due to the long duration and highly uncertain nature of the crisis. Instead, higher education leaders applied guiding principles on the fly (...)
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  21. Paul and His Teachings.Fred L. Fisher - 1974
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  22.  36
    Dimension of the environment crisis.Joseph L. Fisher - 1970 - Zygon 5 (4):274-283.
  23. Introduction : ways of inquiry pathways and partnerships for grassroots innovation.Jeff Galle & Rebecca L. Harrison - 2018 - In Jeffery Galle & Rebecca L. Harrison, Revitalizing classrooms: innovations and inquiry pedagogies in practice. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Intense, Passionate, Romantic Love: A Natural Addiction? How the Fields That Investigate Romance and Substance Abuse Can Inform Each Other.Helen E. Fisher, Xiaomeng Xu, Arthur Aron & Lucy L. Brown - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  25.  22
    Lactantius' Ideas Relating Christian Truth and Christian Society.Arthur L. Fisher - 1982 - Journal of the History of Ideas 43 (3):355.
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  26.  16
    Philosophy and science as modes of knowing.Alden L. Fisher & George B. Murray (eds.) - 1969 - New York,: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
  27.  33
    Limited-channel models of automatic detection: Capacity and scanning in visual search.Donald L. Fisher - 1982 - Psychological Review 89 (6):662-692.
  28.  83
    Neural correlates of suspiciousness and interactions with anxiety during emotional and neutral word processing.Joscelyn E. Fisher, Gregory A. Miller, Sarah M. Sass, Rebecca Levin Silton, J. Christopher Edgar, Jennifer L. Stewart, Jing Zhou & Wendy Heller - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  29.  50
    Four broad temperament dimensions: description, convergent validation correlations, and comparison with the Big Five.Helen E. Fisher, Heide D. Island, Jonathan Rich, Daniel Marchalik & Lucy L. Brown - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:139526.
    A new temperament construct based on recent brain physiology literature has been investigated using the Fisher Temperament Inventory (FTI). Four collections of behaviors emerged, each associated with a specific neural system: the dopamine, serotonin, testosterone, and estrogen/oxytocin system. These four temperament suites have been designated: (1) Curious/Energetic, (2) Cautious/Social Norm Compliant, (3) Analytical/Tough-minded, and (4) Prosocial/Empathetic temperament dimensions. Two functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have suggested that the FTI can measure the influence of these neural systems. In this (...)
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  30. Jesus and His Teachings.Fred L. Fisher - 1972
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  31.  41
    Cambodian-English Dictionary.Karen L. Fisher, Robert K. Headley, Kylin Chhor, Lam Kheng Lim, Lim Hak Kheang & Chen Chun - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (4):894.
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    Economic Progress and Social Security.A. G. B. Fisher, Barbara Wootton & Lewis L. Lorwin - 1946 - Science and Society 10 (4):412-415.
  33.  64
    International Congress for Philosophy of Science, Zürich (pt 1).Alden L. Fisher - 1955 - Modern Schoolman 32 (2):158-158.
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    The Contemporary Status of Scholastic Psychology.Aiden L. Fisher - 1957 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 31:144-157.
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  35. The Purpose of God and the Christian Life.Fred L. Fisher - 1962
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  36.  13
    Zoom, Zoom, Baby! Assessing Mother-Infant Interaction During the Still Face Paradigm and Infant Language Development via a Virtual Visit Procedure.Nancy L. McElwain, Yannan Hu, Xiaomei Li, Meghan C. Fisher, Jenny C. Baldwin & Jordan M. Bodway - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated innovations in data collection protocols, including use of virtual or remote visits. Although developmental scientists used virtual visits prior to COVID-19, validation of virtual assessments of infant socioemotional and language development are lacking. We aimed to fill this gap by validating a virtual visit protocol that assesses mother and infant behavior during the Still Face Paradigm and infant receptive and expressive communication using the Bayley-III Screening Test. Validation was accomplished through comparisons of data collected during (...)
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    The visual terms of state violence in Israel/Palestine: An interview with Rebecca L. Stein.Rebecca L. Stein, Noa Levin & Andrew Fisher - 2023 - Philosophy of Photography 14 (1):7-18.
    This interview with media anthropologist, Rebecca L. Stein, conducted by Noa Levin and Andrew Fisher in Spring 2023, takes her recent book Screenshots: State Violence on Camera in Israel and Palestine (2021) as its starting point in order to explore issues of state violence and the militarization of social media in Israel/Palestine. This book marks the culmination of a decade-long research project into the camera dreams introduced by digital imaging technologies and the fraught histories of their disillusionment. Stein discusses (...)
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  38.  29
    “They know what they are getting into:” Researchers confront the benefits and challenges of online recruitment for HIV research.Elise Bragard, Celia B. Fisher & Brenda L. Curtis - 2020 - Ethics and Behavior 30 (7):481-495.
    ABSTRACT Online research has become a critical recruitment modality for understanding and reducing health disparities among hidden populations most at risk for HIV infection. There is a lack of consensus and guidelines for the responsible conduct of online recruitment for HIV risk populations. Using semi-structured phone interviews, this study drew on the experiences of principal investigators engaged in online HIV research to illuminate scientific and ethical benefits and challenges of social media recruitment. Using Thematic Analysis five major themes emerged: sampling (...)
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  39. The uncertainty of the surgical margin in the treatment of head and neck cancer.T. Upile, C. Fisher, W. Jerjes, M. El Maaytah, A. Searle, D. Archer, L. Michaels, P. Rhys-Evans, C. Hopper, D. Howard & A. Wright - unknown
    We discuss our surgical philosophy concerning the subtle interplay between the size of the surgical margin taken and the resultant morbidity from ablative oncological. procedures, which is ever more evident in the treatment of head and neck malignancy. The extent of tissue resection is determined by the "trade off" between cancer control and the perioperative, functional and aesthetic morbidity and mortality of the surgery. We also discuss our dilemmas concerning recent minimally invasive endoscopic microsurgical. techniques for the trans-oral laser removal. (...)
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    "Themes from the Lectures at the College de France 1952-1960," by Maurice Merleau-Ponty, trans. John O'Neill. [REVIEW]Alden L. Fisher - 1971 - Modern Schoolman 48 (2):210-211.
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    The birth of a confounded idea: The joys and pitfalls of self-experimentation.Martin Voracek & Maryanne L. Fisher - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):273-274.
    According to Roberts, self-experimentation is a viable tool for idea generation in the behavioral sciences. Here we discuss some limitations of this assertion, as well as particular design and data-analytic shortcomings of his experiments.
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  42.  45
    H. A. L. Fisher and the teachers.L. O. Ward - 1974 - British Journal of Educational Studies 22 (2):191-199.
  43.  81
    Brain Metabolite Levels in Sedentary Women and Non-contact Athletes Differ From Contact Athletes.Amy L. Schranz, Gregory A. Dekaban, Lisa Fischer, Kevin Blackney, Christy Barreira, Timothy J. Doherty, Douglas D. Fraser, Arthur Brown, Jeff Holmes, Ravi S. Menon & Robert Bartha - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    White matter tracts are known to be susceptible to injury following concussion. The objective of this study was to determine whether contact play in sport could alter white matter metabolite levels in female varsity athletes independent of changes induced by long-term exercise. Metabolite levels were measured by single voxel proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the prefrontal white matter at the beginning and end of season in contact and non-contact varsity athletes. Sedentary women were scanned once, at a time equivalent to (...)
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    Sense and Non-Sense. By Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Trans. Hubert L. Dreyfus and Patricia Allen Dreyfus. / Signs. By Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Trans. Richard C. McCleary / The Primacy of Perception and Other Essays. By Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Ed. James M. Edie. [REVIEW]Alden L. Fisher - 1969 - Modern Schoolman 46 (4):357-360.
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  45.  25
    The Association Between Maladaptive Metacognitive Beliefs and Emotional Distress in People Living With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.Rachel Dodd, Peter L. Fisher, Selina Makin, Perry Moore & Mary Gemma Cherry - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectiveApproximately half of all people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis experience persistent or recurrent emotional distress, yet little is known about the psychological processes that maintain emotional distress in this population. The self-regulatory executive functioning model specifies that maladaptive metacognitive beliefs and processes are central to the development and maintenance of emotional distress. This study explored whether maladaptive metacognitive beliefs are associated with emotional distress after controlling for demographic factors, time since diagnosis, and current level of physical functioning.DesignIn a cross-sectional (...)
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  46.  22
    Mission Creep or Mission Lapse? Scientific Review in Research Oversight.Margaret Waltz, Jill A. Fisher & Rebecca L. Walker - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (1):38-49.
    Background The ethical use both of human and non-human animals in research is predicated on the assumption that it is of a high quality and its projected benefits are more significant than the risks and harms imposed on subjects. Yet questions remain about whether and how IRBs and IACUCs should consider the scientific value of proposed research studies.Methods We draw upon 45 interviews with IRB and IACUC members and researchers with oversight experience about their perceptions of their own roles in (...)
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  47.  59
    Serial Participation and the Ethics of Phase 1 Healthy Volunteer Research.Rebecca L. Walker, Marci D. Cottingham & Jill A. Fisher - 2018 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 43 (1):83-114.
    Phase 1 healthy volunteer clinical trials—which financially compensate subjects in tests of drug toxicity levels and side effects—appear to place pressure on each joint of the moral framework justifying research. In this article, we review concerns about phase 1 trials as they have been framed in the bioethics literature, including undue inducement and coercion, unjust exploitation, and worries about compromised data validity. We then revisit these concerns in light of the lived experiences of serial participants who are income-dependent on phase (...)
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  48.  33
    "Psychology in Belgium," by Joseph Nuttin. [REVIEW]Alden L. Fisher - 1964 - Modern Schoolman 41 (2):200-200.
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  49. Parental Influence on Eating Behavior: Conception to Adolescence.Jennifer S. Savage, Jennifer Orlet Fisher & Leann L. Birch - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (1):22-34.
    Eating behaviors evolve during the first years of life as biological and behavioral processes directed towards meeting requirements for health and growth. For the vast majority of human history, food scarcity has constituted a major threat to survival, and human eating behavior and child feeding practices have evolved in response to this threat. Because infants are born into a wide variety of cultures and cuisines, they come equipped as young omnivores with a set of behavioral predispositions that allow them to (...)
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  50.  62
    Karl Rahner and the extra-terrestrial intelligence question.Christopher L. Fisher & David Fergusson - 2006 - Heythrop Journal 47 (2):275–290.
    The prospect of extra‐terrestrial intelligence has become a central topic of scientific investigation and popular speculation. This has generated questions of ethical and theological significance that now receive growing coverage. Throughout his writings, Karl Rahner remained open to the prospect that the process of cosmic evolution had yielded sentient life form in other galaxies. He argued against any theological veto on this notion, while also distinguishing the existential significance of such life forms from that of angels. Furthermore, the possibility of (...)
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