Results for 'Kohei Kawashima'

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  1.  39
    Neural substrates underlying reconcentration for the preparation of an appropriate cognitive state to prevent future mistakes: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.Naoki Miura, Takayuki Nozawa, Makoto Takahashi, Ryoichi Yokoyama, Yukako Sasaki, Kohei Sakaki & Ryuta Kawashima - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Human genetic research, race, ethnicity and the labeling of populations: recommendations based on an interdisciplinary workshop in Japan.Yasuko Takezawa, Kazuto Kato, Hiroki Oota, Timothy Caulfield, Akihiro Fujimoto, Shunwa Honda, Naoyuki Kamatani, Shoji Kawamura, Kohei Kawashima, Ryosuke Kimura, Hiromi Matsumae, Ayako Saito, Patrick E. Savage, Noriko Seguchi, Keiko Shimizu, Satoshi Terao, Yumi Yamaguchi-Kabata, Akira Yasukouchi, Minoru Yoneda & Katsushi Tokunaga - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):33.
    A challenge in human genome research is how to describe the populations being studied. The use of improper and/or imprecise terms has the potential to both generate and reinforce prejudices and to diminish the clinical value of the research. The issue of population descriptors has not attracted enough academic attention outside North America and Europe. In January 2012, we held a two-day workshop, the first of its kind in Japan, to engage in interdisciplinary dialogue between scholars in the humanities, social (...)
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    The Effects of Family Socioeconomic Status on Psychological and Neural Mechanisms as Well as Their Sex Differences.Hikaru Takeuchi, Yasuyuki Taki, Rui Nouchi, Ryoishi Yokoyama, Yuka Kotozaki, Seishu Nakagawa, Atsushi Sekiguchi, Kunio Iizuka, Yuki Yamamoto, Sugiko Hanawa, Tsuyoshi Araki, Carlos Makoto Miyauchi, Kohei Sakaki, Takayuki Nozawa, Shigeyuki Ikeda, Susumu Yokota, Daniele Magistro, Yuko Sassa & Ryuta Kawashima - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  4. Marx in the Anthropocene: Value, Metabolic Rift, and the Non-Cartesian Dualism.Kohei Saito - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialtheorie Und Philosophie 4 (1-2):276-295.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialtheorie und Philosophie Jahrgang: 4 Heft: 1-2 Seiten: 276-295.
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    Awareness as observational heterarchy.Kohei Sonoda, Kentaro Kodama & Yukio-Pegio Gunji - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    L’interprétation argumentative en contexte.Kohei Kida - 2024 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 22-1 (22-1).
    Within the framework of argumentative semantics, argumentative interpretation takes place using two methods, one of which consists in determining the terms of an "argumentative chaining”, an argumentative discourse used to represent the meaning of an utterance. The aim of this article is to show that in such an interpretation, the context, and in particular the cotext, of the utterance to be interpreted can be exploited in various ways, which leads to rethink the notion of context.
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  7.  24
    De l’interprétation argumentative.Kohei Kida - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 17.
    Le présent article vise à développer la notion d’« interprétation argumentative » introduite par Carel dans la Théorie des Blocs Sémantiques avec deux autres notions, celles de « décodage argumentatif » et de « Carte Argumentative du Lexique ». Il s’agira de montrer que l’interprétation argumentative est soumise à des contraintes alors que Carel semble donner plus de poids à la liberté qu’on a d’interpréter argumentativement un énoncé.
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  8.  39
    Gödel, Escher, Bell: Contextual Semantics of Logical Paradoxes.Kohei Kishida - 2023 - In Alessandra Palmigiano & Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (eds.), Samson Abramsky on Logic and Structure in Computer Science and Beyond. Springer Verlag. pp. 531-572.
    Quantum physics exhibits various non-classical and paradoxical features. Among them are non-locality and contextuality (e.g. Bell’s theorem or the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox). Since they are expected to constitute a key resource in quantum computation, several approaches have been proposed to provide high-level expressions for them. In one of these approaches, Abramsky and others use the mathematics of algebraic topology and characterize non-locality and contextuality as the same type of phenomena as M. C. Escher’s impossible figures. This article expands this topological insight (...)
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  9.  64
    Confidence and competence in communication.Kohei Kawamura - 2015 - Theory and Decision 78 (2):233-259.
    This paper studies information transmission between an uninformed decision maker and an informed agent who have asymmetric beliefs on the sender’s ability to observe the state of nature. We find that even when the material payoffs of the players are perfectly aligned, the sender’s over- and underconfidence on his information give rise to information loss in communication, although they do not by themselves completely eliminate information transmission in equilibrium. However, an underconfident sender may prefer no communication to informative communication. We (...)
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  10. Kindai shakai to hō.Takeyoshi Kawashima - 1959 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  11.  18
    ‘Mitori’ practices at a Japanese Hospital: Interactional analysis of the processes of death and dying in Japan.Michie Kawashima - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (2):159-179.
    Using 20 video recordings of Emergency Room treatment and over 5 years of Emergency Room fieldwork data, this study elucidates how interactional processes serve as resources for generating a cultural script of death in Japan called ‘Mitori’. A sudden death at a hospital, in which a patient is removed from their social network, is often considered as the opposite of a ‘good home death’. This study shows how hospital deaths in Japan are strongly interrelated with family participation. After showing the (...)
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  12. Rinriteki tankyū no kisoteki shomondai.Hidekazu Kawashima - 1971
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  13.  48
    Some reflections on law and morality in contemporary societies.Takeyoshi Kawashima - 1971 - Philosophy East and West 21 (4):493-504.
  14.  16
    La métaphore filée à la lumière de la Théorie des Blocs Sémantiques.Kohei Kida - 2021 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 19.
    Le présent travail vise à proposer une description de la métaphore filée dans le cadre de la Théorie des Blocs Sémantiques. Il s’agira de soutenir qu’il existe au moins deux modes de construction pour les discours correspondant à la structure que nous appellerons « minimale » de la métaphore filée. Nous chercherons à montrer que de tels discours se laissent décrire notamment en termes de « schéma argumentatif signifié » et « schéma argumentatif préfiguré ».
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  15. Pleasure and Fatigue of the Barthesian Text.Kohei Kuwada - 2021 - In Fabien Arribert-Narce, Fuhito Endō & Kamila Pawlikowska (eds.), The pleasure in/of the text: about the joys and perversities of reading. New York: Peter Lang.
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  16. On concepts of action and behavior as the implicit point of agreement between Enactivism and Radical Behaviorism.Kohei Yanagawa & Hiroshi Matsui - 2025 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):1-18.
    In psychology, the principle of “Behaviorism” has a negative connotation. The ascription of the philosophical stance as “behaviorist” is usually nuanced with criticism, and those labeled behaviorists often deny it (For example, Gallagher says, “But then, a surprise! Barrett also wants to recruit the behaviorists, and specifically, B. F. Skinner. Is this “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” type of strategy? Can we maintain peace within our own ranks if we mix phenomenologist with behaviorists?” (Gallagher, Philosophical Studies, 176(3), (...)
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  17.  24
    Die Rolle der Differenz in Hegels System der Sittlichkeit.Kohei Saito - 2014 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2014 (1).
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  18.  28
    A fine-grained distinction of coarse graining.Kohei Morita - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (1):1-22.
    This paper aims to distinguish two main types of coarse graining, and reveal the relationship between the notions of coarse graining and emergence. In physics, some forms of coarse graining seem to be indispensable to show a physical property, and the other merely changes our descriptions of the system. To clarify the notion of coarse graining, this article investigates the cases of the renormalization group method and irreversibility, both of which have been important topics in philosophy of science, and the (...)
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  19.  44
    Madame Lavoisier et la traduction française de l'"Essay on phlogiston" de Kirwan (Madame Lavoisier and the French translation of Kirwan's Essay on phlogiston).Keiko Kawashima - 2000 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 53 (2):235-264.
    In this article I examine Lavoisier's collaboration with his wife in the translation of Kirwan's An essay on phlogiston into French (Essai sur le phlogistique, 1788). This translation is a kind of counter attack by the school of French scholars around Lavoisier. Mrs Lavoisier is generally considered only to have translated Kirwan's book, not to have refuted it. Through a detailed analysis of the translation, of her manuscripts, and of other documents of the period, I conclude that Mrs Lavoisier not (...)
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  20.  22
    くりこみ群におけるミニマルモデルに基づく局所的創発.Kohei Morita - 2022 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 55 (1):1-23.
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    Why Is Touch Sometimes So Touching?: The Phenomenology of Touch in Susan Streitfeld's Female Perversions.Kohei Furuya - 2011 - Film-Philosophy 15 (1):63-81.
    The film Female Perversions (1996) has received mixed reviews in newspapers and popular magazines. Critics have made appreciative comments on the powerful feminist message of the film, while many reviews registered frustration at the overuse of vulgarised Freudian psychoanalytic discourses in the film. Apart from those film reviews, however, many viewers have been somehow touched by the film and especially by the last scene, in which Eve physically ‘touches’ a girl’s face—though they do not know exactly why they felt the (...)
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  22. Verbal medium and narrative art in Homer and the bible.Robert S. Kawashima - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (1):103-117.
    : Erich Auerbach's famous comparative study of Homer and the Bible, "Odysseus' Scar," argues that their contrastive styles derive from the different possibilities available to oral tradition and literature. In support of this thesis, I invoke two theories of verbal art: Walter Benjamin's description of the storyteller's craft, and Victor Shklovsky's definition of art as "defamiliarization." Through a comparative analysis of the use of type-scenes in Homer and in biblical narrative, I demonstrate how Homer is a traditional storyteller, practicing an (...)
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  23.  26
    Quelle sémantique pour les implicites?Kohei Kida - 2018 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage (HS).
    Cet article a pour objectif de soutenir que certains éléments de sens communiqués par un énoncé, qui sont le plus souvent vus dans la sémantique vériconditionnelle ordinaire comme implicites, sont susceptibles d’être réanalysés dans une sémantique argumentative, la Théorie des Blocs Sémantiques, comme faisant partie du contenu explicite de l’énoncé, dans la mesure où de tels éléments constituent des « enchaînements argumentatifs » sémantiquement indécomposables.
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  24. Thermosensory Roles of G Protein‐Coupled Receptors and Other Cellular Factors in Animals.Kohei Ohnishi & Takaaki Sokabe - forthcoming - Bioessays:e202400233.
    In this review, we introduce the concept of “dual thermosensing mechanisms,” highlighting the functional collaboration between G protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs) and transient receptor potential (TRP) channels that enable sophisticated cellular thermal responsiveness. GPCRs have been implicated in thermosensory processes, with recent findings identifying several candidates across species, including mammals, fruit flies, and nematodes. In many cases, these GPCRs work in conjunction with another class of thermosensors, TRP channels, offering insights into the complex mechanisms underlying thermosensory signaling. We examine how GPCRs (...)
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  25.  20
    Multi-device trust transfer: Can trust be transferred among multiple devices?Kohei Okuoka, Kouichi Enami, Mitsuhiko Kimoto & Michita Imai - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recent advances in automation technology have increased the opportunity for collaboration between humans and multiple autonomous systems such as robots and self-driving cars. In research on autonomous system collaboration, the trust users have in autonomous systems is an important topic. Previous research suggests that the trust built by observing a task can be transferred to other tasks. However, such research did not focus on trust in multiple different devices but in one device or several of the same devices. Thus, we (...)
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  26. Marx’s Theory of Metabolism in the Age of Global Ecological Crisis.Kohei Saito - 2020 - Historical Materialism 28 (2):3-24.
    When the existing order cannot offer a solution, the solution to climate crisis must come from the radical left, and this is precisely why Karl Marx’s idea of ecosocialism is more important than ever. In this context, it is worth revisiting not only the legacy of István Mészáros’s theory of ‘social metabolism’ and that of his successors – who can be categorised as comprising the ‘metabolic rift school’, which includes John Bellamy Foster, Paul Burkett, and Brett Clark –, but also (...)
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    Topos Semantics for Higher-Order Modal Logic.Steve Awodey, Kohei Kishida & Hans-Cristoph Kotzsch - 2014 - Logique Et Analyse 228:591-636.
    We define the notion of a model of higher-order modal logic in an arbitrary elementary topos E. In contrast to the well-known interpretation of higher-order logic, the type of propositions is not interpreted by the subobject classifier ΩE, but rather by a suitable complete Heyting algebra H. The canonical map relating H and ΩE both serves to interpret equality and provides a modal operator on H in the form of a comonad. Examples of such structures arise from surjective geometric morphisms (...)
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  28.  50
    Prediction of Mind-Wandering with Electroencephalogram and Non-linear Regression Modeling.Issaku Kawashima & Hiroaki Kumano - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  29. Seiyō tetsugaku nyūmon.Seikichi Kawashima - 1947
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  30. Seinen to Nihon seishin.Masutarō Kawashima - 1940
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  31. (1 other version)The Status of the Individual in the Notion of Law, Right, and Social Order in Japan.Takeyoshi Kawashima - 1967 - In Charles Alexander Moore (ed.), The Japanese mind. Honolulu,: East-West Center Press. pp. 262--287.
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  32.  15
    Was machte den ewigen Frieden zum „goldenen Zeitalter“?Kohei Saito - 2017 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2017 (1):435-440.
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    Repeated Exposure to Illusory Sense of Body Ownership and Agency Over a Moving Virtual Body Improves Executive Functioning and Increases Prefrontal Cortex Activity in the Elderly.Dalila Burin & Ryuta Kawashima - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:674326.
    We previously showed that the illusory sense of ownership and agency over a moving body in immersive virtual reality can trigger subjective and physiological reactions on the real subject’s body and, therefore, an acute improvement of cognitive functions after a single session of high-intensity intermittent exercise performed exclusively by one’s own virtual body, similar to what happens when we actually do physical activity. As well as confirming previous results, here, we aimed at finding in the elderly an increased improvement after (...)
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  34.  43
    Moral distress among critical care nurses: A cross-cultural comparison.Kaoru Ashida, Tetsuharu Kawashima, Aki Kawakami & Makoto Tanaka - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1341-1352.
    Background Although, moral distress presents a serious problem among critical care nurses in many countries, limited research has been conducted on it. A validated scale has been developed to evaluate moral distress and has enabled cross-cultural comparison for seeking its root causes. Research aims This study aimed to (1) clarify the current status of moral distress among nurses who worked in critical care areas in Japan, (2) compare the moral distress levels among nurses in Japan with previously reported results from (...)
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  35.  33
    Values and self-perception of behaviour among critical care nurses.Kaoru Ashida, Aki Kawakami, Tetsuharu Kawashima & Makoto Tanaka - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (7-8):1348-1358.
    Background: Moral distress has various adverse effects on nurses working in critical care. Differences in personal values, and between values and self-perception of behaviour are factors that may cause moral distress. Research aims: The aims of this study were (1) to identify ethical values and self-perception of behaviour of critical care nurses in Japan and (2) to determine the items with a large difference between value and behaviour and the items with a large difference in value from others. Research design: (...)
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  36.  22
    Topological Completeness of First-Order Modal Logics.Steve Awodey & Kohei Kishida - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 1-17.
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    Presetting of the Corticospinal Excitability in the Tibialis Anterior Muscle in Relation to Prediction of the Magnitude and Direction of Postural Perturbations.Kimiya Fujio, Hiroki Obata, Noritaka Kawashima & Kimitaka Nakazawa - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  38.  39
    Missionaries and a Hindu State: Travancore 1858-1936.Eugene F. Irschick & Koji Kawashima - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):150.
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    Mind as a Behavioral Inhibition Network.Toru Moriyama, Kohei Sonoda, Hanna Saito & Masao Migita - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  40.  27
    Effect of the Survival Judgment Task on Memory Performance in Subclinically Depressed People.Rui Nouchi & Ryuta Kawashima - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Temporal, but not Directional, Prior Knowledge Shortens Muscle Reflex Latency in Response to Sudden Transition of Support Surface During Walking.Masahiro Shinya, Noritaka Kawashima & Kimitaka Nakazawa - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  42. Violence in the prehistoric period of Japan: the spatio-temporal pattern of skeletal evidence for violence in the Jomon period.Hisashi Nakao, Kohei Tamura, Yui Arimatsu, Tomomi Nakagawa, Naoko Matsumoto & Takehiko Matsugi - 2016 - Biology Letters 1 (12):20160028.
    Whether man is predisposed to lethal violence, ranging from homicide to warfare, and how that may have impacted human evolution, are among the most controversial topics of debate on human evolution. Although recent studies on the evolution of warfare have been based on various archaeological and ethnographic data, they have reported mixed results: it is unclear whether or not warfare among prehistoric hunter – gatherers was common enough to be a component of human nature and a selective pressure for the (...)
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  43. Population pressure and prehistoric violence in the Yayoi period of Japan.Tomomi Nakagawa, Kohei Tamura, Yuji Yamaguchi, Naoko Matsumoto, Takehiko Matsugi & Hisashi Nakao - 2021 - Journal of Archaeological Science 132:105420.
    The causes of prehistoric inter-group violence have been a subject of long-standing debate in archaeology, an- thropology, and other disciplines. Although population pressure has been considered as a major factor, due to the lack of available prehistoric data, few studies have directly examined its effect so far. In the present study, we used data on skeletal remains from the middle Yayoi period of the Japanese archipelago, where archaeologists argued that an increase of inter-group violence in this period could be explained (...)
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  44. Intergroup conflicts in human evolution: A critical review of the parochial altruism model(人間進化における集団間紛争 ―偏狭な利他性モデルを中心に―).Hisashi Nakao, Kohei Tamura & Tomomi Nakagawa - 2023 - Japanese Psychological Review 65 (2):119-134.
    The evolution of altruism in human societies has been intensively investigated in social and natural sciences. A widely acknowledged recent idea is the “parochial altruism model,” which suggests that inter- group hostility and intragroup altruism can coevolve through lethal intergroup conflicts. The current article critically examines this idea by reviewing research relevant to intergroup conflicts in human evolutionary history from evolutionary biology, psychology, cultural anthropology, and archaeology. After a brief intro- duction, section 2 illustrates the mathematical model of parochial altruism (...)
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  45.  43
    An anatomy of shikakes.Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Toshio Kawashima, Ken-Ichi Kimura & Yasuharu Koike - 2015 - AI and Society 30 (4):431-442.
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    Interaction mechanisms of screw dislocations with and twin boundaries in Mg.Motohiro Yuasa, Kohei Masunaga, Mamoru Mabuchi & Yasumasa Chino - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (3):285-305.
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  47.  25
    Tosaka Jun: a critical reader.Jun Tosaka, Ken C. Kawashima, Fabian Schäfer & Robert Stolz (eds.) - 2013 - Ithaca, New York: East Asia Program, Cornell University.
    Tosaka Jun (1900-1945) was one of modern Japan's most unique and important critics of capitalism, the emperor system, imperialism, and everyday life in wartime Japan. This collection of translations contains some of Tosaka's most important essays and original articles on Tosaka.
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    The Conceptual Basis and Empirical Grounds of Ontic Structural Realism存在的構造実在論の概念的基礎と経験的根拠存在的構造実在論の概念的基礎と経験的根拠.Naoaki Kitamura & Kohei Morita - 2019 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 52 (1):1-22.
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    Ferrimagnetic order in the mixed garnet 3Fe5O12.Takumi Yamagishi, Junji Awaka, Yuusuke Kawashima, Masahiko Uemura, Shuji Ebisu, Susumu Chikazawa & Shoichi Nagata * - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (17):1819-1833.
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    Duality for the Logic of Quantum Actions.Jort M. Bergfeld, Kohei Kishida, Joshua Sack & Shengyang Zhong - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (4):781-805.
    In this paper we show a duality between two approaches to represent quantum structures abstractly and to model the logic and dynamics therein. One approach puts forward a “quantum dynamic frame” :2267–2282, 2005), a labelled transition system whose transition relations are intended to represent projections and unitaries on a Hilbert space. The other approach considers a “Piron lattice”, which characterizes the algebra of closed linear subspaces of a Hilbert space. We define categories of these two sorts of structures and show (...)
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