Results for 'Yasuhiro Yamamoto'

321 found
  1.  43
    An anatomy of shikakes.Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Toshio Kawashima, Ken-Ichi Kimura & Yasuharu Koike - 2015 - AI and Society 30 (4):431-442.
  2. Effects of Self-Compassion Training on Work-Related Well-Being: A Systematic Review.Yasuhiro Kotera & William Van Gordon - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Self-compassion, sharing some commonalities with positive psychology 2.0 approaches, is associated with better mental health outcomes in diverse populations, including workers. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is heightened awareness of the importance of self-care for fostering mental health at work. However, evidence regarding the applications of self-compassion interventions in work-related contexts has not been systematically reviewed to date. Therefore, this systematic review aimed to synthesize and evaluate the utility of self-compassion interventions targeting work-related well-being, as well as assess the (...)
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  3.  22
    Moral conflicts from the justice and care perspectives of japanese nurses: a qualitative content analysis.Yasuhiro Kadooka, Atsushi Asai & Kayoko Tsunematsu - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-18.
    BackgroundHealthcare professionals use the ethics of justice and care to construct moral reasoning. These ethics are conflicting in nature; different value systems and orders of justice and care are applied to the cause of actual moral conflict. We aim to clarify the structure and factors of healthcare professionals’ moral conflicts through the lens of justice and care to obtain suggestions for conflict resolutions.MethodSemi-structured interviews about experiences of moral conflict were conducted with Japanese nurses recruited using the snowball sampling method. Interviews (...)
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  4. Grammatische Idiosynkrasie, Redundanz und das Lexikon.Yasuhiro Fujinawa - 1966 - 愛媛大学法文学部論集. 文学科編 745 (24):745.
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  5. Taikei to hōhō: tetsugakuteki riron kōsei to benshōhō.Yasuhiro Kume - 1984 - Tōkyō: Sekai Shoin.
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    Locking of the ring finger at proximal interphalangeal joint due to a sesamoid bone: a case report.Yasuhiro Seki, Yuko Hoshino & Hiroshi Kuroda - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 7--1.
  7.  14
    Sport Spectatorship and Health Benefits: A Case of a Japanese Professional Golf Tournament.Yasuhiro Watanabe, Tyreal Y. Qian, Jerred J. Wang, N. David Pifer & James J. Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Ethics for the Life Manipulation Era.Oue Yasuhiro - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 43:157-163.
    Ethics is a device which is produced by the human consciousness to regulate the human behaviour or society in a sound manner. Organisms are manipulated by techniques of molecular biology these days. Then, it is so difficult to recognize the problems of life manipulation by the ethical principle raised by our sensing level. To regulate the society greatly influenced by modern life sciences, it is time to utilize the mechanistic knowledge about organisms as a basic principle of ethics (Molecular ethics). (...)
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    The art of the samurai: Yamamoto Tsunetomo's Hagakure.Tsunetomo Yamamoto - 2008 - New York: Duncan Baird Publishers ;. Edited by Barry D. Steben.
    Death in the life of the samurai -- An introduction to Yamamoto Tunetomo's Hagakure -- The Hagakure -- A leisurely chat in the evening shadows -- A samurai must devote his heart firmly to bushidō -- Hardship is a beneficial experience -- There is nothing as deep as giri -- Close your eyes and think of your lord -- Death is a punishment not meted out lightly -- Even if it contains poison, what's the big deal? -- Naritomi Hyōgo's (...)
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    Can physicians’ judgments of futility be accepted by patients?: A comparative survey of Japanese physicians and laypeople.Yasuhiro Kadooka, Atsushi Asai & Seiji Bito - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):1-9.
    Empirical surveys about medical futility are scarce relative to its theoretical assumptions. We aimed to evaluate the difference of attitudes between laypeople and physicians towards the issue. A questionnaire survey was designed. Japanese laypeople (via Internet) and physicians with various specialties (via paper-and-pencil questionnaire) were asked about whether they would provide potentially futile treatments for end-of-life patients in vignettes, important factors for judging a certain treatment futile, and threshold of quantitative futility which reflects the numerical probability that an act will (...)
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  11. Chinese Activities in the Indian Ocean before the Coming of the Portuguese.Tatsuro Yamamoto - 1980 - Diogenes 28 (111):19-34.
    The earliest Chinese record of the maritime relations between India and China can be found in the “History of the Former Han Dynasty” (Chien Han-shu) which covers the period from B.C. 206 to A.D. 23. In its chapter (28b) on geography it is stated that ever since the time of the Emperor Wu (Wu Ti, B.C. 14087) the country called Huang-chih has sent tribute to the Chinese court, which in turn dispatched envoys to this remote country. Huang-chih has been identified (...)
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    Neichā kankaku: 20-seiki saigo no kōfukuron.Yasuhiro Hamano - 1989 - Tōkyō: Tōkyū Ējenshī.
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  13.  35
    Automatic consolidation of Japanese statutes based on formalization of amendment sentences.Yasuhiro Ogawa, Shintaro Inagaki & Katsuhiko Toyama - 2008 - In Takashi Washio, Ken Satoh, Hideaki Takeda & Akihiro Inokuchi (eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 363--376.
  14.  16
    Nishida Kitaro.Yamamoto Seisaku & James W. Heisig (eds.) - 1991 - University of California Press.
    In recent years several books by major figures in Japan's modern philosophical tradition have appeared in English, exciting readers by their explorations of the borderlands between philosophy and religion. What has been wanting, however, is a book in a Western language to elucidate the life and thought of Nishida Kitaro, Japan's first philosopher of world stature and the originator of what has come to be called the Kyoto School. No one is more qualified to write such a book than Nishitani (...)
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  15.  28
    Single stimulus color can modulate vection.Yasuhiro Seya, Megumi Yamaguchi & Hiroyuki Shinoda - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  16. Nakae Tōju no kyōdō shisō.Yasuhiro Takahashi - 2023 - Tōkyō: Perikansha.
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  17.  49
    Ethical Obligations in the Face of Dilemmas Concerning Patient Privacy and Public Interests: The Sasebo Schoolgirl Murder Case.Yasuhiro Kadooka, Taketoshi Okita & Atsushi Asai - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (7):520-527.
    A murder case that had some features in common with the Tarasoff case occurred in Sasebo City, Japan, in 2014. A 15-year-old high school girl was murdered and her 16-year-old classmate was arrested on suspicion of homicide. One and a half months before the murder, a psychiatrist who had been examining the girl called a prefectural child consultation centre to warn that she might commit murder, but he did not reveal her name, considering it his professional duty to keep it (...)
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  18. Japanese healthcare workers‟ attitudes towards administering futile treatments: A preliminary interview-based study.Yasuhiro Kadooka, A. Asai, K. Aizawa & S. Bito - 2011 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 21 (4):131-135.
    In Japan, few studies and ethical debates have addressed medical futility, but articles suggesting the practice of such treatment exist. The present study aimed to explore attitudes about this by examining personal practical experiences of those who have been involved in judging treatments as futile. We employed a qualitative descriptive design with content analysis of semi-structured and focus group interviews with 11 Japanese physicians and 9 nurses of a university hospital in Japan. The interviews mined their practical experience to identify (...)
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  19.  15
    Yamamoto Ichirō hito to shisō.Ichirō Yamamoto (ed.) - 1990 - Kyōto-shi: Hōritsu Bunkasha.
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  20. With and Without Logos: An Interpretation of Socrates' Dream in the Theaetetus.Yasuhiro Wakijo - 2006 - Apeiron 39 (1):33-56.
  21.  16
    Der Stellenwert der Sinneseindr^|^uuml;cke und des transzendentalen Gegebenen.Yasuhiro Arahata - 2005 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 13 (2):71-85.
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  22. Satō Issai, Asaka Gonsai.Yasuhiro Nakamura - 2008 - Tōkyō: Meitoku Shuppansha. Edited by Yoshihiro Murayama.
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  23.  32
    Medial Temporal Lobe Roles in Human Path Integration.Yamamoto Naohide, Philbeck John, Woods Adam, Gajewski Daniel, Arthur Joeanna, Potolicchio Samuel, Levy Lucien & Caputy Anthony - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  24. Nikki shokan shihōsho chosaku kara mita Ninomiya Kinjirō no jinsei to shisō.Yasuhiro Ninomiya - 2008 - Kashiwa-shi: Hatsubaijo Hiroike Gakuen Jigyōbu.
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    (1 other version)The First Videotheque.Yasuhiro Omori - 1995 - In Paul Hockings (ed.), Principles of Visual Anthropology. De Gruyter. pp. 399-412.
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  26.  33
    A comparative survey on potentially futile treatments between Japanese nurses and laypeople.Yasuhiro Kadooka, Atushi Asai, Miki Fukuyama & Seiji Bito - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (1):64-75.
    In the issue of futile treatments, patients and healthcare professionals tend to disagree. We conducted an Internet questionnaire survey and explored the Japanese nurses’ attitude toward this topic, comparing with that of laypeople. In total, 522 nurses and 1134 laypeople completed the questionnaire. Nurse respondents were significantly less in favor of providing potentially futile treatments in hypothetical vignettes and stressed quality of life of the patient for judging the futility of a certain treatment. Of them, 85.4% reported having experienced providing (...)
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  27.  15
    Correction: Moral conflicts from the justice and care perspectives of Japanese Nurses: a qualitative content analysis.Yasuhiro Kadooka, Atsushi Asai & Kayoko Tsunematsu - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-1.
  28.  37
    Die methodologische Funktion des Verhältnisses von »Herr und Knecht« in der Philosophie Hegels.Yasuhiro Kumamoto - 1991 - Fichte-Studien 3:51-67.
  29.  19
    Fichtes erziehungslehre AlS erste logische begründung der vorbilderziehung. Eine untersuchung im kontext der interpretationen Von fichtes pädagogik in japan.Yasuhiro Kumamoto - 1994 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 9:249-257.
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  30. Nishida tetsugaku sono seiritsu to kansei.Yasuhiro Kume - 1999 - Tōkyō: Nōbunkyō.
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  31.  11
    Philosophische Pädagogik bei Kant und Fichte: Erziehung im Dienst der Freiheit.Yasuhiro Kumamoto - 2010 - Saldenburg: Verlag Senging. Edited by Yasuhiro Kumamoto.
  32.  15
    Differential Signatures of Second Language Syntactic Performance and Age on the Structural Properties of the Left Dorsal Pathway.Kayako Yamamoto & Kuniyoshi L. Sakai - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  33.  65
    Thomas Aquinas on the Ontology of Amicitia.Yoshihisa Yamamoto - 2007 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 81:251-262.
    The purpose of this paper is to highlight the ontological character of amicitia in Aquinas. The originality of Aquinas’s theory is found in the ontological foundation expressed by Neoplatonic concepts (unio, unitas, communicatio). By integrating such Neoplatonic concepts with his analysis on the transcendentals (aliquid, unum), I made a new ontological foundation to the theory of amicitia.In order that a man is a one (unum), he must establish himself as something different (aliud quid) in the midst of the relationship with (...)
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  34.  48
    Ethics of Decoded Neurofeedback in Clinical Research, Treatment, and Moral Enhancement.Eisuke Nakazawa, Keiichiro Yamamoto, Koji Tachibana, Soichiro Toda, Yoshiyuki Takimoto & Akira Akabayashi - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 7 (2):110-117.
  35.  77
    Why skill matters.Okihide Hikosaka, Shinya Yamamoto, Masaharu Yasuda & Hyoung F. Kim - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (9):434-441.
  36.  19
    Transition From Crawling to Walking Changes Gaze Communication Space in Everyday Infant-Parent Interaction.Hiroki Yamamoto, Atsushi Sato & Shoji Itakura - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  37.  18
    Ethical judgement and intent in business school students: the role of the psyche?Elaine Conway & Yasuhiro Kotera - 2020 - International Journal of Ethics Education 5 (2):151-186.
    The aim of this paper is to highlight how business schools can improve the ethical behaviour of future managers. It assesses the positions of ethical judgement and ethical intent within a sample of UK business students, together with an analysis of underlying explanatory factors to those positions, such as levels of depression, anxiety, stress, motivation and self-compassion. A range of scales were used to evaluate the ethical stance and psychological characteristics of a group of UK business students. The results indicate (...)
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  38.  2
    EDITORIAL NOTES ON PHILOSTRATUS’ BIOGRAPHY - (G.) Boter Critical Notes on Philostratus’ Life of Apollonius of Tyana. Pp. viii + 317. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2023. Cased, £109.50, €119.95, US$131.99. ISBN: 978-3-11-124365-8. [REVIEW]Yasuhiro Katsumata - 2024 - The Classical Review 74 (2):450-452.
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  39.  10
    Domestic Rituals of the Atharvaveda in the Paippalāda Tradition of Orissa: Śrīdhara’s Vivāhādikarmapañjikā, vol. 1: Book One, Part One, General Prescriptions. Edited with an introduction by Arlo Griffiths and Shilpa Sumant. [REVIEW]Yasuhiro Tsuchiyama - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (1).
    Domestic Rituals of the Atharvaveda in the Paippalāda Tradition of Orissa: Śrīdhara’s Vivāhādikarmapañjikā, vol. 1: Book One, Part One, General Prescriptions. Edited with an introduction by Arlo Griffiths and Shilpa Sumant. Collection Indologie, vol. 135. Pondicherry: institut français de pondichéry, École française d’extrême-orient, 2018. Pp. cxxxiv + 172.
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    A Reverse Stroop Task with Mouse Tracking.Naohide Yamamoto, Sara Incera & Conor T. McLennan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  41.  54
    An Eye-Tracking Study of Exploitations of Spatial Constraints in Diagrammatic Reasoning.Atsushi Shimojima & Yasuhiro Katagiri - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (2):211-254.
    Semantic studies on diagrammatic notations (Barwise & Etchemendy, ; Shimojima, ; Stenning & Lemon, ) have revealed that the “non-deductive,” “emergent,” or “perceptual” effects of diagrams (Chandrasekaran, Kurup, Banerjee, Josephson, & Winkler, ; Kulpa, ; Larkin & Simon, ; Lindsay, ) are all rooted in the exploitation of spatial constraints on graphical structures. Thus, theoretically, this process is a key factor in inference with diagrams, explaining the frequently observed reduction of inferential load. The purpose of this study was to examine (...)
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  42.  73
    The Dorsal Rather than Ventral Pathway Better Reflects Individual Syntactic Abilities in Second Language.Kayako Yamamoto & Kuniyoshi L. Sakai - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  43. Arguments against promoting organ transplants from brain-dead donors, and views of contemporary japanese on life and death.Atsushi Asai, Yasuhiro Kadooka & Kuniko Aizawa - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (4):215-223.
    As of 2009, the number of donors in Japan is the lowest among developed countries. On July 13, 2009, Japan's Organ Transplant Law was revised for the first time in 12 years. The revised and old laws differ greatly on four primary points: the definition of death, age requirements for donors, requirements for brain- death determination and organ extraction, and the appropriateness of priority transplants for relatives.In the four months of deliberations in the National Diet before the new law was (...)
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  44. (1 other version)How did altruism and reciprocity evolve in humans?: Perspectives from experiments on chimpanzees.Shinya Yamamoto & Masayuki Tanaka - 2009 - Interaction Studies 10 (2):150-182.
  45.  45
    Individual differences in object-processing explain the relationship between early gaze-following and later language development.Yuko Okumura, Yasuhiro Kanakogi, Tessei Kobayashi & Shoji Itakura - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):418-424.
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    The power of human gaze on infant learning.Yuko Okumura, Yasuhiro Kanakogi, Takayuki Kanda, Hiroshi Ishiguro & Shoji Itakura - 2013 - Cognition 128 (2):127-133.
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  47.  16
    Notes and Correspondence.A. Birkenmajer, S. Dickstein, Issei Yamamoto, S. L. & Alex Burr - 1932 - Isis 17:421-429.
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  48.  91
    Al-kindī on finding buried treasure.Charles Burnett, Keiji Yamamoto & Michio Yano - 1997 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 7 (1):57-90.
    Al-Kind la littcrivant sur les mcouverte des trcrivit sur ce sujet a survditions et des traductions de l'un et l'autre textes, ainsi que les deux traductions latines faites du chapitre dans Les quarantes chapitres et des commentaires de la proce par al-Kindī.
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    The Fine Balance Between Complete Data Integrity in Medical Adaptive Machine Learning Systems and the Protection of Research Participants.Keiichiro Yamamoto Tomohide Ibuki Eisuke Nakazawa A. National Center for Global Health - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (10):101-103.
    Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2024, Page 101-103.
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  50.  14
    Accelerating Propagation of Chemical Waves Accompanied with a Remarkable Hydrodynamic Flow.Hidetoshi Miike, Kazuki Nakajima Hideaki Yamamoto & K. A. I. Shoichi - 1995 - In Robert J. Russell, Nancey Murphy & Arthur R. Peacocke (eds.), Chaos and Complexity. Vatican Observatory Publications.
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