Results for 'Katharina Braun'

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  1.  18
    Synthetic Biology and the Question of Public Participation : Governance and Ethics in Dealing with Emerging Technologies.Stephanie Siewert, Katharina Kieslich, Matthias Braun & Peter Dabrock - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    The book considers the relationship between governance and participation, and the ways participation has been understood, framed and applied in the context of synthetic biology (SB) governance approaches. Based on fundamental questions about the scope, purpose, and responsibilities assigned to public participation activities, the authors conducted an literature review of policy reports and articles on SB governance. The authors identify key characteristics of synthetic biology, such as the complex interplay of research, engineering and IT expertise in the field, as well (...)
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    Vom Ende her gedacht: Hegels Ästhetik zwischen Kunst und Religion.Tobias Braune-Krickau, Thomas Erne & Katharina Scholl (eds.) - 2014 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Gelingen und Misslingen religiöser Praxis: Auseinandersetzungen mit Rahel Jaeggis "Kritik von Lebensformen".Katharina Eberlein-Braun & Dietrich Schotte (eds.) - 2020 - Münster: Lit.
    Vor allem die philosophische Religionskritik fokussiert sich zu oft auf die Kritik an der Annahme der Existenz Gottes. Dabei gerät aus dem Blick, dass Religionen nicht allein in Überzeugungen bestehen, sondern komplexe soziale Praktiken darstellen, die das Leben ihrer Gläubigen strukturieren, orientieren, stabilisieren und/oder irritieren. Die hier versammelten Beiträge thematisieren diesen Aspekt von Religion in Auseinandersetzung mit dem von Rahel Jaeggi konzipierten Modell einer "Kritik von Lebensformen". Dieser Band liefert damit einen Beitrag sowohl zur Religions-, als auch zur Sozialphilosophie."-- Back (...)
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    Perspectives of patients and clinicians on big data and AI in health: a comparative empirical investigation.Patrik Hummel, Matthias Braun, Serena Bischoff, David Samhammer, Katharina Seitz, Peter A. Fasching & Peter Dabrock - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):2973-2987.
    Background Big data and AI applications now play a major role in many health contexts. Much research has already been conducted on ethical and social challenges associated with these technologies. Likewise, there are already some studies that investigate empirically which values and attitudes play a role in connection with their design and implementation. What is still in its infancy, however, is the comparative investigation of the perspectives of different stakeholders. Methods To explore this issue in a multi-faceted manner, we conducted (...)
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    Martha Nussbaum, Justice for Animals: Our Collective Responsibility.Katharina Braun - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (5):665-667.
  6.  15
    Remote Testing of the Familiar Word Effect With Non-dialectal and Dialectal German-Learning 1–2-Year-Olds.Bettina Braun, Nathalie Czeke, Jasmin Rimpler, Claus Zinn, Jonas Probst, Bastian Goldlücke, Julia Kretschmer & Katharina Zahner-Ritter - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Variability is pervasive in spoken language, in particular if one is exposed to two varieties of the same language. Unlike in bilingual settings, standard and dialectal forms are often phonologically related, increasing the variability in word forms. We investigate whether dialectal variability in children’s input affects their ability to recognize words in Standard German, testing non-dialectal vs. dialectal children. Non-dialectal children, who typically grow up in urban areas, mostly hear Standard German forms, and hence encounter little segmental variability in their (...)
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    Preußische Kulturpolitik im Spiegel von Hegels Ästhetik: 263. Sitzung am 20. Januar 1982 in Düsseldorf.Otto Pöggeler - 1987 - Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
    Die Gedanken des folgenden Vortrags wurden erstmals am 11. November 1981 im Otto-Braun-Saal der Staatsbibliothek Preu6ischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin vorge­ tragen. Mit diesem Vortrag wurde eine Ausstellung eroffnet, in der die Staatsbiblio­ thek Preu6ischer Kulturbesitz Berlin zusammen mit dem Goethe-Museum Dussel­ dorf (Anton-und-Katharina-Kippenberg-Stiftung) und dem Hegel-Archiv der Ruhr-Universitat Bochum im Rahmen des sog. "Preu6en-Jahres" des 150. Todes­ 1 tages Hegels gedachte. Der Vortrag wurde in erweiterter und veranderter Form in der Rheinisch-Westfalischen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 20. Januar 1982 (...)
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  8. Demonstratives and their linguistic meanings.David Braun - 1996 - Noûs 30 (2):145-173.
    In this paper, I present a new semantics for demonstratives. Now some may think that David Kaplan (1989a,b) has already given a more than satisfactory semantics for demonstratives, and that there is no need for a new one. But I argue below that Kaplan's theory fails to describe the linguistic meanings of 'that' and other true demonstratives. My argument for this conclusion has nothing to do with cognitive value, belief sentences, or other such contentious matters in semantics and the philosophy (...)
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  9. Desiring, desires, and desire ascriptions.David Braun - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (1):141-162.
    Delia Graff Fara maintains that many desire ascriptions underspecify the content of the relevant agent’s desire. She argues that this is inconsistent with certain initially plausible claims about desiring, desires, and desire ascriptions. This paper defends those initially plausible claims. Part of the defense hinges on metaphysical claims about the relations among desiring, desires, and contents.
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  10. Implicating Questions.David Braun - 2011 - Mind and Language 26 (5):574-595.
    I modify Grice's theory of conversational implicature so as to accommodate acts of implicating propositions by asking questions, acts of implicating questions by asserting propositions, and acts of implicating questions by asking questions. I describe the relations between a declarative sentence's semantic content (the proposition it semantically expresses), on the one hand, and the propositions that a speaker locutes, asserts, and implicates by uttering that sentence, on the other. I discuss analogous relations between an interrogative sentence's semantic content (the question (...)
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    Beyond Size: Predicting Engagement in Environmental Management Practices of Dutch SMEs.Lorraine M. Uhlaner, Marta M. Berent-Braun, Ronald J. M. Jeurissen & Gerrit de Wit - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (4):411-429.
    This study focuses on the prediction of the engagement of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in environmental management practices, based on a random sample of 689 SMEs. The study finds that several endogenous factors, including tangibility of sector, firm size, innovative orientation, family influence and perceived financial benefits from energy conservation, predict an SME’s level of engagement in selected environmental management practices. For family influence, this effect is found only in interaction with the number of owners. In addition to empirical (...)
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    Rethinking the Criterion for Assessing Cia-targeted Killings: Drones, Proportionality and Jus Ad Vim.Megan Braun & Daniel R. Brunstetter - 2013 - Journal of Military Ethics 12 (4):304-324.
  13. Causally relevant properties.David Braun - 1995 - Philosophical Perspectives 9 (AI, Connectionism and Philosophi):447-75.
    In this paper I present an analysis of causal relevance for properties. I believe that most of us are already familiar with the notion of a causally relevant property. But some of us may not recognize it "under that description." So I begin below with some intuitive explanations and some illustrative examples.
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  14. Russellianism and Explanation.David Braun - 2001 - Noûs 35 (s15):253-289.
    Many philosophers think that the Substitution Objection decisively refutes Russellianism. This objection claims that sentences (1) and (2) can differ in truth value. Therefore, it says, the sentences express different propositions, and so Russellianism is false.
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  15. Russellianism and prediction.David Braun - 2001 - Philosophical Studies 105 (1):59 - 105.
    Russellianism (also called `neo-Russellianism, `Millianism, and `thenaive theory') entails that substitution of co-referring names inattitude ascriptions preserves truth value and proposition expressed.Thus, on this view, if Lucy wants Twain to autograph her book, thenshe also wants Clemens to autograph her book, even if she says ``I donot want Clemens to autograph my book''. Some philosophers (includingMichael Devitt and Mark Richard) claim that attitude ascriptions canbe used to predict behavior, but argue that if Russellianism weretrue, then this would not be so. (...)
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    Hope and Resilience During a Pandemic Among Three Cultural Groups in Israel: The Second Wave of Covid-19.Orna Braun-Lewensohn, Sarah Abu-Kaf & Tehila Kalagy - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:637349.
    The aim of this study was to explore the coping resources of hope and sense of coherence, which are rooted in positive-psychology theory, as potential resilience factors that might reduce the emotional distress experienced by adults from three cultural groups in Israel during the chronic-stress situation of a pandemic. The three cultural groups examined were secular Jews, Ultra-Orthodox Jews, and Arabs. We compared these cultural groups during the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, just before the Jewish New Year (mid-September (...)
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    Pope Francis on War and Peace.Christian N. Braun - 2018 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 15 (1):63-87.
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    Ethics of digital twins: four challenges.Matthias Braun - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (9):579-580.
    In the article ‘Represent Me: Please! Towards an Ethics of Digital Twins in Medicine’, I analysed and tried to better understand the main ethical challenges associated with Digital Twins. For those who are just entering the debate with this article: DT is a metaphor for a bundle of artificial intelligence driven simulation technologies that constantly, in real time and ad personam simulate single or multiple parts of the body and make predictions about future health states based on these simulations. My (...)
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    The Morality of Retributive Targeted Killing.Christian Nikolaus Braun - 2019 - Journal of Military Ethics 18 (3):170-188.
    ABSTRACTThis article assesses whether the contemporary consensus of just war thinking to allow only for defence as just cause for war between states should also be applied to the practice of target...
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  20. Proper names, cognitive contents, and beliefs.David M. Braun - 1991 - Philosophical Studies 62 (3):289 - 305.
  21.  9
    Kritische Theorie Versus Kritizismus: Zur Kant-Kritik Theodor W. Adornos.Carl Braun - 1983 - De Gruyter.
    In der Reihe werden herausragende monographische Untersuchungen und Sammelbände zu allen Aspekten der Philosophie Kants veröffentlicht, ebenso zum systematischen Verhältnis seiner Philosophie zu anderen philosophischen Ansätzen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Veröffentlicht werden Studien, die einen innovativen Charakter haben und ausdrückliche Desiderate der Forschung erfüllen. Die Publikationen repräsentieren damit den aktuellsten Stand der Forschung.
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    From Ethical Exceptionalism to Ethical Exceptions: The Rule and exception Model and the Changing Meaning of Ethics In German Bioregulation.Kathrin Braun - 2017 - Developing World Bioethics 17 (3):146-156.
    Germany is an interesting case with respect to the governance of reprogenetics. It has a strong profile in the technosciences and high aims regarding the global bioeconomy, yet her regulation of human genetics, reproductive medicine and embryo research has for a long time been rather restrictive. German biopolitical exceptionalism has often been explained by reference to Catholicism and the legacy of the Nazi past. The Germans, so goes the common story, have learnt the lessons of history and translated them into (...)
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    Not Just for Experts: The Public Debate about Reprogenetics in Germany.Kathrin Braun - 2005 - Hastings Center Report 35 (3):42.
    When reproductive and genetic technologies spurred an extended German policy debate, the issues at stake went beyond the technologies to include the very meaning of “ethics” and the respective roles of ethicists and of the public in thinking about ethical questions.
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    Media Ethics Education: A Comparison of Student Responses.Mark J. Braun - 1999 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 14 (3):171-182.
    This article reports findings of a survey of college students in 3 educational settings regarding student perceptions of mass media ethics pedagogy, including course objectives, value systems examined, the use of civil law and/or ethics codes as standards of media ethics, and teaching techniques used in media ethics instruction. Of particular interest was how closely student expectations correlate with previous research findings indicating instructor techniques and goals. The results revealed several areas in which instructor goals and the student rankings were (...)
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    Grain boundary etching on pure aluminium.I. Braun, F. C. Frank & G. Meyrick - 1958 - Philosophical Magazine 3 (35):1312-1317.
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    Editorial: Fifty Shades of Grey: Exploring the Dark Sides of Leadership and Followership.Susanne Braun, Ronit Kark & Barbara Wisse - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The historical approach and the ‘war of ethics within the ethics of war’.Christian Nikolaus Braun - 2018 - Journal of International Political Theory 14 (3):349-366.
    Contemporary just war thinking has mostly been split into two competing camps, namely, Michael Walzer’s approach and its revisionist critics. While Walzerians employ a casuistical method, most revisionists resort to analytical philosophy’s reflective equilibrium. Importantly, besides employing different methods, the two sides also disagree on substantive issues. This article focuses on one such issue, the moral equality of combatants, arguing that while a methodological reconciliation between the two camps is impossible, contemporary debate would benefit from a ‘third-way’ approach. Presenting James (...)
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  28. Realismus – Relativismus – Konstruktivismus. Beiträge des 38. Internationalen Wittgenstein Symposiums.Christian Kanzian, Josef Mitterer & Katharina Neges (eds.) - 2015 - Österreichische Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft.
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  29. Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society.Josef Mitterer, Christian Kanzian & Katharina Neges (eds.) - 2015 - Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society.
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  30. Wege zur Kommunikation, Theorie und Praxis interkultureller Toleranz.Hamid Reza Yousefi, Klaus Fischer & Ina Braun - 2006 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 59 (3):249.
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    Hipponax and Iambe.Christopher Brown & Christopher Braun - 1988 - Hermes 116 (4):478-481.
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  32. The Holocaust and Problems of Historical Representation.Robert Braun - 1994 - History and Theory 33 (2):172-198.
    This essay examines different viewpoints taken by historians and theorists in three important debates about the Holocaust and the Nazi past in Germany. Analysis shows that the content and form of historical judgment, the limits of historical narratives, and the referential connections between "facts," "representation," and "truth" are more problematic than historians and social theorists taking part in these debates would like to believe. Examples show that attempts to represent past "reality" are closely related to the politically and socially significant (...)
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    Liberty, Political Rights and Wealth Transfer Taxation.S. Stewart Braun - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (4):379-395.
    Libertarians famously contend that the minimal state is the most just social arrangement because it secures individual freedoms and basic political rights. They also oppose wealth transfer taxation, i.e. taxation of inheritances, bequests, and inter vivos gifts, arguing that it violates people's right to use their wealth freely. However, as I argue, libertarian opposition to wealth transfer taxation causes practical problems for their commitment to a minimal state, as there is strong empirical evidence demonstrating that wealth transfer taxation is required (...)
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    Die Erklärbarkeit von Erfahrung. Realismus und Subjektivität in Spinozas Theorie des menschlichen Geistes.Roland Braun - 2014 - Philosophische Rundschau 61 (4):325-328.
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    Introduction to the Special Issue: Just War or Just Peace? The Future of Catholic Thinking on War and Peace.Christian Nikolaus Braun & Bernhard Koch - 2024 - Studies in Christian Ethics 37 (3):453-455.
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    'Exchanges' - Conversations with... Luce Irigaray.Luce Irigaray & Katharina Karcher - unknown
    Renowned neurologist and author Dr Oliver Sacks is a visiting professor at the University of Warwick as part of the Institute of Advanced Study. Dr Sacks was born in London. He earned his medical degree at the University of Oxford (Queen’s College) and the Middlesex Hospital (now UCL), followed by residencies and fellowships at Mt. Zion Hospital in San Francisco and at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). As well as authoring best-selling books such as Awakenings and The Man Who (...)
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    A Socio-Technological Module: by the Faculty and Staff Department of Technology and Society College of Engineering and Applied Sciences SUNY at Stony Brook, NY 11794.Ludwig Braun - 1981 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 1 (3):257-258.
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    Adynata und versus intercalaris im lied damons.Ludwig Braun - 1969 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 113 (1-2):292-297.
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    Bericht über den Verlauf der Eucken-Ehrang.Otto Braun - 1917 - Kant Studien 21 (1-3):342.
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    Critical Reflections on Rothbard’s Concept of Gross Investment.Eduard Braun - 2014 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 20 (1):43-59.
    This paper critiques Rothbard’s concept of gross investment. Rothbard introduced the concept in order to demonstrate his point that it is not consumer spending that primarily drives the economy, like the mainstream Keynesian view maintains, but the capitalists’ spending. In this paper, it is argued that, contrary to Rothbard’s opinion, the amount of gross investment as he defines it does not contain significant information concerning the question as to whether the capital structure of a society can be upheld or not. (...)
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    Discontinuous RNA synthesis through trans‐splicing.Richard Braun - 1986 - Bioessays 5 (5):223-227.
    In eukaryotic cells intron sequences are usually spliced out with a high degree of precision from heterogenous nuclear RNA (hnRNA) to give functional mRNA with exons in their right order. Provided with the right substrates, cell extracts can achieve the same. With exotic substrates, on the other hand, the same extracts can cut exons from one RNA and join them to exons from another RNA, a process termed trans‐splicing. In vivo, RNA trans‐splicing could lead to faulty, but also to novel (...)
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    Diesel: Technology and Society in Industrial GermanyDonald E. Thomas, Jr.Hans-Joachim Braun - 1987 - Isis 78 (3):498-499.
  43.  20
    Exit, Control, and Politics: Structural Power and Corporate Governance under Asset Manager Capitalism.Benjamin Braun - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (4):630-654.
    The power of finance vis-à-vis the nonfinancial sector is changing. Macroeconomic developments and financial innovations have reduced financial actors’ exit options, thus diminishing exit-based structural power. At the same time, shareholdings have become more concentrated in the hands of large asset managers, thus increasing control-based power. This article documents these trends, before examining whether asset managers wield their power and why, despite being universal shareholders, they have not steered corporate behavior toward decarbonization. Rather than assuming orderly, good-faith interactions between shareholders (...)
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    (1 other version)Empirischer gehalt und falsifizierbarkeit.Günther E. Braun - 1975 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 6 (2):203-216.
    This article discusses the famous Popperian terms of 'empirical content' and 'falsifiability' or 'refutability'. They are all synonymous with another and are all fundamental principles, not for Popper's philosophy exclusively, but for Lakatos's and for Sneed's rational reconstruction of the ideas of Kuhn's book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
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    Effect of addition of irrelevant verbal cues on perceptual-motor learning.Harry W. Braun & A. W. Bendig - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (2):105.
  46.  17
    Frieden ohne Gerechtigkeit? Die »Widerstandsarmee des Herrn« im Norden Ugandas wird zum Lackmustest für den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof.Leonie von Braun - 2007 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2008 (jg):230-237.
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    From the Body of Christ to Racial Homogeneity: Carl Schmitt's Mobilization of 'Life' against 'the Spirit of Technicity'.Kathrin Braun - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (1):1 - 17.
    This article traces the semantics of ?life? and ?vitality? in Carl Schmitt up to the 1930s. It shows that Schmitt deploys these vitalist elements against the modern ?spirit of technicity? in his attempt to combat the lack of substantial ideas in modern politics. However, Schmitt himself cannot escape a fundamental political relativism. There remains an unstable tension at the heart of his thought between the quest for substance and the quest for order. The latter is relativist because it is a (...)
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  48. Horneffer, A., Platon: Staat, übersetzt.O. Braun - 1908 - Kant Studien 13:489.
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    Horneffer, A. Piaton: Der Staat.O. Braun - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
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    Inhalt.Otto Braun - 1912 - In Grundriß Einer Philosophie des Schaffens Als Kulturphilosophie: Einführung in Die Philosophie Als Weltanschauungslehre. De Gruyter. pp. 7-8.
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