Results for 'Kateřina Šimáčková'

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  1.  35
    Experimentální filosofie o otázce kompatibility svobodné vůle s determinismem.Kateřina Šimáčková - 2014 - Pro-Fil 2014 (S1):36-49.
    Jednou z důležitých otázek týkajících se svobodné vůle je tzv. otázka kompatibility. Táže se, zda jsou svobodná vůle a morální zodpovědnost slučitelné s platností determinismu. Existuje řada postojů k dané problematice. Na jedné straně se můžeme setkat s inkompatibilismem, který tvrdí, že svobodná vůle a morální zodpovědnost nejsou kompatibilní s kauzálním determinismem (ať již mluvíme o libertariánství či přísném determinismu), na straně druhé máme kompatibilismus, který se sloučením těchto dvou koncepcí nemá problém. Můj zájem je zaměřen pouze na současnou debatu (...)
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    The Apparent (Ur-)Intentionality of Living Beings and the Game of Content.Katerina Abramova & Mario Villalobos - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (3):651-668.
    Hutto and Satne, Philosophia propose to redefine the problem of naturalizing semantic content as searching for the origin of content instead of attempting to reduce it to some natural phenomenon. The search is to proceed within the framework of Relaxed Naturalism and under the banner of teleosemiotics which places Ur-intentionality at the source of content. We support the proposed redefinition of the problem but object to the proposed solution. In particular, we call for adherence to Strict Naturalism and replace teleosemiotics (...)
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    Kant and the Culture of Enlightenment.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2005 - State University of New York Press.
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    The scope of autonomy: Kant and the morality of freedom.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2012 - Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
    Katerina Deligiorgi offers a contemporary defence of autonomy which is Kantian but engages closely with recent arguments about agency, morality, and practical reasoning.
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  5. Capitalism’s Holocaust of Animals.Katerina Kolozova - 2019 - London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Laruelle's version of Marxism is termed "non-Marxism" whereby the "non-" is stated to stand for bracketing out Marxism's "philosophical sufficiency" and seeking to radicalise Marxism. It stands for the Laruellian non-philosophical variant of Marxism. It is precisely the non-philosophical use of Marx that has enabled the analysis at hand, demonstrating that at the heart of patriarchy and capitalism stands philosophical reason and its treatment of the Animal (both human and non-human). Women are de-realised even as use value and what is (...)
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  6. Attitudes toward chemistry among 11th grade students in high schools in Greece.Katerina Salta & Chryssa Tzougraki - 2004 - Science Education 88 (4):535-547.
  7.  19
    Borie byde'n & Katerina Ierodiakonou.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2011 - In John Marenbon (ed.), The Oxford Handbook to Medieval Philosophy. Oxford Up. pp. 29.
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    Science, thought and nature: Hegel’s completion of Kant’s idealism [Special Issue].Katerina Deligiorgi - 2019 - Journal of the Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy (SIFA) 4 (8):19-46.
    Focusing on Hegel’s engagement with Kant’s theoretical philosophy, the paper shows the merits of its characterisation as “completion”. The broader aim is to offer a fresh perspective on familiar historical arguments and on contemporary discussions of philosophical naturalism by examining the distinctive combination of idealism and naturalism that motivates the priority both authors accord to the topics of testability of philosophical claims and of the nature of the relation between philosophy and the natural science. Linking these topics is a question (...)
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  9. Świadomość i doświadczenie.Katerina Alekseeva - 2009 - Colloquia Communia 86 (1-2):125-136.
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  10. Pictorial Experience and the Awareness of Style.Katerina Bantinaki - 2018 - In Jérôme Pelletier & Alberto Voltolini (eds.), The Pleasure of Pictures: Pictorial Experience and Aesthetic Appreciation. London: Routledge.
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  11. What a Kantian Can Know a priori? A Defense of Moral Cognitivism.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2011 - In Sorin Baiasu, Howard Williams & Sami Pihlstrom (eds.), Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. University of Wales Press.
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  12. Psellis' Paraphrasis on Aristotle's De Interpretatione.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2002 - In Byzantine philosophy and its ancient sources. New York: Clarendon Press.
  13. The Problemata's medical books : structural and methodological aspects.Katerina Oikonomopoulou - 2015 - In Robert Mayhew (ed.), The Aristotelian Problemata Physica : Philosophical and Scientific Investigations. Boston: Brill.
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  14. In the Absence of Alexander. Harpalus and the Failure of Macedonian Authority (Book).Katerina Panagopopoulou - 2003 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 123:233.
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  15. (1 other version)Health, global justice, and virtue bioethics.Katerina Sideri - 2008 - In Michael D. A. Freeman (ed.), Law and bioethics / edited by Michael Freeman. New York: Oxford University Press.
  16. Communicative rationality and the challenge of systems theory.Katerina Strani - 2010 - In Colin B. Grant (ed.), Beyond Universal Pragmatics: Studies in the Philosophy of Communication. Peter Lang.
  17. Remarks on the history of an ancient thought experiment.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2011 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou & Sophie Roux (eds.), Thought Experiments in Methodological and Historical Contexts. Brill.
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    Thought Experiments in Methodological and Historical Contexts.Katerina Ierodiakonou & Sophie Roux (eds.) - 2011 - Brill.
    Thought experiments being central to contemporary philosophy and science, the following questions were asked in recent literature. What is their definition? Are they heuristic devices, arguments, paradoxes? Are they comparable to real experiments? Do intuition and conceivability intervene? Equally imaginative thought experiments are found in ancient, medieval, and Renaissance texts. Paying attention to prime historical examples of thought experiments, we show that historical perspectives help answer these general questions.
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  19.  4
    Deconstructing Professionalism as Code for White (Power): Authenticity as Resistance in Nursing.Katerina Melino, Blythe Bell & Kaija Freborg - 2025 - Nursing Philosophy 26 (1):e70002.
    The concept of professionalism is embedded into all aspects of nursing education and practice yet is rarely critically interrogated in nursing scholarship. This paper describes how professionalism in nursing is based on whiteness. When actualized, this oppressive construct homogenizes individuals' identities to assist nurses in building and wielding power against each other and against patients, and results in dehumanization and disconnection. Foregrounding an ethic of authenticity as a practice of resistance against white professionalism offers an alternative possibility for how nursing (...)
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  20. The Anti-Logical Movement in the 14th Century.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2002 - In Byzantine philosophy and its ancient sources. New York: Clarendon Press.
  21. The Byzantine reception of Aristotle's Categories.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2005 - Synthesis Philosophica 20 (1):7-31.
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    Byzantine philosophy.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  23. Individuals: the revisionary logic of Hegel's politics.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2017 - In Thom Brooks Sebastian Stein (ed.), Hegel's Political Philosophy: On the Normative Significance of Method and System. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Interpretations of Hegel’s social and political thought tend to present Hegel as critic of modern individualism and defender of institutionalism or proto-communitarianism. Yet Hegel has praise for the historically emancipatory role of individualism and gives a positive role to individuals in his discussion of ethics and the state. Drawing on Hegel’s analysis of the category of ‘individual’ in his Logic, this chapter shows that Hegel criticizes the conception of ‘individual’ as a simple and argues instead that it is a term (...)
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    Infinity and continuum in the alternative set theory.Kateřina Trlifajová - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (1):1-23.
    Alternative set theory was created by the Czech mathematician Petr Vopěnka in 1979 as an alternative to Cantor’s set theory. Vopěnka criticised Cantor’s approach for its loss of correspondence with the real world. Alternative set theory can be partially axiomatised and regarded as a nonstandard theory of natural numbers. However, its intention is much wider. It attempts to retain a correspondence between mathematical notions and phenomena of the natural world. Through infinity, Vopěnka grasps the phenomena of vagueness. Infinite sets are (...)
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  25. The philosopher as legislator: Kant on history.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2017 - In The Palgrave Handbook to Kant. London: Palgrave. pp. 683-704.
    History plays an important part internally to the Kantian architectonic. In what follows, I argue that Kant’s conception of history as a unified whole presents distinctive features that are illuminating about the critical and moral commitments of his philosophy, and also conversely, that his conception of philosophy makes specific demands that his philosophical history aims to fulfill. The argument is structured around four questions, each of which I take in turn: Why does Kant believe it important that history be seen (...)
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    (1 other version)Kant, Hegel, And The Bounds Of Thought.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2002 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 45:56-71.
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    Temporalités patrimoniales et art byzantin au Louvre.Katerina Seraïdari - 2024 - Temporalités 39.
    L’article examine trois types de temporalités patrimoniales. Le premier définit l’unité d’une salle muséale comme espace d’exposition cohérent et interroge la coexistence des objets dans son enceinte, en prenant comme exemple la salle 501 du Louvre. En se focalisant sur les objets-palimpsestes et l’art composite, il laisse ainsi entrevoir le mélange entre art latin et art byzantin, les remplois et les circulations de styles, que cette salle met en avant. Le second type évoque les interactions entre exposition permanente et exposition (...)
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  28. Plato's Images: Addressing the Clash Between Method and Critique.Katerina Bantinaki, F. Vassiliou, A. Antaloudaki & A. Athanasiadou - 2019 - Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics 11.
  29. The Literary Translator as Author: a Philosophical Assessment of the Idea.Katerina Bantinaki - 2020 - Translation Studies 3 (13).
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    Co je nového ve fyzice.Kateřina Falk - 2018 - Praha: Nová beseda.
    Physics is the most fundamental of the sciences and its main purpose is to explain how the world works on the smallest as well as the largest scales. This book outlines the most important discoveries and technical development in the field of physics during the past two decades. The reader will learn the basics of the major theories that form the backbone of the current understanding of the universe through descriptions of the latest findings in particle physics, quantum optics, structure (...)
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  31. The Public Display of Religious Identity by Utraquist Towns in Fifteenth-century Bohemia.Katerina Hornickova - 2009 - Filosoficky Casopis 57:185-212.
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  32. Mind subverted to madness : the psychological force of hope as affect in Kant and J. C. Hoffbauer.Katerina Mihaylova - 2023 - In Katerina Mihaylova & Anna Ezekiel (eds.), Hope and the Kantian Legacy: New Contributions to the History of Optimism. London, Vereinigtes Königreich: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This paper examines the concept of hope in the epistemology and psychology of Immanuel Kant and Johann Christoph Hoffbauer (1766-1827). The decisive question is how according to Kant hope can impair the objectivity of judgements about future and what are the positive and negative effects of this impairment. While for Kant hope is not essentially considered as an affect, he admits that it could transform into an affect and in this way it can impair the mood and its cognitive faculties (...)
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    Rousseaus Welten.Katerina Mihaylova, Antonio Roselli & Simon Bunke (eds.) - 2014 - Würzburg, Deutschland: Königshausen & Neumann.
  34. (1 other version)Doing without Agency: Hegel's Social Theory of Action.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2010 - In Arto Laitinenen & Constantine Sandis (eds.), Hegel on Action. Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    (1 other version)The lived revolution: solidarity with the body in pain as the new political universal.Katerina Kolozova - 2010 - Skopje: Evro-Balkan press.
    The book explores the themes of a) “radical concepts” in politics (inspired by François Laruelle’s “non-Marxism” and “non-philosophy,” developed in accordance with Badiouan and Žižekian “realism”); b) politically relevant and applicable epistemologies of “Thought’s Correlating with the Real” (Laruelle), inspired by Laruelle, Badiou and Žižek and c) the possibility of hybridization of the epistemic stance of “radical concept” with the politics of grief and “identification with the suffering itself” proposed by Judith Butler. Radical concepts, the political vision and the theory (...)
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    (1 other version)Religion, Love, and Law: Hegel's Metaphysics of Morals.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2011 - In Michael Baur & Stephen Houlgate (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Hegel. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    Hegelian ethics, which gives pride of place to the roles and relations that give substance to our moral life, is seen as a rejection of Kant's a priori treatment of morality, moral law and moral agency. Analysis of the so-called religious writings from the late 1790s to the early 1800s, 'The Positivity of the Christian Religion', the 'Love' fragment, and the essay 'On the Scientific Treatment of Natural Law', shows Hegel engaging profoundly with recognizably Kantian problems of moral metaphysics about (...)
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  37. Un dieu ennemi du repos des hommes – Zur Ambivalenz des Prometheus-Mythos in Rousseaus Geschichtsphilosophie.Katerina Mihaylova - 2014 - In Katerina Mihaylova, Antonio Roselli & Simon Bunke (eds.), Rousseaus Welten. Würzburg, Deutschland: Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 83-102.
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  38. Is the Poststructuralist Feminist Episteme in Crisis?, an Introduction to the special issue of Technophany " Technē and Feminism".Katerina Kolozova & Vera Buehlmann - 2024 - Technophany: A Journal for Philosophy and Technology 2 (No. 1):1-4.
    Departing from the premise that the poststructuralist paradigm still reigns supreme in feminist and gender theory, that is, despite the niche efforts made in the past two decades to challenge it linked to the so called “speculative” turn or the materialisms (and realisms) emerging from the feminist field itself (such as the Utrecht School, inspired by Rosi Braidotti), we set the call for papers for the issue before you in terms that would invite authors ready to challenge the dominant epistemic (...)
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    Chromatin Stability as a Target for Cancer Treatment.Katerina V. Gurova - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (1):1800141.
    In this essay, I propose that DNA‐binding anti‐cancer drugs work more via chromatin disruption than DNA damage. Success of long‐awaited drugs targeting cancer‐specific drivers is limited by the heterogeneity of tumors. Therefore, chemotherapy acting via universal targets (e.g., DNA) is still the mainstream treatment for cancer. Nevertheless, the problem with targeting DNA is insufficient efficacy due to high toxicity. I propose that this problem stems from the presumption that DNA damage is critical for the anti‐cancer activity of these drugs. DNA (...)
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    (1 other version)Beyond Suppressing Testosterone: A Categorical System to Achieve a “Level Playing Field” in Sport.Katerina Jennings & Esther Braun - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (11):4-17.
    Regulations implemented by World Athletics (WA) require female athletes with differences of sexual development to suppress their blood testosterone levels in order to participate in certain women’s sporting competitions. These regulations have been justified by reference to fairness. In this paper, we reconstruct WA’s understanding of fairness, which requires a “level playing field” where no athlete should have a significant performance advantage based on factors other than talent, dedication, and hard work over an average athlete in their category. We demonstrate (...)
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    Resolutely Black: Conversations with Françoise Vergès, by Aimé Césaire.Katerina Gonzalez Seligmann - 2022 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 32 (2):347-354.
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    Between faith and reason : is J.H. Tieftrunk's concept of hope a postulate?Katerina Mihaylova & Anna Ezekiel - 2023 - In Katerina Mihaylova & Anna Ezekiel (eds.), Hope and the Kantian Legacy: New Contributions to the History of Optimism. London, Vereinigtes Königreich: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Johann Heinrich Tieftrunk has a place among the early Kantians in Halle as both a theologian and a philosophical thinker. After situating Tieftrunk within this intellectual history and determining his theological and philosophical position, this paper provides a chronological account of the concept of hope—which lies at the basis of Kant’s moral philosophy—in Tieftrunk’s writings on philosophy of religion. In particular, the discussion centers on the relationship between the foundation of hope in the moral law and the exclusion of a (...)
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  43. The Palgrave Handbook to Kant.Katerina Deligiorgi (ed.) - 2017 - London: Palgrave.
  44. Creating a new space: Code-switching among British-born Greek-Cypriots in London.Katerina Finnis - 2013 - Pragmatics and Society 4 (2):137-157.
    This paper, located in the traditions of Interactional Sociolinguistics (Gumperz 1982) and Social Constructionism (Berger and Luckmann 1966), explores code-switching and identity practices amongst British-born Greek-Cypriots. The speakers, members of a Greek-Cypriot youth organization, are fluent in English and (with varying levels of fluency) speak the Greek-Cypriot Dialect. Qualitative analyses of recordings of natural speech during youth community meetings and a social event show how a new ‘third space’ becomes reified through code-switching practices. By skillfully manipulating languages and styles, speakers (...)
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    Verbal and gestural expression of motion in French and Czech.Kateřina Fibigerová, Michèle Guidetti & Lenka Šulová - 2012 - In L. Filipovic & K. M. Jaszczolt (eds.), Space and Time in Languages and Cultures: Language, culture, and cognition. John Benjamins. pp. 251.
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    Logic, Byzantine.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 695--697.
  47.  11
    Some observations on Michael of Ephesus' comments on Nicomachean ethics.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2009 - In Charles Barber & David Jenkins (eds.), Medieval Greek commentaries on the Nicomachean ethics. Boston: Brill. pp. 101--185.
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    Between need and permission : the role of hope in Kant's critical foundation of moral faith.Katerina Mihaylova & Anna Ezekiel - 2023 - In Katerina Mihaylova & Anna Ezekiel (eds.), Hope and the Kantian Legacy: New Contributions to the History of Optimism. London, Vereinigtes Königreich: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This paper considers the systematic relationship between faith and reason in Kant’s grounding and limiting of moral faith in the Canon of Pure Reason in the Critique of Pure Reason. The first section addresses the interrelationship between Kant’s critique of knowledge and his critique of faith. The second section defines the complex interplay of theoretical and practical issues in Kant’s critical question of what a morally acting agent may hope for regarding the overall outcome of his actions. The third section (...)
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  49. Wille, Willkür und Moralische Zurechnung bei Johann Christoph Hoffbauer.Katerina Mihaylova - forthcoming - Kant Studien.
    Moral judgements usually concern the moral responsibility of an acting person. Someone is considered praiseworthy or blameworthy for an action based on whether this action is according to or against moral norms. According to a Kantian account, the essential issue is the motivation of the acting person since this is a measure for being a moral cause of the action i.e. for intending it. Only moral causation allows the moral imputation of the action to the acting person. And moral motivation (...)
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  50. Love, hatred and violence in the sacred palace: The story and history of the Amorian dynasty.Katerina Nikolaou & Irene Chrestou - 2008 - Byzantion 78:87-102.
    In the attempt to understand and interpret behavioral patterns, collectively and individually, the example of the Amorion Dynasty is being used. Studying the texts on this topic by the chronographers of later periods, reveals a string of events that historians attributed to personal motives and attempted to interpret as the result o f the abovementioned feelings. This interpretation of the historical events, which did not consider the governmental, social and economic circumstances that allowed the range of human emotions to find (...)
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