Results for 'Katerina Loukopoulou'

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  1.  59
    Godard Alone?: Michael Temple, James S.Williams and Michael Witt, eds. (2004) For Ever Godard.Katerina Loukopoulou - 2006 - Film-Philosophy 10 (1):28-45.
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    Borie byde'n & Katerina Ierodiakonou.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2011 - In John Marenbon, The Oxford Handbook to Medieval Philosophy. Oxford Up. pp. 29.
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    The scope of autonomy: Kant and the morality of freedom.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2012 - Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
    Katerina Deligiorgi offers a contemporary defence of autonomy which is Kantian but engages closely with recent arguments about agency, morality, and practical reasoning.
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    When “AA” is long but “A” is not short: speakers who distinguish short and long vowels in production do not necessarily encode a short–long contrast in their phonological lexicon.Kateřina Chládková, Paola Escudero & Silvia C. Lipski - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  5. The Stoic Division of Philosophy.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 1993 - Phronesis 38 (1):57-74.
  6. (1 other version)Dissatisfied Enlightenmnet: Certain Difficulties Concerning The Public Use Of One's Reason.Katerina Deligiorgi - 1997 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 35:39-53.
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  7. The Literary Translator as Author: a Philosophical Assessment of the Idea.Katerina Bantinaki - 2020 - Translation Studies 3 (13).
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    Islam, Postmodernism and Other Futures: A Ziauddin Sardar Reader.Katerina Dalacoura - 2004 - Contemporary Political Theory 3 (3):344-345.
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    Katharina Grosse - Conceptual Analysis of the Selected Work.Kateřina Dytrtová - 2018 - Espes 7 (2):14-32.
    Text seznamuje čtenáře s výukovou metodou nastavení problému, jeho řešení pomocí zavedení a aplikování teoretických pojmů, konceptovou analýzou vybraného díla a důslednou oporou o kontext a ko-text díla. Příklady vybírá ze soudobé scény výtvarného umění a jeho cílem je zdůvodněná interpretace díla. Opírá se o Goodmanovské termíny denotace, exemplifikace a exprese. Metaforickou exemplifikaci, expresi člení průhledem poznávacími perspektivami 1. a 3. osoby na prožitkovou a empatickou komponentu, opírá se tak o teorii artefiletiky. Otevírá a řeší tak problém vztahu relativních objektivních (...)
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    Co je nového ve fyzice.Kateřina Falk - 2018 - Praha: Nová beseda.
    Physics is the most fundamental of the sciences and its main purpose is to explain how the world works on the smallest as well as the largest scales. This book outlines the most important discoveries and technical development in the field of physics during the past two decades. The reader will learn the basics of the major theories that form the backbone of the current understanding of the universe through descriptions of the latest findings in particle physics, quantum optics, structure (...)
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    Bibliography.Katerina Ierodiakonou & Pantelis Golitsis - 2019 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou & Pantelis Golitsis, Aristotle and His Commentators: Studies in Memory of Paraskevi Kotzia. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 207-218.
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    Logic and knowledge.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2013 - In Frisbee Sheffield & James Warren, The Routledge Companion to Ancient Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 438.
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  13. Psellis' Paraphrasis on Aristotle's De Interpretatione.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2002 - In Byzantine philosophy and its ancient sources. New York: Clarendon Press.
  14.  17
    The Anti-Logical Movement in.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2002 - In Byzantine philosophy and its ancient sources. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 219.
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    Sur le statut et l'importance de l'emporion de Pistiros.Louisa Loukopoulou - 1999 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 123 (1):359-371.
    The important text of the inscription found at Vetren, in effect the oldest document from the chancellery of the Odrysian kingdom, represents a revision - adapted to the political realities of the middle of the 4th century BC - of the royal charter, which laid down, probably from its first foundation in around the middle of the 5th century BC, the legal status and the conditions of symbiosis of a Greek emporion in the sovereign territory of the Odrysian kingdom. It (...)
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    Inexactness? Yes, but yet Masterfully Defined: The Role of the Humorous Comic in Concluding Unscientific Postscript.Kateřina Marková - 2012 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2012 (1).
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    Zwei Stämme der menschlichen Erkenntnis: Die Ablösung der Ästhetik von der Logik bei Kant.Katerina Mihaylova - 2015 - In Peter Remmers & Christoph Asmuth, Ästhetisches Wissen: Zwischen Sinnlichkeit Und Begriff. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 49-82.
  18. (1 other version)Health, global justice, and virtue bioethics.Katerina Sideri - 2008 - In Michael D. A. Freeman, Law and bioethics / edited by Michael Freeman. New York: Oxford University Press.
  19. Communicative rationality and the challenge of systems theory.Katerina Strani - 2010 - In Colin B. Grant, Beyond Universal Pragmatics: Studies in the Philosophy of Communication. Peter Lang.
  20. (1 other version)Cut of the Real: Subjectivity in Poststructuralist Philosophy.Katerina Kolozova & Francois Laruelle - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Following François Laruelle's nonstandard philosophy and the work of Judith Butler, Drucilla Cornell, Luce Irigaray, and Rosi Braidotti, Katerina Kolozova reclaims the relevance of categories traditionally rendered "unthinkable" by postmodern feminist philosophies, such as "the real," "the one," "the limit," and "finality," thus critically repositioning poststructuralist feminist philosophy and gender/queer studies. Poststructuralist (feminist) theory sees the subject as a purely linguistic category, as _always alread_y multiple, as _always already_ nonfixed and fluctuating, as limitless discursivity, and as constitutively detached from (...)
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  21.  30
    Can aggressive cancers be identified by the “aggressiveness” of their chromatin?Katerina Gurova - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (7):2100212.
    Phenotypic plasticity is a crucial feature of aggressive cancer, providing the means for cancer progression. Stochastic changes in tumor cell transcriptional programs increase the chances of survival under any condition. I hypothesize that unstable chromatin permits stochastic transitions between transcriptional programs in aggressive cancers and supports non‐genetic heterogeneity of tumor cells as a basis for their adaptability. I present a mechanistic model for unstable chromatin which includes destabilized nucleosomes, mobile chromatin fibers and random enhancer‐promoter contacts, resulting in stochastic transcription. I (...)
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    Chromatin Stability as a Target for Cancer Treatment.Katerina V. Gurova - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (1):1800141.
    In this essay, I propose that DNA‐binding anti‐cancer drugs work more via chromatin disruption than DNA damage. Success of long‐awaited drugs targeting cancer‐specific drivers is limited by the heterogeneity of tumors. Therefore, chemotherapy acting via universal targets (e.g., DNA) is still the mainstream treatment for cancer. Nevertheless, the problem with targeting DNA is insufficient efficacy due to high toxicity. I propose that this problem stems from the presumption that DNA damage is critical for the anti‐cancer activity of these drugs. DNA (...)
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    Bolzano’s Infinite Quantities.Kateřina Trlifajová - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (4):681-704.
    In his Foundations of a General Theory of Manifolds, Georg Cantor praised Bernard Bolzano as a clear defender of actual infinity who had the courage to work with infinite numbers. At the same time, he sharply criticized the way Bolzano dealt with them. Cantor’s concept was based on the existence of a one-to-one correspondence, while Bolzano insisted on Euclid’s Axiom of the whole being greater than a part. Cantor’s set theory has eventually prevailed, and became a formal basis of contemporary (...)
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    The Apparent (Ur-)Intentionality of Living Beings and the Game of Content.Katerina Abramova & Mario Villalobos - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (3):651-668.
    Hutto and Satne, Philosophia propose to redefine the problem of naturalizing semantic content as searching for the origin of content instead of attempting to reduce it to some natural phenomenon. The search is to proceed within the framework of Relaxed Naturalism and under the banner of teleosemiotics which places Ur-intentionality at the source of content. We support the proposed redefinition of the problem but object to the proposed solution. In particular, we call for adherence to Strict Naturalism and replace teleosemiotics (...)
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  25. The Paradox of Horror: Fear as a Positive Emotion.Katerina Bantinaki - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 70 (4):2012.
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    Asynchronous email interview as a qualitative research method in the humanities.Kateřina Ratislavová & Jakub Ratislav - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (4):452-460.
    The article focuses on a method for collecting qualitative data. The method is the asynchronous email interview. The authors assess the advantages, challenges and best practices of the asynchronous email interview method. They base their assessment on the academic literature and their own experiences using this data collection method in qualitative research on women who had experienced perinatal loss. The asynchronous email interview will never fully replace traditional face-to-face interviews, but it could gain a solid position as a qualitative research (...)
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    (1 other version)Kant, Hegel, And The Bounds Of Thought.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2002 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 45:56-71.
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    Robert B. Pippin, Idealism as Modernism. Hegelian Variations , pp. xviii + 466.Katerina Deligiorgi - 1999 - Hegel Bulletin 20 (1-2):108-111.
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  29. Świadomość i doświadczenie.Katerina Alekseeva - 2009 - Colloquia Communia 86 (1-2):125-136.
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  30. What a Kantian Can Know a priori? A Defense of Moral Cognitivism.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2011 - In Sorin Baiasu, Howard Williams & Sami Pihlstrom, Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. University of Wales Press.
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    Neither Confirm nor Deny: Secrecy and Disclosure in Undercover Policing.Katerina Hadjimatheou - 2017 - Criminal Justice Ethics 36 (3):279-296.
    Recent scandals in U.K. undercover policing have prompted a public re-examination of the basis for continued secrecy with respect to cases in which serious historical misconduct is suspected. As pa...
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    Index of Names.Katerina Ierodiakonou & Pantelis Golitsis - 2019 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou & Pantelis Golitsis, Aristotle and His Commentators: Studies in Memory of Paraskevi Kotzia. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 219-222.
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    Students’ Values and Ethical Concerns in a Biosciences’ Course in Higher Education.Katerina Kedraka - 2020 - Open Journal of Philosophy 10 (4):469-481.
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    Between ancient wisdom and modern knowledge: new science and modern architecture in the case of Claude Perrault.Katerina Lolou - 2022 - Intellectual History Review 32 (3):387-409.
    Claude Perrault, a founding member of the Académie des sciences and architect of the Louvre, is a figure emblematic of architecture’s transformation by the so-called scientific revolution, representing a radical break with tradition. This article will address Perrault’s scientific challenge to architecture as one that harks back to both ancient and modern sources. It explores some ways in which Perrault integrated the analogy between medicine and architecture into his approach to this art and assimilated medical concepts, particularly observation, into an (...)
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  35. Love, hatred and violence in the sacred palace: The story and history of the Amorian dynasty.Katerina Nikolaou & Irene Chrestou - 2008 - Byzantion 78:87-102.
    In the attempt to understand and interpret behavioral patterns, collectively and individually, the example of the Amorion Dynasty is being used. Studying the texts on this topic by the chronographers of later periods, reveals a string of events that historians attributed to personal motives and attempted to interpret as the result o f the abovementioned feelings. This interpretation of the historical events, which did not consider the governmental, social and economic circumstances that allowed the range of human emotions to find (...)
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    : The European Encyclopedia: From 1650 to the Twenty-First Century.Katerina Oikonomopoulou - 2022 - Isis 113 (4):861-863.
  37. The Problemata's medical books : structural and methodological aspects.Katerina Oikonomopoulou - 2015 - In Robert Mayhew, The Aristotelian Problemata Physica : Philosophical and Scientific Investigations. Boston: Brill.
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    Bioethics and Biodiversity: the Caretta caretta case in Greece.Katerina Psarikidou - 2008 - Bioethics Review 1 (1):147-151.
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    Review. Euripides: Ion. KH Lee.Katerina Zacharia - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (2):353-354.
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    Thought Experiments in Methodological and Historical Contexts.Katerina Ierodiakonou & Sophie Roux (eds.) - 2011 - Brill.
    Thought experiments being central to contemporary philosophy and science, the following questions were asked in recent literature. What is their definition? Are they heuristic devices, arguments, paradoxes? Are they comparable to real experiments? Do intuition and conceivability intervene? Equally imaginative thought experiments are found in ancient, medieval, and Renaissance texts. Paying attention to prime historical examples of thought experiments, we show that historical perspectives help answer these general questions.
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  41. The Proper Telos of Life: Schiller, Kant and Having Autonomy as an End.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (5):494 - 511.
    Abstract In this paper I set the debate between Kant and Schiller in terms of the role that an ideal of life can play within an autonomist ethic. I begin by examining the critical role Schiller gives to emotions in tackling specific motivational concerns in Kant's ethics. In the Kantian response I offer to these criticisms, I emphasise the role of metaphysics for a proper understanding of Kant's position whilst allowing that with respect to moral psychology, Kant and Schiller are (...)
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    Surveillance Technologies, Wrongful Criminalisation, and the Presumption of Innocence.Katerina Hadjimatheou - 2017 - Philosophy and Technology 30 (1):39-54.
    The potential of surveillance practices to undermine the presumption of innocence is a growing concern amongst critics of surveillance. This paper attempts to assess the impact of surveillance on the presumption of innocence. It defends an account of the presumption of innocence as a protection against wrongful criminalisation against alternatives, and considers both the ways in which surveillance might undermine that protection and the—hitherto overlooked—ways in which it might promote it. It draws on empirical work on the causes of erroneous (...)
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  43. Grace as Guide to Morals? Schiller's Aesthetic Turn in Ethics.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2006 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 23 (1):1 - 20.
    Our philosophical moral vocabulary expresses a predilection for depth; we customarily probe feelings, intentions, reasons for action. Friedrich Schiller's concept of grace offers an alternative: moral guidance is best sought in what we train ourselves to set aside, facial expression, sound of voice, movement. This surprising proposal merits our attention and speaks to some of our current concerns.
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    Kant and the Culture of Enlightenment.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2005 - State University of New York Press.
  45.  40
    Strategies of othering through discursive practices: Examples from the UK and Poland.Katerina Strani & Anna Szczepaniak-Kozak - 2018 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 14 (1):163-179.
    This article discusses findings of a qualitative study on strategies of othering observed in anti-immigrant discourse, by analysing selected examples from the UK and Polish media, together with data collected from interviews with migrants. The purpose is to identify discursive strategies of othering, which aim to categorise, denigrate, oppress and ultimately reject the stigmatised or racialised ‘other’. We do not offer a systematic comparison of the data from the UK and Poland; instead, we are interested in what is common in (...)
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  46. Remarks on the history of an ancient thought experiment.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2011 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou & Sophie Roux, Thought Experiments in Methodological and Historical Contexts. Brill.
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    Resolutely Black: Conversations with Françoise Vergès, by Aimé Césaire.Katerina Gonzalez Seligmann - 2022 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 32 (2):347-354.
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  48. Pictorial Perception as Twofold Experience.Katerina Bantinaki - 2010 - In Catharine Abell & Katerina Bantinaki, Philosophical Perspectives on Depiction. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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    Move over Big Brother.Katerina Hadjimatheou - 2013 - The Philosophers' Magazine 63:72-76.
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  50. The Public Display of Religious Identity by Utraquist Towns in Fifteenth-century Bohemia.Katerina Hornickova - 2009 - Filosoficky Casopis 57:185-212.
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