Results for 'Katerina Gurova'

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  1.  27
    Can aggressive cancers be identified by the “aggressiveness” of their chromatin?Katerina Gurova - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (7):2100212.
    Phenotypic plasticity is a crucial feature of aggressive cancer, providing the means for cancer progression. Stochastic changes in tumor cell transcriptional programs increase the chances of survival under any condition. I hypothesize that unstable chromatin permits stochastic transitions between transcriptional programs in aggressive cancers and supports non‐genetic heterogeneity of tumor cells as a basis for their adaptability. I present a mechanistic model for unstable chromatin which includes destabilized nucleosomes, mobile chromatin fibers and random enhancer‐promoter contacts, resulting in stochastic transcription. I (...)
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    Chromatin Stability as a Target for Cancer Treatment.Katerina V. Gurova - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (1):1800141.
    In this essay, I propose that DNA‐binding anti‐cancer drugs work more via chromatin disruption than DNA damage. Success of long‐awaited drugs targeting cancer‐specific drivers is limited by the heterogeneity of tumors. Therefore, chemotherapy acting via universal targets (e.g., DNA) is still the mainstream treatment for cancer. Nevertheless, the problem with targeting DNA is insufficient efficacy due to high toxicity. I propose that this problem stems from the presumption that DNA damage is critical for the anti‐cancer activity of these drugs. DNA (...)
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    Borie byde'n & Katerina Ierodiakonou.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2011 - In John Marenbon (ed.), The Oxford Handbook to Medieval Philosophy. Oxford Up. pp. 29.
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    Transparency, public relations, and the mass media: combating the hidden influences in news coverage worldwide.Katerina Tsetsura - 2017 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Dean Kruckeberg.
    An incomplete truth -- Multiple truths -- Media practice or media bribery? conceptual and theoretical considerations and implications -- Dispelling the myths of the ethical significance and validity of the concept of cultural relativism and the need for cultural tolerance in combatting media bribery worldwide -- The global study of media transparency -- Professional communities against media bribery -- A normative theory of media bribery.
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    ‘Now you see them, now you don’t’. Sexual deviants and sexological expertise in communist Czechoslovakia.Kateřina Lišková - 2016 - History of the Human Sciences 29 (1):49-74.
    Despite its historical focus on aberrant behavior, sexology barely dealt with sexual deviants in 1950s Czechoslovakia. Rather, sexologists treated only isolated instances of deviance. The rare cases that went to court appeared mostly because they hindered work or harmed the national economy. Two decades later, however, the situation was markedly different. Hundreds of men were labeled as sexual delinquents and sentenced for treatment in special sexological wards at psychiatric hospitals. They endangered society, so it was claimed, by being unwilling or (...)
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  6. Japanese Sound-Symbolism Facilitates Word Learning in English-Speaking Children.Katerina Kantartzis, Mutsumi Imai & Sotaro Kita - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (3):575-586.
    Sound-symbolism is the nonarbitrary link between the sound and meaning of a word. Japanese-speaking children performed better in a verb generalization task when they were taught novel sound-symbolic verbs, created based on existing Japanese sound-symbolic words, than novel nonsound-symbolic verbs (Imai, Kita, Nagumo, & Okada, 2008). A question remained as to whether the Japanese children had picked up regularities in the Japanese sound-symbolic lexicon or were sensitive to universal sound-symbolism. The present study aimed to provide support for the latter. In (...)
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    Deconstructing Professionalism as Code for White (Power): Authenticity as Resistance in Nursing.Katerina Melino, Blythe Bell & Kaija Freborg - 2025 - Nursing Philosophy 26 (1):e70002.
    The concept of professionalism is embedded into all aspects of nursing education and practice yet is rarely critically interrogated in nursing scholarship. This paper describes how professionalism in nursing is based on whiteness. When actualized, this oppressive construct homogenizes individuals' identities to assist nurses in building and wielding power against each other and against patients, and results in dehumanization and disconnection. Foregrounding an ethic of authenticity as a practice of resistance against white professionalism offers an alternative possibility for how nursing (...)
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    Aquinas’s General Pattern of Spiritual Life: STh I-II, q. 1–17.Kateřina Kutarňová - 2024 - Studia Neoaristotelica 21 (1):27-49.
    The main objective of this article is to provide an alternative understanding of the treatise on will and freedom in Aquinas’s Prima Secundae (q. 6–17). I explore these questions in their close relation to the preceding treatise on beatitude. The paper shows similarities between the “hierarchy of beings” and “hierarchy of the powers of the soul”. This similitude helps us to understand Aquinas’s notion of the final end. Special attention is given to the question On deliberation/ counsel. The conclusion suggests (...)
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  9. Świadomość i doświadczenie.Katerina Alekseeva - 2009 - Colloquia Communia 86 (1-2):125-136.
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  10. Pictorial Experience and the Awareness of Style.Katerina Bantinaki - 2018 - In Jérôme Pelletier & Alberto Voltolini (eds.), The Pleasure of Pictures: Pictorial Experience and Aesthetic Appreciation. London: Routledge.
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  11. What a Kantian Can Know a priori? A Defense of Moral Cognitivism.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2011 - In Sorin Baiasu, Howard Williams & Sami Pihlstrom (eds.), Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. University of Wales Press.
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    Katharina Grosse - Conceptual Analysis of the Selected Work.Kateřina Dytrtová - 2018 - Espes 7 (2):14-32.
    Text seznamuje čtenáře s výukovou metodou nastavení problému, jeho řešení pomocí zavedení a aplikování teoretických pojmů, konceptovou analýzou vybraného díla a důslednou oporou o kontext a ko-text díla. Příklady vybírá ze soudobé scény výtvarného umění a jeho cílem je zdůvodněná interpretace díla. Opírá se o Goodmanovské termíny denotace, exemplifikace a exprese. Metaforickou exemplifikaci, expresi člení průhledem poznávacími perspektivami 1. a 3. osoby na prožitkovou a empatickou komponentu, opírá se tak o teorii artefiletiky. Otevírá a řeší tak problém vztahu relativních objektivních (...)
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    Verbal and gestural expression of motion in French and Czech.Kateřina Fibigerová, Michèle Guidetti & Lenka Šulová - 2012 - In L. Filipovic & K. M. Jaszczolt (eds.), Space and Time in Languages and Cultures: Language, culture, and cognition. John Benjamins. pp. 251.
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    Fodor vs. Darwin: A methodological follow-up.Lilia Gurova - unknown
    In a series of recent publications Jerry Fodor has attacked what many believe is the core of Darwinian theory of evolution – the theory of natural selection. Not surprisingly, Fodor’s attack has provoked a strong negative reaction. Fodor’s critics have insisted both that his main argument is unsound and that his central claim that the theory of natural selection “can’t explain the distribution of phenotypic traits in biological populations” is untenable. I can generally agree with the first part of the (...)
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    Inference, consequence, and meaning: perspectives on inferentialism.Lilii︠a︡ Gurova (ed.) - 2012 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Inferentialism as a theory of meaning builds on the idea that what a linguistic expression means depends exclusively on the inferential rules that govern its use. Following different strategies and exploring various case studies, the authors of this collection of essays discuss under what circumstances and to what extent the central tenets of inferentialism are tenable. The essays in this volume present the results of a three-year research project "Representation and Inference" which was conducted from the beginning of 2008 to (...)
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    Obi︠a︡snenie, razbirane i izvod.Lilii︠a︡ Gurova - 2019 - Sofii︠a︡: Nov bŭlgarski universitet.
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    Roli︠a︡ta na problemite.Lilii︠a︡ Gurova - 1998 - Sofii︠a︡: IK "Bogianna".
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  18. Theophrastus on non-human animals that change colour.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2020 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou, Pascale Derron & Pierre Ducrey (eds.), Psychologie de la couleur dans le monde gréco-romain: huit exposés suivis de discussions et d'un épilogue. Vandœuvres: Fondation Hardt pour l'étude de l'antiquité classique.
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    Introduction.Katerina Karoussos - 2014 - Technoetic Arts 12 (1):3-4.
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    Sarah Carvallo, L’Homme parfait. L’anthropologie médicale de Harvey, Rio­lan et Perrault.Katerina Lolou - 2019 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 8 (2):163-167.
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  21. Mind subverted to madness : the psychological force of hope as affect in Kant and J. C. Hoffbauer.Katerina Mihaylova - 2023 - In Katerina Mihaylova & Anna Ezekiel (eds.), Hope and the Kantian Legacy: New Contributions to the History of Optimism. London, Vereinigtes Königreich: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This paper examines the concept of hope in the epistemology and psychology of Immanuel Kant and Johann Christoph Hoffbauer (1766-1827). The decisive question is how according to Kant hope can impair the objectivity of judgements about future and what are the positive and negative effects of this impairment. While for Kant hope is not essentially considered as an affect, he admits that it could transform into an affect and in this way it can impair the mood and its cognitive faculties (...)
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    Rousseaus Welten.Katerina Mihaylova, Antonio Roselli & Simon Bunke (eds.) - 2014 - Würzburg, Deutschland: Königshausen & Neumann.
  23.  26
    Introducing New French Child Data: Thoughts on Their Gathering and Coding.Katérina Palasis - 2010 - Corpus 9:33-51.
    De nouvelles données enfantines pour l’étude du français : réflexions autour de leur collecte et de leur étiquetage.Cet article propose une réflexion autour d’un certain nombre de questions importantes auxquelles un chercheur doit répondre lorsqu’il construit son corpus en vue de recherches sur l’acquisition du langage. Dans ce cadre, deux étapes sont notamment discutées : la collecte des données (choix des informateurs, nombre, représentativité, etc.) et l’étiquetage de ces données, le but étant pour le chercheur de proposer une base de (...)
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    Professional curiosity engaged in policy sociology.Kateřina Ptáčková - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (4):475-491.
    The article focuses on the methodological specifics of qualitative sociological studies commissioned by public administration authorities (“the client”) which aim to provide solutions to specific problems defined by the client. In conducting this kind of study, the researcher is expected not only to describe and understand the existing state of affairs but also to provide a set of recommendations for amending it. The research terrain is not defined by the sociologist herself but basically by the client. This situation reveals a (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Health, global justice, and virtue bioethics.Katerina Sideri - 2008 - In Michael D. A. Freeman (ed.), Law and bioethics / edited by Michael Freeman. New York: Oxford University Press.
  26. (1 other version)Empedocles on Colour and Colour Vision.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2005 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 29:1-37.
  27. (1 other version)Cut of the Real: Subjectivity in Poststructuralist Philosophy.Katerina Kolozova & Francois Laruelle - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Following François Laruelle's nonstandard philosophy and the work of Judith Butler, Drucilla Cornell, Luce Irigaray, and Rosi Braidotti, Katerina Kolozova reclaims the relevance of categories traditionally rendered "unthinkable" by postmodern feminist philosophies, such as "the real," "the one," "the limit," and "finality," thus critically repositioning poststructuralist feminist philosophy and gender/queer studies. Poststructuralist (feminist) theory sees the subject as a purely linguistic category, as _always alread_y multiple, as _always already_ nonfixed and fluctuating, as limitless discursivity, and as constitutively detached from (...)
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    Ethical issues of crowdsourcing in education.Katerina Zdravkova - 2020 - Journal of Responsible Technology 2:100004.
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    Temporalités patrimoniales et art byzantin au Louvre.Katerina Seraïdari - 2024 - Temporalités 39.
    L’article examine trois types de temporalités patrimoniales. Le premier définit l’unité d’une salle muséale comme espace d’exposition cohérent et interroge la coexistence des objets dans son enceinte, en prenant comme exemple la salle 501 du Louvre. En se focalisant sur les objets-palimpsestes et l’art composite, il laisse ainsi entrevoir le mélange entre art latin et art byzantin, les remplois et les circulations de styles, que cette salle met en avant. Le second type évoque les interactions entre exposition permanente et exposition (...)
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    Why do we want to talk?Katerina Semendeferi - 2018 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 19 (1-2):102-120.
    Cognitive and emotional processes are now known to be intertwined and thus the limbic system that underlies emotions is important for human brain evolution, including the evolution of circuits supporting language. The neural substrates of limbic functions, like motivation, attention, inhibition, evaluation, detection of emotional stimuli and others have changed over time. Even though no new, added structures are present in the human brain compared to nonhuman primates, evolution tweaks existing structural systems with possible functional implications. Empirical comparative neuroanatomical evidence (...)
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  31. Attitudes toward chemistry among 11th grade students in high schools in Greece.Katerina Salta & Chryssa Tzougraki - 2004 - Science Education 88 (4):535-547.
  32. The Paradox of Horror: Fear as a Positive Emotion.Katerina Bantinaki - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 70 (4):2012.
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    Byzantine philosophy and its ancient sources.Katerina Ierodiakonou (ed.) - 2002 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    Byzantine philosophy is an almost unexplored field. Being regarded either as mere scholars or as primarily religious thinkers, Byzantine philosophers have not been studied on their own philosophical merit. The eleven contributions in this volume, which cover most periods of Byzantine culture from the 4th to the 15th century, for the first time systematically investigate the attitude the Byzantines took towards the views of ancient philosophers, to uncover the distinctive character of Byzantine thought.
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    Byzantine philosophy.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    (1 other version)Kant, Hegel, And The Bounds Of Thought.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2002 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 45:56-71.
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  36. Plato's Images: Addressing the Clash Between Method and Critique.Katerina Bantinaki, F. Vassiliou, A. Antaloudaki & A. Athanasiadou - 2019 - Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics 11.
  37. The Literary Translator as Author: a Philosophical Assessment of the Idea.Katerina Bantinaki - 2020 - Translation Studies 3 (13).
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    Zwei Stämme der menschlichen Erkenntnis: Die Ablösung der Ästhetik von der Logik bei Kant.Katerina Mihaylova - 2015 - In Peter Remmers & Christoph Asmuth (eds.), Ästhetisches Wissen: Zwischen Sinnlichkeit Und Begriff. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 49-82.
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    Subjectivity as a play of territorialization: Exploring affective attachments to place through collective biography.Katerina Zabrodska & Constance Ellwood - 2011 - Human Affairs 21 (2):184-195.
    In this paper the authors seek to contribute to a new ontology of an embodied, desiring subject through an exploration of their own subjectivities and of the ways in which subjectivities are produced and transformed through affective attachments to place. Using the method of collective biography (Davies, Gannon 2006) and drawing on Deleuze and Guattari’s concepts of desire and territorialization they examine their affective responses and attachments to place: Australia and the Czech Republic. As a point of departure for their (...)
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    (1 other version)The lived revolution: solidarity with the body in pain as the new political universal.Katerina Kolozova - 2010 - Skopje: Evro-Balkan press.
    The book explores the themes of a) “radical concepts” in politics (inspired by François Laruelle’s “non-Marxism” and “non-philosophy,” developed in accordance with Badiouan and Žižekian “realism”); b) politically relevant and applicable epistemologies of “Thought’s Correlating with the Real” (Laruelle), inspired by Laruelle, Badiou and Žižek and c) the possibility of hybridization of the epistemic stance of “radical concept” with the politics of grief and “identification with the suffering itself” proposed by Judith Butler. Radical concepts, the political vision and the theory (...)
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  41.  53
    Intuitions in Stoic philosophy.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (4):614-629.
    There is no single ancient Greek word in the surviving fragments and testimonies of Hellenistic philosophy that is directly translatable by the term ‘intuition’. But if we are in search of intuitions in the context of Hellenistic epistemology, it could be said that both the Stoics and the sceptics made use of them in their philosophical debates; for intuitions seem to be closely connected with the formation of conceptions, which were abundantly used by all Hellenistic philosophers. It is important to (...)
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  42.  54
    The scope of autonomy: Kant and the morality of freedom.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2012 - Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
    Katerina Deligiorgi offers a contemporary defence of autonomy which is Kantian but engages closely with recent arguments about agency, morality, and practical reasoning.
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  43. Pictorial perception as illusion.Katerina Bantinaki - 2007 - British Journal of Aesthetics 47 (3):268-279.
    The focus of this paper is on E. H. Gombrich's claim that pictorial perception is a case of illusion. My aim is to point out that, on the one hand, the interpretation of this claim that is widely accepted in pictorial theory is not supported by Gombrich's analysis of pictorial perception; and, on the other hand, that the interpretation of the claim that I see as more compatible with Gombrich's analysis is not consistent with relevant facts about our relation to (...)
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  44. Freedom and ethical necessity: a Kantian response to Ulrich.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2020 - In James A. Clarke & Gabriel Gottlieb (eds.), Practical Philosophy From Kant to Hegel: Freedom, Right, and Revolution. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    The paper starts with outlining the problems of determinism presented in Ulrich's Eleuthériologie and then examines what resources are available to Kant to address these problems. Although the initial focus is historical, one of the aims is to show that the problems with determinism continue to be live problems for those who seek to defend Kant's theory. So the attempt to seek resources in Kant to address these problems will also involve an attempt to offer a diagnosis of what is (...)
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  45. Introduction.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2020 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou, Pascale Derron & Pierre Ducrey (eds.), Psychologie de la couleur dans le monde gréco-romain: huit exposés suivis de discussions et d'un épilogue. Vandœuvres: Fondation Hardt pour l'étude de l'antiquité classique.
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  46. (1 other version)Doing without Agency: Hegel's Social Theory of Action.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2010 - In Arto Laitinenen & Constantine Sandis (eds.), Hegel on Action. Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Freedom and ethical necessity : a Kantian response to Ulrich (1788).Katerina Deligiorgi - 2020 - In James A. Clarke & Gabriel Gottlieb (eds.), Practical Philosophy From Kant to Hegel: Freedom, Right, and Revolution. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    The paper starts with outlining the problems of determinism presented in Ulrich's Eleuthériologie and then examines what resources are available to Kant to address these problems. Although the initial focus is historical, one of the aims is to show that the problems with determinism continue to be live problems for those who seek to defend Kant's theory. So the attempt to seek resources in Kant to address these problems will also involve an attempt to offer a diagnosis of what is (...)
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  48.  31
    The Byzantine Reception of Aristotle’s Theory of Meaning.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2019 - Methodos 19.
    Les érudits byzantins ont composé, principalement à des fins éducatives, des paraphrases et des commentaires sur la logique aristotélicienne et, en particulier, sur le De interpretatione. Certaines de ces œuvres trahissent clairement leur origine ancienne et d'autres témoignent soit de traditions anciennes perdues, soit des tentatives des Byzantins d'expliquer le texte d'Aristote. Mon but est de présenter les commentaires byzantins sur les premiers chapitres du De interpretatione, dans lesquels nous trouvons des traces de la théorie de la signification d'Aristote. Je (...)
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  49. Pictorial Perception as Twofold Experience.Katerina Bantinaki - 2010 - In Catharine Abell & Katerina Bantinaki (eds.), Philosophical Perspectives on Depiction. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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    The vice of nationality and virtue of patriotism in 17th century Czech Lands.Kateřina Šolcová - 2022 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 12 (3-4):183-189.
    While the emancipatory efforts of the Czech national revival culminated at the end of the 18th and in the 19th century, manifestations of national feeling in the 17th century Czech Lands were rather rare. The article focuses on the concept of nationality as it was treated by scholars from the monastic orders such as the German provincial of the Czech Franciscan province, Bernhard Sannig (1637–1704), or the Czech Jesuit Bohuslav Balbín (1621–1688), whose views are briefly compared with those of the (...)
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