Results for 'Júlio Rique'

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  1.  31
    Interview: Julio Cortazar.Lucille Kerr, Julio Cortazar, Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria, David I. Grossvogel & Jonathan Tittler - 1974 - Diacritics 4 (4):35.
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    Teachers' views of forgiveness for the resolution of conflicts between students in school.Ju´lio Rique & Maria Tereza Lins-Dyer - 2003 - Journal of Moral Education 32 (3):233-250.
    This study investigated teachers' views of forgiveness and institutional pardon for conflict resolution at schools. We asked, "Should teachers endorse student resolution of interpersonal conflicts at school by asking for forgiveness and forgiving?" "Considering that students' conflict led to behaviours that violated norms in the school, should schools pardon students' misconduct if students effectively used forgiveness for interpersonal conflict resolution?" Finally, "Is an internal and autonomous orientation for forgiveness related to social harmony or interpersonal ethics of care?" Fifty-three participants answered (...)
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  3. Discurso de Julio Michael Stern por Ocasiao da Posse da cadeira 18 da Academia Brasileira de Filosofia.Julio Michael Stern - 2023 - In Edgard Leite (ed.), 200 Anos de Independencia e 33 mos de Academia Brasileira de Filosofia. FAPERJ. pp. 211-224.
    Inauguration speech at chair number 18 of the Brasilian Academy of Philosophy.
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    The Computation of Planetary Longitudes in the Zīj of Ibn al-Bannā'.Julio Samsó & Eduardo Millás - 1998 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 8 (2):259.
    Ibn al-Bann1321) is the author of one of the four extant of the unfinished zq (fl. Tunis and Marrakesh ca. 1193j accessible for the computation of planetary longitudes. The present paper studies some modifications of the structure of the tables the purpose of which is to make calculations easier. The tables of the planetary and lunar equations of the centre are ' appears as a clever adapter, who displays a clear ingenuity allowing him to introduce formal modifications which give his (...)
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    Radiografía del dolor.Julio Fausto Fernández - 1964 - San Salvador,: Ministerio de Educación, Dirección General de Publicaciones.
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  6. Touch.Frédérique de Vignemont & Olivier Massin - 2015 - In Mohan Matthen (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Perception. New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK.
    Since Aristotle, touch has been found especially hard to define. One of the few unchallenged intuition about touch, however, is that tactile awareness entertains some especially close relationship with bodily awareness. This article considers the relation between touch and bodily awareness from two different perspectives: the body template theory and the body map theory. According to the former, touch is defined by the fact that tactile content matches proprioceptive content. We raise some objections against such a bodily definition of touch (...)
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    Teachers' views of forgiveness for the resolution of conflicts between students in school.Ju´ lio Rique & Maria Tereza Lins-Dyer - 2003 - Journal of Moral Education 32 (3):233-250.
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    (1 other version)Dynamic Oppositional Symmetries for Color, Jungian and Kantian Categories.Julio Michael Stern - 2024 - Logica Universalis 18 (1):235-282.
    This paper investigates some classical oppositional categories, like synthetic versus analytic, posterior versus prior, imagination versus grammar, metaphor versus hermeneutics, metaphysics versus observation, innovation versus routine, and image versus sound, and the role they play in epistemology and philosophy of science. The epistemological framework of _objective cognitive constructivism_ is of special interest in these investigations. Oppositional relations are formally represented using algebraic lattice structures like the cube and the hexagon of opposition, with applications in the contexts of modern color theory, (...)
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  9. A sharper image: the quest of science and recursive production of objective realities.Julio Michael Stern - 2020 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 24 (2):255-297.
    This article explores the metaphor of Science as provider of sharp images of our environment, using the epistemological framework of Objective Cognitive Constructivism. These sharp images are conveyed by precise scientific hypotheses that, in turn, are encoded by mathematical equations. Furthermore, this article describes how such knowledge is pro-duced by a cyclic and recursive development, perfection and reinforcement process, leading to the emergence of eigen-solutions characterized by the four essential properties of precision, stability, separability and composability. Finally, this article discusses (...)
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    (2 other versions)La libertad psicológica a la luz de la propia conciencia.Julio Jiménez Burguecio - 1952 - Revista de Filosofía 2 (1):97-120.
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    Family Pictures.Julio César Díaz - 2010 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:163-165.
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    Mintage.Julio César Díaz - 2010 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:129-143.
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    Zeno.Julio César Díaz - 2010 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:77-81.
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    Life as emergence: The roots of a new paradigm in theoretical biology.Julio Fernandez, Alvaro Moreno & Arantza Etxeberria - 1991 - World Futures 32 (2):133-149.
    (1991). Life as emergence: The roots of a new paradigm in theoretical biology. World Futures: Vol. 32, Creative Evolution in Nature, Mind, and Society, pp. 133-149.
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    El Infinito En Descartes y El Propósito Práctico de Su Filosofía.Julio Armando Morales Guerrero - 2016 - Praxis Filosófica 42:203-217.
    El concepto de infinito en Descartes hace referencia a las categorías desubstancia y cantidad, por eso difiere del de la teoría moderna del continuomatemático, relativo a la de cualidad. El cartesianismo se soporta en eseinfinito que equivale a Dios, cuya demostración lo supone, y luego explicael cogito como consecuencia de Dios, así mismo explica el mundo y suinteligibilidad. La vida humana es sui generis porque transcurre entre lofinito y lo infinito inabarcable, también se realiza según la necesidad y segúnla libertad. (...)
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    Elementos del pensamiento crítico.Julio César Herrero - 2016 - Madrid: Marcial Pons.
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  17. De Platón y Aristóteles. Convergencias y diferencias en la idea de virtud.Julio Horta - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 41 (124):75-90.
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    Conversations in Rome.Julio Irazusta - 1997 - Overheard in Seville 15 (15):14-24.
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    Objective Worlds, Modeling Systems, and Interpretants.Júlio Jéha - 1993 - Semiotics:17-22.
  20.  68
    Reference to Nonexistent Beings.Júlio Jéha - 1991 - Semiotics:355-361.
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    Heterosis in COMT Val158Met Polymorphism Contributes to Sex-Differences in Children’s Math Anxiety.Annelise Júlio-Costa, Aline Aparecida Silva Martins, Guilherme Wood, Máira Pedroso de Almeida, Marlene de Miranda, Vitor Geraldi Haase & Maria Raquel Santos Carvalho - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Lightning: The Poetry of Rene Char.Maryann De Julio & Nancy Kline Piore - 1983 - Substance 12 (3):116.
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    Simão José da Luz Soriano and the Moderate Liberalism (1858-1860).Júlio Rodrigues da Silva - 2006 - Cultura:151-175.
    Simão José da Luz Soriano (1802-1891) é principalmente conhecido pelos livros que escreveu sobre a guerra civil de 1828-1834 e a implantação do liberalismo em Portugal. As reflexões po­líticas realizadas em 1858 e em 1860 revelam-nos uma outra faceta da sua obra: a crítica apai­xonada dos erros do regime constitucional. Contudo, as suas observações só podem ser enten­didas se forem relacionadas com o liberalismo moderado da segunda metade do século XIX. O presente artigo pretende fazer a análise da relação entre (...)
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  24.  26
    Construtivismo cognitivo e estatística bayesiana.Julio Michael Stern - 2006 - Scientiae Studia 4 (4):598-613.
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    Estado laico razoável: algumas considerações.Julio Tomé - 2017 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 33 (1).
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  26. Envoltorio y pedernal: Octavio Paz y Luis Cardoza y Aragón sacando chispas. O de las intuiciones ch’ixi sobre la identidad en El Laberinto de la soledad y Guatemala las líneas de su mano.Julio Urízar - 2024 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (35).
    Este trabajo compara las metáforas asociadas con la identidad y la subjetividad mestiza en dos ensayos de la literatura latinoamericana: El laberinto de la soledad (1950) de Octavio Paz y Guatemala, las líneas de su mano (1955) de Luis Cardoza y Aragón. Las nociones de identidad y subjetividad se leen como procesos envolventes y chispeantes, donde el malestar y la contradicción son inherentes al proceso afirmativo de las experiencias mexicana y guatemalteca. Se concluye que los textos expresan en su faceta (...)
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  27.  30
    Anotações para uma leitura contemporânea de As mecânicas de Galileu Galilei.Julio Celso Ribeiro de Vasconcelos - 2008 - Scientiae Studia 6 (4):551-564.
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  28. Count on dopamine: influences of COMT polymorphisms on numerical cognition.Annelise Júlio-Costa, Andressa M. Antunes, Júlia B. Lopes-Silva, Bárbara C. Moreira, Gabrielle S. Vianna, Guilherme Wood, Maria R. S. Carvalho & Vitor G. Haase - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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  29. Continuous versions of Haack’s puzzles: equilibria, eigen-states and ontologies.Julio Michael Stern - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (4):604-631.
    This article discusses some continuous limit cases of Susan Haack’s crossword puzzle metaphor for the coherent development and foundation of science. The main objective of this discussion is to build a bridge between Haack’s foundherentism and the epistemological framework of objective cognitive constructivism, including its key metaphor of objects as tokens for eigen-solutions. The historical development of chemical affinity tables is used to illustrate our arguments.
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    Tres Lecciones sobre Husserl," with "Apendice.Julio Enrique Blanco - 1943 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4 (1):119-120.
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    Ensino Religioso: por uma prática que promova conscientização.Julio Cezar de Paula Brotto & Valdir Stephanini - 2020 - Horizonte 18 (55):106-106.
    Recognizing that the presence of the Religious School Teaching discipline in public elementary schools in Brazil is a complex and controversial subject, it is of fundamental importance that alternatives be sought so that its offer takes place in such a way as to enable the emergence of conscious and participatory people in the process of transforming society. It was in pursuit of this objective that the authors of this article found in the category of conscientização, proposed by Paulo Freire, a (...)
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    Nota sobre el aristotelismo Y el averroismo politico de Marsilio de padua.Julio A. Castello Dubra - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (3):671-677.
    Nos últimos anos, cada vez mais os "ismos" estão sendo deixados de lado. Neste sentido, quando se fala de aristotelismo ou de averroísmo de Marsílio de Pádua, torna-se necessário examinar o que se entende precisamente por tais atributos e, depois, até que ponto, mesmo de forma aproximativa, eles podem ser aplicados a Marsílio.
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    A Religião Racionalista de Voltaire.Julio Cezar Lazzari Junior - 2012 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 4 (8):147-164.
    O intuito deste artigo é responder: qual a religião de Voltaire? O filósofo teria um modelo de religião a propor? Como sabemos que a resposta é positiva, trabalhamos com as principais obras de Voltaire para entender quais são os fundamentos mais importantes de sua religião, quais são as questões que mais aparecem nas obras do filósofo e como elas são respondidas. Para isso, apresentaremos a relação das ideias de Voltaire com o cristianismo vigente em sua época, e a posição do (...)
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  34. Agenda 21 dentro del sistema educativo de los centros. Reorientación de la educación hacia el desarrollo sostenible.Julio Javier Montero - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 40:71-74.
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    Expectativas en torno a Big Data.Julio López Núñez & Gerardo Cerda-Neumann - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-10.
    Los datos se han convertido en un elemento significativo para comprender el comportamiento de diversos sistemas. En este contexto, Big Data es un concepto que hace referencia al trabajo con grandes volúmenes de datos y con una frontera difusa entre análisis y gestión de ellos. Con tal objeto, esta investigación se enmarca en el paradigma cualitativo. Mediante entrevistas a estudiantes y profesores, partícipes de un curso introductorio a Big Data, busca develar la utilidad en torno a esta temática. Los principales (...)
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    Attentional Factors in Conceptual Congruency.Julio Santiago, Marc Ouellet, Antonio Román & Javier Valenzuela - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (6):1051-1077.
    Conceptual congruency effects are biases induced by an irrelevant conceptual dimension of a task (e.g., location in vertical space) on the processing of another, relevant dimension (e.g., judging words’ emotional evaluation). Such effects are a central empirical pillar for recent views about how the mind/brain represents concepts. In the present paper, we show how attentional cueing (both exogenous and endogenous) to each conceptual dimension succeeds in modifying both the manifestation and the symmetry of the effect. The theoretical implications of this (...)
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  37.  22
    Astronomical Observations in the Maghrib in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries.Julio Samsó - 2001 - Science in Context 14 (1-2):165-178.
    An Andalusian tradition of zījes seems to have been predominant in the Maghrib due to the popularity of the zīj of Ibn Is[hdotu]āq al-Tūnisī and derived texts compiled in the fourteenth century. This tradition computed sidereal planetary longitudes and allowed the calculation of tropical longitudes by using trepidation tables based on models designed in al-Andalus by Abū Is[hdotu]āq ibn al-Zarqālluh. This tradition also used Ibn al-Zarqālluh's model to calculate the obliquity of the ecliptic, which implied that this angle had a (...)
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  38. Color-Coded Epistemic Modes in a Jungian Hexagon of Opposition.Julio Michael Stern - 2022 - In Jean-Yves Beziau & Ioannis Vandoulakis (eds.), The Exoteric Square of Opposition. Birkhauser.
    This article considers distinct ways of understanding the world, referred to in psychology as Functions of Consciousness or as Cognitive Modes, having as the scope of interest epistemology and natural sciences. Inspired by C.G. Jung's Simile of the Spectrum, we consider three basic cognitive modes associated to: (R) embodied instinct, experience, and action; (G) reality perception and learning; and (B) concept abstraction, rational thinking, and language. RGB stand for the primary colors: red, green, and blue. Accordingly, a conceptual map between (...)
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    Introduccion a la Filosofia de las Ciencias.Julio Cesar Arroyave - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 9 (3):389-399.
    Ever since Aristotle, ontology has been assumed to have a single meaning. Classic ontology branched into three directions established by Kant--the three chief manifestations of reality: cosmology, psychology, and theology--and in its quality of pure ontology became the study exclusively of being. On the other hand, the three dialectical branches have been losing their validity and are being replaced by regional ontologies which take explicit account of their several objects. Four territories today present themselves for intensive speculative cultivation; quantity, matter, (...)
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    Trascendencia y actualidad del pensamiento pedagógico de Clemente Estable.Julio Lasa - 1992 - [Montevideo]: A.N.E.P., Consejo de Educación Primaria.
  41. Estructuras politicas Y libre empresa.Julio E. Linares - 1981 - Humanitas 22:397.
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  42. Martin Heidegger y la exigencia política del conocimiento: una raza dura.Julio Quesada - 2010 - Isegoría 43:545-563.
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    (1 other version)1879 – 1979: Genocidio indígena, historiografía y dictadura.Julio Esteban Vezub - 2011 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 1 (2).
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    Colonialism and rights supersession: a Kant-inspired perspective.Julio Montero - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (3):331-346.
  45.  15
    The age of crime: A cognitive-linguistic critical discourse study of media representations and semantic framings of youth offenders in the Uruguayan media.Maria Julios-Costa - 2017 - Discourse and Communication 11 (4):362-385.
    This study integrates corpus-assisted text analysis with frame semantics to study a social problem. Taking a cognitive-linguistic approach to critical discourse studies, in this article I examine the linguistic construction of minors in a corpus of 489 articles from the Uruguayan newspaper El País in the context of the so-called ‘Criminal Imputability Referendum’. Throughout, I focus on the construal operation of framing and identify a host of discursive patterns via which minors and adolescents are recurrently placed within the semantic frame (...)
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  46. Global Poverty, Human Rights and Correlative Duties.Julio Montero - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 22 (1):79-92.
    Does the fact that my actions cause someone to lack access to the objects of her human rights make me a human rights violator? Is behaving in such a way that we deprive someone of access to the objects of her human rights even when we could have avoided behaving in such a way, sufficient to maintain that we have violated her human rights? When an affluent country pursues domestic policies that will foreseeably cause massive deprivation abroad in order to (...)
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    Basic Color Terms and Categories in Three Dialects of the Spanish Language: Interaction Between Cultural and Universal Factors.Julio Lillo, Fernando González-Perilli, Lilia Prado-León, Anna Melnikova, Leticia Álvaro, José A. Collado & Humberto Moreira - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  48. A interferência do poder executivo nos orçamentos do poder judiciário E do ministério público: Separação dos poderes E impactos no exercício de suas funções institucionais.Júlio César Souza dos Santos - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (2).
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    Soto Carrasco, David. Filosofía política y ética. Claves conceptuales para comprender el presente, Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2023.Julio César Muñiz Pérez - 2024 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 51:208-211.
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  50. Patents and Copyrights: Do the Benefits Exceed the Costs?Julio H. Cole - 2001 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 15 (4; SEAS AUT):79-106.
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