Results for 'Julio Lillo'

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  1.  54
    Basic Color Terms and Categories in Three Dialects of the Spanish Language: Interaction Between Cultural and Universal Factors.Julio Lillo, Fernando González-Perilli, Lilia Prado-León, Anna Melnikova, Leticia Álvaro, José A. Collado & Humberto Moreira - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    “Red-Green” or “Brown-Green” Dichromats? The Accuracy of Dichromat Basic Color Terms Metacognition Supports Denomination Change.Humberto Moreira, Julio Lillo & Leticia Álvaro - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Two experiments compared “Red-Green” dichromats’ empirical and metacognized capacities to discriminate basic color categories and to use the corresponding basic color terms. A first experiment used a 102-related-colors set for a pointing task to identify all the stimuli that could be named with each BCT by each R-G dichromat type. In a second experiment, a group of R-G dichromats estimated their difficulty discriminating BCCs-BCTs in a verbal task. The strong coincidences between the results derived from the pointing and the verbal (...)
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    Robotic search: What's in it for comparative cognition?Carlo De Lillo - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (6):1057-1057.
    Although the advantage of biorobotics over traditional modelling tools is not always evident from the studies on animal search addressed in the target article, this commentary argues that testing different robotic architectures and specific biological organisms in structured search spaces, where environmental constraints matter, might prove one of the most promising research strategies in comparative cognition.
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  4. El sentimiento de la naturaleza en la pintura y en la literatura española.Lillo Rodelgo & José Eusebio[From Old Catalog] - 1929 - Toledo: F. Serrano, impr..
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    En busca de la democracia spinoziana.Salomé Rojas Lillo - 2020 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 32 (56).
    El objetivo de este escrito es exponer las características del Estado democrático como lo concibe Spinoza en su Tratado teológico político, conciliando la libertad individual con la paz del Estado. Para esto, en primera instancia se contrastan los efectos de gobernar de forma autoritaria, liberal y democráticamente. Luego presento los fundamentos del Estado a partir del derecho natural individual y una ley universal humana para poder establecer los requisitos para que se conserve el Estado democrático: obediencia, fidelidad y libertad de (...)
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    Violence within language.Javier Castellote Lillo - 2025 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 32.
    This article aims to critically examine the skeptical position that reduces the harmful effect of certain words to the excessive sensitivity of the receiver. Against this position, it is argued that violent language has an objective dimension that exceeds individual sensitivity, which shapes a symbolic power that functions on the basis of historically sedimented conventions and classifications. Following the ideas of Louis Althusser and Judith Butler, the analysis shows that the force of certain insulting words is not a simple subjective (...)
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    Erratum: ``A formal characterization of ordinal numbers''.Nicholas J. De Lillo - 1974 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 15 (4):648-648.
  8. Popper e lo storicismo.Lillo Gullo - 1975 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 4 (3-4):328-343.
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  9. Plato con motivo zoomorfo de Layos (Toledo).S. Martinez Lillo - 1985 - Al-Qantara 6 (1-2).
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    A formal characterization of ordinal numbers.Nicholas J. De Lillo - 1973 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14 (3):397-400.
  11.  25
    Models of an extension of the theory ${\bf ORD}$.Nicholas J. De Lillo - 1979 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20 (4):729-734.
  12. Continuous versions of Haack’s puzzles: equilibria, eigen-states and ontologies.Julio Michael Stern - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (4):604-631.
    This article discusses some continuous limit cases of Susan Haack’s crossword puzzle metaphor for the coherent development and foundation of science. The main objective of this discussion is to build a bridge between Haack’s foundherentism and the epistemological framework of objective cognitive constructivism, including its key metaphor of objects as tokens for eigen-solutions. The historical development of chemical affinity tables is used to illustrate our arguments.
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    Interview: Julio Cortazar.Lucille Kerr, Julio Cortazar, Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria, David I. Grossvogel & Jonathan Tittler - 1974 - Diacritics 4 (4):35.
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  14. The use of spatial structure in working memory: a comparative standpoint.Carlo De Lillo - 2012 - In David McFarland, Keith Stenning & Maggie McGonigle, The Complex Mind: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Dónde estás constanza de José Luis rosasco: Alegorías refundacionales de la nación.Mario Lillo C. - 2011 - Alpha (Osorno) 32:29-43.
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    (1 other version)Lo abierto es en el mundo interpretado: una interpretación de la Octava Elegía de Rilke.Javier Castellote Lillo - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid):1-19.
    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo plantear una interpretación desacostumbrada sobre el concepto poético de lo “abierto” que Rainer Maria Rilke presenta en la octava elegía de sus Elegías de Duino. Para ello, en primer lugar, trataré de deshacer una de las lecturas más clásicas que se han realizado desde la filosofía sobre concepto de lo abierto rilkeano: su rigidez metafísica. En segundo lugar, apuntaré que la interpretación que realiza Martin Heidegger sobre lo abierto no tiene en cuenta aspectos relevantes (...)
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  17.  21
    A note on Turing machine regularity and primitive recursion.Nicholas J. De Lillo - 1978 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 19 (2):289-294.
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  18. Discurso de Julio Michael Stern por Ocasiao da Posse da cadeira 18 da Academia Brasileira de Filosofia.Julio Michael Stern - 2023 - In Edgard Leite, 200 Anos de Independencia e 33 mos de Academia Brasileira de Filosofia. FAPERJ. pp. 211-224.
    Inauguration speech at chair number 18 of the Brasilian Academy of Philosophy.
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  19.  20
    Chomsky and Signed Languages.Diane Lillo-Martin - 2021 - In Nicholas Allott, Terje Lohndal & Georges Rey, A Companion to Chomsky. Wiley. pp. 364–376.
    Chomsky's “revolution” and the revolution in sign language linguistics began around the same time, but they did not directly affect each other for a while. This chapter focuses on Chomsky‐inspired research on sign language grammar and the ways that the study of sign languages connects to theories of innateness, the two main ways that Chomsky's impact has been felt in sign linguistics. Chomsky's linguistic legacy has two primary arms: one in theories of syntax, and the other in theories of language (...)
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  20. La cosmovisión de Ali Ahmad Said 'Adonis'.Rosa Isabel Martínez Lillo - 1998 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 3:39.
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  21. Las excavaciones arqueológicas efectuadas en el Yebel al-Qal a (Ammán), durante la campaña de 1982.Sergio Martínez Lillo & Lauro Olmo Enciso - 1986 - Al-Qantara 7 (1):383-402.
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  22. Plato con motivo zoomorfo de layos (Toledo).Sergio Matínez Lillo - 1985 - Al-Qantara 6 (1):491-502.
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  23. Sign Language.Diane C. Lillo‐Martin - 2003 - In L. Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
  24.  62
    The United States in Count Lavradio’s Memories.Júlio Joaquim da Costa Rodrigues da Silva - 2008 - Cultura:11-30.
    O presente artigo analisa a visão dos Estados Unidos da América por D. Francisco d’Assis Almeida Portugal (1796-1870), ao longo do século XIX. Diplomata, ministro e parlamentar da monarquia constitucional portuguesa, foi um arguto observador da evolução da política externa da república americana no relativo à América Central, África Ocidental e Europa. D. Francisco d’Assis Almeida Portugal dedicou especial atenção à escravatura, ao federalismo e à guerra civil americana (1861-1865). Nas suas reflexões não acredita na viabilidade dos EUA, considerando-o um (...)
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  25. Esencialismo, valores epistémicos y conceptos de especie (Essentialism, Epistemic Values and Species Concepts).Julio Torres - 2011 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 26 (2):177-193.
    RESUMEN: En el actual contexto científico que forma la concepción darwiniana de las especies aún persisten las interpretaciones esencialistas de los conceptos de especie. ¿Se trata aquí sólo de la ignorancia de la teoría biológica? O, más bien, ¿es posible comprender la persistencia de los enfoques esencialistas sobre la base de la potencialidad de estos enfoques para explicar el logro de ciertos valores epistémicos de los actuales conceptos de especie? Me propongo responder afirmativamente a esta última pregunta. En la sección (...)
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    Econophysics and the challenge of efficiency.Fabrizio Lillo - 2009 - Complexity 14 (3):39-54.
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    El Trabajo Final de Grado de Ingeniería Informática: organización retórico-discursiva de la sección RESULTADOS.Fernando Lillo-Fuentes, René Venegas & Carmen López-Ferrero - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (2):317-337.
    Writing the Final Degree Project is a difficult task for most undergraduate students. This is the case of Computer Engineering, a discipline in which the proper presentation of results is a complex written production activity. The RESULTS section is more complicated than others due to its structure, its communicative purposes and the way to achieve them. While there have been some descriptions of its rhetorical-discursive organization, most have focused on the prototypical organization of only one of the types of TFGs (...)
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    Gianni Vattimo e Jean-Luc Nancy: o fundamentalismo democrático.Julio Paulo Tavares Zabatiero & Jonathan Michelson de Menezes - forthcoming - Horizonte:1031-1031.
    This article has as its theme the democracy as fundamentalism, or the democratic fundamentalism. Its main objective is the recognition that the thinking about democracy can itself be fundamentalist, implying that not only religious fundamentalisms are a threat to contemporary democracy. Its method and object are the interpretation of texts by two contemporary philosophers who do not usually talk to each other, the Italian Gianni Vattimo and the French Jean-Luc Nancy. The essay's thesis is the affirmation of democratic thinking as (...)
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    Repensando o Bacharelado Cristão em Teologia.Julio Paulo Tavares Zabatiero - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):2221-2247.
    This article provides a critical reading of the ‘Parecer CNE-CES 60, de 2014’, from the Ministry of education, Brazil, which defines the curriculum guidelines for courses of Baccalaureate in Theology. In its first section it discusses the theoretical background of the ‘Parecer’, questioning its illuminist orientation, as well as its pedagogical theory focused on contents and not on the students activities. It aims to show that are two opposed educational paradigms in the ‘Parecer’, the illuminist and the constructivist, although the (...)
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    Descripción de la retroalimentación de docentes de ciencias en la redacción de un Informe de resolución de problemas por ABP.Emmy González Lillo, Marcela Jarpa Azagra, Alejandra Verdejo Ibacache & Delia Cisternas Rodríguez - 2023 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 33 (1).
    La didáctica de las ciencias es cada vez más activa, por lo que una metodología ampliamente utilizada es el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP). Este método implica la resolución de un problema, la que se recoge en un informe denominado Informe de resolución de problemas (IRP). Para los estudiantes esta tarea representa un gran desafío, ya que implica actuar y expresarse del modo en que lo harían los expertos en el área. Es debido a esta dificultad que se hace imprescindible (...)
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  31.  7
    The Points Of Language.Richard P. Meier & Diane Lillo-Martin - 2013 - Humana Mente 6 (24).
    Signed languages display a variety of pointing signs that serve the functions of deictic and anaphoric pronouns, possessive and reflexive pronouns, demonstratives, locatives, determiners, body part labels, and verb agreement. We consider criteria for determining the linguistic status of pointing signs. Among those criteria are conventionality, indexicality, phonological compositionality, being subject to grammatical constraints, and marking the kinds of grammatical distinctions expected of pronouns. We conclude that first-person points meet all these proposed criteria, but that nonfirst person points are in (...)
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  32.  29
    The interpretive framework and the blindness about epistemic harm.Javier Castellote Lillo - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 66:113–129.
    In this paper, I carry out a philosophical analysis of the structural power that Miranda Fricker proposes in Epistemic Injustice starting from the idea of the “interpretative frame” that Judith Butler elaborates in Frames of war. The relationship between the two concepts aims to explore how structural power generates, through the frame, certain epistemic blindnesses to hinder the identification of epistemic harms. To do so, first, I analyze the functioning of the interpretive frame and highlight how it operates by establishing (...)
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  33. Estructuras politicas Y libre empresa.Julio E. Linares - 1981 - Humanitas 22:397.
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  34. Combining Optimization and Randomization Approaches for the Design of Clinical Trials.Julio Michael Stern, Victor Fossaluza, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2015 - Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 118:173-184.
    t Intentional sampling methods are non-randomized procedures that select a group of individuals for a sample with the purpose of meeting specific prescribed criteria. In this paper we extend previous works related to intentional sampling, and address the problem of sequential allocation for clinical trials with few patients. Roughly speaking, patients are enrolled sequentially, according to the order in which they start the treatment at the clinic or hospital. The allocation problem consists in assigning each new patient to one, and (...)
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  35. Count on dopamine: influences of COMT polymorphisms on numerical cognition.Annelise Júlio-Costa, Andressa M. Antunes, Júlia B. Lopes-Silva, Bárbara C. Moreira, Gabrielle S. Vianna, Guilherme Wood, Maria R. S. Carvalho & Vitor G. Haase - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Fundamentación moral del derecho: trabajo de incorporación de Julio Rodríguez Berrizbeitia a la Academia de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.Julio Rodríguez Berrizbeitia - 2014 - Caracas: Academia de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.
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  37. FBST for Covariance Structures of Generalized Gompertz Models.Julio Michael Stern & Viviane Teles de Lucca Maranhao - 2012 - AIP Conference Proceedings 1490:202-211.
    The Gompertz distribution is commonly used in biology for modeling fatigue and mortality. This paper studies a class of models proposed by Adham and Walker, featuring a Gompertz type distribution where the dependence structure is modeled by a lognormal distribution, and develops a new multivariate formulation that facilitates several numerical and computational aspects. This paper also implements the FBST, the Full Bayesian Significance Test for pertinent sharp (precise) hypotheses on the lognormal covariance structure. The FBST’s e-value, ev(H), gives the epistemic (...)
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  38. Active set Methods for Problems in Column Block Angular Form.Julio Michael Stern & Stephen A. Vavasis - 1993 - Computational and Applied Mathematics 12 (3):199-226.
    We study active set methods for optimization problems in Block Angular Form (BAF). We begin by reviewing some standard basis factorizations, including Saunders' orthogonal factorization and updates for the simplex method that do not impose any restriction on the pivot sequence and maintain the basis factorization structured in BAF throughout the algorithm. We then suggest orthogonal factorization and updating procedures that allow coarse grain parallelization, pivot updates local to the affected blocks, and independent block reinversion. A simple parallel environment appropriate (...)
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    Correspondencia Filosófica: 1917-1966.Julio Enrique Blanco, Luis López de Mesa & Julio Núñez Madachi - 1987 - Ediciones Uninorte.
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    Aníbal Ponce en la mochila del Che: vida y obra de Aníbal Ponce.Julio Woscoboinik - 2007 - Buenos Aires: Proa 21.
  41.  9
    Realidad y transcendentalidad en el planteamiento del problema del mal según Xavier Zubiri.Julio Martín Castillo - 1997 - Roma: Editrice Pontificia università gregoriana.
    X. Zubiri, uno de los pensadores espanoles mas sobresalientes en el presente siglo, nos ha hecho ver que el mal se entiende como condicion de la realidad en respectividad ante el hombre, o sea, en la interaccion del hombre con las cosas reales o consigo mismo en cuanto realidad. En este sentido, el mal se entiende desde la realidad condicionada. Como se entiende que el mal surja desde la realidad? Cual es la consistencia del mal en cuanto condicion? En que (...)
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    Trascendencia y actualidad del pensamiento pedagógico de Clemente Estable.Julio Lasa - 1992 - [Montevideo]: A.N.E.P., Consejo de Educación Primaria.
  43. Annals of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis.Julio Michael Stern & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira (eds.) - 2001 - Orlando FL:
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  44. Teoría Filosófica de la Historia: Rudimentos Para el Estudio del Fenómeno Comunicativo.Julio Horta - 2008 - Andamios. Revista de Investigación Social 4 (8):81-109.
    El propósito de este ensayo es mostrar un ámbito especulativo, necesario para el investigador social de la comunicación, para el entendimiento e investigación del fenómeno comunicativo en tanto hecho histórico-cultural. En razón de esto, se intenta describir una parte de Filosofía Alemana de la Historia, para exponer la utilidad de su lenguaje, categorías y relaciones, como instrumento teórico en la actividad analítica e interpretativa del comunicólogo, en aras de poder determinar, de manera general e integradora, el proceso histórico de la (...)
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    Ensino Religioso: por uma prática que promova conscientização.Julio Cezar de Paula Brotto & Valdir Stephanini - 2020 - Horizonte 18 (55):106-106.
    Recognizing that the presence of the Religious School Teaching discipline in public elementary schools in Brazil is a complex and controversial subject, it is of fundamental importance that alternatives be sought so that its offer takes place in such a way as to enable the emergence of conscious and participatory people in the process of transforming society. It was in pursuit of this objective that the authors of this article found in the category of conscientização, proposed by Paulo Freire, a (...)
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    Justificação, coerência e circularidade.Júlio César Burdzinski - 2005 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (4):65-93.
    This paper has the following structure: in the first section, I report on the historical and philosophical roots of the problems of knowledge and justification; in the second, I lay out the distinction between truth and epistemic justification; the third section is devoted to the problem of circularity, a problem often attributed to coherentism; in the fourth section, I introduce an unorthodox notion of justification, systemic justification; in the fifth, I present and criticize another unorthodox notion of justification, non-linear inferential (...)
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  47.  54
    Os problemas do fundacionismo.Júlio César Burdzinski - 2007 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 48 (115):107-125.
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  48. Poesía y filosofía. Fronteras de la verdad y el conocimiento.Julio César Goyes Narváez - 2008 - Logos (La Salle) 13:89-98.
    Las fronteras entre la poesía y la filosofía fueron abiertas desde la misma antigüedad; sin embargo, el esfuerzo de los filósofos racionalistas por cerrarlas jamás fructificó; por el contrario, la imaginación moderna tejió las diferencias y afinó un debate que hoy parece llegar lento pero estremecido a su final. Este texto trata de esa querella, de cómo se planteó históricamente y de cómo la verdad y el conocimiento encuentran sentido en la fusión creativa antes que en la exclusión lógica.
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  49.  35
    La Investigación Cuantitativa en la Sociología Peruana.Julio Mejía Navarrete - 2000 - Cinta de Moebio 9.
    The purpose of the article is to examine the nature of the quantitative investigation in the Peruvian sociology. In fact, quantitative studies show a divorce between theory and methodology, result of the insufficient development of the sociological instruments and the theoretical weakness that affe..
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  50. Las limitaciones de inversión en telecom:¿ fuente de innovación?/Investment Limitations in Telecom: A Source for Innovation?Julio Navío & Marta Solórzano - 2012 - Telos (Venezuela) 14 (1):102-120.
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