Results for 'Julio Lasa'

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  1.  3
    Trascendencia y actualidad del pensamiento pedagógico de Clemente Estable.Julio Lasa - 1992 - [Montevideo]: A.N.E.P., Consejo de Educación Primaria.
  2. K̲h̲ālasā jīwana ate guramati rahita marayādā: saccakhaṇḍā wāsī brahama giānī Santa Gurabacana Siṅgha Jī 'K̲h̲ālasā Bhiṇḍarām wāliāṃ da pawittra jīwana ate guramati anusāra pañja saṃskāra, gurabāṇī dā adaba te dehadhārī pakhaṇḍī gurūāṃ da khaṇḍana.Karatāra Siṅgha K̲h̲ālasā - 2000 - Mahitā: Damadamī Ṭakasāla Jathā Bhiṇḍarāṃ.
    On Sikh ethics; includes brief biographies of Sikh religious leaders.
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    Interview: Julio Cortazar.Lucille Kerr, Julio Cortazar, Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria, David I. Grossvogel & Jonathan Tittler - 1974 - Diacritics 4 (4):35.
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    La crítica de Agusto Del Noce al personalismo no metafísico de Renouvier y Lequier.Carlos Daniel Lasa - 2019 - Salmanticensis 66 (2):263-285.
    El propósito del artículo es el de determinar, en la reflexión de Augusto Del Noce, la significación que ha tenido el deno-minado personalismo en el pen-samiento filosófico en general, y en el campo de la teología cató-lica, en particular. La primera parte del escrito se ocupa del ideario del mentor del personalismo, Jules Lequier. En esta instancia, se pre-cisa no sólo que el personalismo ha sido configurado en torno a la oposición libertad-necesidad, sino que, a partir de esta dialéctica opo-sitiva, (...)
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    La política cristiana como “pesimismo liberal" en Augusto del Noce.Carlos Daniel Lasa - 2013 - Salmanticensis 60 (3):483-492.
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  6. Discurso de Julio Michael Stern por Ocasiao da Posse da cadeira 18 da Academia Brasileira de Filosofia.Julio Michael Stern - 2023 - In Edgard Leite, 200 Anos de Independencia e 33 mos de Academia Brasileira de Filosofia. FAPERJ. pp. 211-224.
    Inauguration speech at chair number 18 of the Brasilian Academy of Philosophy.
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    Augusto Del Noce, Leo Strauss y la crisis de Occidente.Carlos Daniel Lasa - 2012 - Filosofia Oggi 35 (137):67-82.
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  8. El orden temporal en el pensamiento de Alberto Caturelli.Carlos Daniel Lasa - 1995 - Filosofia Oggi 18 (71):283-294.
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    La educación argentina en encrucijada: vigencia de los escritos de Jacques Maritain.Carlos Daniel Lasa & Constanza Diedrich (eds.) - 2017 - Salta, Argentina: EUCASA, Ediciones Universidad Católica de Salta.
  10. La originalidad interpretativa de Antonio Rosmini en torno al pensamiento de Platón.Carlos Daniel Lasa - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 35 (108):109-154.
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  11.  54
    Basic Color Terms and Categories in Three Dialects of the Spanish Language: Interaction Between Cultural and Universal Factors.Julio Lillo, Fernando González-Perilli, Lilia Prado-León, Anna Melnikova, Leticia Álvaro, José A. Collado & Humberto Moreira - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The United States in Count Lavradio’s Memories.Júlio Joaquim da Costa Rodrigues da Silva - 2008 - Cultura:11-30.
    O presente artigo analisa a visão dos Estados Unidos da América por D. Francisco d’Assis Almeida Portugal (1796-1870), ao longo do século XIX. Diplomata, ministro e parlamentar da monarquia constitucional portuguesa, foi um arguto observador da evolução da política externa da república americana no relativo à América Central, África Ocidental e Europa. D. Francisco d’Assis Almeida Portugal dedicou especial atenção à escravatura, ao federalismo e à guerra civil americana (1861-1865). Nas suas reflexões não acredita na viabilidade dos EUA, considerando-o um (...)
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    Simão José da Luz Soriano and the Moderate Liberalism (1858-1860).Júlio Rodrigues da Silva - 2006 - Cultura:151-175.
    Simão José da Luz Soriano (1802-1891) é principalmente conhecido pelos livros que escreveu sobre a guerra civil de 1828-1834 e a implantação do liberalismo em Portugal. As reflexões po­líticas realizadas em 1858 e em 1860 revelam-nos uma outra faceta da sua obra: a crítica apai­xonada dos erros do regime constitucional. Contudo, as suas observações só podem ser enten­didas se forem relacionadas com o liberalismo moderado da segunda metade do século XIX. O presente artigo pretende fazer a análise da relação entre (...)
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    Aníbal Ponce en la mochila del Che: vida y obra de Aníbal Ponce.Julio Woscoboinik - 2007 - Buenos Aires: Proa 21.
  15.  21
    Gianni Vattimo e Jean-Luc Nancy: o fundamentalismo democrático.Julio Paulo Tavares Zabatiero & Jonathan Michelson de Menezes - forthcoming - Horizonte:1031-1031.
    This article has as its theme the democracy as fundamentalism, or the democratic fundamentalism. Its main objective is the recognition that the thinking about democracy can itself be fundamentalist, implying that not only religious fundamentalisms are a threat to contemporary democracy. Its method and object are the interpretation of texts by two contemporary philosophers who do not usually talk to each other, the Italian Gianni Vattimo and the French Jean-Luc Nancy. The essay's thesis is the affirmation of democratic thinking as (...)
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    Repensando o Bacharelado Cristão em Teologia.Julio Paulo Tavares Zabatiero - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):2221-2247.
    This article provides a critical reading of the ‘Parecer CNE-CES 60, de 2014’, from the Ministry of education, Brazil, which defines the curriculum guidelines for courses of Baccalaureate in Theology. In its first section it discusses the theoretical background of the ‘Parecer’, questioning its illuminist orientation, as well as its pedagogical theory focused on contents and not on the students activities. It aims to show that are two opposed educational paradigms in the ‘Parecer’, the illuminist and the constructivist, although the (...)
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    Fundamentación moral del derecho: trabajo de incorporación de Julio Rodríguez Berrizbeitia a la Academia de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.Julio Rodríguez Berrizbeitia - 2014 - Caracas: Academia de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.
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  18. Epistemology. The criteria of knowledge : beyond inspiration.Julio Savi - 2018 - In Mikhail Sergeev, Studies in Bahá'í philosophy: selected articles. Boston: M-Graphics Publishing.
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    Perception of the Sports Social Environment After the Development and Implementation of an Identification Tool for Contagious Risk Situations in Sports During the COVID-19 Pandemic.José Ramón Lete-Lasa, Rafael Martin-Acero, Javier Rico-Diaz, Joaquín Gomez-Varela & Dan Rio-Rodriguez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study details the methodological process for creating a tool for the identification of COVID-19 potential contagion situations in sports and physical education before, during, and after practice and competition. It is a tool that implies an educational and methodological process with all the agents of the sports system. This tool identifies the large number of interactions occurring through sports action and everything that surrounds it in training, competition, and organization. The aim is to prepare contingency protocols based on an (...)
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    Realidad y transcendentalidad en el planteamiento del problema del mal según Xavier Zubiri.Julio Martín Castillo - 1997 - Roma: Editrice Pontificia università gregoriana.
    X. Zubiri, uno de los pensadores espanoles mas sobresalientes en el presente siglo, nos ha hecho ver que el mal se entiende como condicion de la realidad en respectividad ante el hombre, o sea, en la interaccion del hombre con las cosas reales o consigo mismo en cuanto realidad. En este sentido, el mal se entiende desde la realidad condicionada. Como se entiende que el mal surja desde la realidad? Cual es la consistencia del mal en cuanto condicion? En que (...)
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    Correspondencia Filosófica: 1917-1966.Julio Enrique Blanco, Luis López de Mesa & Julio Núñez Madachi - 1987 - Ediciones Uninorte.
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    Ensino Religioso: por uma prática que promova conscientização.Julio Cezar de Paula Brotto & Valdir Stephanini - 2020 - Horizonte 18 (55):106-106.
    Recognizing that the presence of the Religious School Teaching discipline in public elementary schools in Brazil is a complex and controversial subject, it is of fundamental importance that alternatives be sought so that its offer takes place in such a way as to enable the emergence of conscious and participatory people in the process of transforming society. It was in pursuit of this objective that the authors of this article found in the category of conscientização, proposed by Paulo Freire, a (...)
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    Justificação, coerência e circularidade.Júlio César Burdzinski - 2005 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (4):65-93.
    This paper has the following structure: in the first section, I report on the historical and philosophical roots of the problems of knowledge and justification; in the second, I lay out the distinction between truth and epistemic justification; the third section is devoted to the problem of circularity, a problem often attributed to coherentism; in the fourth section, I introduce an unorthodox notion of justification, systemic justification; in the fifth, I present and criticize another unorthodox notion of justification, non-linear inferential (...)
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    Os problemas do fundacionismo.Júlio César Burdzinski - 2007 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 48 (115):107-125.
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  25. Estructuras politicas Y libre empresa.Julio E. Linares - 1981 - Humanitas 22:397.
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    Contrapontos Feuerbachianos Às Teses Marxianas Sobre Feuerbach.Júlio Aurélio Vianna Lopes - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 35 (35):249-268.
    Pesquisa teórica que detecta, em obras de Feuerbach publicadas e conhecidas por Marx no período durante o qual escreveu suas Teses Ad Feuerbach (só publicadas após a morte de ambos), para destacar naquelas certas formulações feuerbachianas contrárias às críticas marxianas então formuladas (embora somente guardadas) ao seu pensamento. Objetivando ampliar a compreensão do pensamento de Feuerbach nos aspectos criticados por Marx nas teses de 1845, o autor discute suas (im)pertinências teóricas, à medida que as formulações feuerbachianas detectadas, e correspondentes a (...)
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  27. Schelling und Spencer..Lasár Róth - 1901 - [n.p.]:
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    Attentional Factors in Conceptual Congruency.Julio Santiago, Marc Ouellet, Antonio Román & Javier Valenzuela - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (6):1051-1077.
    Conceptual congruency effects are biases induced by an irrelevant conceptual dimension of a task (e.g., location in vertical space) on the processing of another, relevant dimension (e.g., judging words’ emotional evaluation). Such effects are a central empirical pillar for recent views about how the mind/brain represents concepts. In the present paper, we show how attentional cueing (both exogenous and endogenous) to each conceptual dimension succeeds in modifying both the manifestation and the symmetry of the effect. The theoretical implications of this (...)
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  29. Estimation and Model Selection in Dirichlet Regression.Julio Michael Stern - 2012 - AIP Conference Proceedings 1443:206-213.
    We study Compositional Models based on Dirichlet Regression where, given a (vector) covariate x, one considers the response variable, y, to be a positive vector with a conditional Dirichlet distribution, y | X We introduce a new method for estimating the parameters of the Dirichlet Covariate Model given a linear model on X, and also propose a Bayesian model selection approach. We present some numerical results which suggest that our proposals are more stable and robust than traditional approaches.
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  30. Bayesian Test of Significance for Conditional Independence: The Multinomial Model.Julio Michael Stern, Pablo de Morais Andrade & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2014 - Entropy 16:1376-1395.
    Conditional independence tests have received special attention lately in machine learning and computational intelligence related literature as an important indicator of the relationship among the variables used by their models. In the field of probabilistic graphical models, which includes Bayesian network models, conditional independence tests are especially important for the task of learning the probabilistic graphical model structure from data. In this paper, we propose the full Bayesian significance test for tests of conditional independence for discrete datasets. The full Bayesian (...)
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  31. Poesía y filosofía. Fronteras de la verdad y el conocimiento.Julio César Goyes Narváez - 2008 - Logos (La Salle) 13:89-98.
    Las fronteras entre la poesía y la filosofía fueron abiertas desde la misma antigüedad; sin embargo, el esfuerzo de los filósofos racionalistas por cerrarlas jamás fructificó; por el contrario, la imaginación moderna tejió las diferencias y afinó un debate que hoy parece llegar lento pero estremecido a su final. Este texto trata de esa querella, de cómo se planteó históricamente y de cómo la verdad y el conocimiento encuentran sentido en la fusión creativa antes que en la exclusión lógica.
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    La Investigación Cuantitativa en la Sociología Peruana.Julio Mejía Navarrete - 2000 - Cinta de Moebio 9.
    The purpose of the article is to examine the nature of the quantitative investigation in the Peruvian sociology. In fact, quantitative studies show a divorce between theory and methodology, result of the insufficient development of the sociological instruments and the theoretical weakness that affe..
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  33. Las limitaciones de inversión en telecom:¿ fuente de innovación?/Investment Limitations in Telecom: A Source for Innovation?Julio Navío & Marta Solórzano - 2012 - Telos (Venezuela) 14 (1):102-120.
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    Expectativas en torno a Big Data.Julio López Núñez & Gerardo Cerda-Neumann - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-10.
    Los datos se han convertido en un elemento significativo para comprender el comportamiento de diversos sistemas. En este contexto, Big Data es un concepto que hace referencia al trabajo con grandes volúmenes de datos y con una frontera difusa entre análisis y gestión de ellos. Con tal objeto, esta investigación se enmarca en el paradigma cualitativo. Mediante entrevistas a estudiantes y profesores, partícipes de un curso introductorio a Big Data, busca develar la utilidad en torno a esta temática. Los principales (...)
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  35. Uma carta inédita de Vergílio Ferreira.Maria Joaquina Nobre Julio - 2004 - Iris 27:311-315.
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  36. Hierarchical Forecasting with Polynomial Nets.Julio Michael Stern, Fabio Nakano, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2009 - Studies in Computational Intelligence 199:305-315.
    This article presents a two level hierarchical forecasting model developed in a consulting project for a Brazilian magazine publishing company. The first level uses a VARMA model and considers econometric variables. The second level takes into account qualitative aspects of each publication issue, and is based on polynomial networks generated by Genetic Programming (GP).
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  37. Generalized Line Criterion for Gauss-Seidel Method.Julio Michael Stern, Manuel Valentim de Pera Garcia & Carlos Humes - 2003 - Computational and Applied Mathematics 22 (1):91-97.
    We present a module based criterion, i.e. a sufficient condition based on the absolute value of the matrix coefficients, for the convergence of Gauss–Seidel method (GSM) for a square system of linear algebraic equations, the Generalized Line Criterion (GLC). We prove GLC to be the “most general” module based criterion and derive, as GLC corollaries, some previously know and also some new criteria for GSM convergence. Although far more general than the previously known results, the proof of GLC is simpler. (...)
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  38. A New Media Optimizer Based on the Mean-Variance Model.Julio Michael Stern - 2007 - Pesquisa Operacional, 27 (3):427-456.
    In the financial markets, there is a well established portfolio optimization model called generalized mean-variance model (or generalized Markowitz model). This model considers that a typical investor, while expecting returns to be high, also expects returns to be as certain as possible. In this paper we introduce a new media optimization system based on the mean-variance model, a novel approach in media planning. After presenting the model in its full generality, we discuss possible advantages of the mean-variance paradigm, such as (...)
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    Elementos del pensamiento crítico.Julio César Herrero - 2016 - Madrid: Marcial Pons.
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  40. Encarnacíon y subsistencia en las disputaciones metafisicas de Francisco Suárez: algunas cuestiones en torno a los fundamentos de la modernidad.Julio Sachting Herrera - 2019 - In Robert A. Maryks, Senent de Frutos & Juan Antonio, Francisco Suárez (1548-1617): Jesuits and the complexities of modernity. Boston: Brill.
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    Presentación.Julio Söchting Herrera - 2017 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 20 (40):5-6.
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    Recensión: Leopoldo Prieto López, Suárez y el destino de la metafísica. De Avicena a Heidegger.Julio Söchting Herrera - 2017 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 20 (40):159-170.
    Leopoldo Prieto López, Suárez y el destino de la metafísica. De Avicena a Heidegger, Madrid, Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2013, 356 pp., ISBN: 978-84-220-1687-8.
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    Un Déjà-Vu No Visto. Crítica Del Libro Déjà Vu de Remo Bodei.Julio Alberto Bejarano Hernández - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 30:223-231.
    El déjà vu es problemático en el fin de siglo (XIX), no por la ensoñación poética que trae consigo, sino por la perturbación que le causa a la vida. De allí la preocupación de los “savants” por entenderlo, controlarlo y “curarlo”. El déjà vu irrumpe en la vida cotidiana del sujeto, lo perturba, lo desconcierta. De allí que Bodei lo relacione con el eterno retorno de Nietzsche. Más que un caso aislado o “patológico” ligado a individuos “pa(de)cientes” como los epilépticos, (...)
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  44. Genuine Bayesian Multiallelic Significance Test for the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Law.Julio Michael Stern, Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira, Fabio Nakano & Martin Ritter Whittle - 2006 - Genetics and Molecular Research 5 (4):619-631.
    Statistical tests that detect and measure deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) have been devised but are limited when testing for deviation at multiallelic DNA loci is attempted. Here we present the full Bayesian significance test (FBST) for the HWE. This test depends neither on asymptotic results nor on the number of possible alleles for the particular locus being evaluated. The FBST is based on the computation of an evidence index in favor of the HWE hypothesis. A great deal of (...)
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    Las ciencias sociales latinoamericanas en un régimen universitario gerencial.Julio Labraña, Teresa Matus & Francisca Puyol - 2024 - Cinta de Moebio 80:119-131.
    Resumen:En este trabajo se explora la influencia del gerencialismo en las ciencias sociales en las universidades latinoamericanas. En particular, se observa cómo las estructuras y las prácticas de gestión afectan las labores académicas en esta área del conocimiento. Se plantea que el gerencialismo, con su énfasis en la eficiencia y la eficacia, limita el desarrollo de la diversidad teórica y metodológica en la disciplina, favoreciendo enfoques que son fácilmente medibles y, por lo tanto, más alineados con los indicadores de productividad (...)
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    The theory of social systems and the field of higher education studies.Julio Labraña - 2022 - Cinta de Moebio 74:51-64.
    Resumen La educación superior se ha constituido en un objeto de creciente interés en la literatura especializada. A pesar de lo anterior, la mayor parte de la investigación disponible se concentra en estudios de corte descriptivo y evaluativo, sin conectar sus desarrollos con las reflexiones de la teoría sociológica. El presente ensayo identifica las principales posibilidades teóricas y epistemológicas de la teoría de sistemas sociales para el análisis de la educación superior, examinando los rendimientos de la noción de diferenciación de (...)
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  47. Una reflexión en torno a la hermenéutica agustiniana.Carlos Daniel Lasa - 2005 - Augustinus 50 (198):407-434.
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    Reconceptualising Whistleblowing in a Complex World.Julio A. Andrade - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (2):321-335.
    This paper explores the ethical dilemma of conflicting loyalties found in whistleblowing. Central to this dilemma is the internal/external disclosure dichotomy; disclosure of organisational wrongdoing to an external recipient is seen as disloyal, whilst disclosure to an internal recipient is seen as loyal. Understanding how the organisation and society have dealt with these problems over the last 30 years is undertaken through an analysis of Vandekerckhove’s project, which seeks to place the normative legitimisations of whistleblowing legislation and organisational whistleblowing policies (...)
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    The Computation of Planetary Longitudes in the Zīj of Ibn al-Bannā'.Julio Samsó & Eduardo Millás - 1998 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 8 (2):259.
    Ibn al-Bann1321) is the author of one of the four extant of the unfinished zq (fl. Tunis and Marrakesh ca. 1193j accessible for the computation of planetary longitudes. The present paper studies some modifications of the structure of the tables the purpose of which is to make calculations easier. The tables of the planetary and lunar equations of the centre are ' appears as a clever adapter, who displays a clear ingenuity allowing him to introduce formal modifications which give his (...)
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  50. Count on dopamine: influences of COMT polymorphisms on numerical cognition.Annelise Júlio-Costa, Andressa M. Antunes, Júlia B. Lopes-Silva, Bárbara C. Moreira, Gabrielle S. Vianna, Guilherme Wood, Maria R. S. Carvalho & Vitor G. Haase - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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