Results for 'Junhyoung Oh'

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  1.  10
    A New Approach to Estimate Concentration Levels with Filtered Neural Nets for Online Learning.Woodo Lee, Junhyoung Oh & Jaekwoun Shim - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-8.
    The COVID-19 pandemic heavily influenced human life by constricting human social activity. Following the spread of the pandemic, humans did not have a choice but to change their lifestyles. There has been much change in the field of education, which has led to schools hosting online classes as an alternative to face-to-face classes. However, the concentration level is lowered in the online learning class, and the student’s learning rate decreases. We devise a framework for recognizing and estimating students’ concentration levels (...)
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    Moral distress experienced by nurses.Younjae Oh & Chris Gastmans - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (1):15-31.
    Nurses are frequently confronted with ethical dilemmas in their nursing practice. As a consequence, nurses report experiencing moral distress. The aim of this review was to synthesize the available quantitative evidence in the literature on moral distress experienced by nurses. We appraised 19 articles published between January 1984 and December 2011. This review revealed that many nurses experience moral distress associated with difficult care situations and feel burnout, which can have an impact on their professional position. Further research is required (...)
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    Does Ownership Structure Matter? The Effects of Insider and Institutional Ownership on Corporate Social Responsibility.Won-Yong Oh, Jongseok Cha & Young Kyun Chang - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (1):111-124.
    The extant literature has examined the effects of ownership structures on corporate social responsibility, yet it has overlooked the non-linear and interactive effects among major shareholder groups. In this study, we examine the non-linear effects of insider and institutional ownerships on CSR. We also examine whether it is necessary to have both incentive alignment and monitoring mechanisms or it is sufficient to have either mechanism to promote CSR. Using a sample of the U.S. Fortune 1000 firms, our results suggest that (...)
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    The rights of God: Islam, human rights, and comparative ethics.Irene Oh - 2007 - Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
    Their treatment of such human rights political participation, freedom of conscience, and religious toleration demonstrate, Oh says, that Islam should have a ...
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    Food Advertising Literacy Training Reduces the Importance of Taste in Children’s Food Decision-Making: A Pilot Study.Oh-Ryeong Ha, Haley Killian, Jared M. Bruce, Seung-Lark Lim & Amanda S. Bruce - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Ethical issues experienced by nurses during COVID-19 pandemic: Systematic review.Younjae Oh & Chris Gastmans - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (4):521-540.
    Background Frontline nurses who care for patients with COVID-19 work in stressful environments, and many inevitably struggle with unanticipated ethical issues. Little is known about the unique, ethically sensitive issues that nurses faced when caring for patients with COVID-19. Aim To better understand how frontline nurses who care for patients with COVID-19 experience ethical issues towards others and themselves. Methods Systematic review of qualitative evidence carried out according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-analyses on ethical literature (...)
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    RESPONSE TO: "Cultivating a Liberal Islamic Ethos, Building an Islamic Civil Society".Irene Oh - 2007 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 27 (1):26-29.
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    Muslim Governance and the Duty to Protect.Irene Oh - 2013 - Journal of Religious Ethics 41 (1):15-19.
    In this response to Johnson, Oh reaffirms the scholarly vision of Kelsay and Twiss, elaborates upon Muslim perspectives on human rights, and questions the emphasis on violent humanitarian interventions as part of the Responsibility to Protect mandate. Oh suggests that, in light of the historical relationship between Muslim and non-Muslim states and the aftermath of the second Iraq War, more consideration be given to the rebuilding of Muslim-majority societies. Oh also highlights the concept of duty as a religiously based ideal (...)
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    Study on Seong-ho's Criticism of Toegye's View on the Four-Seven Debate.Oh Jinsol - 2018 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 96:39-68.
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    When CEO Career Horizon Problems Matter for Corporate Social Responsibility: The Moderating Roles of Industry-Level Discretion and Blockholder Ownership.Won-Yong Oh, Young Kyun Chang & Zheng Cheng - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (2):279-291.
    This paper examines the influence of CEO career horizon problems on corporate social responsibility. We assume that as CEOs are getting older, they tend to disengage in CSR due to their shorter career horizons. We further argue that high levels of industry-level discretion and blockholder ownership amplify the negative effects of CEO age on CSR. Using a panel sample of US-based firms over 2004–2009, we do not find the main effect of CEO age on CSR, but find support for the (...)
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  11.  17
    Canonical understanding of the sacrifice of Isaac: The influence of the Jewish tradition.Abraham Oh - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (3):7.
    The Aqedah in Jewish tradition is an alleged theology for the sacrifice of Isaac which has an atoning concept and has influenced the atonement theology of the New Testament (NT), but it has not been proved by the NT. The purpose of this article is to investigate all verses in the NT that are alleged to refer to Abraham’s offering of Isaac. The reflections of Genesis 22 in the NT verses do not grant atoning power to the sacrifice of Isaac. (...)
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    Die Kathedrale als Zeitenraum. Zum Dom von Siena.Friedrich Ohly - 1972 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 6 (1):94-158.
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    Ethik als Grundlagenforschung: eine theologische Ethik.Lukas Ohly - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Die vorliegende Studie versteht die Grundlegung der Ethik als Grundlagenforschung, die nur im losen Verhältnis zur Angewandten Ethik steht. Damit überschreitet dieser Ansatz die Alternative deduktiver und induktiver Ethik-Ansätze. Das Ziel diese Buches liegt demgegenüber in der Verständigung über ethische Grundlagen, die unabhängig von ihrer Anwendung Geltung verdienen. Dabei stellt sich heraus, das der Gottesbegriff auch in nachmetaphysischen Zeiten wieder als ethischer Grundbegriff aufgefasst werden muss. Das unhintergehbare theologische Element der Grundlegung besteht darin, dass ethischen Gehalten (Inhalte, Werte, Normgehalte usw.) (...)
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  14.  14
    Ethik der Kirche: ein vernachlässigtes Thema.Lukas Ohly - 2022 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Die Kirche ist eine Anerkennungsgemeinschaft. Ihr theologisches Wesen ist politisch. Im Anschluss an Axel Honneth kann in ihr ein Vorrang des Rechts vor Liebe und Solidarität begründet werden. Mit Dietrich Bonhoeffer kann die Anerkennungstheorie Honneths für die Kirche weiterentwickelt werden.
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    The Performativity of Motherhood.Irene Oh - 2009 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 29 (2):3-17.
    ANALYZED THROUGH THE WORK OF FEMINIST AND QUEER THEORIST JUDITH Butler, anthropologist Saba Mahmood, and philosopher Martha Nussbaum, motherhood complicates theories of performativity that separate sex from gender and that equate women's agency with progressive politics. Motherhood should be understood as performative, that is, entailing self-reflective agency but not entirely separable from women's bodies. While motherhood may be manipulated to support patriarchal institutions, experiences of motherhood also inspire fresh interpretations and critiques of anthropocentric Christian theology and Muslim religious texts. Given (...)
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  16.  27
    Inherent limitations of the confucian tradition in contemporary east asian business enterprises.Tai K. Oh - 1992 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 19 (2):155-169.
  17.  11
    English zero anaphora as an interactional resource II.Sun-Young Oh - 2006 - Discourse Studies 8 (6):817-846.
    This article follows up a previous study, which has investigated English speakers’ practices of employing zero anaphora in ordinary conversations, with special reference to the kind of interactional work that they accomplish by the practice. The findings of Oh have demonstrated that unlike previously-held assumptions, zero anaphora may be systematically deployed by English speakers in order to achieve certain interactional functions, for example, marking the current talk as a second or re-saying or displaying the secondary-level of the action being done (...)
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  18.  44
    Two Levels of Emotion and Well-Being in the Zhuangzi.Sangmu Oh - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (4):589-611.
    Emotion is an essential component of human nature, and therefore it is necessary to explore the issue of a desirable emotional state if we want to properly discuss human well-being. This article examines the issue by advocating a new understanding of the Zhuangzi’s 莊子 ideas on emotion. In terms of the Zhuangzi’s ideas on the desirable emotional state, scholars have presented various interpretations to date, even arguing that the ideas themselves are mutually contradictory or inconsistent. This article shows that the (...)
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  19. Afiḳim leha-Rambam: maʻamre maḥshavah ṿe-halakhah.Adir Deḥoḥ-Haleṿi - 2019 - Ramat Gan: Or ha-Rambam.
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    Editorial: Eating Behavior and Food Decision Making in Children and Adolescents.Oh-Ryeong Ha, Seung-Lark Lim, Amanda S. Bruce, Travis D. Masterson & Shan Luo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Microstructural accommodation of excess Ru in epitaxial SrRuO3films.Sang Ho Oh & Chan Gyung Park - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (11):1307-1327.
    The microstructures of Ru-excess SrRuO 3 films, which were grown epitaxially on SrTiO 3 substrates by ion-beam sputtering, were studied by transmission electron microscopy. The excess Ru can be accommodated by forming extended defects on the {100} planes, faulted dislocation loops, by making RuO 2 double layers. However, the most stable crystalline phase of the excess Ru in SrRuO 3 film was metallic Ru with a hexagonal structure. The orientation relationship between the Ru precipitates, the SrTiO 3 substrate, and the (...)
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    Who Deserves to Work? How Women Develop Expectations of Child Care Support in Korea.Eunsil Oh - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (4):493-515.
    This study extends our understanding of the positive relationship between kin-based child care support and mothers’ ability to stay in the workforce by examining why and how women seek such help. Using 100 in-depth interviews with Korean mothers, I find that although child care provided by grandmothers helps mothers maintain their employment, a mother will ask for support only when she constructs strong career aspirations and generates agreement amongst family members that she deserves support. Both of these center around the (...)
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  23.  7
    Institutionenethische Implikationen der Studie zur sexualisierten Gewalt in der evangelischen Kirche.Lukas Ohly - 2024 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 68 (3):206-213.
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    Rethinking Urban Poverty: A Look at Community Gardens.Pikai Oh & Autumn K. Hanna - 2000 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 20 (3):207-216.
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  25.  8
    Die Strafbarkeit der Erforschung des menschlichen Embryos durch Klontechniken.Chonghan Oh - 2013 - Frankfurt am Main: PL Academic Research, Imprint der Peter Lang.
    Thema dieses Buches ist die umstrittene Erforschung des durch Klontechniken erzeugten menschlichen Embryos und seine damit einhergehende Zerstörung. Es wird diskutiert, dass Biotechniken, darunter die menschliche Klonforschung, nicht nur unter dem Aspekt der Richtigkeit der Anwendung, sondern auch unter ethischen Gesichtspunkten betrachtet werden müssen.
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    Explaining use of information in public policymaking.Cheol H. Oh & Robert F. Rich - 1996 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 9 (1):3-35.
    In recent years, scholars have attempted to understand the role of information in policymaking by developing several models of information utilization and have tested them empirically, at both national and state levels. This paper has called into question past studies as they relate to describing and explaining use of information. This paper tests an integrated model of information utilization that contains four sets of primary variables: decision makers’ environments (i.e., nature of policy issues), organization, individual characteristics, and characteristics of information. (...)
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  27. A Survey of Automatic Facial Micro-Expression Analysis: Databases, Methods, and Challenges.Yee-Hui Oh, John See, Anh Cat Le Ngo, Raphael C. -W. Phan & Vishnu M. Baskaran - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:336565.
    Over the last few years, automatic facial micro-expression analysis has garnered increasing attention from experts across different disciplines because of its potential applications in various fields such as clinical diagnosis, forensic investigation and security systems. Advances in computer algorithms and video acquisition technology have rendered machine analysis of facial micro-expressions possible today, in contrast to decades ago when it was primarily the domain of psychiatrists where analysis was largely manual. Indeed, although the study of facial micro-expressions is a well-established field (...)
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    The Effect of Ownership Structure on Corporate Social Responsibility: Empirical Evidence from Korea. [REVIEW]Won Yong Oh, Young Kyun Chang & Aleksey Martynov - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (2):283-297.
    Relatively little research has examined the effects of ownership on the firms’ corporate social responsibility (CSR). In addition, most of it has been conducted in the Western context such as the U.S. and Europe. Using a sample of 118 large Korean firms, we hypothesize that different types of shareholders will have distinct motivations toward the firm’s CSR engagement. We break down ownership into different groups of shareholders: institutional, managerial, and foreign ownerships. Results indicate a significant, positive relationship between CSR ratings (...)
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  29.  85
    Understanding Natural Science Based on Abductive Inference: Continental Drift.Jun-Young Oh - 2014 - Foundations of Science 19 (2):153-174.
    This study aims to understand scientific inference for the evolutionary procedure of Continental Drift based on abductive inference, which is important for creative inference and scientific discovery during problem solving. We present the following two research problems: (1) we suggest a scientific inference procedure as well as various strategies and a criterion for choosing hypotheses over other competing or previous hypotheses; aspects of this procedure include puzzling observation, abduction, retroduction, updating, deduction, induction, and recycle; and (2) we analyze the “theory (...)
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  30.  62
    Approaching Islam: Comparative ethics through human rights.Irene Oh - 2008 - Journal of Religious Ethics 36 (3):405-423.
    A dialogical approach to understanding Islamic ethics rejects objectivist methods in favor of a conversational model in which participants accept each other as rational moral agents. Hans-Georg Gadamer asserts the importance of agreement upon a subject matter through conversation as a means to gaining insight into other persons and cultures, and Jürgen Habermas stresses the importance of fairness in dialogue. Using human rights as a subject matter for engaging in dialogue with Islamic scholars, Muslim perspectives on issues such as democracy, (...)
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    Explaining the impact of policy information on policy-making.Cheol H. Oh - 1997 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 10 (3):25-55.
    This article has called past studies into question as they relate to describing and explaining the impact of information on policy-making. More specifically, it attempts to empirically investigate the causality of the factors involved in the impact of information on governmental decision-making. Based on an integrated conceptual framework for when and how information helps to make policy decisions, a path model (or a covariance structure model without latent variables) is built and tested against the data in two areas of mental (...)
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  32.  8
    Evolution und Tatsächlichkeit.Lukas Ohly - 2015 - In Schöpfungstheologie Und Schöpfungsethik Im Biotechnologischen Zeitalter. De Gruyter. pp. 46-63.
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    »Geistliche« Prüfung: Vorschlag zur Ethik Johannes Fischers.Lukas Ohly - 2015 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 59 (1):42-48.
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    Internetlinks.Lukas Ohly - 2015 - In Schöpfungstheologie Und Schöpfungsethik Im Biotechnologischen Zeitalter. De Gruyter. pp. 304-304.
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    Mindful attention predicts greater recovery from negative emotions, but not reduced reactivity.Sinhae Cho, Hyejeen Lee, Kyung Ja Oh & José A. Soto - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (6):1252-1259.
    This study investigated the role of dispositional mindful attention in immediate reactivity to, and subsequent recovery from, laboratory-induced negative emotion. One hundred and fourteen undergraduates viewed blocks of negative pictures followed by neutral pictures. Participants’ emotional responses to negative pictures and subsequent neutral pictures were assessed via self-reported ratings. Participants’ emotional response to negative pictures was used to index level of emotional reactivity to unpleasant stimuli; emotional response to neutral pictures presented immediately after the negative pictures was used to index (...)
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  36.  13
    Emperor, Empress, and the Divine in San Vitale and the Binyang Central Cave.Junhyoung Michael Shin - 2020 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 40 (1):369-384.
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    The Souls of Animals in Christianity and Mahāyāna Buddhism.Junhyoung Michael Shin - 2019 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 39 (1):271-288.
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  38.  26
    Features of Modeling-Based Abductive Reasoning as a Disciplinary Practice of Inquiry in Earth Science.Phil Oh - 2019 - Science & Education 28 (6 - 7):731-757.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the features of modeling-based abductive reasoning as a disciplinary practice of inquiry in the domain of earth science. The study was based on an undergraduate course of a university of education, Korea, offered for preservice elementary teachers majoring in science as their specialty. The course enrollees participated in an inquiry project in which they were asked to abductively generate models representing past geologic events in order to explain how two units in a (...)
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  39.  22
    Promoting Resilience to Food Commercials Decreases Susceptibility to Unhealthy Food Decision-Making.Oh-Ryeong Ha, Haley J. Killian, Ann M. Davis, Seung-Lark Lim, Jared M. Bruce, Jarrod J. Sotos, Samuel C. Nelson & Amanda S. Bruce - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Children are vulnerable to adverse effects of food advertising. Food commercials are known to increase hedonic, taste-oriented, and unhealthy food decisions. The current study examined how promoting resilience to food commercials impacted susceptibility to unhealthy food decision-making in children. To promote resilience to food commercials, we utilized the food advertising literacy intervention intended to enhance cognitive skepticism and critical thinking, and decrease positive attitudes toward commercials. Thirty-six children aged 8–12 years were randomly assigned to the food advertising literacy intervention or (...)
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  40.  7
    Love as Origin of Science.Heung Myung Oh - 2021 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 63 (4):455-472.
    SummaryThe approaches to the possibility of theology as science are divided roughly into three types: first, the internalist approach which rejects any attempt to verify the objective validity of revelation under the general concept of science. Second, the externalist approach which demands the verification of objective validity of revelatory truth. Third, the inclusivist approach which seeks the scientificity of theology from a hermeneutic perspective. Outlining the crucial points and limits of these approaches and replacing the question about theology as science (...)
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  41.  13
    Person knowledge shapes face identity perception.DongWon Oh, Mirella Walker & Jonathan B. Freeman - 2021 - Cognition 217 (C):104889.
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  42.  20
    Understanding the Scientific Creativity Based on Various Perspectives of Science.Jun-Young Oh - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (6):907-929.
    The objective of our study is to explore scientific creativity with a focus on intellectual (thinking) skills in the cognitive aspect by analyzing scientific theories, which are basically the creativity of historical great scientists, Galileo, Newton, Einstein While our study laid stress on the cognitive domain, exploration of the creativity of great scientists is also connected with affective characteristics (motives, task commitment, etc.) and their environmental factors (incubation period). Great scientists of the science history were aware of the discrepancy issue (...)
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  43.  33
    Impact of ethical factors on job satisfaction among Korean nurses.Yujin Jang & Younjae Oh - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):1186-1198.
    Background: Although numerous studies on job satisfaction among nurses have been conducted, there is a lack of research considering the ethical perspectives of leadership and organizational climate in job satisfaction. Objective: The purpose of this study was to clarify the impact of the ethical climate and ethical leadership as perceived by nurses on job satisfaction in South Korea. Research design: A descriptive and correlational study was conducted with a convenience sample of 263 nurses from four general hospitals in South Korea. (...)
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  44. Bytí jako výzva a naděje: o rozumu a vykoupení.Zdeněk Vyšohlíd - 2001 - Praha: Svoboda Servis.
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  45. O víře a rozumění.Zdeněk Vyšohlíd - 2001 - Praha: Svoboda Servis.
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  46. Complementary dialectics of Kierkegaard and Barth: Barth's use of Kierkegaardian diastasis reassessed.Dr Peter S. Oh - 2007 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 48 (4).
    The purpose of this study is to re-assess Karl Barth's use of the Kierkegaardian “infinite qualitative distinction between God and man”. It juxtaposes Kierkegaard's qualitative dialectic and Karl Barth's own complementary dialectic respectively. Then it compares and contrasts their similarities and dissimilarities in various contexts that would lead us to a more balanced assessment of Barth's use of Kierkegaardian diastasis and a better understanding of the ultimate purpose for holding fast to the bipolar but relational God-man unity of the Incarnation. (...)
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    Moralisch oder nicht-moralisch?: Rainer Forsts Begründung der Toleranz.Lukas Ohly - 2012 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 56 (3):173-186.
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    Wirkungen von Dichtung.Friedrich Ohly - 1993 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 67 (1):26-76.
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    On Development of Bioenergy and Convergence of Academic Disciplines.Yeung-Jin Oh & Won Gun An - 2013 - Environmental Philosophy 16:189-234.
  50.  11
    The Emergence in the Modern and Contemporary Buddhism in Korea and KYUNGUN-WONGI(擎雲 元奇).Kyeong-Hwo Oh - 2018 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 50:5-31.
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