Results for 'Julian Gough'

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  1.  42
    Are viruses a source of new protein folds for organisms? – Virosphere structure space and evolution.Aare Abroi & Julian Gough - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (8):626-635.
    A crucially important part of the biosphere – the virosphere – is too often overlooked. Inclusion of the virosphere into the global picture of protein structure space reveals that 63 protein domain superfamilies in viruses do not have any structural and evolutionary relatives in modern cellular organisms. More than half of these have functions which are not virus‐specific and thus might be a source of new folds and functions for cellular life. The number of viruses on the planet exceeds that (...)
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    Evolution of eukaryotic genome architecture: Insights from the study of a rapidly evolving metazoan, Oikopleura dioica.Sreenivas Chavali, David A. De Lima Morais, Julian Gough & M. Madan Babu - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (8):592-601.
    Recent sequencing of the metazoan Oikopleura dioica genome has provided important insights, which challenges the current understanding of eukaryotic genome evolution. Many genomic features of O. dioica show deviation from the commonly observed trends in other eukaryotic genomes. For instance, O. dioica has a rapidly evolving, highly compact genome with a divergent intron‐exon organization. Additionally, O. dioica lacks the minor spliceosome and key DNA repair pathway genes. Even with a compact genome, O. dioica contains tandem repeats, comparable to other eukaryotes, (...)
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  3. Procreative Beneficence: Why We Should Select the Best Children.Julian Savulescu - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (5-6):413-426.
    We have a reason to use information which is available about such genes in our reproductive decision-making; (3) couples should selec.
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  4. The End of Time: The Next Revolution in Physics.Julian Barbour - 1999 - Weidenfeld & Nicholson.
    In a revolutionary new book, a theoretical physicist attacks the foundations of modern scientific theory, including the notion of time, as he shares evidence of ...
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  5. A Theory of Human Need.Len Doyal, Ian Gough, Manfred Max-Neef, Antonio Elizalde & Martin Hopenhayn - 1994 - Environmental Values 3 (1):83-86.
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    Cognitive niches: An ecological model of strategy selection.Julian N. Marewski & Lael J. Schooler - 2011 - Psychological Review 118 (3):393-437.
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  7. Distributive justice.Julian Lamont & Christi Favor - 2012 - In Ed Zalta, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Principles of distributive justice are normative principles designed to guide the allocation of the benefits and burdens of economic activity.
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    Heidegger and Cognitive Science.Julian Kiverstein & Michael Wheeler (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This impressive volume of essays that includes contributions from Herbert Dreyfus, Sean Kelly, Mike Wheeler, Dan Zahavi, and Shaun Gallagher reflects an emerging trend in cognitive science, and explores this new approach to cognitive science informed by Heidegger's thoughts on human existence.
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    Social Values in Economic Environmental Valuation: A Conceptual Framework.Julian R. Massenberg, Bernd Hansjürgens & Nele Lienhoop - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (5):611-643.
    Economic environmental valuation remains a much debated and contested issue. Concerns have been voiced that it is unable to capture the manifold immaterial values of ecosystems due to conceptual and methodological issues. Thus, additional value categories (social values) as well as novel valuation approaches like deliberative (monetary) valuation are areas of growing interest, yet the theoretical foundations are rather weak. Against this background, this article aims to develop a consistent conceptual framework for making sense of social values in economic environmental (...)
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    Computational mechanisms underlying the dynamics of physical and cognitive fatigue.Julian Matthews, M. Andrea Pisauro, Mindaugas Jurgelis, Tanja Müller, Eliana Vassena, Trevor T.-J. Chong & Matthew A. J. Apps - 2023 - Cognition 240 (C):105603.
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    A two-tiered theory of emotions: Affect and feeling.Julian Jaynes - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (3):434-435.
  12.  87
    Views of the person with dementia.Julian C. Hughes - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (2):86-91.
    In this paper I consider, in connection with dementia, two views of the person. One view of the person is derived from Locke and Parfit. This tends to regard the person solely in terms of psychological states and his/her connections. The second view of the person is derived from a variety of thinkers. I have called it the situated-embodied-agent view of the person. This view, I suggest, more readily squares with the reality of clinical experience. It regards the person as (...)
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  13.  7
    The Structure of Society.Julián Marías & Julián Marías Aguilera - 1987 - University Alabama Press.
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  14.  65
    Harm, ethics committees and the gene therapy death.Julian Savulescu - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (3):148-150.
    The recent tragic and widely publicised death of Jesse Gelsinger in a gene therapy trial has many important lessons for those engaged in the ethical review of research. One of the most important lessons is that ethics committees can give too much weight to ensuring informed consent and not enough attention to minimising the harm associated with participation in research. The first responsibility of ethics committees should be to ensure that the expected harm associated with participation is reasonable. Jesse was (...)
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  15. Creativity, Freedom, and Authority: A New Perspective On the Metaphysics of Mathematics.Julian C. Cole - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87 (4):589-608.
    I discuss a puzzle that shows there is a need to develop a new metaphysical interpretation of mathematical theories, because all well-known interpretations conflict with important aspects of mathematical activities. The new interpretation, I argue, must authenticate the ontological commitments of mathematical theories without curtailing mathematicians' freedom and authority to creatively introduce mathematical ontology during mathematical problem-solving. Further, I argue that these two constraints are best met by a metaphysical interpretation of mathematics that takes mathematical entities to be constitutively constructed (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Miguel de Unamuno.Julián Marias - 1945 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 1 (4):411-412.
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  17. The fourfold.Julian Young - 1993 - In Charles B. Guignon, The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2--373.
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  18.  58
    Problems for Effort-Based Distribution Principles.Julian Lamont - 1995 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 12 (3):215-229.
    Many have argued that individuals should receive income in proportion to their contribution to society. Others have believed that it would be fairer if people received income in proportion to the effort they expend in so contributing, since people have much greater control over their level of effort than their productivity. I argue that those who believe this are normally also committed, despite appearances, to increasing the social product — which undermines any sharp distinction between effort- and productivity-based distributive proposals. (...)
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  19. A Schopenhauerian solution to Schopenhauerian pessimism.Julian Young - 1987 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 68:53-69.
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  20. Epistola de Tolerantia, A Letter on Toleration.John Locke, Raymond Klibansky & J. W. Gough - 1969 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 31 (3):591-592.
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  21.  49
    Sensorimotor knowledge and the contents of experience.Julian Kiverstein - 2010 - In Nivedita Gangopadhyay, Michael Madary & Finn Spicer, Perception, action, and consciousness: sensorimotor dynamics and two visual systems. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 257--274.
  22. Leibnizian time, Machian dynamics and quantum gravity.Julian B. Barbour - 1986 - In Roger Penrose & C. J. Isham, Quantum concepts in space and time. New York ;: Oxford University Press. pp. 236-246.
  23. Sense and Sensibility in Kant's Practical Agent: Against the Intellectualism of Korsgaard and Sidgwick.Julian Wuerth - 2013 - European Journal of Philosophy 21 (1):1-36.
    Drawing on a wide range of Kant's recorded thought beyond his Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, this essay presents an overview of Kant's account of practical agency as embodied practical agency and argues against the intellectualized interpretations of Kant's account of practical agency presented by Christine Korsgaard and Henry Sidgwick. In both Kant's empirical-psychological and metaphysical descriptions of practical agency, he presents a recognizably human practical agent that is broader and deeper than the faculty of reason alone. This agent (...)
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  24. Historia de la Filosofía.Julián Marías - 1963 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 19 (4):429-430.
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  25. The Paralogisms of Pure Reason.Julian Wuerth - 2010 - In Paul Guyer, The Cambridge Companion to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  26.  77
    Causal Instrumental Variables and Interventions.Julian Reiss - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):964-976.
    The aim of this paper is to introduce the instrumental variables technique to the discussion about causal inference in econometrics. I show that it may lead to causally incorrect conclusions unless some fairly strong causal background assumptions are made, assumptions which are usually left implicit by econometricians. These assumptions are very similar to, albeit not identical with, James Woodward's definition of an ‘intervention’. I discuss similarities and differences of the two points of view and argue that—understood as a practical method (...)
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    Alien Ways of Thinking.Julian Baggini - 2005 - Film and Philosophy 9:12-23.
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  28. Just decide! Derrida and the ethical aporias of education.Julian Edgoose - 2001 - In Gert Biesta & Denise Egéa-Kuehne, Derrida & education. New York: Routledge. pp. 119--133.
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  29.  31
    A report on quantum electrodynamics.Julian Schwinger - 1973 - In Jagdish Mehra, The physicist's conception of nature. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 413--429.
  30. Confessions of an unrepentant timbral sonicist.Julian Dodd - 2010 - British Journal of Aesthetics 50 (1):33-52.
    Simplifying somewhat, sonicists believe that works of music are individuated purely in terms of how they sound. For them, exact sound-alikes are identical. Stephen Davies, in his ‘Musical Works and Orchestral Colour’ ( BJA 48 (2008), pp. 363–375) took me to task for defending a version of sonicism. In this paper I seek to explain why Davies's objections miss their mark. In the course of the discussion, I make some methodological remarks about the ontology of music.
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  31.  11
    Absolute or Relative Motion? A Study From the Machian Point of View of the Discovery and the Structure of Dynamical Theories.Julian B. Barbour - 1988 - Cambridge University Press.
    This richly detailed biography captures both the personal life and the scientific career of Isaac Newton, presenting a fully rounded picture of Newton the man, the scientist, the philosopher, the theologian, and the public figure. Professor Westall treats all aspects of Newton's career, but his account centers on a full description of Newton's achievements in science. Thus the core of the work describes the development of the calculus, the experimentation that altered the direction of the science of optics, and especially (...)
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  32. The dialectic of enlightenment.Julian Roberts - 2004 - In Fred Rush, The Cambridge companion to critical theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 57--73.
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  33. Death and authenticity.Julian Young - 1998 - In Jeff Malpas & Robert C. Solomon, Death and philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 112--19.
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  34.  40
    Illusory correlations between neutral and aversive stimuli can be induced by outcome aversiveness.Julian Wiemer, Andreas Mühlberger & Paul Pauli - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (2):193-207.
  35.  68
    Is current practice around late termination of pregnancy eugenic and discriminatory? Maternal interests and abortion.Julian Savulescu - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (3):165-171.
    The attitudes of Australian practitioners working in clinical genetics and obstetrical ultrasound were surveyed on whether termination of pregnancy (TOP) should be available for conditions ranging from mild to severe fetal abnormality and for non-medical reasons.These were compared for terminations at 13 weeks and 24 weeks. It was found that some practitioners would not facilitate TOP at 24 weeks even for lethal or major abnormalities, fewer practitioners support TOP at 24 weeks compared with 13 weeks for any condition, and the (...)
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  36.  66
    Recent Work on Truth.Julian Dodd - 2002 - Philosophical Books 43 (4):279-291.
  37.  32
    New British Philosophy: The Interviews.Julian Baggini & Jeremy Stangroom (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    From popular introductions to biographies and television programmes, philosophy is everywhere. Many people even want to _be_ philosophers, usually in the café or the pub. But what do real philosophers do? What are the big philosophical issues of today? Why do they matter? How did some our best philosophers get into philosophy in the first place? Read _New British Philosophy_ and find out for the first time. Clear, engaging and designed for a general audience, sixteen fascinating interviews with some of (...)
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  38. Mathematical structuralism today.Julian C. Cole - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (8):689-699.
    Two topics figure prominently in recent discussions of mathematical structuralism: challenges to the purported metaphysical insight provided by sui generis structuralism and the significance of category theory for understanding and articulating mathematical structuralism. This article presents an overview of central themes related to these topics.
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  39. The Utility of Offshoring: A Rawlsian Critique.Julian Friedland - 2005 - Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies 10 (1):9-13.
    Most prominent arguments favoring the widespread discretionary business practice of sending jobs overseas, known as ‘offshoring,’ attempt to justify the trend by appeal to utilitarian principles. It is argued that when business can be performed more cost-effectively offshore, doing so tends, over the longterm, to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number. This claim is supported by evidence that exporting jobs actively promotes economic development overseas while simultaneously increasing the revenue of the exporting country. After showing that offshoring might (...)
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  40.  54
    On cognition in perception: Perceptual coupling and unconscious inference.Julian Hochberg - 1981 - Cognition 10 (1-3):127-134.
  41.  18
    Are There Grounds for Limiting Immigration?Julian Simon - 1998 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 13 (2):137-152.
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  42. Is Schopenhauer an irrationalist?Julian Young - 1988 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 69:85-100.
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  43.  28
    Desire-based and Value-based Nomative Reasons.Julian Savulescu - 1999 - Bioethics 13 (5):405-413.
    This paper is a response to John Harris’ provocative ‘Justice and Equal Opportunities in Health Care’. The aim of this short response is to locate the difference between Harris and me within a broader debate about the nature of reasons for action. I argue that Harris is appealing to a desire‐based conception of normative reasons. I highlight some of the deficiencies of a desire‐based conception of reasons, and contrast it with a value‐based account.
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  44. Wittgenstein and the Metaphysics of Ethical Value.Julian Friedland - 2006 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 5 (1):91-102.
    This paper develops Wittgenstein’s view of how experiences of ethical value contribute to our understanding of the world. Such experiences occur when we perceive certain intrinsic attributes of a particular being, object, or location as valuable irrespective of any concern for personal gain. It is shown that experiences of ethical value essentially involve a characteristic ‘listening’ to the ongoing transformations and actualizations of a given form of life—literally or metaphorically speaking. Such immediate impressions of spontaneous sympathy and agreement reveal ethics (...)
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  45. Autonomy, Well-Being, Disease, and Disability.Julian Savulescu - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (1):59-65.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Autonomy, Well-Being, Disease, and DisabilityJulian Savulescu (bio)Keywordsautonomy, well-being, mental disorder, psychiatric disease, disability, welfare, body integrity identity disorderVarelius seeks to redefine what constitutes mental disorder or mental illness. (I use these terms interchangeably.) "According to this account, 'a person is mentally disordered when her psychological capacity for autonomy is diminished as compared with that of a typical member of our species of her age-group" (Varelius 2009). This is a (...)
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  46. Obras.Julián Marías - 1959 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 14 (4):549-550.
  47.  25
    Subject, World and Value.Julián Marrades Millet - 2010 - In Luigi Perissinotto & Vicente Sanfélix, Doubt, Ethics and Religion: Wittgenstein and the Counter-Enlightenment. Ontos Verlag. pp. 63-84.
  48.  21
    Sánchez de Zavala, Investigaciones sobre la actividad lingüística. Obras escogidas.Julián Velarde - 2010 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 24 (3):367-369.
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    The cat and the cradle.Julian Treuherz - 1983 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 46 (1):240-242.
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    (3 other versions)III congreso de teoría Y metodología de las ciencias.Julián Velarde - 1986 - Theoria 1 (3):855-857.
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