Results for 'Aare Abroi'

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  1.  42
    Are viruses a source of new protein folds for organisms? – Virosphere structure space and evolution.Aare Abroi & Julian Gough - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (8):626-635.
    A crucially important part of the biosphere – the virosphere – is too often overlooked. Inclusion of the virosphere into the global picture of protein structure space reveals that 63 protein domain superfamilies in viruses do not have any structural and evolutionary relatives in modern cellular organisms. More than half of these have functions which are not virus‐specific and thus might be a source of new folds and functions for cellular life. The number of viruses on the planet exceeds that (...)
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    Birch-Reichenwald Aars, Zur psychologischen Analyse der Welt.B. -R. Aars - 1901 - Kant Studien 5 (1-3).
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  3. Soren Kierkegaard newsletter no. 19.Aar Kierkegaard Seminar - forthcoming - Philosophy.
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    Creating dialogues as a quiet revolution: exploring care with women in regenerative farming.Ane Kirstine Aare, Anna Umantseva & Laura Brandt Sørensen - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-18.
    Around the world, practitioners and academics are engaging in the rise of regenerative farming. On the margins of the predominant farming system, and often with little support and acknowledgement, regenerative farming is surprisingly persistent and represents a radical response to industrialization, ecological crises and alienation. This study uses feminist theories to grasp farmers’ regenerative experiences and explores how dialogical methodologies can create collective thinking among farmers and between academia and practice. The study is based on dialogues and iterative writing between (...)
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  5. Kausalitat und Existenz bei Kant.Kristian B. R. Aars - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20:688.
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    Platons Ideen als Einheiten.Kristian B. Aars - 1910 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 23 (1-4):518-531.
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    Zur psychologischen Analyse der Welt. Projectionsphilosophie.Kr Birch-Reichenwald Aars - 1902 - Philosophical Review 11:98.
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    Theses about the poietic principle of metonymy.Aare Pilv - 2012 - Sign Systems Studies 40 (3/4):529-545.
    The paper observes the relation of fictional/figural discourses to language-games that are active in reality. The starting point for the discussion is the “theory of two contexts” by Arne Merilai, the basic idea of which is distinguishing between fictional and factual speech acts on the basis of their different contexts of truth value. It seems to be justified to expand it to the whole sphere of figurality. After that the paper views John Gibson’s Wittgensteinian theory of fiction as an archive (...)
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    Teese poieetilisest metonüümsuspõhimõttest. Kokkuvõte.Aare Pilv - 2012 - Sign Systems Studies 40 (3/4):546-546.
    The paper observes the relation of fictional/figural discourses to language-games that are active in reality. The starting point for the discussion is the "theory of two contexts" by Arne Merilai, the basic idea of which is distinguishing between fictional and factual speech acts on the basis of their different contexts of truth value. It seems to be justified to expand it to the whole sphere of figurality. After that the paper views John Gibson’s Wittgensteinian theory of fiction as an archive (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty’s Concept of Nature and the Ontology of Flesh.Ane Faugstad Aarø - 2010 - Biosemiotics 3 (3):331-345.
    The essay attempts to delineate how Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of perception can be applied to theories of sign processes, and how it reworks the framework of the phenomenalist conception of communication. His later philosophy involved a reformulation of subjectivity and a resolution of the subject/object dualism. My claim is that this non-reductionist theory of perception reveals a different view of nature as we experience it in an expressive and meaningful interaction. The perspective that another living being has and communicates entails (...)
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    Creating dialogues as a quiet revolution: exploring care with women in regenerative farming.Ane Kirstine Aare, Anna Umantseva & Laura Brandt Sørensen - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):271-288.
    Around the world, practitioners and academics are engaging in the rise of regenerative farming. On the margins of the predominant farming system, and often with little support and acknowledgement, regenerative farming is surprisingly persistent and represents a radical response to industrialization, ecological crises and alienation. This study uses feminist theories to grasp farmers’ regenerative experiences and explores how dialogical methodologies can create collective thinking among farmers and between academia and practice. The study is based on dialogues and iterative writing between (...)
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    Chiaroscuro i filosofien.Ane F. Aarø - 2005 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 40 (2):138-153.
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  13. Die Autonomie der Moral. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Morallehre Immanuel Kants.Kr Birch-Reichenwald Aars - 1898 - The Monist 8:476.
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  14. Die Idee.Kristian B. R. Aars - 1912 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 20 (4):12-12.
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  15. Gut und Böse. Zur Psychologie der Moral-Gefühle.Kristian B. R. Aars - 1908 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 16 (2):11-12.
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    La pensée libre et le problème de Dieu.K. Aars - 1911 - Atti Del IV Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 3:287-288.
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    La responsabilité morale.K. Birch Reichenwald Aars - 1903 - Bibliothèque du Congrès International de Philosophie 2:1-6.
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    (1 other version)Politics and Ideology.Lene Aarøe - 2021 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 5 (1):145-148.
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    The parallel relation between the soul and the body.Kristian Birch-Reichenwald Aars - 1898 - Christiania,: Sold on commission by J. Dybwad.
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    Commentary: Grounded procedures: A proximate mechanism for the psychology of cleansing and other physical actions.Tobias Otterbring, Panagiotis Mitkidis, Lene Aarøe & Christian T. Elbæk - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Individual differences in political ideology are effects of adaptive error management.Michael Bang Petersen & Lene Aarøe - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (3):324-325.
  22.  9
    Zur psychologischen Analyse der Welt.Kristian Birch-Reichenwald Aars - 1901 - Kant Studien 5 (1-3).
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  23. Die Autonomie der Moral. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Morallehre Immanuel Kants.Kristian Birch-Reichenwald Aars - 1898 - The Monist 8:476.
  24.  86
    Social Media Use and Mental Health and Well-Being Among Adolescents – A Scoping Review.Viktor Schønning, Gunnhild Johnsen Hjetland, Leif Edvard Aarø & Jens Christoffer Skogen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Introduction: Social media has become an integrated part of daily life, with an estimated 3 billion social media users worldwide. Adolescents and young adults are the most active users of social media. Research on social media has grown rapidly, with the potential association of social media use and mental health and well-being becoming a polarized and much-studied subject. The current body of knowledge on this theme is complex and difficult-to-follow. The current paper presents a scoping review of the published literature (...)
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  25. N aar een revival van de regio?Door Jan Maarten de Vet - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Aar 1983.Phil Mullins - 1982 - Tradition and Discovery 10 (1):6-6.
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    AAR-Conference November 17-20, 2012.Nikolaus Wandinger - 2013 - The Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion 42:8-10.
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    Response: AAR Panel on America, Amerikkka.Rosemary Radford Ruether - 2009 - Feminist Theology 17 (2):184-190.
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    Abstracts of Above AAR Meetings.Dr Walter Gulick, Dr Joseph Kroger, Dr Benjamin Reist & Dr Richard Gelwick - 1981 - Tradition and Discovery 9 (1):2-4.
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    Polanyi Society at AAR.Phil Mullins - 1983 - Tradition and Discovery 11 (1):3-3.
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  31. Birch-Reichenwald Aars, Zur psychologischen Analyse der Welt.H. Schwarz - 1901 - Kant Studien 5:485.
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    COV&R at the AAR/SBL 2006.Nikolaus Wandinger - 2007 - The Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion 30:8-10.
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    Report on AAR-PS Negotiations. Mullins - 1983 - Tradition and Discovery 10 (2):4-4.
  34. Introduction: On Defending Kant at the AAR.Andrew Chignell - 2012 - Faith and Philosophy 29 (2):144-150.
    I briefly describe the unusually contentious author-meets-critics session that was the origin of the book symposium below. I then try to situate the present symposium within broader contemporary scholarship on Kant. -/- .
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    God, Philosophy, and Academic Culture: A Discussion Between Scholars in the AAR and the APA.William J. Wainwright - 1996
    A striking feature of the current philosophical scene is the division between those philosophers of religion primarily associated with the American Philosophical Association and those primarily associated with the American Academy of Religion. This difference is loosely correlated with twoothers: the comparative dominance of analytic philosophy in the APA and of hermeneutical philosophy in the AAR, and the greater visibility of traditional theists in the APA. In this book eight prominent philosophers of religion from these organizations explore the historical, cultural, (...)
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    Two Process Philosophers: Hartshorn’s Encounter with Whitehead. AAR Studies in Religion, Number Five.David A. Pailin - 1974 - Process Studies 4 (2):133-140.
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    Whose Buddhism? Whose Identity? Presenting and/or Misrepresenting Shin Buddhism for a Christian Audience: AAR Panel on Multiple Religious Belonging and Buddhist Identity November, 2013.Kristin Johnston Largen - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:29-35.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Whose Buddhism? Whose Identity? Presenting and/or Misrepresenting Shin Buddhism for a Christian AudienceAAR Panel on Multiple Religious Belonging and Buddhist Identity November, 2013Kristin Johnston Largenmultiple religious belongingThe concept of multiple religious belonging has become much more popular in the past ten years, both in academic discourse and in public practice, particularly in the United States. One of the most common “pairings” in this regard is Buddhism and Christianity. Perhaps (...)
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  38. Cross-Examination of IDKR at AAR.Stephen R. Palmquist - 2012 - Faith and Philosophy 29 (2):170-180.
    This essay offers constructive criticism of the book “In Defense of Kant’s Religion” (2008), by Chris L. Firestone and Nathan Jacobs. Follow the link given here to see the published version of this article. In the same journal issue where that version appeared (Faith & Philosophy 29.2), Jacobs and Firestone each published essays that claimed to respond to my criticisms of their book; but for the most part they merely skirted around the points my article makes, often avoiding the key (...)
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    COV&R Activities at the AAR Meeting 2009 in Montreal, Quebec.Nikolaus Wandinger - 2010 - The Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion 36:6-8.
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    COV&R Activities at the AAR Meeting 2010 in Atlanta, GA.Nikolaus Wandinger - 2011 - The Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion 38:8-9.
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    COV&R Meeting at the AAR in Chicago 2008.Nikolaus Wandinger - 2009 - The Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion 34:9-10.
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    Celebrating Raymund Schwager At the AAR Meeting in San Antonio, Texas, November 2004.Nikolaus Wandinger, Robert Daly & Vern Redekop - 2004 - The Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion 26:5-7.
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    Der Religionsbegriff der Religionswissenschaft im Spiegel von Nichtreligion und Nonkonformität: Religiöse Normierung als blinder Fleck eines implizit emischen ReligionsverständnissesDieser Artikel beruht auf einem Vortrag, den die Autorin auf der Jahreskonferenz von SSSR und AAR 2014 in Indianapolis gehalten hat: Petra Klug, „What Can the Study of Religion Learn from the Study of Nonreligion – and Vice Versa?,“ SSSR & RRA Annual Meeting.Petra Klug - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 23 (1):188-206.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft Jahrgang: 23 Heft: 1 Seiten: 188-206.
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    Beyond Down and Dirty: From Good to Great Sex1.Theresa A. Yugar, Marcelle Williams, Alicia Besa Panganiban, Patricia Beattie Jung, Mary E. Hunt, Wanda Deifelt & Brandy Daniels - 2017 - Feminist Theology 25 (2):119-149.
    The AAR-SBL Women’s Caucus session on ‘Beyond Down and Dirty: From Good to Great Sex’ revisited the Good Sex: Feminist Perspectives from the World’s Religions project and book with the participation of two of its co-editors, Mary E. Hunt and Patricia Beattie Jung, and co-author and collaborator, Wanda Defeilt. Scholar colleagues, Brandy Daniels, Fitri Junoes, and Alicia Besa Panganiban, presented intriguing papers on feminist religious and ethical reflections on what constitutes great sex as they examined the issues discussed by feminist (...)
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    A subaltern/postcolonial critique of the comparative philosophy of religion.Purushottama Bilimoria - 2000 - Sophia 39 (1):171-207.
    Apart from the said AAR Symposium, a central part of the paper was also earlier presented in the Philosophy Department Colloquia, in the University of Melbourne; and it has benefited from my research in the Gibson Library as a Senior Fellow in the Department. I note gratidue also to my #259 colleagues, Dr Guy Petterson and Patrick Hutchings for help with research and/or comments on various excerpted drafts from the evolving work. And to many friends who have heard my wailings (...)
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    Air pollution: Group and individual obligations.Rita C. Manning - 1984 - Environmental Ethics 6 (3):211-225.
    The individual motorist often defends his unwillingness to change his driving habits in the face of air pollution by pointing out that a change in his actions would be insignificant. The environmentalist responds by asking what would happen if everyone did change. In this paper I defend the environmentalist’s response. I argue that we can appeal to the following principle to defend both group and individual obligations to clean up air: if the consequences of everyone doing aare undesirable, then (...)
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    Peripheral neuropathy via mutant tRNA synthetases: Inhibition of protein translation provides a possible explanation.Erik Storkebaum - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (9):818-829.
    Recent evidence indicates that inhibition of protein translation may be a common pathogenic mechanism for peripheral neuropathy associated with mutant tRNA synthetases (aaRSs). aaRSs are enzymes that ligate amino acids to their cognate tRNA, thus catalyzing the first step of translation. Dominant mutations in five distinct aaRSs cause Charcot‐Marie‐Tooth (CMT) peripheral neuropathy, characterized by length‐dependent degeneration of peripheral motor and sensory axons. Surprisingly, loss of aminoacylation activity is not required for mutant aaRSs to cause CMT. Rather, at least for some (...)
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  48.  55
    Plans for Completing the English Study Edition of Hegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion.Peter C. Hodgson - 1980 - The Owl of Minerva 11 (4):6-7.
    In response to the proposal by Walter Jaeschke contained in the preceding paper, the Nineteenth Century Theology Group of the American Academy of Religion discussed plans, at the annual meeting of the Academy on 15–17 November 1979, to complete a new English study edition of Hegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, and has agreed to sponsor its publication by Scholars Press in the AAR Texts & Translations Series. An Editorial Committee has been formed with the following membership: Robert F. (...)
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    The distinction between the logical and the empirical in on certainty.Pieranna Garavaso - 1998 - Philosophical Investigations 21 (3):251–267.
    In this paper, I propose a comparison between some widely accepted Quinian views and Ludwig Wittgenstein's remarks on the logical and the empirical in On Certainty. While Quine's perspective and Wittgenstein's aare not thorougly dissimilar (so that the question of which influence Wittgenstein's thought might have had on the thought of some contemporary philosopher like Quine is both interesting and relevant), there is at least one important difference between them. I submit that Wittgenstein's view on this crucial distinction are (...)
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  50. Wittgensteinian anti-anti realism: One 'anti' too many?Hans Johann Https://Orcidorg909X Glock - 2015 - .
    Wittgenstein attached overarching personal importance to questions of moral value. Yet his written treatments of ethics are brief and obscure, while his views on language have had a strong, albeit intermittent and diffuse, influence on analytic moral philosophy. His remarks on ethics seem to be totally at odds with realist and cognitivist accounts. Both the Tractatus and 'A Lecture on Ethics' maintain that ethics transcends linguistic expression, and later remarks seem to point in the direction of a communal variant of (...)
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