Results for 'Joël Tremblay'

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  1.  25
    The Experience of Couples in the Process of Treatment of Pathological Gambling: Couple vs. Individual Therapy.Joël Tremblay, Magali Dufour, Karine Bertrand, Nadine Blanchette-Martin, Francine Ferland, Annie-Claude Savard, Marianne Saint-Jacques & Mélissa Côté - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Brief Adolescent Gambling Screen.Randy Stinchfield, Harold Wynne, Jamie Wiebe & Joel Tremblay - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  3. Autonomy, Vulnerability, Recognition, and Justice.Joel Anderson & Axel Honneth - 2005 - In John Philip Christman & Joel Anderson, Autonomy and the Challenges to Liberalism: New Essays. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 127-149.
    One of liberalism’s core commitments is to safeguarding individuals’ autonomy. And a central aspect of liberal social justice is the commitment to protecting the vulnerable. Taken together, and combined with an understanding of autonomy as an acquired set of capacities to lead one’s own life, these commitments suggest that liberal societies should be especially concerned to address vulnerabilities of individuals regarding the development and maintenance of their autonomy. In this chapter, we develop an account of what it would mean for (...)
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  4. Sailing Alone: Teenage Autonomy and Regimes of Childhood.Joel Anderson & Rutger Claassen - 2012 - Law and Philosophy 31 (5):495-522.
    Should society intervene to prevent the risky behavior of precocious teenagers even if it would be impermissible to intervene with adults who engage in the same risky behavior? The problem is well illustrated by the legal case of the 13-year-old Dutch girl Laura Dekker, who set out in 2009 to become the youngest person ever to sail around the world alone, succeeding in January 2012. In this paper we use her case as a point of entry for discussing the fundamental (...)
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  5. The relation between linguistic structure and associative theories of language learning—A constructive critique of some connectionist learning models.Joel Lachter & Thomas G. Bever - 1988 - Cognition 28 (1-2):195-247.
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    What can Businesses do to Appease Anti‐Globalization Protestors?Joel E. Oestreich - 2002 - Business and Society Review 107 (2):207-220.
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    The Sexual Politics of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Joel Schwartz - 1985 - University of Chicago Press.
    Analyzes the eighteenth-century French philosopher's writings about women, sexuality, and the family, and suggests that Rousseau's philosophy is not misogynous.
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    Libertarianism without alternative possibilities.Joël Dolbeault - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (2):101-114.
    In the contemporary debate on free will, most philosophers assume that the defense of libertarianism implies the defense of the notion of alternative possibilities. This article discusses this presupposition by showing that it is possible to build a libertarianism without alternative possibilities, apparently more robust than libertarianism with alternative possibilities. Inspired by Bergson, this nonclassical libertarianism challenges the idea that all causation implies the actualization of a predetermined possibility (an idea shared by determinism and classical libertarianism). Moreover, it challenges the (...)
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  9. The indispensability of character.Joel J. Kupperman - 2001 - Philosophy 76 (2):239-250.
    Gilbert Harman has argued that it does not make sense to ascribe character traits to people. The notion of morally virtuous character becomes particularly suspect. How plausible this is depends on how broad character traits would have to be. Views of character as entirely invariant behavioural tendencies offer a soft target. This paper explores a view that is a less easy target: character traits as specific to kinds of situation, and as involving probabilities or real possibilities. Such ascriptions are not (...)
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  10. The Phenomenology of Face‐to‐Face Mindreading.Joel Smith - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90 (2):274-293.
    I defend a perceptual account of face-to-face mindreading. I begin by proposing a phenomenological constraint on our visual awareness of others' emotional expressions. I argue that to meet this constraint we require a distinction between the basic and non-basic ways people, and other things, look. I offer and defend just such an account.
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  11. Voting Advice Applications and Political Theory: Citizenship, Participation and Representation.Joel Anderson & Thomas Fossen - 2014 - In Diego Garzia & Stefan Marschall, Matching Voters with Parties and Candidates: Voting Advice Applications in a Comparative Perspective. Ecpr Press. pp. 217-226.
    Voting Advice Applications (VAAs) are interactive online tools designed to assist voters by improving the basis on which they decide how to vote. In recent years, they have been widely adopted, but their design is the subject of ongoing and often heated criticism. Most of these debates focus on whether VAAs accurately measure the standpoints of political parties and the preferences of users and on whether they report valid results while avoiding political bias. It is generally assumed that if their (...)
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    The New Class Conflict Gets Worse.Joel Kotkin - 2024 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2024 (206):35-53.
    ExcerptOver the past decade, class divisions have grown across the globe. This class structure is not exactly like that described in Marx’s time; it is more complex, shaped by both new technology and the legacy of globalization.
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  13. Hearing the New Testament: Strategies for Interpretation, Second Edition.Joel B. Green - 2010
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  14. The Life Worth Living: Disability, Pain, and Morality.Joel Michael Reynolds - 2022 - Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota Press.
    The Life Worth Living investigates the exclusion of and discrimination against disabled people across the history of Western moral philosophy. -/- Table of Contents: Introduction: The Ableist Conflation. Part I: Pain. 1. Theories of Pain. 2. A Phenomenology of Chronic Pain. Part II: Disability. 3. Theories of Disability. 4. A Phenomenology of Multiple Sclerosis. Part III: Ability. 5. Theories of Ability. 6. A Phenomenology of Ability. Conclusion: An Anti-Ableist Future.
  15. Against Intuitive Horribleness.Joel Michael Reynolds - 2024 - Episteme 21 (1):304-319.
    Testimony by disabled people concerning the relationship between their experiences and overall well-being has long been an object of social scientific and humanistic study. Often discussed in terms of “the disability paradox,” these studies contrast the intuitive horribleness of certain impaired states against the testimonial evidence suggesting that people in such states do not in fact experience their lives as horrible. Explanations for why such testimonial evidence is suspect range from claims about adaptive preferences to issues of qualitative research methodology. (...)
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  16. Introduction: Free will, neuroscience, and the participant perspective.Joel Anderson - 2007 - Philosophical Explorations 10 (1):3 – 11.
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    The Democratic Problem of the White Citizen.Joel Olson - 2001 - Constellations 8 (2):163-183.
    The central question of this dissertation is how to expand popular participation in politics in a society that has been historically marked by racial discrimination. Challenging the common assumption that racial discrimination contradicts American democratic ideals, it argues that democracy and racism are actually intimately connected in American history. This connection is sealed through citizenship. American citizenship is valuable not only for the rights it grants but the standing it confers. Given the dialectical relationship between citizenship and slavery in the (...)
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  18. Against Personal Ventilator Reallocation.Joel Michael Reynolds, Laura Guidry-Grimes & Katie Savin - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 30 (2):272-284.
    The COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease of 2019) pandemic has led to intense conversations about ventilator allocation and reallocation during a crisis standard of care. Multiple voices in the media and multiple state guidelines mention reallocation as a possibility. Drawing upon a range of neuroscientific, phenomenological, ethical, and sociopolitical considerations, the authors argue that taking away someone’s personal ventilator is a direct assault on their bodily and social integrity. They conclude that personal ventilators should not be part of reallocation pools and that (...)
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  19. A Derrota da Intolerância?!Joel Birman - 2000 - In Paulo Amarante, Ensaios: subjetividade, saúde mental, sociedade. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Fiocruz.
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    Gabriel Marcel: une métaphysique de la communion.Joël Bouëssée (ed.) - 2013 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Gabriel Marcel, un grand penseur français du XXe siècle, est l'auteur d'un grand nombre d'ouvrages et d'études philosophiques, d'une importante oeuvre théâtrale et de remarquables critiques musicales. La première partie de ce recueil est constituée par des études consacrées à l'oeuvre marcellienne lue selon ses grands thèmes et moments. La seconde partie, de textes bien plus nombreux, traite des rapports et des analogies entre Gabriel Marcel et certains de ses contemporains, notamment N. Berdiaeff, G. Thibon et E. Lévinas.
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  21. Where is God? Divine Absence in the Hebrew Bible.Joel S. Burnett - 2010
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  22. The worst-motive fallacy: A negativity bias in motive attribution.Joel Walmsley & O'Madagain Cathal - 2020 - Psychological Science 31 (11):1430--1438.
    In this article, we describe a hitherto undocumented fallacy-in the sense of a mistake in reasoning-constituted by a negativity bias in the way that people attribute motives to others. We call this the "worst-motive fallacy," and we conducted two experiments to investigate it. In Experiment 1, participants expected protagonists in a variety of fictional vignettes to pursue courses of action that satisfy the protagonists' worst motive, and furthermore, participants significantly expected the protagonist to pursue a worse course of action than (...)
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  23. Disability and White Supremacy.Joel Michael Reynolds - 2022 - Critical Philosophy of Race 10 (1):48-70.
    It is widely known that Black people are significantly more likely to be killed by the police in the United States of America than white people. What is less widely known is that nearly half of all people killed by the police are disabled people. The aim of this paper is to better understand the intersection of racism and ableism in the USA. Contributing to the growing literature at the intersection of philosophy of disability and critical philosophy of race, I (...)
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  24. No Double-Halfer Embarrassment: A Reply to Titelbaum.Joel Pust - 2023 - Analytic Philosophy 64 (3):346-354.
    “Double-halfers” think that throughout the Sleeping Beauty Scenario, Beauty ought to maintain a credence of 1/2 in the proposition that the fair coin toss governing the experimental protocol comes up heads. Titelbaum (2012) introduces a novel variation on the standard scenario, one involving an additional coin toss, and claims that the double-halfer is committed to the absurd and embarrassing result that Beauty’s credence in an indexical proposition concerning the outcome of a future fair coin toss is not 1/2. I argue (...)
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    Models as signs of the imaginary: Peirce, Pierce, Langer, and the non-discursive sign.Joel West - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (245):63-78.
    It is common for us to see models as exemplars of things that exist. Models, instead, are merely Peircean indexes, in that they only point to their objects, objects which may in themselves not exist. This is to say that these examples may only exist as thoughts that point to other thoughts or even ideas that point to objects that may not exist because they are paradoxical.
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    Humanism in the Renaissance of Islam: The Cultural Revival During the Buyid Age.Joel L. Kraemer - 1992 - Brill.
    Under the enlightened rule of the Buyid dynasty the Islamic world witnessed an unequalled cultural renaissance. This book is an investigation into the nature of the environment in which the cultural transformation took place and into the cultural elite who were its bearers.
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  27. Normate.Joel Michael Reynolds - 2019 - In Gail Weiss, Ann V. Murphy & Gayle Salamon, Fifty Concepts for a Critical Phenomenology. Evanston, Illinois: Nothwestern University Press. pp. 243-48.
    This short encyclopedia entry defines the concept of the normate.
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    How Does the Law Obtain Its Space? Justice and Racial difference in Colonial Law: British Honduras, 1821.Joel Wainwright - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (5):1295-1330.
    How do certain social conflicts come to fall within the law? How does the law come to have its space? I argue that law emerged in British Honduras through a structure of racial differentiation. The law arrived as a mode of ordering space, bodies, and justice that realizes an immanent structure of racial difference. Racial difference thus founds the space of law. To advance this argument, I examine the record of the first criminal trial prosecuted in the place now called (...)
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    First nature and second nature in Hegel and psychoanalysis.Joel Whitebook - 2008 - Constellations 15 (3):382-389.
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    Adolescent development of context-dependent stimulus-reward association memory and its neural correlates.Joel L. Voss, Jonathan T. O’Neil, Maria Kharitonova, Margaret J. Briggs-Gowan & Lauren S. Wakschlag - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  31.  12
    The Homogeneous Hamilton–Jacobi and Bernoulli Equations Revisited, II.Joël Wagner & Philippe Choquard - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (8):1225-1249.
    It is shown that the admissible solutions of the continuity and Bernoulli or Burgers' equations of a perfect one-dimensional liquid are conditioned by a relation established in 1949–1950 by Pauli, Morette, and Van Hove, apparently, overlooked so far, which, in our case, stipulates that the mass density is proportional to the second derivative of the velocity potential. Positivity of the density implies convexity of the potential, i.e., smooth solutions, no shock. Non-elementary and symmetric solutions of the above equations are given (...)
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  32. Heidegger, Embodiment, and Disability.Joel Michael Reynolds - 2021 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (1):183-201.
    Most interpreters of Heidegger’s reflections on the body maintain that—whether early, middle, or late in the Gesamtausgabe—Dasein’s or the mortal’s openness to being/beyng is the ground of the fleshly or bodily (das Leibliche), but not the reverse. In this paper, I argue that there is evidence from Heidegger’s own oeuvre demonstrating that this relationship is instead mutually reciprocal. That is to say, I contend that corporeal variability is constitutive of Dasein’s openness to being just as Dasein’s openness to being is (...)
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  33. Conditioning Principles: On Bioethics and The Problem of Ableism.Joel Michael Reynolds - 2021 - In Elizabeth Victor & Laura K. Guidry-Grimes, Applying Nonideal Theory to Bioethics: Living and Dying in a Nonideal World. New York: Springer. pp. 99-118.
    This paper has two goals. The first is to argue that the field of bioethics in general and the literature on ideal vs. nonideal theory in particular has underemphasized a primary problem for normative theorizing: the role of conditioning principles. I define these as principles that implicitly or explicitly ground, limit, or otherwise determine the construction and function of other principles, and, as a result, profoundly impact concept formation, perception, judgment, and action, et al. The second is to demonstrate that (...)
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    Moral Moments: An Immortal Pair Passes.Joel Marks - 2003 - Philosophy Now 42:45-45.
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    Moral Moments: Philosophical Astronomy.Joel Marks - 2006 - Philosophy Now 58:48-49.
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    Moral Moments: When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer.Joel Marks - 2002 - Philosophy Now 36:40-40.
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  37. The Complex Relationship Between Disability Discrimination and Frailty Scoring.Joel Michael Reynolds, Charles E. Binkley & Andrew Shuman - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (11):74-76.
    In "Frailty Triage: Is Rationing Intensive Medical Treatment on the Grounds of Frailty Ethical?," Wilkinson (2021) argues that the use of frailty scores in ICU triage does not necessarily involve discrimination on the basis of disability. In support of this argument, he claims, “it is not the disability per se that the score is measuring – rather it is the underlying physiological and physical vulnerability." While we appreciate the attention Wilkinson explicitly pays to disability in this piece, we find the (...)
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    (1 other version)Living Options in World Philosophy.Joel J. Kupperman - 1978 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 9 (4):262-263.
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    Do Personal Values Influence the Propensity for Sustainability Actions? A Policy-Capturing Study.Joel Marcus, Heather A. MacDonald & Lorne M. Sulsky - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):459-478.
    Using a policy-capturing approach with a broad student sample we examine how individuals’ economic, social and environmental values influence their propensity to engage in a broad range of sustainability-related corporate actions. We employ a multi-dimensional sustainability framework of corporate actions and account for both the positive and negative impacts associated with corporate activity—termed strength and concern actions, respectively. Strong economic values were found to increase the propensity for concern actions and the willingness to work in controversial industries. Individuals with balanced (...)
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    Philosophical Hermeneutics and Literary Theory.Joel Weinsheimer - 1993 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 51 (3):528-529.
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  41. Kivy on Aspects.Joel Rudinow - 1975 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 56 (1):77.
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    Talkin'to myself again.Joel Rudinow - 2011 - In Fritz Allhoff, Jesse R. Steinberg & Abrol Fairweather, Blues - Philosophy for Everyone: Thinking Deep About Feeling Low. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1--15.
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  43. Institutionalizing international influence.Joel Samoff - 2022 - In Carlos Alberto Torres, Robert F. Arnove & Lauren Ila Misiaszek, Comparative education: the dialectic of the global and the local. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Challenging the Centrality of Anti-Racism in Bioethics.Joel Janhonen & Heikki Saxén - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (10):40-43.
    Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2024, Page 40-43.
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    Moral realism and metaphysical anti-realism.Joel J. Kupperman - 1987 - Metaphilosophy 18 (2):95–107.
    The essay has two purposes. One is to point out connections and parallels between, On one hand, The debates of metaphysical realists and anti-Realists, And on the other hand, The debates surrounding moral realism. The second is to provide the outlines of a case for a kind of position that would generally be classified as moral realism. One feature of this position is that it emerges as parallel to, And compatible with, A metaphysical position that would generally be classified as (...)
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    (1 other version)The Foundations of Morality.Joel J. Kupperman - 1983 - Philosophy 60 (234):552-554.
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    Início conjectural da história humana.Joel Thiago Klein - 2009 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 8 (1):157-168.
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  48. Civic community as a factor of containment of violent crime: A criminological study of Italian regions and provinces.U. Gatti & E. Tremblay - 2000 - Polis 14 (2):279-299.
  49. Introduction à la Logique.Alfred Tarski & J. Tremblay - 1962 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 67 (4):511-511.
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  50.  10
    Classical and sour forms of virtue.Joel J. Kupperman - 2008 - In Paul Bloomfield, Morality and Self-Interest. New York: Oxford University Press.
    For the “respectable” part of society there can be a presumption of virtuousness, rather like the presumption of innocence in the law. In both cases, the presumption can be defeated, as we learn more and get into specifics. We still might insist that to be genuinely virtuous is to be able to pass the more familiar sorts of tests of virtue, and to be reliably virtuous also in the ordinary business of life, especially in things that really matter. Something like (...)
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