Results for 'Joël Ménard'

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  1.  43
    Evaluation of the agreement between guidelines and initial antihypertensive drug treatment using a national health care reimbursement database.Pierre Meneton, Philippe Ricordeau, Alain Weill, Philippe Tuppin, Solène Samson, Hubert Allemand, Pierre Durieux & Joël Ménard - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (3):623-629.
  2. Home as Mind: AI Extenders and Affective Ecologies in Dementia Care.Joel Krueger - forthcoming - Synthese.
    I consider applications of “AI extenders” (Vold & Hernández-Orallo 2021) to dementia care. AI extenders are AI-powered technologies that extend minds in ways interestingly different from old-school tech like notebooks, sketch pads, models, and microscopes. I focus on AI extenders as ambiance: so thoroughly embedded into things and spaces that they fade from view and become part of a subject’s taken-for-granted background. Using dementia care as a case study, I argue that ambient AI extenders are promising because they afford richer (...)
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    Lloyd, G. E. R., and Jingyi Jenny Zhao, eds., Ancient Greece and China Compared.Joel Richeimer - 2025 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 24 (1):171-176.
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    Vieses Implícitos, Hábitos Corporificados e Nichos de Desenvolvimento.Joel Krueger & Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho - 2024 - Síntese Revista de Filosofia 51 (161):549.
    A teoria da construção de nichos ressalta o papel ativo dos organismos na modificação do seu ambiente externo. O nicho de desenvolvimento é um subconjunto dessas modificações, e refere-se aos legados ecológicos, epistêmicos, sociais e simbólicos que facilitam processos de desenvolvimento. Considerando que o desenvolvimento cognitivo ocorre em um ambiente culturalmente estruturado, questiona-se aqui se vieses culturais implícitos podem resultar em nichos de desenvolvimento mal adaptativos. Este artigo defenderá uma resposta afirmativa a esta questão. Para atingir esse objetivo, iremos conceituar (...)
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  5. Measurement in Psychology: A Critical History of a Methodological Concept.Joel Michell - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book traces how such a seemingly immutable idea as measurement proved so malleable when it collided with the subject matter of psychology. It locates philosophical and social influences reshaping the concept and, at the core of this reshaping, identifies a fundamental problem: the issue of whether psychological attributes really are quantitative. It argues that the idea of measurement now endorsed within psychology actually subverts attempts to establish a genuinely quantitative science and it urges a new direction. It relates views (...)
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    Introduction to Volume 4.Joel Michael Reynolds & Teresa Blankmeyer Burke - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Disability 4:2-4.
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    Moral Moments: An Immortal Pair Passes.Joel Marks - 2003 - Philosophy Now 42:45-45.
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  8. The Expression of Emotion: Philosophical, Psychological and Legal Perspectives.Catharine Abell & Joel Smith (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Expression of Emotion collects cutting-edge essays on emotional expression written by leading philosophers, psychologists, and legal theorists. It highlights areas of interdisciplinary research interest, including facial expression, expressive action, and the role of both normativity and context in emotion perception. Whilst philosophical discussion of emotional expression has addressed the nature of expression and its relation to action theory, psychological work on the topic has focused on the specific mechanisms underpinning different facial expressions and their recognition. Further, work in both (...)
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    In Search of Sustainable Behaviour: The Role of Core Values and Personality Traits.Joel Marcus & Jason Roy - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (1):63-79.
    Understanding the individual-level factors associated with sustainable behaviour in the workplace is important to advance corporate ethics and sustainability efforts. In two studies, we simultaneously assess the role of core values and personality traits in relation to a broad set of sustainability actions, both beneficial and harmful. Results from a student sample and then a national sample confirm that values and personality are distinct constructs that incrementally and differentially predict economic, social, and environmental outcomes. We successfully replicate previous findings pertaining (...)
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  10. Responsible Believing.Stephen Joel Garver - 1996 - Dissertation, Syracuse University
    On one hand people are, by and large, responsible for what they believe , and yet, it seems clear that we have no immediate voluntary control over belief. I argue that it is only psychologically impossible for us to believe things at will. We do, however, have indirect voluntary influence over belief which is sufficient to ground our responsibility for what we believe. Moreover, while we cannot analyze epistemic justification in terms of deontological notions, these notions do underlie our practice (...)
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    On Due Recognition of Animals Used in Research.Joel Marks - 2011 - Journal of Animal Ethics 1 (1):6-8.
    The experimental laboratory can be a horror house for rats, monkeys, and other nonhuman animals. Yet their use in this setting is usually reported in a routine manner in publications that discuss the results. These contentions are illustrated with an analysis of the way animal evidence is presented in David J. Linden’s recent book, The Accidental Mind: How Brain Evolution Has Given Us Love, Memory, Dreams, and God (Harvard University Press, 2007). The article concludes with a call to science authors (...)
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  12. Psychophysics, intensive magnitudes, and the psychometricians’ fallacy.Joel Michell - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (3):414-432.
    As an aspiring science in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, psychology pursued quantification. A problem was that degrees of psychological attributes were experienced only as greater than, less than, or equal to one another. They were categorised as intensive magnitudes. The meaning of this concept was shifting, from that of an attribute possessing underlying quantitative structure to that of a merely ordinal attribute . This fluidity allowed psychologists to claim that their attributes were intensive magnitudes and measurable . This (...)
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  13.  36
    Bergmann’s Rule, Adaptation, and Thermoregulation in Arctic Animals: Conflicting Perspectives from Physiology, Evolutionary Biology, and Physical Anthropology After World War II.Joel B. Hagen - 2017 - Journal of the History of Biology 50 (2):235-265.
    Bergmann’s rule and Allen’s rule played important roles in mid-twentieth century discussions of adaptation, variation, and geographical distribution. Although inherited from the nineteenth-century natural history tradition these rules gained significance during the consolidation of the modern synthesis as evolutionary theorists focused attention on populations as units of evolution. For systematists, the rules provided a compelling rationale for identifying geographical races or subspecies, a function that was also picked up by some physical anthropologists. More generally, the rules provided strong evidence for (...)
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  14.  81
    The fashionable scientific fraud: Collingwood’s critique of psychometrics.Joel Michell - 2020 - History of the Human Sciences 33 (2):3-21.
    In his review of Charles Spearman’s The Nature of ‘Intelligence’ (1923), R. G. Collingwood launched an attack upon psychometrics that was expanded in his Essay on Metaphysics (1940). Although underrated by friend and foe alike, Collingwood’s critique identified a number of defects in the thinking of psychometricians that subsequently became entrenched. However, his main complaint was that psychology generally (and, by implication, psychometrics) was a ‘fashionable scientific fraud’. This charge was inspired by his more general views on logic and metaphysics, (...)
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  15.  26
    Organizational factors in free recall of bilingually mixed lists.Joel Saegert, Judith Obermeyer & Shahe Kazarian - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 97 (3):397.
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    Troisième Table Ronde. Sciences de la nature, sciences de l'Homme et réflexion.Hervé Barreau, Joël Gaubert & Lucien Guirlinger - 2006 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 1:87-96.
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    What exactly is central to the role of central neuroplasticity in persistent pain?Terence J. Coderre & Joel Katz - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):483-486.
    The commentaries on our target article have raised important issues about central neuroplasticity and its role in persistent pain states. Some suggest that central neuroplasticity plays nothing more than a minor role in persistent pain, while others argue that persistent pain depends critically on peripheral inputs for its maintenance. Some stress that persistent pain relies to a large extent on changes in the brain and on centrifugal inputs from brain to spinal cord, whereas others argue that it depends on alterations (...)
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  18. Sampaio Bruno.Joel Serrão - 1958 - Lisboa,: Editorial Inquérito.
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    ‘In the Court of a Great King’: Some Remarks on Leo Strauss’ Introduction to the Guide of the Perplexed.Matthew Joel Sharpe - 2011 - Sophia 50 (3):413-427.
    In the second half of this essay, we continue our reading of Leo Strauss’ important later essay on Maimonides, ‘How to Begin to Study the Guide of the Perplexed’. Our method is to try, as best as we are able, to read this essay as Strauss directs us to read esoteric texts in Persecution and the Art of Writing. As a means of testing and attempting to confirm our reading of this difficult later essay on Maimonides, we will close by (...)
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  20.  55
    The Economics of Being Jewish.Joel Mokyr - 2011 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 23 (1):195-206.
    In his Capitalism and the Jews, Jerry Z. Muller discusses the relationship between Jews and “usury”; explains how Jews have benefitted from capitalism; argues that most Jews are not on the left; and describes the relationship between Jews and nationalism. In covering this much ground in so compact a book, he naturally leaves out a great deal, such as the importance of ideology in issues of determining Jewish economic savoir faire, and why, despite their accomplishments in many fields, Jews are (...)
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  21. Bertrand Russell's 1897 critique of the traditional theory of measurement.Joel Michell - 1997 - Synthese 110 (2):257-276.
    The transition from the traditional to the representational theory of measurement around the turn of the century was accompanied by little sustained criticism of the former. The most forceful critique was Bertrand Russell''s 1897 Mind paper, On the relations of number and quantity. The traditional theory has it that real numbers unfold from the concept of continuous quantity. Russell''s critique identified two serious problems for this theory: (1) can magnitudes of a continuous quantity be defined without infinite regress; and (2) (...)
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  22.  95
    Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality: A Brief History of the Education of Dominated Cultures in the United States.Joel H. Spring - 2016 - Routledge.
    Joel Spring’s history of school polices imposed on dominated groups in the United States examines the concept of deculturalization—the use of schools to strip away family languages and cultures and replace them with those of the dominant group. The focus is on the education of dominated groups forced to become citizens in territories conquered by the U.S., including Native Americans, Enslaved Africans, Chinese, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Hawaiians. In 7 concise, thought-provoking chapters, this analysis and documentation of how education is (...)
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  23.  34
    The event rate context in vigilance: Relation to signal probability and expectancy.Judith E. Krulewitz & Joel S. Warm - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (5):429-432.
  24.  15
    Cortical excitability modulates the sensory strength of visual mental imagery.Keogh Rebecca & Pearson Joel - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  25.  17
    Unser doppeltes Erbe.Joel Whitebook - 2018 - Psyche 72 (3):181-193.
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  26. Heaven Can't Wait: A Critique of Current Planetary Defence Policy.Joel Marks - 2015 - In Jai Galliott, Commercial Space Exploration: Ethics, Policy and Governance. Ashgate. pp. 71-90.
    It is now generally recognized that Earth is at risk of a devastating collision with an asteroid or a comet. Impressive strides in our understanding of this threat have been made in recent decades, and various efforts to deal with it have been undertaken. However, the pace of government action hasn’t kept up with the advance of our knowledge. Despite the daunting dimensions of planetary defense, one intrepid NGO has stepped up to the plate: The B612 Foundation has embarked on (...)
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  27.  21
    The Nature of the Beast: Hatred in Cross-Traditional Religious and Philosophical Perspective.Joel Gereboff, Keith Green, Diana Fritz Cates & Maria Heim - 2009 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 29 (2):175-205.
    HATRED IS A PHENOMENON OF TREMENDOUS ETHICAL SIGNIFICANCE, YET it is poorly understood today. This essay explores some of the ways in which hatred is conceptualized and evaluated within different philosophical and religious traditions. Attention is focused on the Hebrew Bible and on the writings of Aristotle, Cicero, Seneca, Aquinas, and Buddhaghosa. Subtle differences mark various tradition-rooted accounts of the nature, causes, and effects of hatred. These differences yield different judgments about hatred's value and imply different methods for addressing the (...)
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  28.  22
    Slavoj Žižek Remixed: “I consider this a total misreading of my position”.Joel Katelnikoff - 2018 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 12 (2).
    This essay is a cut-up / remix / montage of the work of Slavoj Žižek. It is a recombination of materials from his critical publications, including The Sublime Object of Ideology, For They Know Not What They Do, The Fragile Absolute: Or, Why is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For?, Welcome to the Desert of the Real, The Parallax View, In Defense of Lost Causes, First As Tragedy, Then As Farce, Absolute Recoil: Towards a New Foundation of Dialectical Materialism, and (...)
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  29. Institutionalizing international influence.Joel Samoff - 2022 - In Carlos Alberto Torres, Robert F. Arnove & Lauren Ila Misiaszek, Comparative education: the dialectic of the global and the local. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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  30. From Nonsense to Openness: Wittgenstein on Moral Sense.Joel Backström - 2017 - In Reshef Agam-Segal & Edmund Dain, Wittgenstein’s Moral Thought. New York: Routledge. pp. 247-275.
  31.  31
    Tensions in Cataloging: Observations on Standards and Implementation.Clément Arsenault, Élaine Ménard & John E. Leide - 2008 - Journal of Information Ethics 17 (1):28-42.
  32.  45
    Is It Ethically Acceptable to Screen Patients for Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Not Offer Them Positive Air Pressure Therapy in a Clinical Trial?Adelaide Doussau, Joel T. Wu & Jennifer B. McCormick - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (10):76-77.
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    Reply to Dale Jamieson and Marc Bekoff.Kenneth Joel Shapiro - unknown
  34. On the need for theory of desire.Joel Marks - 1986 - In The Ways of Desire: New Essays in Philosophical Psychology on the Concept of Wanting. Precedent. pp. 1-15.
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    Le présent comme corps vécu, selon Bergson.Joël Dolbeault - 2014 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 112 (4):703-726.
    D’abord, nous montrons que, pour Bergson, le présent n’est pas un instant-limite qui séparerait le passé et l’avenir, car un tel instant est simplement conçu, en rapport à un temps homogène lui-même simplement conçu. Bien que possédant un intérêt pratique, cette conception du présent n’a pas de valeur spéculative. Ensuite, nous montrons que, selon Bergson, le présent connu par expérience, c’est-à-dire le présent vécu, se distingue qualitativement du passé par son extension: il est la conscience immédiate que j’ai de mon (...)
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  36.  33
    Desire: 30 Years Later.Joel Marks - 2012 - Philosophy Now 93:44-44.
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    Ethical Episodes: World Without Anger.Joel Marks - 2011 - Philosophy Now 84:53-53.
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  38. Innocent and Innocuous: The Case Against Animal Research.Joel Marks - 2010 - Between the Species (10):98-117.
    Animal research is a challenging issue for the animal advocate because of what, besides animal well-being, is considered to be at stake, namely, human health. This article seeks to vindicate the antivivisectionist position. The standard defense of animal research as promoting the overwhelming good of human health is refuted on both factual and logical, or normative-theoretical, grounds. The author then attempts to clinch the case by arguing that animal research violates a deontic principle. However, this principle falls to counterexample. The (...)
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  39.  56
    Idolatry In The New Testament.Joel Marcus - 2006 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 60 (2):152-164.
    The New Testament inherits its attitude toward idolatry from the Old Testament and early Judaism. In all three, idolatry is the primal sin and is connected with sexual immorality and avarice. Both Jesus, in his response to the question about tribute, and Paul,* in his treatment of food sacrificed to idols, reflect the conflict between revulsion against idolatry and the need to survive in an idolatrous world. Moreover, Paul and the Johannine literature respond to the Jewish charge that Christianity itself (...)
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  40.  49
    Integrating Oriental Philosophy into the Introductory Curriculum.Joel Marks - 1989 - Teaching Philosophy 12 (3):221-233.
  41.  37
    Moral Moments: Unprincipled Principles.Joel Marks - 2006 - Philosophy Now 57:47-47.
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    Moral Moments.Joel Marks - 2005 - Philosophy Now 49:36-36.
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  43. Moral Moments: Car Seats and the Absurd.Joel Marks - 2002 - Philosophy Now 38:51-51.
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    Moral Moments: Eight Years Old and Counting.Joel Marks - 2004 - Philosophy Now 46:45-45.
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    Moral Moments: Philosophical Astronomy.Joel Marks - 2006 - Philosophy Now 58:48-49.
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  46. Moral Moments: The Geography of Philosophy.Joel Marks - 2004 - Philosophy Now 47:41-41.
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  47.  51
    Stories for and by Students.Joel H. Marks - 1999 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 6 (2):5-8.
    In the beginning I was the typical academic philosophy professor and teacher, whose stock in trade was argumentative essays about abstract issues. It puzzled, or bemused, even distressed me, therefore, when I would sometimes hear my students refer to the assigned readings in my courses as "stories." I attributed this inappropriate nomenclature to their inexperience with anything other than fiction and literature prior to their first philosophy course. But the shoe is now on the other foot. I myself have become (...)
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  48.  28
    The Heart Has Its Reasons.Joel Marks - 2011 - Philosophy Now 83:39-39.
  49. “There’s No Room in the Worksheet” and Other Fallacies about Professional Ethics in the Curriculum.Joel Marks - 2004 - Teaching Ethics 4 (2):77-88.
    Despite the apparently universal recognition of a pervasive "success at any cost" amorality in the professional and business world, and the need to do something about it, attempts to establish a campus-wide professional ethics curriculum continue to encounter resistance at many colleges and universities. The main stumbling block seems to be a purely practical one: How do you fit a course on professional ethics into academic worksheets that are already over-crowded with essential technical courses in every professional discipline? I maintain, (...)
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  50.  24
    Visual-motor conflict resolved by motor adaptation without perceptual change.Joel M. Miller - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (1):76-76.
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