Results for 'Joseph Jilka'

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    Uses of Genetically Modified Foods.Joseph Jilka - 2001 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 1 (4):507-517.
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    The Moral Foundations of Parenthood.Joseph Millum - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    In this book, Joseph Millum explains how parental rights and responsibilities are acquired, what they consist in, and how parents should go about making decisions on behalf of their children. In doing so, he provides a set of frameworks to help solve pressing ethical dilemmas relating to parents and children.
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  3. Wisdom and Law in the Old Testament: The Ordering of Life in Israel and Early Judaism.Joseph Blenkinsopp, John Rogerson & Hans Walter Wolff - 1983
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    The psychology of rigorous humanism.Joseph Frank Rychlak - 1987 - New York: New York University Press.
    In this second edition, Joseph Rychlak has retained his analysis of the philosophical antecedents of psychology and, at the same time, has considerably revised more complicated material illustration rigorous humanism to make the book more accessible for students. Rychlak here offers an analysis of the philosophical traditions underlying the social sciences and shows how functionalism came to dominate the modern science of psychology in America.
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  5. Value, Respect and Attachment.Joseph Raz - 2003 - Philosophy 78 (305):430-432.
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  6. Let's Enjoy Living Today.Joseph B. Hutchinson - unknown
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  7. Culture, Citizenship, and Community. A Contextual Exploration of Justice as Evenhandedness.Joseph H. Carens - 2001 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 63 (3):625-626.
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    A structure of science.Joseph H. Simons - 1960 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
  9. Are We All Clear On What A Mediational Model Of Behavior Is?Joseph Rychlak - 1987 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 8 (2).
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  10. Agency and luck.Joseph Raz - 2012 - In Ulrike Heuer & Gerald Lang (eds.), Luck, Value, and Commitment: Themes from the Ethics of Bernard Williams. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press USA.
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    Emotional coloration of consciousness: how feelings come about.Joseph LeDoux - 2008 - In Lawrence Weiskrantz & Martin Davies (eds.), Frontiers of consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 69-130.
  12. (1 other version)The Purity of the Pure Theory.Joseph Raz - 1981 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 35 (138):441.
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  13. Locke on Testimony: A Reexamination.Joseph Shieber - 2009 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 26 (1):21 - 41.
    In this paper I focus on John Locke as a representative figure of English Enlightenment theorizing about the legitimacy of cognitive authority and examine the way in which a greater attention to the cultural milieu in which Locke worked can lead to a profound reexamination of his writings on cognitive authority. In particular, I suggest that an inattention to the rise of a culture of reading and the growing availability of books in Early Modern England has led historians of philosophy (...)
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    Modes of Chemical Becoming.Joseph E. Earley - 1998 - Hyle 4 (2):105 - 115.
    In the characterization of the ArCl2 'van der Waals complex', a recognizable pattern of well-defined peaks is observed in the microwave absorption spectrum. In the control of chaos in a chemical oscillatory reaction the power spectrum progressively becomes simpler, at length yielding a single peak. Since both of these cases generate coherences that are centers of agency, they should be considered to produce new chemical entities. Applicability of this ontological approach to coherences of wider societal interest is suggested.
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  15. Ceteris paribus.Joseph Persky - 1990 - Journal of Economic Perspectives 4 (2):187-193.
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    The Epistemology of the Very Small.Joseph C. Pitt - unknown
    The question is how do Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEMs) give us access to the nano world? The images these instruments produce, I argue, do not allow us to see atoms in the same way that we see trees. To the extent that SEMs and STMs allow us to see the occupants of the nano world it is by way of metaphorical extension of the concept of “seeing”. The more general claim is that changes in scientific instrumentation effect changes in the (...)
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    The Law's Own Virtue.Joseph Raz - manuscript
    The paper offers a new account of the rule of law, revising my previous view, and criticising some alternatives. It focuses on the rule of law's aim to avoid arbitrary government, and on its relation to the essential functions of government. The rule of law requires that government action will manifest an intention to protect and advance the interests of the governed. As such it is almost a necessary condition for the law's ability to meet other moral demands, and it (...)
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  18. Whither Formal Semantics?Joseph Almog - 1983
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    What is logic?Joseph G. Anderson - 1875 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 9 (4):417 - 421.
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  20. Promises in morality and law.Joseph Raz - 1982 - Harvard Law Review 95:916–38.
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  21. The encapsulated man.Joseph R. Royce - 1964 - Princeton, N.J.,: Van Nostrand.
  22. Sciences as communicational communities.Joseph Ransdell - manuscript
    Version 1.0 of this paper was delivered orally as an invited paper at a meeting of the American Physical Society, Lubbock, Texas, October 28, 1995. Version 2.0, November 22, 1997, was posted on-line. The present version, 3.1, differs only cosmetically from 3.0, but the latter does involve a substantial expansion from version 2.0.
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  23. The myth of persistence of vision revisited.Joseph Anderson & Barbara Anderson - 1993 - Journal of Film and Video 45 (1):3-12.
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    Late recovery from the minimally conscious state: Ethical and policy implications.Joseph J. Fins, Nicholas D. Schiff & Kathleen M. Foley - 2007 - Neurology 68 (4):304-307.
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    Carl Schmitt's Path to Nuremberg: A Sixty-Year Reassessment.Joseph W. Bendersky - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2007 (139):6-34.
    2007 marks the sixtieth anniversary of Carl Schmitt's interrogations at Nuremberg. It has also been twenty years since Telos published the transcripts of what was presumed to be the complete three interrogations of him conducted by the prosecutor Robert M. W. Kempner in April 1947.1 Through the vicissitudes of research, these historical and scholarly milestones have coincided with the discovery of new archival documentation on Schmitt and Nuremberg. Among the most surprising of these new discoveries is the transcript of a (...)
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    War: A Primer for Christians.Joseph L. Allen - 2014 - Texas A & M University Press.
    War: A Primer for Christians provides a concise introduction to the main approaches that Christians have taken toward war and examines each approach critically. Some Christians have supported their country's wars as crusades of good against evil. Others, as pacifists, have rejected participation in or support for any war. Still others have followed the just-war tradition in holding that it can be justifiable under some conditions to resort to war, but that then Christian love must limit the conduct of war. (...)
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    Sensuality and Sexuality Across the Divide of Shame.Joseph D. Lichtenberg - 2007 - Routledge.
    Placed in a historical context, sexuality was once so prominent in psychoanalytic writing that sexual drive and psychoanalysis were synonymous. The exciting discovery of childhood sexuality filled the literature. Then other discoveries came to the fore until sexuality slipped far in the background. This book evokes the excitement of the original discoveries of childhood sexual experience while linking childhood sensuality and sexuality to adult attachment, romantic, and lustful love. This revised perspective offers the general reader insight into contemporary psychoanalytic thought, (...)
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  28. Empirical Studies of Psychoanalytic Theories, V. 3.Joseph Masling (ed.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    Few theories have influenced Western thought as much as psychoanalysis has, even in the absence of empirically confirmatory evidence. The raw data of psychoanalysis are the words and actions of the patient and their interpretation by the analyst. The psychoanalytic session has excluded other observers and, until very recently, even a tape recorder. The only evidence of what transpired between patient and therapist was supplied by the memories, accounts, and records each of them might have kept. The degree to which (...)
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  29. Clinical pragmatism and the care of brain damaged patients: Towards a palliative neuroethics for disorders of consciousness.Joseph J. Fins - 2005 - In Steven Laureys (ed.), The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Elsevier.
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    Neurological diagnosis is more than a state of mind: Diagnostic clarity and impaired consciousness.Joseph J. Fins & F. Plum - 2004 - Archives of Neurology 61 (9):1354-1355.
  31. Thorstein Veblen and American social criticism.Joseph Heath - 2008 - In Cheryl Misak (ed.), The Oxford handbook of American philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Thorstein Veblen is perhaps best thought of as America’s answer to Karl Marx. This is sometimes obscured by the rather unfortunate title of his most important work, The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899), which misleading, insofar as it suggests that the book is just a theory of the “leisure class.” What the book provides is in fact a perfectly general theory of class, not to mention property, economic development, and social evolution. It is, in other words, a system of (...)
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  32. Consciousness is Acquaintance and Acquaintance is Consciousness.Joseph Levine - 2019 - In Jonathan Knowles & Thomas Raleigh (eds.), Acquaintance: New Essays. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Sinn der geschichte.Joseph Bernhart & Hugo Obermaier - 1931 - Freiburg im Breisgau,: Herder & co. g. m. b. h.. Edited by Hugo Obermaier.
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    Tolerance in society and Church.[A talk given in St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney, on 21 Feb 1995].Joseph Louis Bernardin - 1995 - The Australasian Catholic Record 72 (3):365.
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  35. Immoral Psychology: The Cognitivist's Conundrum.Joseph Stephen Biehl - 2003 - Dissertation, City University of New York
    That people do wrong would appear to be a moral datum: a moral realm without wrongdoing may not be coherent. Thus, an adequate philosophic theory of morality ought to allow for it. But such a theory ought also to explain wrongdoing, both axiologically and causally. This is so if we take such a theory to have practical significance. Indeed, insofar as moral philosophy and its cognate areas have practical significance, explaining wrongdoing is arguably the most pressing practical issue for theory (...)
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    Elementa logicae graecae.Joseph M. Bochenski - 1937 - Roma,: Anonima libraria catolica italiana.
  37. Dimensions of citizenship and national identity in Canada.Joseph H. Carens - 1996 - Philosophical Forum 28 (1-2):111-124.
  38. “Taming the Savageness of Man”.Joseph Casazza - 2003 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 96 (2).
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    Boyd H. Bode's philosophy of education.Joseph James Chambliss - 1963 - [Columbus]: Ohio State University Press.
  40. How Philosophy of Mind Needs Philosophy of Chemistry.Joseph Earley - 2008 - Hyle 14 (1):1 - 26.
    By the 1960s many, perhaps most, philosophers had adopted 'physicalism' – the view that physical causes fully account for mental activities. However, controversy persists about what counts as 'physical causes'. 'Reductive' physicalists recognize only microphysical (elementary-particle-level) causality. Many, perhaps most, physicalists are 'non-reductive' – they hold that entities considered by other 'special' sciences have causal powers. Philosophy of chemistry can help resolve main issues in philosophy of mind in three ways: developing an extended mereology applicable to chemical combination; testing whether (...)
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    Exploring Personhood: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Nature.Joseph Torchia - 2007 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book explores the metaphysical underpinnings of theories of human nature, personhood, and the self. The coverage of the work is broad in scope, moving from the Pre-Socratics to Postmodernism, critically assessing what transpired during the intervening 2500 year period, with a special focus on the contributions of the Aristotelian/Thomistic tradition of inquiry. The work is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of readers, from beginners to more advanced students.
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  42. (1 other version)Arguing for the Natural Ontological Attitude.Joseph Rouse - 1988 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1988:294 - 301.
    Arthur Fine has recently argued that standard realist and anti-realist interpretations of science should be replaced by "natural ontological attitude" (NOA). I ask whether Fine's own justification for NOA can meet the standards of argument that underlie his criticisms of realism and anti-realism. Fine vacillates between two different ways of advocating NOA. The more minimalist defense ("why not try NOA?") begs the question against both realists and antirealists. A stronger program, based on Fine's arguments for a "no-theory" of truth, has (...)
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  43. Marxism, the Dialectic of Freedom and Emancipation.Jonathan Joseph - 2006 - In Kathryn Dean (ed.), Realism, philosophy and social science. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 99.
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  44. Judgment and Ontology in Heidegger’s Phenomenology.Joseph K. Schear - 2007 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 7:127-158. Translated by Joseph Schear.
  45. Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism and Immigration: False Dichotomies and Shifting Presuppositions.Joseph Carens - 2001 - In Ronald Beiner & Wayne Norman (eds.), Canadian political philosophy: contemporary reflections. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press. pp. 17--35.
  46. On Phenomenal Access.Joseph Levine - 2018 - In Adam Pautz & Daniel Stoljar (eds.), Blockheads! Essays on Ned Block’s Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness. new york: MIT Press.
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  47. (1 other version)The nature of causality in quantum phenomena.Joseph Berkovitz - 2000 - Theoria 15 (1):87-122.
    The correlations between distant systems in typical quantum situations, such as Einstein-Podolosky-Rosen experiments, strongly suggest that the quantum realm involves curious types of non-Iocal influences. In this paper, I study in detail the nature of these non-Iocal influences, as depicted by various quantum theories. I show how different quantum theories realise non-Iocality in different ways, whichreflect different ontological settings.
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  48. Does the Neurotypical Human Have a ‘Theory of Mind’?Joseph Gough - 2021 - Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2021.
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    BCI-Mediated Action, Blame, and Responsibility.Joseph Vukov & Kit Rempala - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics: Neuroscience 11.
    Rainey et al. (forthcoming) discuss the complications that arise with assigning responsibility for brain computer interface (BCI)-mediated actions. Because BCI-mediated actions can differ from non-BCI-mediated actions in terms of control and foreseeability, the authors suggest that our ethical and legal evaluation of these actions may differ in important ways. While we take no issue with the authors’ discussion or conclusion, we also recognize the difficulty of grappling with the relationship between control, foreseeability, and moral responsibility practices, even without the additional (...)
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    Arguing the World: The New York Intellectuals in Their Own Words.Joseph Dorman - 2001 - University of Chicago Press.
    Now with a new preface, Dorman converted the film into this book that includes an overview of the New York Intellectuals and a chapter on the future of the public intellectual.
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