Results for 'Jore-Annie Rico'

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  1.  29
    To Know Her Is To Love Her: Exploring the Impacts of Stigma and Discrimination on the Treatment-Seeking Behaviour of Women Living with HIV/AIDS.Jore-Annie Rico - 2015 - Asian Bioethics Review 7 (1):5-25.
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  2. In honour of Dr. Annie Besant.Annie Besant (ed.) - 1990 - Varanasi, U.P., India: Indian Section, Theosophical Society.
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    Epistemische Autoritäten: Individuelle und plurale.Rico Hauswald - 2024 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Das primäre Ziel dieses Open-Access-Buches besteht in der Entwicklung einer Theorie pluraler epistemischer Autoritäten. Epistemische Autoritäten spielen in unserer durch Spezialisierung geprägten und hochgradig arbeitsteilig organisierten modernen "Informations-" oder "Wissensgesellschaft" eine zentrale Rolle. Die Philosophie hat diesem Umstand in den letzten Jahren durch eine zunehmend intensive Diskussion Rechnung getragen. Ein entscheidendes Defizit dieser Debatte besteht nach Diagnose des Autors allerdings darin, dass sie sich fast ausschließlich auf individuelle epistemische Autoritäten konzentriert hat. In unserer epistemischen Praxis sind plurale epistemische Autoritäten - (...)
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    The Origins of Theosophy : Annie Besant - the Atheist Years.Annie Besant - 1990 - Routledge.
    Annie Besant is primarily remembered as the international president of the Theosophical Society. One of the most important aspects of her career were the years that she was a professional atheist, which has given her a place in history as a pioneer feminist. _The Origins of Theosophy _contains thirteen of Besant’s pamphlets, originally published from 1883-1890. This book is ideal for students of theology.
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    Gender, ‘Race’, Ethnicity in Art Practice in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Annie E. Coombes and Penny Siopis in Conversation.Annie E. Coombes - 1997 - Feminist Review 55 (1):110-129.
    Siopis has always engaged in a critical and controversial way with the concepts of ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’ in South Africa. For politically sensitive artists whose work has involved confronting the injustices of apartheid, the current post-apartheid situation has forced a reassessment of their practice and the terms on which they might engage with the fundamental changes which are now affecting all of South African society. Where mythologies of race and ethnicity have been strategically foregrounded in the art of any engaged (...)
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    Grenze und Transformation: Philosophische Erfahrung als nichtpropositionale Einsicht.Rico Gutschmidt - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (5):781-794.
    Since antiquity, philosophy has aimed not only at theoretical insight, but also at personal development and transformation. This implies a new relationship to the self and the world, which can result, for example, from existential experiences triggered by the engagement with philosophical problems. Drawing on the examples of facticity and scepticism, this paper develops the thesis that transformative philosophical experience and a corresponding new view of the world can be accompanied by a new understanding of the philosophical problem that triggered (...)
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  7. Die Medizin in der Krise unserer Zeit.Arthur Jores - 1966 - Stuttgart,: Huber.
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    Menschsein als Auftrag.Arthur Jores - 1964 - Bern,: H. Huber.
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  9. A Contextualist Theory of Epistemic Justification.David B. Annis - 1978 - American Philosophical Quarterly 15 (3):213 - 219.
    David Annis is professor of philosophy at Ball State University. In this essay, Annis offers an alternative to the foundationalist-coherent controversy: "contextualism." This theory rejects both the idea of intrinsically basic beliefs in the foundational sense and the thesis that coherence is sufficient for justification. he argues that justification is relative to the varying norms of social practices.
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  10. Memory and justification.David B. Annis - 1980 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 40 (3):324-333.
  11. The atom of mental energy..Annie C. Bill - 1928
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    Thyme to touch: Infants possess strategies that protect them from dangers posed by plants.Annie E. Wertz & Karen Wynn - 2014 - Cognition 130 (1):44-49.
  13.  30
    Perception of ethical climate and its relationship to nurses' demographic characteristics and job satisfaction.Anny Goldman & Nili Tabak - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (2):233-246.
    In this study, we examined the perception of actual and ideal ethical climate type among 95 nurses working in the internal medicine wards of one central hospital in the state of Israel. We also examined whether nurses’ demographic characteristics influence that perception and if a relationship between perceptions of an actual and an ideal ethical climate type influences nurses’ job satisfaction. A questionnaire composed of three subquestionnaires was administered and the responses analyzed using multiple linear regressions, analysis of variance and (...)
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  14. The Meaning, Value, and Duties of Friendship.David B. Annis - 1987 - American Philosophical Quarterly 24 (4):349 - 356.
    Friendship was an important topic for classical philosophers; the analysis, Value, And duties of friendship all received considerable attention. But friendship has been a relatively dormant topic among more recent philosophers. This paper (a) presents an analysis of friendship and explains its core elements, (b) discusses several different models for explaining the value of friendship, And (c) argues that there are special duties of friendship and that these aren't based solely on utilitarian considerations.
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    Reforming the Art of Living: Nature, Virtue, and Religion in Descartes's Epistemology.Rico Vitz - 2015 - Cham: Springer.
    Descartes’s concern with the proper method of belief formation is evident in the titles of his works—e.g., The Search after Truth, The Rules for the Direction of the Mind, and The Discourse on Method of rightly conducting one’s reason and seeking the truth in the sciences. It is most apparent, however, in his famous discussions, both in the Meditations and in the Principles, of one particularly noteworthy source of our doxastic errors—namely, the misuse of one’s will. What is not widely (...)
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    Institution Types and Institution Tokens: An Unproblematic Distinction?Rico Hauswald - 2018 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48 (6):594-607.
    The distinction between institution types and institution tokens plays an important role in Francesco Guala’s philosophy of institutions. In this commentary, I argue that this distinction faces a number of difficulties that are not sufficiently addressed in Understanding Institutions. In particular, I critically discuss Guala’s comparison between the taxonomy of organisms and the taxonomy of institutions, consider the semantics of institution terms on different levels in this taxonomy, and argue for an alternative solution to the problem of how to reconcile (...)
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  17. Skepticism, Metaphors and Vertigo.Rico Gutschmidt - 2016 - Wittgenstein-Studien 7 (1):131-147.
    The relation of Wittgenstein’s later philosophy to skepticism seems to be ambiguous, since he rejects radical skepticism but also highlights the groundlessness of our beliefs. In this paper, I am going to discuss Wittgenstein’s hinge propositions in this respect. Against the usual view, I will show that they do not function as a contextualist or foundationalist refutation of skepticism. What is more, they also do not confirm skepticism. In contrast, I will argue that following Wittgenstein skepticism is neither false nor (...)
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  18. Folk concepts, surveys and intentional action.Annie Steadman & Frederick Adams - 2007 - In Christoph Lumer & Sandro Nannini (eds.), Intentionality, deliberation and autonomy: the action-theoretic basis of practical philosophy. Ashgate Publishing.
    In a recent paper, Al Mele (2003) suggests that the Simple View of intentional action is “fiction” because it is “wholly unconstrained” by a widely shared (folk) concept of intentional action. The Simple View (Adams, 1986, McCann, 1986) states that an action is intentional only if intended. As evidence that the Simple View is not in accord with the folk notion of intentional action, Mele appeals to recent surveys of folk judgments by Joshua Knobe (2003, 2004a, 2004b). Knobe’s surveys appear (...)
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  19. Doxastic voluntarism.Rico Vitz - 2008 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Doxastic voluntarism is the philosophical doctrine according to which people have voluntary control over their beliefs. Philosophers in the debate about doxastic voluntarism distinguish between two kinds of voluntary control. The first is known as direct voluntary control and refers to acts which are such that if a person chooses to perform them, they happen immediately. For instance, a person has direct voluntary control over whether he or she is thinking about his or her favorite song at a given moment. (...)
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    (1 other version)Modeling Statistical Insensitivity: Sources of Suboptimal Behavior.Annie Gagliardi, Naomi H. Feldman & Jeffrey Lidz - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (7):188-217.
    Children acquiring languages with noun classes have ample statistical information available that characterizes the distribution of nouns into these classes, but their use of this information to classify novel nouns differs from the predictions made by an optimal Bayesian classifier. We use rational analysis to investigate the hypothesis that children are classifying nouns optimally with respect to a distribution that does not match the surface distribution of statistical features in their input. We propose three ways in which children's apparent statistical (...)
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    Transcranial Electric Stimulation Can Impair Gains during Working Memory Training and Affects the Resting State Connectivity.Annie Möller, Federico Nemmi, Kim Karlsson & Torkel Klingberg - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    The Agrofuels Transition: Restructuring Places and Spaces in the Global Food System.Annie Shattuck & Eric Holt-Giménez - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (3):180-188.
    Despite recent critiques of agrofuels, the industry is booming, signaling transformations in the world's food and fuels systems. International financial institutions, biotechnology firms, governments, and agribusiness are restructuring control over land, genetic resources, economic space, and market power. These moves prefer transnational capital at the expense of farmers in the North and extensive areas vital to the livelihoods of small producers in the Global South. This article suggests that the agrofuels boom may be a new—and particularly destructive—stage in industry's extractive (...)
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    Reseñas.Santiago Alba Rico, María Teresa Román López, Carolina Escalera & Emilio Ginés Morales Cañábate - 2007 - Endoxa 1 (22):387.
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    Commentary.Annie Janvier - 2010 - Hastings Center Report 40 (1):14-14.
  25. The negative theology of absolute infinity: Cantor, mathematics, and humility.Rico Gutschmidt & Merlin Carl - 2024 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 95 (3):233-256.
    Cantor argued that absolute infinity is beyond mathematical comprehension. His arguments imply that the domain of mathematics cannot be grasped by mathematical means. We argue that this inability constitutes a foundational problem. For Cantor, however, the domain of mathematics does not belong to mathematics, but to theology. We thus discuss the theological significance of Cantor’s treatment of absolute infinity and show that it can be interpreted in terms of negative theology. Proceeding from this interpretation, we refer to the recent debate (...)
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    Delayed Withholding: Disguising Withdrawal of Life Sustaining Interventions in Extremely Preterm Infants.Annie Janvier & Keith J. Barrington - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (11):43-46.
    The extremely preterm infant, born before 28 weeks of gestational age, has been the focus of much ethical discussion. These infants have a significant risk of mortality and morbidity, and it is not...
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    Einheit ohne Fundament. Eine Studie zum Reduktionsproblem in der Physik.Rico Gutschmidt - 2009 - Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland: Ontos.
    Mit dem Begriff der Theoriennachbarschaft und einer darauf aufbauenden neuen Definition von Reduktion ermöglicht diese Arbeit eine angemessene Beschreibung und Einteilung der vielen diffizilen Beziehungen zwischen physikalischen Theorien. Mithilfe dieser Konzepte wird in drei Fallstudien exemplarisch gezeigt, dass moderne physikalische Theorien zwar meist benachbart zueinander sind, aber nicht so aufeinander reduzierbar, dass eine reduzierte Theorie für die wissenschaftliche Beschreibung der Welt entbehrlich wäre. Die Einheit der Physik kann daher nicht auf eliminativen Reduktionen auf fundamentale Theorien beruhen, lässt sich aber dennoch (...)
  28. Hume and the Limits of Benevolence.Rico Vitz - 2002 - Hume Studies 28 (2):271-295.
    The purpose of this paper is to explain Hume’s account of the way both the scope and the degree of benevolent motivation is limited. I argue (i) that Hume consistently affirms, both in the Treatise and in the second Enquiry, that the scope of benevolent motivation is very broad, such that it includes any creature that is conscious and capable of thought, and (ii) that the degree of benevolent motivation is limited, such that a person is naturally inclined to feel (...)
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    The Weaknesses of Weak Preemptionism.Rico Hauswald - 2021 - Philosophical Quarterly 71 (1):37-55.
    According to preemptionism, a layperson should treat the fact that an epistemic authority believes p as a reason to believe p that replaces her other reasons relevant to believing p and is not simply added to them. Many authors have found the unqualified version of preemptionism, as defended by Linda Zagzebski, too strong. At the same time, a number of them have recently advocated weakened or qualified preemptionist accounts. In this paper, I criticise these accounts. I argue that some of (...)
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    The Pitfalls of Proceduralism: An Exploration of the Goods Internal to the Practice of Clinical Ethics Consultation.Annie B. Friedrich - 2018 - HEC Forum 30 (4):389-403.
    In an age of professionalization and specialization, the practice of clinical ethics is facing an identity crisis. Are clinical ethicists moral experts, ethics experts, or merely quasi-lawyers giving legal advice? Are they extensions of the hospital, always working to advance the hospital’s interests? Or is there another option? Since 1998, when the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities first issued its Core Competencies for Healthcare Ethics Consultation, there has been debate about the role of standardization and proceduralism in clinical ethics (...)
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    Turning East: Contemporary Philosophers and the Ancient Christian Faith.Rico Vitz (ed.) - 2012 - New York, USA: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press.
    The Orthodox Church is one of the largest religious groups in the world. Yet, it remains an enigma in the West, especially among those who mistake it either for a Greek version of Roman Catholicism or for an exotic mixture of Christianity and eastern religion. Many, however, are coming to recognize the Orthodox Church for what it is: a worldwide community of Christian disciples that has been faithful to the apostolic command, “stand fast and hold the traditions which you were (...)
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    Are newborns morally different from older children?Annie Janvier, Karen Lynn Bauer & John D. Lantos - 2007 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 28 (5):413-425.
    Policies and position statements regarding decision-making for extremely premature babies exist in many countries and are often directive, focusing on parental choice and expected outcomes. These recommendations often state survival and handicap as reasons for optional intervention. The fact that such outcome statistics would not justify such approaches in other populations suggests that some other powerful factors are at work. The value of neonatal intensive care has been scrutinized far more than intensive care for older patients and suggests that neonatal (...)
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  33. Emotion, Love And Friendship.David B. Annis - 1988 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 4 (2):1-7.
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    Responsible Organizations in the Global Context: Current Challenges and Forward-Thinking Perspectives.Annie Bartoli, Jose-Luis Guerrero & Philippe Hermel (eds.) - 2019 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book aims to spur critical thought on the various dimensions and impacts of "responsibility" for organizations, including companies, institutions, and governments, while considering international differences and similarities, as well as global challenges. It analyzes to what extent responsibility is becoming a crucial issue for all kinds of organizations, examining both the intensifying pressures of international competition and the growing crisis of confidence towards some management concepts and practices. As more and more socio-economic and political systems are suspected of serving (...)
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    La participación política a través de dos perspectivas teóricas: el realismo-liberal y la democracia deliberativa.Luciana Gabriela Soria Rico - 2019 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 19:29-51.
    El presente trabajo reconstruye algunas de las tesis centrales de la familia realista-liberal de la democracia en relación con los liderazgos políticos y la participación política de la ciudadanía en sus dos fases de pensamiento: desde el elitismo hacia la poliarquía. Posteriormente se formulan algunas de las críticas que los teóricos deliberativos le realizan a este modelo en relación con el carácter minimalista de la participación y sus dificultades para combatir posibles poderes exógenos a la política. En este sentido, se (...)
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    Sein ohne Grund. Die post-theistische Religiosität im Spätwerk Martin Heideggers.Rico Gutschmidt - 2016 - Freiburg im Breisgau, Deutschland: Alber.
    Im Zentrum von Heideggers Denken steht eine quasireligiöse Umwendung des Menschen. Davon ausgehend entwickelt diese Arbeit das Konzept einer post-theistischen Religiosität, das nicht nur zum philosophischen Verständnis der religiösen Rede beiträgt, sondern auch eine neue Interpretation von Heideggers Spätwerk ermöglicht. In beiden Fällen geht es um die Unbegreiflichkeit der menschlichen Situation, die Religion wie Philosophie gleichermaßen herausfordert.
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    Epistemische Deferenz.Rico Hauswald - 2018 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 95 (4):436-474.
    What is the correct epistemic stance that laypeople should take vis-a-vis epistemic authorities? The author provides an answer to this question based on a critical examination of Linda Zagzebski’s Preemption Thesis, according to which the fact that an authority has a belief p is a reason for a layperson to believe p that replaces her other reasons relevant to believing p and is not simply added to them. In contrast, the author argues that epistemic deference requires a layperson to perform (...)
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    Heterodox conspiracy theories and evidence-based theories of error.Rico Hauswald - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Heterodox ideas face an uphill battle. This is not least the case for heterodox conspiracy theories. As an empirical observation, this is hardly controversial. What is controversial is whether and to what extent this should be the case. Some authors have gone so far as to argue that heterodox conspiracy theories should be generally dismissed, and that it is precisely their heterodox status that justifies such dismissal. Most particularists are likely to object strongly to such an assessment, arguing that conspiracy (...)
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    The epistemic effects of close entanglements between research fields and activist movements.Rico Hauswald - 2018 - Synthese 198 (1):597-614.
    There are a number of research fields that exhibit a special connection to some particular activist movement. Typically in these cases, we observe a remarkable degree of personnel overlap between the movements and the scientific communities. I have two primary aims. First, I shall explore the reasons why there are such close entanglements between some research fields and some activist movements. I argue that both scientists and activists have specific epistemic interests that help explain why both practices tend to intersect (...)
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    Perceived Benefits of Ethics Consultation Differ by Profession: A Qualitative Survey Study.Annie B. Friedrich, Elizabeth M. Kohlberg & Jay R. Malone - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (1):50-54.
    Background: There are numerous benefits to ethics consultation services, but little is known about the reasons different professionals may or may not request an ethics consultation. Inter-professional differences in the perceived utility of ethics consultation have not previously been studied.Methods: To understand profession-specific perceived benefits of ethics consultation, we surveyed all employees at an urban tertiary children’s hospital about their use of ethics committee services (n = 842).Results: Our findings suggest that nurses and physicians find ethics consultations useful for different (...)
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    Pluralismus und Zielkonflikte in der Wissenschaft.Rico Hauswald - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 71 (2):249-267.
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    Towards democratic institutions: Tronto’s care ethics inspiring nursing actions in intensive care.Annie-Claude Laurin & Patrick Martin - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (7-8):1578-1588.
    Care as a concept has long been central to the nursing discipline, and care ethics have consequently found their place in nursing ethics discussions. This paper briefly revisits how care and care ethics have been theorized and applied in the discipline of nursing, with an emphasis on Tronto’s political view of care. Adding to the works of other nurse scholars, we consider that Tronto’s care ethics is useful to understand caring practices in a sociopolitical context. We also contend that this (...)
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  43. A Basic Income Handbook.Annie Miller - 2017
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    Teaching ethics in higher education: Goals, and the implications of the empirical research on moral development.David B. Annis - 1992 - Metaphilosophy 23 (1-2):187-202.
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    Image, Icon, Economy: The Byzantine Origins of the Contemporary Imaginary.Rico Franses (ed.) - 2004 - Stanford University Press.
    The barest awareness of the ubiquity and influence of the media today provides proof enough that our fate is in the hands of the image. But when and how was this fate sealed? _Image, Icon, Economy_ considers this question and recounts an essential thread in the conceptualization of visual images within the Western tradition. This book argues that the extraordinary force of the image in contemporary life—the contemporary imaginary—can be traced back to the Byzantine iconoclastic controversy of the eighth and (...)
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    Gott ohne Theismus? Neue Positionen zu einer zeitlosen Frage.Rico Gutschmidt & Thomas Rentsch - 2016 - Münster, Deutschland: Mentis.
    Die Behauptung der Unerkennbarkeit Gottes hat eine lange Tradition, die vom biblischen Bilderverbot über die negative Theologie und Mystik bis zur spätmodernen Dekonstruktion reicht. Zu dieser Tradition gehört die zeitlose Frage, wie Gott zu denken ist, wenn er nicht als ein buchstäblich existierendes Wesen im Sinne des Theismus verstanden werden kann. Diesem Problem nähern sich die Texte des Bandes mit zahlreichen historischen wie systematischen Schwerpunkten. -/- Es geht um das Verhältnis der Transzendenzdimensionen zu den Grenzen der menschlichen Erkenntnis, damit verbunden (...)
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    Intrusive thoughts, sensation seeking, and drug use in college students.Annie M. Hines & Geraldine A. Shaw - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (6):541-544.
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  48. Towards a Derridean Spirituality: Derrida and Abulafia.Rico Sneller - 2011 - Bijdragen 72 (3):298-321.
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    The Divine Energies and the “End of Human Life”.Rico Vitz & Marissa Espinoza - 2017 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 91 (3):473-489.
    In this paper, we elucidate an alternative conception of the “end of human life” that Germain Grisez considers but never develops. We then defend this conception against two key objections. We conclude by explaining a few ways that this alternative conception of the “end of human life” is particularly important both theologically (e.g., for interfaith discourse) and philosophically (e.g., for understanding the traditional Christian conception of human nature and, hence, of natural law).
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  50. The Nature and Functions of Sympathy in Hume's Philosophy.Rico Vitz - 2016 - In Paul Russell (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of David Hume. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    My aim, in this chapter, is to outline the key details of this particularly interesting aspect of Hume's philosophical system. My presentation will be threefold. In the first section of the paper, I will elucidate the nature of sympathy, drawing upon some of the more recent ways in which Hume's commentators have attempted to resolve the interpretive puzzles Hume's works present. In the second section, I will explicate some of the functions sympathy has in Hume's philosophy, including not only three (...)
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