Results for 'Jonathon Barnes'

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  1. [no title].Jonathon Barnes, Malcom Schofield & Richard Sorabji (eds.) - 1975 - Gerald Duckworth & Co..
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    On Aristotle’s Prior Analytics 1.8–13. [REVIEW]Leo J. Elders - 2001 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (4):901-901.
    In previous issues of The Review of Metaphysics attention has been drawn to the project of Professor Richard Sorabji to publish the English translations of the ancient Greek commentators of Aristotle. We are happy to present a new volume of this series which contains the English translation of the commentary by Alexander of Aphrodisias on Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, I, chapters 8–13. In his preface Professor Sorabji underlines the importance of Alexander’s commentary on these chapters, in which Aristotle invented modal syllogistic. (...)
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    The Complete Works: The Rev. Oxford Translation.Jonathan Barnes (ed.) - 1984 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    The Oxford Translation of Aristotle was originally published in 12 volumes between 1912 and 1954. It is universally recognized as the standard English version of Aristotle. This revised edition contains the substance of the original Translation, slightly emended in light of recent scholarship three of the original versions have been replaced by new translations and a new and enlarged selection of Fragments has been added. The aim of the translation remains the same: to make the surviving works of Aristotle readily (...)
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  4. Realism and social structure.Elizabeth Barnes - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (10):2417-2433.
    Social constructionism is often considered a form of anti-realism. But in contemporary feminist philosophy, an increasing number of philosophers defend views that are well-described as both realist and social constructionist. In this paper, I use the work of Sally Haslanger as an example of realist social constructionism. I argue: that Haslanger is best interpreted as defending metaphysical realism about social structures; that this type of metaphysical realism about the social world presents challenges to some popular ways of understanding metaphysical realism.
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  5. Interests and the growth of knowledge.Barry Barnes - 1977 - Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
    THE PROBLEM OP KNOWLEDGE l CONCEPTIONS OF KNOWLEDGE An immediate difficulty which faces any discussion of the present kind is that there are so many ...
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    Logic and the Imperial Stoa.Jonathan Barnes - 1997 - Brill.
    An account of the role and the nature of logic in imperial stoic philosophy which challenges the prevailing orthodoxy and presents a novel interpretation of this crucial period of ancient philosophy.
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  7. Indeterminacy, identity and counterparts: Evans reconsidered.Elizabeth Barnes - 2009 - Synthese 168 (1):81 - 96.
    In this paper I argue that Gareth Evans’ famous proof of the impossibility of de re indeterminate identity fails on a counterpart-theoretic interpretation of the determinacy operators. I attempt to motivate a counterpart-theoretic reading of the determinacy operators and then show that, understood counterpart-theoretically, Evans’ argument is straightforwardly invalid.
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  8. Inference to the loveliest explanation.Eric Barnes - 1995 - Synthese 103 (2):251 - 277.
  9. Cuvillier, Armand 166 d'Arbois de Jubainville, Henri 33 Darwin, Charles 114 Daudet, Léon 41.G. Davy, M. A. Arbib, V. Aubert, John Austin, M. Bach, Francis Bacon, C. R. Badcock, H. E. Barnes, Robert N. Bellah & R. Bendix - 1993 - In Stephen P. Turner, Emile Durkheim: sociologist and moralist. New York: Routledge.
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  10. Life and work.Jonathan Barnes - 1995 - In The Cambridge companion to Aristotle. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1--26.
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  11. What is a begriffsschrift?Jonathan Barnes - 2002 - Dialectica 56 (1):65–80.
    Before Frege, the term Begriffsschrift'was used to indicate a language the expressions of which adequately represent the structure of the judgements or concepts which they signify, and a language the written signs of which designate ideas rather than sounds. In 1879 Frege follows . Later he adopts —and with it the Aristotelian theory of language in which it is embedded.
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  12. Sextus Empiricus and Pyrrhonean Scepticism.Jonathan Barnes - 2003 - Mind 112 (447):496-499.
  13. Why is coercion unjust?: Olsaretti vs. the libertarian.G. Barnes - 2012 - Analysis 72 (3):457-465.
  14. Immaterial Causes.Jonathan Barnes - 1983 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 1:169-92.
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    Imperial Plato.Jonathan Barnes - 1993 - Apeiron 26 (2):129 - 151.
  16. With Liberty and Dividends for All: How to Save Our Middle Class When Jobs Don’t Pay Enough.Peter Barnes - 2014
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  17. In defense of Kant's doctrine of the highest good.Gerald W. Barnes - 1971 - Philosophical Forum 2 (4):446.
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    Racial Differences in Dietary Relations to Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer’s Disease Risk: Do We Know Enough?Puja Agarwal, Martha C. Morris & Lisa L. Barnes - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  19. Ψυχαγωγια in Philodemus.Robert John Barnes - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):435-438.
    This article argues that the word ψυχαγωγία and its cognates which are found in the writings of Philodemus retain a semantic connection to the domain of magic and are best translated in terms of ‘enchantment’ rather than the more generic sense of ‘entertainment’.
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  20. Jill Lepore “Just the Facts, Ma'am,” March 24, 2008. A history of history and fiction.Elizabeth Barnes, W. B. Berthoff, Charles Brockden Brown’S. Historical‘Sketches & Leo Braudy - 1985 - Journal of the History of Ideas 46:405-416.
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    Relationships between trait emotion dysregulation and emotional experiences in daily life: an experience sampling study.Alexander R. Daros, Katharine E. Daniel, Mehdi Boukhechba, Philip I. Chow, Laura E. Barnes & Bethany A. Teachman - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (4):743-755.
    Few studies have examined how trait emotion dysregulation relates to momentary affective experiences and the emotion regulation strategies people use in daily life. In the current study, 112 c...
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  22. INDEX for volume 80, 2002.Eric Barnes, Neither Truth Nor Empirical Adequacy Explain, Matti Eklund, Deep Inconsistency, Barbara Montero, Harold Langsam, Self-Knowledge Externalism, Christine McKinnon Desire-Frustration, Moral Sympathy & Josh Parsons - 2002 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80 (4):545-548.
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    Is Dualism Religiously and Morally Pernicious?Gordon Barnes - 2004 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 78 (1):99-106.
    In a recent address to the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Alfred Freddoso has claimed that dualism is both religiously and morally pernicious. He contends that dualism runs afoul of the Catholic teaching that the soul is the form of the body, and that dualism leaves the body with nothing more than instrumental moral worth. On the contrary, I argue that dualism per se is neither religiously nor morally pernicious. Dualism is compatible with a rich teleology of embodiment that will underwrite (...)
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    Where is the Edge of Objectivity?Barry Barnes & Steven Shapin - 1977 - British Journal for the History of Science 10 (1):61-66.
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    Incompatibility after breakfast sticks in the eye.Annette Barnes - 1977 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 36 (2):211-213.
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  26. It Is Necessary to Be Relevant: Reply to Schmidtz.Gordon Barnes - 2013 - Reason Papers 35 (1):145-148.
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    Is There a Doctrine to This Landscape?Annette Barnes - 1989 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 23 (3):77.
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    Justification without awareness - by Michael Bergmann.Gordon Barnes - 2008 - Philosophical Books 49 (2):163-164.
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    Knowing.W. H. F. Barnes - 1963 - Philosophical Review 72 (1):3-16.
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    Knowledge and Power: Toward a Political Philosophy of Science. Joseph Rouse.Barry Barnes - 1988 - Isis 79 (3):488-489.
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    What Is the Matter?Annette Barnes - 1977 - Philosophy and Literature 1 (2):209-221.
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  32. Where knowledge fails.Earl Barnes - 1907 - New York,: B.W. Huebsch.
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    The Ethical Educator: Pointers and Pitfalls for School Administrators.Sheldon Berman, David B. Rubin & Joyce A. Barnes - 2022 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Edited by David B. Rubin & Joyce A. Barnes.
    Describes 100 real-life ethical dilemmas faced by school administrators.
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  34. To see or not to see: The visual component of complex mental arithmetic.Wendy Ann Deslauriers, Gene P. Ouellette, Martin Barnes & Jo-Anne LeFevre - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    A prospective study of the practical issues of local involvement in national audit of COPD.C. M. Roberts, D. Lowe, S. Barnes & M. G. Pearson - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (2):281-290.
  36. J. Allen: Inference from Signs: Ancient Debates about the Nature of Evidence. Pp. xi + 279. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2001. Cased, £30. ISBN: 0-19-825094-0. [REVIEW]Jonathan Barnes - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (2):375-376.
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    Jaap Mansfeld: Die Vorsokratiker: griechisch/deutsch Auswahl der Fragmente. Übersetzung und Erläuterungen. Pp. 682. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1987. DM 29.80. [REVIEW]Jonathan Barnes - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (1):161-161.
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    Who Would Jesus Kill? War, Peace and the Christian Tradition. [REVIEW]David M. Barnes - 2009 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 19 (2):101-104.
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    Emigration and Political Development.Jonathon W. Moses - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    While policy makers, international organizations and academics are increasingly aware of the economic effects of emigration, the potential political effects remain understudied. This book maps the nature of the relationship that links emigration and political development. Jonathon W. Moses explores the nature of political development, arguing that emigration influences political development. In particular, he introduces a new cross-national database of annual emigration rates and analyzes specific cases of international emigration under varying political and economic contexts.
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  40. Consciousness, Conceivability, and Intrinsic Reduction.Jonathon VandenHombergh - 2018 - Erkenntnis 85 (5):1129-1151.
    Conceivability arguments constitute a serious threat against reductive physicalism. Recently, a number of authors have proven and characterized a devastating logical truth centered on these arguments: namely, that their soundness entails the inconceivability of reductive physicalism. In this paper, I demonstrate that this is only a logical truth when reductive physicalism is interpreted in its stronger, intrinsic sense, as opposed to its weaker—yet considerably more popular—extrinsic sense. The basic idea generalizes: perhaps surprisingly, stronger forms of reduction are uniquely resistant to (...)
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  41. Hallucination as Perceptual Synecdoche.Jonathon VandenHombergh - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Relationalism is the view that perception is partly constituted by external objects (McDowell 1994; Campbell 2002; Martin 2004). Faced with the hallucination argument, and unsatisfied with the standard disjunctivist reply, some ‘new wave’ relationalists explain away the possibility of hallucinations as mere illusions (Alston 1999; Watzl 2010; Ali 2018; Masrour 2020). In this paper, I argue that some of these illusions (as in Chalmers 2005; Ali 2018) are perceptions of internal objects which appear as external ones. Then, in response to (...)
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  42. High self-esteem buffers negative feedback: Once more with feeling.Jonathon D. Brown - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (8):1389-1404.
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    The role of pluralistic ignorance in perceptions of unethical behavior: An investigation of attorneys' and students' perceptions of ethical behavior.Jonathon R. B. Halbesleben, M. Ronald Buckley & Nicole D. Sauer - 2004 - Ethics and Behavior 14 (1):17 – 30.
    The purpose of this study was to empirically investigate the role of pluralistic ignorance in perceptions of unethical behavior. Buckley, Harvey, and Beu (2000) suggested that pluralistic ignorance plays a role such that individuals mistakenly believe that others are more unethical than they actually are. In two studies, we confirmed that pluralistic ignorance influences perceptions of ethics in a manner consistent with what Buckley et al. suggested. The implications of pluralistic ignorance in perceptions of ethics are discussed with suggestions for (...)
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    Experimental criteria for accessing reality: Perrin’s experimental demonstration of atoms and molecules.Jonathon Hricko & Ruey-Lin Chen - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (1):1-25.
    This paper develops an approach to the scientific realism debate that has three main features. First, our approach admits multiple criteria of reality, i.e., criteria that, if satisfied, warrant belief in the reality of hypothetical entities. Second, our approach is experiment-based in the sense that it focuses on criteria that are satisfied by experiments as opposed to theories. Third, our approach is local in the sense that it focuses on the reality of particular kinds of entities. We apply this approach (...)
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    Commentary: Acetaminophen Enhances the Reflective Learning Process.Jonathon McPhetres - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  46. What Can the Discovery of Boron Tell Us About the Scientific Realism Debate?Jonathon Hricko - 2021 - In Timothy D. Lyons & Peter Vickers, Contemporary Scientific Realism: The Challenge From the History of Science. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter examines the work in chemistry that led to the discovery of boron and explores the implications of this episode for the scientific realism debate. This episode begins with Lavoisier’s oxygen theory of acidity and his prediction that boracic acid contains oxygen and a hypothetical, combustible substance that he called the boracic radical. And it culminates in the work of Davy, Gay-Lussac, and Thénard, who used potassium to extract oxygen from boracic acid and thereby discovered boron. This episode constitutes (...)
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  47. Symposium on Mill’s moral theory.Jonathon Riley - 2010 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 9 (1):3-3.
    (No abstract is available for this citation).
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    Revolutionary failure and success: Russia, France and China?Jonathon Adelman - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):255-260.
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    Positive illusions and positive collusions: How social life abets self-enhancing beliefs.Jonathon D. Brown - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (6):514 - 515.
    Most people hold overly (though not excessively) positive self-views of themselves, their ability to shape environmental events, and their future. These positive illusions are generally (though not always) beneficial, promoting achievement, psychological adjustment, and physical well-being. Social processes conspire to produce these illusions, suggesting that affiliation patterns may have evolved to nurture and sustain them.
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    Responsibilities of Deconstruction.Jonathon Dronsfield, Nick Midgley & Jacques Derrida - 1997
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